The Signal, 1897-2-25, Page 22 THE OTTAWA BUiET Mr. Joseph Bourke of Hull Gets''ih• ContraOf FUR ROOF FOR THE WESTERN BLOCK rsststee of the Pair 5ada.erY Maetgaser Ona.aesa. MU be kampieyM by UM Moak nine PrLures Mie/. M beep aea.asll.s 1b, Saaet. Me al MON, %etas. Ottawa. Feb. 21.-tSpedal )-Mr. Jo- swph Bourke of Hull has been awarded the contra. t for placing a.tr-mpor$t1 loot over the Western block. Yo declaion hap yet been rear h. 4 ID the matter of the nature of the new roof. or as regards a new rte girds building. Another queatton whi.h the Goyern- ment will have to face Is aa to the dis- position of the lat■.ratory branch el the Inland Revenue Le -pertinent. Tbls L at present boated on the Ana f1..0r of the Mackenzie wine. :u.. ire filled with Jangt•r.•u,• .vmpou•tds and lunette maldr mate•rtal. At any moment the Mackenzie wins; may b,• ni a .•lair by an expluslon .•f sume .f these e.mbtls- Ublets. Tbe e;^.eminent have already had a warning ' y th.• total destruction at the labor*te,ry at the Central Experi- mental farm last summer. and the suggestion has now been made to the Ministers t.. put up a apse dal i.ulleing to accommodate the analy'rte of the Inland Heti-nue. the e.hemistre d the Experimental Farm. and the chemists of the (;evltrfttcal Survey .\Ithnugh each Is a separate branch of the putr ii' service. yet it is obvious that a sin- gle Dominion Isborgt•'re n "u'e be of great advantage. If the three britches art united under one neer there need be no Maathlwg of 'Mertens Each has its separate sphere of labor. but many a the applt.tntee could lie used in common. .o that to that extent tbere would be saving In public expenditure. The matter is one de.rreing of prompt consideration by the 4k,v,rnment Dr. Dreween. a leadtne chemtt of New York and an expert in the manu- facture of woo.' pulp for '•aper mak tau. was here yesterday advising the E. 8. Eddy Co. In regard te certain smitten affecting the,' huslness. Dr. Drewsen, who it a Norwegian by blrtkh, takes great Interest In matters affect - tag the United Staters and Canada, and conversatlen freely dist-united the pre- sent position of the pulp industry He admits that the supply of pulp treed Is failing in the United State:, and that the manufacturers there are now looking to Canada to keep their mills going. If an export duty were placed on pulp word ire. iDrew-liett sees no other alternative open t'. American manufacturers than that they must conte and manufm. Lure their pulp in this country. T. H. Freeland. Vice -President. and 1'. Robertson. Seeretary. of the Ameri- can Bank Note Engraving ('e•mpany .t New York are In the city in connection with the contract which has been awarded the company by the Govern- ment for rngTaving Dominion notes. Stamps, etc. The contract Le Know be- ing 'twinned. It permits the company SO Import their dieg ei that the en- graving will be done In New Trek. ][eases. Robertson and Freeland were milked as t.. their intentions about em- ploying Canadian later. They replied that they did not Intend to bring aver any Amer Bans to Ottawa. On the con- trary. It was their Intention to bring some young Canadians to New'Tork to teach them the Amertean Sank Note Company's meth..d. of buainc.*. "We can get all the men we require In Ottawa," said Mr. Freeland, and De don't therefore Intend to employ anything but Canadian labor. Why Should w.• bring men to Ottawa, when we can get them hen?" 'Sir Charles Tupper. who arrived here Iasi night. expresses himself as strongly opposed tet the pnr.tponement a the eat. et dyne meeting of Parlia- ment. not that he desires to hamper the Government in Its work but be- au..- be Is anziowe to see the premier colony represented at the Queen's Dia- mond Jubilee. and h.• Ire shale Mr. Laurier will not be able to get away to attend if the meeting of the House $a p'•etl.one.l. Mr Laurier called at Sir Charlie Tupper's bou. • to -day to dleruss the matter with hum. but un- 1 fortunat. lye Sir Charles diet not hap- Ilfr. pen tie l.•• at home. Iyer children an a• fnt!•.w'. l. Lir. Lour M.P. eraa here yesterday M.'hune \'acrin of t .-.l 76. nerd Rs t. y ay M•dan Fsn4 ut ar.-.1 win "sides and had an interview with Mr. Field- with her eon. the agent for the Inndon sad leg regarding th.• trouble between the North British insnrafee ssaComppan.. MacLife Massachusetts Benefit fe Ates••da. - Madan.M.vagPen, ih, real.line In St. tion and Its Canadian policy holders. Inn1u, Mo. seeing that no tiiatisfaetlewn oe informs, Moline. Meglolre Lancia, eel. Irvine tit Ai ilynelnth. while the fifth 1• Mr elute are A. Reayn.ond, ■gad rt agent for ten Seminary of lit. Pulpier.. In this elty. • The wife nf Hon. L. J Forret of the ('ana,llan Renate is a granddaughter of Lite remarkable old lady. T 1 u R 814,N 1 ; r nRRIOe °NT.. THURSDAY- FEB. 28. 1897. It le for a road teem Chesterfield Is- let. on the Rudsou Bay. to Great Slave Lake. and from ., 10.e.,t .•n the Mar' kende Rl'.er to a point ..n the Por- cupine and Yukon Ravens. Special letting* of the Exchequer Court have been fixed to take place In the cutin be.ua. s of the following clues on th.• dates namehl e'tt•w a. Manch $ Toronto, April e. Montreal. April 13. Quebec, April Sl: Ottawa Aprti X. Pt. Doha, N.B. May D0; Halifax May IS, Ottawa. June 7. le -‘1 TT.'mp.on of Wolseley and Ale -x. D Cameron of Branton have been appointed oommife'oners t0 Is• veatlgat.• obarges against various Mil- t ere at Moomnmtn. N W T The return of Mae,rt Heyd .1 Brant- ford and Graham of North Ontario Pena gazetted yesterday. nitro Bloomfield Douglas has Nal .cryo luded a bearers at Derby. share eh parties summoned ire aDPW put In rte appearance and it seventh a.knowl•dged the charge. Dr. B•otd-n lean• s this week fur 1:.kew'tw..l. Kew Jersey. for the benefit d hb health. Mr. Sidney F1.hrr. M5P.ister of Air eteture. gives u dance next Tuettday evening se the racquet court. The residence of Mr Klock. M.P. for Nlpl.slnc. at Kl.•rk's Mills. was totally deetroy«1 hyo fire on [today. D. C. Fraser, M.P le here. He says this will be the rte -t lutnher year Nov t...tla has had for a b,og time. •h oat put tele year amyunting to fifty mllhcxfew - Mt Mc refer. M.P.. was in town r-.terdey '.n departmental business. Mr W R R1.41er. Q a' , sae here eeeterday and saw Mr lllair to urge a subside to the red...rg. Northumher- lanef and Pantile Railway M- Fraser M.P. has ...en forded t d.ltvor an address as Quebec under auspkw- of Si Patrick's Pocfety Marc,h 17. Sir Richard (.+`artwrtght left for Avon S' rings. New 'fork. yesterday The Minister of Trade and Commerce L again suffering from rbeumat5U$1. PINKLR?ONS FOR McKiNLEY. A amass .r terry aeteetttes ass trees iia- %Med tar Ibe Ina.swr.l a enamel,* .a the I.aeth or Marra. 'nlrsg•.. Feb. 21. -Litt l.be.ln, McKln I.'. will 1.e i•ierded by Pllakertona daring hi- tnauxa,atl"ll. William .( Pinkerton, a ..w. of All:u, Pinkerton. Lld...lu s tenurial ...Irguatd. will have fort. detectives In (%rehiuto'u during the Inaugur.l cereuron nein Tbr, a Iii be clothed in nttu.ent of ale I:..•rut. and it will .veil•. upon throat to ..w that I W amenities of owlet/ do not so .o fa• :.. rite taking frau amor'iat.w hr tln,00rktleo. enema 0f dlan.e,d Dyv.'b•^,. Mord wstehee. and the like. Tiny w111 also rake epi that so one le shot et OtisaMaated. The forty Plnkertdna will ant ail guard the same spot. Half a doeea or mon• will be stationed at the ex- ecutive Maualor. Others will frequent the betel lebbl.•a and the tbpltot. while the .4t will be In the parade to Intercept any aurt all imam that may be hurled at the Chief Executive Mrs- McKinley's gowns will be watched by female detectives. HER TOOTH BIRTHDAY I.. P. SHAW MURDERED Shot Down In Cold Blood by James Fry. 'THE FIEND FIRED THREE IBM Celebrated by Meda= a avtm.sd at Rest - real les/eNay • Raugaler •pd et The basser.+a iregay. Montreal. Feb. 2L--i8pert13 - Ome bun- dled years ago to -day an Infant daughter sea horn to I_tur••ut and Esther 1.e Roux. wit.. (hen rrseJed at i. •somptto;,. P.Q., rod. woud.rfni to r'•lat' ..be celebrated the on. hundreutb &unit. nary of her birth to- day at the Hotel Dieu llo*pltel 1n the City ..5 >lontre*I. The Ftory of tbls lady's If. r...ds ilke a romance. Feet wee or women t.. w lotus eau remember as far back as the dart' on which the battle ut Waterloo was fought. yet about the Urate Napoleon Bona- parte was preparing a supreme effort for ht. Oust, MI.. I., Bone had reached me age of 1w *ad beeame the wife of J. M. ttraymoud In s'r.beb Canada,lm the year our tool lel:- lu other word., she tato 5,.[o the world while Iwaaparte was with the sktnrlg1tos army of Italy *0d became a bride a fes ear twd•.r. WPtltugtuu sad Thurber ••ro.bM the 'topic, at Mont de Jean. The old lady be awe a wlderw r len and settle year. later one of ber Mud). tem entered the religions order of the lid Ir INen. Madame Beasmuud was nitwit at - mated to the young uun and, entering the 5' petal. sh. '. a beeu a boarder at that i.ntltuUon t Mast en years. Her health is pawl. bet • attire twlmp•Ired, and she • an read pew, and see quite *. well ea Many wh., have only halt the number .f yJ.r. ty their tndlt 11rr memory U eh. • .•tient, and while .urmundrd today b MNug friends and relatives she rivalled many incidents that took place during her -arty eirlbood, and spoke of the pleasure she vet obtained from life. M. ratan.... Itesyrnond has ere esue end deurbt.ra, w grandehlldren, 140 gieat- erandclalJr-n sod fon. great treat crated - Hendren, nuking 0... g' lien' tloin. fu tela tion regarding the methods of the as- sociation can be got at the Canadian Wilco Mr. 1.•'unt asks that Mr. Fits- aeeald. Superintendent ..f Insurance. be sent to the head °Mee •t Burton to look into the cetmpany's books, and that If the company refuse- him access to them then that the MInluter should Suspend the company's operations in the DominHut The Go ernment of Canada will co- operate fn the application which the Newfoundlander•s are n•w making In London for the appolntrn'•nt of a Brit - Mt Consul to Irwok after Imperial Inter- ests In the Islands of Pt. Pierre and Miquelon In the Gylf of St. Lawrence. Teen. Islands have been the headquar- ters of the contra an.t liquor trade foe years, and if a reliable man were sent there he might iw of great nervi.-. to the Government In stopping this traf- The eounctl of the Ieiminien Hide Ate mnceatton will meet ern the _3'd 4 Starch 1.. eel:udder the queetlon or e1- pendlture In connection with the PTPe• 51 ,n of perrtr:,fret Canadian .luat'erg at Illsley With the henchmen,. utter* of sestet an..• e. hi••h h • , a me fr. • n varloue ("Antolini) tnt.•I.nta 't M frit that the i),IL.A. ad; 14• aIle to k op well within Itisappteptlatlon frons Par- liament in th. eneel n of th,..edlA... City Clerk Henderson has --. e vied word from Nee L. eland that the rem- ernment of that tole ly aids the capita! City of Wellingtrm t.) palter the en- the ca4e until Monday and issued war - tire cost rt th. niece fore' end grana rants for the witnessing. T1s. detec- the city 3 4500 per annum In hen ••f lives wino have been working on the faxatlon. case at the *armed .riltettatfon of Mites in the Supreme Court y. xr.lay ar- Hermon. are considerably annoyed at gement was ciostlnued In the appeal the atlas of the Principal and surf In case of Mackenzie v backrest*, amid falling to put Is an appearance. Mr. on conelurdon of the argument d noes- Latchford, who represented Miss Els- SOL for the appellant the appeal Wan sock, protested against th. 'Ming wee mamboed. The ,~note than adjoarnede man beteg 41M14 kssger. Sha• wall wiring to a .1101* indisposition of otos dbees4Sd a se the lodges, until to-moerow. When the Maritime Provinces lit leas bee silr'A NSW BABY. a It b probable the court ,rt adjcasn for a few days before taking up the lint of appeals frogs Quebec. invitations to the Bovssgar-OeseraPs state Shiner a Rideau 111411 nu tar eight q� the opening of Pstt[amsmt. t!. et Weed. w+rw lisped 'Interim. ala intlasttes a ale e14 beam Is the a .dug P•ow6as lr/sl'eas will. howev wry w. I. em a'att of tea samara coons+. (lea.ltf M. am•llier W- ain • Ng alboby sigmas CONSERVATIVE WON St. BONiFACE Ivy Is DarelsMsd sand nays r Win gel w •alta Alps - • Mende M Tse I lseal salt assts .f 1M •.aae.tsa•• Man Steel Rsrweatat So Ube Sellabbetraesel `maald► Oa -,Fib. M. Word was really - ed Keane at tie murder of J. P. Shaw, a per mtheet odium of t!W place. about 1• Wise east •t here- Deceased had trouble with • taaa b/ the name of Fry tower len-[tart and was abet dead by Mai at aa•easworth, • flag station on the O. A. Y. 5. Railway, when the tan bark was being loaded. Fry has so tar rt. -tied all alteu pia at arrest and nalutalu• that be w W sen b• taken alba Coronet Irr. Barber M proeeading to the gene of the tragedy. The wildest excite- ment portant, In tics village. a/Nans t5 the fragedi. ■msdele. Feb. 21,- News le .xriUeW/y arTlrlug in town about the shouting traf edy east of hem. and as piece by piece the tale is made complete, proyre ate la - aired to classify the shooting of J. r. time N tying among the most old blotto - ed and dastardly murders ever .om•uttsd. That the crime was pr. -meditated Is sees trona the tact that on the evening previous to the tragedy, when a dispute alw..c be- tween deeemed and James Fry, the latter aieulaesutly remarked that be would settle It without rerorUag to law. On the fol - lee tug morning. Feb :5 he preceded to tn.. woods where Mr. :haw was ■5 Bort. sad found hits Mone rutting nada to the pulp wool piles. bo ode was pressed to se the first shot and, but app.nne, de- ceased was feting his mnrderoa and re - reeved [Jae first glad freer a Xi -calibre revolver lb the b t. Re thread to se- rape, wben be was again abot In Le skin title) k.eplag his feet, be made a dub to get beetud a ter, and catching hold of It was •srrted ou by the fore, of the ef- fort lie had put forth and to swindles oonapl.•t.•ly around B. was shot by Ms ruth- less asaaeser In the face, caasiug taatant death Your .d Mr. Shaw's men, bearing shout tag. arrt vrd oo the erase In time to see Wm tali. The murderer, having completed his work, coolly walked away and so est knowing the desperate diameter of ten man, cared to interfere with as. 13• re- marked to some when he met that be W fettled with Shaw end the pulp wood. 'tlrowing the empty shells eat of as revol- ver as he went along. be reloaded It and betook himself to his •Louse, wberf be W w far de0ed tall attempts at anon- Sorlsos trouble is suticlpated at kis cap- ture, as be la well knows to be • desper- ate character, having served to tkt Texas Raneats and gone thrvugb the -americium Clv11 War, and he is a ane. shot, and P aces no value on a human Ilea tie has spent •bout 17 years hunting bad trap In the woods east K here, and koows every acre of the forest wilderness be- twen here and Ottawa River. coward he one recap, Into the woodtr •t.e his trait become covered by scow be could easily elude pursuit. Occasionally. be used to tome Into Em•dale armed with revolver, and knives, and the restie•a glitter of bis eye betokens him to be a lean of more than usual energy. James Fry answers to the following d. acrtptioa, About 64 years of age, six feet In height, alightly stooped. iron -grey white kers, dark eyea, one alightly e.faasd, /root teeth and usually wears a C'ardipaa jacket The Tion. of the murder was lett lyts wbere he had fallen until the arrival of the Coroner. Dr. Barber, of dile place, when bio body was brought to town. De- sakeed is well-known In this vklnity, and be and his wife were moth respected. He came to V.madale about seven yeses ago. and fol some time was a ,uccesafnl mer- chant. Getting into business dlfflcultle•, he disposed of hie store and has slue. bees dealing la timber prodner. Form- erly be had been a school teacher and was hardly In the prime of life. being about Za years old, and carried life Insurance to the aaount of 53000, ow thousand In the 1.O F. and two thousand In the Ii.O.T.>1. He leaves a wife and three small ellldrea to mourn his los. The sad new, was tett night sent to his brotber, $. P. Shaw, manager of the Trans- Atlanee Trnsry•rtatlon Company. Vancou- ver, N.C., and Duncan Shaw, of Sunni - dale Townablp, la the •IeInity of Sayner, O•L The Ooroner's inquest was commenced hoe last night, but was adjourned until Monday evening •t 7 o'clock. sufficient .•adeno being taken to warrant the re- mo•al of the body. tDa wa•te.bm Goveraw.Pel CaadM•M Mesas by a *ub•uaM{al Mahrle•. Winnipeg. Feb. 21. -Kepi chit.} -TDs elect loll In St. B•onlfa,, on Saturday tea. a '•'•mparativeiy ea.y victory for Mr. Lwuzon. the andbiate d the Chun h who, in a total vote M about Ave hundredsecured a majority of one hundro.l and eighty. .MIS% ILISSICX'.S CASE. The Tans Wessel tbasged will lures- drrMss et Nrawa M now se Liber.. es esti. Ottawa. Feb. fL-(flp•etM.)-Th. chargee of anon against Miss Klstek. a domestic at the Harnwo, school- %. re chool.w.•re called yesterday In the Pottce Court, but the police were unable to pns'eed with th'•lr Aar. Wks Her men. tote. Lee and half a Bests other ottomans fnwn the anima. w'bo wore sett.n. •..ted, failed t.' put In an ap- pParanee. Tbe Magistrate adjourned le •s a OM Dna Weltah• 111pyt end • Rat Femads-•mrtw Tmta_J_r M.rrates. LA1••a.ora Mob. X.-4 diamgl*sr was bane to 16ea1..sl sed Mlle HIaJa- sits Qs/p en rrnme l. 'Thr prom8 .then iirit.+lg at 1 Allot tit weighs eight dlld Peas - nodi malls sad dlINI at1! Belem aim- iv 1880 ears tar. "..::''i NIAGARA FALLS POWER ret Is 8•WaslsraNt. Vi� eso rob. X21.-CodasT1s Cos tees Miss a samba 4 Omer and tthere W tern Rulrw w•re freely used, sad mass d tee reed..aa5* wen dessesessly wooed. ea. All wb• took pest in the ISM Pets. dtsthMr •Ma•dtas Tara •thin., Vele :3.-11 is reported b.w time assp sTpusldl�e transport, east./ b7 a Doti* 1H•ek•11.• aid le a syrrisli 1600 seldi.es le WILL LAID &V'AD. 11D* Pewees wW t. .a Remus es •kale ass .las Ilse.. lwwart. Feb. t1. -The Times W • are etch trust Oases tyles that the admirer of the seeder assets there hen deelibd V land game l• ds3etsd the teem Is tit trysail eel the term* twups er the Ineurgeuta .til wearies. 'fee drspals adds that weauded Monisme la the hspltal teslas that the vl.Uma o4 tie Mrwklmen mamscre were uCered a safe a.edtu't W S.Rm•, when' [bey would be ezciamgtd fur hostages. 'Mr ogee sus accepted, but ou the march to Sellae the eleiettede twrwrt aid ether terrain's* at - 'rioted ane raiasstwwd Ibeat. It le further mild that 11 is tweeted Iwt the report ae the massacre of JOOu Musultsaas at !tett la greatly exaggerated. The Bert. .-urre.pun./eut ..f Tks Times telegraphut that there 6neon. to bolters that the power.. hese elven la rano,.• de- grees provisional appraisal we4 the Genoall pn.Inr-aI !u 1.1orkade the tire. t port- le order to .enure' Greece to obey the .'rde•m of the putters relative to ['rete. rhe *dope La of the airrusu proposal la some form. It Grew'e reeslcltr*ml, la booms- leg s.'...leg lw'n'asinitl. probable. Mn Mani" aetp -. I,sellag •v.s tee biaellaid Rabmabea Welt N he C.aattd- SPICKN WAS A CANADIAN. 111. Beth Nast. blest= Oast Need Star T.rsa.a ►w farrfrd as ••- tarts beasts. Qaebee, Feb. 30. --The arse of the terri- ble tragedy which ore'urr.. near Wlneru, North Dakota ou the lith, w which ave bateau weft brutally murdered created Waite • sensation herr, as • bar her Of John and Thomas Setter has lived bene for the taut five year. Rickard $p*.» -r. • home shaper and a trooper 1. the Royal Csw,eaa Aryllery, Mucu.tod 1!1,44... sari wen this evllWnt at the barrack. re I• ••r mid that Rev. Tenniss sorer ear,horn V Zeeland. and were ot.•r a, title country at the age of 3 years. anal settled In (te tatio. ucvir tomato. lir was taudbt tile teed. or blacksmith, his tacker• trade and .ub•.Viently married Mile. Waldron of ieaeton. out. He then settled 1n 1•an- dalk. Ont. Yin yrs ago Thomas Spier went to North Dakota and opened • black- . mltb shoo no? Winona. He then changed MN mind and sold the shop to his •elder brother. Join. wbu w,,. already e.tablirb•d there. lie then bought a farm and became a local Methodist pre..eher Heetiee Le om- it' "Bev .• John Spee • r the father of tee Wiyoua vletlw, la a resident et a contrite, P lace In Onar*, and the address is as fee kora. -John Spicer. Robb P. 0., O*-" 05.lanl ripen. -r say. that mews frees ai Dakota folks had been rare of We. end that he had an tatentloa of wittily ter news when he read of the terrible tragedy M rbc papers. He has wired to We cadet et Pou.x of. Blsmar"k, N. D., tat mere partieola,a Niagara Polls, out., Feb. 20.-.1. W. Laag- mulr .d Tomato, B. I:. Cbarlto. of Ramie toe and I o-org.• Wilkes of Brantford. eoumtw.lu'te•r* ..5 tb.. Malan' Falls Q0e•e t kturda Turk• calm. here today to leveed,- Kee. eveel%Kate tie ire*. ko.nent power on the •mer4 dd.• or u..• riser, and *sen syn is the Iain. o1 the Nlapra Valls rower (lemn ears that the trsnamis.k.n of .ler•trte ea rr*> fun:. distance. M still ea exwrtoteet. Ire tn.tl .•d. .•d t.. form an °pinks from their harlals■ as to whether the time for the ... .•useu,ent .4 work on the c'ana ,,ol poison 4 uatvol(lovernmentThey uuw.•hs by tn' t7 are to report t.. the G.wer/intent w IthOnt dela,. I'u:ulni astoti•r Langmuir ..01,1 to •. night Lot a de'Mfeta bed been aerie.' at. but nothing read �MW gives out for laibll estion. It la twelve td the report «111 favor an extersl's. , TZLIMILAPuIC BRIEFS. 551*5. Now •tilled tress ten IsespNebe. anal ret cess Baan abase as Satre agate.. toad United "It ntea )L•nnte n,. Mtnolay sasss� a resolution enrnnraging ur' . LW isna la thole Ogdt against 'rsrlleh wl. Selo A dsyateb from Pada sip. tb:a, 4•,•1•,1:4. try chew player. bas died at Dr. toot soft ['Istituto to Moscow, to shier' he a..- tntenUy bakes after losing bis areetal lee The ams Whits Star Over, ren' -"✓e In tastes of CMert7etlo* at nett,',, w111 i. Mt feet long and her tonnes. sill be Edge Mbee w111 he capable ''f u.nuiog .t. oots without re . o•Ilne • The legislature of Mls•..nrt her r.e.•.I.vi the 'agree." law, winch permit. -.1 1, taw. ao.,Mfed of ,.gran. -y to b, -01.1 I.y the dieries of the different reunite. from n Meek as were n.grers In tlno-e of slavery Ser. A. M Beebe,. 05'. Prefers., of laths at Colgate U0,ereity. died et ►.M In Hamllt.a, N. T.. eaterday L M• was 77 years ti4 and b.cas.e a e M the adversity of faculty Is 1105* gas 1•••• yesterday reeehed a Marge set: her ed unWsgelssed pPe.00 0a whit Khat. es mu find.•ss ier the partner et a` grattelnnag [tit riper the she 'math •ai mmary .•Pecf kb ass eh len l tis (8soso iliCia•st[as balm (Jea•peas .4 state penal • NSW of • r ars It tab .coal w Mar -L lib llooloss »rZ IWHLIIIIIL 1 A SPECIFIC Caum McKinney, a c., sad Ns b NPR dor Mk CORK AND LYNC TROUILI$, Famous Cariboo. Duras of the Output of lkrltiktl WOW Ma Oros -,Jaauas7 Wes • Sesord. Weaker -The Production Mow at Os ■ads of 4110011.000 Par 'Amauu-The Mlan.b-hs tea mtleasi•a a she Cnribooe Th. modest Ilttle mining noes that ,'..part In Brltlsh Columbia nine months ego baa now assumed such gigantic .ruportloos an to attract world-wide et- ientlon. 'Met there is • solid basis for hie boom the rapid increase in the output of ore from Kootenay gives unapt* evtdeec•. Official figures are nerd facts that cannot be dented. The •'ta1 value a, ore and ore -bearing iatte sent oat a this district In Janu- .ry of this year wan 8475.608, or at rho ate d over 50.001.100 per annum. Although the output 1s so targe, s1A1 .t the present terns there are ..nly two rnlntne camps In the whole of British Columbia that can boast of dividend - eying gold mines. The one 1s Rose- tend. ua♦land. In Trail Creek district. with 110 tividsad-paying Ise Ito. and War R.agle the other 1s Camp McKinney, with iia equally prolific and wonderful t'artboo Whilst the name of It.•wland .r on every tongue, and that place is growing up as If It were by magic M- e. it modern city. still very little Is heard of ('amp McKinney. The charae- c••r .4 the .ore bas much to do wtth this. In Roseland the ore has to be smelted. -. qulring a large exp. ndllure of labor n transportation and ,.therwt•e, whilst n Cariboo the rock Is tree -milling and an 5.1 ,•tamped and turned Into gold •n the spot. Camp McKinney is situated about M •aides due west from Rooland and .,bout the same dlstan.'e north of the international boundary line. la ate- I;Inney.tls located the Cariboo mine. s hu h pay* dividends. and should not r onf•'unded with acorea Of other •'•toil...., mines This mine has had a ...nderful record. and the dividends to .tat. Including one of two cents per shade declared this mouth. amount to tete :eta 78 sleet the summer of 1104, , hen a ten -stamp mill was erected on the rr operty. This tea -stamp mill cer- tainly has • recr.rrt to ate proud of Th. re Is not another mill of its cape- tty on the Pacific ooaat that has pro- duced more buitton. A Toronto syadl- ode has been 5.'rtunate enough to se- '•ure the Mlnnebaaa claim, wbicb t the .southern extension d the Cariboo ledge. Before plating the property On the market In the east a shaft was put down on the Mlnnehaba 43 feet, settee the. von was found to be about four free wide and the ore, which was as- sayed at Vancouver and at the, School •'f Practical Science In Toronto, gave assays runntng from 551 to Side in geld. There le no gold to be seen tis the rock with the naked eye. as It 1s all dissemi- nated in Ane particles through the quartz. Ir sinking the shaft IS tors a into Ore wan taken ort The property is one of great prouder* said the stock was placed on the east. •ern market by N.ssr•s. Campbell, Cur- rie ! Co.. broken, Toronto, at the how flour, M ten cents per share. la three •lays 44.000 shares were sold. The price of the stark w111 doubtless be advanced between the feth and Nth of this month possibly to 13 or 10 cents. as the r•ompany do not wish to sell too much of their treasury stock se a low figure The officers of the company are tee- pr.-•entative Pastern men. and are ea follows: -President, Prof. Henry Moat- gornery of Trinity University, Termi- te.. M.A., B.Sc.. Ph.a.. r.A.S.A-, former- ly Professor of Mineralogy and Geo- logy and head of the Mining Depart- ment in the State f'nlverelty of i'tab : Vice -President. Capt. J. F. Ramsay, wholesale merchant. Toronto ; Second Visa -President. Alexander K. Roy, Esq.. merehant, Torontn ; Menace.., ra Major Ainsley 0egw. Ckrnb McKin- ney. B.C. Secretary -Treasurer. Hirers Klteley. lOsq•. broker, Toronto : Direc- tors : Prof. H. Montgomery. Toronto; "apt. J. F. Ramsay. Toronto : Alexan- ler K. Roy. Esq., Toronto ; 4. G, Detchoa, Esq., whole- sale ehemist. Toronto ; Walter Wells, Feel . dentist, Waterloo ; Capt. J A. Currie, broker. Toronto : W. R. ilarnett. Esq.. merchant. Paisley : A. G. Neaman, Esq.. lumberman. Wharton; J. L. Ballantyne. Esq., merrhant.Tlver- ton • Ce K. Mills, B.A., Stratford ; Bar- thelemi Verret. Esq., wholesale mer- . Kant, Quebec. All the stork of the owners and pro- moters is pooled and cannot be sold la competttM5 with the treasury stock until the mine Is on a paying hardy. The treasury stock la 200,000 shares nut .f a capita l of 1,000.001. ■hares, par valey.e 51 ea' h, with an additional 60,000 shatF„ reweryed for the tr•shury Is ease then Is not sufficient money real- Ised from the first block In the trra.- ury' to galore thm mine on a Dayfrtir frrtt- Ing M.-..rs. Campbell, Currie * (`o, have been kept busy t.atng prospec- tuses to Inquirers all ogee the country from Halifax to Vanrnuver. They will Tye gleamed to send ,a Dro.pertus and ;arttculerw nf the preperry to anyone desirous of obtaining taformallen. CLASAI r1IrD. The '•cusses for the Macdonald sta- tue have arrived at Kingston. Mayor Henry Smith of Chatham has entered • third action a`alnat T.'e Planet for libel. Mrs. Western of Hamilton has In- vented and patented a bicycle tire that will not stip. Charles Christy, the last a the fam- ous Christy minstrels. did at the Kan- sas'Clty Hospital, aged 48 year.. William Waldorf Astor vests 40110 houses In New York city. and has an Income of more than 10000.000 a year. Mr. J. F. Colmer, secretary to the Canadian office In London, will ddtver a. leoture on (Scads. on the 16th loot Ln 1aiy won the Ontario Cu ting Tan In Toronto. defeating the Hamilton Victorian, the runners-up, by 47 shuts to 31. The rated States Senate on Satur- day voted funds to enable the 8ec1♦ Lary of the Navy to (-barter a 00001 to take supplies to It L officially stated that 2.750.000 per- sons are now employed oxo the famtate relief works in the different districts a India where the scarcity prevails. Three Toronto aldermen were In Ot- tawa, and asked the Goverunseat that the site of the old 'reroute fort be maintained as a histor • park. and not handed over to the railway contain - done. Pt HELY PUJS ONAL. It is considered possible that Dr. Nattten win soon start on an Antarctic expedition. It is denied at the Whyte House that President Cleveland is about to start on a tour a the world. Mr. Pouliot. Liberal member for Th- miscotttr, is so 111 that little hope Is entertained a his r'eooveree Mr. Joreepb Chamberlain, the Seerm- tary tit Matte for the Colonies. 1■ tslf- fering from a severe attack olvczt. d Archduke Otto of Austria, n Emperor Francis Joseph. and .be4r pt'e- sumptive to the throne of Austria, b ai present visiting Emper, WUtlato m berUs e Lieut. -Go vetrpor Kirkpatrick, whlle not yet aMe to leave the hospital to London. where at operation was re- o•sUy peed an him. Is pr'ogreree ing favorably. A man who alts himself Count Gdsd- mlr Soffosyn.ki le to the PhUadelphla hospital dying a consumption. He inerts that he is a nephew oe Pulaski who fought so well In the myrmidon and died at area on board the Wimp In TRF. Lord and Lady Ab,=•deen left Otta- wa on Saturday for Nashville. Tenn.. to attend the marriage of Her Eiden emcees brother. General Monta•tmer7 Moore, commander a Her Majesty's regular lfortss to Canada, was sworn in on Saturday as Adrninietratdr et Canada during the temporary absence of the Governor-General from thecoumi *ry Wet Two alines after allea Sp. Buffalo, Feb 1t --Nis /Tartlet Reader- son. eederson. • comely girt of Sheffield. Ont., mar- ried a man named Beenett woes she was 131 yeses old. That was 110 years ago. Ilan lived with Bennett 00,11 tare years age, when William ti Montt of the same tows tete her be loved bee, and she maid she Mewl Item, and they decided to crepe. TM/ ill elope. They went to Raml,tw she tont Ser are children wap nor. Stine of them were boys. The hero and the berolne area tae hero- ine*. ersine'. eklldn'n ❑•ed then mend tour wafts ago, ellen they came to Bairalo. Nett ge: Omni. yeieerday, and Mrs r, esest's eM••t by acid hle brothers gleet by hands bad thenal w• a a thrall/tine, th., su*51 relt of wt'Ieh, es sere at the Mtek HM pial thea message wee two Dwn51t0 Ybagk • e.. • bis"ben sin, get and be5Iba Meets end head, and S task tae Men= two hears to sew aim s3, Mt fess was se dlaerted that he meld harsh np ale. Dr. ails------ Y far Graeae. tied... Feb 14.-11r. Oisds•nse q u447 tste�e�6M to 7h. Dela/ (*•sake tat 1•wfig oosssP 1 do ••t .are •s 4Or•rate Oresma was 1 Dasa bole bur, hat I *Mt the wren 411 resellsot that tug 15r rem eaaraeter r wd�a ARrCHERRY PECTORAL "Two yea,. ago. 1 had tb• DIPS , and it lett ane with a weak which gay* sea se rest night or day. My family Oldies prescribed for me, changing the eedklao as often as be foetid the Wap I had lakes were sot bslpsg ane, but. In spite of his attendance, I ret n.. better. Finally. my husband, -read - Ing one day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayer's Cherry 1'e•etonl,-procured. for me. • bottle of this modicin., and before I had taken hall of it, I was cored. I have used the Pectoral for me children and in my family. whenever we bare beaded :1, and have found it a specific (..r colds, coughs. and lung troubles." - EMILY Woos. North Rt.. Elkton, Md. Ayer's Clary Pectoral Highest SlasIdlil at World's Pak-. Owns es Vim t1Ar Ipu's -_- Lumber for Salo! •seas. Quobnr Pelt l -It is expected that the Mate for the Prw,darlal elections will he seeded upon by the G.,etnment next week. Tice Pepe'. /asaMss IN. Roars, Feb 1,-' h. Pope, who was attacked with a fainting St yesterday. t• nam h better today re sox TO RAB5RTS. a Tbe God.ricb Lumber t'o. ILadl has for tale st the Harbor sad at the Yard as to O.T.R. freak, Co. Ann. •ed Bassw0ed and Puss, Hemlock bed Cada Lamberts ail lengths and earl Cedar Poeet. Afro Slabs la say quantity. Aa uptown *Moo for the sale et Mliwood teethe statbeset hat bosahilebed u ten store et HARPSR b: Lag. ohs are empowered to weep* orders sad reosivs permeate ter our *mown trade la that lista. sit THa I*ODSRICH LUMBER CO GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. Telmesse Na di. Moe -The .irmend for flour Is sleek, an/ peeve are tutelars/red. Iltralgtt rollers are quoted at n.75. Bras Trade qr•t with bran quoted pile ads wait at lee sad shorts at RAO b OIL Wheat-no1pea wh=Mod t eat mgent. mut fair •ferlipltad the demand rwtr104 ed. Holders are eneo.•raged by Signer peeve Is Liverpool sad Odessa iN a1► ter le aaosaal at 74c, sad while at Ma stntaela 14.. 1 Masltsa.a*bard sold at title to Sia Tomato freight. led at STs. Ylk• land. No. 1 bard Is emoted at Dee to met Yldlas & Dlbetwbest--TTade 1s dull. with ear lob anted .t Ise to tae outside. 1 le Sowed at3334 mWO Are•tet 2 s� Ha.� antra t/sad a C d Ka 8 21e to 21alfa whist at Me was . and ward gesyd at ITS Pwe-T a ttt•a!si Is Mandy. wits saes at We Enda and wast sad at sea IS Mid• tttreltrt le ..eta pd, with taw at Ingo to net weer. Rye-=• meriee Is d.n. efts hh Wee Men= annamir eedeotat oft. mai. abes sum ord saline Ka RESTS browser of Cabe Swan/. 1 Os m • Cher.... tit fit.. amrstiZas r ./ �i" dlirwra k tsaewrt+a... For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTFRIEND ura�i feu �� uM�w. UNDER OATH 0.01INA1 r•1SALTam ctW-:ween Frammuni Wa Mamie McMartin. T a.-'-- l St. (11*. wean [bat Ryerhee'e "gesesaag Owl= her of Pari --L Mich eee4Pre.d sae aide et bee body w..tralr seem- Phnlo*n* Mid there mew deem s :.. se., raoe..f t .M use e1 her lista sow d.Mrted bee, Mut to -aa. she it walking around brig her Kneads how kl bw.r.'s -• toot.ea Care' Pew Peer m e and ••.P(•e+• Swam to, Italy Mt Mal Memo J. w 1.yro.r Corley, Notary Podia Sweat" ST•Ta11LnT •V • GRATI bg/ >g01101UL lei wane, ahem years old, who waned A "mews doer t -r birch, as 'ant eatbel wed and Me gement e) - Molt .p by Ryebae•a1 " osikso l Ors.' The e1, '..arn an given le sewers stab meat sob by I. bar, bra George while IM almeea R lta.. est.. dated Joy a, MM wawa J. le Maack. A. ,.. Pease. • 7SMIa**AT1•T 11*T*a•Ee - "Ween" STATa*[1T MAK (mets t Ireees*r, 13 Itartt. rwuft ibrsam Jae., r • marr1 .reit M Meed , Wage modes, swam krtney treuMe wed was hart aptly •asoorbd at eight. kat his appose et ..teas eery .fob men. ter Illetm y. w new Y e arty rd.tlo.. W stasis gond. deep wade o••.�.d e.wupttio. owed, ar:..os was dais M ea • laota.y laws" A. math M MSN se tee allow. arM balm J U. ageism marts. Jslr !l Lela . WTRON° BROS. & 00. Pump & Fannia& till Wort CMODICRIOB. C314. -r. 1 IPfM1•0 .sr•MTMaMT Is gawk or win ese• fastsrM/ halls sals.1 d leask� ttirter•l wish 50.4edit •set PwgO5* wedI• • aMshr trf M Ort ter N s aS setMK sag. p~s ke FOODS SOWN afw7/ PNS UMPS a�A - eft*Mob a �!M•• erag sten alMso► e� hw tweils=egivtreessa" 41"110:= • �itpernt ..:ae.ween." aa•* Dial/pt. maw odea is 0•k16aw1• 6tte esu .aw81 1!' AZIERROIG BROS & CI