HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-4, Page 5CENTRE. EK! THE SIGNAL : OODKRIO H ()NT.. TH (T RSD A Y. MAR. 4 1897 • SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WINTER GOODS th comwervirm Alpacaline,enewf Dress Lining ft 0a '61HIBP�cn lihe the Hard to beat8pool Dtto>a, FOR ,THE NEXT THIRTY GAYS. SEA& IN A BLE GOON Aro ell here now. and darfag the welt we In Mad to hove them •11 arrayed- We have • partici:larty Ot.e .marl meat la ODS is having an immense sale with us ! It hardly pays to buy Dress Goods 5.* Dress Trimmings dEa and Linings e, Durality The Cost not considered when we want to reduce our stock. +t^ Dress (foods at Halt Prier. Underwear. Flannels, Blankets, &c., at less than Manufacturers Prices. Men's ill Wool Frieze Ulster' from $4.00 up. Men's Suits from 13.00, Boys' Suits rout =1.00 op. Bee our Goods and Prices, and compare our values with outer stores. PESRFI'MES ltll i R ROR8 and FANCY TOILET GOODS JAMES A. REID. plPE8 CILIA It CAISES SM0KEtta' SUNDRIKIS till you look through this Department Jordan's block. 33rd Dec., 1896. We would invite every p.•reon to look through our Nock. and see if the Goods and Prom are not right BLACK CHERRY BALSAM II NSON. w seuratoa •blinesd grid. t soma., wb4. r pmt Linton tau Tse .aka no damns week r miry week yes wart !moi 09117.LTE. 1. TORONTO. ONT TEA . soca, Joao) ht heavily in an- luty being placed re recommending 7 in a stock. Our best we ever a- mple and obe con - 4 A NAI N. 'Marc le up a Targe f Dairy Tin - heavy Eng- ou will find ig better than Ined in Tin- e Milk P:lls and Pans all Dairy Tin- ] while you SELL .1 ii s•M4a R. B. SMITH. c. t IBMs, Its MARRIED. VCMARTIN -at the residence of the ; es Wednesday e.�alad, )►o► it\ lip R.v Jas. A. ande asp aR of Osten Henry Mareinio (tarnr ga !'HE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Roportor+s Notebook. /es'.. • Hole W. a' Tor metls. 5 red Ye teat Nt a Cedeg'm Among We Takla' Bone. -• fdntr /III rent Ile."--illemen _wag 1■ the Northwest , "wen, Jim how de yes get .nee noblo..bis donne sow you w away free Oodeetok r "Flew! . W amass my orders to PRIDHAMTI. Inst. the eleven of rest Is herdancing e. .W ttlam g nsdt bet tmons est's u order to on en -427i S ALL0l18. 8m winner display. FaIDAT AIMn. lire. -Tb. As tel wntr- tyjument of the McGillivray Mieios Read will be held os Friday April had 1897. TUT Horror? Ie. --Our tsw.s-.s, F. J. ?ndham and D MoCrmiak noenUy bought • $3000 stock of gent's funnel kegs, and ion week the gentleness were in Wiagk•m bo make arrang•siesm ler meta( the geode. Pnoranoi' Szaruarlons.-TM uniform os enseth isstto. for e county of Crwill be held is the severs! school Moms es Thursday and Friday. Marek 15th and MR, 1891. .1 whisk ell falreneed .n requested to tato soasa leo& los Timm -Dories the mem Ave r his weeks we call be .etesi es •...este be those wbe hsvo OM paid far Ti. Sanest to date. Thom et ear seders who der% like the despise proems ma prowess it by forwarding their suboripeles to this Aloe at mer. 9r. Ferree. -Special devotions will be gie sett Swede) at 8t Posers t.rmis•IMs ea W de.•day a anlage On Meadia n.•nteday, and Wdsesd•y, several priests from o distance will be p'••••t to meat. TM priswp.l ezeroi@es w111 be at 10 A.11. end 730 r.e. There will be an i.strootien . iter .sob service. 1 -ter or rets Simeon.-TAuterrow. (Fri - Day) meanie, Stratford sad Gederich will fight • royal battle sed the winning tads will be the es.00u's ohonpiees at hockey. Both tamer at• god shoo, sad if the lovers of the NM. taro oat in stsodly sombre it will help s stoke the game mere i.t.trest- h.e to the visitoes and profitable to the Mae team Loa, Tram -During the past week N. may •t baw.prog e.�.oh�eoa.aro part- ies .ed wsm'uteem o.s. . made rime leek asytW1 bet Mrd. Se far es we Mew there ww After Isle prewar aha euchre parties, Manes se the barber sad ia the risk daily, • aerobia es Friday. a dentis prforas•aoe every sight . matinee as 1!•terd.y, • phr..ol.ght's m- temaismeet ter four eights is Toepor.aoe hall, a laree dame* party .tad several our!. fit m►tobee. Sea • hiil of fan for me k surely shows that tithes w lively i• A Goon Snow. -Rakers the erthl/ has • .hew of pietas ht Me show window Neese them are • few woolens net y net with. ' Hard Premed ' to &Wee- ltyo but would he mere m if ase mould est lames of the yewg roma dream. Te 1maple who eel- enjoying el- en�k• point >7S muse see the per tete yesteelf. 'Tbe School Master at Home' is also • Lek tail *shoot, and shows plainly th s thug who ta.truot our young people, have to work a home to prepare their sub - }ds for tee morrow. The gestd.... Mown at home s • well tacos teener at the Cellert.ts. • M t Winer Oki' m alas well done, the repreeestatto. berm • y.sag lady free Landos, who was vlsithg' 1riesd& is Iowa, bat perhaps 'ke grossest 'meaty is Ed. Ca.spulsne in three seemes,espeotauo., sesteepl•tis...d re•lig•tha hack photo ie melees, the earroonmep helm geed and the likewise el the one who from szp+ste- tin miaow r.Stmssen Y the bast we have over sea.. Although Me window Y Wiled with excellent photos them we hare oottaed are 4...rvier of speoel aaation s. they aro o ne °sly perfect ,shwas, but u• deluges that show the true artist. Tar Aran. -Teen will he • Greed Shaine Contest at the West street risk os Monday mania`, Rh Marsh, fr the ohempie.ship of Weston Ontario. The fel- limbs( w expend d te eats the usenet. hens aeseJlmt night's entertainment may be expensed : Burnside and Mcleod .f Elm saran : Eliott, Stewart and Motireger Wi.Rk.m ; Jos., Walk.rtes ; Gaanny sed Md.sle►.en, Lietewel ; Coates, Lim- iest ; B.Wwi., Seeforth ; and Molest, Re- Ied. Witham, Griffith .red Chisboiao, (Jeddah. To. game will mart at 8, and Mattes will oust ase all 10.30. Be sere . ad nes the rases. A Bag Tags. -fats Thursday 15.v. Fr. Wort, while prenediai to see • e.mbr et his congregation who was ill, slipped tad fell with ..oh fens on the sidewalk. Whew the rev. ge.t1 sisa was discovered he was samesoioos, and being Quickly removed to the rectory it wee seen that be had received a slight fracture o the back part of the head. Although tb• io,ury was of • rather serious nature. it was notuite as bad as I)... Rumor made it, for o Suuday, though . till Deering free the •ooideot, Rev.Father West conducted service to the Eteni•e. Our many readers who heard the reports la circulation, will be pleased to know that the Sondem a who did so much towards build. km St. Peter's is not tnopsoi*ted from eo.dnoti.g its servioes. its CAasivu--The e•r.lv1 held is the skating rink on Friday was equal to the previous me to everything but the attend - saes of lookers oc. Skaters in oaten, were Lately represented. and the dresses and wits worn kept op the reputation of Oederioh carnivals. The memoir won were awe more original than semi, and they& wet-k.owm ease were man in the mowd they were few sad tar betimes- Or- iginality open well to rho front in the prise Int, as it can be sem that Rowland took first in lady's fancy, and a miner for Roseland secured the Bret oomio. Amon them that could cot be, or were ont proper - 1 el•ssed, Uncle Sam. by • 1lentleman hem Clint..., was • real Dios gat ape and se ele- ph..t built en two skaters was. perhaps the hest thing o0 the los The fes was is splendid oosditiee and tug j.dg*g premed .d without a Meeh- Of .outse as ea every promote misaises Nee were them who Mem*ht they were entitled to prime wbo did set show en the list. bet as • wbele the Mennen of the judges, Messrs. legs. Shim .ed Field were approved- At the 1•.t e.r.iv1 M.u•tr Wallewn's sends" wee the burning of rod sad blue fir., ea Friday the .p.oialty was • dash light pie Mere takes by Sallows. The enamors e1 prism were : lwdi. fancy, Mia B. WilkM- ....Reekd ; Lead Mies H.sdrses : gest'. hs.v, Id. ( phone, Othello ; 2nd, S.•rth. • Turk ; 5oeh. C. B.B. miser for lloei.sd : Rad, E. Devises, • mister ; p,1's teary, Mss& Tilt, a fairy ; bee,Oeseie Dokese. J.ps.eso lady ; hog's fancy, Peal of the right lentigo in the home. The tad, - Ise ---ed thee mads elms (tea sod M*i'M date reedy iw the spam -moi sheet peatMies Shoat. Inted 111 N 1 Fire ! .n prepared to seer BIGGEST BARGAINS ever offered in Huron for damaged goods which will be cleared out at Dray price that can Its got Tersbadi. as eosin Norval ; Ned, Walter MoDasald ; Girl's memo. Mary Uraigt. ; boy's seen. J. Wiggles The following' WOOD present se the ria: Misses A. Hum- ber, am Titania, guess of fairies ; Ebel J. 'Abyss, gems of the morning : Bettie (ltryabl, German maid ; Gertie Moans., lower tart : Janne Me1)ouald, parlor mated ; May MoCre•tb. seem of the fairies; Lily Weisser. 8wte p1510nt girl ; Mary Mo- Desoid, fairy ; Hawn Campbell, mom - ethane : Mamie McIver, Jut.: Rachel Mol.od, night ; Q. Mol+r, style of 1860 ; Win. Hillier, gentleman impersonator Willi. Webster, cotton picker ; Fred. Oruife. peat owner : Calle Campbell, Tom thep1,,era. see ; Bert Mc( lywost, Sultan of Turkey : Robt. ensigfs, day and night ; Jae. Hillier, a portae... The elephant was the workma..htp of Ed- Munro and Eli Symonds. 'There were :o.aderably man than the above named prrsest, but not Mv- us hooded in their Damm end obareoten wo cannot in.otiou them. At least eis of the winners followed tie sante proosdsn.. bases though riving all the winners names we warm same whom they represented. A Scabs or GAIPTT.-Th. 1.age rims` room of the Hour Bedford was crowded with driers ea Mammy sight, the 0000- shn beam the mooed assembly reties up be the Base Bell Sootel olub. On amount of the mast parties and mtrtalamente en 1hs cards for that night, many m.mb.r. thought that the attesd.soe would be n• trterred with, and though many who groped the former party were absent thug were more than enough debutantes to RU their plains. The large number of ladies prompt were as • role obarmatgly attired, this drowse brier pretty and rinehdly wore. The gentlemen prowl seemed to .so..d in number thew. present at the Mi. hal doom, sad the stewards were woes ewer - Neon. There is one point Mae is overlook - rd at teem ..vemblies, needy, melee that sakaewn smote bare • few oppertumitim for dsneisg. Of Genres some few iodise are unknown to the stewards, bet if those who invite them, or are the etass of as ftio being sent, would em • few of the .towards. there would be no farther com- plaint m the point. As es the previous 000ario. the Load= harps tarnished the mono, and as is usual with them pleased every body. During owe of the oirele dancers the floor was utt000tfort•bl crowd• ed, but this must be expected while them a.e.mblin are der popular. Shortly shoe midnight an ezosile.t supper was spread. charmingly *erred sed heartily enjoyed. After the tables were Reared away terpsi- ehorm again ruled and it was not till the tows clock ohimed three that peepers - toes for departure ware made. Gor mslcm vs. Stamm. -The following were the players and the mores made at the Sem/forth contest last week AVTLY110011 GAMS. Goderieb. Seel Wesson Lose Holmes Hamby, @kip, I1. Sebertaos Logon welsh skip, li. 76. trvtvate IAra Goderleh. Seaforth- Roottie Botha.. Ammo McDougall skip 16 Patterson Hubble. Asda men Patterson .kip 14 Total -10 LorMin Tweddl.. skip. 14. It S. Hay. Best Richardson Turner, .kip, 16. i0. W.toon Lone Holmes Humber skip 16 Robertson Wes Straehoe@kip 11M TO ADVERTISKRA. Notice of changes mutt be left at this Moe not later than Saturday sore. The Oopy for changes meet be lett not later than Moo day noon. Anal Advertisements asoepted up to noon Wednesday el each week. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT• Usaellgeel. Feb. el. I. Wheat Isle. ••- 11310110 IONS/. pr wt.... M te 2 m .siasse. pm / 16 to 1 • les..- H a telt 111e toll 1117 le &Ca.•• 116 11ea i SPECIAL FIRE SALE BARGAINS is a..ast .ad Hand Sews O.Wly. /k.kfdr 11111. warw.aat Srssl.dsi wise M17 A. McD. ALLAN. ifi iloS“C ia.=: ; Nut M = la1 _.._.e• ..•••••••••••••••••••• 0011110, I -- SO/ 1e 5* ..41.. .= 5* • nigh Nothing better in in the asarkeiand ones • o - Oar CasRvn'e HoasY Cout:e (Nits SAMSON'S CATARRHAL [OWDER9 !timeliest for (*idea -lbs with Blower- elo. TOOTHACHE GUM - jun --- ACME COUGH DROPS ---- .. 1m Jothe Wag a ROSSLAND GOLD MINE STOCKS le are paying Hutre Profits.' Try K0 shares h one of teem:-Sriowdvej. Sc. It•miiton out Rowland Co. 10r.-hamlaed Oo1d Miele* Ind Developement Co. (haver Ilemisg. manager.. lec. These are all rising Invest cow. W, C (4GUD1. Agent - >t..w.s. liss■sse. Ire inth ealALIeWon lM: W. C. GOODE, Redford Block. STOP THAT COUGH DUNHAM'S COUGH MIXTURE a pleasant and sure cure fax Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, etc. For sale only by F. N. DITNHAM Draw Sltuatt000 Tasmaat. GOOD RELIABLE BOT WANTED - ras from tee country preened. D. IL 9TrtACHAN, Machinist and Rlacksnith. Oodericb. 311. unral Sales MORTGAGa SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS IN TOWNSHIP OF ASH!i*LD. Under mod by virtue of the powers of sale contained In two mortgages given by the Lae Joshua Willis sad which will be produced at the sale. then will be sold et pudic &notion by Thomay Oundry. auctioneer. at Mallougb's hotel. Dungannon. SATURDAY. TRH 17th OF MARCH. 1sr. ptrw• ooaeet o'clock r. tt.. the following valuable TN 4'eat half of the North tslf and the Nath halt of the South halt of lot number 6 ti Use fourth c000eeelo of the 15•sur0 41,1 s1oa of the Township of Ashfield. coetminisg oselbundred acres of Lad. more or Ism. Th property is nearly all clears& we1- tasrod and 8t for omltivtioo. Them arra 5 . arse of Fall wheat mad seeded down, 12 some of gram meadow and about 16 acres In pasture mid ti acres orchard The buildings ocsu*t of a frame ban 361* shed mad bar iters AizJ6, hea-hoon. sheep house mid psi Mz15, on posts. Femme house 20x32. one and a half stories and kitchen 15:21 with nose o4 - lar. The land to well wstered by the Nine Mite River. and 1. situated 24 miles from Dun- gannon. 12 miles from Godrlch and about 5 miles from Port Albert. The soil ie a clay loam and In good condi. ion, There ate two wells with pump. -one at house and the other at barn. TMRMS : 10 per moot. down and the balance within 30 dajs from the date or tale. when psssessloo will be given. ?bore w111 be • reserved bid. Dated at Goderich this 10th day of February GARRUW It PRO tI)FOOT. 10 7t Yonder s )solicitors. E ECUTOK$ MALI OF VALUABLE CFARM LANDS. /a the Matter of (he Estate oI the /,ate Rath Qdtrtne. Deceased. There sill be sold by public auction at Mal - leash's hotel le the village of Dua.wneoo la the County of Herm, on SATURDAY tee 13th DAY 01 MAR('H.15117. at 12 o'clock noon. by John Knot, auctloseer, eke following valuable farm property. namely; part of lot somber eight treatise on Lake Maros and North of the Town Plot le the Tows.bip of .84t0eld.50 the (aunty of Harte. omt.leteg by edmeasurrnt•nt, eighty two acres and elrht-teethe of an .otS,mcre or law and particularly described is a deed sated the 16th day of Anew*. A. D. 1551 from os. John J11017 to tee Isle Geoeg. 0.utries. The x41 Y mod, Os the land there 1s • frame house : • frame kitchen 12sle and • hone here 15af0. There le over an acro o1 good oreherd. Abed 52 sores is good bush. M acres are n eared and oboist 7 scree In .lash. Ireaoss e gbete sly go tel. The above properly will be sold subject to • moseyed bid. TRAM- 1s per amt on the day of sale sad this hdanoe u 15 den par further particulars apply to John M. Roberts, Fwq.. Rzeieutr, Unsrgannee. to the • n5Rnoeer or to the vendors .elicitors. Dated Nth February. A. 1) Inn CAMi,RUN. HOLT A Houttlefl. Vonore • Solleltere. JOHN KNOX. A.oties•r. *41 AUCT1O SALE OF VALUABLE NOTAL PROP*RTY. Ueda: and punnet to rho power et tads e=sed b a costal. momism. made to the tosdro sad bearing date the SFAs day of Nov ember, A. D 11115, there will be sold any p•btte e asttm at Buxton's Hotel :s the town of 0.drteh Is the County of m ums• wn Moae>>7 the linof March. A. D.. 1151, u It o'oMekk mom by Dein Raps. anottceeer the fellow- */ vNaahle progeny. aam4y ' W and sings - dr that aortal. war r trod of load and oroolloos lItwrts. 4 and bei In the Tetra eodeeke„ ler* e ail of mares mid Pro rine 1011 rumble ■tem 5. 5*. e544ao .ws of Oslo a Irog one-omertserasf memo of mar- ba the above there M deems • dmteimg two eters, hetet RIR knee m se the "Open Howse oent.Mlar bar lows 5.55.. • 14 roma sed SS= ope reams. 5. alsteipm a fame stable se the let le the �h=�'y t 0•heelehtreil ""s"sad dameO eels nem the same OnPrZess.N IM / 45a O MMISIO.aWigan Olk• meth etereorter. is en on.�edp@adlaoas K wai h� ti.m�o !mr Mhes poWmin.O 5p5lrot J .�.'ti.... Mpg 110/0114 oneness-. lroisellt• Diploe 41RA.ML !RURAL RAILWAY. Nhoed MW 11 cal �ptem 1LIS a. Mtzod 7.40 p,a1. Mali and Rs/ries....- 10.60 gm. OWLET. Mall tad Zipeese Mall and gismos Mizell MISS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER of Music and Theory -experienced Corner Rlgin and Wellesley Street., Ocdie Neh 1m 55 a✓ Tonsorial Artist• T FRITZELY. TONSORIAL ARTIST, •/ . Ha and cold baths on premises. 8S0- fmming.sbsmpooiog and ever, other require- ment carefully attended to. sod none but com- t hands employed. W111i&me' old stand. 'anew blook, sett door to Hritish•Kz Hese Ott Tinders Wanted. TENDERS WILL BE SF('F,IVED BT the undersigned tip to Saturday. the 6th day of March, 1557, for the purchaes of lots IS and to In Salttord. 1 here 1s • Dice frame hoose on the property with stone foundation and good collar: ado • good tan and twO Cis terns. There is ata acre and • quarter of land containing 193 fruit bearing trees, it le • very desirable property is first claw repair. and suitable for any penes wishing to live close to tows. Terms may. and may be had on oppelce*ioe to - LORTys H. DANCY. enl�l1or's Solicitor, Inked Godwin Feb. Nth, 1W1. 3* None• WARNING --ALL SNIDER RIFLES now on, saw to he rstnrned before the Nth of March next. ANT one found -keeling • rifle after that date is liable to • fine of pm, and win to &ted nodding to law. DUDLRY- HOLMRS. Captain. THS MiLK ROUTES OF THE WF.MT Huron ('hese •ed Rutter Manufacturing Co. 1.4.. will he let by auction at the Orange Hall. Nile. at 1 P.M. 00 Seturday. March 6th also the whey for the ile eo0 of *057. JOHN TiFFiN. W. 0. JONES. PreaMent Nile. Nouns to Creditor's. J. E. DAVIS, Phu). B. DrolMist .ad Optician. /Per nolo or To Rist. • VOR SALE -OLD BOARDING HOMO 11' on Attrill's Polio. to be removed by pur- chaser. Toadies will ne received before stet of March by ?RNH.-T HK ♦TO,. barrister. Godericn. arrl tr- Ooderice. highest tender out .00e.mril7 50- oepted- FARM FOR BALE 5 am Instructed M offer for Rale one of the hest Itt acre farms 1n -the County of Huron situated within 7 miles of Ooderlch The form has not a foot of waste land on it h ad the soil is • rick clay loam tree from all obnoxious weed.. The hulldiaparo firstelaw. sonnet log of • frame hones with None foundation and cellar, kttchee. woodshed and all oeoeseare outbuild ings. A frame barn, Stx31. and cedar tarn. 10 . 50. all in goat repair. There are two &ores ce orchard. 'l he farm W bees In grass for the peat twelve years. and Is situated within • mile of poee-oISee. schen) and church. Itis fenced by an almost new t.oard fence around the front and aide, and rhe balance h roils. A series creek and wells supuly abund • of water. Ao escumbr•nces now on the prot:wrty. Price IN se0. For terms and further particular. •ppb) to LOFTUS H. DANC15Y. Mar 1, 1557. Gdericb, Ont. NOTICE TD ORAD1T0118. ►s the is.Ire? ty Ma rel Fairs sad Elisa- beth Tatra el SA" Twee o/ Oodertc8• is Ihe Ceeafy a Arron, Afilliaer. to es. es.; has. nem under (0. noeu..fyl. sad fires of " The Afiwsa rates .• fssolreata. Tbs above named Insolvents have made an ssilig.ment to m•• ,ender the rrnvlMoes of "An Ad reepeo•t.s A..igonte.ts fur the henetft of (75.45 ,.. ' being Chap. 111. 3.8.0., 1457. A meeting of the i, Iron of the said Debeen will be held In m ORos In the Conn house, In the Tows of (ioderMh, at elev.n o'clock to the t.wes os, on Moedey. the Right h day of March INN, for the appointment of in- o peetere and She girls. of directions with ret erne to the dispoml of the estate. Ivory perms elalming to be entitled to rank ea the estate M rognlrwd to furnish to me pee teenier, of cldm. proved by affidavit loot deo lwtro is and each voor Mn as the oboe ad talks et. R. O. RRYNOL Depot Sheriff of Hums. Bb lfl . ()weeAseBgrtes. OOdsrich. M.r. 15*, IM7. !!tt BEIM IRON and WiNS . . �s par 115p10 WflowIts. P5s Rs. • Arowe's flslwm wise Rare. me Own r0shapia haat JthIlehrod. M - 41stdem '.4PO � the WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION STO81 W.Lgr• ti FOR SAIL OR TO RENT -FOR SALE or to rent. the dwelling on Nelson -M. at present occupied by 1. ttmeeth. 1t contains 15 rooms. Including drawing room. dining room. parlor and kitchen. .•d haa a librarryy a n umber of closets. pantries and • good .-silos There 1s half an acro of land tastefully planted with shrubs and fruit trees. and an emotion lane. Apply to F. 8510 KTH. on the PM 12/ORMUM 10-im BALI!-LoT'S 69 AND 70 11 Hnuhlneo s Survey la the Tem. of Ooderich. apo which is erected • nice dwell- ing boom. Also lots number. 14 and le Rich's Survey, Goderich, containing 2 acne. upon which Is .Itueted a comfortable house. an there Melee • good orchard. Also the Hast ball of the North half of lot 25, lake Range Concession of the Towushie of Aahfleld. Western division. Dated lth September. 1x56. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT it 1101.71158. Goderiob. 51-51 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE situated le the nest hue/newt centre la Qoderich. The property romprisee twit dwellings, one err!' omyped grocery .tore. One op to -late machine and blacksmith shop. Reasons for selling. lack of railway s000m• mutation. (•ier tlt:e ash beeves. A spin did chance for the right nun. Apply to D. K. 8TIt.A('HAN os the mremiseu. SIM VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR 8AL15--The brick residenos overlook's, the river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. Maclermett ere.. Master In Chancery One of the most valuable and desirable pro- perties In town. 2. The two-storey frame dwelling house on South street immediately adjoining the RM. lab 15xchange Hotel. at present occupied In Mr. Andrew Waddell. 1 The dwelling house and a.lCoining grounds iter the 0. T. R. station. formerly occupied by the tats Judge Tons. Prices and terms of payment resatnable. ap- ply Pply to 70.11 xHOR' a SoPlicitors. OOoodsrlet BUILDING LOTS gi FOR SALE 1 hove seven! very Sue building lots fat Bale-•alt•ble for the erection of dwelllsg hooses. L. E. D A NCE-Y. lasaaq R. WIR. Naw raeala. NLADE MACH INESHOPS-ALL HDE a1 Repair mWork dies oren Prices. Farm lag Implotr frsslo. Beery. new and mooed hand bought and Zoo Ines and Boilers fee one. Sued --Been old w,gOn .bop comer Vienna amid Street.. J. RA 0TRR RUNCIMAN.Ilstain Loan and Bauhin 5oossilis. If 14 NOT Wi3AI YOU I&R>t WHAT YOU SAVE. MAKES YOd TRR HURON AND RT'TC11 LOAN iNVBSTM*NTOt MPANT Sot.rcttou.,- asemee, Holt and Holmes DugaorrSSfp.-u--rtee rest (bmoo pnd •"47Mz Prom seeMORON aches 11/11 MOM per salaam. on upward@, Depo0ten wing/ad It to then s4?.. le to own* and ase is- Loaws-M r be loeered AS 551 t Nut, wittiest ,slog es tAp seeorttr of Tato A Aee15sW gropr� ltzbpso.oso moderato Applb.tfeY 5+54.04ler Msasgsr er solioltere. C.manay'..Mm e✓m located on North Wrest see- (]o5tt Row Slime- 533045* Hvaor 8mw.t Office. iiondi 3g' HORTON. J. H. COI.HUses. Meso mer. Predawn!. F. BUM'S AWING MILL RAGit. DOOR AND Ni1WD PA01011T. I ttI ass e a theOlt M I�we� not 1 em .an is the t=eni en revers te the ...,.. rr. Se every ogees of work In V a wrbdew hetes tt • with moase.s le eses. fur. ►. the tabes laag ttrtorW, es* M los., sleds. and MOW e sweaty. F. SMEts7'L 1 e.daMh. Ari s