HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-4, Page 6TURNING GRAY
2M layer r Averted by Sig
"Nearly forty year/ ago, atter
.erne weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray and began falling out
M rapidly that I was threatened
With iultnsdnale baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
1 cotutuei&ced using Ulla prepata-
Hon, anti wog' that WPB eatisfled with
the ..'snit that I have never tried
ttnv other kind of dresbing. It stop-
psd the hair front Lalling out, stilnu-
1 • lett a PPS* trr•w•th of hair, and kept
the e.:t!p free from dandruff. Only
sa stn r :t-i.tt'nl Application is now
n/e'•Ir.l t•' kiep my hair of good,
I'M oral color. I never hesitate to
y.••• men:sand ape of Ayr's medieineee
t . • to v fri.'twls."-airs. H. M. HAJOB?,
.Av.tn,,.i \,.tt.
Ayr's Pair Vigor
Parrtrnr. its
ER 1. C. AYES & ; 3., :Cra.1. PASS.. U.S.A.
4yrr•. b,.r.ul..tratlti w ...w r.• 1•. maples.
white she wefts to a shop some god dig -
Mum ed be peers the ..awry
eppet, over ',blah be would glees as though
it wore a bank sore- -
--.lammed Ye Ilse.
He was • farmer, arid was visiting an oet-
biag village is but duet••► Amoss thea
he met was •a ate womaa, who told him
.Mat, befog in seed of seer* meaty. oho woe
shoot to kill her mall .took of poultry.
Would be kindly buy • fowl for 380.He
oo.eested to buy use, but world only Rive
3bc., and insisted that the bud should be
plucked, trooped and delivered as his house,
re miles .Pae
1). her &retial the old gentleman met her,
took the Cowl sad said
By the by, hem ibis bird laid any errs
✓ ico I bought her '
•• s., ser one "
' Then please go back and tetob it. It
belongs to me, you kuow.
" Moab a Mmes man. Tee
1 had • trued in • Government depart-
ment in 1;lasso* who was perhaps as "bear"
se they ors made.
A. ao Ioetaoo.. One we November day.
when leaving his office, he stopped t / per -
chase an evening paper ut • ragged old vim -
dor, wbo stood shivering and soaked in the
flowing putter.
There wag a halfpeoov change, r the old
man handed it over, it .i"pp.d from hie
numbed fingers and disappeared to a drotn-
rr...da '• 11 ' insisted oo tM man making
good the toes, lor, as he aherwarde said :
" H. dropped tt ; It waso•t cry fault "'
yet " 11.' was • very decent fellow. This
w.. only one of his peouli.i ales.
Men 1 west Mese.
The long promised day Dune at last. 1
teak my t ioket to 1.- - Station, and wait-
ed (how Tong, I know Dot) for Walter, my
intended husband.
At last be came. " We'll walk to the
theatre,' be said. We did. After waiting
an boor and • half outside, be turned to me
M k
6: M
One evening, some ume aro. • friend of
mine called on his landlord. a wealthy old
man, to pay hie r.3t. He was shown oto
the sittior-room, which was to oomplete
darkness. and, ha..og stated his business,
the old man relactanth lighted a missile to
eeosipt the uote.
When be had rapidly signed his bums he
deliberately blew out the light, and said
Mat if my tnend had any further remarks
td make be most ..y then in the dark, ee
M could not afford to us. artificial Tight, It
is • fact thee tots men used to send 1s ser•
yr -i; out every evening during the Winter
5t 5 o clock. to order to save fir. and lights,
and sit by himself in his top oast and hat.
Old Mao was • miser,living to • miserable
garret, and enstinp almost entirely on por•
ridge. Thu be allowed to get sour, so
that he might not each too muob of it at
swim) DWttao To ,.larvas aim 008017 -
•L.Neosar- r•Tsaa.tit.•II N•Tmma •1b
Oaa•T WRAP as map 01111 FROM
105 TttonaL8-aaLa- 00111 11 Oil
Mit-Till CUM 1MN11Y 8108 •0 •
Prom the Whitby Qwskola,
For years ernes id I5mese err weetsght
by 1)r. Wilhelm,' Ptak Pills have metered
ie the Chrus.ole. Druid sato tete w• have
Ora oa.Mag anent toe . beat e•ra!1 ssaa a
arose as to leave so dribs el this elgdgioy
d them pills. W• bore filmed Normal, bee
m emits was it preyed so eta • eisestsve hotly
WOO Quaid ue1 bear to have his es bar hams
sad dieser made polo. Re.ently. Mw-
eva • most attributor ease rate t0 gni Mata.
Mr. Soloaou Thompson lives ea . bra -
SIM fella w the wee, skate of bled 1*k.
in Cordes township, North Mooers. lie
11 . resided here for testy yore, beim the
Gm settler &gonad ib. 1•kw like woe .este
of Carders and Cahoot tews.kips tkirey-fie.
years age, WO .re t'te ....sties id Peet/repro
5..d Vmton• meas sep.rsted. .ad he red
so surd the restos oro oil as Poarbero-
Mr. T0om•'eos bas ben • yietom of airiest
ter fusty year sr niers. However we will
let him tett bi. owe Nary es that bead.
On October Ibtb. 18f1b, we took • nip M
Mud Lake to visit w reale long familiar
to ••. and mode it • dark and totted ut •
ple•mre so call upon Mr. Thompeaa .lad
Mare from .ming tum and hearing hie ga-
mest of how so bed been on..d. Yee
110.1y -41e years we hod kaowa buns as •
gasping end .offering asthmatics, the worst
we ever knew who m.o•O.d M nye at sU.
W. often wondered hew be managed ee 11ve
from day to day. O. callow, he ova es
with • Wombat ..pest, end attars a treat
of hs old trouble. Hua;; at Quos ushered
Into his honer, we .5turally made i8 oar
Bret buatoes. to esquire if it wars all ane
about the Moodie he had rerev.d trees
read Ur. Williams' Ptak Pills. " Beyond
doubt," end be. " How load have you
..and them. and how many Metes have you
mid!' be mise asked " 1 started • yaw
ago, and took eight hazes."' N...xt asked
him d M felt tsar the can was psrm•ness.
'• Well,' end he, " 1 have hot tkas any of
the pills for three or fear roost►.. Hutu 1
an not ',..rely satisfied yet. Ten res my
father, grandfather amid great vrandt•tier
died ot •.tbmi My people ad take it.ow-
er or l.ter and a always earl. *belt days.
I have lost throe boot era from the tams!
thing. Koowiog my beady hstory, ►t s
horn for w. to pen both, but 1 min toll yeti
ler nearly thirty years 1 never slept to bed
unul 1 took Ptak Pills. A. von muss hare
known, 1 always slept arty to the .hair
you now occupy. 1 had • shag from that
hook in dm owner sod always eat with my
teed reruns ta a while I slept. I now ro-
ure to my bed whoa Me other acesb.na e!
my family do." . How old are you, Mr.
Thompson '" "Seventy -us." was the re
ply. -and I feel younger than 1 did shirty
years .go, 1 was troubled • Resat deal with
rheumatism sad other mIaerw, probably
earvous troubles arming from want of sleep.
Put .early all the rb.um&tiStr. s goo* e.tb
the eethum.'
Durtsg the 000vers•tioa Mrs. Thompson,
• hate Nd lady, the metber ot thirteen obtl-
drea, Dame in and after Ioteomg to hoe bus-
bebd's recital of these mature, she took •p
Ube them.. '• I never expected that any-
thing could cure Solomon,' said she. " We
were always ursine w bnd something whiib
wooed rive hint rattail, so that be would be
able to sleep 0&Rbte,but nothing oyer seemed
to make mach difiereoos. At Bros he took
os.e of the pills after each meal, but atter •
ume be increased the does to two. We
aoudad he wee gie.tly twproved shoe tak-
ing two hazes, and b.gan to have hopes.
L+ter ea, whom we law beyond douht that
he was much better, I recommended the
pill. to • niece of mite, Mr.. 1 sy, whom
olood had apparently torsed USW w.ter.Ond
One day, on examining his larder, he
toned the porridge to be so mouldy and un-
apt/etistng that even he turned away' from
n m disgust.
Taking a bottle of whiskey from his cup-
board, he poured out • plaedul saying : If
you eat the porridge you ,hell have this.•'
oes, alter gulping the porridge down to
We last spoonful, he roes quietly, sad pour-
ed .he wukey into the bottle. s' Hs, h• !"
with a remark N ohuoklcd• u he placed it oarefally hook
'• Lie your mossy ready. tve'ra going in In the oupbosrd : •• 1 did you then !" And,
the .heap .05te mat was too much fur 'mime gleefully, be shook his krod
Ms. We dor't speak now. olo..d door.
•• toy Istere.t, Please ^'
Some time ago 1 wt in s longetandiog
bill to our local miser. He returned it 10 a
few days with • ourt note, showing pl.Inly
that p.rtinq with the filthy lucre had .met
him • hard struggle. 1 *ousted the hale
bog of threspennc-bite and hulps.sti_Tist.1
was t:5 too much ' 1 began to teed M vests
He went arty for • twelvemonth, ud
letmedistely on hit return 1 forwarded him t'OM,fhe last syllable s elicit." et:111y re
the surplus by messenger, The boy returned plied hethlast
with • note whioh read .
•• To interest oo t; for 1 year a 1) per
MCC bl*g los flew remit •! once, and
In an advertisement of • railway oompaav
requesting the owners of unclaimed goods to
remove their merchandise. the letter " 1
was drooped from the word " lewful " in
the settee, whioh ended then . " t',me for•
ward and pay the awful charges on the
Mother -Marv. that song Spinners hes
been pastas 0 great deal o1 attention to yon
of late- ib you think he moons business
Mary (with • fee away look) -I'm .frond
She was asked if Mr. - gave her any• I he dos., mother. He s .gent for • beeyols
Slung. When she produced the threepenny -
Moos we all stored in surprise, and we all
gate her something- The mean man, how-
ever, was in waiting, and when the women
re.obed the bottom of the stun ht asked
the union, and demanded the return o1 his
oohs, whioh had yielded such • harvest '
Whenever • man fails. his wife tells her
friends that be was too os0sc►entione to ono.
oeod. What she tolls bum is priests u dal -
" How do you pronoun the last syllable
of that word butternut asked the cas-
Best ter, -.01110 -
Wash Day
retakes clothes
sweet, clean,
white, with
the least
�jDAP �
able Outing
and cleansing
properties it s snake
economical and
Best forJ0.
Ever,' Day
bed, es 1 easeleded that at •sob priers ler
Impwreed berries, whioh ware not worth
is meth sr home grows would be, It would
M7 M grew them Mrs. 1 began by part-
ing 1 of se sere, sad as the same Mme began
the preaainties sI ; an s, re fee the teat
raw. 1 era dm attered that there wee
as agamous •m0sat of labor required M
keep waedr ilea A. 1 spoilt Dimly .11 my
time durum, the Demon cultivating that j of
as sere petal. I berme disgusted with
the hummer, and mewed of planthg the
after the oast rear.e with strawberries, 1 , ,
Wonted reepbseries instead. My first sea -
w'. reform from the strawberry p•td
a ssatsd M *beet Mb. 1 ooutlaned the
e..Jt sM.s el the rams, and the nest year 1
reseivd stto after paying porkers Thr I
sesridered • geed return, and lith resawd
°enrage I determined to oostbos* the ben-
Now . 1.11..
We have • mean man at our otfios. Oos
day • poor woman 0.m• in to beg. She was
.sat to the mean m&r,who gave her a three-
penny piece, and told her to co upstairs to
Me others and say he seat her. Away ehe
went and told her talo
the fwtlb I ted an
snag halt la goes retu..M es I had received smith Coal always on hand. All
always on hand. The Beet
and only Scraton Coal in this
Gold is King
leant your
home clam with
Steele, Briggs
, • 110 k erode" Seeds,
seed by lesdlag dsstero.
Ask 1..r them.
`.male investment.
TIM fuels. Briggs Sired Co.
7: r.
a"'' "d -'sh ""be �° market. Hart), Soft and Black- PLAI�TINC �It1I
sero tbtakmbg that I should be sal in settee
from she ons 1).8.11. 1 ten. m.*b deny' Coal weighed on the market atlas. t
Feinted, for 1 ...er „wool
aw r.thev.d mow so that you are sure of Good
8050 one -.earth al the •mount that ib. 14at
pima netted me. TM dtlSoblties in prow- Measure.
sag seem to escrow s.oh ..00eedlog ses-
w, and prime are going down, r onpetitNm
and over production being rwpoosible tee
die fall to prime 1 have also 1 leo die•,
pointed with refersou to the number
r �� T I!.. s•sro,•ortsas
.rope from • prop of Kr•wberrtes. 1 well
led to believe that • plant.uen may M ff
Dropped dui ng three lessons in suooseiab ammo S L� shote...
I gathered fruit from my brat patch fel fail
rs•.oa.. The es000d season, as 1 have al-
ready told you, the returns were d ruble the
amount of the tint ..&.on'. pecking. After
the mooed year's picking the plants beosma
affected by rust end withered *war, •.d
since that time 1 could Dot even 5,.
a plantation for • second yew's pickled.
whioh means test I aunt cultivate two se.-
sos'a for one crop, weals with sae hiring the
great obstacle to berry culture.' There are
iso varieties of weeds known to me wbirh
aro not growme among the betties bridals
then ars • great many varieties growl,
the names of which I do not know. tag lay
nro..dr it, .perhaps, oast t more labor to
keep l obsok my i ear. of rum berries
than i1 arts some growers in the o,unty t.
..Meats • large field. Plot whilst I have
rreatee difBoultiee I aloe procure fines
flavored Herron. I adopt the matted row
sweat. i aoald not save plants If I adopt-
ed the bill system on my groped'. I grow
man average, 1 think. larger berries thou
ether grower, to thus vicinity eyed though
they adopt the hill system so long as the FIRE
eon u strong enough to grow weeds of such i IRE BRICK,
enormous proportions 1 think then is no and
danger of shrinkage to .ire of berry grown •
in matted row. 'the only diffiooltr being
M lave plats enough to protect themselves
is Winter.
With refereed, to reepberries, it took me
four years to get started I planted • num-
bet of varieties and cultivated them daring
the 'years with variety melte. It thee
required two years to deturov the interior
varieties. I retained Me Cuthbert red,
I:oldest Q rues tight„ and the Soaghegia
black, sod have cultivated Shoes varieties
Moos ma • small scale. I cultivated the
Marlborough for several years but have
winos destroyed them as the flavor is inferior
to the Cuthbert ; and w it requires bother
.altar* and yields lighter Drops I do not
ooesider It worth oultiv.tiag.
With cetaceans to fertilisers, 1 have not
experimented by applying different kinds
for oomp•rsees but believe stable manure
Ind ashes to be Fetter than than any two-
Buchallalls & Rftyiills
11.100P �y SASH, DOOR and BLIND
firm, and he has done nothing but try to
sell me •btoyote 0ve1 •tone he has been nom
erg here.
1 don t like your milk," said the mist-
rert of the how.
. What's wrong with it, mum'''
" It's dreadfully thin, and there's no
-' A mattpenav change. ►tea.., areae. Oa it."
" After you hers lived in the town •
I thick 1 know the champion mean man, while, must,
said tbs milkman, ouo„orsg-
Mr. Editor. Not lar from where 1 lived I hotly, you'll get over them room ideas of
there dwelt a man who .imply rolled in your a."
rioh.a L his neighborhood lived an old
Young Poet (to friend) -Well, Charley,
widow woman who u.wtt to do his laundry -
work for him. When she took it home to
kiwi as the week -end, and it happened
be paid her that there eau • halfpenny
dotage for the woman to give hiss back, he
would have it '
I1 the poor woman did not have 18 with
has, his would ootually wait at his door
I've sworn off.''
Friend (enthusiastically) -Pm bssr ily
pt•d of it,old boy ; and all your friends will
feel the Mase. is to and have • drink."
1" Damp Poet --Didn't I just tell you I had
sworn off drinking'"
Friend (disappointed) •-You didn't 5.y
you had sworn off drinking. i supposed
that you bad sworn off writing poetry.
Good bye.'.
An door was one day 000frooted by •
gmsMman, who exclaimed :
la your paper you report that I •m
You may rely, ' said the editor. en
the teeth of everything yin read in our
Rot his visitor was not oomfened by this
sesar•aoe, and asked .Ilse • oentradtetien
should be published in the next iusar. To
this the editor firmly declined to •.so.t
but, heisg premed to make some strode,
be fivally offered to Isere the gentleman's
name 1n the following day's Iris of births.
s .
Those intending to Build this
coming Summer should pnr-
charie at once as NAILS were
never so low in price and may
not remain at present prices
very long.
who bad run down in health sod spirits so
bad that .he did rot oars to live. W by,de
got as yellow se saffron, and looked ea d she
would not live a week. You would hardly
believe tt, ' said Mrs. l hompsoo, •' but that
girl was the healthiest and handsomest gfrl
in the neighborhood before three months
bed p.wd, sod all from taking/ Pink
Mee Thompson was milted from its room at
this juncture to attend to some household
detect, and Mr. Thompson resunied
the subject of his marvellous oure.
" You ora have no idea," said he,
•' .hot it is to go through twt•ty-five
years without • good night's sleep
without pate. I can tibd po words to
mak• plain to you the 000tiset betimes
the comforts I now soppy and the awful
lite 1 bad for so long. I had • hog faintly of
mouths to fed and had to work when at
um.• i felt mon like lying down to die. I
would orate to at night completed, hankered
oat, but .vee that was no auer•.tee of rest.
There wain* rest for ena i eeooed deemed
to torture sad oeeuon•l misery Wbes my
folks urged me to try Or. Williams' Ptak
Palls I thought it would he ewloes, bat I
bad to do something, or die mons, sod here I
MI ea right as • toddle." The rid gestlews
shook his head to add emphasis to bib net
rate.oa, .ad leaked like • w who felt
ioytol lvsr • mowed lore of life, with all
his old miseries rmseved.
After oeuerst*l•ttne our e1d Mead es
kis divorce from the hereditary destroyer
of his kindred, we drove away. At mast,
piers in the seig1borbmd we missed die'
ooeuiese upon the mars .red fogad that alt
regarded it ss • mar.ellous ours. Where
the Thompson family aro known... perms
would hove believed fee • moment that Noy -
thing hat death world relieve Mai from tee
grip of asth15. Rvesy word that is written
Mee e•a be verified by writing to Mr. 9.10 -
mea nominees, Dalrymple pest *film. sod
as 1.84.8. s.q.rhtaaes o1 N•mty-fl05
years rotates the writer to trek ter the
lore earrattsd above, sad for the .eraeity
el Mr. Tbeapea l say 5t.t.wiwt 11e may
De. W gh•as' PMk Pills stare by going M
the rem of the dieasiest Thiry resew and
Mild up lb* bleed, and .treggtbs. tM
During the Year 1W
Pm mil r• ,.t. '. w r •.•..emsam, le spray iv
Ina stet.. LIG.. fl! *Orr lb.. ll�t►
!tomboy - When your wife gets angry,
wee't she speak to ou'
Captain Cattle won't do anything
.eros., shows drg diwso hues 11. tis.
• Poor old amoral Debility .xetalas.4 teat. Arid imitations by 5M5tlolt that
Mrs 1'•rtii.rten. " it ...porn.* bow irsg r+h.se te sail I.. a
I.m baa lag the full trade mark, Dr.
We have purchased theme
Goods in Car Toth direct from
the Manufacturers and an
give very r.W prices.
A full lin.- .,f GENERAL HARD-
WARE always on hand.
The t?ti-to-Dat. Eai't wars.
Dealers la 511 kl■d. of
And bangers n.aall•& e1 ovary doetalOtls•
School Furniture a Specialty.
o. iwhere
a tis 1 behove horns* grows
on soil where three oommers
are need, to be inferior to those grow. m
Neil enriched by manors and ashes.
The greatest difficulty that the trait -
grower e:p•rieaces new s res Rod • market
es the production u greater than the de-
emed. I think we vbould .1l oomhine, drop
partyism and demand from the Government
-so metier whioh party is to power -more
Iii.re•1 terms for would-be settlers of our !Delicacy Of Ivor'
Ilapenority In Quality,
flratsf>al and Comforting, NYE MAKE
to tbs nervous or Dyspeptic.
Spring is at. Hand.
Possesses the rolbwln.dloothiative VeriM
Northern territories where fruit oars mot fee
grows. If we had our Nipusing, Alrotma,
and Kaley River district■ tally settled there
should be • market sutfimeet for •l1 the
fruit we grow.
President Ktagtr is to be h.eored with
• statute fn Pretoria. It will he forty feet
high. sad will repeeoeot " Ooen Peal" is the
q..dot a•rb, tall hat iaodrded. which M •f-
fsot. o. Sunday lied speoi•1 oosasioea. The
statute will be of Worse, mounted en 5 ped-
estal and adonis of granite, sad at eel
earner of the pedestal will be • aggro repro-
eenMma a Trssevsal burger hi an attitude of
ke laved and what ezeit.gaest be IMAM : I ovrry
the popery ars 1.11 of remedies ter Ala."- I =I, pm* Pula ler Psi. People.
Proprietor-- Wby did yen not give that
gev.tkeen die reset Sleeken be ..k.d fee' HORTICULTURE.
tl'tlt.r-- I baso gay briars. I gave
Nm «.gaetbd.g draper. en's be wield have
seer mosey Isis M tip tw with,
(lewd (to wrsowp-ivelissfr LEM Oho lis
hew esq.trier the way 00*) --Do pA knew
.baa son M.. boss t ..ills Mrsd-els..
es . third -den tithes 1 Trill have to soy
O..mtry-lwkir- t'rrty -1 paid aphwer
ler m7 Make*, end ! gat late a ewith •
Mt w are
It r the west DMdem a< no rMs.EL
MLD MILT i< MID rumen as
The following mamma w takes frets •
paper ea the es1Mo•M.a .<.teswhsrrle. W
,.spburrNS, rend by 11. Morningstar et the
lain merles of the G.dsrleh S.rth.lterel
lp" A writer is the Hsrtewttat8sa ea lent
h seek him Bra years M learn bre grew
.swb•rrtes, aid i thigh 1 t'squit.
that length of time a Mere the brieress.
Mee i bre aro le Wats tetra I Hand
eleawbreslm wtsiYag at 1L ate lis, a
A.r..era obnatal a arra
eiaaafam.rer el all blade et
Books Stooks, Bait Pars, Nisei Ira•
Works, eta, stn.,
So be prepared to mast it with a
good Hat or Cap when it comes.
We have put In stock all the Latest
Styles of Spring
which for quality and price snot 1x
equalled. In stock are numerous as
sortmenta ot the latest to
C. R. SHANE & Co.
The reliable Hat and Furnishing Emporium
liulriti.. Quanta. unrivsu.d Sewer and
le Quarter -road 'flee wily -
,A 1.4...ea7.etbk Culvert Pipes
And Dales Is-
Regtme% M.eWesy Calls/i, Jus.
All doer ell Pipes and Pipe TIMIaIR
Steam anti Water Owoe, (Moho Valves,
Cask Valves. Isiepirat re, Nesters and la
]eStmtt Or eislany en Hulme at Lowest
Ti ge. ilr•b tins of duel weber glad S R
'1'...res ten .111. rad der...
itr•Ip P. 0. Inn *. iafl•W.Oat -
Weogp- pp..slb a.? i . /ss11m Od.tash
\ ` Canadian
Toa °AMMAN PACIFIC 11t•ILw•T Os. •
p bli. $ Y/ by Aeesr be 1ir els
globale a arKars• with tele and Or
names eeatpstllfu.
It Is meanest on btt.l.es Drtadpl es 5.G is
tits Lassa. of Ms 55eroa..
h dt ervss m support of every psno* who
loiters I OSdpetttIO.
Per quasi M'sorn ■ee this rorapeais
Lases. .msse tine with ail IInes sod wantee
In Tatted WWII. Canada and 0e.pvt
1Rey{�wase. O.1Ombta...4A .Asst
tlRee-loatDirer h Wallet.
tette LoeslVa.5asr:
MI Mar Sem aha. eaMIleu IM
sol *D •TT. igOfiOflflTC
ea__ sty mmsta
chance *butsure)y
Cardinal Food
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