HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-4, Page 81
hiaportant Events In Few Words
For Suay Reader&
tl•s flap coat's lappoolaga. atae.r.sp
temp -M and pre lase Samar sad
•awes nos ghats per eM ••..sire or
Our raper-• Wed ls.r's aalersa•ae
rrra.rstsb.a Iaferssoet.w.
'11r Moi.trelA Star's fund bee reacts-
eadod Pi MO
Tb. l l udeon Hay ('• .n. poi y censer*
enser -
ed Rem to the India famtue fund.
111►. ti ht. r:tawKb.
/ire br,he out h a nine at Z•nato-
. a$. Mexico. in eaten 175 mtaere were
as wurk lee cry effort is Maio made
s• on, •• them. but It is towed the",
time all dead.
51 It 11►►...
Ia. W . C. %V i tion grocer. of Wood
tlROol[, aaatlltltted tui -ids by taktng a
deer of pr•treia• acid
ahem .dice Kay. employed at the Gib-
s gen Hauer. HmYrt elle, committed cul
tine by taking Pans green.
111►: ILII Foot, , simile
It is reported from Rome that Mgr
Roam Tedescbe has been appointed
tApumWlc ('ommiawioner to Canada.
The congregation of the Pferwtch
avenue Methodist ('hurch, Woodstock.
have decid.4 to erect an eddtth,n to
their church. at a oat of Stet
The setemd annual convention of the
11101Thilitoll ('osferrnee of the Epworth
Leaguer met last week In Paris. Odl
bath an attendan a 01 S3& d.iagatus.
►IKaa.t rs.R.o\Ai..
Their Ezcellenei.e have returned to
Sheriff Murton of Ii:amlw n 1s report-
ed to be dying.
Arne Monti -tat Li1.-ruW art arrt.ca-
ile t present Mr. Laurier. previous
to hew departure for IOrigtand, with a
We att.- portrait of himself. costing one
tl'ho ter rel dollarw. •
Mx Thomas King. a pensioner. of
..a. bag been notified that by
the deed h of a rich telattve he and
bis sisters have.been bequertlted 110,-
400 aril an ewtate in Ireland.
Ws1.IT11'.- VORRIGN.
President Cleveland has not ye*
vetoed the obnoxious immigration bol.
The United States Sedate held a re-
guhtr butting", ::skin on S(.raday alter -
n oon.
The bill placing the Kish Court of
Mt.• Mut-nate under control of the
Vvik+rua.1 ham been passed.
Mir Sulzer. a Representative teen
Nee 1'..rk tutr,duced a motion in the
Bolo, at Washington dkcletring >e-
l.Ntar,• war on Spain.
The :tmeriron Senate passed the bUI
Roth .rtzln. lire comic rum ken M a
tidy a aer.eis the St Lawrene•e River
flush Hogansburg to ('atnwoll.
On Saturday tour wecial agent& of
the Plated States Treace'ry •e;zed
spium at Fan Francisco valued at 1100. -
ON, for violation of the Customs law.
The creditors of the Carrick 0nanotal
mstttutiort met at Mildmay on .$.a.tur-
day and beard a statement of snails,
wbloh showed .that tate assets will
psobably pay a fair dividend.
Then. L but little appreciable change
In horsiness conditkrts throughout the
United States. and the commercial
thlllures+ Dor the past week were '..96,
emr,rtrvd with en for the correspond -
hu week teat year.
• J she M.'M.urt i• a Kipper farm-
er, woe .-r•ta•At.,l a) death by a fallirte
ills Laweerre-e E. Volga. ex "toe yr
o[ Zone. irlrowned while chasing
the Inver Thames .,n the ice_.
hi ',hard DNaney, the Grand Trunk
/�, sactt..nman who, wan .tru. k by a train
- f e,pear Itla
Dundee. died at ImIlt.a.ti.
1 While ice -boating near Sackett's
Harlon Militant Frazier and Arthur
algae smltd out so tar that they lost
their way. When discovered Frasier
was dead from eurpoeeur '.
Twenty tans of nitro-glycerine ez-
oded In Nobel's exp4owlve mane -
Seeing"' at Sreveriet.si. Arywhtre, killing
sitz perming ansi doing an Immense
amount of demeSe to property.
((Mir AND CI1l I ALA.
Mks • srnl.er, who is charted with
Murdering torr heehaw,. has been ccon-
mditted tar trial by the Reoorder int
Stitt. Que.
The lnqueet on the betty ret the new-
ly -born babe mur'1ereel at Denville
three weekly ago. he. been adjourned
to enable the pollee to pursue their
The eoroner'e jury which enquired
Into the Meath of James Fry, who fur*
demi Mr. Shaw at Ravenuw.-rtlt, ttea
returned a verdh t to the effete that ,
tfte mur•d•ror committed suicide.
A Rid pining man named
ratrirk Mannlx wan shnt through thrill
asoul.lear by J.mege, Hall. wlio runs a
billiard parlor In the town. The wound
& v.ry saloon one..
'Rte ownner'. Jury at Port Arthur I
lbearw1 that itabin and Cosier, the two
Wren fated demi 1n th• etemWnring
Mins of their farm buildlnits. were
murdered and that the butlatngs were
get on Are.
TM/ I.rAn.
Dr Lynch of t.ind ay- le dead.
MM. Pence. wife of the proprietor of
The Ktngwton Whig. is de'n't
Rev • Father Huda►, a de'•tlneut.h•ed
as'mle.•r of the 4tuclety of J• ,.us. •loci
at 3l•entre"al.
Sherly Ilhlrreff of the (`aunty of
N.rthumbetIan1, N.H., died at Chat-
ham, N.H.
Mr. A. t.. Williamson. COUer'e►r of
Custom. and Tr". ei Clerk of Ki . a:
Bene; (►rel., Is dead. In hie Nth w -••.r
Mr. Georg. Irvine, Q.t'., Judge of t
Admiralty ('curt. and preetit.rt .,f th•. '
Unhn Club of Goober, .Led of can. u-
Mr. David Wint„r, formerly of Sar -
pia. died at the I"•rnard Ilnuse 1,.n -
dm from note effects ret an ov. ndo.e tK '
tincture of oplum.
Mr. John Fahey, proprietor .1 the
imperial iintel. Hamlltnn dict from
ery.Ipelas. said to be due to' a wound
received to his head a week sin (`or -
eller Mac K.'lean will hold an unquote.
roll Rev o, NAR
It Is proposed to sp••n.1 *3a, eI.134 0*
Inas I'tdt.d Statem navy this year.
Mr. McLennan. M 1' for OIcn germ
V been pre.nnted t.. the '41os at
Am1on l of the loth Battalion
71e Otrreewir'a pale,.• at Oral ,
C4ete was AArned, and oevaribl otter
slow bsdle•vM1 to be lnnen•ttary. brake
- In the town.
P uerta. through the Busman moo. -
tier at Athstmv. Arum rails "loon Or.e..
• W r4 i'* w all of her trona.* and her
Dart frim (luta within three day►
E Y Wowed taint If the Poeelre hp
slat epos the Greek troops evacirat
the island of (rete. King George w1
eitdkate In favor of the Crown Prtnoe.
The Nth Rural Soma tit Montreal by
huge Invlted by the Ancient sad lion-
!SaaMe Artillery Company of Iioatus to
vial that city tete swimmer. and an
attempt will be made to complete ar-
Leaflets have been distributed an the
Mosques at Coawtanunople oohing ue
on the faithful to ezterinlnate the t -
tdels. and much eagtWtson and ea. lta-
m at is caused by the report. reoelved
there from Crete.
rOLIT/Ca- IMrg5tIAL.
Lord Saltteury invade a trtatentest or
the lint/ah policy In regard 40 Crete.
the principal filature of aim* is the
establishment of admtnteussaie a'1-
lun.xny In the island. which will still
remain a portion of the Turklus em-
pire . but both Great. and Turley
must absolutely withdraw their forms.
At the enquiry of the Pat.tamentury
Committee Into the Jameson raid OA.
Rhoda cave evidence shutting that
President Kruger (moored Gorman?
against Groat Hrttain. He absolutely
acquitted Mr. Joseph Chiiiinerlain.
Secretary of State for the Colonies. of
all knuwledge at the revolutionary
Mr. Chamberlain. Seeretary of State
for the Colonies, in now ezohangittg
communications with President Kruger
regarding the bill receiSIl) passed by
the Volksread, placing the High Court
of the Itepubik under for Vuiksraad.
and has informed the President of the
Transvaal that It annruuts to & brach
of the London convention.
rOLITIc.-t 40.1111)1.%N.
The writ for the bye election in bon-
aventure has been issued. The
tion takes place March 13.
The Patrons of Industry of Cretans
b.ve decided not to adut't prubiuttion
as a plank In their platform.
The Conservatives of Mirth Grey
nominated Mr. G. M. Heyd aa their
candidate fur the Lrgisiature.
The Hamilton Hoard of Trude Coun-
cil passed a runauttun In favor of the
Government building and operating
the Crow's Neat !'arts Reale ay.
Hon. Sidney Fisher addressed a
meeung of the Dominion Alliance In
Montreal, warning there that the com-
ing plebiscite would be a tight to the
death with the liquor teanic in Canada.
According to The Patric. which is in-
spired by Mr. Tarte/ Minster of Pub-
lic Works. Mr. Fitzpatrick a minion to
Rome was to induce the 1'oto.• to sand
ae apostolic delegate W CsnaJa too set-
tle ratating dtmcwti.s,
The Grand Asauciation of the Pa-
trons of Industry has passed resolu-
tions In favor of a reduction of freight
rates by Government Intervention, and
against Government acid to any private
rates ay through the Crow's Nest Pam.
' The bill to amend the Manitoba Pub-
lic t4r•hools Act cam Introduced in the
Legislature by Attorney-thosend Cam-
eron. 1t simply embodies the pr'ovl-
slons of the school settlement arrived
at last November between the Mani.
tt.l'a and Duminlon Governments.
Mr. M. K. Calderon. M.P. ter South
Essex. stated in uttswa that he pro-
posed to abolish reciprocity In wrack-
ing. which was of rebore advantage to
Americans than to Canadians. He al-
so wanted an alien labor taw modelled
on the American b/U.
At a meeting In the Huard of Trade
rooms in Quebec on Saturday Mr. Do -
bell announced that he was authorized
by Mr. Laurier to say- that if a com-
pany was formed, and subscribed a
reasonable amount to the bridge over
the St. Lawrence at Quebe-c. the G••v-
ernment would vote a million dolor=
to it.
Premier Greenway has been asked to
establish a bosun fur cxnsurnptives In
The present population of Canada Is
estimated In• she Department of Agri-
culture t, te.
Mr. (•OPson. a soh.w.l teacher at Don-
aidaon's .Mills. was .'h*.'ed hy a wo:f
H. secured -a ciui, and killed the ani-
qtr. R. ]l Chester. a Winnipeg see..
merchant. ha_, Leen miseinll since Wed-
newday •'f last week. He formerly hiv-
ed In Toronto,
Major E. L. Bond, of Montreal, has
consented to accept the position ..i
chairman of the Quebec Provincial Ple-
biscite Executive. A
According to a blue book lust Issued
the mineral production for Comae. for
the yew was 124,000.000. Since 13*d
the total value of Canada's m .neral
production has nearly doubled.
Mayor Bingham of Ottawa entertain
ed at Iuncrheon Ave hundred ladles at
the loosen House in that city- he being
the only gentleman pr•e.ent. There
was only one toast. "The Queen."
At a meeting of the Toronto Humane
;••• fe ty a form of petition was approv-
ed of to be presented to the Dominion
Gov. rnment in favor of enacting legis -
tat t •n a,;.tinet the docking of horses
Further lentils from New Guinea of
the ma.sacrew .1 natives of Mannharr.
In t'. hic•h'the British Government. resi-
dent. Mr. ting •nes was killed, way that
In addition six miners and forty na-
tive* were murdered.
VIGO • R. White, who wao sentenced
et r••ven months* Irnprlw.nment for
p rti.'t anon In the Jameson raid Into
the Tr nrvaal. haw been r-leaseel from
the Holloway jail. . Major Willoughby.
.vb. .. m renteneed t.. ten months' 'm-
eter, nrie'nt. I. tit/ridgy one of the raid-
••rii non In Jail.
iJ-ut._4'ul. 1lereI mer. Cmiawlnner
of th Nortl:wept Mounted pollee. who
IP at present In ttttawa, teeelved a
telegram, stating that L1.►ei.enHr the
once worldnen evened Indian runner.
died on Thursday at Calgary. In th••
pollee barrne•ke. where he was onion
for an amount on another In Ilan and
hie wife
In the Court of Appe-a'e at M(int-e
ju•I.m.•nt waw given in a rix v.h'•'h
the right'. of 'trade. unions were 'n
volved. A st:me.-utter sue•i th, 1•oIrt.
for 1:.5ete dao i,*'.' . tt hh h h.• •heir• d h
had coffered through the .trtk •,f
.- '+t
felloww-workmn ret the ori. - 4 'h
union. The Arias' ("lir• r c red 'It
Court of flevl.•w judzment. , h h •
decided against th•• union T ... ju -y
m.'nt 'stated that the men '•- .••'t.1 1-
hml obeyed the rule. of th • lel
wh1lt were re.ngnlsed by Isw.
Meow. See net q.r.
Blwmarck. N. D. Feh r The Hou
to day Iw'sw1 a bill ext.t dee, t.
pertad of rotten".• item three month.
to on. year before action for div. r. •
can begin The hill ferried an erne,
glory clause. .1., taring that the State
and its joint litre are 0. e.ndalixrd and
the moral atandlner of th.• State d.-
grad•d by the ••onduct of theme who
come en that Stats for divorce pur-
Wood or lepyteoM.
c.w.o., r.h r'. -Colonel Vass the
.nnvmander d tae Groat army age.
ewlpatlon, has promised to one Ma in-
fluenee with the tnmierents at ltsdt*e
to obtain the release of the Moslems
who are Maimed thele. The remit 1*
awaited with sesiety, am the remtlmeed
rearmament of like Mo stn. r ea.reg
dread of reerlssil.
...L3dIC$ Ulu Gllierwelf...1 C LBOR NE BROS.
/ 1HI8 Department of our businww is
1 growing Lager and larger even'
ssat(on. People are finding out that
they can buy Underwear really--to-
tear fur less money than they can
)uy the material for. Our .tock is
Aow o>efe, every garment new and
Cotton Drawers
Cotton Drawers, lace trimmed..
Cotton Drawers, tucked and
Cambric frill
Cotton Drawers, tucked Camb-
ric frill with lace insertion.. .
Night Gowns
Night Gowns, lace -trimmed.. , .
Night Gowns, Cambric frill and
insertion 75e
Night Gowns with Cambic frill
and torchon lace trimmings,
regular =1.25, for $1.00
Cotton Skirts
Cotton Skirts, extra fine, trim-
med with embroidery $1.00
Cotton Skirts, hill width, trim-
med with deep Cambric, full
width lane or ewbd, insertion $1.25
Don't Buy
...a Wheel!
until you gee the 1897 LADY'% and
the HURON for GetrrtextN. These
Wheels are made in Goderich by first,
class mechanics, and are not the production of United States emsox !Awe
dumped into Canada for sale at any canoe. We do not pretend to compete
with Prison Labor Wheels as our wheels are Strictly High Grade In every
respect, but are willing to compare pritxa and terms with any High Grade
Machinery. Write for Catalogue, and we will cheerfully m ail you one. Look
at our Guarantee.
Miu.r 4.'.ler, has again se, ured the as -nay for the above Bicycle. and also that of the HURON
The 60444011 SENSE hu been so much Imprmed as to make it the prettiest and swiftest
Wheel on the ( untiorut, and the Ht eon wltl be a close relation of the Cow wog IL!* 4E.
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 26 and 27, and Mar. 5 and 6
when 1 hope to secure • large share of the patronage of Ooderich and surrounding country,
1 will have Wheels of other makers so that 1 an snit alt comers. tit)h ee r 0001)5 est
HIiNkST PRICKS :. my motto. No charge for keeping In repair for one ♦ear. Patronise
bume lado.try.
West ltd. of Square. Oodetloh, Ont.
Mlrreobi,r Meuszt.k AND Rzmirw for
Maroh, 1897. -An ostiole which mill sttraot
much attention in this Dumber is : \soaps°,
Borw•,h's long and strong revises of Dr.
(:oldwia Smith's Goose at the Riddle of
Kzieteso., Tbi. Dr. Burmah dosoribee as
" the saddest book 5e has red tor many •
ver." The Ueepe•kable Turk. with mon-
erten f.1l.psae tllustratiooa, is • trsmse.d•es
i•diotmeat of the greet ..rwia am the Ree-
phnrts. Around the Work) with the Umie.
Jack describe, with sem rem engravfngu
of its p.ct.re.gae rosary sed %•cooed peo-
ple. this Oreo Britain of the Southern Seas
-New Zealand, with the Meter colony of
Tasmania. 7 be Blind and Their Aehtevo
meat•, is • remarkable record hy the Rm.
J. S. Seymour. hr. Wilfred Greaten de
scribe that little-known dependeemy of
Cased'', Labrador, sod its Medias' MI.ahss,
.ed the its.. Airtime Browning give •
graphic sketch of the Gold Room in Cariboo,
with its rom•moe. sad tragedy TM mimes
paper is os* ed np•d,l hoarse* by Theme
Lindsay a The Cermet S5•sda d Time,htw
it ie known and reerrded. TMt aher�Mer
study, is sone et Pref. Maris Y tob.44 the
world•f.moue women eastrommer. first.)
tkeeditiens of the Middle Ages, b a be
D irective etedy by the Rev. Robert Dada
A strongly writers story of Misers mid
Methodists. by Harry Liaday, is lieges. Il-
lustrated 44oie.•e Notes, The Bitty eery et
hobs. The Imperial Owlet, by Rev. Dr.
Meekstook, sad Retread the Horizon, by
priadpai Shaw. LL D., are .tress papers.
Toronto Willis. Moe Prise, $9 • year;
$1 for six tment4s ; sleek gambrr, Sb•
• hereon eeewM Poem.
The fellow/Mr refers te the Rev, Father
Barbed, who for same years was Me par4sb
priest d Onderioh ..d KI.dridge • „ We
are delighted to Lars OM, stair • wotr.er•
d period of .ba•.e•. Rotated seder .,011.•1
•dvtos, the Rev. R. limb*t. who M sew is
the fortieth vee et his priesthood sad
Ore Biomes of Londe.. sad wbe
eM esly servi' hag pries of all Chess whit
were etch as Is tM days et bio iodisation by
the hie lamented bebop Pleessa.lt, la
1867, has rooms 4 ..we as sad is .mew is
Marge .f the Ra,Ii•b parka of Raleigh. in
aM .wog of Ken. Hit isy Mist
Ihre.eheet the dine.., width is dotted
with eh...s.mO,M of bis long .ad devoted
. breis, win Iola with ue is anasdins him
• hearty woken hank to the gold. el his
termer labors. sed 1on wishhas hl. Mali
stead • MsprMd d 4erahlr s*del "-
dafh.W )Nonni
lend. 5we.kisa.
Eulaserw HAT, Maattoulin Inland,
Nov. 2nd, 1896
J. M. *IoLzou,
Daae Sia, -1 weal to tell vett mid all
who may wish to besedt from my letter bow
I sofered and bow I was cored k y your
medicine. I was bars through straining,
asse years ego t inflammation set i., acid
for eighteen month. I never drew a breath
tam from avers pain, .nd then my bark
got so weak and painful that for five month.
before 1 began your maJietoe I could not
taro in bed without assistants. I took all
the medicine preserthed by oar local dooter
without any be•e0t. I was getting wore.,
.nd he said that he doohr.d very monk if
ever I would or oould be cured. When sit -
tin` ep 1 meld sot lean froward .4 a11. Pain
owl infi.*amlion marina were moaned me
to bed. I used 10 law mid scream in sees,
for twelve beers at a time Tne pain to my
side, low dew., omen. d to be moused by
re in. growth there. I . mid never .it over
ten mingles is the chair .t one time. He.r•
4•p d so away ermine here that got oared
by your m.dldse, my ho.hand was per.
,m.dad to smut for your System Renovator.
ala I am lb•skfnl be did, for quite •
ohmic is my modifies w.. Me reolt, sat
sly la my relief fret pais, bet my .length
ma mink rebored by the time 1 had Mit
tbs usennd beetle bate. 1 took the System
Removable and Protein R.surgam, .ad ap-
plied K A. 11eLsen.n's Li.i.e.t all as di -
rioted tin I was oared Von know tb.l I
wasya•-v trip to Oederieh, visiting tirem
fiends, last Rima.,. This was . wevriss
to those whe never ezp..t.d teats ere agate.
I oma well aromas. .ed that l sever ex -
parted to be. 1 thrush you kibdly,
him. .1. Anemia.
'l -a135,, Tab.
Aliment every perms hs• 'OM grip" tf .it
they elus't need to fe•r--Ihe, are sure le get
ftwrnaw.n Rath -Miss M. J. TarrM.
who has bees rattier; friends at 1.•5x51/.,
Teeew•ter and ether palate aortal, has re
termed hems arta Mortar • ..ed Mei
greenery PARTY -A ele(rb.Ie•d et Teens
pimple from Leekee..4rove tet rrasidems
of Mrs. Beier se llnmd.y. and, ta/.ehse
with • tee .f the yenme I. y4e ^9 1M aeipb-
betrised, tripped the east haateetie see ma.
ap the ora stare' hemrs,
lAwaaay fa(rssn.--(Int Tease pawls
halm Mrwmd • Instar• e..soe,stbep, Tis
might d moony r ... 'y Friday amber s5
Ohm aHyl home y it/Mateo. 1 semis gm
elnt' WINO to the deetb el W. A. Colburn, lesmember of the bas
arm ei COW5)KKI 9110111., the blames et the tam mast he
wound up sad Ike books o4e.yd, All asasaate dm the late trek will re -
ears to be settled la Febrmry either by ash or Nobs. Attu that Care
ether previsions for their mileutises mem be made. J 0, COLBONRY
e arvdvfaa penes. The badmsp will be esodic M J Centers*
n Ceers*
N ader the old arm .." OUL*UKPI a IIYOS when MIN be pro
mated is give his ouMamme Ike very bast valie a amt Marko w
AH Winter Goods at GreatReduced Prices
New Spring Goods to hand already ! Consisting of Prints, Dna..
Goods. Bar Priuta, Dr.m
Goode, Shirt Waist., Tesale Cloths, Dresden Printed Goods for Waist. and
Wrappers, a lot of Fut Color fancy Crinkles very new.
Carpets! Carpets 1 Carpets! No such stock ever seen in Golerich b..
fore' Quantity and Style equal to Ckty
Stock. Brussels, Tapestry, 3 -Ply All Wools, 2 -Ply All Wools, Unions and
Hemp*. Special attention is called to the New Axminster makes -the tined
ever put on the Canadian market. Carpets made and laid.
Tile Great (;aIpet Warehouse of thee County.
The Square next to Hotel Bedford I Hanilton♦t next to ColbornepHotel
2 Stores . .... 2 Stores
Oornice Poles
Window Shades
Everything at Factory Prices ------ Lower than Ever 1
A Clothes Rack Given Away
To those who purcha.se
One Pound of Baking Powder at
The Grocers
On The Square
nicht, or 10o. to basses a .s.b.r M the
V,srreen. -Robe, Tartar. et l.agaida.
Oot., spent Sa.d.y at James lases.
Mies Mary Yarri•b, of l.anide, N vieit-
ine bet .a.y, friends sad •cqu.i.ta.ou la
*hie 'Malty
For external use pair, Is a positive eure tor
Spls•1 Meese, Rio Masse, Istlammator•
Rbeaekailam, lame Rack, Lumbago. So..
Threat, Ir aF toad Bore 1 ler•. Bruises,
8pvafar. Bti* .ki*3s, Rapture a.4 ►11 bind -
rod disease, It boo been also found • cure for
Tbro&t Affections la homes.
None gwaae without having t he trade mark
ea labels and wrappers and E. A. Metes
pan's iialntsmt. Goderlob. Ont." stamped oe
wee meal of sash bottle. Manuhetored nal)
by Repbessl a. IIel,es.se, prole patentee
lead peprbtress. Newgate.. a.de,Ieb. eat.
-13%) Mow W ant
8otinettimg, ilite
Ver Dt.n.'iWt
if yon do. go to tiro City Meat Market.
acid yon will Sad dist
W w
this, in t Mat ilea
Fresh Meats
Spiced Meats
Cooked Meats
Curer+ Meats
Smoked Meats
Prepared Meats.
sed every triad of Baum g• made. lies our
Spatial Liao& If you have not yet base to
the City Mat Markel, do not foil to call ant
oleo nor spool& a st•rese display your Innpoe
the roma lasted loos tames. sal
t •vsryb.dy. We have every.
Cabinet Photos
For $2 a doe
Don't miss the opportun-
ity of securing a donen of
our Cabinet Photos at 12
per dos. Remember this
offer is good only this
Cartage &, Fuel Co.
are prepared to handle Bag-
gage Freight and Household El- '
facts with Dispatch at reasonable
rates. Dealers in all tirades of
and Smithies ()gel
Wood and. Spindling
cut to suit customers and deliv
ered with promptness. Order' so-
Telephone 62
C. it F. Co .
J, 8. PLATT, D. C. Srm*oHAu,
Manager. Secretary
1Nooke .. e
Nttx V.o, f erg
We lime, • large .ad asserted coos is the
sad are ready to .bow goods to
intending aereheesse a my ems. (Snead an
roods. sod yell will 3.d them stew, op to45te
and at prless b loratoay with the times. R►
member ewe stead -text to Davtew'. BBaaeedd
ware Stere -on The aquare,
est Elld teat Iartot
The valkaralipailloaa aper.. •
la bksM wes4te
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�i10 Peet (linea *hare s a
b0 leerrse.sablaetr 1Pys
liveries as i•e.ptle.
_Leave • tvd.l maw Ibsen : r ,