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Arbltratlon Treaty Not Likely
to be Ratified
amiaose Merman Mads tory SSI
•hN,sstN. From Ws iron..paes
*poorest bears 1. so *mead
the Tr,atr That .Maass
tassel Aeerpa 111.
Waabington, Feb. 13. -The meeting
id the Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations this ou,rntog made It awns: -
eat that nu agreement could be reach-
ed on the general treaty ur arbitra-
tietn with Gr, -at Britain that would
bring the contending faction either to
oort►tpittawm or in the Senate together.
While itt. Jtiherran airs not told .'
criaa:t words. Lite t...e:, lice W be
drawn trout wsa. L•. wu.Var1. Mi.
lAa•icl auu Mr. Cameron M.:1..• w'ai
that unutr nu etrcunlatau.v» Could flus
treaty etc raUucu a. ta, pees. --art sea•
.auu of We ria nate. tl b belie\ed that
with the exevuute .,.soon of the ex-
ternouu, tai. Snetnau will cease tO
preen the a.meideletion tit the .Wheca-
4114.tnuns alined at the treaty try Mr.
Morgan anal °titers to the effect that
the dubm&ssiou art ail subjects tu ar-
bttrauwu under the treaty &S now
worded aoubi be lett et.tirely W the
President. 1f It is &minded as .ub-
mltted by thr committee's action of
this morning. only sucu matters as
have been agreed to by the tull treaty
(staking power of the Cuittd States.
the President and the Renate acting
jointly can be submitted tu art►iUme
Thepower to negotiate and conclude
treaties in Great Britain is lodged en-
tirely in the Crean and is exercised
for the Crown by the Premier. Thera
has been no suggestion that the )Jrtt-
Ish treaty,, making power bee been
changed by• the terns of this treaty
and Mr. Purpie's' contention was that
in like mariner the full tri -sly snaking
power of the United Stats wait to
Mt in judgment upon all subjects that
Were nought to be taken before Ulla
high tribunal of arbitration.
The th•tate did not agreed with ]tr.
Ttrple in his interpretation, but found
the eaele•st way to a possible s.duuon
of the problem confronting it in giving
expre.ai•.n to that Int,-rpr•tatton in
the text of the conv••ntlon. With
such aro amendment the treaty is safe-
guarded abwolutely and the friends of
the instrument say there shruid not
be a dlnsenting vote in ratifying it.
for the reason that every question
would then come up tefore the exist-
ing Renate art an original proposition.
The action of the committer in adop-
ting the amendment did not bring
about harmony. On the contrary the
More the whole subject was discussed
the more evident It beeame that the
daft. renew' werel irreconcilable. Metiers.
Morgan. iAaniei. lfilbi and C' meron
refused to consider the [meaty in a fa-
vorable Light even after they had voted
for the amendment.
They oppoed the convention on gen-
eral grounds and .acid It was impossi-
mp sa-
ble for them to ledie•ve that the coun-
try would Iso tsneflted by its rate-
atatken at the )resent time at least.
They refused b. lliten t.. the plead-
ing of Mr. Sherman and his ass.cl-
ate* and de.•lirt.d to even admit that
the amendment had areompllshed what
bad been sought.
The committer adjourn.d :with the
majority fee -ling anythlttg but com-
fortable over 11... outbe.k. M Sher-
man notified hit. soleaagues that he
Should move an exeeutive *essfon early
in the day for the purpose of testing
the sena. .1 the Senate. and intimated.
as he did on the floor last evening.
that If there woo' no ponslhIllty of a
speedy votes t. would not further press
the conakieratinn .1 the treaty.
Mr. Sherman made his demand for
an executive ..,.ion a few minutes
after the Senate convened. refusing
to yield W anything but the mere
routine of pmorning huainetea. Early
in the session Senator Chandler dif-
fered an amendment to the convention
in the *lope• of an additional article
which is. in fact. a declaration. It
Mater; that Moth the contracting par -
thee In making this treaty do it for
she purp.m. of enunciating their belief
in the princple of International arbi-
tration and to brims &bout it poeylbia,
the policy of a genera) disarmament
among tutee nations. It Is further de.
dared that en. h ,ef the contracting
parties exprent their willingness and
intention of making similar treaties
with other nations Including not only
those that are .trong and able 'o de-
fend tbertoeives and who have large
military .'etablithments, but alto'fwlth
the smaller femiliet of nations, with
whom differ.neea similar to those cov-
ered hy this. treaty might arise
Mr. Perkins Uteri_ ('al) introdueed
• joint resolution. t)hich was ttawwed,
.etherising the *er•retary of the navy
to piece at the dl.ftonal of the Chalnh t
or Commerce at San Francisco any
sultabie United States ship or vessel
for the purpetlta of transfn.rting to the
fftnishiner poor of india •nntrihntlotu
or wheat err corn or to charter a suit-
able American steamship with a r11nth
capacity of from 1r.M to eve tans and
tris the fleet -wary apprnpriatltm
:.shington. Feb 171.--astlsfactnry
trance. have been remelt -el from
Careen. that the Venezuelan boundary
treaty u 1..• ptemptly retitled.
a('IFY(P 1 vl) MN'/4 lfdrT.
•mr►Irais la.ao1*i1.a w►t1 mit 11Min
rt►Nr.e. lerecur a a T..ant•
New 1n. i7 Veit. 14 .1 Triotrt• ..111.141.1
nm 1. a t.a r:. r i. •a rot' .w• I). a .4 lb hea•t
later saris ,.sate In the hl.l•.ry ..f the
vett, rlfy of Tocol••, Tarsal., wail nems
sett atunn.e-r. lin one. lea tet m..etn•g .1f
the hilted, Amielilkea for Advan...mew of
&mele e111 folds It IMt cityanal pteps-
ratlon. for the tae t a• .Lea.ad
ey nn4.e
way. The ani, of OHM fess expense. Piss
been guaranteed by the elty. dud the the
minion and Provincial f:nrtram• ret. *
another of neeptlama and txentat.,n. are
helot arrwng•.1 for the member. In feet,
11 they should aeee t all the heel to title*
that w111 be offerd! to them tit, d would
lug. little time to devote to the 'te.lingo.
w frit are to be held In t1..• torture mom
of the 1'uh•trsittf of Tornio. and the Schad
rmrtle•nl seien,.. The meetingret Ibis
fagw.n.. holy of scientists nn the American
tbntinent will be appropriately noted by
kla.Arv.l Amrrtrlan o. relies Man. •.f ilea
mptahtn of the Ameriraa Aww.w•latinn,
wlale% will meet In 14Mrnit n.• Ant. 11. will
attend :t. apo will aim del dews ??'M
Mot ibis war eke �rdgde inn, h in rm.-mote that ,111, •, jib;
▪ and pnhlir umfimtsf w•'
R son Nryftir M prevail is.., flea
rtpah.,g Past tori.• a •,
Pittat.nrr. Ps . Pet. la 1n, .M
fag horned the holding nee
tralor, Pried ...ovine w k
t prtnre
tlawgg presses, notw
es, *o 1
•rid tit. .aisle et $1..11.1.,e�� Ie ' illy•Iss-
.e) T.. iype'ort•sr :a•
1 pit
rained at
rays M YMaer twits Mr a MW sad
beat Mer s. B...le 1 teal
goy Iamb
rufalo, N.T., Feb. 14.-A poorly -
dressed young girl of 11 years of ase,
who gave her earn, a. Mamie Ura-
bem, and her home as Hamilton, Ont..
was taken to Pude. Headquarter* Ytaa-
lasday by a depot °Mor, who found
her lounging ID the w-alung roots. and
suspected that she was a tuirwar•
S he told the (Pelvic she had come here
seeking for work, that her father
g iven her a dollar to pay
that this had taken .70 cent. She had
been here three or four days. had bee-
ged her meals and slept w hem abs
could- She wanted to go to Spring-
ville. She said, where she had rela-
tives able W care fur her, and tae wee
Mit there.
• Clergyman'. regalia, Tett RS.ens'esd
.. Refers a rsenitar ((eewd
a taas01.s.
Hamilton. Oat. Web. 14.• tMpetlal.t-TM
Dna of the series of Sunday afternoon MT -
view by Bev. W. J. Cameron at the Star
Theatre was held to -day 7 -be test an-
iouueed iu the tiaturda) lopes was "05
Use then Beller 1).y..•' sad ,.tun►lug was
10 be a part of the program.. • im. Aur
Theatre 1s to Ilan.11tou what the Bijou. uu
Tuna -street. is to Tomtit... sod 9 was
lawu•ed lar the duets. ('u .•uterlug the eu-
rltalt, led visitor found au orchestra of
twelve Moue. playluef Ilrrly war.i.e., and
twulgbt, and all gas ablaze. tatll the cur-
tain rang up avara-ety ■ bed w a. bare. and
(rout the god. to the gallery to the wor-
ablpiwr,. lar lbs pa cigars and cora-Cub
Moe. puffed out little clouds .4 .Rooke.
A tittle alter a up wrist the curtain. and
the it. -v. lir. t:au.ere, wiIk.d forward.
NH.• IM a young fellow .f about�, years.
an abawcu, of middle bright. ash dimmed
In at black suit that bad aro clerical stamp
about It. Extruding his bawl. without de
lo•lat by pr•Ilminartee. .old. "Bow your
Ikeda. whip 1 ask land to be wile us this
d term.o,. and as all hats .ant. ug lbs
Aluugbty was lutuk.d to give power to the
spoken. wwda The prayer .wer.tbe reverend
geuth,tusu pl.-ked up it 611.1.•, anti remark,
Int that if Jes.w t'laret lived now he wditld
write a uteri. be read the story of the
•rflgai rano The leading ,..deal, Perry
4..4. the run .4 the bnndivaster, wa.
Raked t.. favor the su.lien..• with a cornet
S olo. which be did acceptably. and called
Oat Rnat a .plauwi.
The letru•l.rr th.n apelotlatd ter the lack
of v.wallds, haying that he had *eked some
city slnp•ra to be maths*. but they had
armed on the grnnnd of It being`theatre.
Mr. Cameron ttpoke warn.ly •o thtT subject.
and retuart.d that if he touW have secured
the s•rvjera of the min...we. they amid
have had suet) hymnal as would hays. put to
chain, the Meager.. at the rburrb.•a.
After the taking up of the eolieeetinn to
defray the rent of the hall. the preaebr
entered os his Menn& the lath verse of
the scary of the prodigal son. In his band
IM• Carried a aO(.y •et James Thornton's song.
•'ahs ilea Seen Bait.-. !rays ^ and there
gumtrees or his remark- were riven to the
dew rintion of the eIrrn,n.tan.-rs that led to
1ta composition. Iteferrlug to the unhappy
Md. the speakrr remarked that she was
"'not one of the site. of the e,ty. as the
hors say, bat n tine unfortunate one. lad
through the weans doing of another.- and
that the wont saws popular front the .irh
curtained room of the wealthy t.. tit
drnnkanl's home, Nee:1WD. It exprillahNl .en
deep it sympathy. The speaker wear ,.u.
"1 don't know whit J. iro•a Thornton 14. hot
If h • knew what .-hri-t 1e :and It the Bible
were .Ire.tioywl to4ty 1 "mild. from that
a.og. Ifenew ref ielen I make the moiinn.
therefore." wrist on the .pecker. "that the
p't•t.• he -ung In seer' .•bink next .thnda"..
t.. Iea.-b the mluh.t,rs and the ehnreh
motile what e'hr14'anitr really 1a.' ming
!ran 'ho Bible mere. the pr•ailttr refereed
to men daily met 1.1'h "whet had seen bet-
ter day." and. talking .4 wasted refines,
tion. .I*.ice of a th4-f in lodge -telt*Itst
of bin ••-" whom he bad befri.mde.l when
.....ane .•toe wnnld.
The ..•engin wsa rlrw►Iv followed and
wnMvial•d thr.ughnet At It• chose the
et.eaker naked for n show of hands an is
the d.Are for another w -mist nn '(nodal
n ewt. end tSe Sa.gg.'.tlon carried.
11411-11tVNET SENT CP.
Ree of the Deputy ptwr■lag •Seen N
Mwade.ald trill
Wave to
ata■d Treat.
Winnipeg. Feb 14.--.Sleet:11.)-lobo Maw.
hinney, who was one of the rtepnty return-
ing ••fII .•r. In the Macdonald election. we.
on Baronies eMnnaitle.t to the Asataea rear
trial on 11... sums.• of ballot -sang Ilteffing.
J. Jero.•bkl. a young reeehmen living near
I)rwduey, wsa found dead at alls ranek
yesterday with a gun beside atm. The
..oaeut. were iewlged an bin body. 1t 1s
considered a ayt•e• ..f Mul.•hd.•, though why
2.-r..••bia au..ne4 mental( that trims is a
In) -trey. 11.• w.,. y num. &Walt hy and
wealthy, and on the 'tee'e•,t.• O( u:s pa ten la.
w&.. live in 11.1::le.1, Weald haze •omt
Wt.. n Targe ferualo•. He !t suppnsad to
bate then drinking.
11"n Mr Premiergnat'a re*lgnttl•.n fr..m
the MaHIt'.ba 1. 111.1a1nre ba• •.r.elpltated
a bitter r•••nte.a In int. Bout L,re. J. it.
I•anr .tr la the Cons ‚.111It • candldate, with
tit. support of Ani,ls.hnp Lxngettn. anal
rt. A. Bertrand 1.• the Greenway ewn4tdrte.
A pastoral letter wa* real on Pelona". in
all the eat lt..11,• choreas. In pt. tionlisee,
Inatnterlug the faithful to t,ue for P.:,,xnn.
The. .•t.. stirs take:: littler next ttatnrtty.
iNa.•n.alhc tit.• rm.• trade srr,mente of
t1.• f•,rnnr+' delegate. h••f"t+• the n•.•tnt
tariff enquiry her.•. The Fr.. Preto rind.)
say.. "N•.,•, 5100... for a moment sup-
pose that lb. Munitol.a farmer. *onid nave
r etlt.•.1 n Waller prlc.- fear their wheat
tilos prey:sired sera. the tine. If the duty
wheat haat net pr rented in. fakers
and Minn....to ,-rap. teen pouring int. our
I...al market'' If e'anadtaii mater. had
.rot b. en able to tome aspen nnr mareet and
Ivy the•.• tri.» the Manitoba farmer would
not hnre rte.dr.•d n eon: over the ftdutb
prk.'., soul 9 Witt the Import duty of 7:
.venta per barrel on flout wtMn enabled
them to do son"
Rhfna Atkinson. a w.•II-knnw-n Manitoba
merchant. la dead.
tt i. announced that :ht ('.t`. R. Company
hr contemplating ha'hling large 1.4.1 at.w•age
war.Mons,•s ret Wiinlpee and coheir,
The Ott. directors. NI.t I.•hedentree
that Winnipeg hat a population .larding
+2.• en
The Mormon. have entered upon the ittk
411 concerting Manitoba to their fai'h. Three
portion misalnoertct have locate.) In Whi-
mper, tool there bare been sett to Pro.
villein% Intlnte.
M a ab1111wg V.. -t lidded rleby tamed
Mlltiwg. to Ibe rawsl.e ram. 1.
Les. Than rare. gown.
ilt.w- York, Feb. 14 -A London rope
sial www. The famous Duchenei of De-
vonshire. who bought Parllamenta-y
tor kite.-. at a hletorie altrose
It' the hast rentury, M* found en imt-
tater in a barmaid et Heghlll Arm*,
P'aati.nurne, who has utlllswl . cu
pad's bow mouth for a far anrthl.r o1.
keel She la very pretty. and hard nu
m.r»u. admirer, .among the bar -fre-
quenting men of the town. When this
week the lilynpentd a fund for
the India famine aufrer••rs Oita reline
woman placed a money max '.rt the bat
and intimated that everyone who prat
e rhOling In it might have a klrs.
Within half an hour ehe was Mewed by
every man soh . entered the *.loon, *e-
Cum,llating te nty-thre .hell -es for
Me fund But this novel mode of ool-
Metl in drew ne•h a rmttd to the bar
that the pn.prletor put a dop to the
biota .nt.rtalnment fh.wtgh not nnUI IM
MMR barmaid, .w tito roomer bees proved. had
bean ktaise4 .1gtsty-seven tlmew In Nigh
thee throe home
. wan raw . •
...Ladies' Collou Underwear...
Department of our business is
wing larger and larger every
season People are finding out that
they can buy Underwear ready-to-
wear for leas money than they can
buy the material for. Our stock is
now pratpli(e, every garment new and
:Cotton Drawers
Cotton Drawees lace trimmed..
(`otton Drawers, tucked and
Cambric frill
Cotton primers, tacked Camb-
ric frill with lace insertion..
Night Gowns
Night Gowns, lace trimmed
Night Gowns, Cambric frill and
insertion 75c
Night Gowns with Cambic frill
and torebon law trimmings,
regular $1 25, for $1.00
Cotton Skirts
Cotton Skirts, extra fine, trim-
med with embroidery $1.00
Cotton Skirts, till width, triai-
med with deep Cambric, fell
width lace or embli. insertion $1.25
Don't Buy
...a Wheel !
until yon see the 1897 LADY'S and
Giorruufor's COMMON SENSE, also
the HURON for G iur nolo. as. These
Wheels are made in Goderich by first-
class mechanics, and are not the production of United States remit k,tfoa
dumped into Canada for sale at any price. We do not pretend to compete
with Prison Labor Wheels as our wheels are Strictly High Grade in every
respect, but are willing to compare pritxa and terms with any High Grade
Machinery. Write for Catalogue, and we will cheerfully mail you one. Look
at our Guarantee.
AWING to the death of W. A. C.idborne, junior meuttrer of the late
firm of Ci)LBORNE BROS., the business of the firm must be
wound up and the books clueed.
All accounts due the late firm will require to be nettled this month
either by Cash or Nbte. After that date other provisions for their col-
lectien matt be made.
J. H. COLBORNE, Surviving Partner
The business will be continued by J. H. Colborne under the old
firm Meme, " COLBORNE BROS.", when he will be prepared to give
his customers the very best value a Cash Market can afford.
All Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices
New Spring Goods to hand already !
Tneir Carpet Stock for the Coming Season will be
greater Than Ever.
JAS W I,L8ON, Manager.
TcxtDay, Feb. 16,
The aese*sor is os his roman
Mins Clans McCullough has retsr.ad frees
her vet to Igdon.
Mus Staab of London is the guest .t Hiss
Jack, Huron Road.
Mn. Fred Beattie is .til eos6ad lea the
house with 000gssUan of the lungs.
Mies Bertha Andrews 1st o0*. wars veit-
ing at the home of Wm. Gould the gam
Wei k.
Yip• •xtead our sympathy to Robt. Hend-
erson and wife u the logs of their isnot
des/hair by death.
\•into.., -Mrs. Leonid of Windsor,
dasgbtrr of Joseph Ru.l.dge, u visiting
ander the hirsute' root.
TraaoAT, Feb. 16.
Mies I- Gib•oo, of Gedenob, visited hero
Ism week.
eats. Ciro. Vivito** frogs tear Bengsill.r,
site: a week's van tut roomed beam
Mrs. Tttos. Jewel. No: is Dakota. aid
daughter Stella, are viatica relatives bore
Mae Sade Caliper.. of Godenob. has bees
flirting Nee past fornigbt at Wm. Jawe.'a
Mr. Mcl)ooald, ooanected with • wind-
mill .,gassy from Ssforth, vested here
last wail.
A d•acing party at Leaedown Fangs
Fred., night of halt week was • decided
grooms, over sixty taking pari in the pre-
ee.ding* 'deck 'edict in the bright day•
light of Saturday morning.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. Allan were la
(iodench .tread ne the Newel of the late
George Cox, for es messy years a familiar
:see on tt t .teff of Tit SIaaAL, and at
ulnare a t:.wient visitor here. Hie geai+t
naen.r made bin ever • tavetr.ta. sad sow
be bra pant' d the bridge -o soother rent,
mourned by ral•ttres sad friends.
Our architect hag pvrobesed • w:sdmill
and this week he te busy building • derrick
stand for the wheel, fifteen twit in diameter
to be perched 0* a height of 30ft. Bore..
will have to dnr• the wheel for his shop
work aid ales for chopping grain for the
farmers. TL. wind around here w0* t have
es much Om to .pend in ttenbling dews
heves or hay stacks. In future it will have
core profitable employmoet.
TrasDAT, Feb. 16.
The following letter of elosdelmes was
seat to Mrs. Robert Allis, 0* account of tea
death of her I.te Husband.
Carlow Lodge, No 376, A -O U. W.
To Mrs. Robert Allis and family.
Dios. MADAt - ie.ug our Mad sad
all -wise Heavenly Father hu sea lit is Hie
wisdom to sail from your .ide a kied and
levies besbasd. wa, bis brethren of Carlow
Lodge No. 376 A. O. U. W. take this
oppsrtusity of extending to you our deep-
est sympathies in year very peat lass. We
have Zest • tree and valued s.R.b.r of our
l.vdgo Wo will miss kis prasem ie ear
meetings, wad while we feel kis l.es eery
keenly, we ma .,mp•tbias with you sed
your faintly. and would r000sstesd yes to
pat your trust is Him who is Ns wee to
err. sad ton good to he ,skle& sad who
ben promised to he • Father te rho father
Wm, and a bueh•nd to the widow. W • be-
lieve your husband moo Only nese frees
earth to .hard is the jays .f theme that sur -
roma God's threes w Hs..., sad although
sou will miss hist .Ky mega ban below en
earth, yen s• loiik forward with leo glen
ipso astieipation ef steering him, agars m
that bright and.hal land above, where
admen and deed= neves a.m.. Sip -
a pm behalf of the Lehr,
Jaron ('nag. M. W.
(:an. Hata. Recorder.
Angulo Mtw&a, Fina -aha
Be* 90 ,est., and 40 damn in a via a De.
Anse. Liver Pira.
N. pais, se hiss seise abet., element 1•
every dem little, bet awtdly good.
(fore ask b.ade.he, onwiti�ppaatiss. Adiese•
sass,•alloweess They ap.h
.�dt•b1a In n
d big d.s.esd mei all deaa
ell them. MOM ersenles u masa key
J. iR peek
Treansy, Feb. 16.
Miss Raciest Gordo. of Clbsea, vetted
relatives beers tins week.
Captain Fiaher of the Salinities Army
Oedericb, lied J. Thos.°. a !allow weaker
he the Salvation Arm, at Berlin, were trate-
Meat visitors berg loot week.
KARL, teras. -Tae first pair for 1897 at
J. MCenor's ea the 26tb of January last, and
an dote, well Now, which of the ax
butchers of the ctroular tows will be out
first to buy them for Keefer.
TrsaoAT, Feb. 16.
Hit. Thos. Flok.r is on the took let.
Mrs. Rummel r vwtiag bar diameter, Mn
James G•rdicdr.
Wat Rutherford, of Port Rowan, 1. visit-
Wks his father, Welter Rutherford.
John ttober•soa left for to tonne. in Man-
itoba, ate vtmtisg for two mouths mooed
Bls.vale sed vanity.
Rev. Mr. West of Woodetook, 000ductwd
services h the Presbyterian church last
Sabbath, Hr. West s a clever preacher.
A box social, given by the Yo.og Briber's
of Rluevele, wee held et (:w. Johnetos's
last Wednesday serums. The house was
orowded to the doom, the proceed. were
over $16.
Shattered Nerves Imvoloped Negroes Pro..
tnti0*-Nervosa Prostrati0* Developed
Total Paralysis of Gds Sid* Great Seuth
American herniae is the Tooth of Most
Adverse and Complicated Circumstances
Overcomes All, and Restores Wife and
Metier a Geed Health to Her Family -
Them. are the Written Words of Edward
Pan. Surrey Centre. B. C.
.e M, wife wee taken bad lam Auden
with nervosa ..restrkti0*, which later os
developed Into pornl,ais of os. aide. We
tried many remedies, but all is vain. I
thought I wowld try Smith Animism' Ser-
ene, h•etng .a0* it advertised in the New
Weetmiaeat.r, R. C., peens, sad I am glad
to he able to ley that the rs.slt,aft.r taking
three betties, arse an astonishment to my
self and Melly. It worked weeders for
hes and we ora not speak too highly of this
great remedy." No aim too acute or of too
less .Nadi.ir to defy its wonderful merits.
Sold N J. E. ikavie,
N W alit
omtfti g 1§1•\ce
'Vey. 1)\nner'!
If you de. ggoo le the City Mast Market
and yea w111 4.4 that
Weed attar the slam faiithilsols tasks. apo
our prim salt everybody. We hive every -
tides Is the Most Has.
Fresh Meats
Spiced Meats
Cooked Meats
Cure(+ Meats
Smoked Meats
Prepared Meats.
sad oveiff hind of iMueage made. Rao our
ipeelia Llama If von hare sot yid hood to
the City Meat Market, do sot fad to call and
give our sgootai Saturdev display your Mame-
Wrs ter Resat a no,ggnaee few
tial. hest Ills r.s.d, awl ,r.etalol*l a
fell deauttinls. of the best ettmd.e+tt... i.
Pitons sae Vageetabi. !tach with .ostplete
details of the rmr..er'. ressimmeato tat Odd
Rues. ("over sad Orem bask. Maid Orates
Fodder .gel E.Mlsg. ()we Write !.r eosin
Hamilton, Ont.
Olean next to Hotel Bedford I Hamilton -et next to Colborne Hotel.
2 Stores . .... 2 Stores
Cornice Poles
Window Shades
Everything at Factory Prices. ------ Lower than Ever 1
A Clothes Rack Given Away
The Grocers
To those sal purchase
One Pound of Baking Powder at
Oso week commencing
M aaday, 22nd Feb.
Repertre Co.
•' •.rtgaglag the 11111 ResseNtad.'
gevada. K The twat ml..,'
••• rMhrrma.'s Leek -
coed. clamas al Seeder,
Ride (:..tame.
Firm -clam •peolalties
Fuentes. Adds, 90 and 30e : eblld,.s las
Mads,. Prices. " the -' 1es
Next Attraction - - - Cinematograph
Astonished ?
Of coarm.ea ant We mean that yon
Ghoul be. Didn't believe that we would .1
1t. dM you! fits will; Gad mow we are going
to flus yes
Dar est retweeery sod 1110 e1.. Tse,ed
tape sevand the e taw Priot.1 .ea
(1.r. H•esiltemet sad &mere.
hsl Eod Ncal[artat
W H. err -1a.r.
The R.A,rslabo4 b•. reseed • Meat erkelt
la the seen an waneat bawd.a tta.t. o.'s
ashen gad the Noel (Mar'.. when • Chaise
Ilsl.elhss of bleats eat Poultry will alwr ye
la rnowd. Order. regularly ,+.nett fee. tad de -
►1.551.. outdo promptly.
Iffloamt • trial .ries Mama.
On The Square
Cartage & Fuel Co.
are prepared to handle Bag-
gage Freight and Household Ef-
factr+ with Dispatch at reasonable
rates. Dealers in all grade, of
and 8aitbing Coal
Wood and Mulling
cut to suit customers and tleliv
ered with promptness. Orders so
Telephone IS
C. it F. Co.
Manager. Secretary
A complete stock of New
Fancy Goods, Centre Pieces --
more beautiful than ever, aid
Doylies to match.
for Sofa Pillows -durable and
washable, Wl'1xLie Covers - the
very Iateat, Tray Clothes Side-
board Drapes and 'Pea Cogan.
L Choice Line
of heather Belts -newest m
the market, Call and inspeee
these goods.
b .t Ct
• a - o