HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-18, Page 1• wart •a Al rive £1.W. HURON LANS O [� • 11 11 yr IS ' Gaut oy.r..mek. � y THE75he - 1.^;,r \ A Y QUEEN / .�• - ita awitt�b. rAnorB B.AiNSLY . y • it y.1, • Ora veld iso H A U DOCK tonal. GODBRICH. w• LBi N R • a� will be pt'- �- THE LEADING 1ST3E3Nicr P:Ei. OF i 12 ROW OO U NTY _ Market can 'rices R of Printa, Ural kj'Printa, Dram ik for Waleta and )en in Goderich 6. Style equal to City Wools, Unions aid makes --this fiats 3ROS Islay. t ike PHI$0N L.t1101 retend to compete h (:raffia in etery any High Gnde tail you one. Look 1 FOUNDRY 'IRE low the NZIE BROS. Fuel Co. FIFrTIETH YEAR.-2fH3 GODRRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THITRSDAY MAR. 18, 1897. M ON It DOLLAR WILL I'AT FOM THE SIGNAL Fon Or TIAL D. McOILLIOUDDY, EDITOR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - MAW IS OUR OTTAWA Noire ale time to Think -J. B Davis b Smart Bay Wonted -B. Mauro 6 COMMIS Setae end Hama -Jas Wilma, Mroger 8 Jemmy Ball Calf fee 8.1e -Goo. H. Cox5 Sprty Mellen.- l es. Wars 6 Poverty of the !flood-Falfeed A Co8 Det'! Mi.nad.ntond Us -J. T. Armor 8 vhrmfra" Blood Bitters -W. C. Goods5 Uederieb Barfl*ia Aertre-Jin. Robinson 4 Spring Stock -Jos. A. Redd 6 Boar for Saivism -Jelin >4owerby 5 Plus Spcakeg- J. M. Mcleod. 8 Prot R.ysold.-ViWsriaOpera 'slew. 4 Laoedo. Dramatis 00-Victssta Opera How Harasses, Berl+ s-8mtt>• Hes. t G.. 8 - --- debate. The Manitoba school que.tton : thee. who •-e peanuts the Govern- LETTER.' overo- LETTERiw7 In" th..oant7.•.d these we.Id Mme BASE erases from it. • weed lees the $B, pay l What Ie Going on atthe Capital ler .1 enat revue .test, antrove and eves, treat. d .tall Here The Boy• are In f3ood Fettles Weald he smuggles( 1a oddities to this, leek at the stall of preventive officer. it u nto th ot . .-u-.e rb.s wilt lame no. 'could require w haat the illicit distiller who would, as be does new, defy the arm of tete Partum...- •tes e! Tarter Leg. M Log. tisw. 1000,000 of avenue ..d woad also have t. several BALL FOR 1897. •ad cutter hell.. However, .t Ihe writing, we are rouse • return of we.tber In the "bap" of occasional msUtoa dollars 1. tmointefn • Modem -The rissesel•s woo Thea aro • t .sae of the nous we must Mime he e the Fere. T . why I say probIbatloa is mad prootic.. a lust sow. Vet Mr Leerier sad the Liberal party bay. promised to give san the .oetry epportuoaty of speaking os OTTAWA. March 18.-A week from ikis groat question sod to say by their ver Tuesday the reprwtotiom you have .tsbet et- diet wker they .41 accept . prohibitory assemble • to guard your interests will semble t epos It a moment es not Th h tow wits all the maritime that tumid be uw-LaTIFAMINE STRICKEN INDIA toile s.1 "t+ITnu.-Mrs John Martin, formerly.w mus bootee. at Uuo•no, and now of the City el the Straits, 40 the quart of Mr sod aweganiabsa tae flab ter tae lessor's 14r' B. e J. Crawford. W. are plowed to see bee look se well. Sn Campaign - The Sew •ee- • BUST --Ow v mto tee prelemor of &s- tory aaroo s's. 5.�man e ease, y of our oiliness and others -The aetiedeite, to tail section having contracted wide,our dboippllw of Esoulapiw are von, '. kept ve busy. , aro w pted to state that owing to their medical skill moat of their pettier& ()N Friday evening there was a large ars se the road to r000very. attendance held in the !lase Hall Seoul Cooler] AND Gotvu.-Mimes Watson, ac - club rooms. The tinus t htwies was the elm- cemp•nied by his wife (ase Annie May time of officers for 11 7. The result being Thompson), and child, who has been on an n nen beto start Ines their legislative duties. ltd when the Government ie i. • pow extended visit to beg mother, left ter their The ?•mien primrose to be • hsgt\y sus thee te rr•pple omit Mme question sod do as lolbws home of Forel on Monday, •iter having • The measure. whichhays te he dealt with jmtlae t'o the caw of temperance. (on- Hon•pros., A. Idol). Allan; Hoa. vice- plwa•mt limo rawwtng former sequaut- sidorang the dteterbed and uneettled ma prowl." Mayor Sbaaoon. Roar. Proadloot, once. We venal thous safely borne Deputy -Rove Thompooc, Ili. W. J. R. tea A•ITouOIL. ow . LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF tariff revision, probibtuonfrau plebeia, frameat to act are soaking • fatal mistoke for Holme., W. T. Welsh ; Fres., N. U. Grant: to Thomas Jobwitno, of Gedntownship, wo.blp, most et o.oeteity ymid lour d ladles dation of the !lese seof the country F M • Th & .' of Col Herb. township, who r.osetlt- soil ben farm Regular ea.etiag Of the town coeootl on pnday ovoning. Yesterday. St. Patrick a I).y, the Sham. rook was freely worn. Common Sones is being burnished up In many • household. %talon the druggist nest• • g•ood kit with . eanpt the past 111. k. Andrew. K:.. t Co shipped a oar load el cattle to Portland the past week. tea Saturday Andrew. Hem. It Co. ship- ped • .»r food of hogs to t'ollIogwoo0. " K000k le down " and " plaoln'•" are the favorite sidewalk ex premium oowadsye. It is said that Forte will put • pinafore en .t the Orris House no Faster Meeday. The cheerful robin sod blue joy were tad lookup rooster* last Saturday and Sunday Regular merman* of the Gederiob College ate Institute Literary Society on Frid.y- • renug. The Limedo. 1►ramtate Co. on 9looday. Tuesday. and Wedos.d•y next- Wednes- day roannee. 1 k. you need Toilet soap. If w. See the boxes for 9c. or 3 for 25c. that yon os. get at t i. ('. W hitely's. Main Dom•g\ has returned from the aill- mup epectngs an Detroit, Louden and other motor of f.sbions. We have .11 heard of the i ` iron tract, 'meager N tI.os may he'll ?bow us the new Huron en the trod& this Soma. r. A matter ei special ieperten. • will come op at the a.ett.q of Huron Lodge No. 62. 1 O O F • ea Thursday, 25th twit. The L&•gdoe Dramatic Co. has just aloud nor 55abeeeta4 eulag.rnest it Petrol's. Don't forges to se them rift week. The knitting factory, though not goit• lull beaded. is doing 000nder•bio work,and the appearances .re that in two or three works the batlelieg will hove no vao5nt w t. A yta.Ptity of very superior ie was pat rep at the Point Farm low week, obtained frees s sheltered bey on the Oke. It was *irises (other thick and as ol.sr as No wore aro make good bred with bad fiver, sed no one c*a make rood Meese or better with ampere salt. Then why ten impure malt when Rive'• Pun Solt is ea the market A fall .teodar a of members of the 8.Let Doerr a Eureka Conseil. No. 1C3, R. T. of T.. is requested at the me -tug pert Me.d.y.,esus, se there is some very ter porter bwdaete to tame before that body. That any disbeliever lo metmwtm osaid go is Mr. Reynolds' set.rtsiaser sad are 'wt ascoortooed is isoeee.ivable. There is set the slightest shadow or possi- bility of trickery is the whole performers. -Terser Globs At Vio•.eri. Oyer Hose March 25 26. and 27. We hove repestady said that them le meso ironer sad Femur fen in Prof. Retyped's exhibitions !Jean en umber eMe the has ever bees here. •.d we repeat our sdvtes te the public ga.e.11y to go .ed es- ioy it -Ball. Ceorisr.-At Victoria Open Hew. Marsh 16, 26 sod 27. DOMINO AND GOING. len. ()7r feel revenue free swtO ..ma Mrs. W. T. Hays wee in Tomer ea 2 s.r lee dire in 1896 was $27,760.2A6.ud aloe, sivU etrvios mid superwa...ass rr thousands who uoder other oonditloos vie -press, H. L. Wesson ; Manager, J.o. left ben on Tumidity, the I lib, with his woad wiet>"rt the tteasan will oppose ft U Nairn : sect'-troae.,Wm. 1'•eteure : official family for Ntosa, Mot , where he has Per - which will mpg. the attention of the Tux Sax&TOR. mono, new to Archibald!)►ckson wrased ; newel, Joseph sed tithe prop.rty. He had resided tor Hoose. It may tee said, however, that U remedy sell, and was mach esteemed se • ys the rare lea long one it will not be a la- OODEHICH TOWNSHIP. eey-fres., ma.sgsr and captaan ; ground attire anA •neighbor. vestig•te strides des . the Gover.mest TraeoAT, March 16. oommttt e, Jae. Reid, ubarmaa ; JOo. New CHOIR L.u,za.-As • meting (-4me woo witaemed daring the leas Parka- Higbee* Friss for rood Metter always paid Nairn, Ed. Tilt, C. R. Sher.Ywas , C. V. 8b•o- the .tbodut church choir, which wheld nett. at O. C. Whitely's (ooh w Grory. am ; •dvettirsg eanmittees , E. Do!, lulls. nburoh on the evening of Wednesday, J Sol1144 b rohtrod from Jamthe 3rd last at was inured seconded, sad form may be mentioned among the sublet*" Tilt ; executive committee, pw.,vaca pre. , s numyears os. the of yeathe term "lob he TUX emi*ttox . 1/051saw veer v w pro r e chairman, D. E. Ynaro, W. J. 1'.e.mera, The Government is asked to carry oat 1r& Jebaston, 9•u is Line, t+tenlsy, bis o?le- Joo. Nairn, Albert ttobermoo. unanimously adopted that In view of the ef- prom».. of tarnff resorts. hat I fsins that n Mea•bertsblp lockets were placed et 11 broiled T.mworth hog. „ Starr Knee." lamentservioss d, readersand also the lively too much u ou expected la that efireoo. A A' "` Tnx hill XT.- .tit week s.mael sod B. 1). Grout and Ed. Tilt wereappoant- interest taken in the servtw of song by Johnston routed •n og rd to cell tickets A cUan mind s in for England with • A. Mot). All the Albert Treleaven, that be be appointed as oor obor leader. N s presume tb.t as he Doe - tend tot revenue their policy, but owing •bapesent of borer for R>bert k1, L•as. $r mousier wen appointed to advertise for Pres yl.yers, and the to the oblagatiowi bonded down to them by ba. •Ire.dy crossed on similar expeditious secretary instructed to erre musical talent of .high order, the apo their predominate and the 000eequent de- mon thea •.Dore of times, lied le an ez- wraps . prospective member as to the lake,poantment is • good one end will met with mends for revenue, it wall be impossible for pene.00d and trustworthy men. and we libood of his obtaining employment. the approbation of .Il 0000erned. the present to wake ens very sweepug re- oongntulate Mr. MnLman on securing his Mews.. !'nonose, C. V. Sbanuon end STI LI. 1)uPART/No, Os it ON IX -Oa datum as. 0astoma dataes. This will no eervi.os. Maloom.00 were appointed to get quote- Tuesday, the 9th inst., the remain. ot /*- doubt be disappointing, but It cannot be D•ATY -It 1a with deep regret we have tion. for 12 ben ball mite. D. E. Mauro other pioneer of West W.wmiosh, John averted. The Goveromeot must sober re- to anaonoee the death of Doe of our most was appointed a committee to have fall Smith. who departed this life os. P.turday, padre the oontry's Ia.balstiss or rum the promising younv men to the person of Thos. charge of the olub. .tots The ...icy., oo the 6th last., were interred to I►nngaonoo revenue a meet than. The two course. Cs. Glue, goo of our old and respected reel- motion of Messrs Reid end W.t.00, was emetery. Tbe drowsed was one ot the are epee to them. dont, The Ginn. Maitland coo. Some five instructed to request the mooned to rr..,t Bret settlers in this .eottoo of the towtublp y.ago, hb.. Lb tooled, and thinking the club the use ?orb the Agricultural .rk in whioh he resoled up to the time of hie w.ttaa IT goryoreu to gut work at .omethang Wier that term- grounds and the et.11 usually used as • dew, and was highly respected as • good IN the total revenue from customs duties ins, he rook • course at D.e.don Commercial dressing room. It having been .uggeeted ailuro. He was .red 77 years. Tbe b. - last year, 52 per coot. was required to pay College, where be greatly dietingni•bed him- !bat an entertainment M potters up an old moved widow and hmily, whom be h.• left the interest slope on the rural debt, • few months, but getting no better he re- hands of the executive ooaaa►ttee to have eymp•thy of their .tya•int noes and neigh - while $2,305 362 or 11 peg Dent mea wait tarsal hots» when he boo atone remained the eugsested entertainment o the 24th of bore in the bereavement self. H- afterwards went to Manitoba for of the club, the matter was loft to the to »»earn his departure, have tbo *noon to pay the Dost ot managing the deet and mita his death, by ooseumptioo, ea March . ad the oinking fund. to ben the presses 114h, heiop 31 ye.re of "6. D'"4"'" w" Government took office in July Mast tor? an komest,• upria'bt young man of mon 1111110 totted tb.1 the" predeoewors had inore...d ordinary Iatellig.nos. and was beloved and the odorant on the debt 48 per tWhale . ve. repented by •44 who knew him. The fester. they were en power. This to oolt ope Slee- ui took place on Saterd•y, and was followed Craton of where the late Government made to Maitland Cemetery by • Lugs ooncoarus the demand tot high on t..au». sr.1iv. fes of eorrowir, nosed. and relatives. The • titer at least. F.zpeaditore os. a000mot family' have the sympathy of the entire cow - of Coowli4.ted Fond as 1678 woo 123 603,- essanty ts tbstr eod bere•vemoo1. 158: an 1896 it was $66.947,142 liet la t EEBURN• 1896, u stew of the .ppro.obiag sleeteons, tee Governess reduced expenditure over • - Tit/MOAT. Mesh 16 million dolts.' as compared with rhe prowl- Our towuees•s, R. Fulford, was en the oat yew. oboe 12 was 1138,132,006 Tbs. geed jiffy .t the Spree Anaaes in Ooderio4 as.aanq reduction was only rd. by leaving last week. moped tulle to the extent of essay thous- Wm. Dodds, who has resided •t Broad - sods of dollen which the present I;overa-view Cottage for some mootha, has Boos e meat bas had to settle It may be damp- ; lee at Butternut How. pointing, but this endluon of .Bun Dow. iso CHANaa.-Wm. Bogie, who for Dome meds it iesp.r•ttvs that for • tame there time has rested the farm of It. Sulhvan, W to caro be no very ateri•I reduction of nee• mole*perohaed the 50 acr. farm of An - tents duties unless the 00001 y u prepared drew Green new the junction of Poplar and to imbeds to &root taxation which, as far as Butternut Rows sod will remove to his new 107 ewe belief go... h the ire. prig- abode in a few week's time. Both Mr. and oipsl of honest and eoonomiosl goverimeat. Mn. Bogle will be mush mimed by a large We se. the result is the admaoutrouon of sod. of Mende is this section. dor mani*p•1 again, when we know what 1a owning building improvement. for this we we paying. It we sial our lane in•Semmes A. H. Clutton will have hie barn .ceasing we investigate the caw and ton the ndniaistratioo out if we have reams to balm* they have bees extravagant. T1te rt.e11l0TT L This leads os up to ewlaitiag whore our revenue se to Gems from should the proposed prbeoie carry mid the country pronounce be favor of prohibition. I se s probibittes- 1st. if I sae be shown that anhibKion 40 proaticah's. The repel e.amiesies ap- plaud by the Imo l:overuaont to esquire iota the I;gaor traffic reported that ►b. averse' 05venpe so the federal treasury from this source for the five pan 1889.93 was 17,101,557. A very moots hither ever - age has been readied for the past term ears, in round rwmbe s, orb' million del - relay. J. B. Reader. was is the Queen City to handle lase �' - R. H. Collins .f tet vers in Gederlsh Household Ef- rt. week. at reasonable G. C. Pretty of Hera was bis Oederioh II trradee of as week. Yrs. Wyle left last week for bee Dame, Oaxnw. Man. Rev. Joseph Edere will looters in Bayfield Ibis evening. Mrs. J J Doyle is recovering from • very seen "floor DAL tR CoalMite Davi. neared frees the Forest City het Saturday. Mite Geald, of Kromer, is *Wine tis Mims D)on•gh. Jobe Wilford, of Myth, was 1. tis Cs. tows lest week. "rad anti deliv (.m& Videso is r.00verf.g from es et - fa. Order. so- tart of p.oteonia. J. R. Where" made • lionesses trip 10• reroute this week Alex` Rem, of Torose, was visiting la lbws the peat week. Je.. N. Currie ef Sealerth wen on the lake thew se Monday. ('. AT'aAOt*g, L R. Debra sf Erste Nawe b the fieerMarj/ 0.5••y hewn se Monday. Miss Oowti* resumed es Friday lien her e frktads b Ilani4-. J B. Wanes el 1M.edl.e visited iere.'s Musty tees es Moeda,. W" we etmmed M seats that Mrs. Ow. 40 ree.rertn4 hem Mr resist ewers Mn. wap sod Mean Kelm .t OIIm ss Met Ube. Blr.let... R e4 ski seer ?day seat us the Rey Alexander, of t 4.M., Ohs., r• a to h40 gr5udperests. Mr. end 'b. 3. Eindling F. Oo. err Williams. E hasOni w merlin' Inn Owes lees He speaks bighly ell be Onpi41..Sd Poets a retain 1s 1b saw s1 • M 1 YATES s it is new proposed to ..reifies 28 per art. or !18,000,000 of that revenue. From • moral .t edpebr 1M arrears is all ems way, yet before attempting to re- vdmtiemin, the whole financial system .t the country we should carefully resider whether the reform's prepared are feasible ; U !miry or be earned bet, sad whether those who are were prohibitory legislation will nuke the personal .ossifies. sad emb- oli to the hess..d Mia.tien en the ern - caries of life its ripplioe wood entail Would they be wild/ to transfer to rem - rime the eddittse.l burden of taxation. That is • pb.es et tis question every gee . heed fees fairly. De sot attempt to de- cile. yogurt( by listening to the teaching ef theee who w111 sot a swam dress this great queries from es .00.omle as well as from • ...resat.! .tsmmpoint. The Wm - parer w today pays se pieties of the eight million dollars of revers ers the liquor truffle ooutrltsw to the treasury. Wesel he sew urge the Oeverom"et n impose higher d.tim es the .eooaarlee et life be rtes or reser le -direst tamer That prohi- bitory kw may be rives Wee1. Ae this very mrme.t the llevenmwt ie e.esiderfee the amities a redwing we - dean bin the nerds.s ef nestles may rest lees Wavily apes the people. M. yes u•.n/l. 1840 d1 ..0 ka.a De sad leek et OM quintile hon • minimal .t.nd- gnat ser yet view H from the stendp.ist et am ..181404 Irbil le .sly wither e re - nerd It h the bibs is whioh a escrow sled enable him to ase it Byes abseil Ib. Mveemw/ be able n give West 1s prebibibty l.*-' -- Sa yes r sgs ins - l Napper It woad prevent 1bs eea.mwpele- el Neer. inn er.NMtt 84 night Iwrb14 M to eves degree bee prehlhillea -Ment prehlbie. It weed re- quire • `M el mums a4Nos se icrgs s the Bribke envy a peel the Alien& rad Peale weals and he awn oh. fM [esrvevim sed the Osea1 Ickestis epmrMwm e1 thise.s01a. !h.I r.w.-wlb raved ter .tesewerz n ee psi titaertsttat. It, end John Bottom will pat up • tow bass with sterewerk. Some of the mesas work was doee is Sepsember last, and during the Wirer he drew mach of the building rterMl se the around. Architect Wm. Whimsy, of NU., will be the builder of the barn and Jobe Stewart, ken, will dm :he meson work. The library ease in the Sunday school room. wile* was put in daring the term of the R.r. Jame Awverigbt's pastorae,sevse. tees years shoe, has been moved to the e ra side of the room, seas to be Beer both estraeo0s from the "harsh and Sudsy 'oboe' room. in its old stood quite • num- ber of books have hod a short time for rest, end dere nw-h reed in their temporary e we me tis diff ewt resew ie our oommaa- Ity. At the present time the library ie very geed, end the new Byrom of e:.k•nge h.o proved a semen AUBURN. T .IDAT, Mar. 16. T. MoBrise and family, of Ripley. we visiting friend, in this vierity. Our bream bard inked to rive • went at ea early date. It should have • full bonne. E. Ernsr retuned from heiress college last week. We are pleased to have him •moaq.t as slain. A. Askwitb has wtiti.p from apple and plasm trees In the boom la water. Tb.y ars In full bloom. Revival 'web's' is the Methodist obese► every mooing. Bev. Mr. Beaker took the meeting on Sunday marg. Mildew's .Nine es Friday •fees..• sett Jets MoBbaanook sad Pete Portes.., whe haws bee vbitl.g here fes the pest six weal's, Mart for the Will Morey. they will be seseepan ed by MY. Dolle. A @beet few from the village atte d the wedding ef Mite is teen, who was wiled b umrrlsge te (1 Way, el Mwtssa. The happy ample Man ler the Went tits week. There wee • .nein/ ef the Farmers' le W ien held law ?e.geeoan 4.a earriday Mt It wee est very well alteede . Several el be speaker§ aspens/ did ass pat is .• eppwrenee. Memos Manna mad nether- i.gts.e pine addressee b 1M albeime . bas ease te tis? -.e.-appearaww1f ether speak. e n thew was s evenly mania* Tee Mews Wawa. -1w �eeag tea whit were .siting well se •sduIla.'o Sate had unbar ea we-Mlais emporium es Friday We WWI* eflbg their lignin Mier .e - Mod Oa wane bm*s a demi lata then awe, and bedew IMF hag Was to (its atony the water was M test deep sod they W be wade N he beet twenty rode te Whet green& Albin. wad tad odd they MI be rem Mea 1111 pmt aerobe wMawile hod iwhitW asid. w gat•�aged -sillass i Mal . During the svening the following report was presented by the secretary GtoT share,-- l am pleased to appear be fore you for the purpose of presenting this eveniov the missal statement of the officers of the Godortcb Baseball club. It affords us muoh pleasure to may that never .tom the organization of the Mob have we been •b:e to I.y before you such • creditable ed ss0ouraving •coon% of . past sou..'s work nor brighter pro.pDod for se ap- proaching .anon. Of the ton games played an 1896. eves were victories and throe de- feats. On May 94th at ('Iintoo,Me Onsets, • .tm% Leedom team, defeated us in • good game. and as Jute 10th the (Tinton club .tteo..d,d is .rearing • victory over • mixed senior and ;mono team by • .mall margin The other game was Waterloo, es our own grounds and this loos may be • . trthpted to . most unfortunate mistake by the umpire which beyond any doubt lost os the match. Of the games won two were from Clinton. nos from Stratford, one from Laoknow and throe from the Unions of W rooster and Gems, thus wiaaing the amity ohamptooehtp, the first time it has ever been held an (iodated'. This season the management have re- seeded in getting together • geed, .trots teem ted intend giving God e 'oh mon]I treats in the b•.e ball line. Already the team, INof the stroneet ama- teur .toe's In Canada, cave been booked e play ben se Jan. l.4, ..d the Irides .isete will probably play hen on May 241►. A .woos effort will oleo be made to arrange date. with Wte:ro, Berlin. Soa- pier, Dolt, Clinton. Preston. Seafortb, Trento, Stratford, Walkerton, sod the Unice. of W roister and Gerrie. A program snob as this oaebt to plasma all lovers of the game and it is to be hoped the pwblie will appreciate the effort. we Sr potting forward to advertise our ewe end wooura(e us by attending 1.110 This following ph oro prom int available at pewot C. Shannon, Fred. Abram, W. Dabn, A. Roberson, C. pseaingtee, J Doyle, F. Tilt, W. Elliott, D. Thompson, T. Collins, 8. Mainers. D. Holes.., MoRardy and a few more will be.igeed before the opsmier of the season. With snob s hot of playact we ought to he sole net only to bold the seoaty obampreship but to look for new fields to oseg.er. The oelnn of the team this year will be Rarest and gray, and the oomesitee in ahargs w already 000etdering the tenders er several lees firmo for early - lea !beguile. W. J. PA*streaz, icy - treas. DUNOANNON. No,,os-The !cosi 01.501 la 1►awp�eve far Tem es.PAL is at the ogee of J. (i. Ward. REPORT Or CONVENTION Or E. L.-4 ht Friday next, tits 19th last., a moonset will be held in the Methodist church ander the auspices of the F L. Mr. Hale, of Goderich, who as delegate attended the 000vemtioa moistly held .t Ottawa. to .spited to de- liver an address on the work of the E. L. junior members, and oleo to give • report of tis convention. He wi11 on that 000a.ion exhibit the barer awarded the juniors of the .moiety of Berme County, whioh roe re- osivid at the oesvettisn. All we welo.mt who oan make it convenient to attend the .»..ting, whioh 0000005.5 .t 7:30 P. Y. Oo Saturday last there were two anolion eaten of farm property, an whioh 000mion tweanotloeeere, Meson- Gondry end Knox, of °odorles, eiondaoted th• sales. Bar- risters Holt and 1'roudfoot were present to loot .fads the resale of Mme soles in their respective intonate. One of the farms pat up for sale, sad oonduoted by Auctioneer Booz was sold to. Mr. Buckley, of Ashfield, the etber,00sdueted by Auctioneer (sundry, owing to the bide net being .p to the re- served bid,wao not sold. Then were quite • . umber present. Owner/ to land sot being in moot demand, it is diffselt to sell farm property. How the Natives are tiufferiag S wath by Tf.sea.4. fro. Iw1.e and ail ease -Tb• Maven?. .f the sleeve-- ttbe dead Wert Dome by Ilse 5Wtemartes. THIO following is an extract from a .fret received this week by Mrs Hamtlton from her Nater, Mir Oliver, M. U., !adore, ladles - This week hag been • very busy ens, and ler many weeks to oome I aiu likely to have extra work on my blade an the shape of forty boys, .11 under twelve, who Dame on Saturday from the famine striation duetriote Inas Sinclair Sakes the gtrlg- -.bout fifty. No doubt, we will oot be able to pull them all tbrourb, and ler week" they will retluue mast careful feeding and nursing. For the boys we aro having grass sheds put ■p just behind the hospital, so that Mae Thomson, oar workers and I will be able to go out at .11 hours of the day to tend them. We have n o extra money on hand, but God says, " Tbe elver and gold are mine,' and this 40 surely los work. The missionaries an the femme distracts have be. writing and bogging u" for weeks l take come out of the hundreds that .re on their hands. So we held • o Mang Wast week and sent Mr Wilkie off in. got back last night and the auoount h. ea beggars all description. People are . ,t by thous- ands. Skulls he everywhere rhe people have lain down and died and the bysoas hay* .te all exoept the skulls. We have diepeoeed with all in the form of food that we thank not necessary an order to keep well and etrone. We will do what we oars .rod .re alae Appealing home. I see that Ott... has started • " famine relief fund " ter India. 1t only they would seed thefr money to us and not to the Government,-- O ot but what the Government te putting forth .very effort, but all their relief work has to be done through native ender ofSoiala, and many of these are simply pocketing • forge part of the money They are ordered to give each m.n,woman and child so m.oh, but they pocket w muoh and give the bal- anos. Theo the grain dealers are ordered to sell the grain at sited rate., w they do, but with the grain they mit earth • refuse of all Doris. [edit is in an awful stet.. The plaque goes on in Bombay and has spread to many other phew. Only three or four out of every one hundred smitten n.over. The Government of India said, " We will grow opium. Where will our revenue oome hon if we prohibit tho growing of opium !" So they grew splen. and Poor they have to one the money to food the famishing, who, it the beet land had not been ell taken ap with opium, might have had food an •bond - ane tidy. BLUEVALE. Trans., M.rob 16th. Joh. J. Tuff has returned from Anacon- da Moutons. Mrs. Rickel has returned from vial 113 Wins hem Mrs S. A. Maclean of Luckoow was 'vfs- *tang her parent. Mr. and bin. John Mao- Cr•cken last week. Little Chester MoFw.n Doo of Peer MseEweet of Manitoba deed last Mooday . tor an Morey or ui.nut . aeek. The little lad was 3 Patau of age. Tv. Ru- IIT AND Coanttrr -taw.-In last week's issue there appeared an item "• Another View," .ad whish holds that the item " Well Merited Reeosnition," be in- correct from beginning to end. Vour oor- respoadent inadvertently mad. • own.' error in the word eoegrelltion. whioh shook! hove been • meting of the session, bread of xsgregetion. H. M. Duff state Ipat there wee no mewling hold ..o the 9th n or in thee month, meaning Fedruwv. I prenam.,he will not nor can bobs.. the •nds- eity to eieto that then was no meting of the series held on the 9th when .t that es It was moved, osat>nde4 and .greed that Mw (charlotte Wtagiog 40 appointed organic" for the presses year. " Moved, .soosded mrd •grsed that the thanks of the session be tendered to Mie Wiggins for the efficient manner to whioh she has .ctrl for the eogregstlon and 41.b - bath school. Dated Feb. 9, 1897. (Slimed) R. M. T►rr,. clerk. A copy of this was given to Woe Wig - rine, whioh she sew hash her pewee's.. Se mooh few Noe 1, 2 and 3 in '• Another View." As to the expression " volantsry eervioee," whioh H. M. Duff seems to think will make earlier Quiver for hie bow, I may ..ay that it was empty meant shot Mier Wiser rendered her ei Beier owes.s as organist for .bout throe years gratis and witboo1 ren.00eratir, and J.Y.,errvgtresr. t0.. who wilt morays cisthat it 40 w14.ly..d( ell known first she es for wtserlptI000 advertising and Job did not pat herself forward for the positron wart. sed le e tborlwd ts give rso.lpes for without being enliotted, end lh.t no more 000safnue than one I Sops that A. M. Duff w111 1e esti.6e4 with `h. above ex- planaties,and net ende•ver to made a beam out .f • met., as [ do not wish or intend to have to do er my anything mon in the nn- plo...nt or di.•greesbie affair. 1 leve it with tb.se who are more c000ern.ii, begin/ that a eharbeble and Christian, as else an amiable wed rstaedi.g *ill h. the 1."111. amounts pod foe the same. Tuttn*T. Marsh 16. Devil Ross bas gene to Serail, when he James .L.d, who had been .eies.Iy ill, with very idiaht hope of reo•very, t. gradually resovertsg. We era pleased to hear that Thos. flee- ley's um, who was injured by a resent se- oedeet, is gradually rseoverue. Erwowr. Lenart -The suttees at the smoothie es Moeda, ovens/ will be, "Das - ger of Spirituel Decimates," by things 8eth.re The noulelp.l mews! .1 Wet Wane - web will meat is the nwaship hall os Tuesday most A11 eiMl.rd will pleas take mels Met lea Wilma. who hes been .t the Pent dry .Malty relatives sad &needin/ tis adhere, .piss ter Sprue, has re- lined bane ales having ?peat an whey - able Mtn.. Calan' NUMMI --Mr. et Sea- ten•t, settle dealer, tree b seer vl I•/. 104 Sea - week std prob.wd• a weber .4 salt!o hem farm= he this mad ._.winding •sigh • berheelL WaA1viMm.-Umr4t21 bis week the weatb- re was M seas i he, mid b as- ebb 18s sLr g Mss/pea�M, avid ebb M the ewe, .1 1ti thigh As EIPLAWATTO1 --A new member of the Ring's Daughters of the Whiles Rears, or knewha our motto, '• The riaht heed set to kw. what the left daub," bee kind ly •okt>eerledeed sham dosatiees soot to the president of be Aoolety. whlek only In • very wall degreer-p►.oate the dosser glow. it plane the SeeM y 1a ea awkward peonies a have • few Mende only weed what Its Aspen are se seasrees, t. all .f term it Leedom Its beet treks (ler Whom w111 please sodas vele Mrs l may• pen., er te Nay ...sof .1 the rialto' speaking. £Ltr.Asarn KAT, Manitoulin Wood, Nov. 2nd, 1896 J .l. lfrLeo», Ooderioh. NUR Rt., --I want to tell you and all who may *tab 10 benefit from my letter how I suffered and bow I was cured by your medicine 1 was hurt through *raining, some year' age ; inflammation met in, an for eighteen months i neves drew • breath free from seven pain, wed then my bask tot so weak tad p•taful that ler fivr menthe before I began your modicum i oenld net turn in bed without wutanoe, I took all the mediolw prescribed by our fecal doer without anbenefit. I was pet te worse, and he said inthat he doubted spry musk of ever I wnmld er mold b. our.d. When .it. ting up I wield not lean forward at all Pain and ie*,mtnotfes sitting w0r•e rea- lised me to bed. I end to lie and errs is agony for twelve hones at • time. The pain in my side, low down, •seined to be canoed by erne growth there I could never *t over tea miaow. se the moor at one time Hearing of so nosey around hers that got cured by your medial.,, my hu e - hand was pnrsaaded to Brut for emir Vee - tem Renevater, eke. I am thankful he did, for quite • ohmage is my condition was the melt, test ably in my relief from pain, but lay strength woo et mach restored by the time I hod halt the .eo.o'i tootle taken. 1 took tO0 System Renovator ami l'rntetn Ream- ers, and •pplie f R. A. Meli•nnes', Wet - meat all as three of till i was curet. Von knew that 1 we, on s trip to (;odertoh, vieitimq some tremolo lest hammer 1'b40 was a surprise to those who never expected to ase me again. I •m • well woman, and that I never expeeted to he. i thank yes kindly. Mu. J. Aa eiLte. Ammar. Mauyt.a. -TK. mewl [meeting of tile' Harem R•c%ele nob was Mid em Tuesday in the risme el . he R.... Rall Social Cleb Toon was • rend •ttrod•no•, and the Intermit m•efeste•et is tho presemilses shows that the Poole la hen to Irv.. The officers for 1497 were fluty pleat •11 ae fel- lows - Dudley 0.lse... president : ('has. Lee, vies -prise.: (; M0'neh, tress ; D. Joiners, easy. t J R. Platt and .1 A. Mo- istseA, soditese. Before eeparetmg .t was Weld that • nestles b. %Old woes T'..ed•y mealaq her .rssr,anlsatltm A Nye Ortel. --.f R. W.roell hae taken time by the foreloek .ed will have lame •.inhere ef kis r.frterwotore, the K...In/- lee. early b the !market 14 is abused the the taerytee le the .hesp.ot, etre ge.1, ambit aid must eaesrerlosi sale ever bellt ifs 4*en4 nays that y • dew tea d abates, the sweeten see e•e seer yak lived, tea ball the see .*..teary ter b- awy table *Si settee for his. As the wino inpte . be este le aesubetered by the liseideggase lhersit.r. Ce. and it will be mats shekel& threw...et the Donutes by the f enelese e1 18e. fire. OORSETT DEp1ATt1p. CAvieog (iter. !leve, Mas. 11.-ntmfe. Me Ineeked NAM est b the N.rsoth rend. Mb Wad Nokomis. whe emrsad m twee* Doan es blob st /M1wan e. r t.pwted t. b. Wet d SaMw.