The Signal, 1897-3-11, Page 1-6131111‘11111.1--
Ibex d the hats
M teem be
au 4m will ne
tear that lime
e k AMMO esa
,in` of Prints, Dregs
Priuta, Draft
foods for Waists and
seen in Goderich be.
td Style equal to tag
K'oole, Unions and
bur makes -the tined
t to ColbornelHoteL
ar than Evart
On The Square
Fuel Co.
red to handle Bag-
tnel Hoptte'hold Ef- '
etch at reasonable
,n all grades of
Tithing Coal
.omers and deliv
Anomie. Order' no -
it F. Co.
D. ('. 4TaAONAn,
d menetsd Meet 1. the
ady to ohse goads to
at ae y time. am
d them mew. uzsai
e y with the ft
rut to ashen'.
loat Iutat
T-IJT-��.t �M�
1 -et ▪ ho es (S..Mlapb
where s
galled M.
✓ Items
Lee), HURON1L148
11 yea wt se Al Flee
Oeme (lir, meek.
r•a o,ewlp.E& .T
Fo(a Otis MM.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MAR H HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. 1' -�' dor Iw.oak .wli.g B.r 'GOLD AROUND GODERICH eh- main ••std tee Wryer sir as mach •• OVER THE HURON TRA
sora, Mr and re Soots to Ashfield •
possible and pay attu.uan w the • anew
Wasted - 49 Richmond et, West. Tr
roeto 6
Hgr Mymty'. J maim -lm- Headley -(iareet-
ems Co.. Tomato
Late -- 6
le Oil Seme-herder Ker .... .... 8
As 1.psrtest Letter Fulford t Cu,. 7
Not to M .: ad ereeld - K W. MoK,ssis 8
Opsei.g -Beit► Bros k Co 8
New Nubile Geode --Jas. Robinson 4
('eerier Carpet Sale --J. T. Autism. 8
SO Days Lett -The Fair Aaron•
•ane Cee Use Paul -.chs Sberwin-
W abeam Co . ... 5
Teodoro Wasted -Thr ( tubs. 5
New Bloyole Livery_-Jobaetot. a Hunt 5
Settled Tenders Wanted -R i;. Ksysol le 5
Auoden S•lo of cares 1.•• •1,.-Oewou,
Holt & Holmes ..
Auction sale of Farm L.ude---Ceeerse,
Holt and Holmes
,s• S
4e.ral S.rveat Wanted-SirsA. M.
Pufley 6
Will Yellow is emitted to l.oadoe.
Mies Cootie ha. hero visiting friends in
Mims tWilk:nsuo to venting 10 Galt awl the
Osseo City.
('try ('leek ('sate of 1'hatoo was in Gode-
nth last week.
Mrs Jas. Robinson has kern vesting rel
•caves in Parr.
Mayor Holmes of Chilton was te the
County Lowe on Saturday.
Mems K. Weiktsesn left lest week on •
vett to relatives to Toronto.
Mn. K. B Smith haat returned from •
,reit to Leaden and Toronto
Mrs. Geo. Edwards is visiting at the rem -
denote of Mrv. ( Hutahtn•oo, E:t1I
Hayden William', Rank of ('ommeroe,
Ssa(ortb, spent Smalley in (imd.riob.
Ste.. Rex and ohtldree left last week on
her return to her home to Manitoba
A party of our young " sport " spent •
pleasant evening 10 Ray held last week.
Mims Cameron, m,llwer, wee the past
week attending the Toronto o I.;nery open-
Mn. Totes, who had • tevele attack of
t• 'mope, has almost regal. •4 her usual
Kerne Forte who wee eo d•ogernosly ill •
few days ago, is regaining Ina former health
D. F. Remlak retorted from • business
volt to New York and other Automate
C18.69111 00 Saturday
Miss Davie a. attending the amnia now
vestdo0 of the Weems.* Auxiliary now in
e meion in the Forest ('u v.
Mr. .las. Breckenridge ties returned (role
• ams0th'e visit to her ditugbter, Mrs. C.
Hutchinson, Ethel. Grey i p
Mea Turnbull the lonal president, is see
d the delegates at the Rented Meeting of
the W.m.s s Auxiliary now being held in
Chief J ust1M Abiotic PewWsd
Tae Caw. Wise tame MMe the Peer[ - TM
Docket ase • gravy .re-LMre.lan by Um .:ramp
Jury - •dl(.aneed.
THE Spring session of the High
Court of Immo* opened as Monday at 146
r. r., Hr Lord•bip Chief Justin prestdiag.
Waren et al ve. J •okese et al, was en 00
Mon relative to an illegal Metre= seizure.
At the clow of the cams He Lordabip re-
vved Judgment, intimating that hei would
resider his decision in Toronto at ` future
day. 1. E. Dopey for pltff., W. I'roudloot
for deft.
Steep ve. Shuttleworth was adjourned to
the Jane amour of the High (*acre
Mmen.r v.. Wolff. an action for ..ase -
nos, was tried by nary. At the conclusion
of the evidence the jury rotated, and after
an a' .moe if Musa minutes returned into
court with • verdtot for plaouff and
$700. He I.urd.nie directed judgment for
that amount end awarded full twee 1 L
lbokeomon for plri : the deft. was not rep-
Elliott v. Elliott, An 'tenon kr the 000-
@ tractaon of • wi1L After evidea..e had
been riven Hes Lordship found and dueoted
that the d.leod.ot Dino. Elliott is entitled
to the monies of the estate of Eleanor Tay-
lor an the hands of her executers. The
amity of all parties to be paid mut ot the said
moots*. 1'. Holt for plff. ; W. Proudfoot
tor deft.
The court adjourned at 7 30 r. w.
2.( DAY.
Wheels were m use again on Saturday.
There were many reed heads m town the
Asst three weeks.
A number of youths were skating os the
harbor on Sunday.
The Chosen Fri.ode will sweet Teenier
mssSien this evemiag.
A number of bends were take. 0s at the
blcyole work@ cm Monday-.
Our Min/rime are fixing op • lam quan-
tity of new twine for 1897.
Andrews Bros R Co. shipped • oar load
el cattle to Buffalo ea Monday.
The Women's Auxilt•ry will meet 10 the
school room tomorrod afternoon
A large number of maple blocks .re being
flipped from the 1.. T. K. statism.
Mn. Alex. Pentland eft ben on Friday bell Woes t► none each seeming ►ng nstt • um
seeraigg last to art relatives an Turo•to.
.Mrs. Cl.r.Wu.en left Mrs w $.t A Roof the Old mtader AYN
arday last fur the Forest City to vest al.
[hes, ahem the Spans( millinery openings
and seek. • selrottoo of millinery stook for
her sawes'r, Mr.. T. 1;. Aide eon. We
wish them • 4, • west tour and Bele return.
Wilhelm Jo( yowler mod family left be
on Tweeds ue 2nd, for North Dakota,
where he 1. • moored • good position. Oo
the same trey Osage Patios, Kobsrt Ulan
and George Edward Smyth left hire for the
Prairie Provisos. W. wish them a hese in 31 AN Y years have {wired away since
their sew loeatioe. toe oil Mer struck Godsend'. A oolmp•ay
Kr/11107 t LILAC amidra. -On Mond•y,the 15th wee formed. the drill set to work and in -
of Marob, • mid entertainment. ander 4.lie
memoir of the F. L branch .t Duagaenes,
will be held, 1) V., in Deathbed • Auditor-
ium. An timeliest anres
d interning Preen=
bang prepared tor the omission. Members
treestroother breeches of the ooceety are ex-
nted to be present to assist•sst The enter
[•ma[ will commoner at 7:30 r. n. Ad-
.u.ioe-adult., 15o. ; oblldrea, 10o. A
large 'accedence, to view of tae •ttraotive
tad ted
. aruteri, ri, to ent•& Ibsen la Rm
.e -
•e e.ederich --• tory neermaied
wresa.esl-Evidently The
are ■1111e.s 1a Y,
Court opened at ) A.M., pursuant to .d-
Busch vs. lisugough, an action for mime
Von, was the first m•.. called. At the 000•
cleaves of the evidence the case wee given
to the jury. and after an •bee,noe of one
hour nod fifty nunute•, • verdtot for $300
damage@ was rendered. Collins for pift ;
1)ick..•o for deft.
Blake et al vs. Jarvis st el, an action tor
pow.eion of land, was tried witbout • j•.ry,
and lasted till the court closed. After hear
lag 000.ider•ble evidence ilia lordship re
'mad judgment. Proudfoot a.+:[.holt for
pIH.: Campion for deft.
Dunne the morning the ([rand Jury made
the following preerntmant :
" We, your (;rand Jiffy, beg to report
that we have exarnmed the 0000tm. jail and
find that at present there are twenty-one
prisoners in custody --teres temente and
eighteen mates (tf the 01.1.. the ie memo
and awaiting removal to the m .c n. Two
are hymning trt.l, one for forge.v and one
tor &Weini..o ; fifteen an oon•mtteed se
vagrants ; nae ie • feeble old m.n, totally
an1t to earn • living. and one to adhering
from en incurable dream. Teres are child•
ren, aged 11, 4 mad 2 years respectively.
The remttoder are ell strong, •blt bodied
men, fit for any kind of work, Ti....are
a.1 oomnutted for terms of sit months down
to one week. fee three females are all
varmints, commitments not yet made out.
It is • fact worthy of note that of the
sweaty -res prisoners now in jail only two
are from the County of Huron. The other.
are eo•ttered •11 over the 0000try from
Halifax to Co111ogwood. The ones from
oar county are Insane one end the one com-
mitted for seduoteon. The insane one bas
been in jail since May last, and we would
recommend his immeduu removal to the
asylum ; we would also reoommeed the re-
mora! of .e. Wm. Russell to the boepltal.
W. woeld recommend the immediate as-
uman d the authorities to the
as they are i■ an un5t and unhealthy me -
dittos for um. Aro the outlet of the drain-
age- ALrrtxl• T. D.vut,
The business of the Court slotted ei ertly
after two.
An oddities has been made to the officio of
the North American Chemical Co.
les bas been Stored away in larger gess
Wry this ...son than tor "easy yaw past.
See our Peeked Kin.tosoope-the latest
malty. lbo. mot. The Fair, Mol.s.n'.
The .xteeaoo to the boiler how a* the
water works will be the next job at the har-
Tbc break In the weather oe Friday pest
ea mad to • surplus of oordwood ea the
The man who pinked his bog with infer-
ior salt could a sad tale enfold. Use Rfe..
Pure Salt.
It is [raid that this ..•.o.'. besineas al
the harbor is likely to be the beet for enemy
Robe, Clark who has b..r dtivteg palm
wood the intake ante has o.mpIslld his
flee our ad. By.mrryythiag te be mold exempt
Ladles' Fancy (iooda The fitly, Metmm•'e
Judged by the .sekllsg hens we heir
woad town, its shoal lase we beard el
the Inge seg.
Yorke, ls vetting est\ the Ingo le dee
shape, ..d will sees he nod, he *aim
the bailer is W larger mew
Yenhue1n. have Mer We work the past
weak the dmm.Be eared by the
resist Ire is eras'. Week
Tho beekey Inaba advertised far Friday
buttress alretfeed sed OederN\ bad te be
p.dlipsMd es ..somal d the thaw.
Will the ewe a therftie keep the side
walk Mess the barber 5411 le sled, wham
pleather set shade tree le the uprleg.
Manager Walesa. d the risk, la M he
emery tah•Md ea providing sash an exed-
law Sveniesee asses -est m that el Mar
Geldtberpie sed De..Mee have chrhd
mttlaao e• Raydetd. they are making
stet. kktab tar fellers. Jen. Dee d Mob
Imre is bead sawyer.
The O.dmsbIs Limber 0s. W a bre
amaher dbee else. th..bare Moo d the
dew, must .t while him bees plekd rep
rut ipttall • the Nee* pr wady la
lets {leis bnAv.
WINOS program, r au .
Tott KING •,r Honours. -on Friday last
the rem.[.. of Robert Curran, jr , of St.
Hans, were interred in Dungannon came
tory. The deoe•sed lived to • good old qts,
Ming 83 years and month•. He learn
surviving him two eons, John, of Crewe,
Ashtiold, and Robert, of Bruce Slues, and
three d.ught. •e, Mrs. Ilium. of leesweter,
Bruce count%, Mr.. R 1 n••mp000, et West
awa',eb, end Mir F iso, at. hu late rose
donee, beside. a I.rg. number of gran•1-
obildren, to mourn his uryer:u:. He mane
for a •umbar of years • resident of AA ,at
W awaaosh, and wM witch ..'.seed as •
citizen and very •000mmodatmg neighbor.
Hs wife predeoe.eed him eso.e years pest.
Oyu ser O.r -W• deeply regret to have
to obrootoe the wed and sudden departure ot
Catbertn••, the beloved wife of Donald Mo -
Nevins. or. , of Ashfield, wbiob mourofnl
•west Wok Owe at the residence ou Thur.
day morning, the 4th inst. The deceased
bad for .Dane two weeks prey:nus been o• a
visiting tofu to her eons end daughters at
and In the vicinity of Exeter and other
prom and returned home oo ti.turd•y, the
27th of February. 0n Sabbath evening fol-
lowing .he did not feel well, 5.010* con -
erected • severe oolu, from the dire effects
of whtoh, although medical aid was pro
cured, she .0ccumb.d, aged 67 years. The
remains were interred in 1)ungannoe oeme-
tery on `etord•y, 6141, being .snorted thith-
er by • large cortege of eoerowtng relatives,
friends end eympattezing neigobore and •o-
yuuntancww. TM obwoule@ were solemnly
pe -[maned by the Rev It Fairtieurn, pastor
Norttm-The noel 5.x•07 to I ewe
f0rTcan BI0.vwt. Y at the .Aa* of J. O. ward.
J.i'.. essvlyaneer. Ron. who will receive at.
dere for eahsortptlens. advection*" and Job -
week. and le authorized to ere reoeipa for
amounts paid for theeste.
TtresDAT, Y0r05 9.
Gerriea Rsrr•a-We w to
eau that Mrs. Whyrd a oe•v .ening.
t3.rnlro Berms. -Ws are pleased to
Mata that Mrs. Jas. Walter, who has been
very iK. is reinvents, nicely.
To•w.--(s Yosd•y • heavy thaw sit ia,
whisk will change the mode of travelling
from the ostler M that ot wheeled vehsle.•
Flumes TEE Btu. --The mom t h of Marsh
than far beg, ss to wintry weather, filled the
bill. which February te its madams. failed
te do.
Anatomy CALL. -On Mead•y Rdmaed
Pollard, nes of the late Unload Pol-
lard, of West Wswanosb, died, bevies( been
ill for • somber of years.
WEDDING B.ufi. -lame Rumor puts It
that Mie Laver Game, gread-danyhter of
Mrs. Reek. entered the busk el matrimony
as W•dsesday et het week. Mere, if oer-
reotly id.emed.
Ciivetr eruct. -Tie em•Ierewn friends
..d segssatuneee el Janes Healed, Ash-
bkld, who bee Maw series* ill Prem harass
metraeled a severe
ed, Will
hear Nat vei
Isabel Milli wed
unwearied attendant)* he
is gradually oosvhreeleig.
ghouls° two Coot. Maraatat.. -(,site a
somber of our taurprfig either, d.rig
Mee lamp two weeks, le view et the eaedeg
loses, have been beady engaged l• sneer -
leg and Merleg • large quantity et les We
preemie they &.(clap&[e very worm weeds.
. ted e+ in okamsgse•ee Makin pry vba•
ler lb
stead elitrikin eel, me of the reheat vein*
.t ensu Ade ou the Amerman °outlmost was
struck. which resulted to • silt boom and
which wt the old4,owat up to the top notch
of fame and prosperity for teeny year., but
owing to the vest extent of the salt strata
which underlies this portion of the uo*un
e st, on both sides of the hue, the salt busi-
er has spread out and Mee overdone. At
premise • gold boom or craze u •float and
whte the of many of the wild
eat octanes at Roseland and elsewhere tell
you about millions of pay ore in sight very
hew ala tell how much to " out of eight.'
O.. thing the gestic reader must under -
stead u the tact that before you plank
down your herd earned gold fur musing
w eek you should have some .vides.s of
west your prospects are for re&Jlztag en
yogis' mrestmeot.
la order to he up-to-date • mining aid
developeueot company has bees organized is
Limitpast,anm for some Lime d frose-
go far the subscribers bay. received
100 menu oo the dollar, the oompeuy being
• limited •Hair• no stock being trued oat•
side of t.odencb and Saltford, 1'ut title
of the prosperous oo0oero mento -^e.1 is the
" Ilovne Mining and treetop/now (o.' --
twmb.r.bip and math! uclimited --1,000,•
000 shares of 5o eactepar value, nee ponies -
• I •btltty, shoe. fully paid when @tock de-
l'restdese--Hes. Holstein iborttail 11A -
rectors --Jay Bull, Wm. Calf, (' l). Boasie,
Du Funny l,reeoborn, K. Hookey, All
('ream, N. 0. gutter, Topsy Splitear, (Ne
Butteries. Kaman.0 lu,•rd-Peter Fame -
ripper, Hank G•teopps�mer, Owe Cow, All
Horns Trustee - B.. the Pouo..keeper.
Banker- Sand Rank, (;oderlcb Lighthouse
Beach. Solicitors -the town council. Pro- Octane' Committee.
n gl•oce at tba strength of the executive
members shows it to be an exceptionally
strong company is every senareand that th.
of Enure oe0dreg.non of which the de_ fact 1• beo0maug more and mon widely
ct•a.ed ayes foe mace limn a consistent known as onnolnstvely shown by the largely
m• She was . loving wife, a 1....d locreaaed sale• of oath, gate hangs* and
onetime line an sanmab a citire., and • reg- barb wire each year Tine is no chalk talc.
elan •ttradant at church, .o wbiob •Lr took
great delight and ie tfu. servtos of .5105
she trek greet pane 10 re ,- Mr family of
tons and dough ere. She was ever reedy to
egrist sad c..mfnrt the t,.5. and elm was
highly esteemed for her kind disposition.
She wag always willing to help those who
were to trouble or sickness aod her depart-
ure will bet•d1y felt in the home circle, In
the church and is tee neighborhood where
.ho bee lived • quiet and useful life for tie
many years, and most of all by her bereaved
bomb•nd, who, along with fire ssot sad four
daughters. survive her to mourn her de-
parture. During the latter part of her ill-
ness, bailee lived an exemplary Christian
life, elm .•v evidence of • peeoetul depart-
ure, which may he • smite of oopwletio0 te
the bereaved relative@ and friends, who have
the sympathy of the inbsbttaote of this mo-
tion in tear beea,.meo:, as wan evinced by
the•Ily large aseembege at the inure
Te L',l,lr, March 9.
Mom McKenzie, of Goderich u the roe
Mrs Quad.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips spent Sunday e•
West W.wano.h visiting the letter's
parents. Their d.ugbter Rhoda remained
on • vine to her grandparent.
Boreal was much amazed to see windmill
No. 2 arrive with the solvent of March at
our •nbiteot's, and kept op • steady blow
Thursday afternoon. gave it • downpour of
rain es Friday. It is expeot•d the. oar
two mile will keep Borate pretty well em.
The aaeual ripply of foe Int the Exchange
hotel was drawn on Yosd•v o1 last week
from the b•rbor •t Goderich. five testae un-
der the obarra ot John Barker doing the
Week, e•oh team making three tripe. A
gmaim for our boys is their teens and
girls who bays not rewbed Omen u how
many loads wan drawn!
The lest of the series of bachelor partes
gotten up by the yoani ntea in this .notion
sans off on Monday evening of last week at
the •rohite.t's residence. The yoey folk.
with • tow of the pet.rf.melies ad their
bother er hales@ kept up the dewing till the
sem' boon of the mores. .1. Caesars, of
Kiny.bridge, and .1... Yeager jr. amid as
violinists, supported by Win. Phillip with
his aosordeoo. Pedro and .oho were the
iso, sad our far-famed pair of .m ler. held
there own against all comers
Garr -This rather toe well-knewe slim.•[
after ea .benne of some tine Ism reappear.
.d and in nearly .very household there are
sufferer.. The Welt oommi$M.'s ranks are
thiww.d by It wed new he vases leader
shads aloe* to battle with It •madve
award and advice It is thebusiestbue.t rime
ever sees ID 37 vinare . p.ncua* in caring
for the sick In Desk". There are two
ether severe mass of Blames ewe being •a
injured blood vessel and the ether • ease of
u/•caution which at time el wilds( sirs
passing much anxiety 1. relatives sed
friends ------ -
T,rwn*r• Margie L
Mies Edith Aortae is visiting, friends in
Mies Clark bas relsu•d atter • pleases*
.mitt w relative at •.bar..
The properties controlled by this ottoman,*
concern Dover the towo of (;oderiob, Stab -
wen, Platt's ties and the vale of the beau-
uful M•itl•ad river. A. the exploring and
developenast operatIoes of this company
are entirely on the surfer the oast of using
expeasivs rock druliny .ppar•tue is done
away with. Pay ore u panned out from rich
creamy quartz. very Lttle chalk rock or
ether foreign Mae ore being found thus far.
and which spooks well for the high (milky)
product of the Company. A. the stock has
not yet bees "watered" subscriber@ will
find it "Creme de 1e ('ems" A. soon as
Spnug pule on her mantle of green
and the dames are in full [loom main. the
proapeeton will be dispatched to explore
the beet pante to oommemce operations, but
if thermos r dry and there a grass, and
Area are soma o0 the fee', oper.uons will
be commenced on the rich solo(en) Dorn and
garden patches •rouna town. No doubt
our kind-heerted muzens will gree diem •
warm and hearty weloome,ead it IN earnest-
ly hoped they will hay.• their doge tied up
wham the proapootors come around, 'muse
it might mere them away. The Bovine
!lasMm Mr Lest rtetatar aleeslea,
Tresses -the mayor, neve, deputy rases,
god deputy -reeve, and ouunutllcn Goode,
Calwoll, Tweedie, W110o0, Martin, Nara.
Dunlop, Reed, Niuhuleun, Nattel, Canteian
and Craigle.
Mutates ot ion regular meeting read, ap-
proved and seemed.
A number of amount. were real end seat
to the finance ommsnittee.
The @poaal committee reported as fol-
lows :
1. That the dame of the seawater be to
take char(e of the electric light plane from
the time toe Itgbt is started in the evening
to 12 o'clock at ought ; that he have buil
charge of the pleat at all times. and that be
be under the duectiou o1 the water and
light oommettee, .Ld that hr eatery remain
as 11 is.
2. That W. grown take charge of the
dysemo town 12 o'clock at night till lights
are abut off an the mummy, that he °when
the street hgbu, the below.' of his time to
be under the duecuoo tit the eagtswr ; that
be be paid at the rate of $1.26 yer day for
such aerv1oes.
3. Teat no employes in oo00.0tto0 with
other plant be pend extra for extra work ;
that their whole time be under the ohareo
d the water and hgnt committee.
4. That Jas. Reid be granted $50 for extra
servioes the past two years.
S. 'That the dame of Mr. Reid be those
of assessor, oolleutor, street inspector, and
csreuker of town 5.11 and town clock,
and that his seer' be the same as at pre-
b. That the treasurer be engaged to collect
the water and light rates in addition to his
duties ae treeearer, and that he solicit water
and tight takers and examine the different
water and light services and report quar-
terly to the comic& l'bat he be raid for
eucn services the .um o1 $400 per year.
7. That the Som of 1100 be lead wide tor
the onuses' moment a for the purpose of
advertising, postage etc., all payments to
be made through the finance committee.
8. That no salon be taken In the matter
of the communication of ('. S. (.zowski.
9. That all Supplies ordered by the town
Os ordered through the clerk, he 000.10101
iamtruouons from the Marmon of the dif
(erect committees and from the moaned, mad
that an advertisement be placed 10 the two
loos! papers. J a. At item,
Moved by .las. Wilson, seconded by K.
Teo.peo., that the report be adopted.
Moved by W . Goode, Seconded by C.
A. Nairn, that the fire committee have
power to put watchman's clock to proper
condition ; that an future at shall be among
the dumas of the wad uomm,ttee to 6x the
tame@ at which it anal, be rung, and sea that
• report of the same a made at each regular
meeting of oonnotl. l married.
The tire oommlttee reported that four mien
had been added t•• the bri,•de,asked that the
committee be anthonz.d to purohase suits
for them, and re.uoted that they he gives
power to sell the two hand fin engines, and
recommended that no one he admitted to
the brwmds who I. under 20 or ever 35
and that no member be retained after be
to 65, and that ea far se pemlble the mem•
ben be Phnom from persons residing within
the fire limit. The rey:.rt was adopted.
Oo1DM sero Gems. -Alexander Walker,
ewe d - Minemea. Jew Walker, who bee
bees ems se extended visit be be parents mid
hhsd@ teed wowing .Id-1iese .1
✓ ise. and Tees{ Atheelds1t w lies.
Anguishes, el fid, wise bre hem elm ties
=Waded wish le W peramb, bsN lett fee
their repssYve leaNiese. vel (1de,W, ea
T•eed.y, fhb. the brew tar Meeo@mt., N.
W.T. wbwn be Iesiw about twenty rise
`►e ebb 1M yeses. du•tlee.• mh ar-
riivvwl to Nair reapeethe dastisMiest
Otehnnt.e Aero 0orlea --New WN .
Mk d (ear w "- '- dle..tad two
Miners and Prospectors of Slabtowo will
cooties their operations to the shady side of
the river, as last season some of them ane
up town and wen lost for slime time,
but they were found all right hav10g been
run into the cooler (pound) by some of the
urchins of the town who were keen to sake
• small mint of 0100.7 when such soft
snaps turned up The Gederiob toy. are op
to date to everything. No woodier our
town as w progressive ; loog may at o00-
etnae to be so.
A word about the Portae Aesoci.tion wilt
not be •mum. The members, owing to the
bouotitul harvest of last year, have passed
• very pleasant Winter, having bad abun-
dance of fodder rich se h.y.o rn-tassel. and
bran -mash galore; in fest some of the mem-
bers are en fat and " easily " that they pass
by • jag of by oo the market without ever
winking .t It. This must prove quite • re-
lief to their tanner friesda who now have
plenty of ua to " bunch -' up and drew"
the latest mister and war neve instead of
h•vaer to stand guard over the toed with
• but make whip, as of yon. The anemia-
tioe is gr•deelly becoming more edumted
and refined mob year. Old Mrs Short tad
witnessed ,.t • dietaoco( the recent dog
races on the Square. She thought they
were Immease,and she had the gretifieatioe
of seeing the dogs get " Hail Columba ;
from the boy driven. " R hey, Jesuitry
bow they wollopel the amines few all they
were worth. She thinks the Mining Co
e h0.ld present Eddie with a medal merle
o ut of bis(., or a 0611 of extra dry • Mu m-
pseges," for the able meaner in which he con-
ducted the nom. The bovsttee never
made bathe tiers lest S....., whet their
friends. the dogs, lsed to give them
and yeamr • nm .000140 •117
Very) few changes have taken place In
the Borne Glob the Leet winter
Piss Jersey, the amiable woret•ry, ie
0U11 beading it down, and declares the lake
water in maoli more oomdeoive to the h el h
el the, as the wormed *etas(
eared no emelt item to term In their
fie.' when they wore p•hti0g the Bowe
rod. • meat oSsmeanfeat/.. to Mee Jer-
sey tress Mr fraud, Yr Rh.rt Rem, who,
It wM he rw.eenhersd,eaued for the Osld Nd
lost sprung. nave he is erelLaed espouse, if be is
fat anwsga. ►r hems w111 tithe him fee • trip
to Nell Heglead, or maybe te Gheetay.
e mess gold medals and p.rtisipte 4t she
Qesse's Jubilee .eletwett.. 1 Nmithdeld
Market. Anyway, Mr Sheri Horn has bed
• jelly time Wises he pressed the herrleg
peed. Re also wiMss tis be Cledly rweam-
erred to he (4.i.rieb hied.. aid the
Oswrsll la pailwdar. end be bele Ms
Seaday Inst Rev. Jest H•wtil*.., V
sDmklag en erten sewer& the elssimuim el
the Presbyteries obereb said all ite ..s-
5.. email glee a eerWa see et weekly te
enable it te eW hs dsamdel endsrtaksue
and steed lar a Inbmlesary ed1.. west
Tho Orlot trom the 1.00111 MULL
• Weekly Meer .f teensy tows Served
le te Mti Everybody - Pith• •ad
retest clamped and Condensed
frees Every mer/1...
`TSBORNE : Rev. Philip Madge, of
•ywards, Cal., • former readiest of lie -
berm. ie visiting fre.s& in this neighbor-
Grey : last Setard•y Mu. H•nn•s lied
left for • visit to her brother, Icy. (i. L
11.11, Tomato.
Kr.• 54.: The contract for the oomty
printing has bees awarded to Mr. W. H.
Kerr, of the Brussels Poet.
Exeter : AA bile wet king around • bores
power lately, .Andrew _(.ib.oe bad one of
tun tom crushed by the methane.
Seaferth . Mmes Minnie McKay, ot dun
town, has been engaged .. teacher in the
Canton public suboul, at • salary of 4275 •
Minya/: 'The 12th of July .-eleur•uoo
to be held to 'russets this year promisee to
be a rainier old-fashioned monster gather -
Howick : Miss My Grhag.o' •�prmgbsuk,
who a •t present Wen. Hamilton
l.•di.. ('ollege, r r• -any rel ., erysipel•n
In Mr heed.
Morris : Don. MuKeoiie, i.s lino, left for
Binsoertb. Man., lest Monday morning
where he eapsote to secure • peahen ea
publlo school teacher
Brussels : Mr -lawee Knight, formerly of
Bromide, has gone to Africa, where he has
employment. Mrs Knight will remain in
Cranbrook for • time,
oe•t••rth .Ayoung man owned Sleuall•s
ou unfortunate e• to get three of the
hugere of hu right hand cat o9 in Ogtivfe'e
000per shop Thursday morn:og.
Blu,.ale : E: W. Brno., principal of the
Huron street school, Toronto, who is well
known to Krumel. and Kimmel., had his
salary raised from 4700 to $1,000.
Cranbrook : Wedding invitations are out
for the marriage of Rev. R. F. C•meren and
Mies Maggie Ketches, of Whitby. The
marriage to to takes pros at Whitby.
Wroxeter Last Sabbath an old and high-
ly esteemed resident Awed •..y in the
person of Mn. John McTavish. Site died
quite suddenly. Her husband died about 5
or h weeks ago.
'kerma/ : On Thursday, Feb. 18th, Wm.
Wilton and SI us Maggie McMartin. two of
our residents, *Dapped away ver) quietly to
eetugbam where by he aid of Rev. Ir. Gif-
ford, they were united in marriage.
1'ltotoo : The latest arrivals are Jams*
Brown, from Ashtteld; Atte Charlotte and
Mutes Jane and Elizabeth ['rooks, (another
and two daughters+ from Morris township,
maktnv 65 inmates in the house at the pres-
ent time.
Summerhill : Master Stewart Hall had
the me.fortuoe to fracture the Imre ho..e in
one of has lege, • few days ago. He was
carrying • me of wh,Hletreee, when he fell
the wbitlietrem falling on his ler, with the
above resu.t.
Howice : A y-oung 5..n, eget 15, of Mr.
.111.0, 5t -M. PP., of Clifford, died Wet
Monday and wee buried on ,V.d0rwdav
Mr. lhckstt, aped 21, who lived test of
hare, died ow Friday, of typhoid fever.
i'hn'o0 : 1*. Steep, Wu.,etpeg, and son -
in law of Sin. H. Andrew*, barn been ap-
pointed 10 the place of Dr. Orton, eo-M-P.,
•e medical attendant nptn the Indiana of
(ll•nd.boye Agency. Maui tole. le is worth
$1200 s yam, and will 0eosmitate his re-
moval to Set kirk.
The market committee rrcommeuded that
Daniel McIver be engaged for • week to
direct teams oo to the mors.[ grounds,
and that a 001100 be peeled up to the of
feet that all wool, etc., must be ,.ffered
for .01e on the market emcees only. the
reeommeodetion was adopted.
The tinanoe committee reported, 00000
mending the peer ment ret several &cremate,
•o -i the recun,meud•tion was adops.d.
The council then adjourned.
Clinton': The wife of Lir. John Desni.on,
of Stanley, died this week. She was. half
S ,e'er of tM late Reeve McMnrehie, mad h.d
only been married • few years.
Ethel :.1 1'. Sbaw,ol E:l.r•t•ie, Mu.kok•,
who maw shot • week ago last 4•turday by
• desperado named Fry, was an unole of
Mrs. (Deo. Dotter. of Ethel.
Kira : Poem ..ter Spence attended the
High Court of aro. e' O F. at Nieg•rs Fells
lest weak H. neat Sunday with hie sit-
ter, Mrs. (Re. , l'hom.00, .t Hamilton, •ad
returned bon.. . , Monday.
Matin L•,4 . • , of S•orvnentn. Califor-
nia, and Burnside, Manitoba• halt brothers
of Mts. Gee. Jackson, Rth line. remedy
joined the army of becedmot., wedding Mum
Mary Jane McCaw and Mie Mary H. Mo.
Gentile. reepeotively.
Urns ole : 51mere. 1%u.4ns•n k Mot "a have
purchased • .irug uw,neee in ('hath•m Mr
140'.11 will take chug, of the busmen
then. Mr Rog. re bee gong for • week to
look after tt Until Mr, Mot Wan return.
Mr. 'Madman again r.eumee control of tbe
b1Si.see here.
Hulist : Oo Friday last Mrs. A. Walker
died at the residence of Mr eon-io•1•w, John
Sbobbreek, 0n the gravel road, Hallett,
having rem tied the ere of nearly 84 years.
She was ins widow of the late Joseph
Walker, who heart the present l.etai at, he having predeceased her 51-
actly 36 years to the day.
Kipp.. - John MoMurtrio, of Kleppe, se.
oompen4d his son Alszander to the bosh on
hs farts in Stephen lo fell • tree, at sheet
9 s m The tree, • large m pie, when fall
Eng, aril[ apw•rds from the stamp about ten
feet, sad thee suddenly Shur backward from
the adorer sheat tw.I'. feat, .trikinr Mr.
M.M.rtrie and killing instantly. The
• ea, wire wan •tandin, 0010r by, narrowly
mowed injury.
Clinton : Mies Anne Holmes, who has
been • resident of Clinton for • ooi.e.denhle
t,me, sod a the moot faithful employr the
New Er. has ever had. being uoott00alle .t
her work, run or •bine, will oboe iv remove
from town, and tab up Mr readout* with
the family at St. Q•therinea
Sueshine : Then died at him bome i. Sun-
shine on Monday .,[•sing, 8 o'clock, Jatem
Woolen, •r. Declassed had ooly been ailing
• few days, and pained away without any
pain apparently. He had bees postmaster
for • number et years Hu wife still sur-
vives nim, but ie eoo6oed to bed through
illness, .0d is under the doctor's are lit
91...Bast 01.
Ww•ooeh Mite Agnes Rodger,
daughter of Mrs Charles Rodger, was accid-
entally drowned in the well at her mnthen
home os Monday forenoon. She went M
the well, wbiob was • movies' tine, to
get some water and while to the act of
dipping up the w.ter 'tipped in. Her
etotber saw hs* 1.11 and gave the alarm bet
hrf•,'. emiaunf',1r•rtved .he was drowned.
(Macon : Thi Tnrowto Star say• -•' On
Sunday &Beroeoo • 6-year•old •0n of Mr.
Robinette Pira•, the m.narer of Oak Hall.
was buried from the home at 34 Rari-street.
Today • 13 year old daughter bloodied from
•.•ret fever, the disease which carried elf
*be little Sou, and the other children are all
dl with the disease, whbh to of • mailgeant
types." [Mr. �• old 1'ItstooIan, bls
wife being Mies M. Jac:luo, • Winne of Mr .
T. (}Doper, Albert -et.]
Me.forth : The following persona left this
station on Tuesday, oe the Manitoba oxcur-
sios Rohe F•lrh•irw, for Menden : Nettie
and Mimeo Pariah, Nina. ; R Trotter,
Breeden ; Wm. and John Moe@ip, lobe
Wilson, R. H. Hermon, Mooned : Wm.
Ingrain, Mamie Robinene, tireef.11 :.loseph
Pace, Neepewa. Mr. Trotter took two mg
loads of hereon to Reed.., and • car load
T,okereslta : John Spriest, awe of the d oettlor'a effects wen •h1each M R
w hy 5.11...01 Rarer aneaty, we. wiled Galbraith, to Harter/7,J. 11.1doe.. te
se teat free he labors o0 the 17th e4 Feb I.sode•.
rear', after sheet • year's Illness, when be
Isere with teen (' potatoes Mr grater : A very midden death took plea*
Sprees was bra is Ktrkeed►wighhb4re. Tuesday at the readmits of Jaime tinell,
Smtleed, 'n April let, 1890.aed otwr.gesut- Yale Sweet Mee Tolle Ward et St
Ey wet seerly 77 years of yo at hr loath. Thseme, had bees rimier friends in town.
e trams to Canada. le 11447, and aKtled e
ildeeedyille, where he oestlee.d to evade
ler ..see years, engaged ea a ►leolt.Mltb. In
1M11 be was warred is H•Miltee se Miss
Jame Rens, *be came met Pram Seethed
*Mt year. Noe *heti sheet .lee wean age.
He W her Meehan sad see .inter, all el
whom Med Ware Mm.
ler seine time. Tuesday
.rel friends, *ad a*
prepense to retire, was
with • fit of oew4h,o8
felted and she did s •
WW1 an
eased wamiable
aseeme. The r umias
Tbmm% y.ataray.
the e nalfee on 1111V -
seed.. night while
taken wadolealy u1
A a-
far misses. The
yeses lady el 17
were tubes M St.