HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-4, Page 1HULA A, HwtUMQ L11a 11 rive cleft Cljl• mine y Al e eteereke THE MAY QUEEN Qsegetr a • • tie MADDOOK K' NNSDY OODZIUCH. 41'114 T2i ] 141Ei► nIISTQ 1\7EWBP.A. I . OF I 1 i± .ON OOt7 TY - • s ONE DOLLAR WILL 1. LT g.)R THE SIGNAL Fos Orta Firs FIFTIETH YEAR. -2611 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY MAR. 4, 1897. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR NEW ADVERtISEMENT. - MAR. 4 FABER'S IN SESSION. fU per Desee-T. C. Brophy 8 Alpee-R B• Smith 6 They M .t at Londeaboroh us. Wiesen • Ware -J. H. eseU 61 6 6' A Geed Atle utuy re Attendance aA.netlr- gr.a G The eeetta eet What sh.l1 W. de wish Mu Myr r" wee Well Tkreshed •e4. h For Ia-Erwees Heaton mar Spenkng-J. M. Mcleod . . New Spring ••ds-Colweuo Bron 8 Fire -A McI). ARA11... 6 Farm For 8.1. _t., E Demme 6 Notice to Creditors -R. G. Reynolds. 6I W•ea-D 41" LINENS .. 6 n tetiag of the West Huronna Parma' lessee white was hid at Men .S Ieadosbaegh •tarday, Feb. glib, or oet rho wetmrid d insarnetive .1 the sorraNotwitheta.disg the stew there was • Ione •tteadaooe of farmers.se and the addresses wire leted to with greatest .11eate... The President. Wm. ttatll.•, 000upad thmb e ar, T. C. fl1lord toting se secretary. ca The first paper was on " Teere o1 Bare -yard Manures', by Mr. MoGowan. Bio ars yard maaureaoostaall the.leawts of crop vagarious. Tho bast bedding for anal• or horses r straw, bat saw -dust makes LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF De Foe Rice'sRi's Pare Salt ' (add woe the day .t the -arrival leas week. Meeting d Mortician. r41 eoeiety teas eve•iog. The riles of the shoo o.i olab were sliest last week. Reimer me.iag h rho Mect.are! Loma - tote -every swing. Friday teenier is the regular strum of the tows tossed. It sews w though borer will be profit- able .took is the star future. The seniors el Gederiole will ploy tomer row for Sow ff t.i•.t.ot.• medal.. Kiri Frost wee •01004si the water pipes sad flow ere test Suud.y morning. M All II week tot was beteg h••ld ■p rete fes noher. r hotelier* saamer man. Ter C►•rom hweaa'e (:mild met u the am school reon Tesssheerest d•y shsheerestSt. (.aro.'• Wiesen s meetAuxiliary will a veary Friday .R .. are.daring Last- Regular est Regular meattstg of Huron F.sc. ss1 No. 29, 1.0 0 F., os Modsy evening. Regular west./ cal Maitland Lodge No. 33. .4 F. a.d A. M. ext Tnsdav moms The Sontag Assize Court will op.. o0 M,d•y, His sotto, Lordship .1sArmour prestdi.g. The lodge room to Reties's blook wee is so way etwatjared by the rat bre, Wee assuage are held as tram!. There's salt ..d salt o d malt, but, if aliveouw cooly duty, y'll ly " Ries'. Pure," es it means health and beauty. (Xm.smta6t.pbe •t Vfotoria Opera Moots daMeech next Thursday, Friday rod S. 'irdoy, Mch •. 4. 5 d 6 Saturday Marine .1.. Lieber, Q l'., M.P., Serer.., will be 'rows prosecutor at the ger-•l jail delie- er, which ogees here m Most. v 1 km t fail to eve Lsmeerer's wo.d.rfal ('me0t•tewraptw. The loot three days of orw this week .t Victoria Opera Ho. with Saturday mateeeGee..As Si G.. Price is giving big bargains in boots and shoes. it would pay y ads to I.rt, hes /Dodo, before p.robaetsg your 'primp footwear. All *weds go.rset..d. Mn is Morris, who hbees visiting her daughter Mrs Simpson. for some tido, had to hove • toe amputated last week terms*twoo blued ptsg. The lady. who ie being wedwell ed for, is nit gelling overit w Wet se her moray freed' would with. The reigotag attractive .t the Terre F.ir woe Lamin:mp . Ci.tstoaphe. (Sti- sess 01 (Wert* and viuiaity must not ler um the opportunity of setts, Ohio .roorires Me 4t1. Ste •.d 6th of M•emi, at Verona Opera flow oSaturday eentbse a good substitute. •.d makes • geed tern - beer ; oat straw as a ted r the bet value, but the value d manures te demi mined by the aro, moult. Gypsum r • good admix- ture n manor•, fixing the nitrogen •.d keeping 11 ole.a. The beet result are ob- tained by drawing at once from the stable • ed spreading on the land. and when it r n ot oeoventeot to do this pat to a neat pile, seder cover, d possible. The proper quality so apply pee acre is from ten to twelve leads, keep se near the surface as pewit le : and.rdrsia the land where it is sot a•turally dratted, and the beet results will obtain. is the drouwioo whisk fol- lowed, it was decided that best remelts were obtund by spreading m the .and from • sleigh m winter, some, however, holding to tee opm:.a tba..pr••diog u the Spring war . q Dally Recd. Mr Smith, Brompton, then addressed the farmer/ presser m " Feeding and (are of Dairy Cattle," Ten peers aro, sad Mr. Smith, we were not satisfied with the re - salts from our owes and we proceeded to build aloe, we had been feeding pea meal, 5 Ibe , clover bey, 5 lbs., straw, 7 lbs., root, 18 lbs. Atter neakIag silo we fed. porn 000110 e, 36 lbs., bran, 51bs., clover and pea straw, 6 lbs. the first oruog 26e. put day while the latter oast only 80. per day. The foregoing Maces being of peal constituents, and oo a test those ted ea am - silage tenons Dost 3o. per day, while those fed m bey ratio's° stet bo. per day. in Germany it was found that the oow must hem seemly b.l•aced rations to get the best results, sod we M Mu -yore must mil war fed to give • balanced ration and know hew and what to fed. If the stresgth t. exhausted from the soil we meet tot this back *gam and the b.•c and only way is to see clover ; plow down the clover, spread mature •0 Waster, sow corn or oats, wince kilos weeds, follow with two or three trope, twltiy a root or pea ground, not plow, and thus u r in good shape tor Sprig crop. W • must get down to clover if we wish to 'mooed ea dairymen. Pea straw is se rite as any other straw out en the green side, p.m and clover make good teed, boluses with cora and feed meal moisteed. Fed heavy is the morning and at aight,but very light .t sena It might be advisable to drop she mid-day ration, as the cow wants rest, limo to chew her cod, sad thea te mere eeenemy In rest than in beim disturb- ed to food. Have the awe where moves - kiss bads the amble rod ted Feed, w Regularity mimes everything. twelve hours apart, do net change the feed boo quickly. Baro spoils pea straw, Mottles sort be kepi pure and oleos and it *owe aro kept 1m they will take me iojnry. Plough DIDION *mor is tour ysarn,by repeater clover, the hardness et shy soil will be done away with. Sow with burley, F.11 wheat er ow ; to make good warm yen mast have eon stored Water tees twee • day, ars- kg •.d sight ]Ir. Burrell pre a very interesting ad• dream as Wier in rearm to the tomer rid fruit grower. Every as mess keep shwas et the times. Farming mad be • rdsed sdssti6e•lly. The farmer soma em* the reit is the soientiflo roast of the swam is Mrs "MI6 8raiten ■ es the .suss daft N aetHQeos leakespootet.. H he shsot of the Habeas Gamma Hospital MIM Neagh left es Moeda for Leaden sad Detroit on her awl basins= .idt. Jaw T. ('Aria awed from Leedesb.re le Galeria Luk w sk.-Clines• New Bra. R. D. Great, et rho Collegiate. was called hew es Saturday by the arisen Mame u1 We mother. Harry Panoas, of the Rank of 0.Mm•rM 8trattord, spumy Sudsy .t the family mel - dente, Wast -et. COMING AND GOING. Mrs i)ee ie rain vieites to (3odriob. Mrs Elwood was in the closes City es Saturday. Tows Clerk Mitchell visited Weghom Me past week J Rankle, of `ttntlerd,wee .luting Wm. Rotor. for week. Mw M. Thompson, of Luoksow, is vitt- tar mistime is tees. H J. 1), Cooke, barrister. of Heasall,wes is tea es Saturday. Mr. Sem. Kit, of Claim, spent Ss.hy u the Circular City. Mr. ad Mrs. T'hompno•, of Seaferth, were i tows Nr week. Messrs. F. Pretty .ad T. Hay left last Thursday for the grid loads. " Hap " Fitsimmess. of Cliotw, spent Sunday ie tows and visfofty ee.lethbs e>• e aired Mai 1 ktsew vary 14 iodating obis wiai a of Lehleld. Your lose little about We w est troubled wise the w with the army worm 1• the C neighborhood of St.nth- a.4pg of your PrPriami.However, 141. subject bmerits as • whim otiior. Your best our faithful, Shoro•ghly diseased is the pamphlets seat Banquet to Ex -Warden Grimm beers ad earnest eppitoattos to the dr - est by the Department, •md early week will charge d your public dates has secured rid year crop• of for pmt also. WINS in you • high place in our .sumauoa . sad hires number., • straight furrow run .cress this we have already proved u a moaner their les of march will arrest their onward men eassisimo00l thea the w el words, prowess, mad • ey sea bo destroyed t v tire that ia. by repeatedly elevation yus to or water in 'Amok." Somedee asked res Ain VMde ONORED AT KINTAIL. maths server lest .pportsnaity of Lemma Atnee sad a rewadhy Tease LIN -Wird Mas 10 Mina lna er' ado m J"-CommadbM ad by LIWIN -• Jelly Geed .Maw, ggeaerddl1eagg s{ ,aa/ los the oedlmg moth. Awe s•..Ik" of the many years dartos C.rreiely 1 walleye h wares, i••t weirs ween" yes have served are municipal officer the bleu•..t r fsllug. Owing to the large in the sold sow.sbip dearly maddest, the Drop thisear, the .Boot o1 the moth wee esteem in whioh you were bold and the 000 - sot felt. Tb. loss u apples this year was Odom, reposed in you. Dieing too years • t tr ibuted to two masse- -8ret, bad perk Kia tin da th. Dred you have held the position of mseimpal c.l- isg, odd second, oyr.rorowdul, rod donee- leaded ; for two years, in as •comedies scale, guest heating in steamer• 1s tramport Foo have hold she pouter of deputy -reeve. Tbe sett address was The seeder from shad for fosses year. you [lave ooesped the Farm," by Ernest Heaton. the reeve's chair and discharged the duties The exodus of our boys from the farm W devolving on that fasotionery with oredit become • serious problem. Harian's/ .t the to yoare.lf and w the entire satit•otlen of farm, odor boys immigrate to our (4..w4' o theeleetorat.. I1 requires so extra leradtty otters and from there to the larger tetras of of Intellect to perceive that t h. occupancy the Mated States Whet eon we do to pre- ot them different postmen. is rot • mere rest t►r! Have mor• ecoid life and lite- mater of accident, but rather the result of eery attractions to the home. i think merit and the outcome' of ,e6deseu. 1U11 harbor education is • feotor in driving our you have not yet arrived .t the summit of bye from the farms. Our edueattonel eye your elev.uoo, of at the limit of your we tem, of which we beset so muoh, has boom* fu1 and benerable career. Your ooaduot u • part of our polttIcal life ; this wrong. tee wards''. obetr for the ooanty of Huron Eduo.uon should hove enthuse to do with r boo well known and of two re.e.t • fate politic. Higher education breeds • die to r.Qutre • angle word of commendation taste for the farm, and the .xoertenos of from tor. The above nosed, as bris8y out - many men in ell w.lks of life iu the cities lined, u one that would reflect credit o0 pout to the foot that .uocw would have any one to whom it oould be justly aertued. hoes tar ewer attend lied they r.a,•u..J W. cow ask the following question, feel - •.n the term. Many poet formers h•.. been tog ooefdent of rsosiving • favorable en- e poiled :s trying to mak- poor doctor*, i.w- y k• M d d R ReC ewer : Where is that ratepayer who bed an yen and met0hante of them, and many each bones oras to represent or a grievante to today rive it w their oplu.mu that If tb.y r.move, and with that object to view ap- bed given the same attention to tee farm u P( dad in plied to "Big Jo:'.wbo did not r.eeiv pati - they hove to their present pursuits, they R sot hoarier. a kind, earnest 000eider.uon of would have made suooss/ful farmers and y his ease or grievance, and who had not In bays been i•6nit•ly happier. W. have variable jostiee meted out to him ! We aro been, se • prominent political meeker re- at • loss to discover the individual in goes- oeotly ..id, ducaties our boy for export. ttoo or his place of abode. The trades ant' professions in the anise are We further ascribe to you. sir, a noblemen, overcrowded. How w we going to remedy WO°~d of ohsracter whiob enhances Its possessor the matters! One plan I would suggest b second and endears him to all the members of the is • .oholersbip plan similar to that practised oommunity While some men's minds are to Engird. A boy attending school who swayed by different inQue•ce. which aestroy can wooessfully page • certain ex.miu•tim ue them the belief of • universal brother - secures • scholarship which entitles him to hood, and patty distinctions ourb ted direct maim is • higher geode trio, and in than their sympathies, your mind, from our own grad., it e•ooessful, be •.an gain a still high• perfect knowledge u free from all such do- er scholarship, and thus the boy would know foots, and too noble to it• Karim to enter. whether he was fitted tor tit• professional tato prejudice or animosity .gain.1 any fel- or seereasrile Me. or for • life on the farm. bo low ore.tore, no matter how widely he coo - I would like to see technical sstoole of .g- d d ooption of things may differ from your own. ricultare, se well M other trades. in fact, Your liberal and generous disp,ition in ex - have the B.ohelor of egrioslture and Boob- tending the helping hand to the needy and elm of Arte graduate from the same town, •tAtoted manifests the true ('bristu's char - if not from the same c..:lege- l hta would actor, and renders the vacancy caused by in • largo m...nre do away with th.t feel- your removal from Aahtield to be severely Ing of diadem. eith which the coal.-•• or town bred youth viress his ro0try cousin. i would further add another scheme. that of m.k{ng model °•fosses for our boys 13ettr rl. size our vacant leads wt• 1. our own hp) s than to allow thaw to so to the United State., and the. import .n unedw- o.ted elan from the (Nd L.nd.. In the dt.omeien folio..,.r Mr. Restos'. speech, Mr. Carry said that some of oar beet farmers, especially •m000s the elders present, Cate from the old land. H. thought a farmer mold not have too good an education en as to properly understand the value of mils sod scentifioally investigate for himself. When i came to this coaster, said Mr. ('arty, we had to do all our own reaping with the 'MU., but with our modern implement. see emu ess do the work formerly done by fear mm. this has gym se surplus boys, se we de sot red them all out she farm, and tees we arm cot living as our fathers did, in fort,ws w get- ting "too big for our boor" and I souk: tsar some moth eohemes as Mr. Heaton outlines it the Government mu give esitable land, and lend money enough to start • youth m • farm for the first year. I think Ivry farmer's ebild should get the very beet *declaim possible, but i do not think we should be called upon to support Collegiate Institutes, while the town. sod cities do nothing te 0•in►an our roads one beA.SSounders being called eons by the president. a aseired dud • mlesisatio• scheme snob so outlined by Mr. Heaton, d tsken op by the Government might solve that troobleeome question with parents •• what shall we do with our boya!" He fartbr .ovge.td,wb•t meld be worked out In detail, that certain gn•lilostioos .bo.ld accompany the •ppliostim for • grant of land m • model o0looy, .cob se • eertibo•t. of • good coral eh•rseter, temperate and iodnstrioue habits. and • eerti6cau of pro- 6eimy from some of our Farm Soboole, mob as the one we have at Guelph. W• would thea h.ve . oolosy eotmposed of young men of bleb .taodlog, vieieg with lash War, who ebeold possess the finest tarns, mrd ern we should bore •.fomes which would be the wmir.uoe et rho whole cess - try. He was satisfied that it the farmer would p4.. the same •tt.nttos to hie farm en the we'el•ant or taas.f•ot.rr doss a Ns Weisssa h all les detail., 1 Does wadi be assured. la oho friary he foxed tbit the admitted ed mesh's•• gar' • t he bass and she lawns of M M. y failures Dar .•••betas Nosy is leek of d.otw.. idealism Len essss4 1 se the farmer en he say ether elms, sed if yes adopt sysreta asdbtd. Shwa will be s• doubt about lie r0Nd1.. Ia reply le the quake reproiag plait. Mr. Si•mndse• mid that the lank et prod* was not L the growls* et trait, but h the Peking .ad marg. Hi how* is rektor ; put the same fruit is the bottom. metre and top et the p•ekn*e--oo satire isg-_..d establish • r.p.mtIos for honed fruit, sad your fortune is made. Mr. Burrell said a first wished to esepM- els. weal Mr Saunders bed mid 1. regard a Peking fruit Heid h•. I keew Ro/Frh taw wbe buy fruit, who, it they mos bed their eenfid'.ee established h • certain breed weeM bay so ether. ad ems of she prime meson of Iowa le the fruit rade was drhouest pr tier. A debit(^ " • , • toot tir1) Is the .'ening d which the • . • • - - l anent. Wow by the pse.i t„ er, . • Jere, elaneU,SmM1. and Rears, sod s. sei. sod r••lr ip by heal talent I be seseti g broke up as 11 'Weal W single* the Ifo'M.sl Anthem Tee ass mosthg of tee 1s•Mt■a and yet of the emir will he bald .t Ashore se Vrtdey, 12th d Marsh. and as ineMeuMs4 programme is mane& THURSDAY of last week wee a big day 0a mil. 0. t y im i- sto slbtls mod neighbors of Joseph Griffin, •x -Med.. of Hares, rod • number tr. m • dtat•aee,tessed oat a fall for, to the b•o- guet,Mei wow gives ge his honor at Teeny's Hall. !lash • seal ptbrieg bad sever bees sees n Kuotael balers, rod M was said by ere el the pertroepants, " It will be tmm0y • Lug day before there will bees large • mews u • emir ptb•rtng hoses, •gain," Every part of the township of Arnold wee represented Hugh Gut's was op from the Nil• ; J. L Grant from Hemlock City ; Aleck Boyd from near Ambrley ; Jew Lan., from las.•vills ; Jona Stevenson, from blow Port Albert ; Wm. Stothed, from Belfast : sad a boot of others 11001 every 000osesi0a. is addition to Wm. lane, count mus 0. y• o..lde, D. MoOil y alderman C. Martis from liodrbb An •n. • had beau ;roti taw liege hall, and • corps of bright teed lad waiters saw that .o one lacked of the good rungs that had been pe pared for the caner tarn. Hugh McPhee, • veteran .t social nthenage in the town ship, was ob•trm•n and toastmaster for the first port of the a and Win. stotbers, township olrk,did the honors oat e Dart of the let. The occasion of the gathering was well set forth In se .dde..as which was reed to Mr. Griffin by Chairman M.:Pb•e. The ta- teoam was to do honor to • respected r0Went of the township who, baring run the municipal gamut from township rno• oilier a warden of the county, and having u everyposition shown aptitude and ab- ility of the highest order, wee now • ut to leave Ate old 000 loons anremove te an- other spier of publ.o usetu/aess, "rub the best wrbes of hie neighbors for his future mucosa in life The speeches, which were many, .11 paid • high tribute to the guest of the evening. mei although the different nationalities •.d creeds were represented, and uotwitnetand• fog that Erie, Tones. Patrons and lode- p.adenr expressed themselves oc the meaie°, theta was not • droord.nt note from the time the ch•irmso rapped for or• der at the Mort to the singing of " Auld Lamm 8yns" .t the finish -every one paid a high tribute to the worth and integrity of the 50•et of the evening. The intmllsotnsl exercises began with the reading ot lesion of •poloiy from J. G. Murdoch, .1. T. Gamow, M. PP.. J. T. Andrews, John Murdoch and M. C. Cameros, M.P. The letter of the latter was of • oh•r•etr wbiob aroused the feel - lags of the many timed• of the old politio•l "warhorse of Harm," M it deplored the foot that old sets and the tnalemoot weather worked against his beteg present bodily with than. Bat",wrote the old politician, I seed • letter of apology to you by my em, who will act as my representative. and who, I feel mewed, will do me no discredit as thin oowm o." The following is Mr. (:arrow's letter to the Dom mittus, which was Moe well received : 000.1100, Fr.. 72nd, 1897. like year ssiaatifio ores. Do you realise tem in 1st the predose aro devoured by assess, 1 Mak It is gaits .,temar7 tbat Sramn shesld k.ow somdbl.g ..s..a6sally .bout Mr abyss. Me are early M so- operate ►op.rate with bks.oketfl• as. (very in them to be ar▪ at has • life bleary. the lee .Ole s drth/mrh .d thea l/b the 'away. Thee ere am- bers of seabeds el d.hg ibis. log M g eed dna foram es bran" beeper wade 1a die Iwo ware ; kap all heap •.d rebi & say. sod de net boa Nadia pleas for bade. F.11 pl.wfolt bola be got rid tort the hood peas by .Tads/ them be the raise and frail. Whitewash se the Mildews sad es the ivies Is • pod Weal db and di inheri s. Aleksse ars • red : Woo be at rid of the fused•, se ales is our Eska kWh. ke. sad l kw nit deerwelise of err yestiveroes birds and Muir age should he Aridly informed. Thom we skald means is w aon.luial fordo, •.d bow whisk are besei.tal ad whin" Li.rf.sa By M• see of bassedss ;pr usIyapplied this Wsells would sees be ed. Is Is absolutely eassiery knew the dew between Mo Mesta Ned Ilio sunniest 4 est. The peas. ►y, for initesse. le • Mels, beetle, wills the grin" bag r • s.os.W•wl b. es Nat fur those Na ora the adept $use dif- fers.* Irma od flose ss r and peek green Park yew. Lades pet* L.1 puke= ; bra Mss would net des se M. squab bas 8e Oboe fog the ...what beetle Ise base to ea wish Nara se belie bort k resin , •a.hie., Is. Amelia o rsN palet te •beers+ r Pe get et work Climo. The eM •lap " a Nita 1. thee seas skis ' appeal hem es the Int .res .M -.dad be. the is .d mush lost ira the snateta I- ones Mr. Daniell. m •le•iag • very rig address. ressestinl Ness .EH -5a ardise tpain w•-eibed. Oast the army warm Weil. tad Mr. amok le.gke . ti.i f1 jun n 11115. V new ..1 soli Imr'snWss I pet Geo Black left lad week for Wiigham, were he .111 be •.gaged emsetim* ogles/ • bankrupt stook. Mrs. Harvey Howell, Seethe, who bad hems spssdiag a week le Teresa, parsed te sown loot went. Mr. Reis. Mika foeamaa of the N.e.- Reeord, Lhasa, newt Eaadav In She (gyros ler City sad vhhity. 0. E. L. U. The folhwh, are the arks for the 40. kraal rag periere srefdiss whin" mad eerier sea week : Bertha Methodist ohaeeh E, L. of C.L. Prosy wmiag at 7:50 .'sleek. Oa Mesh 6th the repair weakly till sell ed ossa amiss soedkeu wM to bold. Qom*" drawer es Balsams. Ephe.4•s .ad Philip - Rai Cuss& Y.P.8.0 L. Tieeeiy trees- "O•* 8 s'cfoek. ter Morse 1, ppan. dNM m de Heed • cede, Mwk r " se be led by lire Marpest Vietert•w Methed40 aura E.I. of 0. 1l-, 7 eWy assay s 1 •'•leek. Oe Meech lit► • 1161.1117Iry .s•Rso will he given. e.n- mmett of rusdisp, realleYwe, tries cad duets, M tint a wry pleas.* *vela/ le wAB wdr8, leviMisM salmi thew swemlama. w4e0 w held le the beeemms. Pedal?warn■ `a d .1b...ela eller Join M.Itrrr.a. Rite Secy. Juesph Griffin Committee, Kiloton. Me Daae Sin, -I duly r.o tved your card of the 13th inst. on my return from Toronto m Saturday last, announcing • oomplitseetary supper and presest•tim to Joseph tingle. Require, at Young. Hotel on Thur•doy evening next. I •m stewed - tarty sorry teat I will he uobl. to aimed, ar 1 shall be shown at that Woe stranding tee either of the Losal How at Toronto. I am very much pleased to know that Mr. Griglu's friends are gong to show bim in for meaner proposed. bow much be is re- spected, not only in the township of Ash- field, but throughout the ndtnr ot West Huron. H. his bees for a Ione time now in public life, having often to de with dif- oult and somplio•ted mitten, and daring them all he his item able to steer • clear and manly ooarw. 1 bay. known Mr. Griffis pur.uoally, most Intimately, for rosy Tears. Or •consintenoe began u the Comity Conseil where he sat se Reeve et Ashaeld while 1 was Remo of the Town tidriob, and 1 have bed umny oppor- nsities of knowing hes sterling worth of tr.igbttorwardn.es, rod it 11 out 001145 the sere words of flattery to say, as 1 do meet simerely, that gamma the many friends whets 1* hos bass my good fortune to make la West Harm. tier. are •bsolataly sons for whom 1 bold bistbr ps.eoaal regard and respect than the p.tl me. whom yoo are about be 4.00r by your ooupliineot.ry sup- per ad pre eestssn. Mr. Or: a r • a.00, every inch of him (sad tabs ars a good .tiny inches.) and he Petrie, from the tow.sbip must he • Nob- tiel very 'rest regret, where he his been es lea' • f.miliar end moeb reep.oted Hoping that year evening, may paw se pIo•.•0t1y as it deserves. I am Taft very tray. J. T. iasaew, The following address was read to Mr. Grigl■ by Chairman MoPbee : Js. owns, B'q., A.hMM, Dasa tln4-RelLb1. bfrmaties has ruaebd m to rho .:fest teat ym are an the eve o1 r•amrise your reeidesoe from An"- ldd te 0meeher when of lobar. W., a few e1 vier many friends in the township et As►Mld and elsewhere, iodates the ponsat • favorableoop0pporor ity few Orion ewpgr- etrsa to ear 1•elts,s is regard to yes, hors ass.asd the liberty d reeking the pne51 weir/ with fiat Miser is view. Though we w fuily esssiMe et the impropriety of Lndhg w te lur far, yes we .asses ow - Ina w the panda sesames from awprns- Zi ear mearea masa of year rda se a .r.. •sins .d . p.W. elm •1 Fr went et • taros shore was se MM leg of Ns easel beard w Muadey, OYER THE HURON TRACT. Th. Rirlat from this Loo& M1ll. A Weekly Meese or Cea.sy news served up N Mtt sverybe/y - rtak and rent aalpped and ('..itd Iran Evert lie tion. CLINTON : Up to the present time 8Na3 90 hes hem received at the MoMa'e bask ter the lathe relief fond. Blyth Harry Kelly has purchased Mears. Masa Bros. saw mill in MoKilbp. Mateo : Dr. and Mn. Mot:Mimi baro gone to W•ebtogtoo, Ohio, where the dee- ms. Meeds to wartime, Wrox'ter : Thos. Jwkiin, jun., bas gone to the Muskoka dist/riot for the purpose of toting up Mod sear Norm. Winghem : Jos. Meant 1e11 today for Rat Portage, wore be has engaged as • man in • leading dry goods house. Turobrry, Oo Wednesday last Joho (30.4.4451, sen , and Mrs. Ale.. (;emmul, of this plate, were quietly n_rted u marrt•ge. Turobsrry : 1':zr• Markley, of 1% rozetr, has leased the farm of Mrs. A. McBurney and Weeds mover on to the same shortly. Lakelet : Mr. Demmerlub very untortoa- ately got struck la the face v ,th • Moduli pole the other day, cutting: e mouth and here severely. Tuoker•mith : Mr. W. . Bro•dfoot is borne on • visit. Mrs. Btuadfoot sr„ re_ turned to Kansas last week with Mr. an Mrs. Muetaro. Brussels: The infant child of the late Wm. Bright died at the resides, of C. 7.451.m, on Moods". of Mat week. and won barred at Listowel. Verses George Willison, of f)•kots, wed Muting among hie old •t-. uunt•ocss, after se .bee" of 26 years is the neighboring r0- publio, looki.g ball and hearty. Wingham : We pour that E W. Brute, priootp•I of the Huroo street school, Toron- to, who is well Mews n Wiughem and Diomede, has bad hie salary rimed from >j750 to 11000. Wroxeter ; John 1) videoo, of T.vtotd.le, nephew of the well-known bl•ckemith here, of the seine name, is the proud tattier of triplets, who arrived oo the scene u0 Sab- bath morning Iasi. Se•forth : A. Chatfield, of t;u.lph, has Purchased the iewelry Perm••. of F Davis. felt and difficult to supply. sad will take posseseim on the first of Mnoh more to the same purpose could be Marob. He will move bit family bore se justly added to the foregoing, but we will nom as can obtain • euttable residence Mr, now content ourselves hy einoerely and ear- Davis moves hu family to Mitchell In • few neatly wishing you and your remeoted tam- day, ily prosperity and happy days, assuring you that the people of Aeh6e:d will constantly hold yes to kind r atea.branos and will re- join to leer of your welfare. A. • smell token of our esteem and re- gard, we now respectfully present for your 000eptanoe thls gold-hesded ono to soocm- pany you in your walk., and aim for parse and ie armor, assuring you, dear friend, that them mementos are in point of intrinsic vale* far from expressing the love end re - spirt of the donors. You respectfully, H. MrPiixs, Chairman. JYo. Mc1'rYRs. Secy. Mr. Griffin in riotes to r.-oond esus visibly- affected, and was loudly applauded. He 1e11 that it was imoosstble for him to de jostle. to his feelings on the 000.Mos. It would be anoeossaary for bim to refer to his record during his residence is Ashfield ea it had been so open book •o lice neighhots. 10 marry positl..o to whicb he had hoes sailed be had endesyored to do his duty. He was pleased to see so many of his friends present, sad atn.•ug them so snotty who had sat with him at the township and county o..unoil board, and heti an ably ....tted hien i yore peat in carrying on public affairs. Whatever gaud work had been done and credited to him was also the good work of those who had •idmd and mooted bim. No matter whore his lot wee oast, be would .l - ways remember with plwo, e thug moment and value the handsome present which bad been made to him by his old friends of Ash- field. Tb. toast list wee then p•or...eded with es fellows : The Queen-" God Save the Queen '• instrumental duet-- Mr. and Mums Mc- Murohia. Sear -1). MoGillieuddy. The Legal Profeasien- - M. G. CLmoron. The Bagpipes- --11 M sok. v. Municipal lnetit•tioos- H. (.irvin. 1) N. MoKrazie. Wm Kiokbey, Morgue Dollen, Robt. Hunter, P Clem, 1 t. M.Mvobr. Wm. la... W. Stetter. Seam- R. (;. Reyoold.. (meows.) Song -Nal Campheld The Learned Pretees,ons - V . McDonald, Win. tan. Song -Wick Co.rell, D N. M0Keosie. Morose tile hoarser-- M . Whit ty, A. iinlsyaoo. The Rerptpes-D. Mackay, The Panne -D. Me(hlltouddy. Agrioalwal and Manuf•etoring Interests -T. Huey. Jobe GnOn, C. Start. Job. 8ay.aew, - Ibenelly. R. McKenzie sed J. L. Groot, the latter delivering a par- ticularlyinteresting sp.eoh. The adies-John Lose, .lobe Moieties, Tem Styles rod, by special regwt. J. iDon mad. Dmd-ias. sad Mrs Maggio l.ambertmt (eyar'1- 11e M.diepi 1'rof...br-lir. Moleesas. floe, -R. (l Reynolds The singing of " Auld Lag Syo " by the e5mpany, led by Mr. Referable, terminated ase et the largest sod meet enjoyable marl e tbuiep ear heed se the awesbtp et *sh- ield. - Egmoodvtlle : The remains of the tate J. Kyle, for many years • respected resident ot tbn vicinity, were interred in our oemo- tory on Tuesday last. lar. Kyle bad reach- ed the great lige of 83 years, and foreswore' years pie► had made his home with his daughter, Mrs, Fergu.00, of Hallett. Tuokenmlth : On Tued•y lest • very pretty wedding was oelebr•ted in :St. James' thatch, Se.fortb. the 000tr•oteng parties being James Hagan, jr., of the township of Hay, and Miss Flora A. Mo- Ki0000, yous5wt daughter of 1)0051d Mo- 4Ctanoa, of the township of ruckersmitb. The merrier, was perform/dot high 000e by Rev. Father 311(-e' e. The bride was dressed in light grey, trimmed with cream silk acid lar. cad carried a brouet of roses. Morris • Over one hundred and fifty peo- ple responded to the invitations seat out by Mn- Moffatt, of Moine, to be promos N the wedding of her only daughter, Mem Ag- nes, to George Oly.r, on Wednesday eyea- in, of lost week. Rev. Mr. Andereo., Pres- byterian miarter tit Wroxeter, made them one. The bride's ores., which was exceed- ingly becoming to her, was made of good, old ooastry .ilk. with stripes in (hanging tints of mauve, white and ot0., colon. It was trimmed with wide, cream fee., and bad been o•refully preserved for many veers, for 41 wow the *riding roen of her snothr, who, Itke many Scotch Ideas, his the ple•eant habit of laying things by too, future oemainne_ CANTON CITY. A ole tibg ap.1 .s Ike abase of lake Mares - warn ti areesasE- A PaMON A Otn. -it is Sed•r•rod that Mt.. Petr Adamson has banded to the Oil rear Ieatitas beard the nm of or Moos sad d•ILre, to be hvs•t•d by the bt 514,a.d the .nasal baron egaliy divided i.a Iwo • dduuhipa is will lore remembered Net lb* les cwt) stark was • less time • member •f the High "ehsel board. sad H le ..._!seed that Ms. *Assume items she pae- ewe pi•a of ••m -•m Wath, 1.M Ion/ end Nwi plsssase ean...e. •.hereth W. No mesh plamrd se ee .hl' to rafted sash • pslmm•ly Ellis sod hope No ,•nasus dear will be Wlsd is the Waft taro. Mr. Cocaine, • native Huron boy. is Bow shrrbsng the rather plausible idea d building • oommeroial city on the broke of Lake Haven. The sato he has selected is near tre.t gird to lot known as Johoe..•'s Mills, •i.out four miles west of Zurioh and Sweaty south of Godrtoh 'f his interprr- geaNsmas oen0Nved the idea of • city Bram twelve months ago and moor then be has beim working day and night to s000mplin" his plans At the precast writing he hes me feeler, employing thirty hands, to fall bleat Hoe, bur-ourlers and other " niokoanke" are manaf•etsred. Resider tires Mr. Cen- Use has 30 teaNN hired dr•wi.g timber. Some time ago he bail an spiel number cat - tug • read to the score of the lake, where he interim banding • harbor as soon as the •••cites io order that be might procure hr tim- ber ee comply as pnesiht, h. has `ought the saw mill of Mr. Tager. west o1 IMbwood, and tees are sow mooed movie* it up to whet Mr. Contin. o.1'. his " Caste. Cttv." Short) before Christmas assayers c m ..1m fro Shortly to examine the clay i• the neighborhood, for •Ismiasm. sod as it ie very modouys of that metal, 0r smosof.o- tuure .will bathesm reas • building ass he lir. ('.mile• has peroMreil the four ar- son where hie city eearee and will this Summer greet • large Somme, hotel, the largest oe the lake. besides • lent* whole- sale rid retail b•rdware store trgot(sr with • ,rest number d tm.m'ut benne. The leader 01 Oases cry is es eaor.etle be ia'es men of "rem* *stew/ties. From Ids youth be exhibited ..ore than the send .apeity for imemermu tes.wo4.ee, god be bee had essay yeses es tones is To- ronto, wipers be enadnd'd A. ifoslmrse dmthr ttyy obese he fe sew staserhhg i Orates Olt,. assert ler seam heel NNW. Mr. Omlkieb eaisklag r mostIT by Teases •a._IsMss., wk. Ube himself w hell thea May will sees nee taw meal. el Mor lobus.