The Signal, 1897-2-25, Page 44
Sbt ofignxl,
m rVYm e
OEN of Publicans. 41
Os�tarlotk.. North -Omit
Peruse et t
risrs,zth, u mi
&dese $ 1
. soothe, ....,
mt: •' fel
this rear. ...- 1
Leak et Soar Label.
If ono' label la • stealing reoelpt et lbs dabs
to which you are paid up. dee that It is not
allowed to tall luta arrear.
When • obauge of address V deared, bola
the old and the new address should fee gives
AdverttsUte Matta.
�,ga1 and other maria( advertisements, 100
p,v Ilse foe first Insertion- and $ mets per line
ter mob eam
uest (astics. Measured by
l poste.
cards of nit line. and under. tie per
Advertleaa.ente ot Lost. Round strayed
fMte•tfoe. vont. Sltuatime • anted sad
Illerales Cheerios Wanted not esoeding 1
lines nonpareil, $1 per month.
Mosses on !tale and Farms on Sale, sot to
exceed r h .•s, tl for fret mouth. Baa per sub-
sequent month, Larger advt.. la proporttoa.
day special notice, the object of which la to
Promote the pecuniary benefit of may indi-
vidual or mompaer, to be 0ow►dard an ad-
vertisement and charred aon.,r.tinely.
Local nogloes la nonpareil type ase meat pee
word, oo notices less than 16c.
Local notice. in ordinary re.Aing type two
mete per word. No notice for lees t6.a leo.
Nutlet* for churches tad other religious and
benevolent last .g otiose hall rata
Su`ecrtber wt.o fall to receive Ton SIGNAL
r. ulerly by mall will o.,oter a fa. fir by ao-
ousutting es of the hot at •. early an dahlias
[toes Ola.
.eallebers Neale*,
J. C. Ise Tomei, of Goderich, hes been &p
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town-
ships ofOodenoh. Oolborue, A.hteld and Ws-
Loral postmasters over the district are also
empowered to roc. v subscriptions te Tun
91.R At
All eommunlcatlooa moat be addressed
Tae MI.nAI,
[eiephoneCall se Goderlob Oat.
oO1)K1tlC8, TIIt1MDAl.110 Ilei IMF.
Tea SIOSA'. and (abbe . $1 to
Tis Sicout sod Advertiser . 1
Tel SIGNAI. and Family Herold 1 80
Ter SPINAL snd Montreal Witness ... 1 75
Subvert * at once and begin with the lint
number for 1.897.
-We wouldn't be surpriittei to learn
that this is the last session of the
present Legislature.
-The Registry office investigation
in Bast Northumberland discloses ear-
marks of very rank transaction.
-There is a goal deal of unneces-
miry discussion on the result of the
election in St. Boniface, Mac. Did
any one expect a different result '
-The news that • Britiai min -of -
war was the first to open fire on the
Greeks in Crete doesn't seem to be in
accordance with old time traditions of
Eritain and British tars.
-That the next Provincial fight
will be the most severe sine 1S7 I is
the general impression. There will be
no walkover, and anyone who thinks
otherwise is living in fool's para-
the QoMittee of Finances is t110 U.S.
Semite, and preteens a o•ae which it
will be hard fur anyone to *Massy.
He closes his letter with the following
sentiment which we feel assured will
be endorsed by every reader of Teas
Islas At.
8011 we sew, while ()made opens wider
sad wider her deer" to Americas trade, shat
our Mere in her foes ; ad it w., do, what
will he the reeslt'
It woo remedy mated is the lesdtag sews -
of the Destinies that of the Mailed
Staten, ►a the him of pewees fur trade
teestmrol by Canada. should now .oast tants
1swe..jam be Uaaada, they moat protect
themselves by ser►Ifa. too : turo1ag first to
Meer owe people for articles now bought of
as ; sod sera Sowards armor relations with
Great Betties, their natural ally, ad is
war sad pesos their Mead.
--The appointment of provincial
auditors for counties and municire'-
ities will be a step in the right direc-
tion. in many instances thet have
been brought to light recently, the
auditors' reports were found to be
ports that .h•in't audit.
----There are a number of pubb..
offices vacant in Ontario at present,
and it would be good policy to have
theta filled at the earliest po.sible mo-
ment. Quick appointments .trength
en a Government, whereas vacillation
and slow action is + weakness to ,thy
Admiflint rat lot -
Geo. Acheloos wee int hese the pest week.
Dr. Thomson was vWusg Io Heenalt last
Reeve Burne. of Kayeeid, wee hu town
the peat week.
Rev. 1. B. Wallwi., al Luckoow, was is
Sown the week.
Mem Eva Aekeeoo u
visit to Buffalo.
S. P. Halle, M. A.. returned from
mato visit on Saturday.
Joe., (lark loft en a business trip to Buf-
falo and Wiartoa w Friday
Mr.. Mn. 1.d Mies Maloomeon lett em
Thuray ter Florida oo a few mootha
Mn. Hastier, and daughter, of Winni-
peg. Mae.. are visiting .l u.tge and 61n. B.
L Doyle.
Mn. Seater was the past week veinier
bee .on. Rev. Allen Seeger, M. A.. Trinity
Mrs. Lawson, ot Stratford, who was
visiting her relatives, the Mimes ()ooegb,
returned home on Moeda..
Mra. `clack leaves town on Saturday as &
long visit to her daughter. Mn.
Elwood, of Oxbow, N. W. T.
Niue Charles, R. A., of the Collegiate In
statute, wh • .ea indupoesd the pmt week,
resumed her du'.ees o. Moody.
Mum A. N'iooifrede Ball, of the Credit=
Public school, spent 1otitrdety and Sunday
at the family residence, Weer street
The M .... Could, of Exeter, wbo at-
tended the funeral of their relative Mr".
Jno ()oomph, returned home on Friday.
Mrs Ellis. of tondo's. who was in Sown
the poet week. returned home o0 Friday,
a000mpanid by her mother Mrs. R. B.
Ids. and Moes Huston left on the Mara
to their home, Manitoba, on Thursday atter
a two months' visit to their relative Mrs. R.
B. Smith.
Rev. In. Moffat, of Terceto, will speak
in Knox church at the morning eervioe, and
in Viotona-.t. church at the eventog service
slot Sunday.
00 • cwo
his To -
* .ales et las/ ■.wether Mseetag,
The regular .sella, of the tows season
.mass haid es Feeley weans. Present, the
ms"er, eve. sad oea.etllers Goode, Oel•
Wi0w. Marto. Kalil, Om-
Wea, Crated and N sh.L
lithium of lam regular ammo' reed, ap-
proved aid . good to dees.a.d'. he.
The collets« asked the Goosed to give tetstimeuy el eympethy
Mao power to o1.ttn140 the levy sad maw- reined hashed, ehttdr.a awed relatives. _
Mai 01 Leto 1.0)0(4 tales O0 mettem o1 1ho A very larged apes 01 autif(4 d orosse the
reeve, .aowdod by oe0satilee Geode, the were
power aided for was granted- maim by r.o.raisw relatives ad sy0path-
A aawaa►oatwa wee reed from the ,trait Wag fneade
taepeoter r.parttng • number of talraottoaa
of the tin bylaw. 'I'he same was referred
to the finance 0emmlttee.
A oomwug►wuun woo rood from aha
treasurer for iso,1..d remuneration
!loved by the reeve, soo
asded by
Marta, that the oommanl1uoa 10 referred
so the apodal oammit1e, and that the easy
um and donee of all the efflaub be ma -
adored sad defied. aid a report srevht
u at oast meer155 of ooaaoil. l(.orrid-)
A ooaim0awatlun was red from
m.n Alban of the ('.ureas' eommutse sok.
lea lot the twat grist of ow huadred del -
.are, for the purpose of adverting for
.,•anulaotaree and Summer elation, w..
read and referred to the mensal committee
to report.
A request from Wm. Malawi for reale-
sem of team on s000unt of 000tmaed Mama,
was greeted, 0o mutton of the reeve sad
o,uoctllor Wilson.
A uommueicauoa from the sewn Lieut.
Governor of Osario, re the 1.440 Feriae
Rolm Fund, was referred to the special
«Amman*. to report.
A commuoluaaw from Meager Hinton,
of the Keosiogtoa Furniture Co , remedies
the amount of tato charged ageism the
Co., was referred to the demo. oomm0tthe
to report.
John Wattle seat in a oommaatostton d -
transit to sell shade trees !Jr Spru.g pinatas*,
it was referred to the pubito weeks mm-
A petition trop. ti Morstagetar and
others for the etteoeIoo of the sewer S7$-
tew. along William street, was referred to
puretic works committee
The titmouse commute. repotted the. pay
moot of the following .mouses : E Ore-
ba.o $1'2. The :;.made Electric Co. $469 79,
W, Burrows $4 50. A. Daytime & ('o.
$154.34. Staves. Man. Co. $66, Honor &
Le.. $67 94. D. K. Streatham $4, A Kir:-
Arid. 120 55, Geo. Priem $7. W. MOOT -
woe $1 50. G. N. Davis $63 67, C. A.
Humber $37 60 : and that they hod ex-
gined the treasurers statement and (nand
it correct
A commu0wataon from The Teresa Mail
about adverting the town was soot to the
special uommattes to report.
Report of water sad light oom0ttt e
Your °ommates beg leave to report so fol-
lows : let 'oV• have looked into the quGa-
t400 of purchasing a third boiler for the
pump house. and recommend the parahoae
of one 72 etches an diameter and 14 fest
long a000rding to the •peettlo•uoa submit -
td by Mr. Chrystal. It ., we believe, • ae-
osmity to have the 01tended to at ogee sad
full power should be given your oomenities
to deal with the toxemia'. It will oust
wmt.lete reedy to file ao about the sum of
$1,420, and the 0•osseary extension to the
building about $26:1. tad Ilp to the pres-
ent time no ineuranes 11as been carried ea
either the plant or pump hones. We thole
a moderate amount should be carried, and
therefore rso0mtaeod that your committee
be authorized to pl0oe $b,000 on the plant
and building. 3rd We recem11a04 that all
payrolls tamed by the *Grimm be counter-
signed by the chairman of this committee
before being paid by treasurer. W. Nowt,
rtwT, chairman.
Moved by the reeve, seconded by the
deputy reeve, that the report be doped,
and teat the committee be empowered to
o•rry out the .ngrestoono 0001010od I0 the
report. (Carried 1
The council Oleo adjourned.
Who has men the first robin'
Last ween • tow wheeled vehicles appear-
ed around town.
The Choose Friends will meet in Horton's
hall this evening.
10 Ibe. of o01 meal for 2So. on Saturday
at C. Whitely's.
The town made a good skating rink on
Sat ut day stter0oon.
Then was early comm..ion .t St.
George's on Sunday.
Last week was • bad one for lessee Wal-
lace, of the skating rink.
We shut soon hear who ham the coutr•ot
to repair the breakwater
This is the last week of p
oommeaoes on Wdoeeday.
The owner has cleared savoy the lumber
off the old skating rink ground.
Next Tuesday it cafe. day, and the
toflow'ioq or- 1sb Wedneedoy.
Then will • & meeting of the Farmers'
Inotitute at L.wdceboro on Saturday.
It is mud that in the Dear future God"-
hods-not will have • new dry goods .ton.
Robt. Clark commented driving the piles
around the water works crib last week.
.1 oomph Goldthorpe 01.s commenced build-
ing on the old Agriou tura) Park groused..
, The I'ublic school board will hold ire re-
gular monthly meeting next Monday even-
The water works crib still romans' fro*
from ground toe and &flowt a hill .upply for
all purposes.
Marbles are all the " go " with the small
boy and their •• knuckle down " is heard o0
every corner.
They were not %torch winds but they
robed violently through the Sown on Mon-
day morning.
-A meeting ot the Executive
Committee of the Welt Huron Re-
s-form Association will he held In Gode-
rich on Saturday, March fi, it 1:30
ties., to fix the date for holder the
annual sleeting, and for other pur-
poses. The members for the Dotliin-
ion Parliament anti Local Hoppe are
ex officio members of the Etecntive
Um, tor
p_ssimg these Usse we held egemeso with s
mombr of the Guild who est bomb the
lose Ms.. tlbopased at its lase mestlr►n sad
whip elated that es this aesasies demmed's
thesehts wen haw to help • pear Melee,
sad ear uiwmaat sadly aided, "bow mow
eto bee goes to net oath ber,ta Ged'.
at. theme's bas bare partlydrsp.dafter
the m..r.I0.etvoie, sad the large seeprw
nation at t►n abareh wee a tweet/theme
_ The Ontario Government should
enact a law that all vacancies in pub-
lic offices should le filled within thirty
days, and that no nun who is a sit-
ibt member when the vacancy oc
cur is eligible for the position. A
simple little provision to that effect
would .top a lot of hunker-drling em
ti.4.rle0 /Sea We Tbtage Lively.
The followiag frost 1"b. I..a•.iegtu. News
of February 4 will bioses oar reader,, as
at show. that Gdard& mos are biased to ma
forth sad oeaga.".
The largest tads/Wry of the pima i. the
Nieo.rgsll Stave sed Lomb.r Comp.ay.
Th. proudest 1. Mr. Goo. Aohesem, of Godo -
nob, sed the secretary end mr.aames is Mr.
D R. Mendes. The letter 11.10011.m wee
osaretery mad bookkeeper for two year., and
ea the reuremeat of Mr. about
sit mathe tyro beam.. merger. The firm
has three mills, two saw sad stave nulls amd
• hoop mull. Mr. tieaobeer 1. Beed sawyer
while Mr. Mo01anie b.. charge of the hoop
mill. Mr. Albert K.yme.e te also o,.* o1
the foresaw The firm bas Mem • ku.dred
and thirty ewe an its payroll d.riag the
busy sew'--. At pr..o1 nearly forty are
empmyd in the yard -deck tag, ..loading,
eco. Others ore repairing .bout the milia.
while • great c.11bor are rmployed in ham1-
lmg loge sod in (rstting an toe woods The
.ompsay make a prsouoe of buytug umber
by the .ore and have at um: up 'into lop by
their ow. employee.. They have seem
tepee of their own and hire all they oma.
It is the desire of the manager to get in five
adhere fret oo a40igh.. Th. mills Mil
handle eight Or nine minim feet in • meow.
Mr. Wanes oo utden it mean. however,
to have oo hand us the Spriug stook *sough
to Inst cul only August. Whoa lop are ids. Toms. Senates, W. C. Potter, (now aggregotise $17,494,107, .a indica
kept lunger, he Gaye. the lumber u not •e
good as it b.00aee dnea mod drier as the
1...00 sdvanoes. Atter August what Y
required as %sold is on I ruck. 11 may
oast • little more but It *mables the mill to
tura out s superior quality of good.. Al
the present time this oompiey ham on hand
stoat three million *tears. During Mee
.emon they turned out shout fifteen
lime. They sold an unusually hires eam-
bar of apple barrel staves oe •000.nt of the
heavy crop. Them are of inferior quality
.ad are mot so easily geld. The socmmab-
10.e of two or three years were marketed
to advantage lust Fell. Then seam also
quite s demand for o.meat barrel staves.
It u quite • *tithe to walk though the long
.hods is the Niebergoll Company's yards
sad me the piles and piles of staves neatly
sneered, ready for market. The .011peny
stesafantarsa some oboes* tote., but
foe the local trade. They are too bulky to
ship any great distaste. Mr. Meanies i.
the (opal postmaster and rano the aompaay's
Mtge 15.0.00 store.
The oontr•otore for the sewers
ped work, and will not .art again till
Spring appears.
There will he an
Collegiate institute
Friday eveol0g.
The eo.unoil has that supplies shall
not be furnished or work does for the town
online an order for the wane has been
A. M. 1'olley has hese awarded am -
tract for narryinv the maile between the
meet ethos and (:odertcb station, to begin
April 1
A cattleman tram Hayfield ea town lest
week wanted to know why the telephone
company had not oonneoted that burg with
their system.
P. Nugent, wbo bought the Dixon pro-
perty on the owner of Homiltee sad ht.
Adrew•s street., 1. pottier it in good shape
fes habitation.
open Meeting of the
Literary Society of
The Pore Salt of the Earth is prepared
by the North American Chemical (e. and
we that yens get it, if yon want a ..It that
will sot losse its saver.
The two lights outside the
pet Milos hove bogs added to and there are
now three. and ens light h•. Noon placed
down the Ise so es to show the letter box.
it memo m thoasb 1a grippe was is •
the part of fifth rate politicians, and measure ogewsrabl for mm. 0t the sddgs
save the Government a lot of trouble. deaths, fes whoa the ewpW.t io provoke*
the member of eoatpto•d death ie always
Lame Wakes of the amass risk woo
forced ie postpone the earalvai advertised
for Moeda" eNoneg es semen el the wea-
ther, le beim 1Nmo1Mi fes the Costes baud
either be wheel r &deb be (leaf wl&
CaII AND Inspect Quality, Style, Durality
Remember the price, 25c 1
Corner Square and West -+t.
All parties getting their sale bills printed at
i. °Moe will have a free set oe inserted
in this listuo to the time of e.
Auction sale of the well-known stallion.
W oodlawn, by instructions of exw01ore of
estate of the late W A. Colborne. et Gea-
dry's motion mart, H•miltoo-st , Saturday,
March 6th, at 1 o'clock. Also huge).
marts, horoe0s, booth, ta. Tilos. II•tt DRY ,
There will be sold by public auction on
lot No. 5 Lake K wge._Asbfisd, horess,oat-
Us, farm Implement*. lumbo wagon, a bug-
gy and other articles too numerous to mea -
non. The Gale will take mhos oo Moeda".
March lel, oomme0o►sg at 1 r. w. sharp.
.lour Kee:, Aime :e ir.
Then will be an ¬ion Gale of farm
stook. Implement• and articles too numer-
ous to 'mutton on rho farm of l'hoa Bo. 4,
lot 5, 000. 11, Colborne, on Friday, 26th
Feb., 1397. Jon &sox, Auctioneer.
THE most powerful argument and
pretest against the proposed ch•tt
lits American tariff schedule
ingt leather that we have seen come.
begs Aareou Hitt, of craw,
•V p bl 1 (;ills Oos
1IItb. 11.
Mr. I$rli Sen felly lets the matter
ha to epos Weer eddre nal 747-"Z
Ma. Immo f 8. Monts, chairman of
Net we a Mended inamepr wine
the Msa/lr ae pMI as es advertisement
.f w..wady -
Meet ~wmaesint Ms
Ten esdkee+
I•nise 16....rise wigs a..* -ef-fame
eertpesMer est .p the adve"rnos-1 W N
.ppwmlril e-
Amo+ Fisher, Richard Aide. Joon Hortua,
Jellies Hower Jaime Taylor moved, mu
ended by A. MUluus. that the auditors @ooh
re.mve $3 for thou e@av►u,.. Carried. The
eeeaswul them adjourned to meet on Marek
10th at 2 o'olook r
F. W. MrLho..ti u,
'Township oi@rk.
He'. A J. P. -Aware w W Misname Slime*
of Blyth, has begs •appointed s .1. P., sad
took the eata of oBo. yesterday.
Sexist: Amuse. -J. F. Lister. Q. C. M.
P. Serum, will oonduoe the Drown names
at the Spring moire mart which opens hon
ea Monday Mush 8th.
Herree;tetreit SOCIETY. -At the meet -
TamDAT, Feb. 2.3.
H1. SEW. -ICCs APPRECIAT$D.-Al • epee -
hal mesung of the W ingh•. town ooaaml,
held here oo Moodsyy evening Wt, the
remig0suoo of John 1)toknoo, Eat, town
treasurer for the pmt twenty years, was
read and notepad by the board. The re-
tired treasurer. who le • brother of Wen.
Ihok•on, governor ot the °panty tall, bee
bees ut failing health for 100)5 tame past.
tie is a highly respected resident of Wing -
ham where he ham resided foe • .ivarter of
• contrary. As • fitting tribute to hie
sterling Italicise, the following emplanes,
moved by oouooillor Robbins, seconded by
reeve Gregory, was unanimously adopted
by the board " That this coa.oil desires
Le plate on record its •ppreoutiw of the
Ina/ and faithful services of John leokoo..
Leg., who has held the office of treasurer of
thee m::nioip•lity for a period of twisty
year Mr. Dickson, by hie sterling tsty-
rity •ad uprightness of character, hem es•
dewed himself to .l1 .blew of the oom-
maetty and we regret that he has been
compelled through i11 health to relinquish
the responsible duties • • demurer. but
trust that • relief from ba.i.ose cares may
tend to restore him to Walla. ' Mayor
Morton and other members of the omen!
stated thee the reeolutioa was • fitting tri-
bute to the worth of the retiring tr i nnr.
AKH V101.1'.
Conseil met on Feb. 6th, members all
present. Minutes of previous m.meting reed
Doi adopted. Che.iues were i..ud for the
toiletries automats Poste of mart in the
alit of James Hotly v.. Ashfield, 111.75:
Wm. Lerman, trimming basswood tete,
G oa. 9. 20ota.: John Ar•r, cutting pltek-
hohs as goat boundry. $4 ; Charlie ('arry,
Amity, 110: Doo•Id Roes. gravel, $2 80 :
Thos. Disbar, plank. $1.70: James Cor-
bell.., repairing oalv*rt, S R. 6 sed 7, 75e ;
. ationary for auditory. 25o.; Darrow &
Proudfoot of advise, $12 03. On motion
of Dalton and Hunter the auditors report
was adopted, ..0)b receiving for their war -
rime. $8- By-law No. 8 was passed, ap-
pointing N. T. Ritchie water engineer.
Coasoil adjourned to meet again es the
27th of March. W. Store Ess .
'township clerk.
A Well resew■ nestgeat Npsrta is lees.
Oa Friday ewesiag, Sowards eleven, Mn.
Jas. M. Shephard died suddenly at bar
husband'. residence, `Muth street. 1t ap-
pears that Mr. and Mrs. Sbopttard were
shoat retiring for the sight, sad while the
deoe..ed lady was sitting ea the bd. ber
husband crossed the room. Oa earning be
saw that hi'. wife had fallen hook, and on
reaching her soused that she was stragglier
.. breathe. Hastily sailing help he ran for
• deotor who rsaabd the house In • few
minutes, but Mr. Shephard bad pained to
the world beyond. Death wee caused by
heart failure sad was &(met Iaetanteesoue.
The humeral took elms 00 4asday atter-
moos from deceseed'e late random, to 141.
George's church, themes to Maitland Deme-
tar7 when the 'ipternment took phte.
Shortly after 2 the casket wee plsod is the
beanie and the p...0 ion promedd to the
shank, Meares. P. Holt., P. Jerdaa, Wm.
Proadtoot, Tho. Weathsr.Id, ('has. Seager
and R. Radoliffe being pall bearerw. As the
oethn wee moved from the hearse, the rooter
met the sad oortege and oemtaeasad the
fanosel .mrvite. On reaehiatt the obsess!
steps the casket was plead se rest, mad she
their meg the 40th Psalm sweetly and with
meth toning. At ire ooaelmabu Mr. Tarn -
bull read the weal ponies of lioripeare and
Um *heir, by request, sang the desseeed
lady's favorite_ h ma, "" Pima, Parfest
Yeses Mal t Mee
Casket ase a
road the heaven 1
seeded be the meters ontttusee, the their
with meth pathos that part of St.
1.01.'. Gospel .mammals' ' Lewd maw
Weise the. thy ..wast depart 1 e paha"
The a weeders eras redeemed tad the lase
mash or-- r't Are( ag at the ease -
try the remise were plead�lati4* " loved
is. who bed before," and Rev. Mark
Taisho!' aaaafsiad the burial eervl.s. 1'he
pore was this filled nil. as was sale by
the tesO r at the 0..shg torr(... & Ilii
wastes W seised tress ons midst
The demand lady was therrtaghly •Na -
Mimi with the .hoieh et her +Gaiaa ems
helped all Its erden ler the d• •mrneest mf
wit rags. She was rarely an et from a
of the ahe emes'e 4.41114 r 4 the
WWe Ar"
Aa:IWry mid wee a myna to
oL>J, at Heb a_.... . last balese
um of the thrift of our peepie aid of the
high repute in which thin oestpasy to held
by thorn seeking the proteo4ei of Ida moue -
aeon. 1 be ,emu were .ugmemts4 by $`215-
315.26, heaven/ up the total to the bemd-
eon.e sum of over two sod • half minima at
dollars. l'reeideit Ki.lk40, tm hie fall and
oomprwene'ive address. elates is this cma-
teeouw that the retia of the compete'''. am
We to labtlitt.. was 1.20, while that of of the leading o..opanis Mtmg bore wee 000admnbl) below this
standard. In pouts of tisascial strength, which, atter .11, we me of the
moot Important element* to be me -
seethed in the melectuee of a oosapaay
fat life ►hmaraio0, the North Amortise
Lite . perhaps unexcelled. A 'Wk.
mg feature of the year's bs,iier was
beg of the Horticultural Seaisty lest Tears- the large amount peed out on pelioy-holdere
day evening then wee 0 good otteaMsoe, •c.oest. The ooasaltimg notuary age:
thug showing the, the cent-memthly disc.- • Nevertheless, atter making them relative-
ly large payeseme tet matured 'nvssimist
pilot.., yea have hese able to close the
year again with ea ►saeamd earplug to leer
"'edit." la the oonmmUon, The Mor.tery
Tunas Gays, reform( to the .undue earaiag
power of the oempanv • •• We Gould mot
peaks it men mteeegly, for there as s bab-
a test.' The reran es o.e which •11 mem-
bers of the ee0pemy onset bet be proud o4,
sad ite direction sad ofhoms are to be oes-
gfa1dated upon the pesetas which the seen
pear has shamed, to es being owe of (Me-
ads ■ mtrwmgest and meet prosperous inte-
moan are iate esttmg. S. Morningstar was
the loader, big w bjeot being the eultivaMma
of the raspberry ase strawberry. The rea-
dmits") did sot theorize but gees bte prac-
tical .xpertasos for years past. A large
number of those pprre.e.egs.t took part m the
dimension that followed, aid many points
of late est were brought out At the meet
id on Thursday evening, March, 4th Chas.
Wells will tstrdsoe the oaltivstiw of rho
almost mortals that .erne four or five hund-
red members ot the Iaternatissal Sehool
Teachers' Aeeoobtiw will mead the Me-
nsa moothe in I:oderich and vicinity, as the
society has plated the town on us circular
card. It time be mentioned that these cir-
cular cards are circulated by hundreds of
Carlow, Bab. 10.
(lathers. ooasotl met in the township hell
member* all prs.est. Minute' of teat
meeting read and &deeded. James Taylor
moved, ..owedd by H. .1. Morrie, that
Edward Geode receive $3 per week, oast'
meaoime Jgs. llt6 and 'adios Feb. 9th, ter
the kospine and oars of Andrew Webster.
Carried. The following (shoguns were le -
need : 8t r. pristine. $4 : jam. Geode,
tate. remitted, 65o. The r,llowla.; pith-
msse0o. possdkeeper• and fomes viewer"
wore appalled : Thomas Pessiagtos, Peter
Fiske jr., Wm. Mamminga, Robert Mo-
tleys, Wm Collinegs, Wesley Fimhsr,Amos
Fisher, Chari• Oke, Miehasl ('}came", Wm
Vaaet1.e, (Jw•rd ib Wier, () meld McRia-
men Joseph Reek, Frank N0e5s4, Richard
Allen, Wm. Allen, Then. Gorden", florae
Walters. Wet Long, Jamie Tither, W ne.
An with, .lee. Sleuthed', Moth Fisher. tame
S. Walters, A0r.ader Roberte1., Janes
Deride. Joh. Robertson. Wm. Naives,
James Spandau, Gerdes Yang, William
Yang, Joke Gallagher, James GMs. Rebt.
M*MUlisa, Wm. Young. Jmba Barker. Al-
bert Goldthorpe Owe. Mot.. myy, William
Hardy. Robert Heston. Das McPboe Mas.
Danes, Robert (111.. Wee. Moietyrs,
Andrew Green Percy thwart, Jos. iiak-
tear, Edward Shaw Gangs pa"rle. Alex.
P.MeepW..otlseth Mende,
Thinness. lhs. M Carney. W.
Yremsh, James Campbell, g�W��a Bays,
0. Bes,
11 Famed
J hmstes, Robert Quads. Reuses' Pews,
Joseph Goldthorpe. Jobs Tumble. Jaime
Yemen. Honey Rett, Hemline Meemsasa,
Jabs; kaepstA(boa Fw*r,
0.. Miens, Jeans Jones, lune Usk -
Men W. Omyais tem wed lanai Sail
1.ewMern., J.rpk Others.
A. 0. U. W. -The A. O. U. W . at the
eosin held is Tante last week adopted
a graded, and after the tame
named in the resolution it will be law. The
following . the report and the new rotes
thousands in the cities of the 1'. S.. and as " K.oh thud *very precept member of thio
no better d for Summer visitors meld pee order, from pad atter the les My of April,
ably be distributed it would be well ter the A 1) 1897, pad each and every new ip*mber
council and those isbsre..•d to make a move
at mos so that the teohers will mot p•ss
m by.•
A Seim(. BLArC -Olt Thursday evening
sheet 7 r e. •fire broke out is the dwelling member 01.
at he date of his So •aminate. the
of Ceam.o
illee Tweedy. but being dovered So
before it had made much headway, it was �� 001 14 the followed waded
soon pat out. It 000arred in an upstairs plus
room and wee apparestly canoed by smirks
from • mull stow. As mon as it was , Ales -
18 to 24
noticed the owner. and ewe will'ing mast-' 'IS So 29
ante who were at band. by the tree ase
of pails of water, soon had it under mistral, 35 10344
so that when the fire brigade arrived • few
minutes' hoes work alone was needed. 'the 40 10 44
hoese wee but little damaged, but the tar-
aitan in the room seam destroyed by fire and
water. The furniture was uninsured, but
the owner holds a policy Dowering the loss to
the buddiay
of this rder, withoet notice, commencing
me,th followteg rw-,vid the
Workman degree, aha.. ,.y u the Hassles
of his lodge • moethly as1..ment of the
amount designated opposite the age of the
Ratemer Kath 0).e
$1,000 $2.000
11 20
0 70 140
0 75 150
0 80 160
0 90 180
4.c and over 100 200
•• To be doe and payable on or before 9
o'clock I' M. of the last day of the ateatb,
except when such day falls on • Sunday oe
legal holiday, whirs It shall be paid ea the
.vi001 day ; abed ut addatiow to molt mu-
Rd:r1.AR ?(Yex.T. -(Pa Frilly afternoonmootbly •..wmests, such extra 00
the Off fiend Robe Clob held iia weekly 51.01.p assayeab• M rsyaimord So pay and des-
eboot at the oltb range. The worst mods .harall 4010apes the order,
win worst wbiob dditio el .nsemmmaat .r ...-sesta
the Grand Recorder is betel" empowered to
bet MATCH.
100 200
F, Pretty. ' 37
F. J. Neftel. 36
A. 11. Daviro., 42
0. P.sdagten, 39
W. Raw.. 47
Jas. Amdnw. 44
Dr. R. Shannon. 32
2Nn MAT.'H.
A. B. Davison 34 36 69
F. Pretty 38 38 76
0. Penaiagton 37 23 60
F..1, Nsttal 38 33 71
IMPORTANT RASE Rau. News.-T'he.00y.
of the base hell dab h0s reoeived a Owen
Modica trot, t ho Tomato 'Variety (lab, 0a
wide\ that c 4.dr.s to make •rrssge-
steate for a g.... •f ball here early in the
omymi.g .sass. A • meeting of the dab
ea Tuesday enemies t was decided to w -
ceps the terms of the University boy., mad
is all probability the toms will be arvard
for the lame week to May. The 'Vanity
dab made • tea through Wahine Inst mar
damattag all but the Vaiymonty
of Asa Arbil, and Dario* (Gab. ()at hen
Ltn. AT Rater -Tb* funeral of Ib* late kwee a oho inset tank last lens. sad will
John Edmoastose. of the Malice Hotel, probably have a stronger team this y*•r,
Stuart street. took p1 . the aftera000 to es that • gaud nests say ha .zpmmed.
Rarliagton osmobrv. it was Isrg*ly •t- Aunaal el .44.. et oBo..e of mist at 8 r.1.
01.4.4, scan the meesr.ers Mian members Full •04,04.00. "muted'
.f 11004115 led.., A l ). lie W ., and the - -- -- --
Order of Railway 1'o.duotore, of when eldr,o.s who hot grit might try a Warm
doosseed was • menthe,. R...idom the floral otooak!" mew oe the...s.4..
sfl.elmea by the family, a wreath was seat -
by the Hotelkemp•r'. Protective " My anoseters," said Spesgoiy, " were
L ddttioe to the two sono aed foe d5agh• 011 taw of note "
n n eat
tare residing here. titers wep0..ra " I don't doom it," said Rieke, weevily.
Nancy, of Ray City, Web.. dangbter of " Yon w a mos of mete ourself --a w +
d.oes.ed :.lames Eds•oust..,ol Odeebh.a promissory ante, 1.d I wish you'd NT lima
brother. and James Minas and Mrs. Milbea,
sister of donned. of Herrin The pall- WE WANT (0 elsestatenesee
b h
bearers were three stotaben of Hamtltes •
this c tmeg is Urs £.. 5'
ldp and tbrea wb.. et the ()Ma* at AGENTS lilt peslM0, w\da fir p�5eret�
Railway (', 4 ster5. Rev. Dr. Fraser, tieae teems. Tsa
ae.dasMd the savviest - Hsstileon SeenSpoI eau make tee deems a week
ase beim with r for wears week rya week.
c>dou >IMIZi To00I!!
Oasdsemtsl Ner"lW, ROlITO
Noaye A111111030 Lars-Perhap ne
bestir badtman d the ~Wises Y a onun-
trv's ..sdities ens be obtained thee 1-. •
manful steely d the •inns( statements of
its lane maned itmM$sM.m. 1n in-
stimadoeo are tepessnletivea of all climes,
1.d to their weal reports are inummed up
the result of the yeses .♦ Ga .frees-
ia, the majority el the people of the emus -
try. Readers will therefore teens with
mese Yea ori hr7 este the weal report
appserlag is teday's .damn of 1.o ef the
sues set 1.d most repreeeetenvs 1M.
hiseisses the North Maness
Llf.. whom drat president, b the way,
was that slashes .arr.i0ie, the l be $...
Almnselev Unhands. M. P. The report
thaws that Inn* the poet year a ien-
• Hires brine seam esen ed them 1a
isrA fnts• per. esesaelogt that si
We !RV& wh/is 18111111111014
ART iN WANT OF DRY 1111. 13AfWt
surra roe S*wald.
Oseh or Swims* for Lnebow _