HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-4, Page 31 e[ w1111r illsgmm we. • Gane► mem flew at W Per -The ipilla 4f elle doing tbeom Sat .b4 alae -.=Ale ad such gls•atb tot world-wide at- ; a solid bails for lassoes is the Kootenay gime tial figures an K be dented. The sad en -bearing district la Jaas- I1Tt,AtN, or at thea per annum. 1 is so large. 'tin here are only tae wh,.le of British osat of divides& The one la Rets" district, with eb Rol and War lamp McKinney. Se mad wonderful tease of Rowland .ad that place is ren by sang* la - 11U very Uttle b nista . The charac- eb to do with lets has to be .netted• tndltan of tabor I otherwise,. whilst • free -milling and turned Into gold situated about *4 m Rowland and mire north of the ry line. In Mc - k. Cariboo mine. a and should nos mores of otPer t mine ban bad a d the dividends to of two cents per seethe, amount to summer of 1444. MI was erected oa e n -stamp mill cer- to be proud of mill of its roma oast that has pro - A Toronto eyndi- tate enough to es - claim, whish le on of the Cariboo lig the property oa st a shalt was pat baba u fent. wine. to De about rota re, which was aro and at the School in Toronto, gave IS! to iffy 10 geld. 1. seen L the toek as tt is all email - else thrsugb tine t• shaft M torts of a at. e of great promise dated on tin. Net. pbell. Cur- �oroa• �to. at the tow els share la three ere sold. The grim Wow be advanced ,ad Mil of this 13 or if cents. as t wish to sell toe try stock ata hew company aro re - worn. and are as Prof floury MoW- ['nlvereity, Toren- . F A. S. A., forwter- mingy and Goo- k! e►to Mining Depart- ►iverelty of Utah ; ,t. J. F. Ramsay, Toronto ; Serosa Render K. Roy, "onto ; Manager. e su, Camp Mcrin- -Treasurer. Hiram Toronto : Dlreo- tgomery, Toronto; Toronto : Alezan- Esq•• Toronto ; Keil. wbMe- ronto ; Walter Waterloo : Coat Toronto ; W. R. Rant, Paisley : A. 'shaman. Wlarton; reerchant.Ttver- t.. Stratford ; Bar- k wholesale mer - os owners and pre- cannot be gold fa lie tre.aury Mod n a paying Bala m NOGG shares oat (1.000 shares, p.r en addltlonal N.* • the treasury he Relent money resl- Clock fa thea tins• e on a paying foot - boll. Carrie •! 01 • i afullti proms& trY unaver.' over Thlynwll a prospeetus and iroperty to anyone ✓ tnformatloa. dly pow.ne know. is 10'e of Africa. Der tuf.otunag, the mw beds sad boil them r the mess has emboli iova have sly to dim is in tate w •d t. The poise is s e t remark on theski N was preyed to the Miran who eomd•etod that a Meme w waste a theft while mw, who were kyr kat Shay were e..- ifs test aims. whs. hat dM .se to d hypnotism was .1- w• • yang mst to had tried ►1se o.• in this day to work A when sold tem • e ras him. he mads Wm. H. we told .hair a few yore .d bad dems bum s ✓ kalie wee headed Is w be streak hire maid hash amll this Semite la Ms bed s esuwineed that le �4.4whomww t�m etbraas W fee kir. ls n & of Weed. Whir "rpm, tie beds sad with elmashsd isle ad limo es (glisten mewl seemed brag dleelare easer.mrb tptimg isms beep Scott's Emulsion is Cod. liver Oil prepared as a food. At the same time, it is a blood maker, a nerve tonic and an up -builder. But principally it is a food for tired and weak digestions; for those who are not getting the fat they should from their ordinary food; for chil- dren whom nothing seems to nourish; for all who arc fat -starved and thin. It is pleasant to take; at least, it is not unpleasant. Children tike it and ask for more. yo,,,, u A•w•" 1.r, •, rod" k . lest $. t and JI ai,r,. v1 to e.tual Wer .arts jt Ir era* tar! Dinnstar'1• M NICHOLSON. LD.8. n.ntt e*t em.aDe- Itooms oppetto eke Poe n ' es veld /Ulla.. Crewels int.wort a ttpme'aln• m Y.u' ixperle..s. LY. MABKE, U.I) . . TA St: 1rv1ON, • not ..proved oetheds tor ail dental , •-1.tlea*. Preserve !dos of the natural teeth • p rutty . time. ever James Robinson, dry 0 de elan, w- ar of West et. and tee Sanaa*Sgar 1 Y. YURNBULL, D. U S., L D.&- tJ • Distal Bargees i Latey eesooiased snit lir. likes. of llfwtreel. Golf and pea► Ido. unarm teeth mo..ted ea ,old r ideas - Isms beers, seeded aunties' gives t0 the resertlof the sutural teeth. O*tes to von Mclean*. new block. IGLU t Medlftlal. ♦ .1Nuttbtl�t-G i, C. M. W eine„ a bO.e1..1e..... rr0ely cooled y fere Cs.e a ea amet►K Totlmphene M. V,,. Cri pis, PttYBICIAu, SCR gena. Ike. 01111m -Bruce stree% the resi- dence lately oo ipted �r I . 1►yfh' calls from residences.lrl.pht'ue ra ustaraL THE SIGNAL. GODICRICH• ONT : THURSDAY MAR. 4 1397. CRISP AND CASUAL •sea Cheeps% has TEM 41WAHrdw. Thor. see 1s. nese eaparus• bases i. the as Y• railway ashes is wail N eb•a/th M 100 Weems. S marm are name 4. raise than say ether eantvased treks. The Rahe r Wands .and army ►smdred home te Britain. • re lway ..glee is aselee alter is W ram $10,000 anima AU the ..m.iaed tate teased la Egypss4 terms haws red bah. • Sower eat in the merely well o.tltue Armors sat ma the overarm. Hasa., tae iev..tr el a.o...t ..b., sold ha patent for 150.000_ Shark's Ilea to moot reliebed by Meese tome from the South Poodle. Tim pewee at the ..wines of the Laaaal• are •gsal se tat of 96.000 hones. Tim Beet of a dgete asp ta type • ..w edl- LI• G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLI- • dye. Cenvy•soer, &c, Ossa -ser. aa,cos and St. Amiens -gm. Opa (-wham L� NICEST HEATON - BARRISTER, rJ solicitor. Notary ['elide Aehewoti Week, Was arrest 1,2 ('A tI PNONM.l'., BARRISTKK. BOL J . tater. Notary. '•a Oleos ever Sd*s.l Halt, Square. Oodrlcb. ties of the Bible ammo* to 16.000. It is eseim.ted th.t the eased rebid1 nth* over the earth's surface is 5 feet. Kaotrioity has lately been applied to t oars of stammuly, with oomptoy emcees. The mimes se the tales et Yeo .ad Hers.e are teillesa [This rehire to tete) Oily two to& scrape's d the sea ha teem visible d Leaden daring the last 1,000 year.. Daring the pass Sea yearn the lacrosse the poputatt.o .f Fraise hes bees very salt Ons b.adred •a twenty firemen are re Awed to feed the forearm of • first-.I.es Atlantis steamer. Every per... ever eve rare of age Steelman, Austria, it a .•em. -player. the gams . tough► dr the ..heels. Th. area of the Tr.movaal is 224.000 q .11.0. sad the whole popelatlen soothers les than the p.paLt►oa of Liverpool. A recent raise of 26c • tea will mores., the profits ot the Amerman coal c•..b2ue to sex ieoathe 164,000.000. Tb. Comas S**.rtea Rodway wail red the oo.t of a passage fres Lesdou to kis by over 1100. to Egypt ohm were held sacred. nod their sammttied remota" ars often found la o.Noombe sod pyramid.. Cork is the think bark of trees whl.b fiendish is the forests of Spain, Portug•1 sad Al. we. Lama is powdered and imported into this emetry to he mud (or polmhiag tanners, organ* lita t'reparataem w beteg made to dove some 26.000 horse power from the St. La moo 1 Error. ha 1. 2. MO. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. AO- . holder, oomleisi0OK. «r Memel to Ins. Mem : nor. Hamilton and M. Andrew Weed- ooderyi.Oat L O1! 18 t D•NCIY. Ba- :IRIt1T=R, Sehalter. Omveyerm r, k .. etc. limo; So limn at lowest rates. Marto I*v melte Colborne Hoed. lfad..Mk. ' r LEW I8, BARRIBTIIt. PR' fa- tttor la Maritime Omuta of 1� h .ose-•sats Colton* mal. 1)) 0. HAYS, BeRliD3Thit, SOLICIT 1\,. O kc. tidies Nrrth•et.. seat door & anal. diem. Pel '.te reads to load at 1:12401 rate4 el titer K. t ARROW & PROD 1,VUOT, BAK- 'a rinses. Attor..�e,0oii 1Prs. no -. 0 .,.45. ,lea. J T. *arrow. O.vt I Uh.htt01h. HOLT & HOLMES, V Barristers, So11e1tsri la Qaaoery de. 4Kdertcb. Y. O. ()amore*, Q.O. ; P. Balt , Deals" lid.ee. G. W ARD, UONVIY�AI`Ut1t. s �re0err5sad OOmm'ea4O•eAe i1 allidat ng ss Oma • dir.Mlaset depneuicne sr ooa.saWtdeelars- Maas lam esaterai W adios or vin s Counts .44la she K Court ed Jessie*. the Divides ; un./tw and p.0. sibrom-Deasessea OM. air ---►f Lamas ass IYurions. see P.. the Nemth•s eme_r - d derspe ter ••rmleal 4.41. ed the ave hie remits obtained IdeAsrs eve l.deaad the heath Wes .a M .abs It sa their he.$s.M 8..e of the bed whaling grenade 4 the verb are smog the **ads .I tits .esth of the Meeks•s* River. The weeny are Ca - masa, b•► the Amerieama are *Wag ad - meow ef the opperesaWa•- ls Japes mesh e . testie..�athose is sane- v.ted es the .rdesa these la a very inroad sad artists' amasser. rise *she are set Into the shape d Medaffeltia lead memo* of every deeurtpleaa. lap Gary -martial are of three ki.ds,i- .omtal, dimities sad emeriti. • hest tribes, kaolin' m osurt-ini•! se tie by ea muni, law, omd man tettiot death er any lean pa t es any Whose et soldier. The Rooky Masada& gem i very se leased. • sem tae hoed teems to lamp Obese fest .mom a sasyes to • ledge twenty feet beim,, .d thee bask lto the ppm*, i *2* aide. la this way they ► tort. Omar Randal, of CbkWeoths, who .tar- ried Korth 1►e Vold there, is the eon of the hold:. stepmother by ler tint has - beads so the' isle aeether broomes his meteor -2.-1. • +md his bride'' father her fetter-ta-ls ••.te It • ase in lb lab/frier vast plus ethic* resemble °onely the prairies of the •.nets.. misuse* he yet the railways have set bees eatooded sato these lende,and the farmers have to heel their products to the sewheamda 11e Japanese navy wee toamded oy Bill Ades, • Dative of Kest, who wee ship wreaked en GA Germ of Japan He wee detained for many years by the Milted* to baud ships nod to teach his sailers how 1'o .avipts them. About 260,000 memos ban And from Bombay to see•ps the ravages of the pl0ga► R.1* nod odes carry the Omensfir.. hew to house, sad soak of the sa- tin wester may have N be burned to stomp out the dismiss The automatic postman is a new invention wbtob may de wooden in poet office week • pa...•tto tate is laid undr-grO.ad pas to pees der otly below latter -boxes. By the mems teeters aro eat asetioally preowned to the bead office as 1110044 se psted. harms for iron is one of the intimacies of Nerinee. Ost.rt0. The miners wade mood in tee Neter of the smell lake end easily locate with th•-ir hare feet tee large Sea hunt, In the sett mod For the deeper ,•tor • saw with a dredrlmg apparatus Is seed. It has been discovered that six miles of the west shored Lske Michigan u 00115- posed 0.posed of tree, pulverized by the actino of the waves. A pailful b.11 that an ordtenry sem wish.. to Garry. The iron ono be sep- arated from the rel, by the use of power- ful .t•Pnat.. Kill mg sharks is use of the pastimes of *8. South Sea Islmdr. He .111 julep fa'o the water armed with nothing bat • short knife. lie deftly dodges the asb,•ad as it passes Its drives Isis knife into its side Thr is repeated mel the molter dies from lose* blood. Turkey's warship's oemptise two or three o bsolete cr.iaare and severe) torpedo boats of swims dais. The Armies& ehtpping armee next after Britain's, bus there is 9,000,000 tee's differ- sos b.tw.es the two. You never ksew • woman amtil your obild has quarrelled with Immo. a ease until you Mire owed him mosey. When slotted or frightened an elephant nen attain • speed of 20 miles an hour, and oats hasp i► op for h.11 • day. I. Beituh lumber yards only desk or 3ia planks an carried la stook. sad thew are ort up as the lumber ie wasted- oNEY TO LOAN. - IN 000 00 Private Fee to lead dee ter amt. •.- sadly. M. G. CAletItON Herbs% Moak. o.eedte tblborm timid *.d.rieb. 07-11 "PRIVATE FUNDS - PERSONS DE - sham of Armenia messy as tlrst•dae Arm security om y d. es et H, cwt. Y slrkeg to J. A. McDU$AOH Reale GA tdd Batldll'a Tomato. kSEAGFR. GONNKI-ARCING AND lecuneoeGass opposite Marin%Hetd. MONEY TO LIND ON Md'KTOAO1 et M ger mat. Notes dtecoented. 0. 414.80141, odes wont' M•rtl■'n Hotel. God" rtes. PJ. T. NNLF-Orr. llortb�tF1LsseP1R1and, 1tt�Ya•re.i1s AND f4- F Odiss Many public w is Britain wear coats of moll all the time. W11104 worn osveral weeks the increased weight is not flatbed. There sr* more wrecks is the Keltle Sea then is any other slam is the world. Theo •vaw•ie u sus wreck • day throughout the year. The mermen) vole le 20deg. distant from the North Pole. and hes doe south of it, as dem every otter point on Use surface of the .arta. Cigars made eatuely of paper have been ...atestured. They are maturated with tobacco juice, sad are said to have • fear Bawer. Paper ie awed la plies of sloth for doth- i.g by many Jsp•, bed until it gets wet, it will tat tear any easier than many silk abrins. Eleotrio railway, are to be constructed the top of seers' mountains its Sawa land, the affording a safe and easy m aaeion. A. American paper °hums diet if n Carmewould seed b.11 their grids bed2. they would get twice the pre.eet for the remainder. The frigate -bird, it is said, can fres Britain to A.no. in tam- bours ; it can lin to tee arm air • wwit teaokiag any solid roost. Since the geese same to the throne has toren £17.100 ia tho-g. re,o.. bac m to the others l the Dei Kingdom have gives birth to triplets. The dogs .sins by the Chimes, are ee partake. d after they attain tode rmatM. They w only three er feta d Moses &limey in Am»ric•. MONIRY TO LIIND.-A L A R d i •.mead of Prhsea roads her 2.vesta0e lowest mos ea theaoleaa heels hes. APO,' •idiDw t ?sou new,. D g.,ADOUFFN, MINIMAL IIs - 11i. gm.aw. Real Ra°alpsessom� y ~) ie Lend ea asrsis sit. shewagat *e �lowest fete eemewer% _ Wilms*is slob deer Yeas S4.•re. Was b ort edtra�- ,♦hare./gmttf Instituto. toa ts- ed armanion. of the In - pries t etyravel eight boat she ratios who wed" " .. M "di YOU WANT THE BEST .. wake. Wage is . a► aide hea plea* grows 4 Then waste tem more time Ieokl� M In Ido Wage6 Sleh werkasa•e salinesalinehere 1,600,000 ...Iters. Sage* the pith el a tree pressed for+qhrit 6 LupEL • hes save. Mittman mates Wilmot eatenly from W O el M tame. r 0m The toe pekoe 2. M2.aeapolts east neve. n .m tkoosead dolle • tram- Ada** et es els each as bb0 railway ears. ma Toto's death ray r 14 per thomead- wArmories'',lowest of Armories'', oases. An •vetage Alma. carrier ora walk .11 day with • lead d woods. or 100 oods. Mose mutable toe lithojretD phg work has armbdt.00vst.d in the (.etre States. Germany hes about 5,000 railway trucks tem the lnasportattoe 01 soldiers is .... o1 D ar. About five million Mee are the (3over•.nat relief woks *mu of Mina Nearly four•Aftbs of the revenue 1 raneva•I u the derived from ttaxes . 'sing tawy te. 'Tis plata there is not i. mature • point of etatthty M be toned; everything eitherse mods or ded.. ia. Dr Nene will probably lead Tic .spediuo. to be seat eat so.le .Yste skim Seamier. mato. tto. Ae1ds of ladle are oompettogee Mr seriously with traw tert•l from Ame tem in the Braids markets. The loruK41401K41401114211ho•tsoes of outelt 6/11 nearly *room rong of those of San k rescue°, and are ha beteg mm..gt.sd all the time. v The P.aasyl.L, the oew (,eight boot Aramaeanof tie Hamburg Aramaean 1iae, moistly took 18,600 teas of freight oat of New Yorkoeonetrip. .. For train's' .artses land the British me n avy has sues •ated oa a platform whish by means of creaks is *vim the mottoes of el • vowat ora. Several oa.ntriee have large guns mount - .d en oars drawn uy armored elegises on tricks s raing paraded to the m.. -wast as • noses of ddeoc.. In Central Africa brass rods and rolls of cloth takes the place of our silver and bonk Almonnoise. The Almon belle delivhts most In t roesridge of bee arms end &skies. e Ooo1 the Emperor William's latest teaks le appoint** the chief kettle-drum- m,sr of the Berlin Opera, alter hefty years' service ta that arduous post, to fe "royal . °babee 11111111/11111."." The sand:. -out tree i• • Ditties of the South Puottb. Whim • light is wanted • row of sus* an strung oo • suck, .0d thin top one lul.ed. A large •mono. of nil is matehied in the sum, and they bur% tor hours. win carry a• employed o0 in 'amine db - of the on the an Aster - by Brutal ee At the •sn ld. or in the country, where the air U oleo.. 1.400 microbes moat be in - baled into the wee every hoer, walk in r London the oamboften reaches 14,000 1•b. organsrs o• are ogbarm t by the ssod passed to the digestive organs, which when tr. health destrr, them. wetangled Wham st+& got op with the cabals +,.lois oao.ot the ddierent eec- tin.n.a end Weeds A few years agom aoethtng wrest/ want wrwith one of the waseabl a, end whoa it wee hauled oat tor re- pairs it wfriend that • -whale had got ought in • Inop of the game. " bath,' A orick is the ba,' • pain under the sbos:der b:ad.., caster -bra .. .h. btlboo.e, and oondipatton are aV0• .1 disordered stomach, kidoey., liver and bowels. Fr •11 ailment. origio•tlag is • derangement d these organs, take Ayer's Pill an White elephant' an bold sacral by many o1 the nations in Asia. and as each they escapeaspe .11 work. Front the feet that they neat so mash to maintain and give no ratersrm armee the phrase 'white elephant' ,ben • 1. molly etly buildings. boats, etre, wbtob do not may fog their m.iataieenoa.ee Of to•mdidatas for the army who fail ha to pathe tests, four out of Ave are 'sleet- ed bo.sume of defective .idea. The "ye- esght " had consists d bleat able b most cemreotly wttb both yea, se well as east eye separately, emelt back dote exhib- ited xhib ited en wird she a rd ten feet from smodidat.. sever' dais this The imvester of the rotary steam hes received ever $6.000.000 for the pa se kis 4veatiese A 500-b.p. engine be pleeed is • mpom two feet square. The Lib= P•1... at Sydenham e ha able d • ,renter somber of than any other building la the world. than 100.000 ea. be aeerat.odated its wait Ss. water d the ,ler of blood is times met wit* by sailors. The ea the ester is • mean red Iseeet wbloh 4 ailii.ee,eadlwhee sear the madam t their ..ler. . greater area se lead to N� Ama'p . thee the United Slew. The sesebi ed eras of British poem.elses a all •aorta. is A.753.010 sq. Min : that of the Sista &501.000TM beet red dye is ammised hese the. lowly el oho eeebiesel whieb ie sabered by ]iodise fres the nem pasta Thom sok are required to seeds en eases, whit* Is worth 150 he Otm.de. _ Om d the fort avairse tail eir imam mon Mina le the lamb of the Sena Peelle Amash leest4•bleak of wed, sad 4 this she !leek el is bander nits white he is sans Slessis f my be quiekly weed. says • it thopalest several them daily slowly raise himself so the Lw Is •*0the mimeo . LI the lump. at 'Ha Mk silt 'mw' as8s awe d b, erten Mb Mali. of boobs. mesh es 14...14.., ilia, Mems dp.desl.o. eotsmea' . dm, --d • Ms! heals its sheets faded ht twelve gape. liklibiklab OW . b OM. tee sail de l* deep. Whet • �Iis t mom ti owed waragismayfrost ` a • elm ION ens smasife begin te mat me Ns mad le teal✓ 10 naaml teen tis eat tilt treks up. Peg as w A bray Mk& W wee at laUpid r fhb ealMease hy ens 11111 Time wee_ IWO a • Glen ei Mad la engine tont' 0.e !`l ODOR109 1[Eo$ANIOe' IN$TI- so t7. ROriet ua Site Me Tt7' lArmst iii its I r.14..M [rem i. 1• Tet_ Amp WOO VOL' • IN LIBRARY. jlaesiiwp D.4i , Wetly .end Iii..glrsW wi�ll� 'O�'t 8 ONLY lass t ss se laabors and ea-oss tar ssesMnale re•dved 1I 4tasele.. lamest � B. 0011.11101R111�1 . R. RA MILTON. e.ds.1N M.re*'1111* 11B. '� AiletlondieI'IU. TROMAa-�t11FDRY. QaO,lgrTIIla1O1iNNQO=sat= ptadatsd .t.nl f�w. C► Mise M- ended ase is May Mr►et the ,men. was JOffi1 KNOX. e1131K&L Ave .md Lind Teksser 1011R. ifng bed easslbaskls tit he trao+etten sum ast��aas� ,Reset, els..N `1 r0 pa t p OO.tr eeny Mm4414 Ctea.v d WOW, r _assmlmmre .710-114&.tonaL rs - -- --- E1. A. fn JAILS IMMO u e •vtnw Derytown mrtvwremm A.R. OLP ..t) 0 1, 114 0114.-4Apt. 4t1Ii111eW �SOW mp- Yls Yore with4 some• me of exists m part British ..,tial is Brazil lamely controls the produce el iodiarubber. While the do- omed for this oommodity was moderate, British inveetors escsred army 180005 d sew of land suitable for the growing of in- dM.rebLer tress, and now they reserve se mach attention as do tie 0000• .ut sad br- eam plantations. The biota -bird is hailed as • h.rbtaser of Spring. I► is al.e a reminder that • blood - gentler is needed to prepare the system for the debilt.tiog whether to owns. Limes sed yes will hear the birds singtag : "Take Ayr's S.rsp.rill. to M.rob. April and May.' The mass o1 smell is easily •:►•.sled by a strong stamelews. For [steeps, use geed whiff of smith wi11 400.9seitate meet people from saselliag it • wood time, oke. • .oa.iderable time intervenes. •.d it is • fast that workers is asap factorise, tem- stber please are ense, absolutely lyd .*4ble 'fee the dieserermble •ttsdtasely 4ms.m1 •,dor of there surroundings. CEYLON TEA Fills the bill. It is not only pure but fresh and In Lead Packets. 25o, 40c, 50c, or 60c., per lb. FROM ALI. TSH3 L*Da.DIN43 t324a03111:itY BTORJ33B if OLDEST SHOE HOUSE IN TOWN. We are showing a full line of Boots S hoes S lippers Rubbers which we are prepared to sell at prices that defy compe- tition. In Men's lines we have just received some excep- tionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bats., that we are sure will suit the Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's is ur to date in Style and Quality. Call and see our Ger' ' Fancy Slippers. We have a few Boys' Long Boots tin..., you eft have at Cost. Rabbits aro the poste of the Australians, bat many of the farmers have turned the burrowers into the markets. They are slaughtered by the thoussod,wd shipped in cold storage to Britain, wears they mom - rimed good prices. Nearly all the available space for cattle transportation Brom Montreal to Benumb ports for tbo 004.4141•4•00/1 is said to be en- gaged already by American shippers. and Canadian fear they will have to ship from Boston and Portl•0d. By imam of kites telephone wires have been mimed from one ship to another, thin reederi0g eammaeioation possible. By this meas ousels may be made between war- ships without adding anything be the know- ledge annexed by an enem y . Some of the tribes bordering on the Galt of Mexico are maid to be proof against the poieoe00s bites of makes. The reason ..- awned i that the natives take so numb of the potion internally that they an abaclat.' proof agate* poison injected externally. The • trooha' is • large swamp extending through Ceb.,and along the swamp aro erect- ed fora, gummed by Spaniard. The ob- ject of thin was to keep the 'wariest' from joining forms, but the ew•mp tavern took of .o many of the Spanterde that it was impossible to keep full mamma aber0. Yam. Alba.:, when • mere child In • 000 - vent at Montreal, need to make the nos cry by the exquisite pathos of her singing. Her maiden name was l.jaoosme ; that of Athan* was adopted by bur oar of oompli• meat to Altamy (New York), so whish c.ty her ameba! promise was firm reoogn»od. In days when the dipper three ship leaded with tea leaden. The Ares vessel -' 1 would get • ter higher DeanboatsAll the way •.rewrensshe fie *e the boats kept it ffo.riebed Chi.. for arrived boam its earie. Areae t of e•eh WM, six, Ja. Sole Agent for the Slater Shoe. I AM IN IT FOR r Skates and Hockey Sticks Prices right. Assortment complete. Cow -chains, (guns, Ammunition. Axes, Cross -cut Saws, An immense stock, and prices as low ail OATS at 15 cta. per bushel Ia Timbnotoo a w with £1,000 is a mil - amain, se he gab many tbosessde of eewris shells, which is the 'ropey of that ooentry, for fl. A servant Darner the stoney -bags oe hie shoulder, and when the master perohasee • goat, he count. one .bout 10,000 Dash, mad se may for • phew of cloth. Germany pommies inapt of the North of garland on which .re 'narked the principal hedges, ditches, roads, tows, etc.. and Frame has one of the `both. England in tarn has oopiee of those parte of Propos lied Germany welch would be most sed is time of war. Officers on Alcyone' tours revise these soaps about every two or three years. As unusual thing happened is the 8trsite d Adak -tiles remedy. A school of whales got into the Straits, and In their flurry to temps. ever 100 of then ren .ground... that when ase tide went down the shone axe limed with aha struggling ere.tor..- Thee died very seen otter the water had re- seeded, bad their bodies were carried away by the sant fid.. ether. end when the int beat arrived at Leedom the maul and third were 4 the Thanes. Beale hen hem emanated whish res well em Ina. 1. Dmeserk • ferry rues nem • small arm d the sea, .ad when it manes the ether side It rum enM•Es. fit rails, its reveller helmg aeJsmm :wily de- yrhd ad • .el d 1*4,I.A-whw4 say 4 metise, Whom the seaside is sown remelt- ed the beet *Ades ton the waw sad es. - Mese its jemmy. Tb. Muni trip Is lead. is the sumo wap. The teas of MIS and 0.11.8 ars rapidly dteplaniee thew d Aims end Japan. sad herb goversame end head -...mew le tl• forcer eirditry derive inch revenue hese this seers. Same Money nn ye, the w pawl win hardly haws sena a1 the Rieselayes, 11.t Brake alma end pmeh have en eh•aged essdilhas that every year mtI1Ns of tear el tea are "spared. Y• - shinny a India hem Wad seat la three - leg sat the Aias0 tN.daat R. W. M°KENZIE OF THE LOW PRICED HARDWARE STORE. Here since 1851 Perfect in any climate E. B. Eddy' Matches Used every day i the year very Gr keeps .B.Ed Match Telegraph \ Tele hone ook for them Ask for them E. B. Eddy's Matches Matche The name is on every box TieBasprem ef Amnia has on iswti•ble thirst for kfswisdge. She is sow klsrntset modern Greek, .ad has mastered at Ilam • doses Imgaages in as manly years. The Empress bee vw•y been an early riser, sad a eat et dears eaob useruhg .t six o'oloek. Sha sate no meet, living Armen emt2rely apes milk, aid .be deplores abase. ail thieve that her health bas eo.pslled her so Aha asp bow bast,. A Ilse hereawessa. riding after she *oeads has ben the great- est pismire of her life. TheDishes d York, slam her aarrags, has core into mess viable Mears ns. Hr drsasiig able at York t' omega, for M. .t..o.. ls •.o.pes.4 entirely of the sent del. :este .hie., formalised le • dears of made, ..pp0rsis5 wreathe et white resent le the heart of the Gowen hong May easels% light., tibia* throw • soft rearms, om the tares oval mirror. The brushes. 1,8.1455- 4..., eta, whisk Ile ea the f4ry-ltbe Was an 311 d bel geld. awl Is every names "Nay" is mitts' awes them he turquoises and dimes& 1. Chime seamy sfllbts d lhwb re rates,) eery yen m the Anse std ether *Blued wane. f1iiR b 'm. el the tens 1n whisk tem d r.Whin tuba hen M slept themselves. • dal b aimed •re sed Doi ttird'e seek te mem* *4 swellesilmetee Adk sed they see tss4ed a rams le the hem so seem as it Ma • "Ws" The bins ere el verlyanai ed amiss, MMus 4.11 &Me lit sad aft mad limp or *4� L 1I I - * slab r"F rhe• 1 a ,, aA tri.:. v bNyi• ��' 11r. Weans hes • Ilkf.g for bright eases. That ie why hie alp. *be 'I .d Mlle pasted grew. prey, pitted oat Mb gad. The a ,omen b • flame artist anise � • beer If sassii-el him trees epssally--but he dues fits sire ter me•IW ".,*0*s tsmUsea 11'*I tail. MMIA he did dlhie wan. Mai M tete M hie paw M Lyseher. cis sale. beet Aa1Massia, wee seely • hasp bleats fettle the odes d whish were .myf.4.y dar'M4 4. 11. .nosh la Mho iu4 s .1 *0 w he t weed. shaped Ms es -L Ll aAQ hat eared iota Inger? Willa as• par • weenserImptripigsele• deems. ma leo elms ea lay c,00d enough for a prince E. B. Eddy's Matches Cheap enough f a pauper Ma in Hull B. Eddy's atches ulphur, Safety, Parlor, Wax BeSIGAAL" ADS. PAY ! -4-��--� QVICKCU E -.4---4111C f-41 uy��gi1`�i�moahe A Surgical '� ' Dressing r{'l+N The eesineat sur` ons of the day sr ft as a dressing for Wounds, Bruises. Strains, Sprains, etc. , and they find that trazrelief of pais and for Quick g there is mothifdg .o good se 66Quickcure 99 It lo fila dtrwgemelg 4itltw. Aker molly. Braythe gMlb► Mr/4 IiA to j1p allot )f11s fog %j fid *wiles or TWO Mfefll`4we **spasm hems. Nosoo. els.