The Signal, 1897-3-11, Page 44
at $igul,
ST It. llN.u.aam *
Me of Publication -41 sed 10. `(ortarrees
6ederleb, Ontario.
Terme of Nhserdpel•e r
Oise swath, la advaaw .a f
Theme months. .. .... se
1!s M
Oa• year, •• 1
use as Tsar Lisboa.
Y o.v label 1a • .needing receipt of eke daft
e whloh you are paid up. Om that It is not
allowed to fall Into •resr.
When; a okaaas of address to desired. hots
the old and the new oddrer sboeld he eves
Advertising tete..
Legal sad other casual advortleome•t•. 10°
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her each subset/um; In•arttoa. Measured by
• narturpu�ed e.•siw
[�•ls•ss oarde et six Imes and under. fill per
Adv.ortfsemeets et Lora. Found Hirsyed
'heti.'. Vacant. 8ttu•tiuns anted and
Sadness Chances Wanted not exceeding 1
Maar 0oapanll 1t per month.
Houses on M. and Parma on Sale. not t
eoosc4 / [ters, 11 for fires month. PO. Por sub-
s anest mnn•h. Lar,r.•r eelv•o. le ptopurtien.
Any spwcld notice, tbo object of which Is to
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word, no potions ler them 1*0.
Local notices in ordinary reeding type two
sena per word. No mottoe for Ions thea 30c.
N,ttcee for ehurohr. and other reltgtone end
benevolent lost at w tow heal rata
auhwwrlher who fall te receive Toe ewNAL
_ smut. by malt. will a .afar • favor by '.-
_caiao • Lai.•` tarty •n diatom
r.Nteh.r'. aisste..
J. 1'. la Tomei. of Ooderlch. ham bees ap
pantod Local Travelling Agent for the town -
Willis of Ooderich. Colborne. Ashfield and W-
Looal postmasters over the dt.uiot aro also
empowered to ren. se subseriptlotu to Tus
Steri s i
All commnntoatioop be addressed
Tans sten'',
mashes. nail* Ad•etob Ont.
.000tuoH. THURSDAY. MAR 1. las;.
-The Tories. are now saying that
the appointment of Dtt'LIN was to
get the devil out.
-The Quebec Provincial electrons
will be held on May 11. Already
some of the candidates are running
short of adjective*.
-If the GAhROW resolution be con-
strued literally, the phrase, "God help
the office -holder," will be very appli-
cable to all who squint et Local poli-
-A Papal ablegate on his way to
Canada. Well, it won't do any harm
to have some one take the first fiddle
out of Mgr. LAN GEv,N'd hands. de
has been making discord long enough.
--The unanimity with which the so-
ocalled Powers want Greece o back -
down on the Crete question is only
equalled by the unanimity with which
Greece and the Greeks say they won't
-When the appointment of
CHARI.ET DEVLIN is brought up in the
House won't ole! Sir CHABLM I roll out
the independence of Parliament act
with a vengeance. And he will be
right in doing so, Avon if a trifle in-
---The Opposition in the Legislature
are not pitting up a strong tight, and
there is * well-defined rumor that an
effort will be made to put E. F.
CLARKE, M. P., in the Opposition
leadership in tete room of T. P. WnIT-
NtT, M PP.
-The Court house Square makes
an excellent cow pasture these days.
Tuesday. when the 'osise court wan in
full blast, ;toil while the lawyers were
" shearing the sheep " in the court
room, the cows hats a good time out-
side on the sward.
-At a meetingli,f the executive of
the West Huron Reform association,
held in (Loderich Saturday last it was
decided to hold a Reform convention
in Dungannon. Friday, May 21.
An effort will be insole to make it the
largest and most sucoeasful convention
in the history of the association.
-The impression lief of abroad
that that respected Patron, JoatpN
HATe0CY, ;MPP., and his followers
in the Legislation. lean towsrti the
Government, but their attitude when
the diviron hell rings would never
give an onlooker that impression. On
the last division eleven ont of the
fourteen voted against the Govern -
Went. and Brother HATOO(m led the
-The temperance question it a
sligbty hard one to deal with, and it
will continue 10 he a difficult one so
inns as act-ea/led temperance then al-
Iow thasneelves to be the 'shuttlecocks
d party politica. The liquor ma7;
assays homed in him oontemtton .fin
yen ase hank upon his vote, -bet yaw
RIR Naar tell what the averages taw
«amass teas will do if the poif1101
w is waved We have
both crowds for a quarter o1 • oat - ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS.
fury, and know whereof we speak.
-The Montreal Witness wants
MARTta to onoe more assume the
leadership of the Ontario Opposition,
and lead the temperance cohorts to
victory. Has The Witness never
read of that little speech of MAETa6'a
in Toronto, shortly after the London
bye election, in which he
sawed his
boat with the temperance folk by tell-
ing them that they had fooled hits
once too often f No, MJiarttt. is not
in the leadership clai., any more, and
if The Witness doesn't know it, it's
time it did.
-The Toronto (iiobe has the fol-
lowing editorial comment on the
speech delivered by Mr. Oakkow, M.
PP. for %'.est Huron, on the budget
debate !stet week •
Mr. (;arrow followed. and • beset *bore
could scarcely be made. He bee • tarn
for dissecting the htgh-dowo generalities of
as adversary, and he aril it on thea ma -
MOO with telling effect His vote. and Inas-
nor recoil Sir Oliver Mows!. The key-sote
0f Mr. Garrow's smooch was s demand o0
the Opposition to be mon definite in their
denunciations. He took up woe by ono the
Oppontaoe program of •ttwk, and asked
what specific proof bad ever been put for-
ward lin support of it. Under the item of
*deb.aatrsuoo of justice, for example, he
would wk ,he Opposition when they per
oetvd extravageace and where they would
effect soo0o771ies4 Weald obey cut off am
p.ymente to witnesses in cnmtnal Deere,
which was provided for at • former seseloe
Would t`tev call on the municipalities to
beer • greater share of the hardest, of ad-
ministering immure ` Another oritloism was
:bat there *ere too many officials. Would
the I Ippoeatton point out who were the an-
oeoesoary othicaa1 ! Then were various
claims made as to the 60socal situation of
the Province, but if they admitted the meet
gruesome aocount that had vet Dome from
the other stile of the House as the true mato-
vino, what remained! Wty, it still left
Ontario in • 80.0oa•1 politica anapproaobed
by any other Sr.te to the world Mr. (ar-
row oometruore.t a strong nae in chi, way.
rho Government, he said, nn the last tee
year. had never exceeded the halite of the
upply hall, cad its estimates of revenue had
always been realized -two results that
would be recognized everywhere as marks
f true statesmanship. It did not he with
he Opposition. therefore, to oritaotxe at
this ,tare of the business. When they
honld expend their strength was in •orutin-
sing and att$oking the supplementary bill.
'nay should manifest their policy by mov-
o g to the direction of omtttor down the
tome they object to. After the approprta.
lone were passed with their oonsect they
uld not fairly object to the 8nkumal m•a-
agement when the expenditures were kept
trictly within the •ppropri•ttoos. In like
miner Mr. Darrow demanded • bill of par -
collars in regard to their charge of °entnl-
atton, of partisan sdminiatratio0 of the
0oational machinery, etc.
Mr. Dof
arrow made • spoally effective re.
y to Mr. Howland', dithyrambic lament
ver the decay of Toronto University. Ho
ad described our educational system as
vine at the top. The t'0iversity of Toren -
is pretty lively for • oorpee, Mr. Darrow
id. The foot wee that the University's
able was that the number of students had
ore than doubled within • few years, and
e income of the institution was not equal
the demand, nude upon it. If the lege
.tan would increase the University's rev-
ue somewhat .11 trouble would cease. He
ought that Mr. Howlan."• figure fit ,patch
as not appropriate tow institution which
ad more applicants for its servioee than it
uld fairly s000mmodate.
'1 0
Servers/ w1. •v■ '.alt's-Isiatr.etere
*operated first Coe/realise le
J•..ary la, es said ?I. then.
Stratford, Msob 6 -The board of direc-
tors of the Western Rutter and Cheese as-
sociation met here this afternoon, A. F. Mo-
(.aren, M. P.. president, to the chair. The
other Whalers present were .1. S. Pearse,
London ; Harold Meals, Atrwroliff. El..:.1.
N. Paget, Canby* : John Prsin, i.rras-
ton : John Connolly, Porter's Hill : R. M.
B•liantyne, Stratford : .1. A. James, Niles -
town, and the secretary, J. W Wheaten,
Ssews. Inspector Millar was also pre-
Mr Wheaton tendered his rearnstion ae
sexy-treas. of the association to ease offs°•
Aprll 1st when be 'some@ the basioess
m•nagem•ot of " Farming- Toronto, the
well-known Agrioultural lourosl. George
Handy. Brantford, was appointed to soc-
oed him The following reeolutioe, which
speaks well for the work which Mr. Whea-
ton has done since becoming secretory of
the We.tero Itasoo*tion in 1892• was moved
by Harold Reek, 2nd viae -president, and
se000ded by 1. S. Pe•rce,let vice president,
rid was minted unanimously : " That while
we exoeedingly regret the resignation of
Mr. Wheaton as seoy.treas. of the Western
i)•itymen's aseom•tion, we, as direotore of
this anoeiotion wish to tender him our
hearty and mincer. thanks for his able .od
of ioient eervioes dunes the pest A.e years
and we further wish him every "noose in
his new pallier and ;voo.tien."
As the expenses. of the past few years
shows mon instructive in the factories is
the best methods of making Eery cheddar
Obese. is urgently needed.•ter aorta
will therefor, be made daring the meting
memo b7 the •ssoo*tion along the 11tw of
improvement in quality. The board will
engage 3 inuIruoter* for the coming omens.
'I . R Millar, Kisosrditw, was appointed
chief iwtreotor and will have immd1*
charm. of the territory North of the maks
line of the (1. T. R. between Toronto and
Sarnia, and will look ahoy She proesoutiy
of tartan for temporise with milk is the
v %ole of the distrtot leaked after by she ae-
seoaUne The territory teeth of the 0. T.
R. will M divided Into se Seseers ad
Warm seethe. James Ilenteek Re.-
/rye, wee Waft-
ers erotica. midW te(arke, flhakespnss,
fes rester for the Lease cooties. 1. -
spoon, Millar'. week 1c knees to every
maker ie she West sad ends so amemmee-
denMe. The ether he her. Mee est
sew meet seemed& cheese-makese. The
lemones will be sheered $3 er 1 -days le.
1a.st1. or 4 wWh of tae dayy''s dumdum
seek les $10 cad hr tech Micheal day
80 : the .eswhesel M Pty she bravellbea
immerse of the sdreetem A .10.1., /h-
ilt tell partlos me *111 be Rood Se breery-
ewes in • few dye, who ere fegsstd N
sed is *eh sppRealiese M es early date.
The uncmlmles w* be looked efts, by 1.-
*seem WWI woe
M tltlb
pian ee~ef the a acs.. 14.. WS be MY
1h Lad. e. SOIL lilt >b end ILL II
Deal foil te see 111e New Ikea Geode .$
Ai Bt. Pours this week 300 patsies we.
to hely oeesmodee.
Mr. M. G. Cameros will modest the
ei ini ma busman al the Sarum mean neat
Betoss to wises mid wheelers is Werth
et Monodist *at* • week from next Ss. -
day evesi ag-
Robt. Molwan snap} • oar load et
homes from the G. T. R. depot, se *hate.
via N. Y., co Tuesday.
The Uodur*ob Organ Co*" sotNevese eos- work at 7 • at. es Meaday, and w
two Working • day of tea hosts
A tell •ttendaaoe of the aneshe*s •f
Fsrek• Uouacel, No. 103, R. 7. of T. is
regtssed .1 the neat tsees/ of the Cess-
oilea Monday manor.
A geed soya is that el farmers paokiag lea
fee butter making, aid it is said by oar toe
Dutton, that our .grtolaterists haws stared
• way mon than four times their foal
Friday morales between 8 o'olook sad 12
o'olook. towels 94 m by 42 r toe 10a, 16
la ty 36 tae for (w , 12 a. by 19 la. far le.
. soh Loos Curtsies extra ewe $1.36 for
$ 1 00 at Rohtimem's.
Tea Id. B. C. -The members of N*
Hares Worlds Club will inset at the Baas
ball Social Club Realm, West et., Friday
•sewing twit at 8 .'.look for reorg•sts.ltos
wed sad be .Mot delegates to the blood
daisy meettef at Tercets.
A Lamar ADDITeu.. The wife and eve
,bildree of the man 4'arewell,aow in jail on
• obargs of mune awes, have reached Geode
snob, and not begets able to provide them-
selves with led.mtlm. its.• bets diad
under the near• of the misty jailer.
IhroniA.T Marnxu.-Then will he an
Important meeting in the rooms of the Base
Ts Ibis 'dear el Tela sea at.
Huss Sia, -L me of
your rem the 4th host.
1 notion a oumenialisssies is the Dewane.'
mono toedwere MUlld • Weil dented
Rese.ntte' arbor is Weems* .Invest
m m
frobegatne to end.
let -it say* • meet lag ed &skins ekerah
wee held ora Fen 9th. ls* it.t•temeat r
saeorrsot. No meeting of the ou0gre gataos
wbolo 0e that date our to that mn
9md-It •' states that at that amortise
as 11
it w.uved, neoo.d that
ded and oarri
Mtn Wiggins te spees•td organist for the
proems leer. That else is taoorreot No
web •ppotatotent was ever ode bl
OOSSr gatioe al any oeuttt menhir was
such as ten
•pee:atot ever asked for i.y the
sengreca•toa at a , time All *soh ap-
eats are made by the am•..
3rd -It again Wates leer at that reeeti,wa
tits ....los for twatoo•eregatien and
Sabbath school tendered to Nie. W. gtse •
vote ail tbaske as • token of her vslu•bli
servic1 hat is every word tmoornet.
Never at any meeting el the ooegregstloo
did the session request • vote of $kaak. to
Mia Wiggin.. \ether did the oosgregs.
tiss signs, it to be does. .
It also mutes that thus vote of th•aks woe
• taken of tits sepreaists.,n of Warsacristvoluntary s.rv,oe• as orgeart. 11 is
true her *treetops es orgaaat were vnloutary
for eh. wee mover appointed by the serum
e that rea.tloo during that time.
Now. Mr. Ritter, 1 have so fault to 8.d
wife yrur oorre.pos.leat, for i know that if
he had known that any part of the oommuu-
attos wee inoorroot he world not have
seat it to you for puhlacetnm. but I tied
(salt with port. who gave him molt • rid/,
colons oommuntoa1Wn for publao•tt4.n.
Meek tar rue r.. NM geartishasge [.aper. 1 Neale years_
H M Derv.
slab for (1'bnrsdavI eremites. OOOEfACM TOWNSHIP.
The meeting is Galled ler the purposeof or- TUE.•.DAT. March 9.
ganir;ng tor 1897, and all lovers of the game lti . Clio k and family . re Gran settled on
re reeptfulIy requested to aimed. the farm, In thine new hotiee.
Anol'T A Dew. -The Polios Magistrate
erred Frank 5 Hick of Toroat.o spent the first
(tits. part of the week under the pareaeel roof.
rage, Rev. Joseph Mee occupied the pulp., 'LI
mad Zieu Methodist church Irl babftatb after.
Mr. Pickering of r:cn.Y riesling at
the home ..1 Thos. Beattie 8:b non.
wee engaged the greater part of yea
beartny • charge of doe stealing, post
by Wm Blake *meet W. Jeaktoo
ndershle Interest we manifested to the
and at the omission Mr. Seager adjou
It all Saturday for judgment.
THEY sat Code.).-'• The
Dramatic Co. is one of the asset the
ever held the board. of the M
Open Hoer,'' -The Argus, Goldsboro
C., Jan. 1.t, 1897. The above Com
will be at the Victoria Opera House
day, Tuesday and Wedned•y, March
23 and 24.
INVITE) Bart. -At • elag tinof the
dotal Beard of the Methodist obur.yh
week, the Re.. 1. B Wslwin, B A.
popular pastor of the oburob, was giv
• us invitation to become their
ter for .pother year Mr. Wahine aooe t.
d the invitation subject to the @tattoo
committee of the obnroh-Lookoow
Ntasi.y Goy 17. -As the recent at..
of the High Court of Forrester* hal
Niagara, Bros. Durnin, of Dat Bannon, l
Gledhill, Wm. Fisher and Alex. Kober
of Beomiller, Jas. Young. Abburo, end
W ileo., Goderioh, represented this sect
of the Porestrio world. When the gaesti
the pros tor next anneal meeting came
emsGoderioh was proposed with es twee
other cities and towns and cams est ab
on every ballot t111 the last when it w
square teasel between it and Petesborow
which the last named won by 3 votes o
rias showing that the representatives from
Huron Id Durum by Bre uDurumwen.00t Tight
wrens among the hundreds of delegates.
Lttagdoo It Pi rep..r•ed that an Amy .ble 'otter has Men of the 2.d eon makes freyaent trips
e.seser across the fields to the 3rd.
• N A sleigh-riiitng party of voting potpie
easy from Wallace berg, Porter'. RdI and aster
14„,,'")o mdiau p..tnt• Malt • plewst *vowing .t
22.14„,,'")the home of our genial township treasurer,Metalon Metal 2nd
I. -._ -
to Trasoiy. Mar. 9.
eO as We are premed to nee the Rev. R. Head
minaemitopt - eable to orapy the pulpit again.
iwg Or. H H Roma u kept quite basy as
a*0 Mani of oar tnbabit•n1 ars had up with Le
ling Mies Tory Brown of (:odertob, and form -
d to erly of this vinare, •treaded he Sunda
oheo1 l:..aventieu field here. y
inn, The heavy rain on Fnday spoiled oar nice
Jas sleighing, atoll owns to this we will not
Lion hear thaw sweet domes from Codench ee.
goof til more sleirhing Gomes again,
rip Si inAy SriltnL ComortSTlov. -star bah
ty &metal S. S Conv.ttoe held ben on trio
ead 26th Feb. was • moons awing to meet
speaker' being preset, and the well reed.
• In orad music gives by Smiths' Hill C'botr 1m -
lye eluding • quartette.
Tut Glsa tis' Min** -On Friday the
following nnkn ooatestad for the honor of
playing off for the Gibbons' medal, the re-
sult being as follows
No 1 No. 2
W. Wallace J Robinson
A L. Watson R. W Less
W Lane L E Deny
Gpt. Damoey, W. T. Welsh,
skip 18 skip 16,
W. L. Horton Jas. Ciarke
Dr. Shannon R. G. Reynolds
A. Mol). Allan D. Holmes
D. C. Strsohan, C. A. Humber.
skip 13. skip 12
As soon as the loo is is et condition, hissers.
Dewey and Welsh will play the Anal.
ger .
A Goon M ars, vu - -Prof. Welsh, the
phrenologtst, who has been in Godecioh for
nearly three weeks, gave hie lest
lecture in the Temp.rsnoe hall on Tuesday
evening. He has evidently tweeted cor
uidenble interest in town, for, is spite of
darkness, rain, los and where so the. mod,
the hall was well filled with a four propor-
tion of both sexes The sobj•ot of the leo.
tare was " Health and Longevity,' and
was fall of interesting matter to everyone
pre.eot At the aloes of the meeting a vote
of thanks was tendered by the midi/moo to
Prof. Welch for hit excellent looters' de
livered while here. all of which were preeti
r.•(. Pbresology se • soden* has b... lift-
ed to . mnob hither pane t. the minde of
many of our oitiz'os eine' the prehsaor b•@
been in town. H. leaves this week for Sea -
" lerst.r.tats Lowe. --Thio te the title
of • book that has been receiving • rood
dell of striation from orifice of the loading
newspapers across the (las. The author,
Thos. 11 Hawley, is well.k.own to mem is
(Gedah, .rbeing . ora of the lase Hop.
Rloherd Hawley, of Detroit, who sossa years
ego made lledsrioh kis Summer resido.oe.
Mr. Howley, who i. now • prominent Chi-
cago lawyer, as far back as 1867 began his
mans for • resesslag esteem which should
be as macs tad certain is der revolts as
mathematical gr000ss's .re, sod after
twenty-elsht of study and experinsesr
he at Isyth daoovered the Inoosieue sad
wo.drial system wbleh 1. embodied in this
work. Awe after unarm hi daoovery he it to Profs James R. Angell
and .1. W. Tufts, of the University of Gbi- they advised him to writs s beak
about it.
A Rummest. -T.• Bishop of Hero. has
'Admired the foilewag ehoaler M the
nervy of the Demes* of Reran :-DSAa
nauseate, As the fa.eMal year le mer
drawl*/ to a does, I writs to impress yea
with she o
leaf*.''. of M.fsg •11 year es4
lemmas raeliSed to the IMG. •'hoer seem ea
possible. se *as ea* perish raiselm
the n.dls of whatever ofhrte,, h may
meds shreerheet the year. Alter ell chat
has hese said eomeord*g the ends of the
assess, mid the .moony of liquidating our
rrrs�mt sb1Md.em, 1 W111 Wore lm Tear
M�sN� mod mal to d. 011 m year pewee be
wee= systras. sed Brod rneeee,
slimes of yew resole. Illemthill
Iliraidril Wes hs
riddem •f the �,ee.mwmy meted
terially awes .4 t>t. loot yule. I wnele
rimes AAtt. YAM= 11. Renee. "'Poe
Ms_ their prim. Mr w �ye� eel he
"-a i w. ,w'"r e1
Quine t a Waft M,L M•M14*a, el
W •a.teediet
i at fes Oka .me at S1 rein
TcExn•v, M' -ch 9th.
Mrs. A. ]dacowa. M as rhe n, k list.
Peter Ki.g was .'harm in Kinhere last
Mtn. Amato Stows hes returned from
Mr. Gad Mrs. Tarvat, of W ngh•n:, were
risit sg at N'ahrr Ruther`0rd's last week.
Mr. Geo. Madneald has returned home
after learning the premiss of batter m•
•: Guelph.
A good -used sodienos rreetet J W. Ken.
tough law Fridry ••ee0:ar, notwithstanding
the in Jeoiency of the new • -r. Ton much
.anent law .41 t of t}.• great anent air er H.
told some fanny @ter.eo, sear. and recited
some verse, of hie ore comp.wit in He
.leo drew some very frothy ek,ic.eft of eons@
of oho Blueva!oatee. 1'b.- ontern.,Annent was
of • high order, and so new who 1•.tene4 to
„old it. awsv nit feeling mote elernt-
ed than when their went in
President sassy." nose Tide.
Leaden. Match IL -As though
weepthing 1.O
in w near N. was • rutinse m le
eery that 11 eieeng a (cambeMe
veal. Macy M rtauwaalarm that he
bee rat a plain Inumatiow t0
grains that w Transvaal Alias Ad Aar
carpet." the o. emitioo et laa0. and cwt
be withdrawn. President Knitters asttse
hi degrading the Mail Coon lite the mess
011elled�ltleadee ielea`
ttve, ferns seethe,
imes em
Mt.''.called NamMai cord
of ( Weami., �
tg00 ter as antlmats at tone
asterry to enter.. Beni' views. aa�
that he hue declared that WOWmoo .card
ego ler w Trariweal. Tblage m5/ not
here neoe so his as that. klr.0 eli ■.1055/
presence undoubtedly Ms attneai4 Mt
Usamt.erinln'a belt. 11 was meet aaase0
at yeav relay'. South A frt.'s a�.ammaoi �t�eo
aaqutry bow frlasdly, alm°et a[isrs.tsl,
we Pie otus►Kandeatioe of Mr. Abdsa
4 -
.• atter queries m
wee eet tenet*
to "eumente the 'armed 00110 -
pee, and Oeis.lal Otaew teem nese liofty
the nes. and to tae grail Pow
tttosthr■ offered by th' Boer tseetni st elft
the tletlander..^
Lairwy es Genet.
Detroit, Mich II[m,ch. C -The trial at
Henry I.araway. charred wilt cutting
span and raring trill pouches at the
Part -street Union Depot w a condol-
ed in Use United States Oourt to -day.
altar_ AJude* *wee had eharg,a tae .t the p later r burnt Into
• vlovs.nt at 01weepiesi shiest ��
woolly .noati ts. strainwagwhii*
had been tmposed tmon then'- A mo-
ment filar they, with hie wife wast to
r. ase. ol[ tearaway, when they 1'e`
inenired for a eomt4erabl. time in 'am-
en oom,si atio4 The court room was
dessel7 elderly with friends of
the tamps Jury were out ossa
than �.ts
, veftrag a verdict tot
w�M the seal ten daps eros granted
la eel* is arose fora mew tttalr
Jigsawed ltiwe$ed
lheetpeon. Ong. Mine 7.-i)an Lbw
sort. a C.P.A. AM' ammo. as atrw e,-
.t1., .std r. w. Rays., imam res,
diem of iii we're areemtsd es -
deer by C. P. 8. .MoMvaRoar of Tho
Poste and county conetedde Broady of
graingtaaa charged with oopaptrecr M
deem* the C. P. Ill (lbntpasy by table-
t, Wier' w•rmtaalles the weight of a oseu
art esipm et of palmae•e from the slay
teltlage lifIghemg to the town
00 bang hes by 711 poutide.
twbmaety Rims it be Sect
am The
Eletwillairedi wen fixed at vent
fleepasausent were labs. kr SIM=
gels ..meta. ter ON w
PRINT and LINEN House oak'
897 -HER SPR1G 6000S
We invite you to take a look at our new
DRESS GOODS, a Targe range of Desir-
able Patterns No two Dresses alike.
Our New Stock affords great attraction
to Buyers who can appreciate Superior
This week we will show extra value in
Corner Square and West-st.
Any one can use
that ls properly prepared and use it
in the right place. Tt difficulty at
that Moat people do not know the dddvrenc,
between good paint and poor paint. nue the
proper place to use !vela . good paint. AU
paints are not alike. One may be `cud her
outdoor use. and not for Indoor use, one may
4me a !.right, glossy finish, anutbet an oil
Moab that can be watheii 1t is knowing what
to use, and where to use at, that males
*anitttg n success.
is made for touching up the little things about the home. It gives an .-al
finish. It can Le washed -so it is salted km shelves, cupboards, etc.
Oar booklet `Paint Petals," covers the ground. It tells what rot
seed to know about good or lied paint 1t tell. what to use for a hum.
what for a bath tub, for iron bedstead, for a haus., for a dons, I..t a
bench. It is • practical book for the home. It is fret to any address.
Send for it to -day. For booklet adders. Iq St. Antoine St., Montreal.
Writ ASO
stn FOIL
•t 011111 AL
tirnmels :.1 F. Mo (Tse, of Reselasd has ! WE W* T to tear : to esablispe0 trad.l
t hie monq. (aeadias staple
raer.nired to lire. Parma
hese in town for • her days. It was repor-
ted that he bad mese East te wed • Mont-
real belle, but J. P. *aye be haml't tame fast
now to marry. He west West o. S.tar-
Auto* Denes Maimed two more tomato
of the Homo, ha the person of Henry
Schwan., from ('redite., Stephen township
who ens about 66 years of age, Mad died M0
Mooday, Marob 1st. Tuesday snot low
death took pleas, is the person of Mies
Mary Ad..., whom termer home was in
Grey : Fire destroyed the residence of
Richard Mooch, 14th sow, on Tuesday
night of thio week. about 11:30 o'clock
Tire Alcock was out to the stable attending
o some stock, and returned to the bootie
to drove nota oat In daoending the rows
its feet dipped owing to the gaol. on his
boots, and an his fill the Tamp be was carry-
ing was smashed at me setting fire to the
place. The deems spread rapidly sod very
little of the bsasshold effects were saved.
[a.ursnm s-a.asd to $300 Mr. Al000k
. ad family erns .Ymp0th i. Mag
so hurriedly deprived of i.
The IWO Mir Co. LI.
Cash or Exchange for Lumber.
est Elld leat laitet
W $.6T
tiMs,dped bas mimeo it Met Markel
rsstsge ee Westin between tea one
emit IM Pan OMMs. where s Chole.
Meats sad Poultry will silvan
liveries promptly. called for, .ad
1arLeave • trial order please.
20 Days Left
1. Marsh during whisk we hatted
To Clean Out Everything
In meek excepting Lamm' rtno, Gem's. W'
n gorse oat of all other haat and timerer
in /
Wall Papers
TToga .
the Rs..'i its.
wet peeitiee. whale o pert
time. Id bend terns. YOU
rel. Make ten dollar* a wont
R better with use for .eery week you were.
Ne expofemoe nr..wy.
8i1CfMlf 8110T83188 00313PAITT,
oasnaeatai Nurseries. TORONTO. ONT
e 1 t
(Black, Hymn, Japan)
We have bought heavily in an-
ticipation of a fluty being placed
on Teas, and are recommending
our friend. to lay in a stock. Our
values aro ; hest tw.• ever of-
fered. Get a - ,triple and he con-
flairy T!nurG
I have made up a large
assortment Of Dairy Tin-
ware out of heavy Eng-
lish Tin : Pon will find
this something better than
is usually used in Tin-
ware. I have Milk Pails
from lOc op, and Pane all
sietee. gar Dairy Tin-
ware repaired while you
The "sllt*gt fd11twdlip