The Signal, 1897-3-11, Page 54 ENTRE. -1891 SON. iJ use at Wulty is Jkrence ninths It. All me teat' an til tg what males s an .,d ds, etc. tat yeah 1, 1..1 a ddrers. ,otreal thumbed abed teach 1 ( esadia steak I t v.. Pennr whole or part t1 terms. Yos s dollars a week week you work. /011ePANT. VItONTo. ONT JA e s e rily in an- ing placed Prrlmending :ock. Our ever of - id be con- LIRN. large Tin- Eng - find than 11n - Pails all Tin - 10* LL BONN. M� - wile of C.)lietall• el • dwtkte she �fOKS la l•'h• es Marsh la. the wife of A.. L. Meek& et • roe. MARRIED. yi°ti HWrn*b ..tUt NMa0.tb krt ImeOn eehsage,, Boay. t J. lidfe. 11FI1Ram Joh• Motel» et Godo• eke loveable. ple-wMMarta• Anal• Tome. etth DIED. nom DIN - la Colbert» tow it* ea Friday parch 5th. Ellsbeth A ea. beloved wife of Rjohaed Rewdea. aged 70 no" woo. end 11 data. POE TALK OF THE TOWN. Iry•om the Reporrfasr. Notabool[. tte.'ve • Mie In: a' Ter trete. I sad If. sant 1112 • (Aeon' Await f. Teals' Sats. an' MISk.eu ir'eal 1111.." -Baran. Aa7 roan can earn life who is evorter17 ele(hel. mad M7 man eau tet proper clothing at F. J. Prldh•n'''. ooatemptauon.••d re.11latleo. tkoll.ts abowo by bellows the past week, Imre the heat In design and talsb ever .sea La Gode.aa• Mora Lot'Als.-Tete w additional locals ria eases 4 mid 6. Mleelo' Gaut. -Tb. weal eatortain- meald Loa don* laessaams, Mielon gni sal r WM M W. April 2a4. ON T111 0sov'D. -The 01111111gaotor for the stand pipe has already $.4 ootwderable material oo the groued reign Iver placing, sad tee every plates bored sad beat, 1t will .sly require rivoltiag to finish the iota. Kart No Lotman -J. H. Edwards left a few snow apples at Tits. Shia xi. ottice last week, remarking that " eves snows would k..p They were oertunly a mce sample, sod evidently kept well to J H. E. 's cellar, Mt they did sot keep long rafter reaching the otboe. Fr cam. --The remains of Mrs. Rtohard Rowdes, who died early on Friday morning. were towered Is Colborne cemetery os Sun- day afternoon in promos of • large number of relatives .ad Friends. The funeral took place from the resides** of her husband, lot 7. oo0 4, E I)., Colborne township. Vrr H•aci ('LPs.-Tbe followtog N orm were made at the weakly Most of rho (*Hand Gen (lab an nide) atternees. Nantes 100 20C Total. W. Wallies .1 23 - 45 C. Raid 21 6 - 27 A B Demons 38 31 - 69 W. Ratans 42 19 - 61 Jae Andrews 38 10 - 48 Tu We test. Cts. - last Thursday the ptenidest of the (Aliases' Commute, drew Tot SIGNAL'. &noon= to • ohtrp. which he mad was that of a blue my, and on Sue - day two p.stlemes reported having Mose robins. The advent of these birds at the bevinntng a Msroh is said by the old inhab- itants to foretell an early spring, and tee then is every likelihood of plenty of work this ceases, oar residents should be plowed with the sites. Orrt.•1At. VintT.-R. W. Bro. Dr. Shaw, of illation. D. D 1:. M.. Masonic district No 4. officially visited Maitland lodge No 33 A. F. and A. M. ori Tuesday evening The W. 18.. A. S ..hryst•1 proodod and then was a large •ttend•noe of members. The 1) i) e&wfwork in the first and expeerad kaascelf a:sss.d with Maitland. After olos- ang, an hour was spent in the supper room, toast and sentiment prevailing. 1..):NOw'tstioth.--Th. Kinet'■ !laughter. .ckaowl.d*e with thaske the (ollowaag ow- tnbotioca . A friend. 112: Mine McI)oog all, $1 and parcel of clothing ; cletbisg from Mn. R. (:. Reynolds, Mn. Fforeoe Horton, Mrs. John (' Martin, Mrs. R S. Chilton and Mrs. Wm. Proudfoot. If friends of rho cause wish to help with clothing their oontribat4oes will be tank - fully received. Kindly drop a hard addtam- .d to Mrs. Hays, Goderioh P. 0., and par cele will be mat for. READ : --Carne Mamma, Shadow of a ('rime. Son of Hagar : Craw- ford -Adam Jobsctooe, Greifenstein ; Doyle - Rodney Stour. Surgeon Cectorfell ; Cora li-Thelma, Sorrows of Stan : 7aotwill- (AUdrw of Ghetto, The Maser ; Crookett- Momb.ge, Lilac Sunbonnet ; Jek.i Timer - Two Worlds ; Woods-P•mast from Soot 1•ad Yard, Nlsh% of Ik.i3r• ; Warden - World's Mercy, Greve Lady Jam ; Hardy - Trumpet Major, Meyer CL/erbridge ; W ey mos - lady Rothe ; Winans -Marto Lisa ; Bek.o- - Pero (,arise ; Pamir -Trail of the Sword, Born and his People ; Meare- Hather Wates; Bdwsrds-Archie Lovell: Ssrgest-Idol Maker, and others .t the Maohanies' Institut! The membership fes is sol Y 111 ow esmO. Titre TRANI Ma Doxos. - Moved by A. J. Moors. ea behalf of the teachers, see - waded by aim L. Hoes, es behalf of the student*, that this Society, repr.tcsstiat the tweets aid robelara of the Gderioh Collegiate Isattate, Ia.ma tearsed with n very gat grss4*.sllos that Mrs. Adamson has doted to the Board of Trustees the cum ot $1,000 for the purpose d heading two ioholanhips, to a awarded mnualiy to yw+i:a .< Na l'.la.t. That IM Sala, takes this, the earliest. .p srtauy of etpr..enag peblt.ly sod pleaiag em rased, let, lie grateful sod bora sppeasiatiso a the kiad amuse that Mrs. &.domes has Inns Moira 1a me s.Md sod ine es.ssrage- moat Inst she ►ao gives to beth sonolsr sad toss►ere ; $od, the Wag oesviotios that she am roodsred s well timed sad val- uable morel's sot merely to this school, bet also to the mime of teonadary edsc•tion is the Cooney sod the Prey -ham generally ; 3rd its a reset hope that the generous example which the Moor boa set may be followed from time to nmw by others who are pompous .d of the mums t. M so, sed that she may long M spared te ms the bowfin resulting from her thestkful sad psbtb-spirited ltb- grshty. (The ahoy* vote of thanks to tors. Aaiamsea was paged at the meeting of the Goderich Collegiate 1netatute Literary Sa- mmy so Fridar'vain's. Mier. 5 (:Ot1.m7rtan ,oa Tut Farms. --The pas- tw el Nosh -ea. Methodist aareh preached ss able sermon last Sunday omen* on the 1ada femme ya.etton,taktag ss the groand- Work of his abject the Bible story of the great soya yes' femme is Egypt. A Plot oolleoties was Wien up white amounted to 1100,00. Tits Sew saw mill of Um God.rsb Lumber Co. is betag repaired. so as to be ready to start c• thm season's work early We believe the cemps.y has some- thing like four million feet to ntaauhotur.. Marlowe Hand is using kis iay.ative power in mos ening the mill, es as to he able to oe: stook sposemieally. LITERARY Merv. -At the last remm»: alesting ot Collegiate Imaltate Literary esosly th ollowifig ragman was present- ed : Address, A. J. Moore, ii. A.; address. S. Becket ; uatru ms'W, Urs Stewart : roottatiou, Mi.. Vtviss ; readier, J. Netted; aaitr.m' selections, Mie Dickeeo ; Patna mated, Mie Nattel ; media. J. Jeok0U ; question drawer, H. 1. Strang. B.A ; God Save the Queen. SERIEis-. Ns IT YnatiATu.-Rev. A. C. Crewe, of Toronto. I:uers! Secretary of the Epworth League Association in Canada, will womb at both ,ervioss is North Street Methodist church next Sunday. H. will alae deliver a lecture on Monday evening. to which the Y.P.S.0 K. of Knot ohnrch, and the E. L ot (' R of Testeris Street church have bre specially invited. All will be mad. welcome- Rev. Mr. Crewe will also attend the E I. of C. E. 000vestion at &re- torts on Tuesday. A Bet: NIGHT. -The mom .t the West at ring on Monday Dight were the best we have ever seen In Goderich, and the mus- ing ea . whole was of the moist please.' dm. oriptios. There was • lar*e attesdasee 0oastd.rtog the miserable weather, and all presort admitted they had their mooe)'5 worth, as the racing was exoeedthgly good, and all things pared pleasantly. Ther. were 9 entries for the race and they were divided into two ssoticas,tbe wieners being Elliott, Wtaghama, ]e.. Burnside. Einar dice, Geo, Elliott, %V1114babi sod C. Gnf • nth's, God.ncb. The final beat was well contested sad atter s spirited 8at.b the speeders cams in to the above order. There were throe prude. the Lt being 112, 2nd $8 and 3rd 15. PHas'tot.ot;y.-Tbe last these weeks wit- nessed the /arrival snd work of I'rof. Welch, who d.senb.d himeelt se • phr.sologut,and whom busman it was to read huniao heads Daring his stay in tows he picked out the bumps of hundreds of our rendes» at has parlorrs at the British Exoheng. Hotel, and in public. manipulated the craniums of a number of our leading oitueus. It as said th.t the chartl given to those who were priv- ately examined are really good to every is - u nhook For this, however. we cannot vouch, as it is only hearsay, bat that the examine - time mod. to :public gave evidence of won- derful discernment of character or great pbrenoingmoal gifts (we don't know which), there can be no dispute, as the persons whose idio.ynoracis., religious features and Wiriness methods were of ly outlined were all well known •o the audiences pres- e nt ea all 000asioas. A Wool. Atw)rT OraaLvta.--THE NAI. has for veers been said for iia ewe - plebs and excellent stook of stationery toe printing purposes. Oar stook is always fresh, as we re -stock our shelves four or five tiaies, and .om.tiu.es oftener, during the moron of • year. At present we hays os band over 60,000 a.velopes u aims and qual- ities 'suitable for all business purposes, over 50,000 note heads, latter heads, bill beads, statements, eta , folly 50,000 Dards and tioketa, of various stem in oolors, tins and white, whit. •'d oolored cardboards, white, colored mad tinted papers, fine low papers, fine 'tapers for cicalae and general use, also • complete stook of "At Home" invitation*, wedding invitations, wedding .os.anos- mmtra, wedding cake boxes and woddisg Dards. nailing cards in all t81a now dotes - the beat goods only handled, besides ship- ping cgs, envelops tars. sad ev.rythiog .les calculated to most the wants of oar aastomeeu. Neat printing and reasonable prices always go slag with oar stock. McNTHLr Moonrise. -The regular month- ly m stent of tb. (lodenob Collegiate In- stitute w sell w Thursday afterueoe. press Jsssph Williams. obairmse, R. L Doyle, F. Jordon, J. H. Colborne, sod Job' Aofaees., and I.. Un ud Taylor. A somber et secants were read and ordered to be recd. A onmmunioatioo from the Minitran of Palmation drawing •treaties to sooaies » 31 to 35 of Regsletila., and os. from Mime McLellan asking an increase of Firel Fire! I am prepared to offer BIGGEST BARGAINS ever offered in Heron for damaged Roods which will be cleared oat at any price that can be got. SPECIAL FIRE SALE BARGAINS fn' Qessout and Hand Flaws, Cutlery, 8ks's., Sil- verware. SpeslacMR mea A. McD. ALLAN. OM a , war. road &pediments e1 Miss liolel1. was laid ever tel. nut asap. A oumalaate•tte• was read item 0.erww i Preudfoot re. Adamsta srel•n fps. shy sso»esary papers tad • aeons bee am t5e•eand dollars Wag oneloa.d . Moved by Lk. Taylor, seconded by loba Atetaw.that the chairman and secretary elite the deed and anis the Board's Wheel seal. Owned. Moved by F. Jordan, se.oaded by Judge Dolle. that the abalonen and semabrr a- vast the maguey as soon as pesstbl., accord Int to terms of gilt, sad that to the meow Woo it be deposited to • savings bask. Car- ried. Moved by 1)r Um, seconded by F. Jerdas, tact the Hoard acksowledp with mush stiafsotton the reosipt of as theme - ad dollar. from Mrs. Peter Adaatsoa,gtves by berfor the purpose .1 founding scholar- ship. in 0000eeYoa with two of the classes is the Collegiate Ieetitst* ; the Board have mesh Masers in piecing epos mooed an ex- pression of thou gratitude sad medial thanks to Mrs Adam.00 for this handsome gin, ad their allot that oho ha. be this act of generosity rendered important aid to the ease of hinter *Aeration 1n our town. Thy oossider an sedownwot of this &lad fitted `to encourage tcsobers 1• their ardu- ous work. and to furnish iso.atives b stay oo the part of .'bolero, and S pro- mote is other important aspects the bitterest of the school to which its given further- more, it is a .ouros of great satiatactloa to the Board to know that these .01elershlps will permanently sssooi•te the nam. ot Mrs. Adenoma's late husband with an isetit.Ltoa in w) bah he was .ver fully interested mad on behalf of whioh he rendered.ftioient service tor may t'sare. both es a member and an offi4a1 of this Board. Carried. The Board testi ad ionrawA. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT YsieIra. Feb. 91. INF. Pall Wheat told, Floor. family. per ewe.... Moor, meat. per .wt Brim, tan.. S horts, 0 tea Oats.* bash Poe», lbw*. Old Hay, • ton Potato»', IF bush . Bettor, Bags resh unpacked. O dol Wood...._ ............-.._ Rides Pelts Lamb -Slane H▪ am. warn .. ..................., (asses. aur 1b .......... ......... 0 t•o 073 3 00 to 2 00 125 to 110 11 00 Vol! 00 1 50 all On 17 to 0 1R 16 to 035 00to8ro 15 to 0M 12 to0l3 10 to 011 00 to t 50 Irl to 500 t0 to 50 50 ton 00en50 90t1a0 09 to 10 10to014 11 te 0 11 TO ADVIRTIBERS. Notice of changes malt be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be lett not iater than Mon il•y noon. esanal Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Situations Valait GENERAL SERVANT WANTED IM- medi•tely. Apply to MRS. A. M. POL LEY. It AGOOD IAPABLF. GIRL WANTED to do house work. Plass mast on the Itch of AKiL Apply to MRS, MoGILLICUD- DY. 77 R'mot -a. GOOD RELIABLE BOY WANTED - one from the ooantr) proferred. D. K. BTr1ACIIAN. Meohl0let and ltaaokamith. Ooderfeh. tett. Blteyolle Livery 1\T EW BICYCLE LIVERY AND Ra - 11I pair Shop. met door to Sallow. Photo Gallery. Montreal street. Agents for " dist Single Tube Tires. Good wheel. always on hand. Repairs promptly attended to Bicycle . hadriee on hand tar tele at lowest pnoes. JOHNSTON t HUNT. 11.11°... t Tenders Wanted. SEALED TENDERS WANTED. is Ike mater of '• The Misses rate,. Mil s- ers. !*eolrrwls. Sealed tenders for the Millinery stock of t he above win he received by to ap to Tuesday. the lith day of March. at 11 o'clock am. at • tate on the Dollar. Stock is valued zl $079.10 as per tnrentory. Stook list and stock may be sees es sepllestion At Sheriff's olnoe. Terms cash It O. REYNOLDS. Dopy. Sherd, 13-11 Assignee. TENDERS WiLL RE RECEIVED Al this oam for the purchase of &fie..s shares of said up.took of the Henderson Bi- de Company, imited. F $100.10 each. Reese for sellares ing the owner le engaged he other beldame sed requires the money. The .ares can be divided townie purchasers. This is an opportunity to mem, some of the stock of a goof home conessi approaching the next si spa's bathos. 11.3 Marla(. Lies.N/. WLANE ISSUER 01 MARRIAGE . Uos..es. Godorioh.Omt. rally Tonsorial Argot. T FRITZELY. TONSORIAL ARTIST, d Bus and 0518 m baths on prera Ilea sac emery ether require - meet serofelled to sad sae but nom petant bonds a oyed. Williams' old stead. !1 ci.ea'i sew block. next door to British Rx Mango Rota tf Mottos to Creditors. N OTIC. TO CREDITORS. Jr. hatter of thsre Town of Elisa- beth t, Ns Ike I.rfA Yntes, qq,, COIttaw of Heron. MilU.: rs carrying en bwherss wAder lb wase -.OW: and Are o/ •' The Misses Tads.' insolvents. The above named ilea vas have made an osd(ament to me.ender Hie provisions of -An Aet rege't't ins Arlgeme• 10 for to hrwedt of Or,dltort, • bsieg Chap. 194, R.H.O., INC. A -nesting et the Creditors of tete said Debtors will he held to mi ages In the Court boos. is the Town .f ciepsrSeh. at Eleven e'cloes m tom anon. tbanon. ee nudity. the Eighth day of Marsh. 111. for the •ppolatesewt of In- spectors sad the gfvise et di eettoue with me- te the disposal olfathe eaet0. Vella. ae'"ni tto be w :`IIs mtee p�iek� of shim. pro♦++ bf wmdavlt 8505 dove- I. card Olen roeehoee tee tbs awes ad- • /t. Y. err lent. �e�. as. set N thew. Rte' IRON aid WiNN . .. . ewuonsssal ��is�kmi0 wsh�l M. Imre. VW -Caw M.yedyas1s wb#0yowtoy_ ar 11 s moan oft rie WIL8OWe' PROSCRIPTION NTORx - 1 . M e SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WINTER GOODS FOR THE NEXT THIRTY GAY. The Cost not considered when we want to reduce our stock. Dress Goods at Half Price. Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, kc., at Iowa than Manufacturers Prices, Men's AU -Wool Frieze Ulster* frau $4.00 up. Men's Snits from $3.00, Boys' Suits roan $1.00 up. Flee our Good. and Pricer, and compare our value -t with other stores. JAMES A. REI D. Jordan's block, 33rd Dec., 1tt96. BLACK CHERRY BALSAM 9.808187 relieves end cure. • coati !lathier better is the market - • - Our CHINOi'% HOIST Col'"H CUR' SAMSON'S CATARR1AL poWDSRs Kt allgat Ole Qtldren-Inc wItMlMswrr--tOw T' K rTH ArII E GUM ---- ACME COUGH DROPS ---- .. i as the this( RosSLA ND GOLD MINE STOE<K are paying Hum Prodts. Try 100 shares to one of thou•:-0nowdrop. .c damn= sad Rossl•od Co. t5*. - hoadead Gold elaieg and Iles elopement Co. l Mayor Viennese. nt•nagert, 10r. These are ell tdolag. Invest cow. W. C. 08.901)8. Agent. W. C. GOODE, Redford Plock. STOP THAT COUGH by using DUNHAM'S COUGH MIXTURE a pleasant and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, etc. For sale only by F. N. DITNHAM Druggist. 118 ted Traveltog Guam GRAND TRUNK 1tAlLWAY. MUSTS. Yale Knows -.• Man and Express Mall t.d Express Y li sad Bone» n maPAI T. known on applioiaties to the Vsdor.:ionone ors and •t the time °f rle. TKRES :-Ten per Dent down at the time of sale. and the balance in one month thereafter. For further particulars apply to the Auc tioseer. or to to Validate Solicitor.. 10.50 am THOMAS GI'NDRY. CAMERON. HOLT. 1.l5 0.m. Auotloseer. R HOLMIiO. 7,20 p.m. Dated 10th Match. 1157. Vendor's Solicitors to 5eppa hiORTt.Atee. SALE OF VALUABLE FARE LANDS IN TOWNSHIP OF ABHFIELD. Under and by clrtn of the powers of tale 715 am. S34p,m ! p.m, Agents Wanted. WANTED - INTELLIGENT MEN with goal education to whom *ess.00 and expense. for the fleet year would be ID In dominant. :Prite with full particulars. THE MANAGER. 49 Riohmosd-et. West. Toronto. Oat. ITER MAJESTY'S DIAMOND JURI- le. merles " Queen Victoria. Her Life and Reign Late every home. Perseus who n ever sold books take order. fast. Prefer* the most eloquent of i.nrd DalTerio'. achieve - taros. No look so highly praised. We need room coo)s.MersFay to make 115.00 to re 00 a *reek. Rooks on time. Prospectus fee to canvassers. A trial will Best nothing, and It mar fill your empty pocket hook. THE BRA DLEY-GA RRESTON CO. LTD.,TORON- TO. ONT. /gusto. (ISS ANNA L. SHAW, TF.ACHF.R 11711 of Music and Theory -experienced Corse- Eleia and Wellesley Streets, God. rich 21 Legal Bales. AL'CTION SALE OF FARM LANDS iN TRE THE TOWNSHIP Ole ASH Fi01.D. Pureusst to the power of tele oonWasd in • certain Mortimer hear'ns date the 99th day of April. A.D. 1961 sae. made hy one John Mc Loretto. and an Assignment theme(. dated the etr8xtt dmn day of August A.D. 11161. and which will be pnred at the tie of sale. thesill be s byold pub'Ioauction at Young's Hotel. Kinu81. in the Township of Aahtleld. la the County of Heron. hy John Knox. Auctioneer. at 12 o'olork, norm, on MONDAY THE 5th DAY OF API6IL A. D. 1957, the fallowing vlushie }roper's. namely' The West Half of Lot Number Thirty ream. W. 1, 3b. pw Pro,* Coneton. North of Town Plot. in the Western Division of the said Towaehlpp� of AidnieMmi . et■Shing he admeate umlaut Elgbt, -Two APB Aare, of land. more or less with free access to the solo West half of the said Tat over and across the RAM half of said 1st. on the South .Me thereof for all per n eoe. horses. carriage.. wegess and other Mn above property le %ttnete within 1 mile, of ;Osten. Ti ranee of Goderleh. 12 miles from Ripley. sad 14 miles from Loekanw. The sod la a geed May loam. The hnlldinies consist of a (ham* Home. 14 story. Burt and Kltrhen. iStll. a (task Darn. with stable underneath iSxl. The property la w Il /*need and is well watered. Tbe property will b. sold subject to • re - . erred bid. TERMS ---Ten per meat. down and the hal ante within see month thereafter Per further Mrtlenlene apply to the Auc- tioneer or to the Ve oder. Solicitors. JOHN E1IOX. CAMERON. HOLT t Aueelesesr. !ACNES. Dated Nth Mateo. Ill. Vender's nollofters, AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM 8.ANI)5 iN rum TOWNSHIP 0/ COLBORNE. Putman' to th "sow of sale /sateined In two errtain Marrtgds meds to the Yonder'*, bearing date respeellyste the lath day of Mora. UM ad lie 11th day of Marsh. Ler end tibial w01 M 5.edeeeed at the time et i�tts�.., lbws wan M *Nd ler public ee0ba at e osdre'c Anodes k.asre os lest (..levee Set we le wtrhwee,?ewe of Gedortebt. to the Omni, of TU*DAT, THE iltk DAT Or APRiL. A.0. 1f(l, M M e'eleet, neer try T►usas •snarl A.stioss ro.rthe fettewtrt yala/afbleantgarter et 75001!47. .and Zi � Ralf Bre *1 at i vrer Cour mad the Pr Provisos Orant7../r tutO- b/ edmweatemurt Severty.Ftvu .i* t,p. gt I•iltu/e .Use' t .0 ta- 0 edl ie •le olds 10118 f ffe L we0- 4d �•bleaoogs. t)Mrtlgt>R sad abetand Is woes Inaba fargilmoN:LO Of contained in two mortgagee gives by the Tate Joshua Willie and which will he produced .t the sale. there will be sold at public .1Niob by Thomay fluttery. •notioneer, at Mallough's hotel, I)ungan0on. SATURDAY, THE 17th Or MARCH. ta7. aatrwman tyeaSi11 I.*,. 10s following valuable Ta Wect half of the North half and the North half of the South halt of lot number O 1n the fourth contvwalon of the Re•teradivl sjon of the Township of Ashfield. oontslning onethnndred acres of land. more or ler. Ths property is nearly all cleared. wet - fenced and fit for oa;rlvation. There are 9 acres a Pall wheal tied seeded down. 12 Scree of Igor meadow and about Ib acres in pasture tiad it acres orchard The hulldinem consist ed • Frame barn 56x3*, shed and hay barn Rtx36, hes-house. sheep hones and hog pen 50t15, on post.. Frame house Ex32. one and a Alf stories and kitchen 16,21 with stone cel- lar. Tbe land is well watered by the Nine Mine River. sad r situated a miles from Daa- cannon. 12 miles from Oodmch and about 5 miles from Port Albert. The soil .a • t,lay loam and In good condition. There are two wells with pump. -one at house and [heather 1t tarn TERNS : 10 per centdown and the halane* within 30 days from the date of sale. when p .esc•sion will be given. Thee will be. reserved bid. Dated at Goderich this 90th day of February 1867, GARR0W It 1'ROt'UFO(Yr. 107{, Vendor's oat -tows. \ECUTOR.s SALE. of VALUABLE VA FARM LANDS. /a tk. Mailer ofMtPal,sle of tet 1..,I, Ruth Oaitri,s. I k.va,. d. There *til he 'old by public •union .t Mal - lough'/ hotel in the village of Dungannon 1n the coca of Huron. nn SATURDAY the 13th DAY OF MARL 11.1f1E. at 11 oolock noon. by John Knox, auctioneer. the following valuable farm property. namely; Part of lot number eight fronting on lake Huron and North of the Town Plot In the Township of Ashfield.ln the ('or;nty of Huron. . ordaining hy •dmemerement. eighty.two acres and richt-tenths of an scre,mcre or less, and partienItrly droribed i • deed noted the tOth day of Angus•. A. D. 1952. fruuu o0e John Jeffry to the I W ,ieorge (febrile. The soil i. gond. On the land there is • Mme hens V. • frame kltcbeu 12x15 sad • frame tarn 28h30. _ Then 1e over an acre Of good orchard. Now Illaelsine Shope. About 22 .err• in gond hush. 'A acres are -- . -• - - -- cleared THE SIGNAL : OODERICH ONT.. THURSDAY. MAK 11 18'7 5 SEASONABLE GOON; Areall here sew. and daring the week we la mrd to hat • them al atFtaalte•1 We have • particularly One aeon meat la NISRFUME14 \[IRRORS and NANCY TOILET (GOODS �IfPES: CIGAR CASES SMOKEtta' SUNDRIES We would invite e5 11 person to look through our stook. and see If the Hoods and Prices are not right 1. E. DAVIS, 1'hi. 1'. Druggist and Optician. For nate or To Reit. FOR SALE -OLD BOARD1NG-HOIJ$ ' on .Sttri1) s Palos- to he removed b7 p�► chaser. Tenders will tis reMilved before >ela of March hy ERNf8T HEATON. barrage. Gode.ricb. highest tender mot Seoeasaril7 •e• osptei. FARM FOR SAL18 1 am Instructed to offer for sale one of the 100 acre farms In the County of Huron situated within 7 miles of Ooderich. The farm has not a foot of waste land on It and the soil is a rick clay loam tree from all obnoxious weeds. The buildings are first class, consisting of a Mme house with stone foundation snd cellar, kitchen. woodshed and all neoesery outbuild- ings. A frame baro. 52E4, and cedar tarn, 28 x50..11 in good repair. There are two acres of orchard. 11te farm has bees in gram for the past twelve years, and r situated within a mile of post-oMce, echool and church. It as fenced by an almost new hoard fence around the front and side, and the balance by rails. A spring creek and wells supply abund- ance of water. No encumbrances now on the property. Price 7t 000. For terns end further particulars apply to LOFTt'M R_ DANCEY. Sar 1. t[17. Ooderich. Ont. F()R SAIL OK TO RENT -FOIA SALE or to rent. the dwelling oo Nelsoe st. st prevent occupied by 9. Hmeeth. It contains 15 rooms. Including drawing root,. dining room. parlor and kitchen, and has a library.• number of closets. pantries and • good .Y. There is halt an acro of lard tastefully planted with shrubs and fruit trees• and an excellent lawn. Apply to F. sup:17s w the pre- mises. hFl)R SALE -LOTS 69 AND 70 Hutchinson's Survey In to Town of Ooderich, upon which is erected • nice dwetl!- Ing house. Also lots numbers Is and 19 Rich'» Sury Ooderich. containing 2 acres. upon which le situated a romfortablr house. ant there !salsa • good orchard. Also the feet belt of the North all of lot S. lake Range Conoessioo of the Township of Ash0eld. Western division. iJated nth September. Hist. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT A 1101.1/868. Goderich Mei tf VALUABLE. i'ROPERTI FIR SALE -situated in the nest business centre la Goderich. The property-outprisee two dwellings. one well-equipped grocery store, one up-to-date machine and blacksmith shop. Reasons for selling. lack of railway aceom matatlon. Clear title can he given. A spies dM ranee for the right matt. Apply to i), K. ST1tA('HAN on the premises. 61-14 VALUABLE. TOWN PROi'ERTY FOR BALI --The brick residence overlooking the river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. Mael)ermett earl.. Master In ('haneery Oe of the most valuable and desirable pro - parties la town. 2. The two.eloeey frente dwelling house oh South street Immediately adjoining the Brit- ish Etcange Hotel..•t present occupied by Mr. Andrew Waddell. b The dwelling house end •dtoining grounds near the 0. T. R. station. formerly ooeupled by the Late Judge Tom.. Priors and terns of payment reascn•We. ap- ply to OARROW R YROt'UFtttyr 70.11 Solicitors, Ooderloh, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 1 have several very fine building los for tele-sohnble for the erection of dwelll5R houses, L. E. DANCEY. January U. mal. It Sar' i.. -i .t 7 acres is dash. rc: ase are fairly goad. The above property will be sold subject to • reserved M.1. TF:RMA to ser cent on the day of sem mad the h.l.nce a 30 day. Por norther partlenlar, apply t0 John M, Roberts Esq.. 0, :motor. Uuagenoon. to the auctioneer or to the vendors' solicitors. Dated lath F.bru.•y. A U 81V;. CAIIKIU)N. HOLT It HOLMES. :adore' Solicitor'. JOHN KNOX. A.0880..er. 91t AUCTION SALK OF VALUABLE AOTEit PROPERTY. Under ata pursuant to the power of sale ossmlosed is a certain mortgage mite to the yeast's. sold hesrin1t date the Prot day of NOT - Maher. A. D INIR. e will be held bf pabllo swathat BHama Hotel :n the tuw0 of Oederrh In the Comity of Hous. en Monday the lith 4*y of March, A. D. 1B/f, at I! o'clock aaM h John Rex, auoSiesew the lew. IsS galena. pep lye namely •11 And efoltntu- lar that ewlstn teasel or trent la js5.04 feeler inn? th.nd Toandwn M r tb. (tsonty 04 Haven and No •1888 iM flaerte and being omwpo»e•d of Bot 10H i ..,Jmg • boy te the saTow..4 malliomm eta eewter of an ams of tM above p.e•.rty thugs time a .roe eras two MIMF 11231111s Mal t kssw. s 'he "O eta Mum.' - r - rR -remit. Yew 1 itigo rroan. 0 dahg roam gad *Mg Tbs r aro 0 ?rams s1 8s w *Micah: *Ns. Tia hetet le w•S situated geed is/Ouse rillt1a Rr1es .a oedeeteh, ad does a geed The pt 80701 a mast to dein. al tae tam*waded 1'hJ17�ar.seswt ce m""r Is on our t}�7see rte t�jytr st �w10'M "�./�esesS `fttih-,- af_ be tb5 awe ,peon laso:.aabn e . I ` NNW MACHINSBHOP$-ALS. KIN 8)ti en' Inman Werk doe at bl. Priers, Farming L„pletnent. for leery, .ens end second hand. Itnngbt sed scald. Mottoes and Hailers for tate. Stand lutea old wagon shop. corner VIrterinmd Trafalgar Streets J. BAXT8R RUNO1MAN 5314 Loan and /a11MR/ Ocelots. [1 18 NOT WHA1• YOU EARN, BUD L WHAT YOU SAYE. MAKES YOU RiCH. THE HURON AND RPtiCE LOAN IN V MSTMMNT (\ MPANY Souenoba-Cam�roa, Holt and Holmes Draernw. -Interest ()ompenad every wt inosthe as four per oral. per •5.55,1. on some from ea* r.o1►ar upwards wtlltgnd It to Lot we May fo sea see ell. isoms(se twee tliptowllheet edellaa�y os tbs eeeae*y .f see1pMwy vtl kF s w tsllei�i. w oes ulowed an itwu Ream at ~mew -•pies AORAOB nowrow, 1. A. (I0LBOBi1M MssaSSS. Peados*. F. S PL•111tG MIL1 SASH. DOOR AND RLIKD P6070RY. 1ybe Ihie ogeoneaty es mama lie era 1 ..m atm L the sesta... tba rumors de Mem fraemammy. t wort is neS e ao f)ea e rte : r.L'faeef.:.. ed bntldtat mNwrg. sea r Wh,end 15.5. a Mining♦. 1. N2RrR. MMM.'Jekr ems 1M