The Signal, 1897-3-11, Page 28 THPlRiCN AL ;01)1WCH ONT. THURSDAY MAR 1t. 1897.
• NOW Mand laprtetal lldasery Tart Alas
rrwed ase*oeetst to wrwsaw-Tae he -
was seen be be Pts lame overem a is
TL,. l'oma,rJ. -
Arl 600 silk toaklns In this can.
which Milk dealers seem to be
b. T%e adv. erase* of the new its•
duexry Insist, however. that If there
saY advtanagar b the as•tior d
ancr and durability It nests with ta
artilifie al silk.
Mr. lotsom says that the saw rattle
with yndouhtedly rob the silkworm <
Its Importance as an Industrial earn
bre ausr of the greater durability an
brnllancy of the &rtlficfeal silk, an
omPeE'I&Uy b.gauwe of Its smatter chess
ass The wood ftbtsr milk he even
caw be pr,ditably produced at 111 Dr
pc,und. which b about one-third th
Prior Of the otbsr kind.
try during the year 11W7 As, e44Yent-
1&. an aseua,d ta<:t AJrgedy in jrYwaact, A SUMMERLESS YEAR.
and IL"giand tut praxis to being trod
with suct:eas. bNe yosm. how'evvr, Myr as Oid New Yorkers Wary Ton
UAW Is sew an a0tompYahed fact wag -amew mad Ise In halm,
loukeed µpun ad LLC axnlem luvientoew
yyWusuither's mune. etit•4&,ti&rs by the Tha
Tile per 1816 was known
Misfiled spent trultlesr years In re- tut the: UQltell Slane and JC tot vna�aye
sWtless euortd u, the tuanwiufatturr tit the ouideW ever eablown •used by an;
wood silk. At Last. when- sur many pd'sun then living ZLerr sore parson
other and grr&Lr men had failed. gn nortbr•rn New York who have Arad
Count Halton, dr C,`harduunet dl&u,vw- In lbs b&Wt of keeping diaries lin
ad the secret- The slurry of M. sit Years, and 4 10 peon the pages Ulf aA
CJid dunnel'a Invention is slnust & Mid diary. begun In 18W alw kept un
ruumnar. Thr worthy -,„int, torn in broken until 1940• that the fol l
th, silk -growing districts of the Fthune, IrlforrrMtltln rmgsrdiag Wow year w1
beea.ntr a graduate ,d the Par'ls,aa out a summer has been tehm :
euuAr Pulytutnatgue and eventually a January was sur mild shat twist Par.
knagbt of the Letgnw, of Huaur Thow stns allowed their novo l7, Vt, esu and
anam+plurbeed. be reUred ten kis laurels did slut turn wad except fur cooking
40 hie native L)�•ogsto wh,r1, br r{�++aaant There -err a few days, but they
many days III phtl(w,4'blcal mexdhta- ware very few. Must of the times the
tlunp. On a ceertaln sWtry aftrrawtrt, air seer wmTja and aportagiolke. IP'eb-
while sitting In his park and earelommty ruary was out ODI& gurme days were
munchtng a strip of bark from one of cehkder than any Aa January, but the
the trees he rtoucerd the Ilion,us "Acer- weather wlaa shout Clio Baer. March
act••r of thr strap of white rend. From �� 1st W the ith It\g (richnod
this a MI -id tn,tn of thought brouaght W tie windy It canoe to Nit& a mu
Iran fu tier crude tderu of th. ow,se- V`s and went haat Aske & May IngO-
quent gnat inteniloor. Then -atter the unt"t sheep.
count show* ,.It his hal,:[. ed April canoe in win m.but as the dye
albanduowf his woodland wez,tas cad grc"' lunger Lbe air be•.ehme We let u[ U&3-ooldar,
do voted his life t.. tit,. pre>••,tII; th
fane and bU& was •
011k from w•ud. Otltacl,m in sh.oab tempelerura• like that of winter. wath
barred his wity, but the count was a P;IlLty of anc..t std see lu May the
Ulan c,f courage and perp. veraa.•e. Loured bthua� were an eat frustmdt nerd. ice
Alter Inane ..f I&bvenU los auto ceded in artod rivers, noon was killed. and th ,
Alk mPc &n am•enUon rmi,whahis real• oorn delis were
lY a mechanwai rust chen,i. ut marvel- planted again and
The product of hi de t2iardonnet's fin• until It tweAme tui late to mise
s whlna•ry U PrNtourhoed by the rx- Is crop-_ By the last of Many b this
Dertw to he 'a b,•autlful saki .,qualkog "I Wage the trove arc usually to lead
An brilliancy. fineness, and s•rftnem of grid brew and Gapers an Ie, atllfal
lletturr that Of the Nlkw,.rm " In 18p1 When the Imst d May ase", to 1916
the count founded a hwcpany to worth everything had been kAlled bes
y the u&
his wchem«. AA-41alnaoly the .enterprise June was the coldleol nnuuW d round
lair iprol•trt a <„mwercial souereAt ever expel'u-nced An this latitude. Plvhe
rlerat o}etotlattlum netur,Jly, carne from and lee wen• so uummoa as buttein-uya
the mullions of silkwocultivators usually are. Alalost eivery grow Wag
in central PYanne•. who viewrrt We new %&a killed . " fruit was t4rstroyed.
1PveDt1tn limeb Math•- hand-luurn spin- Snow fell lu inutles dead, to Vrrnioat.
acre of England looked upon the spin- Thele was a seven-IDufh an,wfail An
line Jeieny. But th milk leen Maine, [hr�.0tatsi thiol fol tit. iatuslsr
In Charvd,.rinee, a f&1• -.r. Fox centuries of .New Y-ork State, and tUr same In
they had born dependent ul,,.n the Masrryhumett.s. There were• only a few
grub and its +,late Of health. generally mo`lerrttely tvarm days Everybody
gercarl.,us f.,r their silk rn,to. Nosy. 1..teked. Waged &nd w•aateed for warm
wtk,n one remember, that We bilk- wteushehr, but waren weather did g„t
warm suffers from five principal and moist. It w-ry &loo dry . very IIUI*
aI Met t•'"ntY minor disease* any [fun tell. AL summer Imo the wind
One or all of ahich MAY ravage k every [,dew steadily frown the north In Warts
Season. tate not.r,,ww Irish Iw,tato bar- Indian with snow and fce. Mothers knit
Test would seem surety itself in cum- marks Of `rouble thi(.kness for their
�' n with the natural indIIatry. children, and made thick mittens'
a oder 31. d«. C'hvdunne vis pnr•<•ss PInnf hl
and avolt rinwere doa. „-
there Is no, fear of attacks of muscae- getheer. and the flerrners who worked
dine. pe•hrin,•. Aacherie gtittin.• or out their taxes .in the country rands
pYpprie .five ffv.. loading Wmrn"ntw o[ warnd e overcoats amittens, On June
for grill). Tht• woouni .d the• product f: there was a hsv r tat of pnotc. A
depend -t , capacity osolely tiio•n the Vestaont farmer aefm a flock of sheep
We marbin•-ry f W p ohm- ext June I6. The m.rning
EzWlaod foll,-we l F -a m -p IesA and of ilk- 17t'h dawned *uh the. Mermtnn-
now IwthJamfn F. eter below the freezing polnt At alwirt
tLlogn, forrn-rip 9 uOkw* In We motoring the towner not
States consul at lihrfi^rd. has title Sheep Sheep Nt&MA-d to loot lop bis flock, ,
secured the lettp,o Patent for this Borure leaving borne IIIc. turned to ble
country and ann"unc.w the appnwch- wife and =A J
bag birth of a or•rnpgny to pet the new -Better start the jokingly
irlduwt.ry going h -r,• 7%. vw,rk,r frill the middle of June and ors amu: Ks
1prtlbabiy Ire boated W Nlagpmm Pi1M may get lest 1
It wouldere•m an the in the anr►tr."
was .,tel thing tr•yn "Ash it ,!tete An Mur after he left horrhe a ter-
nd another which ribk• Knownrtorm targe
It would be In21-4•Ihl« t,b pntdu<w fn,m tell thick and up. The snow i
worod. that then¢ would A• the lAp- real, md• a" their w,se 1
imus and shimme•rinwt fairrie known ase om much wind, the fol. ecy gorses p11M I
milk. And y.•t it in claimed that to tin wend along the windward
Chip AHA Aldo ,of the fenoes aM ontbuildings.
span's an rm snrp,awa fou- tifgbt sort« and the far9cer had Dot
Corp. and that he eRn Pr+ Iua .• silk been heard of. His wife treeilUne f ight-
vrblaih IN brighter, cM•apo•r anal morn ened and alarm -1 the ne3ghb,orh7ood, r
enduring than tltral t1PUn the cc,- AN the neightoerp keened the peturrhtnr It
oO,hn. party. Oft the third
'�,. T,Toee`aw hy. w day they found }
MM w+■r1 Is con- him. He woo lying In a hollow fist a a
To "Pod in too, Wk kt a very lntetept- side hill, with both feet frozen; he was I
ing; cap. A number ,If different bein.ip half cr,ver,d with snow•, but alive. A
Or wood may 1►e used. white pine and Mist of the sheep were loot. t
sCrwe beltla beat adopted to th. pn,- A farrper ntax 'lawksbuyy, Vt_ owa- r
pose, but it is alma said that the- a„t ed a large field of can. He built renes e
tOgweed, so common to the mi.1,11e air,und the field to keep off fr•ouL It
west- will mast•--XVPNent silk. Th,. Nearly every night he and his [nen f
wood is Ant sr„urwl to a pull, in for took turns ' :eeping up the ores and I
uwumJ tasMer. and Ike pWP a. mac«rat fwetchlag t' the conn did not Freese. R
eld in a solutlun ut nitric and Sulphurw• The farmer , ,.w rewarded for his Uro- le
acid. Thr acids are the”, rWtk-•rod Tema labors by having the orliy creep s
out. and the pulp is itrml"rwed in vats of cern In the reogion, fol
of wehter.wtiere 1t is left until thon,ug;h- July come In with Ino and snow. On 11
AY cleansed. Alter the water is drawn the Foourth of July hoe as thick an 11
oft and the mass hoe partWly dried. it window glass form,,] thyynrghout ..w P
b put into a huge revolving cylinder England. \ nn
.•w York and to Gonne parts A
OM"UAASS alcoh••i and ether. ares] L, of the Stat- cif PonnerylvanIa. Indian a
left to Owe influcnc.• of th--s, sub- corn, which In te some parthe east to
sttancep for Rum—hours. From heart• it had struggled through Ntay and June, h
L peeped thruuoth a Alter. and cumex gavp up. irOse and dIM. n
out ase a p",t of heavy gun, which Too the tnrPriae of everybody August a
tAtx,rly resembles, ,xollodl.n. proved the worst mouth of all. Almost fd
It is from this guile -like substarie, ever d
Y corn thing tD this country and
[bat the silk is dlr.s•Uy pr,,duced. attd Eunspe wasas blasted with [riot. Snow lam
the• sptn1111W pr„c --s III hi, h ,,,rn,.a nett tell at Barnet, 30 miles from London. is
Ia perhaps th. most InterYattng of &1.. England, ,-inAucturr 30th.Newepapt•re ,q
betawe• An hh low silk Morin ham lor.0 reeelved fn,m England,,Sttmed that 1816 tc
cloewly Copied Thr rune or t•thll,"iw"..wrwald be rcntembered ny the hitting n,
is forted int,. pIIprs at
which run along geri ralUons ad the year in which there
beside, We• spinnutc mac•hin". [,?ono Was no summer. Very little oorn ripen
them"' pit"•" are• mowVe-ldtd a numl" r ed In New England There was great
or small Kill" wiles. We aprrtureye In privation, and thousands Or persons
whlcit are not more than a half or ., cow -W-1 have perished In this rountry
quarter •s largo• as that In the tube bad It not been for the abundance of el
oe an onllnary house theee'nwmrtrl fish acrd wild rame. D
Thr pneurnatk pressure hire" th.. In dtnvt contrast with IRIS appears to
semi-IrgWd oulatYhce into theme glace the pear 1827-231, when there was re
tubes. which are the art!& Ial mut4ti- Winter. C&ptsln Daniel:' Lyon, who diedor
We ter the silk worm Th,- spinner sone" Yearn afro, In Burlington. Vt., th
COUc II.•s beer finger bM
nger , the -,Perking of the• used to ate his experi917
eme in 1- 44
glass Int ---a. the wubwtancer, a• tle•r.•m t.. 2x. fie www a walking encyclopedia of or
1% arld she- draw,, out a fid uncmt as rocs! events. He Bald I knew but
tin" Y that n hl. h Ip spun by the milk � s"aAlh when w-tnter was almost In
we.rm. r'ontart with the air hardens like streamer, the winter of IW -28. I th
the filarn. ntw at once, and they ar,, v Y running the ste•anurr&.t Oen Green
guided dire•c•tly Into tai bobbin and between Burlinriton. Vt. maid Port m
spun off in the same Ihanncr as th,. Kent and Plattsburg, N.Y., and dur- ty
Uatural Pn.eluct. It take, f,nomICIL to, ing the year there was not a bit d ee
ton of the pmall Alamentat :tc.YwHing ice in the whole take frown one end w
tam, their fin-ne•aw t•, malke a single to th,
„cher. Tile ad Dice Ckarrrplalm
Rrr&nd of silk fibre.Thy is don.. hy. RmNo
tcvlat 00. 111111,131110"tae
ead out the strrs- o
MiaWly guiding the atTim Ie, numberboats Phoenix and (N-narres, and hard- of
of filum, nes to the• same kxA,bk,, cosi ly a bit d Ice appeared In Hhelberne 15
then Prem -•ng them t-.sotht•r at a point Say. near Burlingtaq during thus win- oa
loetwwn th, tu!,es and thebobbin. .No, tet aT
cn,l do the u that Tb" Py. an had a new engine D had
Y atriul,ls• i to
¢Ant, but they ,-continuo it, John th,.re, to litany. sled the at city
outfit had at
Som the lees mcwe•w on ': ire thread Ip b bre H r bo tlrl'fn that ally to Sip. l- j tr
kept of teniform Uficknese isle tar burn• }harbor by tearnw through the nc
copvningto In the glass tubes, whiel. are mod. th n adlehury, Vt., the mud wase Ci
MITI of one Rise troop than w Mot deep. lice P►wper,ix th
As the thread Is heeled off from the was "built and ready to launch by Im
slaaSk tufo..•, 1t is d w 11S9h1 straw col„r January 16th. January 12th was the
and lnnkp exactly as milk fiber does, at flay fix d for the launching, and I
this stage of Its manufacture,itut Cook over a bLx*e patty from Burling- I
trheve rta
are eeln perullexlti"s a}flut ton on the Oen Green. The Sun was .
this wo<M-Pulp SM ”"whining wilk the warmth of & July ky
tw,guin• *til; yIIy The women MIT sat ,in fleck o0
ruriber Prrx•cw"* }adore tt I. An4hid, ,,l*ed their paramow" -New York I IY
70 the first Place. the Rhee Is rendered gun. no
very Infiarthrnaf,le M the c hemi al_ I ark
rnrbsega It hap undersand d milgt he die
6"WtrMM b..t.Ma• Il can M my.•ly mAawlm•41 t-.. at Sts
l. Th"n Oneam" WATh
e nal and e British Board of Trade bur b- eh
important promotion of Impart,rhg th.. d,"d a statement of the ntunhow d Us
tarsier whieh 1e, done by tons nor Th. h%eem loot by accident In British war- mo
111% k� is passed covers, rovotv4ng r"Upra, sham ships darling lar[ Year TDe I-1
w,tufrok stretn h and imo It trio month the total statement abOW8 the average ruse ems
apAne way Mal the Mg marholnrr 1, a t, be about five.-rtxthe Of 1 per OWL his
wear IsondrY droll your c.ntherm am of the number of son %tnr erye&' The, tb
eOnRs Ste arttMJal silk taken an the pmr•ranl!sp of lives kat in gogaing yeS- he
oniore of the Aye w qpally and cry- geld Is 00wswbmt lorpr man that of a
IMatly as the nWurw kMd and Mi • V a Adbmm t
ftw.�,ie nor the artlfwial ft,ow As placed Altngedger there won MOM rata) r
berde Me predurt Or the silkworm It "sobered w stall Whips ragb6o
to tiWr4oYble to distinguish doe flea! • the Valises Kingdom it Choses Mi- a t
dbp a6Mr Wlwn weteewn Irvin Abaft R M wee* a 06" al an wmlliag rWps seg m
b& of dbn►es efsmRy Inrpnowibt" to ['III t.tklSs d atssftmWfw Ttww tatter Smb I tar
!Ae dliewvrpe► Artlill 1- milk 1 pom a &ION a IRs of On seamen and M peat► I se
lrhgl&nd has already bran 0044 is OPWSWd. a bow d M7. Ssift
crew/ bmf wb*tbfw for b to vW&nb !amt mo M int • taw It
ondow iia a �IId�tW M s�llfr .. . .
.ltr,a_ PITY I - M FOOTBALL FIELD 1ll Mfftgbb ier b.JL A Heist to
Jr 'more gwV sf" m
MsMttt� sass we sly.
gppyy� 1lfewewba ag oar s4e* As1y :ihse 4hy.
`b easy 'tis to runt b rreeach the pstk'
At the went da) d ree►.a,Iag wee T
w tathl.
L ':Jfh le our ,•.h*eA. Loeser hlaeter, tender
d The Imhpertw i los of am leeeuas see.
A "Iasi shut our tallurer we with aagai
k Slant w use credit what we aleast 1♦ ds."
r Elms .b we eves&. wbm rising cwt &
sedLw hhekhaa debtor is sharp eager Gels
Aid e&Wi"w of the l.ov.• to whavh v
assort froua poverty the wrummit say.
c t� at ,oaupaSOkM a founa he Initially slat
tYh* pity W his fellow ueau drulea
--MARY T. BIyf1111i
I IleeA in Ifoubtle LMr mad Bowls w'hol
etre sae uuulved.
All members of the Privy 0rlst•I
who were• alive In Ia-..
All List peers wbo. held their Utho 1'.
1837, except the Earl or Paruley. wh
was 10, and Earl Neilsog, who was 1
in that year.
All the members who. mat In tin
Houde of Commons on her a<xesion u
the tbratne, exorpt Mr. Uladstuns
Charles Vilklrrw, the present Duke o
'Curt bumberland, the Earl of Mexbor
otiah and the I;ad of Mansfield .int
Jobs Temple Leader.
Her Maiesty has sen eleven LAM'&,
Chancellor, ten Prime• Mlnistere,, sur
Speakers of the House of t,.,ntru,•ram, ai
least three bishops of every sur, ant
Ave or six of many Brett, five Arch
bishops of Canterbury and six Arrtl-
bishops of York and five summawders
In -chief.
She has seen five Dukes or Norfolk
suroeed each other &s I"rls Marshal,
and has outlived every Duke and Duch -
ow and every Marquis ane! Marchiou-
e m who hoer the rank In 1837.
:the has .outlived every ammo- r fort
the Jockey Club and every master "f
foxhounds that flourished In 1113';.
She has seen seventeen Pirraidenta of
the. I"nited Stites, ten Viceroys of Can-
ada, fifteen Viceroy* of India. and
Mance su(>r•esM%'ely ruled by one Klug.
ane Emperor and six Presidents of a
republic. -London Public opldun.
T1s. 1).ell" of whoop
Somt/,tkal reports world seem b in-
dkete that there is a general decline
In the number of sheep raised. says
The At1,Ahta Qunsmution. Australia
ban been muffetrfng [sow the decline In
the number „f sheep -nod quit,, oto ga•-
verely. perhaps, as hap Ude United
States. but without having been oub-
Jet,teld to important tariff change's. Thr
Principal react -„n of the decifne, has been
the great droOught in New South Welles
and the mh"waturmns 1n New Zealand.
The nos has been mainly to New South
W&Iea The following table allows the
changes In the number of sheep for the
past five years. aotvnilng to reports
received by the Bureau of. st&tbmica Or
the treasury from London authoritka
.N;.•w Total Now
Year SouthWai*s. AusWaita Seeland.
IIV-, .... .etl.x111,416 100.41z.w 1&570,75.
i rw3 ..... 59,090,114 103 313.917 19t,3thr.3ar
Pott ..... AK990.688 99, :il'1,2.TO.ri_.u'
I" ..KWT,- 0 100.040.918 19.Am.e4
IeCai ,,..4,,817.ei8'. tr4,V ,,ft
The changes In the grand trvtal for
wth Australia and !New Zealand show
Ia inQeasr from 20.000.0ou dbeep In
,SW to 50.000AN in 1970, a decline to
15.000.000 in 1480 advarwinR to 102.•x0•,
1110 In 1x90, &A W L'4,983.1ft 1n 1892
rhe totals for the sucaeedtug tour
hears representing the wKi-e•gelr of
he fiwwns In the• table were 122.095.:x6
or IM ; 120.084,088 f„r IS" ; La?G7.213
or ISM. and 110,;8:-3110 for 11188.
Am"rhos'. Bwtbeot Myomas
A woman Dart 50, w2wo has beA her
parr of y,yuthful rind iooka may if
hr keep her health. retain the esp oJI&I
ort Of her attraettveneons, which ,moon -
IRIS is character and expression. Such
, the cast- with Hetty Orv"L. Tfnre
as touched her gently, vtlthad. lf,•r
air Is not yet quite grey, Thor Mr face
•rinkled. She has keen. Wue-grey
Yee. a t9ear coml'hkeitlon. anod surrngly
larked features that indicate truly the
hrce and d.•te,rininaUon behind teen.
I repose, her expresefon becomes m.ory
yftened. and she looks like the hurhe-
0vins and domestic woman that she is
t heart. Mrs. Orae -n has the reputa-
on, ery
not altogether undes-ed, of be -
Ig a tad dresser. 7%W appease to bi
htber an aHectatlop,with a
OrpOse, en her Polar -t. rather than a de -
rAency or reminine taste. Her ordln-
Y street attire of rich, but pWn
ack, wtth a violet -trimmed
hing outre about IL Hemen
rr, in tagdTW about her battles with
ourts and financiers, in full of aglares•
ve animation, and given the Imp es
on that fighting sults her teUhpers-
ent. A peeullar picturesqueness is
1Parted to her speech I,y the traces
New England quakerlpm that ding
It In LnornenUt of satf-hrrgetful-
ym she *ays 'yams• almost as broadly ,
I the charactefw In a Yankee dialect
Ory.-Leeslle's We-Ady,
epee rL+mpeeltnr'. work. I
Sixty -live yeam ago Hiram Lukens
Ltered The Intedillsencer offloe at I
uylestown to learn printintL and be i
there yet DMUng type es fast as ,
iybody around the place. His ram i
and of continuous we or no with onp on- I
blishmem is Probably unt•qualed In
e business. Several times Use man- t
rement hap chengpd. but he has rwv- <
left his ease. Three .eta of floor '
,ands bay* ware away under bis feet
that long Ume. and 130 pairs of t
Ick -soled bcrits have brat pert on the
tired list. RPr over 19.500 Itvrkdng W
Lys his eyes have been trained on the r
pe• but 01111 his vl!�!on Is untrapair- •
th ease. handles the rmalleept also or
it In a fair e'adoiste that he has art t
id distributed an average of R000 ems or
type a day. or is tots] in 66years pr I.
k,t00,000 ems. This is enu all to Mw9 It
lumps of oarnrrryn typed--endugfi for t
the needing matter in Tile Renord 9
r over a year and a half. Besides v
tendt"S to ordinary duties he by
Uned at least 150 apprentices, but i'
t oleo of the lot Could ever shown so "
!aa a proof ss ba Very few oe v
stn &ppro&abod him In point of rapt iI
mpOdtion PNladpiplya Rpoor& r
Fear -!.waged Traalwrit, t
rbseo Is a moa a In ItlorMa loomay b
own me the trading moiam It Is •
misoniy a woods moose, bort It quick- a
adapts Itself to hurnaa haMtaU..n. A it
lowly of such mice carried two Mesh- O
of shelled boom thirty fret during
1118121811181218tOnnUy and nphtaced the k
use with Reed pods of a awe& Jew, e
Y. too, bas heats taken by tbtwr lit- a
tradeit one wooan on the ailing a
UK of Pltrrlda as an Indian River
liter rent found a number Of Iaedft
tead d a pair earrings that tIM
A Ten an the bureau A aGamis In I lk
I P" setters the Owdik bad brown 0
�t �eftsed the aartilep g
1 em ,wbs W a bele Ot poker
bb roots OR r Oafs -tappet has waa M
grbmd toMllaina to tOMir smad a sidles Y
iaeasr wt baba fol amopt ,,Ieit had 61
IoM w.ra.�-,w waw s ousay i1 � • tai. •1 by C
MW We ,e dao Pskov -oh. in .a or
EL " to sve/tlfy ►elle%eel t .at pl
I tRwama room* lmbrea h 4tirt0r
rmowoI rt��a z �iA r
N On rote 0 s and an .so a tllae& ' MW ON I
swat 00 fob umber is mattes aflmotiva
Then. M torward"I.,owl,i cultivate Star
Chose. a m"w a" at tae 4Me0teol of La-
n Um -"-M A&""&&" rerw.,41%
o/tees Teang B."Fore a. Lesessst-
Ir Ing mad vmluabee Pelstd.
power of stopptag as suddenly at Po
stele whou &t tap speed. and to so
wtgbowis owns as opponent wish err
be rummus wwb thea any Ads
mesle agone w du ttrw
I au
anymay have attained as
9ortrfrd solmly to
MY &bUltr to st
sabot apd waWout &••i pwellmtn&ry cam
Sludge. I have soon many Starwards tel
tett, triabfrr ander •bots than ml
self, but I can mwlthoet say undt
P. Ise• lrottis b I Pre OW OfUe that 1 have Ihrvee know
agar. lily this I do net mean to Ory say twward who awld stun as shoi
ry nkat k to a aourdctrouis s&one, altbartaik sAd I tea labra Poing at fee scour his
some of U.e l0orwt contests ha1'r mi
weather Woody %'hat l mean w sets slowly wf 0.1r-a«M..
I. Vey to that the acme Prinewi e. uu- T1se =&An duty oe kalflweka is t
nerve both go- As I go -I Ll"a yr'p ter terw&rds supplied with th
will beeu.,mr appastnt. ball. Tarr quaklAomlluns at on guod tla
Being a furwanl Player myoeit k Is aro abaft the same as throw of a goo
bus natural Wet I should uwUne as forward.•ard. He must be fast sure wk
pecially to treacnaoot of playing in the Ihis fleet and a good gram. 'Mon. abet
U line. It I do knew anything oAxmt all U In ArMuisNe that he alkould b
football, and 1 have played It all my I quack to divine Me tatenuoas oe hl
Hie. it oboglil be bow it sthould be 1 OPP
and to Ilei dept palaces frac
I played by the forwards. For two years one d [ogwards to another. Tbel
I played outside lett wing for my net- be ebould be able eta 4flaaty W dlvin
i live country. Y!iMhks. In bar later- where, lion ef0�slll l paste the bail when h
, a&Uurual aADsohcs with England. Ire- gets it. Jqr skald aiwys put k wrher
I had and Scotland. 1 afterwards pi&Y- owe of h10 own tlae'wardp bas a DID"
ad with the famous HMton Wander- on LL Iftety halt -tacks make the mus
r em which team J. 1111111114 to tome to Ae- take Ot Sticking the hall awe th
, ealoDuring my stay in this aeon- Sold to the opposing toll -ba, k�
1 tamjoy I have been IdwntlAed With serge is a sweat error The krill tarn no we,•
Its srtalaM association foutbaY count s*ould be, seat beyond easy rraA
tram& Thsretore I flatter myself that, d the forwards.
I poor as I way be from a playing Half -backs RbowgN also be pod wkA
slartdjnoini. I know a China or two their hoed,: that As, good to 'head'
I about the game. the ball when duan, Dressed by the op
.weal P,.viwe Forward. posing lion They should never allov
Thr must dimeult p ialtlon to play a thigh ldok. A Har for' bcound but ghoul(
on a tears is outside wilts. TKAs has c&Ank It brifowa• it strikes the• grounf
blown denwttstysted for years in Fine- and Paas K til t forwards. The re
]lead, when the supply of olttabode auk of 't ttnund Is very ,often herr".
hong men Aad aeYer been enYwhtdt• live, cad a OMM owning to you has ah'
equal to the de o srr4- A men who the beset of the situation. c}crnt halve,
plays theoutaride position must be should be always on the &len for e
Womb hurter than an Insider. He +lust back ham f4vvn a hard prearled for
&Lr, tet• & better shot or rather A ThL is e
Abet- ward something that Tors;
ter Pawner. as it L very rarely that Platen &ry naw•er mils-UnR bout it L
Y our�¢ul - r-- is In such a pnoattwn our e>< b" most tRe+•five and pWxettd
that hcyittwld take a clheooe at a clean plays • t<,r'wwM and half can tnaka
ohot tslde rem should Invt►rlmhtY ►'sell-iteva. vac a._ nlr Lllnwe.
Paw t7, th« center men for s shot at Plait -busks tboeld eg be Rood. btel•
goal, and above all Wry should not bows. if gosrdble. It in absolutely in -
carry the bail too far down the field ddap"rhsablc that t►try should be >food
horror " u." as the Dlay is strong Mokesw with either foc.t, awl
`L Ued. IIY parrying Use ball away right tri h their }reads, and tricky. A
down Ia the corner of the florid an full-back sho.eld toe a trig. strong kick.
outside wing fives his opponents a or, for it to his Dualnew to Nor the
chance to -4beentrate In their Coni ball &soler tripes the tbflatene.d g,ral
and k Is tar more difficult W shoot Met fast a& PnMOJ4p. A full -tack never
fr,m in Position along the goal Una ( abould agtempt to dribble• the bsU to
than pass to the ceehter when away 1 stn of bis Cobh but should send It
up the field. Very many forwards fall oil t, his *wPwrda am quickly as Pa -
Into the had hoW of monopolising the fthle They dhould new to It that the
tall and carrying It drown too far be- tr,oal-keeper is never ch&rXed by this
fore Passing W tlh« c.ntK. They in. forwards of the otter team. Gond full-
vzrfaDly have all their work nullified. backs w!Mk neem , allow their goe-!-k rTo-
as the Inevitable result of much play- K I— be Mhamed. Trine roan who holds
Ing Is to send the bail over the pial the Aart is a very vulnerable ruark
dtise in an Ineffectual attempt at coal, when hsp is pthgaged to stoowIng a high
and a place- kick sends It back down Noe.[. and a brward. Of he is so dlspns-
the field It Ise also advtsahl.• for the edons hurt Ata► badly by ^wtrkdsX-
wrings to Pass fnoul one to aswther into him sit the full-bacltp knrrw their
vrhen well up the fre4d This bothers buainel«I they will block the forward
opposing backs. who to maktng the charge and thus
The outside wings are the cavalry or at- dw& mo•A-kerlV w a chaaoe to get
the team„ Wbm the field is •� the ben aa.aa.
Pft tiv^Iy eleer the bell should be OooL-Weetweev' fNlls.
given to them for a good svOft t312. It the ball is m one side of the
When the• ball is e.loar play in the gDOLL essay goal the ixhdrrtr are sortie
center. wtlh then of both teawmS de, 1werving}
bard eft t altt crams towed to gee ,over to that side,
th? Aealther, I tae ret of this goal undsflert,Ied. 7%io
fiavcu a sYsteeri d paa.f,L Dabwern the is a sroM sabtalke. It As teen chances
three center men' This tends to bArke to opo Vt it the hall is riot it will
the OPpnsfnr balves and ftW- backs to go at the et Dorsof the Soa1 flertheat
towered the center. Vrhoa they ser* from the shooter. as the &snip is now
drawn for, the field is of~ far a run M, sharp, iU that COW the goal drl.order
by the outside wing man. He makes her to 00 back to stop lit and he can-
e feint st the center, of the P bases a sot inti wbat may be behind hires TLB
Position 1n orator to make him Ar•aetr ant[U*ot push or 11tu. Wt of -htp"
his wings to relnforop the threatened will a" bin. and let the bail Wrnugrh
td poiDIL When thin is done he turns • lb,.e,. U be ypParom, that a man can
his cavalry boar icer an emptor to run faster to snot a bail than how can
the eae•my's territory A retreat of the goo � so IS,
thal ca
backs to e COW a general lel ander any ctnvmwtance e
rout which the aRtadklng Learn should ettontit a goal k-vwr meet hall
not be slow to take advardsce of. This wHk a twmaine ki,k. Always got
was a favorite move of the great Nan
- it with lih,• ha•iok In the summit
Pole,m. mosomotittfr his Cocoa at a ewtaln Possible way. ¬ then punt k
point in the enemy's line and then mit. D-19 kU*a ar.• dangerous,
owftchtne at another. einem of the Lora of the best
Tile qumlMoatlOnol Of the otter tor- kickers, liven tf Y„ru h&vv to gn down
wards are Ch. same as those of the on the tots of the forward get Chir' bail
wing mean. wave perhaps that it is ad- with yrour haaobs
v%&bie that they be better shots. an All pl&,yers should he ,.al•ef1Al not to
they do more showing. All frfwards I embarrass their grhal keeper bycrored-
elhould be export partners. I have few him Jn the gale; Ile sho
known many unen who wen+ otherwise uld have
factitious,who rntold not peenpDprpp� lam. plenty d room to me- La, Tkhe tacks
t he in Dow Ch-rTed
They might pass true and clearny. bat hard toy approvingld GOP to it gLorwwtrAs when hip is
In many cases it was "Worudble for handltng the ball.
the omen who laeefV-i 41top pass W •)Ikon ye,&+*' experience in football in
handl.toet1e It at once. tour <wuaft and on two contlnents
torinir" the ball eo that "� lase taught me trsII.y things. ebie•f
,lhoc,t t along
herby fain and make "mons �,h L to play fair. clean
It slap "dead" at a 'retain plane Asa font hall. and to respect the decisions
Rte one. I have open men wLo mold d the Rotefeee Never.,� {R.�t��the e]eerwe
YW4shooilio hall tike a rine Mhllet for 19 Of my carper cin �, fone,WW field have
yards cad then mate it atop as dead I b,n anclugge i of Playing Loa] ttr/tbinll,
kick. fes & naafi. Tr acsomthis you and never bave I leCloA flash with the
or rather above. the
ball wrnartly deerk*,w of the ism arse. do matter tw►w
i M below the center with your We unfair they ,robeht he, elthou,>h. to
pofn"wer nilghely dowh1re'rds. That wPrwk triply. T Sava newer open what
raves [foe oe},I'lemhe t forward and al the rowl,l by amTT,•A & desnbwgWely urgfa/rre_
eYr1r time a rotary motbn tows"'45 forme• f have ween neny whom I
the man who kirkeA It T1hr trick tbrVorht made mistaken. but It very
In t ALlt about the same ase the manse 'not d liherwt,ely &gd Unfair one I never
n ltard. The ball gores on far mind remernloer Arpin.
Then th, e• reverse "FIinglt kh•• taken et- Irl ,•.nnlmainn. T would sal to bens
kct. oantMng ft M fall dead at the Leet �xvP, Re q, plyol. play the icing
id the Ularh to ak. you Dam- Ha r., ter mind , he man. never eMrsnN an
luta therefore tsthke poe,se M"n of k at InkeenU. ^+1 1nul, and npv r talk hoer
once Or you cern snake it slop "bead" to the• ref•n,e. Ft H. JAARFSi'T.
n a certain spot until he romes up to
It it will be ken that this sort of • ,tmlwtiws • eat.etre hap many advantlegree over one
w'tise h, if the man two not there to stop There is at, least One Place in tho
t, "411 k -P on r.ktlrlg indeflnttaly unt11 .Neild where the rat was until r.-owgily i
me of the orpnsitfon bets It. 'I%m. he1-1 in hlsh h"n,.r, and receiv,d the
0reh a Ween Rob a hard, fleet Pass how "Itlentinrl due to one of Ito high a ata-
la>ellet drink U top in him sMde; be has Ilan of life. That place tK india. where e
Int to make a sector to 0te•Ay it and In w fortress the sefn0l" bnvaslwhky
Den Root it"- hip stde gRw ft. """d •'I Present arrths to d-ory oar that
T into oprro.eod to the pwerttce of all I? 01ar -x7•< mthe scenuntftd for ykr ta/g
he fbrw-arrle and half-baerks going 4
IRh, into the !,u rn corner klonks, The 'In • -a b araecdote. which 0 kerlI* frees
entre, and th7 two, Tnslde turn tre what Rppeears to he Cond authority! If
nowrb df all han4o gn to and the bel] Rome fifty years s4rrr it happene•l a
oro"- ^u, of th e• r•nrwA there b no- that a very high It lialah ofinei i Ah•1 u
sly- to e -.k , hot "f It. and 1f an ^}. i^ an Indian fcrtvom at a piece tbRt
wrslne player ret- It there are Only 1s one of the centras of Brahamtnk, re- a
he full Mel,• I•• •,"r him If the lilrl"n, and at the moment WM*1 the N
Mlvem w^A the ^ ,n•v, sea• opt of news of him'i"eth last the tlepovy Irumrd n
he road *"A the limit -ark- " u
ut t)wwy at the rin g
ate a black oat rttrhed
live a c`'Mn, I•• rerd 1, In moraln. out of it.
'Men t,•, many men a t to earh other's arms et �kthe Mt Ott'W'� to the dy1 k
ray. Ing spirit orf the bl
T �^ .vnt M11eve In nlaaevw Mwrwfnw powerful,an.
,Afar'rimlrpteh, ^e trylrrw M %Ilmrr" and the cMnciAehre hook a :,ren i, 11 M
soh ^te41r ol,t of the Ram. A player Upon the locality. that UP to a f,.'. to
Oho Aerf test blw tit"- to }dwylne men Tram ARrh nMther nxh„rtwtl rah n r is
I not a anon o•Ie for th. team of de71 orm1A preveent a fflnAoo pe.ltry at It
0"reop, 2 An an, MOM" to any that )11- that Rate tt'erlh pr<•arnTing mr•nhs r Rn♦ d
lcfouM bkwklns Is nro Nond pnilry at Bfti thy[ palmed ort M night.-Harper'd d)
L ove, but T want to pretest rtgwiMnt
rlbsewtwulwlate slashing and atrinwhins -
f all parwrdp of the Allow. I pwotwgg arfeke wt tats
alemt top fons rMY own faun nUher Tee first brielu mMile In thlm orro" try
toll frau, my 41PPerik "411, ase to PMMC Oise building pUrT.oams w , rammAALrac. Als
know ase better than to ilatuned
vw an eq, by on],.nists in Vlritinla 1n 1912.
rasing town simrt III to dal me out I They weer u"Od In th.. -•enstru, tion d
never that wtbie they an• cologne
tleatu i la church sdlRow at JlAklpel,mn and the
Mw fvw M a tMk orf OrAUP Ifegldpace of the (Savegrig.y ,If the 141ate. tai
ftbt net Ret 119 th" sew PLayteg fag A part • f the Jamretnwn Mar, to Is atfU 44
his Vy a sell� 4%mstanding. and the bricks are 1n a good
tslwrry am olu state of Dremwvatim. showing that the TIS
Iles iron dd
raaf trash. "!lin b • =Ms. adoeist0 belleved in making artleMs
n!s with a Ulan 4ubwom tacit ft lie 1No& wear by eurprop ere to 'at kiatg W
ubard et �- a deretand ltstlt of wsttsehm. -Baton Budget, s
Stralghot Ian• by
skated vee M notsreleltt t eftaff s of was Cbete*s.
o ITr larks an yea ,bowls. Sarwllom W%e 0-som woo lbw b the don as .. I
Ia OOV*imhk to pass Lail r .Mf w I Sgt &DPFOOIR" www gy.a a lows has sed
h -a- one aaasA now not be to her OM61hMd by elks 9se�s►,]f1q ife 4�p,� I
o grout • �y b she Os Oat M Ata�s the - op
i�as Iowa
b0lwewa prow gale wAMg at sistlmr ISI► d
lrA tlMvw It r eels sap r Ile tit ata*•••� sea wOtUfMl- a�4 m
�+a* Obi > 0 ed sits Iota T*I
A Wand. sOWletlw *w+wmA WU"bw sag aWep f1�S 40 aw n'
Mese stvus an appav~ OW fol , Oat toe
wises daft of bur be to owe Arg ram MAX r
rva..enr. •.ase- . .. - - ..
9 s /�
w CA" Ik�B r r4 ad
0 •'fauna d9 40 Ouatgtws at ENVA O Qrlah,
n bra Orem-.%mn y was •
I seise.+
h ureab r-110 Prodeduan low as iia
Ismer Of (iR0011116t10s l'er Asemm-IIIc
0 MU1•*kahs sbm Ibu mane at She
e Oasbom
r The modest little mining Broom that
It t,rgan In lirtttab /blumbla nine mostas
I Mao has now assumed such gigantic
a ;)ruptlrtiorw an to attract world-wide ss..
s tenlloe_ That then Is a solid basis four
P his Isom the rapid Jacresss la the
. ,utput of ore t'roe Kootenay Sivas
P lIupie evidence, OmcW
scum an
I hard facts that cannot be denlTits
. t„tel value of ore and res-brairtag
,I&Ue sweat out Of this district Is Janu-
s .ry of this year was 86711 606, or at the
ate d over 89.000.00 per aasue.
, Although the output is so Tetras, sUR
.l the present tone there are only two
I noinileg Campo in the whole at Briusk
Cofumbla that can boast of dividend.
l,aYing Sold mines, The one is Roam.
land. In Troll Crook district, with he
dtvfdsad-p•ylog Le Rol and War
I seats . the ntbt is C186Mp McKinney,
With Its equally prolific and wonderttlt
Cariboo whilst the game of ltoeMiand
I is on every togguk cad that Name is
growing lap as It it were by rum a is -
to a modern city, sill! very little 10
hoard of [*amp McKinney The cbmrLe-
iter of the „m has much to do with this,
n Roseland the ore W to be smelted,
requiring a !arse e)[ptndlture d labor
n tron"Portatlon and otherwise. whilst
n Cnrlboo the rock L free -milling and
an be stamped &ad turned into gold
'n the spot e
Cye, McKinney Is situated shout a
mike dile west from Roseland and
.bout the earn* distance monk of the
International boundary line. In Mo-
KfuneyWm located the Cariboo mine.
•, hlcb pays dividends. &ad should mot
too' confounded with ignored of other
e'&rtboo m..tes. This mine has had a
wonderful record. and the dividends to
-late. Including one of two costs per
declared this month, s invent to
",11,1117W 76 since the summer not ISK
Nikon a ten -stamp mt11 wag aeected on
Ili* property. This tea -stamp will] cum
tatnly has a record to be proud 0f
There Is not another mltl of ltd cap`
oKy 0n the Pat•1fie coast that has pro.
due oad mon Ignition. A Toronto syndl-
tate has been fortunate enough to R
ewe the Mlnnekaka claim. whirs b
the southern extensle• at the Glarlboe
ledge. Befor, placing} the property *a
the market in the east a shalt was peat
down on the kelnnebaha 43 feet. wits
the vein was found to be about toter
feet wide and the ere, which was ss.
eyed at Vancouver and at the School
"f Praetlsl McMuc•e In Toronto. Ave
assays ragning from = to SM to COW
There is so gold to be seen in the rock
with the naked •n ni, it is an dimwm/-
mated In fine particles through the
Quartz. In staking the shafts Ili tons e<
thin ore was taken Out.
I a Ths' P stock wOne of chat Provides
Pr” themarst placed on the emus_
rte A Co.. bre by
�f�nDttl Coo,
to. at the him
SSW* of ten cents tsar sh&ra In thew
days 46,010 shares were sol& Ste pgt0a
of the stock wt doubtlaw be advaacedi
betwees She 20th and nth of this
month, pewwiWy to U or 16 cents. en
the ewnpany d0 not wish to sell tea
mueb of U-ir treasury stock � a bw
Rsure, 0
The ookwo oe the eemwmale ro
t'reg"Ce,ttvp eastern tads, [had see .
f"Ilows:-PTedde.ot. Prof. Henry Mowg-
t„mery of Trinity Ustrorsit
to. M AOB-St. Pb.B l.AS.L, feem~
Iy Professor or Msnerwltlp ad Qua•
tIVY cad head d the Mining Derpars-
went In the State T:mivet7lty of Vtak
Vice-Premldow. Capt. J. !.
wholesale eetteh&at, Torimto : seeomm
"Ice-Pr-UMnf. Alexander K. Roy.
FAW. Merchant. Toronto ; Manager.
101100r Altimeter MWmw. Camp McKln-
ney, B.C.; 8--4at'y-Trewmrw. Hiram
Klteley. Esq.. broker. Toronto : Dtrea>
tore : Prot, 11L Mootg Omory, Toreet*;
� l- 'K. . R&MMMY Toronto ; Ai*tses-
Roy !+q•. Toronto ;
"Jo ehesaistTofont WelW%ober
Well �)�. dontlsf- Watert00 ; �Ot•
rTik broker. Toronto; W. 3L
iLe" Doer, 909- merchant, P&Aatey ; A.
� . LBearnaa. i Q . hmbwman. Wisrtaap
inn to s. Yy- Esq.. asereh.,_Tdvgm. Vesrrs� slow, wbolesa]e' teen
chant• Qsebet
rreAJI nth` stock of the ewnwrs sae pro.
eosPedtfom�ed and reensot be sold Ir
■atil the tneneb tea PSY111t bsiase,
TM wry stock 1e, 2".09
M a amptltal t Lgla 600 r"es, 'A►811141 111 ease, with se, add hew
owe ervis ed for the treasury ft
M" 11111twzed lest h ago sufficient rat week fttthe �,
t y be� It o, entree on p
toy*exag '��• � • �
uses tO tysp�s..,I Over, the
,' �i �_
'ram Hallus to V a . ,,,, r. s They
to Neassd to goad im
a PamDectte
I L"""No ars Of the Pfeperty to "Weng,
kolbeww of obtalalna LatormatbU.
Tevspoeed J•Mtee.
in a western Amerioran aL&:e a man me
ul for horse steshes put is a plea of ass
mowdml lummity. He bad had six wiy*e,
III was liv,ag with wife number six a0 As
me of hr arrest.
" They were all • sero• lot," and a wit~
M. "and they kept eke poor owns, o•&.
antly in hot water by ibeir psesi* quar-
room* dispositions. •'
When all the eridenoe had been given As
•sme I 'a lawyer wado an "Vent appeal
the chart, coaele lung with the plea Uses
P Client (meld wet be held a reaponeible
Ina► after betn walled by 41ueh lsotippss
r tag ►amts hk was 41offioiest for the
Awe. mad he efiarrwd the jury to mequtt
a wap, cisme he had proved, to warryias
t shrews, That he larked natural Intel -
TM sympathe"))'try obeyed order&
A obwy of a AigeWeet order is tdd of the
Ras JUOUM Mania He never passed
Meso when he felt stremwly a ved. Ileo
fAgmb as tower eb W had hie
My. He had. as urge oesuieg. a parMO.
aft sotoft ase to Iry. "A. when a
*a of guilty was rearmed. be wrelale-
"I not pan waaenee now. i wigbl be
I seers i feel for W6*W h i email Rho
■ mile /warty -five years' Lamm] sMvlsleM
ams Ne or i*-owwowr, whom i /sed gaie-
wl%Mh pea. my bed." scold the prisensr
rwY e s rem'U Ihuh bea w of is is 0M
p4baasr." sail shei�i�gt • I was me
. baa I elee raise new. I kmea
M a ablald" of pros soom dMAs.
i ea b"ob7 IW I ma seslbs
1 M m uv atg for We, Is NINO be
o bfobw9..6, — Am
Is some. grog i = poo "ft pa
M adrAleglha