HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-4, Page 7Its
able Bating
and cleansini;
prtal,rrtles make
aconomital and
Every Day
Sold is King,
Dant Tour
borne theatre with
;teele, Briggs
fllgh Oreg." Seeds.
tdd by lerilleg dsabe..
Asir Lar them.
hale invotmenl
DA r*LOOL/te Pahi
Rooth. BrIW SMO Co.
Tosow ro, Orr.
uaus & Rhyllz
Aomori la W kinds et
'e material et every ds.,.rlptM
!urniture a SeecialtT.
ig is ai Hand.
Irrpared to meet it with a
or Cap when it conies.
put to stock all the Etat
quality and price annot Ix
In stock are numerous as
ot the latest in
L. R. SHANE & Co.
e Hat ..d Furnishing Emporium
er and
cert Pipes
mgawn olo. ea 11116 Aft
bet that will build
1by up a weak cong-
a titution gradu-
ince ally but surely is
The ...sty food
rd i na l Food
ole, a ieutific and high.'
ve preparation for infant*,
e children and invalid*
winos a co , a...»acro••
les? Te'emiu
lasso fad ices" aid
e +
Iw_l_i~ire alaBaahr �.
Pr Smog sero. tell Oris Mr. Illte ..
Gliibssow.esfipr.iy sr the Lir of Rem- l Tim 'sigh" mho.
Rhode we.Me have •itea - i lir'
brood or bare" e•ke.Maa •'tor t -
sad yea? a me ses.ot&ba to Ids lee .mw -Fast
A how ahoy ere oath...a.g tar sett .. w be Item W bilJ
s eBet
the Week
weir volleys all gl.wog is grew.
yo steed oto Ore.... their Noptael sky.
Aar there le so sorrow ere ole,
Ape.- t. M their harbor all psa..eliy000108.1 Yom-•
Nat o.. Meer Mese tam
Digo !well the Mir fr ear Caw may
with eyes of 1h lenders*• Nee.
Oat parte their slumber os yes aid ea
L dreams that use stover ease tree.
Me joyfully greet them. ser wish they
were here
'Mid our tarsen .sd drier mad die.
guy sr. bumf ily Ru•rdw the bases wo
bold de.r-
Uer shiw that ass over orae i..
• 00111PLITU Pleat.
LEIS Williams went to the Crow-
thars gardens .arty with the words " W III
he be these?" repeating themed..s in her
" Yoe .re IuekhJ year bet my dear,"
g rid het geed old aunt. " Is @phis, NO
" The ratter,
have • fever or
minty ' Dose .me have M
broken lamb to look one's
Ede I.a4b•d •e mho spoke.
But Mrs G•ythors.'s reply
•• 1've knows • girl with • Cokes heart
make • gnat ..wmta.n is • ball room, my
dear." use said.
A Wrest Kar laughed again. This time,
however, she laugied with as effort, ei she
g1•.o•d at her relative's weather bests.,
ktdly aosst.'taoo.
Had .he gored •sytbisg.
Bet that mord uliksiy, for Urs. Gay.
theme's suet words erre mind enough.
•• I preps**, Bditb, to speed my Mrs -
woo mostly seder that Mos study mal -
berry Wee by the forum. Ono doe sot
ekes w mob • two tree."
Ye, he was thus. ours sough ; he, Max
Hdiiwgt s, las of indwell, sow of Leedrs.
and the amber of two .skgularly dramatic
WW1 .elm
old •pt..ss.ely was arae Mrs Leedale
bed dor bra mow h..m than either hoer
she ►.d ..y ides eL
Is root • yeas Ur modernised that he
W abet be batt ; be bed had hie Mi.f
spell r triumph 1 U Waved him to lisle
lar • keg spoil el imagism +red sordid stnv-
books, tho tams whereof bad dratted down
to Bidwell. Led... Edtu expected, he was
kartdly hs.ased.
Quite early Erie told herself that the
rimier Bidwell nn feet or Merin with
great users woo }adeptly tree. H•visg
shaken Meru free et Ids oesgr•tl•tiog
...gsaiss.oes, Mr Kith yttos etre off to-
wards • secluded when: with Margaret
Lss•d•le, the bore.
Serer tsar Ur @eked morose ree -
" WW he marry 4.r, do you trek r
•• I pity him tf be dose." mid the ebbe.
Thor were two girls. Ur sympathised
with them both. She, M., would pity Max
Ube married the esid-natured Man Lew -
ol., e. As ter Mr ewehfoiier-s�
weeld try to boor der.
" My doer Mi. Williams. we rat me
sadly is • set," hero broke i. Mr. Croswell,
• trivtlo.s yrs, b•rrmter. " Are you too
very much ..gteed gen
in our literary t's
Hobo palled born together.
" I'll play with plaa*un." Obs mid. "De
ens @Sppo@S-they will rake • mart et
I think est,' be replied. " hurls like
Mia Lonsdale, wit► nether* like Mn ..sos-
daa•. toy with the seals of genies, but don't
Ede trs.bl d. Mr. Cromwell was thaw
as wadi se frivolous Brides, dm thought
as M did.
•Weald she dare !" rho• mor.erd.
•• Der, did you say t Why. Misr Wil -
Hams. wase im thus yew tree el, wield
uet dace ? You'd art llisbare the QUO'S. I
bli.ve, for isomer '"
Yea. that is ties, Edit told herself. She
was celebrator all over the sang ter her
sating. as an arras@. Bet where was the
bravery in thee t
After the Ort, the was reefing and drink-
ing same►ass with • good deal of boos in
11, wren Max Mort ripped tt� behindthe rbed.do.dross and dnppsd upon the
wt by her.
Well Ede '" be said.
S4. was struck by r1. expertise : all the
hope seemed to hays loft it.
• L lytii.r wren*!'' she asked quietly.
" Oh, dear.... I ha.ii been in bvo,pro-
ped to tie lady, been rejs.Nd with raft
u s -
Wog akin to sees, sad -rd -1 bellow.
tha" •IL "
HI. bitterer. rooked her.
• 01 Max, the said. "I arse merry."
"Sorry ! Not at all. It'. a ...offal se-
Lokk hoe. Shce. sin tad I n-
.usb ether. mad we ought alter
>lIIyi.g together se utile MUM, ad es
�leoyra1 Mark as, I aril de OOreehisg
Wait as Ns .trowth of *b. 111 wafer
s.mwtbty to yes. (He laughed e.rdoai-
eely). '• My lest story wee boil• es • boy
mad girl lire shirr : de yea remember r
Aseo•splished seam thumb rhe wae-ar
es semser-ledie metered Is the hair -Use
es bit forehead. Dad she ru.embsr I
" Yam. I re•embsr." the a.awored, sryYtg
else to least. " A lite bard se as.
lbssgb. Mrs."
•• Net at all Of owns tae is Dryer
arose in oue'u Meas Yea .ewer NOON to
levo ass forever though yes did say yes
maid. red the ser with me. I muppws
Well, moll said. .y "Zakwith 141. I.m.m-
dile will some • good "ors. ser"
1-1 hope it mar," maid hail.
Thank" T.k yea W ell, r. a(,' IN added.
A• vers, offered bit band. ad said-
" Bidwell lae. the . less .1 r.. 1.
threes areeives Fero the well. dear
'HMoo ought Mought be ham ase. deli
It uItl told Nr ...�esbi.g.
I love boss a Mea, b. addedhes h.
.Uh a lyase* sunk hsok bis bit Oya
" A 1 Mill be • MW1 gree feel
And as
I'm dews"
The. ltd*. .at dews ami welsher Mag
.aka Ire adieux ee the Or when mad
Misr% .IUi.Rty.
He west M Pais. worsieg es •m neat -
melted josr..lhe tad lima/ M. se meld.
His attic is she Inas yaarte was w
oo.4.eishie. last it was more a Nes h1.
Havtag what le ailed the maw* te.-
per.sst, he sneered very tnseb. He pew
morbid ; se 'has the Mad bodies es their
Mate is the merge* lstereeted him to mem
ways time ens.
Thugs were thee with him whoa, etc
May ovssw, he •b*.e•d. in the eosrtyard
ei the Grad Hetet. to elm Mies Lesedale
and ear metier. They were dressed as 1*.
Goad the plums ; be sanely.
Urged by impale*, 1..emoted Margaret
L.sedsM, ppa.ytag se her to Mrs. Loam
dale • lave.led gie se and baarbsy de....
ser of weber.
Mir Lariats was at Isar ked Sore
thieg of pity leder rare i.to bar eyes se she
rer•reed the grecs reap is Mame reser
and deem.
Mother." she *aid, "1 hope Mr. EA.
Mantas will der with as !"
, Tb•sk you, se," retard Mr. "Those
Yoe aro over with as. Mn. Loadslo
preoeive it if you do sok Prey dos's let
Me detain yon, either.'.
He was Mvl•g away, whoa Mum Lour
dale sopped hue.
• As leas all us your address," ohs lead.
" Oh," mid Max, •• with plovers." He
wrote it es •a envelope. " There aro fitly
am sees to it. 1 t.agio that will enl-
dos. Good morns "
H. went away forked ..defied with him-
But hs was tote satisfied -at digs-wbea,
the next afternoon, the oo.oterg• gave him
as eovolope and seed that two 1•daea had
Delle,, mod that toe yowler of them bad
shppod for taw his Maeda.
Two bask sore ot 15 each '
That night, hams lit he pipe with ono
of the book ow, Mex reioieed le • rotors
of dowartstkt forcible mspirstio• Ere
.ming, he had written tats first mot of •
Pay which he believed would go to the
Mort et • Briwb Nsatf.-utewd.
G die William.. too, .r uadorgol.g
@Imago 'iciesitodes-vioissitedes that
abeeded part of Kidwell. mod excited the
eery of some otbors w that modes proms -
rat tows.
Het aunt had died, lay's* her barely
.sough ta live spas ; and .he had .ought
eel Wrier es e.g•gement a Kau Bur-
don u • Leeks theatre.
She did set leap to the lop of the tree 1.
• week, leas eho Mewed tech talent, that u
lase than ix .oaths the woe aerated with
the heroine's pars is a Mw play ot remark.
sr power.
ilio made the fetttewe et 11.t play. Les-
ion bad moral/ bus pew for hoer. liar
appeared u the .bop -windows
were written .bout boor, .id
manager woes her.
But &be kept remarkably cool tiering
this exoWrsnt.
She did ass press tor or. thee i50 •
week, them* she might have got doable
ter the skis*.
8M tier in • ha.dsksO alt-abse with
bur teal4-fr bar ars, and sobbing else, she
mrd to einvier beth, though them wom
that is bar hart that told her differestly.
Max itadis 4.. had dimpueared lake •
bunt bobble. No ose row aspire
about hint -or eared.
S. it mord to Bila, though her faithful
.tad .gale am agarrs disrmeed him •.d
weedered sad wished -She .ereely knew
It was that obese throw them together
Shit said these rade o es sit etheept.
dd.r by the Oaterw V bis Ws.
'• Yee are saes seethes s/l. r
•• (]re M nesse swarms. you how. Idea"
.4. .he, it.lr+sg sae .f 1ls ears-* Press,
se t with the gUs.eruga of ter le her
" Ifdt.
.. Ye."
• Soa.mbing toils two that we .re mere to
ea eh other than perhaps either .f me be-
One se sever senses. list'
Bat lie bad bis mower I her fees
" Peer fellow r she add i bur heart
It dM .et seer s kw wort► hag wVs M
Wag hnas& •les
Bat ids. ItMMR1. did .et farad le se
eery te IIN.as* the p s i. W sew Mesa
d mlsd. The beak he twos with W els
hien.--es he Orsi mow. krm.telde
seated •t dear sty _ his gehlieber. _
the gwsarter's .. wv.e f �'
• weall
"Seam Pie
• Oi as. r d..h es, *eh ce` lot time le
w ,eahlei la yam a�a.Ya. ?q rig
e seOtes. serssaa Sats Ilthrliwiwo Oared ter
P O'o.se.
Dr. Agsew'. Ointment relieve is sae dry
✓ r+d oa s tenslit or, st thews, puss. .ssld
heed. .sass•, barber's itch, tlbes. bbtebe
.red all 'ropier of the tilos lab eebk-
tad sad grease tad sets lake aegis ls the
baby burn ; 36 era Sold by J. K.
mesa -
Mire was • q.e•Yes of • new play for
Kaki. She sad the .•s.gsr looked through
many that were 5.bmaM.d to them. Max
bad nese Els ploy oleo, .t • venture : 11•
Musial the heroine might suit • woman of
Mie Burden'. repartee
Kobe'. hart bad • wild time whoa this
play w.. received.
" I1s Nis t to take it hers.. Mr. Gal-
braith." the said. •' and rive It my meet
anter esseider•tien. I sed is kw him;
but dent kit him know that."
She rod • good door that.4tws..., for
it wan plain to her ides Mr bad put bis
earn "wperieaoe oto his work seas more.
The plot of the play oentrsd mead • pow
but .aawr.eas poet and the *WO ws.en
when he lova. L the k»r.M, imine brew
the poet shot bimetal. the Om Wootton lad
s.Yreod Ir loco sad rime him mosey. •.d
the other bed told bits that be was too 1•l,
-.he was reedy married.
Then were row Wares in the play.
•• Mr. Oalbr.ilk." raid Ube that wooing,
" you must welts M Mr. liddi.etss sod tell
him that it I M) make w .11.r tises is
W work it wW emit lo► FU asks it 5.11
.jag pplied remise."
that of eoeras they
raid do as they liked with W play. How-
ever, w1ss the mama erred W M aim
to Leder for r.bearsab. Max destined.
"Seam or Miler is so mush is me be
wrote. " that I d.ns't show my Men is the
theatre until the BritW pibno bee .tared
tis demos"
It was sena,. bow that and the like
words .Asabd ■dr.. Aho determined to
sett • study of her part as should win for
Max .0 the fame he water. Abs .1e
imbued her oolle.gass with • like .the -
The tressle was splendid. I. • week
•• Th. Imam .f • Yea " was the .f the plays
that everys.e WOO morning to w.
It .se w r ..
that Mar the C_nerd
sad wlIssssed his owe work. without
s .ayeas
Ho was prelwmlly roved by lids.* per -
Myst .( W w.1ena-see Seaman who
sell met ..evy W biro basest in was
alreadyts.rvW Bat te1*..earpeise
tonedat be
Mhis play W�
ed baggily
be the
marriage s the pest ylYfm wt
dame tag ad e..wvs peat 1 and be
saw that Illy se dei* she bad .vedEle oth es. whom the emend more lembent
the theatre. Thr* was ea.et0M4.hese
Mfr. Darden that sdisd him.
When at berth he moved b woes send
Ms sad Is MM Buries.
She saw hiw, is her dra-.hs-roem• and
he w resoguised bar M an Metemt
"IMAM." he mime. " And i set s am
t'Lply laplay. malt MI"she Md.
This .mdfi.sly her i..Bm' ayeigewurmi
her. Why did yea sae webs sir• MI .e yes
Mrhard .p oar re .Iii* sepses&
aw.ur flee....
-Afar all," mid the tbo.ghefel rtrl,••t e
prseont.uca of •n rse•Reme.1 rtmg 1s • rdio
of barbarism. • rsmtmi.os-so of worm
oD.ritiass "
., That's so," was the enthusiastic njala
des. " I lust web it were the fashion N
give Meyer."
Add. Hie Tetimos to the Madill et Gr.
Ago*w'. Catarrhs! Powder For (Cern
..d Cold in the Head H. Hay. It
1. Peeler.
Mr. J ,W 14.114 wards, the genial parer
of the C. P. R. hoer • Atbab.oe•." says :
•• I rod Dr. Aguew's Casnhal Powder for
°olds the bard. 11 is very sfi..Mvo, eery
to apply, mild end preset F.r much it
has .o ego.L 1 have tooled .early every ca-
tarrh cars mode, aid ford .e.e to ems -
Pare with ii. I recommend it fleet, loot tad
always ' Sold by J. E. Davis.
Me seat.. ter Pamir..
A °Detractor. living is a corset's para Of
South Wale, employed • harp number of
Om Saturday *venire he had paid ail
mays at, leaving ht.. meas* nothing to
t.k. beam He told his good wife hew It
•. And whit are we gots[ to d. now,
Joh.'' .1. rid.
•• O►, sever mid. Mary. I'm • Rage
*YU !" be •.sword.
A Crawl Army M•. Cr.... Swords With
Heart Deena and W at • Maims
Victory With she AN of Dr.
Agar's Cure ter the
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Henri sea
sat be aver estim•sed, says H. M. Mttsssl-
.as, • well -keens G. A. R. ma of Weis -
pert, Pa., and he o.st1.w : • • My .U.r.le
wore proration •.d totter -lug et the Marl
I mod me bettle of year valuable sore sod
fol like • sew .ss. I have arse brass
sed bottle of other rediae« without help.
I Uatrodses N M my friends at wwaerry� op-
portunity maids 11 is • gnat .dirlss
Inside of 30 omission Mar the tint der 1
had relief." Sold by J. IL Dawle.
Madly faeera.
Apropos of the axe ive mess far eye-
11ag, width is sow every day mere •p-
p•ro.t, the following may be of men b-
A. • young Lady, shirtier and fe•rbm,
was whoring bur bicycle from • rural rail -
was stars, at so resat draws from
Orrice,. yon.* rustic. with • broad grin,
observed s 11. oo.pinirs
These threes w•i.'t stop far nobody,
badLook •t that poor wench ; she's
e hurry of More she'd fiaiab'd drama'
Miner• "
Pee thing !" exclaimed the old termer.
startled, yet syap�.thetio. •• It it i..'t Mr.
S -'s dowter limys bin away i' Losses
Offer bag yet rood, Tummy riled ; her
toytber's sere t' take it kind o' ye."
"iiy MaelbsegoiNAlisr
"0b. I fmgt► RO Via Lju. 111
deed!? , usye11AW d>.Igatww
MUG • minim o.
yea *so k.s1Mg1 we�yei SW,
Iri� deg
es Iii.►Ogee deg era
fie spike tufa
"W I .IIs '
It leaps baa w1w she tee& le Ne .ssmo-
peetiag a.. albinos It w..
.am., ..k~i..
Wh.a he teemed b le w b.rdfisd se coo
a mass of Mee .o.Mer M llr.otw,
wW.e�•tt the
berme of tho Ma h. wad .
Mee wards
•Yea Wed my St. am! w I bees the
Omens .f eindhe yes • M d my Ole.. •
Pkysioi•.. Feted Cur..Ails Failed -But
the Great South Amed0•u Kidney Care.
• Specific Remedy for . Spool&c
Tro.ble, Cured Mn. A. K.
You. of Berner, P.Q.
Qoiokly..d Perms -
Thee b bar wNoomy : "I wag taken clot
is Jemmy, 1893. I empbyed several of
the beat loser Physicians and was treated by
s .. ter kidney discoss until the saran ot
the oars year without re4Wviag mesh bene-
fit. I *1r began tries. your Smith Ameri-
cas Kid.y Corms, a.d derived great benefit
abort immdiarly. I feel now that I •m
quite cured. 1 Moo taken she adjoins, for
moose length of Moe and have not bad • ro-
tors of the .tightest .y.ptors of the di -
..s ." sad by J. E. Davis.
Th. *Y.wbig Mary i. MN of • werHy
w who W sea have to ears worth lim-
sett, bet ,waived it se • Istay. He is
very ohtuss. trim* M pate es • greet dr
.f .tyle.
H.ariseg that M tested • horse • seia►•
Mr west is him .id said :
• I arid irke t sell you • lass*. He's
jest the klsd .f asim•I you wank"
" Is M fust?"
" Fw ? r.mb is se ear for him, my dear
.k. a.'. • reser. May 1 ask hew tsar yea
11m tram year *Soo!"
" Atm thew miles"
•• Weil. If yea start from year ethos at h
e 'e1Oek yes as it down to you sapper at 10
salaate peri 6."
" This I don't seat holm," replied tar
ts•..f t rssy pram sly.
•• Ne! Why nes''
Beam my guppy. is viol reedy noel
eight, sod 1 .hoalda's knew what de do
myself 1a the melees. No, he's so good
M sae."
svorysedy Lambed.
Seise Mat met • wase.] engaged an •
ease is mirth property of various derrip-
M... tam Involved ode • long sed mash -
lbw week referring M each kind is tars.
His sootowoes delivery had ,oat Overly
ever'yoos is .loop, whet bo audioaly et•rt-
kid them •11 by abruptly arsine his voids
as he exol•imitd so the judge
' My lord, I will sow address myself le
ths hrsimmre."
"Yoe Mee boss dotes that torsos else.
1 think, Mr. X," remarked the judge sore.t-
ly. rid aaiverc•1 twiturtsg.
Now. there woe earner jedgo who had
heard this •needese, oil was .wring It up
fer .se on .sine future etsomon.
At lams 1.Opp.rtsalty seemed to have ar-
rived. Ho was tryieg • user in whish the
eiresm t•sose were .rsewhae similar, but
the property involved was live stook.
la duo oseese es* of the Doused said :
,. My Med, I will sew address myself to
the donkey."
"Yen have been doing that f or some time"
was the prompt reepe..., whersupoo • roe•
Mar rear of laughter followed, which highly
gratified the judge until iM true massa
daweed apes him.
'Very .sepsis.
A troupe of w•sderi g .-miles were
ease playing Wen • bete. At the ens of
the pima sue of the members left the gfety
appre..hod the l.•4Or, and palled out •
little paper ba. whisk be emptied los 11.
left band, while the oyer of the Mie ea -
lowed every movement. He thea leek •
plate in his right head,..d pad it round.
There was • lenge ssUeoties, bet
we.d.red what he carried me ..nI is
W let* bad.
' Why. it's vary Imola." ..id the ,hist
whom q..stiwd: • • we're all ambler to te.p-
taes, and to be sere of the fidelity of our
eolbelar be W le had five ilio in hie left
head. sad we stunt th.me first whoa beer
torts le snake sere of the mosey."
Traveled H if the Globe to
Heath, Without
?task the Advice ot • Friend and New
Prelates it from the Howanop--
" South A.eime Navas
Save My life."
Mn. H. Bapleten, of Wi gba., wrier:
" I have toesn very mesh tso.M.4 ter years
-dace 1878 --with nervous debility and
dy.pepis. Had been tire•sd in Cards
and England by muse et the base pbyiei•ss
without perm.aset reUeL I was advised
about three months ego to take South Am-
srw.. Nervi.ta, mad 1 firmly believe I owe
my Ufa to it today. I eta truthfully my
hat I have derived .it. basalt from
it rhes any other treatm5* I over had. 1
.an aereeep mesmeaamd it. rod will saver
be withaa5 it .y.1L" Sad by J. E. Davis
But My Wile Peresaded Me to Try the
(:coat South A.Orio.. Rhea.alie
Glare and My Ar.W.r Pais
Wes Gens i. 1P Her,
a.d Oise ter Good.
J. D. McLeod, of Leith, 0.1., says : " I
boys berm a .bat. of Rhw.•M.. for *saes
you• -.seamed to mel hod for ..uebo at •
tiro :.sables lows myself. Ham tress
Masted by way pblulei@.+ withal aq
benfit I W as MIN is rheumasto euros
I saw dv.r1wd, but my wife Mimed me
le get a Week of Beath A.heie. Rbeeme.
de Ours free Ur.T•yIer, drugabl, is Ow.
8e.nd. At that time I wee is musty with
CILbeide et 12 beshoea•hi W bikes
ibk ark' dkf the pals W .11 lin sits I
mkNlssd mill I had used Was Meths,
soft I w eks-N-_ '.y.e1l erurU
Bir ,
weed. d by J. 11. n ori►
eery Reaserreestag.
The Cream .1 Q-, ridiar is • rail-
way earrt•re, was meal •aneyed by the
fixed elan of • long, Cr. allow-Iookis*
reran sitting on the opposite soak she had
piercing bleak oyes, and .bv kept them fixed
on the lady's floe.
Finally the train mopped .t • little
*sties. sad the mean leaned .Dross the
carriage, ..d, laying • bony hand on the
C..sses's arm, said :
• 'Scrums me, but may I ask a question "
" Certainly."
" Well, I just rated tr know if your
eomplexiem is natural, or If it's see of those
t.•arled kind 1'n beard of `"
" My complexion is quite natural, thank
"Itis ? WW1, I'm jet sorry to hear it.
I was bops' it was or ta the i.•meiled
kind, se' 'bat you would toll or where I
mid get see lake it. Ter's all. Thank
you, ma'am.
C.I. lug, Water Valley, tiles., nerd by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
-Per Ave yews. 1 suffered unsold misery
Mom se..eter rb.um•ttami. i tried every
tows remedy. consul's.] the beat physic
Mee., sited Met Bochum. Ark., three Mom
.pewee 11m* theta, besides doctor' bills;
be* meld obtain only temporary relief. My
M.h was wasted away so ,est I weighed
swig dasty-Wss pounds: my Mgt arm sat
Mg Isere drawl, oat of a.," rho srwlea
being twisted up ,n knots. 1 was unable to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could "nly hobble about by t :ng a cane. I
had oo appetite. sod was .a.sured, by the
doctors. that 1 could not lire. The pains. at
times, were so awful. that I could procure
relief only by means of hypodermic Injec-
tions of morphine. I had my Pubs bandaged
le clay, to sulphur. In poultices, but these
gave only temporary relief After trying
Tverything, and suffering the moat awful
tortures. l began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Inside of two months. 1 was able to walk
without • cane. In three month*, my limbs
began to strengthen. and In the course of a
year, 1 was cured. Illy weight has increased
t.. IM pounds. and I am now able to do my
hill day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
lbs Only Ware's Fmk $arwadls.
.431'S PI Lill core HeedeeMe.
Lumber for Sale!
or Overcoat
The Goderich Lumber t'o. ,Lidl has for sal
at the Harbor and at the Pard on the U.T.R.
track. 1Lm. Ash sad H•aawood and
Hemlock and Cedar Lumber to ani knobs
sad Cedar Poet•. A4o Mabe In any quantity.
Aa uptown olfloe for the sale at Millwoo.
18d•bs •te..t I as Ansa established at the stare
of HARPER & LIZ who .re empowered to
swept orders sed receive payments for our
meows trade In that Imo.
Tobphame N. 6l.
Two years of Bladder torments -Had at-
tacks of Inflammation -Curt by • Few
Bone of Dodd'. Kidney Pills
Oars 8sa.d, Mar. 1 (ep.olal).-The peo-
ple of this town are talking again of lac
ether tare credited to Dodds Kidney Pills.
Thin ie the ens of Mr. W. (.lea, caretaker
et am buildings, wise, when Oren had Ne
to my of the matte
Far over two yeses I have bees an internee
eafleer from kidney dis.a.e with otheios•1
teas amok. of teammates of the blad-
Wm ander doctors' treatment. and have
Wen oompelled to resort to rsetrumest ler
lief easy times.
1a have Taken MON*= bents of Dodd's
[Wry P41b. •d am satisfied with rtmulte,
being p04.sIly relieved el all sell riga.
" (M the sniW p u. bepe seld' 114* It's ;
to George. who had jest mired hoer wotoll
what Obs of misery these please meld
unfold W *bey *5.4.e. 1"
• Svcs •ppenwssh.p M its redeeming }m-
w"hatr is R •lino M know "
" The Meant."
The s.amwates yea .mdsem ler the
pside*. Of lumber is very severe. Is it met'"
" WhatN•reea esbra.iehse !
" Well, today, w• were mamboed i.
p.yle►chap, kssar•1 tmlealee, .•tbs.aMd
O divinity, mespbyiml
imam., end lima .seeille•Msa"
imdssd 1 What poetise are yes osm-
proof ter r
LMeessr et the A B C sham."
A.w.dd lady ewes Wda se.• d wish ilia
IPSO mined her
Pat..sd ..slOf l..�ihe heard ORM
• smMMr W M Aha a Mile mdD
Mato W lath egos a true fa wW le ores.
bin& seem rum Now. 101 Whig
ardhs swim alistlioa go Sao los
Ussoet tort bask the bods The dated
for Dr. A pew'. Untie PW.
l . marvel.
Ws fr.fd semi/. "Tie esinteal of the et-
NOV .M! "!raises Ile cots
Clamp le bay -1st llemsndm h. pwH1y-
Wei& ..seas. wad lemma. .4.1 Week.
pis Obis .Hsps. ink \.shahs seer
N tfiwa r e yti
It you need a Winter Over-
coat or Suit, call upon PRIDHAM.
The Tailor. If you leave your
order with hiui you 'tray depend on
getting goods that will suit in
every way -in tit, workmanship
and promptress in delivery.
THE ?Alien.
New Goods and Best Values
in the Tailoring line at the
old -established and reliable
Wert-xt Emporium. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed in Quality
Style and Price.
Ism Maggie Mollartin, 57 aadmeene55.,
swears tem Myeloaes's "II Oseirtul=
mr eff M (rgh. ° ee rs.Mnd woe aide et bar bedir
wort.lv 054 ,. hyde.w mid taws was wiele.m
•. ever reermsrl rig the ew .1 Ise Ames. isle
fOm bet Melee flee le "mildew .rand tri*
r ade bow t ktran s " loot•n. Oen" ease
has assJ. nme Sworn to, July rte lets
Won armour y, Notary Abel.
ift•allisresT ea A Ca*e1111flla
104.. new, ebb years mid, who sire..] idle
Iles.• lea bur Met., bee tree 'nor, wort sod
her peerel spasm bail* up by Rye•aan a ••Leetmsg
Clow' lite above tart. are `(leen an a ewers es e•
o re waft by ear astir•. ilr. George Melte, t/
geese. R. 1.5:1.•, tent,. *4.4 July 5, els
Were J. r. Merck, Mewl Psblia
!MI!rIr f: lineae, . L.dl..ron : b At., Terme*
Jsa, _r •we. .0 taros.] :rout.*•., Ouse
..Ilea,Myers , eers Kta,,. r :; .y1.11, ural eos.p..s ,
sem feq.aeey disturbs.. • r",11*, loo bl. 5475.5
ad ser ••try
an. lune. U'. KIdems are seer M •
itfea, Ms a+uhart
ta , sldb
op e.
�r•�. 1er..tip0...n . ,r01 1., the. was dem by
V y " F ' - .e ('ut.. •• 11. males emote
oabamwt w As mere. isms Wien J u ..some
the. Jule K ions
11111suu 1 _Wim
At CATTLE BRIM. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Whe have them -
all kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble coot prices. Also leave your
orders for repairing and setting up
of Stove:'. We handle the best
Canadian and American Coal OiL
Pump & Fanning will Worts
t-ODMRICH, C./1\1
mewMi►AetTUSIFT t
A large stook at vary choice Pamfm, menu
1.Muerl from ...rbd Muskoka stammered
Ss* with harm out trot.
These Temp' are m•.d•otursd la • smother
of sutra to mitt everybody tied every place.
Very rhoweerimi pumps
at ger
tro.o.ppclosed top pumps ns
verde. house peeps os. _,
.rase rums farmorayiee ween
w..hf.g I•si.giee, whterinm ganieri. .ntl.
gelokiag gra oto.
sprat •trsttes river to drawling water
hem well • d1M.ass treat oam.a iron and
weedppk�;� weed, Iron ooreelehe eh Beed fitt
tare°UtbaM..e. ; Drri.awe ea se t'a 57 4151 a
w1sM ■I11A1 s weed or anent
111NRs. SATO naw e'..esar Rats[/
LAWN Pt11w st. els,
Spiral ..rotas W•00011 GMAT.
tat I 1 clsr5 IL Wfly
J rummers ■i
SLaiem .ad eavna
Ali kerr>i wurl.atM 111.11 err prompel
Plumbers and Tinners.
Cakes, Pies, Tie
Ready for the Rush.
Call at D. CAw rzs os's, the leading
bakery, for your Party Cakes and
Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties,
Mince Pies, Short Breed. All kinds
of Cakes kept on hand. Orders !eft
by ten in the morning will be made
and delivered the same day.
Wedding Cake.-Ornsmeuting and
decorating of the latest designs with
a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake
Almond Icing a specialty.
''e.x .te101Z_
trd11 IBm
are neessear7 to mankind, then how
much more .o are they to the better
part --woman 1 As they are so nonce -
earl you should see that what you get
aro good, thus saving in cash and
health. ' Tinware or Or•niteware
boy:,; h t frets a is always good, and .e
the latest inventions ace always
added to our stock • better stlectiot
cannot he found in rinds.
.0.plets lie..[ S'oves amid Para-
sols in the Ow HA!.
HARPER & ins.