The Signal, 1897-3-11, Page 7, EST ERY AY. Eft' w faltrGes D .aDs lege Seed co. AN IMPORTANT LETTER /ION MG HOW • BUFFSKEK FROM SCIATICA WAS CURED. MILL. 1 18th. Ryas cess. ind BLIND kl.da of I. SHINGLES t every ds. ripttes a Specialty. 11 hand. meet it with a when it conies Il all the Latest rg price Annot be re numerous as t to :.ARS. UIERY. 'FPS `ECK W EAR NE & Co. oohing mpurism elinto.paLT OF Tea •Shah• gang ulnas wine rlamieaIUM rales Tea at'Tflpe SLUM Tin Lane& rUWIY-IT *1U• @e QLaliLT MAD IT oraaa 51,- , smiths Mtn Tate reixrut Natally from the Uvula New* Lefler The following letter has bee. forwarded tr by the Ooldwater. Oat, correspondent of slot Nein Loner, w►°15 we have great plea am a publi.►iag- ('ULpwsraa. Sept 254h. 1896. A few weeks ago 1 heo•me very unwell from an •tteok 0f so5atio...ad raaeember- ifie %Mt a whale neo . well koowa frtesd o1 man, Mr. C. T Hopson, of Fessertos, • few sties from ben, had beep a great sol firer from thin paisfal complaint, 1 thought It woeld be well to oosn.lt that ge.tleman se to the medicine M levee credit to for hie relief and our*, es 1 was aware that b. was sew well and hearty sad had ever sums been to *wady work susses amber -bio regular bsdpees. He rave pre she ielor- meties regained, sad wrote out the follow. WR testimonial which he desires te have published a say way I think proper, hop- ing th.t it will meet the .ye of many suffer- er like myself who are.nxtos to got relief. I therefore torward it to me to pubiMb:- FamorTotr, Sept. 18th, 1896. " It ie with the treated p&.•s.rp that j testify to the m.rvdlous besifif Gad care thee lir. Williams' Pink }ills effected 'a my one. 1n the year 1892 1 was taken miry bad with Salado.. I was heated at diftscent times by two (looters het dispen- sed with them trrviose ea i found 1 was sot getting tbe hoped for relief. i ties tried different renieAt5s .dvertasd as • .are for enatio., bat with so better result 'Thep I tried .tro.,ly recommended eleotrical sp- but ou11 to 0o purpose. I did not .ay .ad the than was oxo s iattng. end I began to lees all hope of ever totting better 1 meld nos sit down or "neva about without @offense iatupss ...d the ealy relief 1 oould set was when ay dowa with d D the my tomtom.m.tolied strait out Wow.' somewhat I. 1 was is this posttest ase day when I picked up • eewepsper lying by my side and there 1 reed of • men oared of moieties by taking Dr. liams' Pak Pala. Always barbs/ bat little faith in' proprietary modicums, and ie view of eh* exp.ries.S 1 slreadv had, I would . ot have tried them bat for the fact that my wife insisted on goes( at Der .ad pro- curing sem. She got • box end persuaded me to take them. By the time I bad fist.1- .d the box I believe I felt better, se i kept ea ta1itlg the pills and by the time I had taken six boxes I wee entirely eared. 1 had been laid ep for four soothe before miler the Pink Pita, sad I shall eserine to take theta oeca0os.11y as i ktww them to be an excellent siedleiao. I .hall sever cease ra0Smmwnding them. Yours truly, Cxaa,-xs T. Humus. Our correspondent adds that this letter is from • moo° reepeoted restdent of Feser- too. whose word i. ,.osr.11y osn5id0red as good ea hie bond. Pes N M a. PROMs FEB PIPE CO 1 ST. la.. TORONTC Gray's Syrup if Red prucO Gum 0.arowne vows ko'eIll ill emedy p. HOT OORN. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONT.. THURSDAY. MAR. 11 1897 The greatet relief M a varied threat -- Loses .ld. Weil began le halt dose ; hat there In ale • perp. against deist Wage by halves. Jerre---(dead-seerah(l, &ewe- Hew de you gad badnese " Browse -By jsdleneus adverthiva." There are people who sever tate for made except when they ploy the firm Addle. in Caise des ire toe. One ot the most seadble orussesa wore at present is tits ,. ideatiflcaties bracelet." which, in case of an mo°ident. removes all doubt as to the wearer's identity. The bracelet is sa absolutely psia hand of silver or gold, osore.me0tad in any way. Os the back are plainly ..graved the wearer's name and address. Thu innovation is fast obeauieg popu- larity. Every mss would fellow the right mare 1s he would d• In W ewe affairs the them he wield do if he were yon Heresy : Hesbsd-Tb re are two olden N .very gessian- Wife-Where did nee you ••a that imp,.. Idella -You wirsu l so some •• to lead George to tater that 1 paint eel, 1 hope ' Blanche -No, indeed 1 I always did de some • girl who merely hissed .1 things •• The dootor bee %earldom me to drink any more eh.mpagee." Probably said star you have paid hie bill." Haverty caught. By tome accident a workman employed by • large firm in (:eery accidently struck another ons rear the lett eye with his ham- mer. The injured wee was at .sot medi- cally •tt•nded, and otos afterwards all ..t - ward tram of the wcldest disappeared. He declared, bywsver, tha! he was totally mashie tow with that eye. Specialists ailed to discover anytbinl wrest ; but •t eolith an &ours was brought yaie.t ha employers who were legally respossbh- Dorm, the trial, me of the experts mill- ed by the defeedants wrote some words in Oen. Mk on • black hoard, and handing the plaintiff • pair of speotohis, the loft glues of which was white, while the right one was red, asked U be meld read them. This he did, when the one •t ones ool- apsed, oleos the sed Slam in the right rye Weald make the gnus ink appear back.•nd cone eently inviable. He had, therefore, read the words with W left eve. the tight of whlob he had decreed was loot. Baldness is supposed to be an indication of intelligence, yet • map will comb • few long hau. over • ban spot on hie head and think he is deceiving people. •• I always take things ea they come,' said the pickpocket. •' And 1 always take people °a I find them ''. remarked the policeman ea he Dab- bed bid Min' Slept- I wonder if that rtob .sok of mine rem.srber.d use when he made kis will ! I used to slog to him.' Mr. Dew -1'n' mute be must have. He hasn't left you anything Seegeby-Wouldn't it be nice if we could see ourselves as others me us 1u15iagborn-No, 1 dee t think is would. If we oould, some people ought set the idea that they are not good - Moines." Lu°Ule-- Why do you trust that poor Mr. Milday with eo little oonaderatio0! I dr clan I'm summed that he puts up with 700 Genevieve -Oh, but we're Lucille -4M •" "WPe•d "• 1 thick my landlord is use of the mean• sat men I eyeir met is my Ido." " What's the matter now !" •' Why, be 'mead my rest when he tam the paper off the walla, because he said it mad. the room' Larger. CRISP AND CASUAL. Amer* the Uplift u.Wity 19 Mir Kat. see ehlldles Nearly all the eimpie wens (rent tis Japanese Woad'. Poverty is ate diagram if the within doesn't owe ss anything. A tart -subtly line of steamers Is between. ('.sada .ad Belgian'. Church ears are roast improvements placed en the Siberian Railway. The badge worn by the Mayor of Leeds sentWs jewels valued .t 1600,000. Compressed air ie being seed extensively es the street rulw.y, 1. New York. • new ted in 'lova is to bare gems, pre- ferably diamoada, sot la the bare mama. In proportion to in' a e. the horse bas • smaller nomads than any ether quadruped. 1s Frame the doctor's Dale ra the seem of • dammed patient has reference over .1l others About 2,000 sailing vemels die•ppear a the sea with year, enteilag • less ef 12,000 hawse lima The population of Caned. is about 5,125,- 000 and it u estimated teat in 9001 it will be 5,600,000. The lamest beet on Um aka is the Rob- ert Fulton, Doe of R:ockefeller's field.. Her peagah u 440 fest. A ship ie being oomatrsoted for the White liar lae which will be 25 let anger thee the Greet Kamera. The Gtr. Fredricks the I;re.t, under 000- straction for the german Lloyds, is 20 feet longer than t he Luoaoia, The plague in India la oeeta.d .tweet es only to the West aide of the country and from Bombay northward. is 1869 there was no tea exported from lads or C:eylos, bat last year 30,000,000 pounds were sent out of the ooatry. One of the nor -like at the Paris Bicycle Exhibition recently was • bioycl with two epr.ok.t wheels, giving the wheel two gears. In Cental Africa whoa • king or ruler dies many of his wives are put te death, so that they may be ready to serve him in the other world Mahogany oomse from the forest@ of Con- trol America and Broil, and omunande 190 • foot is the market., of the United States and C•ssd.. • few years be the United Steres bold the first place sa regards value of exports to Chi..- Britain now Domes first and the Stases 5event15. Th• 5'anadian Government has reoeived word that the spawn sect from the lake 15.aoheriee are doing well in the inland era• tars of Hawaii. •' How do you eitaaag', doctor, to make yourself so popular with all your patient.'- " That's very Wimple. I amour, thous who only imagine they are ill that they are real- ly ill ; while these that really are UI I m- egrim that they are quite well.' •• Wb.s is that crowd going by with seven children, five doge, two poll-parroa, gen and violin caw •" ' Oh, those are the Tuohy, going out to speed • month or two in • ,i0iet place in the country." While no pbydoise or pt erm.cise can ooe- .oantiously warrant • cure, the J. C. Ayer Co. guarantee the purity,ureneth .sd med• Meal virtues of Ayer's tae.•parilo. The only blood -purifier admitted .t the great Wood', Fair a Chicago, 1893. Mr. Beggs- beget you think we'd better pull dere the blinds! W • shan't be home for ten days, you know. Mrs. lasge-No, Indeed- if we pat the blind& down half the women in town whom I know will hurry up hero and leave their cards. I'm not goinr to gratify them in any pooh way. care et blebs Children should M taught how beet to take oar* of books, and ought never to be permitted to throw or bong them .hoot or tear them in pi es. They should be m- oonr•ted to ..oas.ato volumes. 0ed se do this most have a plus in which to keep ahem. (.00d. pile busk shelves °sat bat little, end every shied.ho.ld Mee • Get le one well-eedered household tine are five yetnestere being.. Mse ages of five mid Often yearn. Rias send has • hod -east, mete of the ordisasy4 pleb sort that ares four or five dollars. There are earthier made from the .kits of worn-out drams er el paper si.le, for the family has hit little of tele w°dd's good& to use, sed every dollar, eves mere mat hes to be counted. Hut Mere aka IMe hewesbeld *spirit .f oeidderstige that will sot allow bawler - em with private ....t� end swab wes- bsr is sxpeed to eh° esn ed W or Mr ewe p°m°ef°m.. tow reepeeaiele for Mesa. and to exercise °M.lee entree ad swage - .hip over them. >d-p..rlly le M la the ease with hooks amid teas. Thew are borrowed end keened only with Oho sweet's osaseet New books are carefully eleVe d end narked with rho owner•s cams. set snit ss tee mow. bis sbse amens tM firth gags of the Mary or reedier mist. Raw se the fly- leaf may be •biU.M.d K tete off, bus Whoa egbarlag of the ..hjseeom mime Ike h ere apo remain wed ere awl, PILL -AGE. Dr. Agmww'. U,ur line. 90" • m Ha Mese mailla le ad mill Gruen to rue A If you have so much trouble with your teeth, why don't you get artificial ones' The ides of icing bothered like that in this marvellous age of .oleotifio and meohanical progress ' 1 rot • full set only • taw months a" tl-!.deed ' Aro they • guinea ' ' A-S000sss ! I should say so. Why, 1 can almost eat with them." PEOPLE WE HEAR ABOUT. The Czarina is ae expert typist, end re- tsctly ordered • sew 0•Ohiee for her own use. with gold type bars and the frame in- laid with pear's. Domestic pets which have endeared them- selves by lost years of e@sociation to the Prince or Prtnoese of Wales are always stuffed immedately after death, and fad • permanent resting pl•oe in • oorrtder .1 9.adrisgbam or Marlborough House. Alphonse Daudet ta a Southerner, sed the cold wade of Paris annoy hint very oon- erably. In the study of hie house in the Faubourg Saint-Germain • lame fire is been Us, res whoa the weather u ooenpsntivie ly warm. Tie famous author is u.ablu to work salmi the temperature of the room r high and N ha liking. 6D~.. matt en begireveukese sear Ills yeas.nl .ld serest plat Arl.w se s kir'.M le ewer he ea mare M travel salst�~ purely vap.Wi . make, this *mind makes them plow - edge and 16111 11/1111.11-40 dwrAa doerSIAM DM Ily J. 18 mihad a Milo Welt' U tses' , he I11".. .mrshml r""*. IK CANCER CURED - A141) •- LIFE SAVED Sy the Persistent 11se of the ward "4..." is the mound se, a Inde lane than • dkil•tws, and .sate hook is re- pealing the menage like . mere 15555 of mean, 'ride ,de aged the tweedsouw et the pheasgstplithe poke° ter mere this two yearsM the a l.whieh item Edison dissevered s wax ler • Gybed''. that would repredses the word. Holland ease saeoopolised the dimmed trade of the world -so Maras and selling, ratting W and poliar. ieade in di.- mesds, as u ease of mealy Mbar precious imam Is sew oo oestraled is London, while nearly all the °sttpag and polishing is dose i. Liverpool. An i.v.stigats of the efleot of various perfumes oe .appals is the tondos Zoolog deal Gerdes. hat diecev.red the& moot of the Bess sad leopards are very feed of lavender. They took • piece of cotton eatar.tod with it, end held it between their pews with the greatest delight. The extent of the havoc which .grboltur- .1 delimits. has wrought on the lnoomes of 01.rgymea is shown by 515e foot that 115.,. ars now 9,000 bwsefioes receiving lees thou' 1:300 • year, 5,200 reoeivw less than f200. i,000 readying less than f 150, stud 400 r.- ogving lees th.a £50. The task ivory that °oases from Russia u footed in the elephant cemeteries of Siberia. Mast' years ego . gigantic, species ot ale' pliant was • native of those umther° olimee, and .s they got old apparently wended their way to oometeriee, whore they breathed their Met. The bubonic plasm in loth. is said to re- semble the Black Death which .wept over Europe many year, ago. Owing to the .leanly habits .sed =ethnical knowledge of the people of today, the medicel authorities of Europe and Amerioa do cot tear an in- vasion by the India plague. Toe Russ of the battleship lndi•nna ono- not rnot heorked se in • heavy a. Twice whsle at sea &a 13-ach gnus have Lroken from &heir lashings and threatened to demolish everything within reach. By stn ow exertions 13 -in hawsers were p round the gun., and serious resale) averted. The mast in .barge of the Fire Idend lighthouse sad signal station can distin- guish any Atlantic Hoer running to New York when .he 10 20 miles O. By tele graphing to New York, the exact time she will arrived .t her dook may be known five h ours before any one in the city can make h er out. The Georgian Bay and Ottawa 'anal pro- moter* have asked the Government to say they will eneidire the work,as they will then have • better prospsot of raising In the (Nd ooaotry the $18,000,000 neoaee•ry to push .long the work. The promoters claim that this rout* will be 1,000 miles shorter than by the Erie Canal. Several of the European powers ars ooa- tempatins the rearming of their forces with heaves rifles. The reoent fights in Africa have shows that men, after beteg shot two or three thiamin, have been able to mistime to the fight. It the beery rifle had been used, it's claimed that the enemy would have been stopped by the first .hot. By Abe Iron Gates on the Danube is meant s series of reefs and rooks in the bed of the river. For many Tears the work nt removing these obstructions to navtgauon h as beau o•rried on, and last year it was oompleted. The water to the channel sl• lows boats drawing 10 feet of water to go to the heart of Amino. the work oust over $10,000,000. A whale was recently captured in Puget Sound, Washington Ty., sad when measur- ed was found to excised 50 feet. It was harpooned by fishermen in two row beets, and in the three days' struggle whioh fol- lowed the boat* wen towed over 200 miles. A smell osnnon was mounted os a tug, Sed after • day's man'.-uvering the gunner' were able to inflict • fatal wound. A paving -brick made from etr•w is • novel invention. It is but • third the weight of an ordinary brink, and oats be manufactured .t half the .net. 110111 toothpicks, as • rule, are imported trout Frame. Tb. largest factory in the world is near Paris, when 20,000,000 .re annually produced. Steam ploughs are largely need in Kon• mania. and have largely replaced the old- fashiesed German ploughs. They aro man- .1•otured in Britain. When • lady's -bicycle has served its time as • vehicle, it is the tastiest a some parte of Europe se u'. the different poems ea ors•- meste .bout the house. The Grand Trunk railway will probably 000struot • doubletraoked bridge to take the plain of the single -tracked tries@ bridge acmes the St. arrear. Reports from Central America say that two laces pyramids have bees discovered by • party of explorers, sod a sire and ships nval these of Egypt. Shells. comes trout • pleat cultivated in Japan. The leaves are imported into the country and mixed with oil and tau -moons before applied to furniture. It a not generally known that we owe the juvenile string gates called " oat's -cradle' N the Maoris of New Leaked, tor they have payed it for nentuns, only in • oomplio•ted twshion. " Libel " once meant any little book ; but as many small tracts in the early days of printing were personal and offensive in oh.rsoter, the word acquired its pros of sig- nificance. the tramways, omnibuses and seder - ground railways in and around London, within • radius of five miles. carry each year, it is eetim•ted, about 453 million& of paws'are. Sues 1850 the death rats among British soldiers has been reduced from s'7 to 17 per thousand is India annually. This is attrib- uted to the improved •000mmodatioeu and better food. Every best at • Norwegian wedding heap the bride • present In many para • meg of butter is the usual gift. and, if the marriage taker place in Winter, malted or frame meat is offered' 86,000 elephants were killed in India and Africa duris, the pest ten years. Formerly • reward of 050 was gives fur the killing of an elephants is the former country but sow . heavy fiee is imposed- :(ualitht ie • splendid commNio. Seek the sunlight, is tie •dvioe of ;all premie -day hygienists. Patients on the runny side of as hoepital ward recover •teenaet Sleep a reams where the gen bas shod ie tsym ell day. The Red ('roma orpnfsties is now no- raised erraised is •11 oivtlissd nation@ sod by some that are not al•egeter civilized. The .blest of the orr•iiratira is to &d the wounded es the battlefield. A oorpe is already in Canes. In India telegraphic despatches are bead - .d, " After a.mp1mesta," the reeving operator wriMntg rat • wit oemplimeotary formas established by the telegraph ow' pun. shish le Mdlepesiets In ° eael ...otrlus. The (toms .100.5 wean two spur bracelets, we matter what other wrist onto - tames she pals ea. The use sustains • mal amuse of the as Prim Censors ' in the other is inserted a portrait d the kat treat-ersadekild. Little Priam Albert .f York and the Grand Dedsm Oltaef Russia were -the two last oabeee@ ter the proud positing, being born about the same time, bet to whook the honor has (alas a sot yet Public property. i1 is mid that the Peps .f Rome h the .sly prism is (215ri med•m who never Yes • .amen . Oily race daring the tr00 years bas tee rule hem departed Iran Tide was le 1847, when Pious IX was Pope. Father V1•ara, • famous me- ter. wee te have prss°hod .t s absinth is Rem•. • peat weird • eembted te bus kiss, but M the marsistrall hoar there weeI se prase. Pronely !•olab7 Re,Wo, bad else le these to Via - tura. T,kiat ie oho .harden •b • games, Pleas 11 w. sisal .e the ..e•d•s, ter be pr0Med rho eases Is plass el the asset leaks. Vow .....5.k5 Moe bees mere rsma.tlie Mina that el Mr. Mo1Ud.y, the possible salt Preeidese of the Coiled Mates Is the toms whore heed the tally wise le sew tember bile wipe resided she beg • U.ra0 Simi fen 050 • glen M • f4eatyt•t•m NM mapa.M•emiat Ni .a adMstsmt Semday fW.-L la refs/ be Mir .....,-04's titlek they peened seek ether et a amain egress, sad bend t plea --1 a seep erwda•dly gag hd.l pe a e.m+mesim a esorotap their work. Phis wan es /K • Old msaj_ rosmarA raid me wear-esumoseW alb/Ip ad.rem be said toe wham they M t "I deet its rhes wp••sYse way 1beedlep-- yea goingdee wway I menmenhir fleppene kay. �Owegoe the arra way. Whet de yen reit.& t' I Wnk se Sem" was Me sear., width gem a kin esu el OM mist b asci sl .fuse and M her ase et lis must Mi4•d i•imilt 7 Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a Wire on my knee, which several chysiciena, who treated me. called a cancer, assuring Inc that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and, after tak- ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en- tirely healed. Slnee then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood -purifier. and, in- deed. it reemns .so i r .ugh 1 could not keep house without it." -Mrs. S. A. FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia. AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pl1I! Re;; -:!rite the Liver. Lumber for Sale! The ooderich Lumber i'o. iLtdt has for sal at the Harbor and at the1'.rd cm the I;.T.R, track, Em. Can. and Marwood and fine, Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in au lengths and and Cedar Pests. Aero Saba In tiny quantity. An uptown °Mce for the tale of Millwood. iSlabo. •te.,e has been established at the sore of HARPER & LLB. who are empowered to adoept orders and receive payments for our uptown trade in that 11.e. btt THE OOI)BRiCH 1.1 MIWR CA The grandest church building in America is the cathedral in the oity of Mexico. The building itself Dost several millions of dollars, and the tarnuhinre were unrivalled in the world. A large portion or the inter- ior adornments were brought from Europe. South America and the East, and carried by mules to the city. The cathedral has been plundered many times, but the in- terior u still resplendent with fixtures of gold and silver. A recording attachment tor the Warw. for the use of oompo•er•, has recently been i. vented by whioh each kev, when struck, leaves • stark on • strip of slowly moving paper. By means of thi• contrivance im- provised music can be transcribed and fleet- ing idw caught that. perhaps, it would be impossible for the composer to recoil and commit to paper. Mexiosne are often to be Nae at date shows dancing on broke elan. Before the audience arrives he fills the centre of • box with pieces of gime, the oorners of whloh are worn smooth. He rabbi his feet with reeds and powder• the insides of his show with it. In the pr••ssoe of hie =idioms he breaks rep some bottles and tones the frag- ments into the oorners of the box. Taking off hie shoes, he step into the .entre of rho box and hope away without injury much to the astonishment of the onlookers. He has only to keep clear of the sharp glass in the corners to escape with • whole skin. Probably the strongest fortified place mixt to Gibraltar ie Kingston in the Ba- hamas Iolanda. There ie eel y one tamers t►brough the carders of reefs that ssrrowsd the island, •sad only • °arrow oh•enel to the sty. On either side of this Deane& are largo fora. while topodom'which, in' time of war will he paced he the ohanne1, are kept in geed repair. Though • favorite @amasser rarer•, w elwly guarded are the fora sad their &pprmmels, that it is impos- sible for my ..eider N (earn anything abseil them. less ie the Whiter .t. - Yes foe the Hr1*15 North Atlantic, squad - ma. sad peemems • Sealing dry dock and ostensive semi repair .hap.. Bembey Mdlsg meet of the pearls taken M the Maas Goias sad Penes Gulf, wad meted. the markets of the world. Nearly 011 the Irving is earned os by melees. who Gen remain trader weer .sly two K three mieres. The lowest telegraph lime to She world, .hove greeted sad without • break, rose from Rsskkssp.ntn. Quesedaad.. N Breese M Weems •es rsNa, mod er.mea Meet two-thirds el the mostMamt. The betel °South le rather ever 6.000 miles. It le see to he weedw.d et that Ayer% M. are M meth tsHare.1 dement Per M. rats d essollgetimi biulewsw, es my steer enespielot esedibig a Weade% these peels ere _ nape set Timm ere r pt- esatd. sen a Mks. end ovary den is e- fisMva Ery rest it the y, the 54 met- el thee ems=i ere betenel there year. O. 1 beats me ase eel Me team and emei@m• oppwtenJSM& Ire elladea /s fesurWt men end sans le the Mime It le s.fsr.d *5 .him lire wells the thaw elm. peoh M mpsbd fsr 4 N� 1 GEO. THOMPSON, Telephoto No. 61. Manager. For TWEN I Y -SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LA11ot*T SAL. IN CANAOA- KOOTENAY CURES t RHFIT MATISM KIDNEY DISEASE LIVER COMPLAINT INDIGESTION ECZEMA CONTAINS THE Naw INGREDIENT Mr. V. ]G k J.gsse. Proprietor 155.51 ■ansa, •Yaws. Cush N Mower. smog of the IW ars. Among trmyoning eau. members of Panda mem sad hWtues d tin Canadian Capital. its segs ie tetter known than Mr Y. [. s1. J•p5. the molar proprietor df the 1(nreli a�p0*o� who entl.h•rered Iyof ttensah. a..iutp Suable, ber0on kidags. la the bops at idthri sg • care he doctored r.1nlarly, but withdot sedese. Ru Jub tye bean the use d Ityekmeab Leerf i.y Curt In one wed to was tial only beneltrd, but was entirely eared. His ewe words in writing to the proprietor d the stedteine about 15Y own osee are few Ines very stress. He say.: ()Trews- Assume 7th. 1M[ S. d Rvcesraa, awl, M.P. Daae Arg- 1 will gladly •0d dsamKty rens mead Hnoteoav (`ore to s7 friend. afar the ■�Dpopdi result 1t. I,. a. ,..stn ms in en .hart w period. Wishing Is every esesem, whs. ti o was desarres, lama. d.aydr• r, • V. T. w.. J ACQUML Spring Snit or Overcoat It you need a Winter Over- coat or Snit, call upon PRIDHAlt. The Tailor. if you leave your order with him you say depend oo getting {goods that will suit in every Way -In tit, workmanship and promptness m delivery. PRIDHAM TIM T.L.08. 1897... . Announcement. New Gods and Bent Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established anil reliable Went-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP Stoves and Tinware e . ■NOIESAIE The dervishes of the deems are food of rouge fighting, eltheeg15 see• is so me% Wham two tribee meet is the desert there is sere N be • frt..diy beet The two tribes Uwe my us kettle Irny end the ob•mp1@s weeder trent mob amnion te the °entre of the etervesm. @poo•, and tela el skill is she wieldtsl of arms sad 1D bor.ssanehlp takes pies between the ace. Ahoy • time the whets of the es -lookers gm stetted wad nigh a• me another. The fight that bits.. w..1d de media to me of the melee@ is whisk King Rieherd delighted. Two er three .f the amahawa w killed, bit the host .f • we ease pervade@ the vele. The Wand d Neaf&b bas bees o.meired by Mew Smite Wales. ries Me Ke..f the Beauty arstfsrd easy years ere Mee gust Me Aims .+rlh, tied @dad sin they streak whet is sew hews as MKblk bland. To bide Meir mime the Boesky we ren where mid bursitis my. god fee ray ran tved is selitedw (A. mil M the desM Wed b miry medeetive eel esp. plied Male see& Aim eassennimeles wag ashhYsd .IM the embeds world, • sole el orae. Male wore ••ma's' ed. ea. d .°Aah pr.tt*A.d the 00 - *mo °bluer t N add that the ebomee dMyra ase the eat d dam west d the bithekile Mee mode Mem .bat I�gp ms- e•me of Ids dM spgim•ag of am sm. At CATTLE Boss. Now is the time to enquire about Heating or Cook Stove& Whe have them - a11 kinds alai sizes at lowest possi- ble cast prices. Also leave your orders for repairing and setting up of Stoves. We handle the best Canadian and American Coal Oil. _ RETAIL ARMSTRONG BROB. & CO. Pump & Fannie fill Worts GOD 3MRZGMT . Or T_ rimer. SCPAIITMslt r • bast .tae -- _ red styles to suit everybody ens Ieverymeaniontswed ees��ib.ssw Them Tory egg wends/ pump ter hep isOs. Ir.0 sula&osd tet peeve ter @sheet- ssa�d.. ��o. peeps. eta CATTLE BROS., H •miltos-d. Plumbers and Tinners. meet et vary *beim. Peeps. mama - = t Muskoka quartered Cakes, Pies, Tarte. PUMPS 110111.1113•••.110111.1113 /IMPS for fag trete els area on. Ready for the Rush. Callat 1). CANTaL0N's, the leading bakery, for your Party Cakes and Puff Prete Tarte, Oyster Patties, Mince Pies, Short Bread. All kinds of Cakes kept on hand. Orders :eft by ten in the morning will be made and delivered the same day. Wedding Cake. --Ornamenting and decorating of the latest designs with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake Ornaments. sitnellea liven to drawing water 1 tree putms& leen seed lisge weWm@ed::.l berme urged er emelt *1558. •5155 MIS.e~mi vinim e. Tam tabor YWire' seen m tit&mMM agat, QrIlgg. aa.. r MIND ..r. =•=1:1"'="1" -"I' yen mat tlseir "1" -Nb AnarlIt020A OROS ti Co Almond icing a specialty. 3Z. Cer te1 Cn Tillure CraoiteWare are necessary to mankind, then how math more co are they to the better part -woman 1 As they are so neces- sary eperBary you should see that what you Ret its good, thea saving in meth and heap Tinware or Oraniteware Waldo from as a slw.y@ good, and as the latest inventions are always added to our stock a better .&eed•s eamnot be found in Carted., STOVES •nn FURIACES . haw: sampled lin. et Reaves and Nom - men be the County. HARP= i LU.