The Signal, 1897-2-25, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODKRIOB ONT.. THURSDAY.. FEB. 25, 1597 Splendid. OpportunitieS! Great • Anniversary • Sale STILL CONTINUES. E STRAIGHT CITYPREY)L1 WHPRICES i Children's Tams 15c each Ladies' Wool Mitts I5c a pair Black Cashmere Gloves I5c a pair Whi}-Wool Skating Gloves I5c a pair Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose I5c pair Children's Wool Hose I5c a pair • Choice Roll Butter I2c a pound 1 Salo all this month R. B. SMITH. el w, MIME, Ygr .- DIED. IJONAGH- la Godorch, os Friday. Feb. 11, Mrs Jobs Itooagb. seed 71 years. oa Friday. February Yc IVR In lio. Angus Ivor w aged 17 years and II most ha. •SHIIPHARI/- GNsrich. on Frid•T. Febta errAbe Shephard. beloved wWlof •atm d. axed SO yearn. I'HE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Report.1'S Notebook. to Tes•v a NsIe ta' 0 Der Coate. 1 rade ie teat Mit a f1Nl'e •areae ie TI.tla' Metes. en• tats, WWII rest (a. -'-earn.. In kitese dew hen colds •ad le grippeare shook' wear Prid • ing on the big tug from • platform twelve severed when it was woad have ostia bused itself into the mon above. All Yr. llrler- sMo's stook and sweetie wets deetroyed.ae d the rock of A. Mol). Allan considerably in- jured by water, u the Gro compute in the short time it was •t work poured toes of water on the Daewoo part.. meet of which Bowed into Allan'• store to the upper dm there was • peso and mine furniture wbtob wee slightly damaged by smoke Aad water The lose ironwood by Mr Allan ea stock, mad lir. Howse oo budding is covered by ANmt AI. M well.(:. -At '.he annual neSl- lug of of the Ooderiob Koirtiig Cempmny ea Haider .vent's the election ot direoInIS bask platy the mesh being so (ins Aobeaon, E.111 follows .l. R. SbmonMs, C A. Hamby, D. C Str.cb•o, C. A. Nairn and Jaw. Clerk. At • Subsequent memo's of the board Dr. J. R. Sh.onoo was sleeted president. C. A. Noire, treasurer sod R. C. Heys, secretary. A Wit. FALL -Om Wednesday of Set week t'.pt.lo Wm. Robinson, while work - worm. warm tw'rewtly fitted sults. }eek from the groped, supped heck. sod to The son as it .et last Thurelty refiw led the doing .o came to ooataot with a binek,wblck mot °metitul Dolor' .vet eels `0 Goderlcb.: caused btm to stumble and tall to Use and byp eee ttaxa of the same MO Sallow, eta ground. He appeared to .inks on his head •k thSweMemt of phot,. t • and shoulders, and when picked no it wan A Gcr'p ('iMo* -By parabrtaRele` large thought he was seriously injured, but he ee which • w we have ssesr.A • best moos, I now at work again, apparently as well ns which we Dao sell at 25 0(0 a pseud. Call ever. sod test it and be 000vineed. ti. M. Elliott, T \\ A. Dm wtv.xt,.-Th.ok•rgepreferred the geese. Iand John liol)owld exhibition ase advised to take advantage of A Del ID:ATL-100011 Connolly, who h • aoatnst Thos. Dohertythe three remaining 3 per he Ci eu -Lands for obtaining mosey by false preuacee in i Advertiser Nov. 3 The Ctsem.fsgempiM director of the Netters 1)sirylamn's Amoco- Belling •piano on which there was.lSen, I will be at the opera house, (.oderiob, M f d N 10 ostia. Huron of Monday. Atter hearing aot.idwble widlsoe the ossa was diBmiseed, the polios He Ws,N'T too JUDO! or `TD/•. -Last A HAD FAiI. --(la Monday aftarooe'n afagtatrete deciding that the evidence did Jobs Roberts. while workieg on the Bret sot support the charge of false protases. Boor of W hitely's (1000ry. slipped and fell E. N. Lewis persecuted and E. (omptoo. V. through .a opes door into the yard below. C .ppeared for the defame. • distance of 15 feet. The result of the A i•i-Miss- I'itk�►.-T.-Jas. Martin, of Fdeehire, • gentleman who was . few months site the truest of .1 T. Carrow, V. ('., M.1.1'., has, through that geetlemas, presented the (:oderich Curling Club with • silver trophy to be played for annually under certain conditions by the .Bmb.rs. trona of the -West street rink .re request- Our curlers are delighted •t receiei0R se SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WINTER GOODS FOR THE NEXT THIRTY BAYS. The Cost not oon.idered when we want to reduce our stock. Dress Goods at Halt Prise. Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, kc., at less than Manufacturers Prices. Men's All Wool Fricke Ulsters fr yn a 1.00 up. Men's Suits from $3.00, Boys' S row $1.00 up. See our Goods and Prices, and coli pilre our values with other stores. d1 next week, and will testae* oo Moeday rod Tuesday ev.ninge, March let and Sad, in the Terper•noe Holt. A silver oolleot• ion is taken at the door to Dover Hall el• posse Parties wishing to have Ohara made out should woke appointmeata with Prot. Welch at o.o.. as hu time s beta, rapidly filled up. Re ssa(1 ('LA a K L ('u -The Rowell Clarke itepertoire Cu appeared in Victoria Opera House each owht this. week, and, although the attendance was nc • as large as it might have bass. the drama& presented were otoe- 1v pat on the stage, w.11 acted and suob as our ctttzes• might see ..ithout the slightest fear of being offended THK C'I%k'ATUUtul'll< -A feature of the attendance .t the Cu,umatoprapbe exhibit- ion •t the ('t c Hall is not that only well kaowo society people oonprieed the aud- ience, but • number of olergvmeo. 1'er• terday Junag the •f•ernoon no fewer than twenty ventlemen of the cloth were includ- ed in the different crowds, several of whom complimented the manager both on the ex- hibition and oe the arrsegemeots. Yester- day the crowds still showed • great inor•ang, and that the eourtsinmeot was appreciated was proven by the Ire,' meet outburst of ap- plause. Astonishing as the entertainment u, Ha value as a factor in eduoaUon as well se amusement must not be overlooked. Tb• Nay of the only oinematowrapbe u the city closes tomorrow Wednesday ). Nov. 4, sad all who hays not witnessed this marvelous tion or tatrtet . o. em I was before polios magistrate '1..,er .Rats Marob 5th and 5th Grey and Bracco attended the fine meeting d the directors at London this week. tall no • broken ankle that wail keep the yuan, man confined to the house for • coo- e idersble time. Tax rat.lt.i. - Lessee Wallace will bold the carnival, postponed from Monday. to -morrow. Friday evening, of which all ed to toke notice. Although the wether owned • postponement• it did not u-.lt the silver, se the manager bas the twenty five good ('andtan lotion ready to hood over to the trimmers. .Jrerr Rain nri..--A fine assortment of high cies. obonolates and hand mrds cre.ma manufactured by tianoeg Bros , St Stepbas, N. K. Try OUT Mionehahe, aprioot altos•. Jap jelly sherbet, I.• M..00tte, pooh and pineapple jellies and numerous other chole v.rietiee of the finest in the land Oysters served to plans the mat fastidious. B.l- mortal Cede, Bedford Block. F'Itx tea THZ Syt'ARIL \ esterdey morn• Inv about 3 A.D. • fire was not:ed in the room over Allan's hardware .tore 0000pied by S (ideates es • tettering shop. The hoedown. and valuable • prize, sed are load in their thanks to the gentleman who so kindly remembered them. A Goul So••ire . - -There was • fairly st- omata meeting of the Children's Aid Soci- ety (0 the county clork's otfice on Monday afternoon. The election of officers resulted es follow.: President, h. Heston : secre- tary Wit.. Lase : treasurer, B. 1). Greet ex. oommittee, the elected Omen and the olerey of the town. Horace Newton was appointed agent for the moiety and instruct- ed to look into the 000duot of certain fam- ilies, and if neosseary to take measeres for having the ohildree moved from the town. PintlNOIA:o•1, At. LMT-ar -Prof. A. H. Welch. of Toronto, who has Dome to ((ode - rich highly reooenntwded by prominent moo brigade was moo out and in •.bort time the of the queen City. se • phrenologist and id sed • seri f week • former from Colborne township stood. whip in baud. at the head ot his team of the market waiting for • buyer of hes oat strew, when • gestlem•a. in a bargain - Sig kind of way, asked, " How much for your Iced • The answer was $3 50 " .. P.haw ' that hit of a jag ain't worth no such mooey, 1'11 give S3 sod you can take it to my stable." " It is • heave load and I wont sell it for lees, ' answered the Nem- ec " Well." said the purchaser, " It you wiU weirb it oa the public scales 1'1l pay yea at the rete of fib per too for your straw. ' The offer was •ooepted. and the load kicked the basin with the nett weight of 2,270 lbs., amounting to 15 h7. • olear rain to favor of the farmer of $2.17 on his first offer, which the purchaser duly paid. The moral of this interesting little story i. that when you go to buy strew you should be posted as to weights before you attempt to bargain with those farmer tellows,for you run the risk of having the laugh turned against you and he eiaased, to use the words of the Colborne mea at the head of ibis article, ea being w • par with " That chap who wool so judge of avow." Call sett Yes fes 5.1!, bar of Oold Dent soap for 17c. a Yea. raptor pule 20c., at O C. Whitely'.. JAMES A. REID. Jordan's block, 23rd Dec., 1896. BLACK CHERRY BALSAM tluleklx retie. « and ours. • oough Nothing better in the market Our CHs0CR'e HONEY COUGH CI** SAMSON S ('*TARRH.\l. t)(►WItKRB Exoeillst forClildrea-1St w.th Bin wet 75c ---_ ACME COCC•H 1)ROP ---- V Jost the think , ....i Dena .... TOOTHACHE GUM ROSSLAND G )LI► %1 tNEL-STOCK are apay's, Huge Profits. Try 100 shares In one of tneee :-Snowdrop. .sc. Hamilton and Itemised Co. iOc.- England Gold Minis* and :tet elopement 00. (Mayor r.EIe OUk. Agent manager,. Astrid 10c. These are all Astrid1nvewt now W. fire was under ooMrol. The fire ev ent y character reader, oomols • ee o , • ADVIIRTILOBO. started in (iriersls„Kings shop and must have in the Temp.rsnos H.11 Monday been msaoalderiey some time, as the fire had ai.ht last. TM .0.111(1 hove been fairly barbed thewugh the Boor and the osilinP in well mended, the sadism:w marooning in to the Mere below, and had it not bels dM- „when I tae week goes oo. TM leotarw TT p w full of interest, and bee public examin- tO TVST OPENED ---A large •tion of the heeds of some ot our Ieodtng citizens furnisher an idea of Prof. Welch's .worsts ability in hie chosen nrerfeesion as consignIDent of Glassware. .xprymed by thew present. The mesiiogs were advertised for the first three night of Mae week. but he has been requested te oem- 6jans them. ane •Itba.Rh too busy at hie private parlors •t the British Kiotrsg. Howl to hold meetings every ni0ht, yM M h.. commented to give bis looters ls thin (Thursday 1 evening. The Prof. will be hen Look at the prices- They will astonish you ! West window. O. A NAM. FIRE! FIRE! HARDWARE down far below Cost 1 As soon as the Insurance Companies adjust the loss I am going to sell off the stock regard- less of cost OP d B 0* WAIT FOO BARCAINS 1 A. McD. ALLAN. a W . C. GO( ) I) F . Redford knock. STOP THAT COUGH ....... by using DUNHAM'S COUGH MIXTURE a pleasant and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, etc. For sale only by F. N. DUNHAM Dralglist' Situations Vacant mime iieMloN. SEASONABLE GOOD Are all here •ew. Aad durt.g the week w• in tend to have tae= ail ,wronged. W • have • fstir•ticularly floe 101011- mtat io 1)XRFUMES MIRRORS and FANCY TOILET (a(K.IDH PiPFS ('I(.AI( CASES SM(►REttb SUNDRIES W would invite every person to look through our stook. and see if the Goods and Prices are not right J. E. DAVIS,. Pion. R. Druggist and Optician. For Opals or To Rost.. VOR SAIL OR TO RENT -FOR KALE £ or to riot. the dwelling on ?telcos M. at Present occupied b) V. p'm.wrh. It euotaIDa 15 rooms. Including draw int( roost, Maisie room. parlor and kitchen and haw a librarryy a number of closets. pantries and • good teller There is halt an acro of load tastefully plaatet with shrubs and fruit trees. and .n .10Mllest lawn. Apply to F. WREATH. on the peer mists. 10-1to ON. RAL1� VON. -u)TN AN AND 70 I' Butebinsooi Surrey Is the Town a Goderich, upon which is tweeted • nice dwell - log house. Also lots numbers 18 and 19 Rich's Survey. Goderich. containing 2 acres. upon which situated • comfortable house. and there halls • good orchard. Also the East half of the North halt of lot X like Range Conreeeion of the Township of Ashfield. Western division. Dated lith ileptesaber, 1896. Appply o CAMERON. HOLT t HOLMES. Oeder VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALK --situated is the nest business costa is Eodericb. The property compete•• two dwellings. one well-equipped grocery score, we up -to date macblse and blacksmith shop. Reasons for selling, lack of railway accent modatloo, (Tear tit!. own be given. A eylea did chance ter the right man. Apply to D. K. STltA(itAN on the arewima. 81-tt VALUABLF: TOWN PROPERTY FOR r idend overlooking the river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. Macleermett eel.. Master in ('hanoery One of the most valuable and deeirablepro- pertles intown. 4. The two-storey frame dwelling houseon South etre/It immediately ad mining the 'Brit- ish Exchange Hotel. at present occupied by Mr. Andrew Waddell 1 The dwelling house and ad joining grounds sear the 0. T. R. station. formerly occupied by the late Judge Toms. Price, rod terms of payment rest wags. op- .- NotMa • ply to GARROW t: PRU)l'IIF(,OT 70-0Sioleeetots. Uo'1r1ch. GOOD RELIABLE., BOY WANTED - WLANE, IRQUER OF MARRIAGE SALE The brick e• ese from the country preferred. D. K. . Limeade. Ooderloh. Ona U01.Iv MTiIACHAN. MechtnIst sad Blacksmith. (tadtrie\ •per. Music. Nodes of changes must be lett at this OM not later thea Saturday n000. The Copy for changes meat be left not later than Mon day noon. €nasal Adaertisea_ants accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Loral Sales MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS IN TOWNSHIP OF ASHP!ILO. Under and by virtue of the powers of tale contained in two mortgages given by the late Joshua Willis and which will be produced at the aalk, there will be sold at puollc •nettls by Tbomoy 000dry. auctioneer. at Mallough'a hotel. Dungannon. 8ATUlt1)AY. TISK 13th OF MARCH. Ito'. at opneee o'clock )•.m.. the following valuable proThe West halt of the North half and the North half of the Routh half of lot number 6 In the fourth con0e..Wn of the eastern diel Sion of the Township of Ashfield. oonteiniag on ahundred scree of lend. more or lees. Th• property 10 nearly all cleared wel- fenoed and St for oultivation. There are 8 acres of Fall wheat and seeded down. 12 scree agrees meadow and about IS acres in pasters and it acre* orchard The building* condat of a frame barn 3611:, shed and hay barn 5)x31, ben -house. sheen house and hog pea MAIL on pea. Frame house 20-x32. one and a hall stories and kitchen IRAN with stone rel lar. The land is well watered by the Nine bee )Liver. and la situated 21 miles from Don - gammon. 14 miles from Godedch and about S miles from Port Albert. The *oil is it clay loam and In gond condition. There are two wells with pumps -one at house and the other at barn. TERMS : 10 per cent. down and the balance within 10 days from the date of sale. when peo•eesien will be given. Thew will he. reserved bid. Dated at Uodericb this a)th day of Fouruary THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Gootme0a. Feb. 1t. Irk. 4.1* Wheat told). 0 73 to 0 T6 Flour. family. per cwt 1 !Reef OS is 00 Dee Flour, test. per cwt • ton.....-.._ .......... __11 11 M N ten �� S two 0 17 b 0 1A Oos4 burnSSSS.. M0 M N 0 Meibrbawb...--.._....._.._. ro to t 00 Old Hsi tan -• 7 13 to 0 fey P Mitek. ht� . 013 (00 13 iOgW. (rata Asim''. • Awa0 11 to 0 13 10w(0601 CO to 600 s0 to0SO CI:o 075 600 3Mtot00 007 to 0 0 010(0014 11Kto011 Pelts Lim*b- kMe SeismDLiwosd .......*.e•• .1 Ham. ▪ ear lb.. ........... .... Mares. ear 1►._..... ..... . . Trarellnt Oulu*. •11A11D TRU/tRAILWAY. aMe1nM. IMelis Raisin fe▪ n. man sad its reen.... - re. MOp Jia. Man eMal iad ideerom....... .. • • • • • • • //.•,1,�1a'a.m ``- IUD win` Mixed a Tet d.M wanted• --- Mod /MRNDRRI WILL ER 1. gKVtCCIT RD RT day ort fug I�th�e gerehsee a f • Mesad wMlathe� 7^t btewm� end ft+ed � ales •god etre two our torso Then le as sere skid a asrer of load seatate lag MI trete esafl'stree& It Is •vel pct masa trapatr, Pel minable wgw� far soy 1r'aw M�jsY'�aeM wA mew he hod se to t O GARROW t PR.OUDFOOT. 1031 Vendor'. Sollclton. MI86 ANNA L. SHAW, TRACKER ot Mods and Theory -.,preeneW Corner Elgin and Wellesley > Streets. de s. 0O• rteh PARTIES GOING TO MANITOBA ata save stoney by writing to R. H. 8.. ScItlbrd. THE MiLK ROUTES OF THE WEST Huron Cheese and Rutter Manufacturing eil1 he let by suotlls at the (range Hall. Nile. at 1 i• r. on Saturday. March 6th : also the whe_y for the season of 107 JOHN TIFFIN. W. O. JONKS. Preelaest. Nile. Notion to Creditors - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. - lw 10, E..t, 1, o,` .h.ha llerbu. d„ env. ,1. Notice is hereby 'Otto. pursuant to the stat ute On that behalf that all persons having deist. •gaicst the estate of John llurtcy: late of the town.blp of A.bfield. In the county of Huron. yeoman, deeesmed. who died on the 21st der of J_nuary. A.U. lig, aro required on or be- fore the 15th dayof March. A.D. 1)07. to tend by Post. prepaior delive* to Joseph wimp and Morvan Dolma. of the township of Ash- field. yeomen. KingObridge Postoffl0a the ex- ecutors of the .•tare of the maid deceased, their heist !an and surnames. their eddreeme and description. and the nature of the security lit amyl held by them. Aod further take notice tha after the mid date the maid executors will pronged to dis t the said deceased mimosa t te tributhe sseete o i v \ E('R SALE (►F the tribute . entitled tbereto.hwvtntt regard ls- 1�/ FARM i.LA ANI1S. ly to tames claim of which they have notion.. Dated at (t,derioh this 10th day of Frbru (INE la )M• Hatter ,(Ib Estate sof et. the 1411. Huth err. A.D. 181117.ItGARROicitan'% 8c Itt+idUUFOOToo (Wines. Ikrrn.rSolr esICxectore Time ail* be hold by ruble auction .t Mel- ..-- longh'e hotel in the village tf I)uarac000 in No,I,I�E TO CREDITORS. the County of Hardt, on N_ SATURDAY the 16th DAY OF MAR( 11.lf) , at 11 o'clock twee. by John Kao=, auotloseer, In the wafter of Ike Adair of Ruth Anilriu. the following valuable farm property. namely: fait Mr Totna►A(Q or Asli$tld, fan ppaarrt of lot number eight hvmting on like the Correia of tiring. 140700 and North of t Town Plant is the Nori'•e +S herrhv-tttven punusat to the Township of Asbfiebl, n the l'ot.nty a( Hurls. State*. in that behalf. that all creditors and olstatnlag by admeasurement e0tlity-rwo etheeshav'nvchim. aeatnwt •hw rwfw'w of tee) acres and' Ight-tenthsof as acre.tnore or less said Ruth ,,„0, et... 0„....,0.‘0,0 dieA nn nr and part;culatly deaotlbed to a deed anted .00 1 the kith •'.' of NovrmI*' A.I) IOM. the 10th day of August. A. 1). 1852. from oat ere rr.lnlr•'' e., deice me in.ecd he mwil, pee. John Jeffry to the late George Gehring.{a• to John d'. lt•'h-rt,. K.'l.. Uungaanot The soil i•� good, On the lard then b a � ontee, who exerutn► of than tut *111 and trams house Mz!n1 : • frame kitcaen 12t16 and 1.atamen1 of an, m14 deoaamed. 00 or be. a frame barn E.30. yore than +rA day of March. A D. IOP . w stns There is over an twee of good orchard.meat In writing( nontaitIro their name*. .d About 1J sores in good bash. i6 acre are dr..es %ean,.rininns. and fail parti.•nl.n oleatad Aad .bout 7 acres to slash. Feoose of their claims, and the panne of the *emir arw feirl, govd.Mee III any i held by them. The above property will d sold Sulkiest to a And further take undoe that after the maid retr,n1 hid. Oat. th. executor 01 the 8014 ratite wi11 pro TERMS -10 101' sent oat the day of eels amd ce,.,t to i..trlhute thea..eteor the estate. har- the balance In 30 days. lag reward only to those Halms of which he For farther fantoalan apply to John M.. s4 ll'1*.. h.'e r'c'•+vrI seise, ••'d the mid Hohn.. Psi.. Etta^store Ding neon. to the e1en,.t'•r will not ir. liable for tee chin*' • auctioneer or to the vendor w ilieltor*. any pe ,,.,a or pwoeenns at which emit* shell hated lath February. A D 107.sat filen have been rreelve•. CAMERON. HOLT t)(OLMICS• Dated at ileederleh, this rah day of Jana- ....14°"' ana- ,esldor' Rolloi911tore. I Ary A.D.. IIr7. JOHN KNOX. Auctioneer. Ati CTboh SA I.K OF V A LUA KLK Se11cit0re tor Executor, VALUABLE CAMERON. 11b1.T t HOLMEB. HOTE1. PROPERTY. "NOTICE TO CREDiTORS. Under aced raiment to the power of isle imetalned In a certain mortgage made to the Teodoro aid bearing date the Prat day of Nev- molter. A. D INC them w111 be •oM by public pU.drtett In His CountHotel 11 u roe entMws et lsdayl Me 160t day of March. A D . 107. at 12 o'olerk saw, hl John Kee. •urt.00e0r the fellew- ing vsloaiN p(apeeny. namely : all and •lagu- rsyr eltlr0. leg anwalls dowel d bsing twoe o thhe own of Oe4erleb. is the Crusty of Moen en and Pro - Vine, K Oatorts, mad beteg composed of et till rsstaag sunhat le the' said Town of 1/.:s.. :lieu sere ( oasaesrter of an sere of tem 'Ville .Mt. property tore is situate • firsttl.m Iwe e.erq home hetet 415 n 106 know e t the "Hees. secs.. eMalml.g ko,-e�e�m. lege' d raom. • debet.eem 0 oemo sIMM ea base . 1*0. Yr eekte is tOsi dad a g'M to eM .t Geldstsgwl,'a. cog lea'ye' a meet Noe Mk tae time eft ode iJ per Slat et the w eer awl la the VMS' eirltlw'• 1•iw tbe� OSSA O[7u'tlee to the •ae- • �a1ii>li�elel� W Rg1 __ Mk Ht`s 4101410101 0GZ. aa-- -'r. e� Far job, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 1 hays several very tine building lots for Ede--sdtable for the erection of dwellag houmse. L. E. DANCEY. January 16. 1887. idt M the ,tatter o/ lee halal, n/ John fintnann. Isl. a/ the Tir•...li el Wet - tea in1heCu-&wofMarron Notu.e is hereby given purenaat to the Statute 1a that behalf. that all creditor* and ethere having sialine against the estate .t the seld John Williamson. deceased. who died on or shoot the eeh day of Sapbm A.D. 11100. are re. uired to deli,rr �t tttiail. pep.M.toJohn M. Roberta. 1p. Wane= FFP a Ogles. the Adminletrster of the estate of the said deceased. on or before the 1rd day of March. A.D. own. • atioamMat writing containlsgtMlr names, adAreesee AeecriptMee sad fall partwmlare of claims. sad the nature of the esearitlw (H aay bad A1.yy them. AM faelbsrtake ootks that after the .rid Aub the A mislstreter of the aaM masts w111 Is distribute the ..•••• a the =NM only (0 them Solna e t �1 hove resolved M ahr 1 saeswe �riss have hese j, al eo p YMrldp, this fete Aay eft tess- wry. A. MN.�p �, C Y Mtoga Hpt6r Ad.Ohf *i _. New )wets. Shops. NEW MACHINE 9HOP:(-ALL KINDS of Repair Work done at it.eoaabIs Prices. Farming Implements formate. Mach- inery. new and @mond hand. bought and mold. Engines and Hollers for male. Stand Satre old wagon shop, oorner Victoria and TrefolOur Streets. .1. RANTER RI'NCIMAN. 61-tt Loan and Barnum M000stY. - I r IB NOT WHAT YOU TS EARN BUS WHAT YOU SAVE. MARYOif WOK THIt INVESTMINTOt MPA NY fot.tarroa..-4`.•msroa Holt and Holmes Droerre.--istetree4 (compound 61,17 .ix months at four per sett. per enntem. 00 rano from one Collar upwards. Deposltore w1I1'4nd It to their advantage to come and see um. Walls -May he secured at any time without delay ls the security of approved desirable pr'rc-t . Expenses moderate. Applications received by tee Manager or solicitors. The Company's orlose are located on North Streit end 1,ourt Rome P^care opposite Hvpu c sow. it O(^.oa. HORACE HORTON. J. H. (O►LBO1tNE. manger. President. it le asdesab.1 thea bey moan Nadas weemm wee te WSW Weaken/es tit - -Ami .ima ittii iia". 1. �,kllkr' _ _ JAR, • Tonsorial Artist FRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST. s.F• Hat and told baths on ptuYslemM, Awa :oamisg.•h.rnpooinI .rd ev.rr a1Mr ragart� meat carefully attended to sadism lestM• rtea*h.O.le employed. Willem( old MoLinioltsew Most. sort door to ■5Nleh gg ebonite de* t6 tf r. t sec -M PLANF:11ING MILL - •NU SASH. DOOR ANTI BUND FACTORY, 1 takathit oaport amity to inlorn..ho ..uhlte that 1 am still la the business notwith•tandley all remove to the contrary. and .m preper•d (0 do every lase of work In my Poe from makhtg • window tram. to erecting • Seton build 1's with mustard roof, emirates tarnished saA sen petition invited. The furneehlnit ot hnlMing material. Seca as lab. shingled and lamer, • epeoleltr. F. SMEETB. sedsrieh, July Or I Bs= IRON and 'WINK ..•. m ir ire!. else tana bol1e... .--Brcwa's PIM t (stn Mr tee;srethaelied hande. he. esei Cream tar field>lr�er-np..P el le tl- f#LMt year weesoirt to the me re mad gat imam WILSON'S PROSCRIPTION WOK*,