HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-18, Page 7WO. ,-.4100111.11.0111.11 . x ,' ioglotZleTHE SIGNAL- GODP:R1OH ONT. THURSDAY. r'EB. I$$7 [IIE OTTAWA BUDGET pare and Countess of Abler dein Gone South A WEDDING AT NASHTILLE. Breyerrs of Me Mea,• se natty • psasaera ammo etevewamr a Chorea Dieu tiea.eng MM sal e1 the them ceased W Me Nam s.s.ee.t Mews. Ottews. Feb, It.-(8pectaLj-Sienese blontgouerl Moore was yesterday *torn in administrator of ',the Do- minion during the absence of the Qpternor-General Its the States. Lord and Lady Abrdeen left at noun lot Nasbvllle. Tennessee, to attend the wedding of Lady Aberdeen's brother, lion. A. MaJorlbanks. to Miss Stymie Motions of Nashville. Mie Browne visa our. MI a visit to Government House two years ago. Readers of IIW Jey's Magazine will recollect to r se one of the prettiest In a group ot Southern beauUss which espeared In Llys masaalne Mat Guinean The pier ecce of Lord and Lrdy Aherdeea at the weddinal will naturally encircle it with an extra halo of brilliancy. Their geeesuestmee aro aam+mpanled o rile southern trip by Capt. Wilberforce, A. L. C.; Lady Marjorie Our4uil and day, leroedlately .sat ler Iths. aid he is now a guest et the residences ud the First Minister The Turoslq Haarttas ! MuRab 1taUw•y Comp•by cow allely to Par- fYtont for an Act to smith the com- pany to enter tato an agr.•meat with the Michigan Central HaMtry Cum- py or les Canada Southern Rai aolway Cbmpanl In reference to the et a portion at rail wtkr tot the Hamilton & Buffalo Hallway Company; ilea to orelrm the s aetaaage bands off the Throats, Hanall on & Buffalo Rat► way Company. and M declare them en a first lieu tthe sold aompaa7e ps'o- My. aor Btapbane menders that the althea& et Ot3avb could commemQr` ate the Diamond Jubilee year to too better way Ohs is swayers a build- ing for lacurablea within the city. lie contends that there is a great need tar such an Institution TM bospitaile are Ailed with each taws while Way have enough to dojo look after the sits . The Reiltateag Otreanuttee of the Privy *hound* meets next Thursday. Ald. Masson bas entered an appeal against the election of Aid. Butler on grounds that he le an Insolvent and an botelkeepsr, and treated electors. Both are sitting for the seats ward. Mr. H. A. Battered Clerk on the Homme ot Commons .tae. died law evening of poeuc000la Deo•hsd was a eon of Mr. Ddward Battered. Chief of the Distribution (Moe of the House at Compoaa. The latter 1e well known to members of Paztlanteat and =ewe taper men, as well $m to Indeprndenl Foresters ail over the aattatry. he being their Past Supreme Chief Rang- er, A new Methodist Churott on Mulee•ot- Mr. et was dedicated by Rev Dr. Car- man today Tho General Superinten- dent made a Focal referenee In IA - night's sermon to etnohitelae• one of his polnta It was thee What is the g ood of firemen. he said when the 1y drante are frozen' Dion. Archie Gordon. Yesterday was a busy day for the official* of the departments hitherto quartered In the Western Bluth. but welch fur the pr .eat are drowned oat. Btac.ha of documents, revurds, books, eft-, had been removed to the House of C,ommes buildings and there chaos Mlle Globe's old friend) reigned su- premr. In the main entrance. below the Meta. is a mass cif books, papers and other Gonanes, while Mr. Har- nett's stand. whloh In the .ebston db plays an aamtrtment of fruits. candies and cigars. le now supporting a mann el musty documents and much -water- ed literature. Round and about thew were °Metals from the various de- partments, each rescuing the property of his particular branch of the ser- vice occasionally some article. the ownership of which Is unknown, was fished out of the pile, and then the cry resounded through the vestibule. ''Here's such and stmca a thing; who wants this'" The same condition ex- ist.- along the Commons oorndors to the press room and the Conservative caucus arra' •. In the prem room. where 0* ..rine Department salvage la placed. .ntusion is supreme. Here ducks. teat ornents. books. amid papera art everywhere. Small eiountalos of them rise unexpected from the floor. to the detriment of the unwary vlMtor. > and all are mingled on the ta- bles and under the tables Among thea, are all the papers which were brought from Victoria. bring In "-lyse there at the sealing aonunhsslod In the Conservative room the state d talkie b equally bad, for here the door and tables ate strewn with the wreckage of the Public Works De- partment_ The employes are down on ail -fours sorting things out. Tb. vaults In the Customs Dte•paet- U tt were opessed yesterday and the ',entente found to ire• sa dry ha a mama. Some of the espalier sate& however, were deluged with water. pec tally In the Militia Department Workmen are engaged In mNdng a clearance among the debris on the tap Sat. and to some places In getting out the water. Bonne of the ctvtl servants Matted their offices W ser how they fared. The tarpaulins were oertainly a great saving to the office furniture. Tote floors on the lower and secaond flats were flooded with water. and In places the plaster of the ceiling had fallen down. But there was little real dam- age. All books and file comes had been toot• •d out from the walla. len the Mylttta Department one roots to the stomp brandy was untouched. The fi nal daspud nom of the *Moog which have been leased temporarily to smnmmoda te the dIRerent depart- menu. epart-ment . will be made to -morrow. The Dtepartent of Public Works and Ma- rine and /fisheries will, It is certain. be located in the Slater block on Bpark*-street. Cuetorne and Militia on Wellington -street. and Mounted Bottom In (he Langevfn block. Quarters for the TrsOe and Commune Department ea• ,. not yeti been found. 'Me hey Press (Liberal organ) l• mtrt'nr 1n Ha condemnation of the mese dMt1 • , n Of the Government h yd rants Into night it p0Wllhed a communica- tion dernaadlag an espteastion Of the condition of the Gove!'awlent hydrants. beer and the dimc•,IPUDS of the Gov- ernment stag. Thr Fire and Light Committee meet Yeaerday after** to grnppte with the quastla% of tnctrea.ed Are s.0" plaancrs for the etty. While the mat- ter was under consideration two mem- bers of the oamelltt to left the meeting sad broke the quorum, so that no de- dsfon was reached. A straight motion on the Ruttleol will be [Wade at the council meeting to -morrow night to auk the Legislature for Poiret' to bar - fon $-.0.000 to secure two new steamers and two dherniela enema, and to erect two new matt**. Mr. Sefton is paying some attention to the indian Department these Mesas The services of Robert G. Dalton. • arst-las clerk. have been der *meed wtth for mieoottdact• Jews n, Indio's agent at Manlwak1. P.Q. has also been dlsmiswed for not properly eonduoting the affairs a hie office. John Crowe, Indian Agent el ht Chippewa HILL who was found guilty of acting irregularly In the mnduci of the business of tae Chippewa Indians of Saugeen. Bruce county. has also been dismissed and John Schofield of Allenford ap- pointed to his stead J. W. Jermyn who wee Indian Agent M Cape Cro- ker BRuce county. ha. also been dis- missed John McIver of McIver P.O. hie been app•tinted In his place. Mr. Bateman. Ontario county. has been is sbved from the agency of the Trades• bend there on account of politico) PM" donnnhtp: Albert Williams has been ata' tlntnted in his plane Hon. A. G. Blair left yesterday by =entrain for Parry Sound as d' of the allelelm ot the Ottawa. There 1• 'many the Ogee d ecesgolttatmTh f e t tateen 1000 tlatrtulhe rioter ille tw seeing aus aan road doves! tel Ur. *Alar be b7 1/012 tate sberetary. ClmrFI .C aidd awl' Mg. O. mall- fir- w- ea Dar PRI?CHARD WAS TOO sm. JL TEE RIPPER 005111E b •aa UMW ass tate OM/ Mienm tl me e Maset • s • way ar be 1am.ea. Ihellka-1_ Wel s. , 14.-Nothingng Mae IMO 9aek the Rtpprfsr (murders sr w allemeed Load* and all England as tats tae arta 1a • sak1an unto on e Hallway u* Theshnedny etca eMg. 'the train tram Hlow ouns raeMI. -- the oady a on termintt tl.M tweak. Aum Atter the paenoers hat. • oar Meaner. Illapectlsg thy c•rrla• ms.Ula l iwd tb. ted body of • Powell mao woman partially at•ealed bar• le h • seat In a e• prod -melees oom.p.0*Jall The body. wh oft was st1W warm. wall d enegged out wineMonty. ler the up - par start et the body had been Ito** *IIsa *II .t a..al.ltaarged w Ilk *arty*.{ ally \w a aeaser Ire• rime wtw N. I. Buffalo, k'.* 14.-Aawurt rtit ebard. • a* building Otrecter of HIaadeIl, a suburb of Ulla eltr, b 1u the freezer n headquarters on a charge of bigamy. rot. nand came to this city from Canada •boot to year* ago. lie brought with him hls wire, wbow il he _•red b Norfolk Bo. Bounty. wane rob e n name was Id. Mae. H.• lived they. wI tat her nail* See years ago, "nen e bad same trouble with ber and ►ep.tnted from her lie began proceeding- for a dewy...• ou the statutory grounds. About this Uta be became aoqualated w Iib MHO Lizzie OM. Johnston, cod ou O. 3 war married 4., her. At least, Mrs. Pnch rard Nu. 1 says she W tee cerUmax to prove the m n age. kir also alleges that before the marriage Prttalathat rd rereerntel to ber at m be had s.cud • divorce from 1b eon wits. ash d e stye be told her parrot. the th same Was. It developed at pap lately became aequalated with wire Cu. 1. and learned that Prttcbard's divorce proc sledoed- le . were still Unsettled d the preceed- proceed- ingsagainst Pnch tan1 followers. TOOK WO BOORS TO SEW 1111 OP. el ultam a. emu .f sablepl wernewl ted br tare Ma. .f Mb Fus.me.r • 1'••eral°. Feb 14. --!lips ITarriet Bender- . ., comely girt of Sheffield. Ont.. stir. rm., a urn named Ile•nrtt wnro she was 1e lean obi. That was A. Tears ago. 8hr Imo.) with Bennett nail! three years ago. ellen William R. Soot of the same town 1u14 her Ise Loved her. and .he said she loved OM, and UPI de14 -d to elope. They did elope. TL.-) weut to 11111111t011, and .he tool her rive children with her. Three of them were boy... The ber.. and 110 to heroin.• ana e here - lee's caldera lived there until roar weeks ego, *btu tb.y time to Buffalo. Scott : est drunk yest••nlay, and )Ira. twenty's eldest buy and 11. brothers tied his hands and thea gave him a thrashing. the net result .,t w11.1, ye ..•.•n at the titch Hoe - petal fhb th enei.g• w. two beautiful black me rye*, a broken so, talc ■n.1 braks e beets lend brad, an.1 It look toe doctors two boon to new beer up 1110 fare w. w distorted that be could hardly speak. t>t1aaF• lir •L baa lime W the lay Mom [7m end wog b kits Meet tllrevag% Inns alk Premier. hearing of Dr Ova', lief 0* at Ruse Fes' Last Chance! The Orpkau's Prayer tinder the seal with great *tolenoe. k was 1spnd that the shall had been crushed in by a eutrpb of heavy WOWS. Tbere ase evident* ot a severe strug- gle before the vim= succumbed here was au Uttar whatever sot lb,. murder- er. The Inset astonishing feature at the crime was the tact that the train's lowest run between stations was only Mee setnutas, and nobody bled seam or heard anything to excite mutapk:lun. The young woman wee lmmedlately Identified by bee fiance, who was waft- ing at the station to meet her. 8h• Woo Mem EHaaheth Kemp. leho wan manager of a small hotel at Wale worth. 8he had been spending the af- ternoon with relatives in the Hotene- eeer ouburbur, district. six or seven milss from the centre at the city. The toot which chiefly arouses public in- terest b that such a crime could 1a Oorrvnitied an a railway compartment within London itself and the perPe- trator es* pe without melting suspi- cion. s t ssydtem o ytravel ! `t) av D• the vely reason which east this young arom.n her life- It M the object at every Englishman and woman to se - Are an unoccupied compartment. If psaslble. for a raelway- journey. long or Wort. The danger frorn thieves, ruf- aans sad maniacs is supposed to exist only on long rune 1 Is impurslble thus tar tot aesytn even a motive for this tragedy. Nothing has been found connected with the murderer except Ms weapon. wbsch was a absentees' heavy pestle. Thio was discovered sauteedsy near the new at Putney, about three miles out. It was covered with blood and uqp or • *ire irn Own the girl's bead. "Ibe victim's clothing ems badly torn and smeared with blo.1. but it 1e hardly poteible that the murderer attempted an outrage. for, with the time at hie diatom/1 it moat have been moss - earl actually to kill the woman on leaving one station In order to crowd the body under the seat in time to Inure the train at the next. lt Is considered possible that the murderer possible remained in the car while the train stopped at any way station, for pas - rangers were likely to enter at any Iarrmeat. It is not known positively whether robbery waa committed. for. although the woman's pun's Wits empty near the body. and no valuables were found in her pocket. her diamond brooch re- mained fastened at her throat It is supposed Me bad quite a sum et money. but this M only conjecture. The police thus tar are quite nonplussed. although they are actively following a variety of clues connecting paabttgene who lett the train at wayfstations that an with the crime. One theory y caped female lunatic from Putney k13 ae e d the girl WELL-DHL.saCD LUX ATIC. A Theseboranadian l■ Charge of tae Sherif M tewptvt. Term•nt. Newport. \ t • Feb. p 1, no tnrane mho IS bring detained her.• pending identification. He has a railroad 1I'w cam as.oMese..lo.a. was blued i,l• nG. t night v atryI a w .s rimy ami rimmed taken to this '-Ity for safe keeping bell has given diflrreul twiner. one of 1. Arthur LN•fios.. 111' shins ■m marked IL Dibble. hb. Iter ThexMs ttnem. and Its veal Fitzgerald. Ile Is french. •loge .'S years old. gf medium height. weigh* D early 210 pounds. haw saodl rmnpltslon. nt*t.e•he DMA bar 11tkt red. and la well domed In Mack Innis, grey mixed emit brown overcoat lend black rat hast Any Intormatk.D Should be went to L. D. MBK Sheriff. Newport t't REFORI THE BANKING STSTEI W*teleost aay Gooey. the premium Mooreel, loved bl The hmt4 He .Id sad Weakly bun le the gma•d**e Moo* over offered aowsp.pee readers. Thereto • perfect sar.ahkls from all omt1 yttes elthe world to seams G Dopy. 'hues es hers who lave received it week set pert *ly at far • 1M bill 188. publishers wilt within* the premium thorny. We bat. made aresagereastobemover. with the pub lithe/. where thq marmites to supply 'MRS MOOS P*A1111,« to all amuse seat in by TDs Stormy. as or Wont the 1A1h esf Fel old sad Weekly Mar le le The Moder of tall Weeklies)! I America. We ear "?he Orphan's Prayer" TME Family Herald ..4 Weekly Stp r will be ens •f lib* Mb Asia of the tier atntey Alee/w stra1•a- News Nolen Frees a.aamel. Montreal Feb. 14.- 1gpr t*L' Roo. C. 0 Colby. wbo returned from New York today. pope that one of the first acts of the 11a Kln:e, Administration will be to reform the national baking q.tem of the United States. Americans think that the tad sit Ceseda's comparative prosperity must be doe to her superior banking system, broom as snonsp1 to legis ate In that dlrrctn n-ln Mr. J. S. Murphy of Kino, gstc the tether of twelve children, bar nailed to the Quebec O.•rnmeft for the tat acres given by law to such y stteetlyheee ers.. Sere hes •ben there b n« Isla eProrloee .t aTbe father of St. Denlq wife rotemlted satrap by banging. testlfiMyat the coron- er's inmost that his soh was ander the la - geahis nun Tth bad frequently e ed W take reat lMmbardeadr Proceeds. Canes- Feb, 14.-Fenlhg- George ) os. Hiss'!. Pathe. tee Ohelluien (*rem. who baying be.0 menaced b7 the Moslem*. recently took refuge at the nr.#k (*ennoble.. th . nod that ("email •.rnhart- .d this evening oro dtffereut weir *hips They were aorompa•M by their fan4U.s. The .'ensue* and the aWaman4er of the Turin.* fon,* hay* removed the military post Tor Insurihulandward Sdetof oeir benthantment ff ethe 10,1110* ane the Turks are revertible their are with sangiln•rl result& TELEGItAPHIC BElEFS. • Neer of 1ns.y.st esteemed Fvem tie ibw spate*. sad ramore bed for Maw Meader+. John Redwood. M.P., arrived •t Corti no Saturday sad was welcomed home. It Is mid Lord Salisbury may have a Dukedom conferred • n Alva this t for bb Sir Arthur Sullivan ltpts Alimonies mow Victorian ballet at the Tt.estte. Cutis Cbtt.ty. the Leat of the moos Christy minstrels. diel •t lbtue City tyage Wept sal ID Kana. city on ell yMra 1/ra Frederick Baran. a middle-aged lady. was Ing In nover Brantfo dans Saturday,t sada sad killed instantly. Has_ 11. A. Kirkpatrick. Lb•ntesaatlloT- reported to be *lag well tel OntaLoudon. and t.p.etaa to leave fee well b I.00rlaa, hose 1n April. given mode* Pennsylvania IItKm I Oofnn7 Ms la wages to stake t blas.'f . 1. riles. thousand ewe are affected. keepb A. Iaslgt. Osswl4l1eaml ger 7rrkn at Boston. with arremt le New Tort (barged$10.00ble • merely Gita Is held b Heil ball. He r • wee l mon. A ass.ewi Ill W of then ksr eta saaraaf p. Meetlsg Mpes mt4R1• *04 proved to be a stodmkt roe lamina Litroa. to the Eagtlee Amolleli,Kssays tae owls Oh b dmaretl t sentlat- The sa vIcto M b eappitott tes .4 me vitality of las MINitao ....tlws h woo was Me Raw disina ~ml,se hs. 0* amnia subs th late 4.vvel esteem tit 'iT.Larre to II= k One Year and The Signal All for *1.80 Dont Fail to beoure a Copy Seed subscriptions to THE SIGNAL Saa.ple Penner Dao be see .t this othus. (%(.mets BoOk.... VStw‘:vonev s ELLIOTTS STBLNOB TALE. e A man *rum Term* Who Merely Gawped Walk ale Lib from Wap•• ear Sashes, New Tort. Feb. 11 -John Willett of T* mato. who came over In the steerage el the St Lotus, Wkleb arrived to -say, told a weird story to Dr. White of tee uosplt* Msg. Ttute years ago. be mid, ate west Madagsecar, where be was eaµer.tl h settees and preparations were imam for 8811 exsection, when he foetid a Hoy vela spoke IhagUph. Thrmigh the than ism was liberated. Thee =lett and no elms pricked (8tsl- veins an4 traded • orae elf two of bloe.. - this in token or evermpteg friendship. After that Illlott roe emcee won• and flattop In large goanunc., and be bruneht home a lot of broken pottery. eines and b.ada,but not very mon roomy. He says Is eotseltulon tbst be wants a jib la the street eleaning department. We perry • large sod amortsd stone in the above lime. and are ready to dhow 8rsede to latest ins puro88•.re at say time. Call and see goods and you will nod them new, op•tod•te and at µnone fa harmony with the times. Ha- member emember our stood -next to It•vl.00's Hard ware Store -ea The Square. Gv.ruer eir rape le1.7• London. Feb. 14.- It 1. efflet•liy tree bounced tint Its Alfred Milner. chairsae* of Ue.• Hoard of Inland Iteteoue w111 .ono caval Lwonl It...mud as Governor of *hsps Oniony. JAS. YATES. a_ Fail . Announcement. IoloATu hl/etAL1a 1oar Tnid• pas be,0 dull to -day and p• • s tiw•hauire'I. Miraight rollers an. quoc- etrd I rude gull. WHY beau giallo • I ..ut- M+, Teat at f7 to glen, p*d shorts at 04. hent The .lie* market 1p ,hillloth offerings fair. It,d •vint.-r %h.•at can be had .t 714. aad while 1e g1w'ted at 7s.• No. 1 Ma•Itolw bard 1. hill at r.••., Vert 'Shi- ba. esti at Ole. Mlelarwt, No. 2 bard 83* bet++• . 311 Iced. sen /rated u lm too Meoutside dull. loft with car 3.rley-Tie matte( b umeh•nged Na 1 r quoted .t Els. filo. 2 at die to Vo. 10S 1 Kin in she sad Net s at me. pats--Mareet 1..mebangi'd. with salss ed oldie to 17140 west, and mixed la eb'saa alMho Peas -The swim is steady. w4tf seem 111 Mt_ north mil west. and at des, mIffIH. Q0... market Is Mhalasffa, OHM am at tae *10r tease. ape -Tb. one tet y eon weal tate sem : ■ p , Se1M at iNaeo gwtg/ya Sa air ,gym tee: a tans1. Narrow' MA(E1•Tl Ihn 1Lrapetse wWt rr •e. east: Mia1U• n b T• ware... At CATTLE Shue* Now is the time to enquire about Heating of Cook Stoves VI'he have then, - all kinds and sizes at lowest possi- ble cost pricey. Also leave your rie, ns for repairing and setting up of Stoves. We handle the beat Canadian and American Coal Oil. CATTLE BROS., 1Plumbers and Tinners. Beni titmost Cakes, Pies., Tarts. Ready for the Rush. Co at D. CAItTNLolt'8, the leading bakery, for your Christmas Cakes and Puri Parte Tarte, Oyster Patties, Mince Pies. Short iireact. All kirds of Cakes kept on hand. Orders :.ft by ten in the morning will be wade and delivered the same day. Wedding (.oke.-Ornaweuting and decorating of the latest designs with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake Ornamental Almond Icing a specialty. CasItelon_ T!uare New Goods and Best Values, (Ii'iiitoro Y in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Weet-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality // r •'i Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. Winter Suit or Overcoat led If you need a Winter Over- coat or Suit, call upon PRIDHAM. The Tailor. If you leave your order with hila you may depend on getting goods that will suit in every way -In tit, workmanship and promptness in delivery. PRIMIHAM i ilaroors Iagaziii Ili 1107 11101/014 -TM waw'sn. the new Nva M Dtt **•.oyer t88. eagerly ..emoted meas ear a Tette - teas is Ua•b.r aaMr, It'11 with ' imam .,rms from the..Iber'. drawee e A to a morel bl Freak R. tit•.tte•-4111V0 1, lag •'ne 'neaten Century Reselaeaes- fella* b.wenvessit mottos, and charooarietkaU7 lusrrated- A ratr el flakes' Levees, Weber' Urns Hewett Other strains nee twee by Am.r con authors, Short Stories by Mark Twain. Themes Nekton Page. Richard Hardie.' Itav1., Demo Meter, Joists K.•drlok Rants, Rath Iliet.srl Ocoee. (lots.. The - ma. er h•-ma..e.1 4a.ry R, Willies. ••d ober popular 1*'tIZNCt-Mery of the Program of Mame darise the AI.et.emth ('motur • series of papers b7 Dr. Heart Smith Rename /nipple - emoted by oo.trIbuttose o• .peciel outman by expert scie•tlsle. Articlssen the relations •t curious pee w 1 a*fewatlone le ph)r1ho., it A sew WILoe- AMIRI AN FKATU)tEB . The Mexico el Today. • series by Merle* F. Lurnziat splendidly illustrated -the mutt se • •bl1 to Mexico undertaken for HARPRRS NAGAZIN& Mexico b pre Moonily • blow producing country. and Its mosetar7 comae ties rest ..tete1y on a ether bona Owing aa iLe te.s dineumtos os aerie*.:assents prmb- le* ls commotion with came of newel h o- eortanee la Amer. •a Politics. these WHIM w111 command general •tteotlos. •miesissa ales•t10* Paper. by Woodrow Wilma Una Bach M..M.•er, and Janice Harass, The true -tory of sherldas's lithe. by Geo. O. A- Fonytb. Continuance' of Hewers Fennyl ■emisiae.aer• of eminent literary Amer - moo. AFRICA AND THE EAST --babe ass's A tetra. • fully Illustrated aerie. Of papers hs Pe .Olney Bioelow, the result of personal ob- **rvanoaa dnrie``s tenni trip to Africa. Dov. ort Ib whole eeld.t Eutrrope.. expploratlus of that eoutvy. Illwwted •rticlea b7 St.nbe.•'Hnusel os the tra•aforrnatloa• Rein* on in sees M welly reo•gtls visited ;by tie author. ■unaarl.a Yese8e., written and drawn to r, Hopkinson Smith. The tell story of the r.veet ('oroestloa of the ('tar, by Rieh- .ri Hardiest Davis. Illustrated by R. ('Melon Woodville, who wag oommt..iooed by Queen Vic er1. to 1 Mat a Smtare of 188e ceremeay. Newspapers are not to ropy MAtow advertise- ment without the cxprraa order of Harper a Brothers are necessary to mankind, then how much more so are they to the better part -woman 1 As they are so neces- sary you should see that what you get are good, thus saving in cash and health. Tinwkre or Graniteware bought from us is always good, and as the latest inventions are always added to our stock a better selection cannot be found in Canada. STOVESAND FURNACES We have the most complete line of Stoves and Furn- aces in the County. TEN TAIL=HARPER & LEE. T1113... E. B. EDDY co.'s Matches Every- thing that is Good in Matches is contained he HULL MONTREAL TORONTO QUasiO ST. JOHN. N.B. HAMILTON MALJFAX RANCOUR= VIOTORIA ' KINGSTON" '. •INNIP0* sT. JOHN•. NAPS That's why so many people use them e) cY ou;'%ie...to►te: in your choice between the Harper's Magazine Fon Uxs Yea. . : MAO Postage Pree to . U ..b.crihee• in the Unite/ Stales, Canada aad Mexico. Address: HARPIR t HB(YTHERB. P 0. Hoe 011, N. Y. City BarnoYs ¶eet1r IN 1897 With the mod of 1516 HARPBRX FrIt&i- LY will Mee Lived forty 7••re. 10 that ono It has participated with all the zeal and power •t its command in 11.e great political eves, of the mops interesting and *portent period la the history of the country. and It bee mead before its readers the accomplishments of enema arta, and lettere for the In•trnotioa of the human mind and the amelioration of human coedit ona and of masers. What the W KSK LY h. been In its moire and purpose. u these hare been menitneted pri.c1pa1Iy in its editorial page*, it will pso- tiooe to ha it l* impossible to pronounce with pieclaloo WI that tie WEKKLY w111 contain during the year ICV'. It were u nosy to •onouaoe what Is about to happen In the World, what tri- umphs tor Oood Government are to be coca, what Ad vases@ of the People are to be made. what Is to be the outcome of the continuo= struggle between the ,Duet. of N ar mad Peace what le to happen in the Far Est, what la to be the Mate of Europe twelve months hence. what new marvel* of Schnee are to be revealed, M what arc 10 he the achievements 'of Arts and Letters, for the WEEKLY is to oe • pictorial record of all this. tersedn. will Mill continue to be a feature, • aerial stet/,.. A New Kusland story by Wag Mary K. Wilkie*, *111 begin in J- .r7. A tale of the Orme oriel*against the Turk*, by Mr. K. F. Benson. the author et Dada w111 follow. A sequel to The Boast Boot ea the Ste, by Mr, John Kendrick 13.•85, nonrated by ler. Pe.. , Newell. More abort Meriss will appear In the WEEKLY than It has been poesible to publish during 1516. e,p.rsme.ia t -Mr W. D. Howell's " Lib aad Lettere" have Nen among the moot charming of periodical 1ltoratord : Mr, 1 8. Man in and others will contribute observations on what is golor on in "Thea Busy World"' "Amateur sport- w111 remain the most import- ant department of this kind in the country. The AEEKLY w111 continue to oremat le its readers the worM'e news most interest*. to •mrnrao*. to make important advances 1 both the literary and artistic features sed to retain for Itself the leading piece in the Ulm tested Journalism of the world. Nneseppaaper• are not fr .ropy this adverting - meat without the express order o/ H.xrea a: Bsaresee -«t, tea. w ro-- Ogg saner Q*T 1Om*Lta MID areamw A N D (*.tree*. lagnag, Ogrg. 1 andfa•,hnola d the ordinary kind 1 There's no comparison in any part work, teetheda, eglipaeala, remote ---all at the highest grade` aWst.a 67 alibi; *Wee ties. *.GaAs gsti sena. J. W. Wil 'TRAVIIIi:LT. P,'laaIp , Harper's Weekly 708 ON Time 11.04 Postage ikee to all subserNxra t. the UMW 4 hates. Canada. mad Menao. Address: HARPZR t BROTHlt till P. 0. Box 16e N, Y. Cllr. lli'1es Br IN 1997. The BAZAR. • thoroughly up-to-date Peri- edic•1 for women. will enter upas Its TMrtteth volume In 1517 As • /Hallo. journal .t is unsurpassed, sad 1• se fadinpeoslhle requisite for every tvell- drM►d woman. Katherine rte Forest +Ates • weal 1v Int• r os cot rent feshi, ns h • m Pars_ in thew loth Faohenee, and In the 1ottalah4 ly pattern sheet supplement. *taffetas find full &oaths, d•rserlone. and d'sgrtaD'e fry gowns. wrap, end chtldree'• obtldgt• 8eadoa, Haode sed Cb•pep• dean awl ata IMO the nevem sad flees l'•nsian designs every week. The portal* for 1417 will be: The •M Manage Nelebberbeed, b7 Mafia Louise Pool: .cod Father plana111es, M Octave Theme *bort stories will be crestanth (r.•r'ered hilliest writers, swag whom •re Marr tvltklsr. ,*Tarietr Peewee emend. Marlas Harked, Ruth )lcKnery Sturm. Viola Ram bore. and Margaret &intima Hymens. Mises weaves are among rn unit* parts of the Vales will btu • eerie. of special •- West. Other intereotlne features are /at Orr -Do. e Woman, devoted to healthy sports said pas- times : Mair. • weeele c,,aleel summery el tomtit 1s New York: 4matewr Tieatrirnts. K,.M'oM.ry atsd Kettlirvr,r8, Cerrmor., mid Viiq suite mad eloo.1 Jlon.ehrep(.g. •Wbed garb ere Meisa." "Currant and Socket 1,v.Ia.'• and Per.ovOIa trimmest from origlami seises. leen W women. Othell l W. T. Htegln •sea "W regrnoly coattail. ha.valtyble re A ewers le rireeep.ade.M. This column b.a.duebd for the h..eet and convenience of residers, *.d all questions are osswered 1s rolatlo., . promtrtly sad tally . p•'•ctlo- able. Amt. The BA7A1t le • n.•table picture gal r ered.olag the meet beautiful worts et Americas osd foreign web,. as prosseted is the.mmol Pern•ed New York eshlb4Mdaa WM aced Immer. Wroryhotty torus icor a hearty iamb totie RAIA1*'S lest An All--Reu.d W oPow.a.' • Pa. -In: ernm er aplwepreste gift e be made to wife, lits aD •1 pr dies • seb•ar1Petw Ie IrdRP • ei/it 1 Same it se • woi•neo rimer to Mr 8855. ter lair. err wet a tet Merest wfl of thepmprr.s er44 s/ R Harpers Bazar Fes Oen Toes - 04.0 Oemesela A2Lnm : LHPWtt t RWtrrWElka, P.0 Nes sM 0..i, OM