HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-4, Page 4THE SIGNAL : !IOD6AICH ONT. THURSDAY MAR 4. 1897.
Slit Aqnxl,
le ramie,
aT .. 11.e..aatw.ng
Mee or Pabileaties a sad ilk Nerthel ass
-1f this Crowe Nest Par libera-
tors does., t mew so much • line what
der it mean t
-The strongest thing in favor of
the Local Government is the weakness
Of the Opposition.
-And now Hcos Joniis going to
peke his nose into Provincial matters
in Manitoba. Wonder if he smells •
-The New (Mario License act
does not satisfy the temperance fana-
tic*, and neither does it give joy to
the saloonatic..
-The Ryatlsolrs, and HOWL•ND!
and other political featherweights are
still threshing out old straw st the
Ontario Legislature. Wby don't
they tackle live questions
-Why don't the Toronto dailies
devote s column or two to letting us
know something about the Crow's
Nest Pus. The darkness that is al-
lowed to brood over this question is
simply appalling.
The next important event on the
schedule is the, arbitration between
the eminent scientists, CorairrT and
Firshinnoes, at Carson city, Nevada,
March 17. If each would give the
other so sound • punching that be
would never enter a prize ring again,
all may be forgiven-_ _
-Now is the time for the Patrons
to introduce legislation to restrain
Local members from becoming office
bog.. Make it short . Be it enat.ted
that hereafter all provincial vacancies
be filed within thirty days, and that
no man who is a member of the Legtel&
sure when a vacancy occurs is eli-
-If the Provincial Government
would only 611 all vacancies with the
celerity exhibited in the Kent ap-
pointment, they would run up against
lens trouble than they have been do-
ing of recent years. lir was the rapid-
ity of the Kent appointment owing
to the fact that no local M.PP. was
getting cross-eyed from enviously
looking at the plum 1
All goods sold at Inc..r'boot sad shoe
store during Marob will be sold at • l•rre
reduotios w make room for spnoq impor-
tations. .All goods gu.r•ateed.
A BAD FALU. -While up towel last weak
•egos McLeod slipped on the ily sidewalk,
f.11 and broke one of his Ings. A doctor
was called in end reduoed the fracture, and
the patient is now doing well.
INDIA FAtti.r. FrNI '401.LnTIwt --Last
Sandy • special oollwpoo tor the lode
Famine Fund was takes op in Koos church,
wbeo the sum of $157 was realized, over and
shore the ordinary oolleotioe.
Toth 141111W1 St -prem. -The Sacram.eit of
the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the
moraine nervios in Knox church a:t Sab-
bath. Oo Friday sysoing, at 8 o'clock, Pie
preparatory servioe will be held, whets Rev.
Robt. Henderson, of Manchester, will
preaoh. New applicants will also he re-
osteed, and communion cards distributed to
latesdisg onmmsaioan,n.
HE El -8011W. -The man Farewell, who
.soaped from l:oostable Sipple while being
es.veyed to (roderich jail last 1 tot. and was
captured in Barrie the past week, was up
for Wootton nn Tuesday. He pleaded not
guilty, and elected to be tried bythe Judge,
sed 6e trial was put down for meedy the
16th Maroh. Farewell it will he remember-
ed is the leas who was ob•rged with raising
use lig Dominion bill to *5 and owe to 410.
A Wanpiee is Towels. --The following
Meat, from the Glebe. refers to the wedding
of the eldest son of H. H Smith, of Winni-
wheat many of our readers will remem-
se • former residest of (ioderioh •
very pretty wedding was celebrated at eons
se Tuesday, February 23. from MOO ran -
Ikons of the brides brother and sow, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Hoer. lit M•odnnell avenue.
*'h. happy .Meet was the outoome of the
restdeaoe for • time in Winnipeg of the
bride, Mice A..» Loam Olay, the groom
bolsi Albert Colborne Smith of the same
sir. The osrers.D7 was performed by the
Rev. J. M. Cruise o S:. Helea'e, misted by
Rev. Father Dollard. Imleedlstely follow
big. • reception was held in the drawing
rem, which was prettily deoeretei with
palms sad oat flowers. The bride, matefal-
ly gemmed in ogre white alk, with trim
mimes of chiffon sad path, and o•rryine in
btlr.h•sd • shower h,mg.st of bridal roses,
Tossivd meet gro.ftdly the kited wishes of
her !reeds T • weddiy-breakfast was
1.l, served, the tables berg Wt•fi11y
iesoe.s.d fa pink sad gree., sad the eldest
in Miser by • retiree el o•re•tsrs,
es, sr Mies of the valley, urge srMflelal
N.it. Th. meal Messm wars and
Mewed, and esfretsrwslatery ram. fr.
Ohara friers were read. The *Week C.
ir. H. era. ben the happy .ale wastrel
• tisk Isseeprea. whisk they
eaikeg is S6 .1 P.sad ad err
g ross dew whisk they will take pp therm
gmresnr r Whelps.. its k.ide'r tsaval-
leMiem wee • peer shade of grecs Meal -
Aga. Iulmmd we* her viler sr
hiereee ..we re � faMorir. .ey b wserera-
g, r is dem serer Bab be itw
11her. s. Map d Alag jag.
Femurs IMA. INN
Mrs. Male, of Desats, is memeng ►.r
father, Walter Retbsrfu,t
• large eemk•r N ym.g peeps Iran
Bln'vle sed vlri.IlT .ii- -ted IM weddia.
•1 Mr Agro Metas to Jetta Weyer Leri
w•deetday every.
Y. boa sealed bold i. Mr. (Irking' Mess
ea the dleer & read last Tuesday s'
was • aroma Oyer tee dollars re real-
J. W. Btt.a..gh, et meet., wi11
1e Neutrals 1. the Fermt.fs hall ea ,
Marek 6th, ender e rapier of ter C.O.
• ran trees is as,stsd, sed ab, erm whe
reit be spend as o.joyable sed probable
*memo should make it • pre M ere and
mar Cease•'s meal sarbesss.
Ta..s•T, Mso.a *
The .ramal eerily sf wed fes the throb
Ma b..s gas. Jamie !legis nassgisg she
delivery of 16.
The Woman% Missies 8.Ae►y ,f the
.bird tsetse Therd.y of the week f. the
•Maraca.e for les peeper et arsktmg sewers!
saddle fee she ladle& mf.4ese i. the North-
O[ Iyeaawr. -The member. el Y
Presbyteries ekrreh her sad in fellow
,hard at she Dales, will, with, pl aeare re-
member the mewled that ;J. D •teens.
as • street. reek .targe .f she ess[re-
satire with geed remelt., spiritually. sad
as improvement in rsembsnhip and darer
serene Mr Arderros is • brother of the
..teemed paster of Knox .bard, ll•e.rieh.
Having sees the notice is err teems that hie
bad pared his oollees miree with women,
we take from Tb. Daily Wit.ees, of Mew
tribal, Feb. Wok. the fellewi.g : Beashiernee
Pnehyterene.-_Chete•ym•y. Feb. %A-
A o.r[reea• kora aestlag was held here se
Tuesday svesiag be ace if the members were
ready to give • call to a mtaeter. After
divine service by the Rev. J R Dmean,
moderator, sae candidate was Demleat d,
the Rev. J Deuces And.rsoa, H A The
aeoees$ry form•litiee were [nee through
with sad • mill made. floe tedration. it is
expected, will be shoot the middle et
firs. AIMn and daughter. Keds. visited
.!Porter'. Hill this week.
Mass L Baker, of Windsor, has retained
after • visit to her brother John sad to •
sister at tester.
Tommy, Murat It
FA ward Humane of (lariew, with P. Gal-
lagher. • se. tiros resident of that plate,
hot nnw lima[ in Michigan, visited hie o&d
fritted, the laird of Lanedown Farm, for •
cheery chat oyer old times of fifteen rears
ego, is which were not forgotten their de-
bates about Home Rale for Irelesd.
Doors Orwaw -The a.pltyiag hood of
death removed t ors our midst Tuesday
night of lest week • well -knows and for+er
r sideat in Mrs. Healy, who for same time
pees bad nes hese well. She was In thane
et Oen. Unham'e household .4 Sbspprrdss..
bet on taking i11 she removed to A. •Iles'.
In Dunlop, to he Dearer town for mediae'
MCI and newsier, and her death ears* so
suddenly at last that relatives mold sot be
. est for. Oo Thursday morning the farm'
took Oleo., a good ooncoarse of friends tied
oeirhbore being present, and her father. B.
Cleave. and b rother,Themas, frees Hallett,
wer. there The interment took place be
the R.(' cemetery is Colborne, and the pall
!bearer* were Robt. Faltered, S. B. WI'liama,
Chas Morrie. M. J. Tobin. Edwin Morrie
and John Barker. Tbe deceased massed
from or in the prime of life -in bet 4f1od
year, deeply mourned by •fl who knew ber.
We extend oar deepest sympathy to her
daughter Ella esti other relatives ee the lose
met with.
Tresnev, Mareh 1
hes !Aisle Fisher, ('olheene township, e
,he [rest of the Misses Rodger, Huron
Mn. 8. If.Cvllarrh, Taylor's ('rear. visit.
.d 1•.t week at the base of Gabel* 8111iett,
Hayfield ons.
4i.e Violet r 'Tett, of R•miet•, Msa.,
who has bees v..;',ng relatives in the town•
ship the pact three months, returned home
last week.
Heavy Yong. hth eon., and Arthur Wil-
son Colborne rown.hip, have eeehasired
farm.. and will move shortly to their re -
involve place..
The members of the C. R. (hien Church
met at the home of Mr. D•videon, Sunday
School snperintendemt, ea Thursday. Feb
25th. and spent • most enjoyable eveninr.
A Tarn number of Tern[ people gathered
et 11.ol home of Mn. S.werby, ;w) ods., es
Friday evening last and spent the evening
ie a eerie! dame sad thoreerbly enjoyed
Parties are the ord., of the day. An-
other large and raspeotablei gathering met at
the comfortable re.ideeo. of 1.•.e Salkeld,
let eon., no Friday evening last, sad re-
port having an unusually good time
The school .t Taylor'. Cerner has bees
Improved by • row of No. 6 desks platted
therein by the Golsrioh 0rv.e ClsmD•.y
They are the beet and most oemplota desk
we have yet seem sal present • hareem*
NoHes. -The local twee, 1. Dermassee
herrn vies et is .t th• .ties of J. f7. Ward.
J.1' .nosversionw. an.. who will rootlet re.
den for rtserfpaaea sdveetlra[ sad job -
work. and 1s snthorised to give receipts for
amounts paid for the ease.
Tose&AT. Msreh
Sutoiile.-]foe 1 sleighing at present
prevails sad is prosoaso.d the hest en far
this Winter.
February bas taken its exit placidly but
left its oempsaio., Jobs Frons, rsmatdeg
with se
The Rev Mr. Paul, of Briar's. • .spar•
ted minister. nospled Rev. A. F.
Swan's pulpit at both morals; sal tout..
.srvioes last Sabbath.
Dame Rumor has it that quite a member
of young mos is this vidwlty sr. is
the near future te teas a orespeelive beer,
to ter Prairie previase and NortbweA
()whg le the extremely Iigbe doter therm
was as Divines Chun as arranged be be
1.ld here se Thursday lase : • pastmmsmssb
was made till the nth day of May for .ext
el mine.
Rremarw l.a•rva. -The bpi aneroid
ler set marked. se Moray .votes win
b. " Verset d I elbedias, Jobs Wsei.y,"
sad to be eless.resd apse by MM twee. wU.
.f the paster,
Geo. MIM. a shies ef M1110111184*.
•eptly psr.barl • spired hobby' or d
the Jersey bred hem Mr. Newsy, byes
matte .. the O. T. R. ranee. fared*
.rd Nee thigh he per • beal-wss ram.
Aaafn , ibis. -white
YkMsasll.sba a6 she ere b of
Ms gbh rill be be rem great maser ea
Hiss et lbs..L.. w d ki briber
.r..•meru .s the herd's goer" was darn
sed m Seethe sir* .a width seisms es-
easirt she a.A.0.l,s es task peimeeso of
faith ia the droner .t the .hire were
d.l..4mtebd ss meshna
Vane Law, - W .. shrug with the roma
rens friends of Jebe M.I.A.. )r., reser t.
Imes ihas he Is boeyeoemhg weaker se health.
Wtereraid se yew boos
lin who that ue ekeeek'd Hew
ever. He who (tseth all these for ear beet
hbusela •.d overrules alt emote mealy
Meow mhos a buts teres Ws regret
to .law ,bee Mia. til.. (.s. Mw Abeab- I
funises le tiara team a &mask et Were
Mee. by mak kewsrd be bar speedy es.
Moas_LT TaHlg•see. -The Whom/
to the r..sh sf the resat es.mmentee s�
pipes le the swiss dsp.rsm+t of n..
wheel : Or. V. -Freakier M.lwrs. w 111.0
Begley. g V. -Rash 8w.... Hdo&
RAAerta. Brew Deters IV. -S rt. Tr*
Immo, WJUs UI..., V11111. 8toh.rs.
-Oseger.8prw1, keine Sproul, Lloyd
Was& Mnerrao itsuou kites.-• meet -
tag of Lairs. cherub woe held e• Feb 9•b.
Min Chaslette„_Jeiggire has .toed very
.sd..11y( withers i.arraplie. ,seeps when
previewed by abort for the psi three
pars as ornament is the sharek sad it re
moved, sa».ded •sed .retied that she be
•ppdated ss organise fee she present year
lead as • further, wetm el the .ppresbMse
el the Isilbfrl, eRel,ot ..d voluntary ear
heel as .meet that the semis, for itself,
sunor gati.. sad Sabbath eeied,benby es.
• atmesely sewer to ltbt a eras et tanks se
• token et the •pprmeaden d her valuable
Reassure F.or Bwus.m-Mas. Wllse.,
the pepair middler, is seesegwes or
wahine so reties after havteg.esdeoted the
military berme her for the pet twenty -
t wo piers suite s eee.sttUJ , i•. sold the
stook sad busmen to Mrs. T. d. Anderson
Mrs Wilson wishes to think the samerem
patron who had es liberally panorama her
and respectfully requests the* kir termer
patron' tied oaay others will fever her suc-
cessor with their pasro..w Mas. Audis -
eon, a order to meet the waste of her ems-
tomers sad tresdr will keep • steak et mil -
hater [sods of the latest e.tsyylse, mrd •:-
pima to Wire • first 01•1111 . 11110.xeast
, • year
lady from Lorca The yog Idy mime
highly r.00meeaded in Wer line .f bemuses
RvTsaTAtm MUST -The e.tsrt•neem at 1014
ander the auspices of the Pebble Library in
the A[rioalturel Hall ea the evening of
the Mon, was, to point of interest, very at-
traoYva The apeodia vrgnm in se far
as the parte were performed, was well re-
ootred •ad appreot•ted. W. Bailie bad
the boor of pre•idt.g over the e•tertaia-
meet, sad proved himself well gated for the
position. The progress opened with • nor r
as by •'sleet *heir. As address on palitc
libraries was efficiently rives by J. O. Mar
deck, at Luoknow, whiob was very apropos,
bring Isaersper.od with eery bsmerose an-
ecdotes. The address was • owedit to the
.parker sad delighted the rare . Mr
Murdock is • public speaker rapidly marshy
to the frees. The ro.d.riy ef eetranteas-
sI mesio by Mews. Gare sad H•lid•y.
•ocompsaisd by Mr Ada Angostis' as or.
ranist, was quits • feature of the esteria a-
mient, and de•ary s special erosion, as was
oleo the musical merinos on the south et -
pas by Master Wet. Bowers, sad Mies An-
emias. smear. Very interesting recite -
neon were gives by Misses Mary Peatl•ad.
Crosser, Naorsl Davidson sad Bertha
Rask, alt of wren did credit to themselves
sad ee.trib.ted very meet to the interest
sad pi.asare of the nods.,•, as .iso the
reoitatioo gives by Mr. Mardis*. Master
William Biedl.,s recited in fit* style,
" Asleep at the Switch," which was well re -
mired. Acether interesting feature ase a
meg, " Queer Folk in the Shaw.," W
Master lied. Rowers, whish for • g 1.1
was so well dos. that the sash... was
highly pleased and rave him great prawn
Select and appropriate piscine and @Diss were
attractively rendered by Misses M. David
me, of Dnngennoo, mad Irene May, of Nile
Mier Ire.e, being but • child, deservto
sp•ot•l ration. She rug with good effect
sod fairly captivated the ardbocio, and, if
spared, will stake her stark is the mantel
arena Also, too emelt pekoe menet be
Mires to Minces Olive Crawford •ed Lids
Anderson for the seemly* sod attractive
terming of • deet, whieb elicited great
applause. As D.sgsanoa and vicinity pos-
sesses so much seed talent, wbioh, we pre-
sume, will vie with the Meat of mor pre-
tentious places, they trill in all probability
be enraged •t other pointe os future mese
sinew. The entertainment was, without ex-
emption, • treat to all who were rarest,
Premeds. about 420, which will be applied
to the public library. Those interested have
ample re•ann to be pleural with the result
of the entertainment.
Mew M Cure teres.
Hem 9 Tr, if you we about it the right
way. Got the hest always. Pater:Vs Pain.
leer Core Retractor Diver fail. to oars, Acts
le treaty -fear boar and 01111•1111 wither
pain Dor dtaoomfort. Pat..n's Cora Ex
neater extremes Dorms; it is the best
•U this will hg ave free .. sale ... as heed
In Melba ao to the time of solea
A.OMo. mals of the well-keeent ebr.lUse,
Woodier, by i.rtrro4o.s .f exeseber. of
..tab of the Mm W A. Delbert*. as Our-
dry'e seethe mart, Hamilton -et., Saturday.
March 6th, .t 1 o'cleok. Alm
carte, harems, beets. as Tem. OIIID. ,
•.otl ones,.
Oa Friday, Marsh 12. en the farm of
Alex. Yong r., IM 7, sea S. Celb.rse, •
here ardor of .Mice saws, steers sad
y.eng saitnals will be sold by pebble sue -
Woo. Jiro. Koos, assklo.esr.
Ther wilt he sa unreserved sale of hunt -
tare sad lesecbheld slier , at the residers
of 1. O. Timber. 23 Tref•Igar0k, ea Tues-
day, March 9. Twos. Oow.sy, aeseleneer.
The whale .f Albert 8mltbd term Meek.
themes. mad acne articles of borehole fur-
niture will be sold ors lot2, Oen. 8Oal1.,..,
elle from Carlow, or Tuesday I6M d• d
Msrh 1891, esmrsunotsg at 1 ordeal. Mr.
Smith le retirisv trees iwmi.g. Jura
Knox, .uotic.ew.
Miss id. Vaireas leer sa Wsdasslay ler
laS lo.
is throne Ca.u.-Mr. Jobe D. Armor,
B.A., brother be the parser of Este Chard,
In under kali se the .souse of
Beal -
hornets lad Obareagey. Tha maMer wi11
be disposed of u the regam meeting d the
Meetre•l Presbytery ea the illi Isar
Orman. Wee. -TM hhakey mai& be -
Maths ser Maeda leak plass ea
the rink .a Monday erre, in
ars d a leapp sassre Mee T
in the el the her Nam mw Tre614=6.he
'.Teen.. -}y k
who hen beta 1n term ler she
=re webs bee hose miry • vsud.l.
shape greenlet bee
eiw M the
einereass Hall. a6
be, «. hens
anti*a6t� Mead.
Me INN be lie
181Yuwg14-AI per d aegl
idolsAsso? arc re i cortiMNO.111Voseaces e. i
aurra-asio PAAILLAIMillo18.
• ptodemeed esteem of tat rsa.ses
NOP .f a. Ism Week.
)tile 1L -At Such '. arra
gin ttueor-
rllsYtal introduced es
Act to make better provision for the
kaspitltg s..d auditing of toaniclst•l arse
Hoard amounts. The Act see
tatriane the IMtsnant-l)uver'nur to
epprant an rause to lir known as -the
Pro virile I Munklpal Atl. bur," and
irun1bw power a1 ii* that officer 40
b'ao.. nu.a. WOW the approval mf the
l4.uteoant loveemur w regulate the
term el brim of thrum to Istt kept
bY Mellbnuret., he retro of book-
keeping to be adopted. the manner 1s
which sucw$ttes and etonwy$ or amintd-
palitles and soloed limns* are to be
kept, and the sudl t big ur mid dote
•cots. that the auditor td.Jl preear
seta of books for use by the various
du. of mtm.k•lt..11U p, axe t titian
and when approved by the Iaeeteusent-
Governor tr-((munch, three books are se
a pvcured and used In theme munb -
paiLtlea Tilte auditor torr aka.. K klarle -
od or the Lieutenant- ovtenor-ko.
po mel& prepare boobs of amount Der
the use of iloitool Boards. Other Mils
reed a first time weft.
Ile. athson tAuasir)--Jlb sewed the
]lmnhcipal Just.
IW. Handy -Wo amend and cgrouel^
ate' ties Acts relattng to tie adminl►
gyp. of Justine in portions •f the
vence eusawde of county organize-
Moe.'im. Howse adjourned at 3.50 p in
Toronto, Ireb It.-M>r. McKay p•ia
seated the first report of the C.omduse
.o Standing orders.
The following 4411, were read a first
her. 1Ryerann---'iti amend the Maar -
pab Act
Mt-. 6rrdth-Reneeothig roads.
Mr. Ca.ppte•--To amend the Mar -
Wage Aot, 1896.
kir. Chapple -To amend the Mode/
Mr. Drod.n-TO amend the Munici-
Mr Dwy4.n-To amend the Agrlod-
tswe said Arte Act
Tr. Ry.sot o rewarmed the debate on
the budget. and he was toll, .wed by Mfr.
MIoLson, fir. Meacham, Mr Middleton
and Mr. Mag•wood. The adjournment
was a o sd at 0.30 p.m.
Tornio. Fib. 34. -Mr. Hardy tear -
timed a bill. and it was reed a Mat
thee, respecting the fisheries d On-
tario. la answer to Mr. Matheson. Mr.
Hardy Mid the Government had re-
ceived a notice hon the Federal
ernmest iterating the provincial frank-
ing mail privilege. To Mr. Hayeook,
he said .' .mite a would be aa point-
ed to ooasid.r th • queer -is of abolish-
ing GoverAtw,,t House. Mr. Davin b
wply to !T Brower. said there were
W scree under 4u44 cul t1 vatbq and
1111 partially rm. at the M i mieo Asylum
Live stook was kept, but no butter mss
u odoved Mr. Gibson said the return
ordered toy the House on 1114, March.
1696, renperttng the quantity of pine
timber Trow Namibia on the orpers
Ioessfm, were bang prepared Dr.
Ryerson steered for a reborn respect beg
the lnatnatiese on the Parliament bulud-
ings. rod Mr. Harcourt said the Gov-
ernment waw carrytn. 1te own hereto
ante. Dr. Ryerson then withdraw h1.
ariotbwt. Afters return had been or-
dered rue ctki[ Fitch Sehmla, the
Mtdtret debet.• was bosomed by Mr
Craig. who wee followed by Mr Mc-
Kay. M:•. Sr. John. Mr German and
I14. Haycock. The Hoagie adjourned
at 11 o'etoc'k pm.
Toronto, Feb. 16. -Hon Richard Her -
Meet tstxlgb1 down his ung -expected
bill emending the Wgt License Act
to -day. A. was generail ported, his
gives the temperance peotr 11111. use
Lest d it Among the hail dozen prio-
t:8 d features, the Pnwincial Tree,
surer explained, tree ooe effecting the
unit of population for a Hoarse. 'The
Amatation a000rding to population is to
be one tavern license for ear 960 or
the fide thousand. but not to rimed
three for the arse thousand. but this
1h>oitatton is not to apply to country
towns having a population of 2600 or
Ines. Druggists are now prohibited
from rating any quantity of liquor ex -
ore !•Don a prescription signed by •
registered mejbcal prat tthrer. and
such preenriptnalt shall not exceed six
000cea The bouts tot- cloning bar
rooms during every day of the week
except Saturday nights and Sundays
sent be limited to 10 o'clock in tore -
NUM. villages and unorganised ten -t-
urtle., and 1n duew arse town. to 11
o'clock. Any exh4Jnts regulation', of
the Hord. of Laconia. Convnlmrone'rw
that fix the hcwtr rig closing at a longer
period than the above are to be null
and err. The acre of a minor le ex-
tended from 11t to 21 years of tither
eel. Provfaion Is now made that
munfe4paltef.w under Local Option by-
uaw. W,.il esmtsihute their atter of the
expense, of enforcing the law Ho
saloon Ile•en,es are to he Mimed atter
the Seth day of April. 1a90 ()Ise -hell of
the existing painonet are to be cut off
f. 1,90. and the balance In 1499; but
this provision le not appMed tae .stint
become. at railway citations now under
Benne. The bill was read a first time.
Other hills read it flied time were -
Mr Genesee- 'r,, amend the F.lertr4e
Railway AM.
]tr (aarnegie--Tb amend the Puha.
S chool. Art.
Mr terswforv>-Tb amend the Assents -
wrens Ae t.
Mir liWMewx►--To amend tine Cooney
(hwnn»n• Arg.
The Htslwwt fiethat. www mnttnn.d ivy
YY RnwFn,n4. K. fyw,rrwi (H.,-onl attd
l ▪ adjournedMiscW*5ib 6.I6, on motLmr of
Tbroato. Pet. opening me-
th. prooredlrtgw, Mr Wbltney asked tL
=R tit,. appeal as to the proper
corn over fisheries In inland
waters, testntctioos had been glues
saloons of the Government to refrain
from hmerfeatng with p.rwona Mr.
Hardy replied that no instructions had
her given. The °Mote had been su '
else& however. that the law was peso.
Ncally unchanged urn the decision of
the Privy Galen ll had been aands4
Mr Handy replied to Mr. Matheson
that one orde5►4n {.enrich covered tufa
the drainage assenement reductions,
end the date www Peernary 5t, 1196.
Wg Gibrensi. in reply to Yr WfUough-
by. paid the number of mTtng loom
dorm spelled for note swami M the
erne of James Conine. •red Whales
mid Has.tw.sad war bring prepared
rod would be sewn in a few day..
Po reply to Mb'. wa1t..Fy moelon fair
a mourn of
M. seizure mid sale offhbIn the
114 • tv'ewrarst Miley Aodf►'wy or
Leder at Uxhr4dire Mr. ifl.rsdy remit
tw.54.ho r.1 9mraatp�'e. *Her to sig
the re -
hive of bis hakes of sHe. 1n the owed
,f ter h.sa n obi. to jsstefy M. e�
east. '17th ws. 011 Ohs 1DOorwmY.a it
thee the f#trvs.webse t air yetA ratters .
spentir as0f� .tom fel A
prr,tir�ed was
herr, _d Heey el
Call ••• Inspect Quality, Style, Durality
Remember the price, 25c 1
Corner Square and Asst -at.
The Keaat oton !flflee CO LII.
Cash or Exchange for Lumber.
A complete stock of New
Fancy Goods, Centre Pieces -
more beautiful than ever, and
Doylies to match.
New Designs
for Sofa Pillows --durable and
washable, Table Covers- the
very latest, Tray Clothes Side-
board Drapes and Tea Cosies.
A Choice Line
of Leather Belt' --newest in
the market. Cail and inspect
these goods.
After twenty years of most ex-
cruciating pain caused Itygravel
I am pleased to make if known
that I have been completely
cured of this long-standing
trouble by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
During these Fears I have spent
hundreds of dollars without any
permanent relief. Had I heard
of your wonderful remedy years
ago it would have saved me
months of agony and hundreds
of dollars.
Sharbot Lake, Ont.
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Always•Cure Gravel
to Media eR••esesd !Adel
ads rouser syr
ga•n.t..f N Mow
est poelrton, whole w pal
thee. Liberal terms. Tea
moa mate tem Milers • week
or better with es for every week ter mark,
No sipsrtesee seeeesary.
Oesttaestal Norearies. TORONTO, ONT
(Blacks, ily moa, Japais)
We have bought heavily in an-
ticipation of a duty being placed
on Teas, and are recommending
our friends to lay in a stock. Our
value, are the best we ever of-
fered. (het a sample and abe con-
Dairi Tivare
I have made up a large
assortment of Dairy Tin-
ware out of heavy Eng-
lish. Tin : you will find
this something better than
is usually used in Tin-
ware. I hate Milk Pails
from 10,' -'n. rod Pans all
rises. E o Dairy Tin-
ware repaired while you
The Pradtcal Ths.mifit
A Little Paint
AL the
wef P�;amid at tbe past change in the
m.ie •
looks d tbe room ora home. The
widow uses,, bmatboard, picture
nos111ap, chain and tabus --•l1 these
sea be brightened sad made clean
with phut
it jest the thong fir Realtor., sad
decorative with. It gime a flue, glossy, enamel -tike rhea The tines
ere delicate ler Wer lea " Emmert Paint " is prepared ready for the
Nei Any ems on has it. We make paints for wry p epsse-with
is a simehl Mee awed to a special ase.
Our bathed "Paint p.lda,' t.11e ea the little Mahe Pad p.imt
bath. bra Ink berm sad
lgeed anand ibe dor. It Wle the Leo Ref
Wise hi a hes asgp. lire bth, here.beimd ed seder. ySL Sumo.
nor a►E P?I-SEL MH a.
4P, > 1y 1t 1y 1y1�1y11 1 1 1 1'I/ 1 1 1