HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-18, Page 44 THEI SIGNAL : L ODMIIICH O21T.• THURSDAY MAR M. 1817. SU Awl, m ro.rrent. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ST S. mwssaa01a0I One et Pubs end M. X,m1k ms a' Redeye% Oster*. Terme .r ..b.5lr5Mr $ rs mita to adv.nw ......... A 61 One roar. GO haat all T.aw labs& ism label 1.• mood:rt recesp4 .r the .ate wei see wlimb res :+al. op. ds ti le tot W . of add.+r r baa tae old sew alder Mime be gives e,ev.ret.tss sale~ �,.�.1 sad otter camel advert ..ensu. Me par llw ter Mt insertion, sant eons ipseitall he seek showman ieserthie Y.as.red •y.e�a11 IwJ& 1lml.mg earth of six etam sad seder. M pee Advertisements of last. Toone mussed. ?scut. t110.1to.. • uced triad (assts Waitedsots..sdlag t �� t' = FDfml e. test. set t melttedd 1 Il use. 1 1., rsI gage*. isle pmt mit- serge Law OWL In eaerrL. tee- =roe pmoll .atysl the Newt of w►1 et re i 1. t e verttesimsef pmshe di.sf bile lord es .A Inas! twudts type me eget pee word, re &otiose Mee fMU Tho. )tocol sellas Mr r7 readier cm two alae per word. Ne .Ates for lees than I. Notions for eh. obis end otter religious and benevolest Duca miaow Wt rata e&beorlber who ill to resets, THE 4I0X&r. remedy by malt. wW orator a favor by w q ..tensa es of the t.1. at •i earl, a o domes • melee Pe bl ebgrs J. C. Ls Towel. et Oodurek. brie bees y pointed Local Travelling Aaeat for tbe town- ies .1Ooderieh. Oelbrse. Laideld sad We g.ethe district toa =mod toesnsubserlptlose to Tm Aa .o.moaMMlees muss le •dle.msd D McelLLIOU TA,l,, lht.pbe..OMId TTm Out 1 SNAP SHOTS.' -We don't hear anything more about that radial railway that E. A. C. Paw spoke so glibly of. Pew Monti be teat as -The new tariff bill of the United dram h.. bees built .lone the lines of the plan and specifications of site old MOK10Iev sal. - The usefulness of the bum -bailie se e..'wits meet M • *sea of the past, if we are to believe oar .,lammed Tory oak - temporaries. -June 22 bad been let &part for Jubilee Day. The date might just se well have been made Jute 23, .o ter as Canada M concerned. - It's getting near time to mend faeces to the Provtnotel oonetftom.oise, sad in toms of the ridings the fences are badly down, we want you to ondentand. -There hasn't been a snow -block- ade ea too ()uterto railway' Ibis year, while ear .elgbbors to the :butt have bed to be deg est time and again. Who gays any- Ibieg against oar banana belt -When temperance people under- take to interview • Govenmect then r no retro. why the men should sot sot like geetlem•n and the WOUND like lades. Hooter and hissing are tot good term M Cabinet interviews. -The Manitoba Orange Grand Ledge ud Bishop LASEZTHI ars both op- posed 10 the (;urge wAy Government. The Bishop and the (:teed Lodge may not have the sere p.word, but they vote the rams way orally when election day remise around. - - -We would like to see the present temperance sue fought 1. • finish between J/seer HAv.w-o,. of Toronto, and Mn. Tsoecute, of London ; so time limit ; mo se you pa.se, but stick to the troth ; bes- ted burred. There would be • whole &Me- tol of chin memo -If the Toronto temperance con - ♦vs would moors the servlos of the Hou. JIMMY HAHIMII M Whittle their legisla- tion sad pilot t ileleg.tiess through the P.rii•tseet buildings, tb.y would sot make es essay bad " breaks " se were oh.lked amiss' thein eel week. -The Local Government have a .ember of vee .rides es their bends *at have bean htagieg fire for most*. They should be filled at otos This is se time tet hutxermogrerine ; the pebble Merest . h'esld M o.ssIdered. A government's duty 1.M govern --.o M peoer&.tiiMe- -The Hamilton Times says that .s t . sew Maroon Linares bill is desauneed W No Temperance folk and dee,DY suit lis lae..ed victuallers. the base *leg M M Weald be to withdraw i1 sits0bw, lied ise de em3s'e.g Bennet tel mstee. 1. verse Ire t m .44 eery of 1he w ed the nes and the sdekbra with tee many 101y.•tb•. of Mr. Hardy wee j.ettbae. mid 1M gems et the Monts, sew etresigtbett bis r 11.55..1.1. Ire the Mask own bire a dimes » Mew, without gpi.glen, 'bat be mise has beet that .f • 1dHtd, Mae id5d Pella nervosa. aimed. Meese dr mends tits admigem t+als as en edml.leerni - or. Mt. Hardy bar mood with the melee* ddel/y ie /be bt.reete d obs preemies. The Est We Mr. Herdy'5 w in the pest hen hese ped Y s geme..bre tbM be Gomm - meat mil eye Pore bei sees 1s 1t dlnm.d1 i. 11. future. Yea ale well to emphasize the truth that them 1.55anrisi..te awaits e. Mr. Hardy it. .,e jewelled by W sets se as •d.ltbtlroMr oe by big el mrsome as a Met. COUNTY CURRENCY. gR1lY : It u reported that Sensual .. b•• (leered the tem of nog. Harty., let 7, des 6, ter the oasl.g year. dreMr : Jame, street Mere. se .achy Ise. seMribed seem 190 to the lode Tam - i.. Fed. Grey • W. FeUea, who bad his arm am - palsied above tits elbow • few weeks age, is improvise Dimly. Wormer : G. Davidson wee "merely M- imed in the finger std bead while eheelng . bens lie Debar day. Wrer:ee : Mrs. Walden .sed termly ben left bore to Isis Mr. Wade. is Manitoba. The inter 1. located M Therms. rts. Blesvle : Gee. McDonald reternd free the Guelph Agreeltaral Coffees. where be has Ie•e..d tie art of bsiter•.ekw. W. J. Doff relented free Asseem'a, Mombasa es Mandol. H,s molmurs la tee Capper city memo se beim deem him geed. Seafortb lora I). 13 Wilms arrived bone from Soothed, whom .be bed begs . psedise the winter stab lneeds, es Tues- day lest Grey : Thea Toler, 16ab Dom , w1. Met the tips of the Gres •ed mooed lusen of hes left heed is • setting box, 1. getting aloes all right. BIyib Mrs. Robert Marshall protested Jobs Phillip. o. M.aday with an egg that . wend 8f inches in diameter and 3! inob- se in lenetb. Blsvale : Peer Moswene litue s. Cloister, died on Mesd•y. after se Woes. . f two week& The funeral took plans on Tue.d•y •It.rncom. Tsrmberry : A vary pretty wedding took place last week M the bogie of Wm. Gem - mill. where his daughter Meg Belle sat uni•.d in marrIAle to Kb Bolt. S.•tortb . The deal between Fred Davis •.d Mr. Chetleld, of Guelph tor Mr. Davis' jewelry store, bat fallen through mid be hes moved the atone and fixtures to W store to Mitchell. Brussels : H. L Jackson hes bee re -..eyed to Marmot the Fife and Drum used mo .e te ha.e the tiny. to brat -clam shape foe aha a ester celebration to be bed b Bruin.*. es July 12th. Morns Henry Breedes earrewiy es- caped pouoaisg one day IAA week hy tak- ing • dose of bores liaimest in EMMA* for medicine. Medea] aid was Mems secured and by Ow us of the .toe•mh pomp big 4b was sem d. Morris ; 1. A. Howe hes renal B. Toy - lora farm is Moms for • term d years. Mr sad Mrs. Tyles imbued leaving tee Portae. 1. Praire. Mn.., the end of Marek. Ho useds roans late badmen with Ids bro- ther, J. M. Taylor. Brawls : Wednesday eoe0ieg se 11 en. Rey. H. W. Jesse, et Listowel tied tbe matrimonial bow st the resides.. of Alex. Bilis. Qua street. *Orme W. OMaley, of Merest »wb.bip, sed Mw Charlotte Benner, adopted daughter of Mr. Elle Blyth : Aram bar old resident of Blyth de- parted tbie life about three o'olook oe San - day martins ; the me to be called sway was Mn. Selina Poulton. relict of the IDM Beery Poulton. Demised for the pest 36 vests bad been • cripple.used by rheu- matism, std through all ber years of suffer- �ing op bravely, always appearing t mad oh • • 'al. Grey : Last week Joe MoDoesad sod Mew Kate sad Mary Mol)euld wen o.11 - ed be F•irerove, Mich.. M attend the hum- eral el Mrs. Dances MoGibbee, • sister to tie Mneme MoDoueld and • daughter of use late Are. MoDsesld, formerly of trey. Mrs. McGibbon aft two oblIdro% ase a babe et two weeks. This makes seven &•1M i. ehe MoIloesld temily in the pas' Mese port Hawaii : Then died at his home, near Neat Springs, Saline oousty, Missouri, on February 26th, James Rlair, ons of the old time resided" of Howiok township. Mr. Blair lived is this township between the years 1866 and 1866. when, with his tastily, he moved to Missouri. He returned 1. Heron ooamty im 1879, sod remained in Howlek 1011 1883, •woes be arab' moved M Missouri. He was is ►M 81st year. Cr.mbrook : ID • tete frees like Ella Me - boobies, who recently went to Gresefoll, AaM..boe, to tm•ob esboel, she says want one of the Lerier ableste for m sobool room. I resolve PO • mooch al - w tbesrb there 1. only se Meende me ot 12. W. are .Vowed 11 hours M seen. That's homer then Omterio does ter its faders. The weather bon hes hese Blear am' amid .imes I mina. The 1. abmedanos of mow bel they 1.11 see it gess it • very mere lime when ones it manta. Am delighted is gee The Pest every Tuesday as readipg is see of tbe d.ligbte .f prairie life where nage. Icor. are 2 ..d 3 miles or mere apart apiairms -Dear Kr. HATOOOt-It is •boat One ye intr.Msed a beef Mfl le the LLslelMm., b Mime es felbwu : Resdyd, *et berealber .11 ?osmesise r.diem he *e gill of the Legal G.v..sment be filled b- eide of tklety days ; and the* so w seta be eppbted be elks whit M • member df IM Lyliese whom s mammy onmos Mob • little bill ea blink • somber of MINN mambos. who .e. M squinting se dims In Ile west al for bring w las' .lien of MM plana tytdems. teelenlennoner lei OPMNON& r�aWorm IIbmIldr► 1119451=1114 etlettp swaselaj t. ?bei d to WM amt MI gam mum oldie tlin afeyd it el sat • • Nadi gad .awlsse b..Mea. CODERICH CENTRE_ FRIDAY BARGAINS! Table Linens 40e Pare linen for !8e 50e Pure Linen for 374 75c Pure linen tor fee Linen Towelling 24 inches, 12for 80 20 " 121c,for 8o 18 " 10c. for 7o 18 " 4c Laos Curtains 25c Sets for 19e 50c Sete for 40e $1.35 Sets for 81 Apron Oinghame 41 inches, 1240, for 100 Cotton 8birtinge, 124c, for 10e Cotton Shirting., 10c, for $e Remember the Day --Mar. Om Boys' Hesse • line of Heavy Hose 25c for Felt Felt 75c for . 15e 57. Shirt Walton Lodes' Shirt Waist, 2 ooll.rs, for 48c Handkerohiff Hendkercbiefs 10c for Embroidered Edge, 124o for Plain White 5c for 7s 80 1s Linen Towed 18:36 inches 15c for 12e 21:39 " 25cfor 18o 18:35 " 15c for .. 105 18:36 " l0ofor b 18:36 " Hem Stitched, 1349. Ladles' Hose 5 pair Cotton Hoes for 25c the 19th. Draw. Goodie All -Woof asrp. 40 1., !85 for .. 100 Tweed Mists 25o for 1011 Tweed Eseots 20. ter Cotton Towels Hide Inches So for 1s 16.30 " Se tor M 24.41 15efor 10s ., Diessaa,. /fblrIS aad Teas Men's Brawn 18. for 10e !de for 10s " doe for 114. N Unlaundered Mahal for 25e " Bow Tim 26s fee 10. Allow Cotton Heavy Circular Pillow Colton 48 inches 250 for _ 17. 15e 1 le 4-4 " 200 %f 40 " 15o for Plain 44 inches 160 ter likeeting .sling 2 yds wide 3bo for 5 ... 15. ! 1ds wide 35c for .... 18s Cotton Wen'. Caps Mom's Cap 600 for Osapare oar 611 Cotton with the 7e Cotton sold elsewhere in Gedsriel Tww.da A line of Toone 405 for . 35. FiannelletNa !be Extra Value in Flannelletteu ... Sc You should not miss these Bar ¢ains! New Kid Gloves, New Veilings, New bress Goods These Goods have just been received. They are the beat we have ever shown • JAMES ROBINSOIV�•-t•t�a� POVERTY OF THE BLOOD. A TROUBLE THAT 18 MAKING THE LIV aS OF THOUSANDS MI8ERABLL 1S aslxN IN tea TWAIN 1ta.0USNa1•n, PLIAS IS TUB SACK JD SIDS. ■RADECKI", MIAMI PALPWATION, AND ltlmCl.'m FATI.U.T WHIMS �CIDI T T SATmalr! M NOT aso.TRD TO. From tbe 40..x. N.R., Dewed. There are many ways in wbe& people may peeve MDdedesS el the Inas root. Tker. ars tires who et $M1. .hneda.se speed lam tame is.reett.g p.6iie buildings and borate/yin, pilo parka Others speed their mosey b ebmritabie work and in silo - Meting the a fri0p et their less fortunate fellows, mad lee time use these are hseered. The punts wbe b•vios r.1td fns ddtaese and makes public tbe image by which health was remained. is gone the lees • public benefactor. Anwar them utter i. Mies Elms O'Neil. daughter of Mr. Jas. O'Neil, • well -10 do farmer be- teg seer Millstream, Kings :.o. , N.B. Mies O'Neil sees attacked with anemia (poverty ot the bleed) • trouble oaforenamely tee common emote the young girls at the prais- e d day, and ons white le o.risin to termin- ate fatally it got promptly Worked, sod the blood enriched sod renewed. Have( dis- covered • remedy that will mobieve this happy result Mies O'Neal is wilULg abet lees fortunate sefJ1.en may reap the benedt d bit experience. Te a orreepa.dent d the Record, Mies O'Nell related the gory of her Waste sad ours. She said : " I believe abet had I sot *gm thew of Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills my troche would 10.. .54.4 totally. My illness came .boat se gradually that 1 can Scarcely gay whoa it begaa. TM first symptoms were • less et osier sad a feeling of tinders follewieg eves .ederses exertion. Gradually I became as pale as • oorps% •d wee extremely .srvw. Them I wee attacked with a pas is tee side, wbimb daily grew mere sod more intense. I ooaghed • gees1 deal std 8sslly grew se week that if I west sperms I had se rest wase I resoled the top. My .petite for. meek me I was enbjeot to spells of deal - nem sod severe bs.daebes and woo gradually wa56eag away until 1 lost all Mures' in ufw 1 had tried • number of medI.i.ss bat foam' se rdesf. I• Ibis apparently Impasse eon - titles, while reacher • smwspper I saw a statement of a pees lady Alam symptoms were almost idest{cal whit my ewe. whose health bad hese renewed tbreegh tbe um d Dr. Williams' Ptak Pllh. This .els ee-t woo es emeenegleg that 1 det..seised abet 1 would try eke. meditiaS In my ease as V tbee of tbe 1. sleds 147 wbmm 165 rend Moat, the roman waw ma - vellums. Tim psis 1g my one from whin8 I had mewled at amok dinar me sd, my servos wore .w..sls,so• my apple» re- turned and my whale maim mm -mod » M thumb, : As Min I.i11Ma Aisly. e.y 6141611111towd sad roghliwoL I r gmw es da hew d W m. Apley, of this place. wee well as an7 atm*, d dee family, sad I g oing"'f i hen .el kissers what dek... wee ebbe' 1 1.1.4 te out se at 1. p by g. she de55.10sd tbe Han d Dr. W illiamw' Pink tagtried to pu1 dint lbs haw- Pills 8., 1► one. w. It ..pled., .ed 54 - Myirwuris Ibis BOOS mailman Mgr b Game. Her t dram am' g�.� OOtinb Mathias were all Milano what bar father sed M oehwgsdsd lied 1 baps h ibn»mont may brother mined I Mr roams. ad after • ke eke mese d kei0slsg ameele as.mst and hard 8gbs sesesated Is punas eat aha health to miss nine ..darer.' d•a••-, Mt sat bottom Mia woo toartally 'rite gs.IIIY iS regal" teaMHmwll. w e arly Tearday mooning Mr. O Ainley des Meg wlga peva *at 6 y is theire.d . whew as miss. 1.eablsd with . MOW!g w poign- ance' el lwilierl rise ems .d the maim was O� of the ban* weak sod ..Illy eked. 0. lateen ons, bet howdy was gut seeded. � ��n be Int is whinawpi slew Tsoksrsmllb I Ona Walker. el the Mill eneah the bleed .sed brig/ • doh d B ..4, tVeMsemifh. 1.1.1=16111/.___ Ow1 hesltb i the Masks Ihm/ on a nada M Ms boiler Lm' en nseO/ Mse 1r. tor trwW. psseler » t 's. mob es own Waikato, daprtsee wse midis mod mow peel's... tneguismide mad Gm les=s a pgetd. Hs man/ » testi as the previous w.mkbm.s L ma nay dint a radios addlia tit b W mod tow» of 1 aim arising somotal kmir, .id onbd. l.5l eeWe dq4 .way �, ons at �wbmbwar ast i wMlbout apo/ es • tofu► 11 woo o err g r. Indium Plait PM on odd ba Mons w r1ablt' pOOi1Ol mod pieamst damn •L is loam lam by 11. dose or iter I'm • prase d .sd deh.sI s81r� M e7 awn a boo. or i1 beam M pod Minh end ant 1O n s.. until tit ond ger be W 0e. wL de= ew Om r W Milk M W brim arm shod y W foam fe Wt�dw/ Y.Yiw ia� far Ma es m web workww. ijgok, fr► o pals aged br lei Gtrwee. Ind le webs 1 e41rrd• 1e ens r dans he peed swell. W r�qemp.168.11111Erdb sew se pomp ►f:O0II01 * elmlmw Ms/r Z. dsow Aidal.r._._ �.6 fes.. se ilbei waft bunted. teem die games et whin1 ehe lid ml l Pink Pili% la goes el that ars a.Yd gm ate bean badly hams Mr A1.ky ad ea • hied 1.1 em' 1.^e t+46' t . hail hat the ,.Mrs / Alit ehe etre d yse�R nen p� Ionian .0000.a ware paid : vis.. Biped pe1lisg OS 00 ; Star p. istisr ID 00 ; John Ohs esIlng piteb nese $2 25 ; John J.sk- i.g ending pitob heir $2 00 ; Roby WW - isms extra .rviese as Auditor 81.00 ; A. Sends .errs serves@ M 60. The dark was 1gw5Aed 10 moldy Timms McPItoo, De. IIoPbee...d Doses. McP6e., to 811 .p bells mads by lbw ea the while reed. W. F. McDors a, dark. DUNLOP. ToxwDAT, Mane 16. Herbert Morrie bad • weed boo es Wed. sonny s out the ..bmml weed far the Sem mar. R. 8....nal, mostly from Steekms. Man., bat purchased the farm ei George M.omillas. ser tie Rob Roy start AUCTION SALEM - Weir LII p nil.. gentles tae Me primed M ed t1b vase wf67.n. 6w mains ts.iwl to refs elm se 1e We time ei saes. Thor* will be • bi4 we of fro meek. farm iepl5mdsim, farm predate mad house- hold fertilee es the term of D. Maarie % Bayl6W Read. es Tuesday, 30N Meek. seem____ .t 1 P.m. Jove Lams, A5Ot. On Thursday. Merely 25, es tee fermi d S. B. Potter, es lot 8, Dom. 10, W D. Col - bores. M 1 o'dook r.o., tale of hens% ogttfe mad form imply -esu, THOS G00. DHT. •oela.Mt. C. E. L. ((- The following are the topics for the dif- ferest young people's .acinose wince meet daring .ret week : Norte -set Mesbodet church E. L of C.L. Frady evening at 7:30 o'olook. Os Marne 19th the tapio will be takes by Mi. Guidry, with • general question drawer. (lass (3tersb Y . P. K G. R., T ogody even - tog et 8 o'clock. Topics for Mures 25, Bow our bodies hamlets oar Souls,'' 1.- peaeo� mged.5, 10 be Mud by Willies" 1 Vieterh•.t Methodist oburob B L of C. 1.. 11 riday evening .t 8 o'clock. O. More 1916, " Eat et of rte Kingdom." lead by G. M. al1Mt1. All w cordially invited to attend times meetings, wbeb ars bold is ate basements of tee dilereet Meereles. Members free ether eoelel1s .re Melted to be pram s1, and will he warmly welcomed. BOOKS AN0 PERIODICALS. Consume .T1,.,, secomilhel number of Curtest Himry wphaaeamm the vales of the estimable week of leferses% whtek began imbibe -Bo seven yeses ata A ghee. et the 0.1.st ma bet (4th quarter 806) will impress the omelet len tea no library, treotser a p.bli. hmtiteeke et private Items should be without B. The 10 Inmay.. hero .e.d..00d bon • few kin- dred pagan a not may mss' judietemly Wound sad i.p5r11.11y red. 101 also meso .dmhmbly for rsfo[seos ; es that the four quarterly ■suers for the yy=mre bread with the memplme •aalytisel bMx, make on Weal .g.../ TM low pries of the work pain it within •5.10 el ovary - am N. it. remit& and es.prabg.elvs ▪ p;..5p^ 1.54 VICTORIA OPERA HOUBB. mama, bet an el-oanbrathr henry .1 no wend from no pant .t view of en is1 411. Best ebmrvr whit is able» gram annati•10, to present those oes5ieely ant .yetam•1le- Monday. Tuesday. Wedne eda,F all sad te filmdom* them with mese sp �wpsb.l hsi461 late lbdr iget4'-. Menai It la sed 1y oda' 11. LMA sumer mono with • ri1sal WE[MUM Y MATINEE toady d 11. Ilk and week d verge d. M..eier- Then fellows the ausese ry bit- terest review, .m easeag ....ter► f. ehe wall tp.-. mad1 Tia Laligdoll g enrmi la/rase. W.... an:a1e.. Iter. only • sono d /6s �e important �t.ppI�.5.m !1. November nset...wiI tail rba1td stNd main ult ; Rayon is O.8. ; Tse .- I 11 used.. Thea•, latr.a10s 41 ArbiMote.. Ar.se4...1 Oman .annn=pontoon ei...t.I is lumps t Onnoesy peM.m Id. stinal 11.6001 lamihse. Sss..l U•r __..e 1 M eling sod Rohm inh Minim I Nara - burg r.b OwnDont .; MMus Wain., P8 apses dirmit faep.m sf Miser+ New tamsaismr fr.pa ta.t Mail I]strse.+ 1bp0 IaBerp f Down r tie .edit dl Art. Mil mods., Wok fdhar �Mr%Mi�wi1 and mlm.rm .1 the L,Ir L 1br� emmm�m.���� • Olin Chao L iehosmygrole MMmPh.ase 1. IP es, op--_--- if,IDMi eel dimssesta Dahl Tin!arc I have made up a large assortment of Dairy Tin- ware out of heavy Eng- lish Tin : you will End this something better than is usually used in Tin- ware. I lime Milk Pails from 10c up, and Pans all sizes. far Dairy Tin- ware repaired while you wait. WOIISELL 771s Practical 7lamest& IROF. JOHN LmOLDs, THS OSSA? 1f1ESMERINT is h1. Inetru0lve •ed left Entertainment8. VI PORIA OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MAR.- 25, 26 and 27 AOM1181044 Adele rte - Gilds. Me A. R. 7111111. 1sugsr. ramanc io. pmemliteg e• Mender e_lns itoman'a Revenge : r' Pas - don's Wave.' 11811111 avreibil -411111111411111111111- DUTY • -I UOTY ON TEA (tach, Boas, James) We have bought heavily in an- ticipation of a duty being placed os Teas, and are recornme..ding our friends to lay is a stock. Our values are the best we ever of- fered. Get a sample and be con- vineed. 0. A NAIRN. 20 Days Left e March durhg which we iMtabd To Clean Out ETerything in stock exceotiee LDir 'ADcv Oases. W. are going out of all other Hage end there fore Bargains in Wall Papers L:.'naware Ito. . . IRI. .Dade m1. go evenlrt; • storfardne Nezt Terme Dara THE FAIR. Cartago &Fuel Co. are prepared to handl. Bsi gage Freight t and $q facts with Dispatch a1 Lie Moe. Dealers in all grades of HARD SOFT I cog. Wood aad Siad]iag ma to soil nodose... Mid dide egad with p omploaa OTdaer so- wasommak. an 0.4111P.Oa, pring D Never e Lovely pattern (hum's Beet Pr from !6c to 1111 sines at the -sail pleasure to shot 4 Spools Beal Jordan's block, wALTARS-ler.bom t Der Cam Waters.4 OIaw,M►U.T w B IL Soak o edllyye fire TALK ( Frons the Rapt Tm've a Miele 1 Te teat St a Takla' Seam regal' 1 Reese =read timpani' pa i' ted' boo skis Mae to emcee Oseeet tasking req saioal knoll :DM want. bat .Ibex can be made b To MANI'rli..a.-U and lamb1. 01 Oelbe N . M.s whore red.. W /Lt. Ammons omen low madam Athens TM 0a» simanamd son wand Ti. Sriuso Pot Mare the trek, 16. Iawd, hat on the 104. bid ls•taws •i As AocrDIIST.-L ea the Ors.. now Ma misfortune te ler Omagh iu ommdat mw. Fos ILuiroia -Oi .•.d Harsh aim iambs front the G. T. tie neighborhood d fed ter mrkelty. Gooa'rcu Scam. - 10.1 Maim Mood over sixty tens of era nipped hem the 0 week 1a the emdten TMs Oso*o 3.1 Ona.. Company el week Is Nov Semi and seat t61e week r to varies, pdols m Avarua' AoliDxlr Orme Foolery while •e ismram•st hie M babe • severe est ry It will be some time Mn the fell w of Unwire. ire. - - Pride wee skating se eiss r o.edllyly geed. io Me en the 3rd .ad 41 7.6 of tie .ems .t maw for 1105.e.n Tax Deo C.es.- 8s.esr Imre jmd4.g goes beard by him e Mg the shares AI dM ening is Mk* Weigh* .gds lid bet fled tint it wee ids decides 811 Tae Paan hfday, will be ass d.y by the hoagie 10 Folic Ont. moral= al= Lar. Altar Masse or 60 tams w111 drh Spars, attar white livered from the b.10 Mann. Sams To Sam linesman at Gads! noir 1rimbd., ars m toad service M Neel F e SPE be