HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-18, Page 66 CANCER CURED -A$D A - LIFE SAVED b the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla **I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physiciaAI, who treated me. called a cancer, assuring we that uuthlug could be done to save niy life. As s last resort, 1 was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and, after tak- ing a number of bottles, the rete began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in that treatment, until the sore was en. tirely heated. Since then, I uss Ayer', Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and Wood -purifier. and, in.. deed, it Peeing .s., , rough I could not keep house without it." -Mrs. S. 6. FIELDS. liloomtleld, Ia. AYER'S The Only Woldas Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's D:l;3 Rc.ou: tee.: Liver. OUR CE\SUS-TAKING. ACTS MANY AND VARIOUS CULLED FROM THE RETURNS. The N.essslty Mor the Census looSiera- ties-aha•[try'. t'rogreae abew.. b7 the rlinres Ntallsules taw e.teral lat.r.eting TYi,i.r, The law of Canada requiree that a cettsus shall be taken every WO yeaalu The l,ensus Ac, was Brat pawed 187v. was revised in 187:'. and again i.. Alio, the last a+•1 to ung that l/udvr which the census of 15141 was taken. 11 1•r,.t'ides that the centum shall lee Oaken se as to ascertain with the gram, - est PctasaWe autwracy in regard to U.. varieus territorial dlvl.4ons of the country. their Population. and is clas- allw'wUon as regards age, sex, e**!"..ti condition. religion. education, race; ix - atpat.ton and otherwise: the house,. and oto• i buildings the,etn and their c a'sl- fitatdem as dwellings Inhabited. uytin- habited, under cunstivction. and other - Arise. tpe occupied land and Is co.o- ditwn, whether town. village. country' .Cultivated ur uncultivated; the pr. duce. state amt re+.vn•ees of the agri- cultural, fishing. mining. mechanical manufacturing. trading and other 1n- /ustriete and. h+fly. the municipal ed-lcatlonat, charitable and -other In - at itate •ns. and whetet lever matters may be deemed dealtable by the Gov- ernment at the time of the taking of the metes. Under the constitution the electoral representation in the Howse of Com - loons is based upon population. and hs resodeted by the mnerb•r ',f neTwon* thing In the Province of 'Quebec. Ther.for•, It Is ne.•ersary to aw'erlaln ear efully the population In each pro- vince• and also to follow 1n the cnu- meratine of the people the electoral div Aeon tynovid.'d by Parliament. The last '..nsus off *nada was taker. 115, 1591. the ..r•rarrllatMn cnntlsttng of 14 ensue ofncer i. 241 census commis- eirmers and 4360 enumerations. Th. larw.-sl cements dtttr4et was that of New W.ntmHtwter. with an era of 304.- 960 square miles. in 'Milano the 'are- n't census area was Algona*. with 143.617 square mile. and tt► Quebec. QN,v.utlml and Saguenay- with 118,921 squar.• mete. To anrdmpllsh the taak of punting the papulation in these tnnmense areae enumerators had to take eJamps and camp furniture with Item, be needy to ride on horseback. paiedle a sumo* and walk miles all 1n one clay. The first census of the Dominion of alined* was taken In 1971, and noal- prlsad the tour provinces of Ontario. Qttoboc, Nova South and New Bruns - week. The Population of these tour povtttoes was Sound to be 2.4116,761. A ,sakaus of Prince Edward Island, then an independent province. was taken. the same year, giving a population art 90,041. and a census of 11i11010 Colt.n- Ida was taken In I570, when the norm - Panora wee found to be 39,427. incited- -Mg Indiana. This province was also IA that time tndependent. The popu- lation of Men4tn4,a at the taking of 1lhe *emus of 147" was 13.995 Itwlud- There are thousands of sickly school -girls ail over this broad land that are dragging their way through school -life who might enjoy that abundant life which be- longs to youth by simple at.. tention to hygienic laws and a proper course of treatment with Scott's Emulsion. This would make the blood rich, the heart-beat strong; check that tendency to exhaustion and quicken the appetite by strengthening the digestion. Our hook tells more about it. Sent free. SCOTT a MANN, , w..19+ole. THF SIGNAL: GODERIOH. ONT.. THURSDAY FEB. 18 1897. +•g eta l.at•an. 'tae paoutnmim, TUE VIOLJN'S alr ORM. tes the Dominion, exclusive et the 1 Northwest lbrritorlee may be mut d..wn as being, to 1571 2,036.935. The Impala- HISTORY 8H0W8 IT HA3 REMAINED Mon of the TerritoAem was at the time ` THE SAME TIMMY CENTUl111E8 estimated to be about IMMO ` The nest centrum wadi taken to 161(, and oomPrteed the whole of the present Dnndnlon, the total pupu!atlon being hedges laseewlt'ttso lwlLles lyopeew 4.324.510. The third *ensue was taken 1.-+1tie is..„.„ et its rieet eale_s when the total population wee l . placed at 4.515,935. lfedediJsL lY Us.f0ltalled lgso- Of the total population Ontario nos- tar la A..A►.r war. Wrted 1,1139,937 reagin and Qebetc 1.359.053. The urban lrDpolatloa wee Aad si the UP" wile"' tael 1,260.911, or 211r'n .77 per nt of the wbok. , Beare In 1971 the peroentsge of urban pope- I •urylrt•1 th. "1"46"4/"1"46"4/Iatlom was only 19.9. The growth of kin tt.Warsed aloe w insole of the gbetes, the urban at the expense of the rural (est so "willows'', earthly mead of poPuletion 1s one of the features of MOM. Percentage throughout the world. i--a7tos'* Dm Jam. and prevells to Canada as elsewhere. At the last census then- were 2.440.171 I Tho vttint citta tat three yams' Males and 2.272.745 remains. tlntarlu'tea neck, the table &n1 the Soundlltg Dad 1.049.487 mat . and 1.044.1:4 familia. board. The strange are tucked l0 fifths. while Que.be• showed an almost natio- the compass of the Instrument reused - ay. there being 741,141 males and 744.- ; ►nl three octeves. 1he *luiln aasum- 11114 remelts. in Unitld" Colulrbia there ed Its present altapg 10 thy+ beginning were 63.000 male and 36,170 Mnatet of the seventeenth century. Man7 at - In eatotl o. -esus gT Ute:, tie !0.093 persons ICTOVIr h,svr Deet' menet butt It V rsn1� there were 349 Infarcts, 104) ehtldren uvun the ,rlgtnd between 1 year and 5 years old. 3950 fl diet the inkiest v f.e" *err boys and girls from 6 to 16 years. 100 i Tea.' sdtd a the b & Tereu Iststrtt- Youtha and maidens 1r.wn 15 to le I meets menial ulunii try the hue"'Ans, 'yeomenyears. 1751 young men and 'yeomenfrom Htradivartus and Oruntlius faahille5 .t1 Crersurw ibex eA•t-'1a11Y •;a•hsbrsted. 10 to 30, Sia m336 elagey persona from Stradlvartus a nhure ptsapetrly. Au- be to 50. and 1336 elderly 1.e t sorsa over ' 60 years. 10010 the resat vtdLo- tlatt of every 10.000 perpersons93 Canada 1737. Almost the whole of his life was ss paed in tO mnelose Italy, whose. to hi. p gloomy workshop. he spine. him hi day. and most of s nights. lie was M early lite a workman In the violin rectory ut Anita!, &aloe tars verilttnalke r. and there kairwed his trade. Evidence tel his workmanship U thuuebt to appear r In many of the Amati vfelin e, which become the m more valuable frothat ciri'uin- stence. The vkmade ade by Sued!- valrlua in his prime differ In many par- ticulars from those of previus makers.m Though the differences. In thee:eves. were trifling. the sum wee .umrt ctet Nle151ore, a( what at Preemie 0o0011- I apple" he steam of Sttsdl.wi g 1 maker. was turn In 1449 and tiled In 6317 were single. 3:.5, were nwrrled aired 397 were wldow,d. of tem last 167 were widows and 130 widowers. In each of these groups of 10.4100 there Were 1907 families. the average num- ber of persona In ear being 6.3. Computing by averages the follow- ing facts were fount w.th regard to every 10.000 of populate .n. 919 bache- lors over 20 years std: 684 sptnsten; 2907 were French or A eaten. 9661 Canadian -earn and 1139 I..,rn Ilk other countries: 1014 were British -born and 225 were foreign -horn. Engaged in agriculture. mining and fishing were 1415. 359 were engaged In trade and • , bring the veuilns of this celebrated transportation: 092 to manufacturing. maker into the highest repute. even 231 were in the prniesi•uns: 699 were In tits own time, and no sab.equent in domestic and personal occupations. maker tune ricers glace to effect any LW" 110 hel..ngM to the exon -productive prevenient In the manufacture of this classes; 1531 were farmers. It were delicate Instrument The secret of fleherren; 31 were miners and 17 lint- the superior excellence of a gandlao brrm.n. Stradivarius violin LP believed W be. Out of every 10.0055 persons lie died during the year preceding the emelt& tN whom 38 were infanta Of the causes of these 140 d, [the. phthisis or c0o- oUmpttnn was accountable to 15 and lung diseases for 12. Old age gathered in 9; 47 died from local diseases. and 19 from constitutional: violent deaths were responsible for 5, and there were 22 of an average to each group 111 -de- fined and not specified. To each group of 10.001 persons there were. on an ay. -rage. 2982 horses, 8. - Me cattle and 5201 sheep. Out of each 10.05' people nearly 2,- 000 could not read and 300 could not write. The insane numbered 21. the blind 7. and deaf mutes 10 The amount of life ineurance at risk per 10.000 per- pl, w as 160:.549. and fire insurance t0 the extent of 11.653,659. Taking the population as a whole, 4.185(77 a th r.eop'e were horn in Canada and 047,312 born hi other coun- ty -tea Tn shrew the intermingling tat 18.- people it was found that there were 11.65e po pie from Ontario in BrltWt Columbia. 41.620 in Manitoba. 344 In New Itrunswick, 731 in Nova Scotia, 105; in Prince F.dwa d Island. 15.541 in Quebec and 13.594 in the TerrIteries. Os the whale there 1 Ja been a vary considerable movement of p•,pulatIon h.tween the pu taws. the general trend tieing from east M west. Accenting to the last census. the total p .puiatlnn of Canaria by religions was eis foliose: Roman 85th. Iles, 1 - 932 017. Church 'f f ertan.i. 004.519: Preebeterfene. 734.113: R -formed Pres- byterians. 741; otbr Pee.1.vterianr. 42.5: If or eel late. tie 416: 01'.1•• lltr'a- ttane. 75+55• T*rtmitive ]i• thn.11+ts. 111*: ether Met lsodi.a* 407 RsiNel-ts 2S7 - 419: Fr.. WIiI Ratetl-•s 15.115: Tun - ker. 1'74- Rre hr.'n. 111137 To:theran. 9312; C• nor -ewe t innall ct0tlem. AMC Adventists, 5354 Castell- ani, 1777; I:nlvut•:albite. 31rn. •t're- testal.ts," 13,_,.3. Salvation Amy, 13.- 94e; Quakers. 466.0; Jews. 6414; other d, nominations, 33,73; not sprained, 60.- 365. The number of vegans, or Indians st.lt adhering tp the belief o[ their tatbe•as, w•ss 14`4027. The following facts w'eri• ascertained at tht last censor' with respect to Can- adlal. industrite: Ca4,:oal t.. the .•xteut of ,ever a mil- lion d•,1I� '',s •as employed to the mak- Ing of ar'nswand arra emtt4wi. 495 em- ployes were enraged, to whom wag•• to the extent of 1175.164 were -►,aged, the• value of output being a1.105.2lki. In the books and stat•osery manu- facturing huslnees over 110.000,000 was invented; nearly 10,001 hands were em- pl^y. d; wage* to the extent of 11,- It75.54:t were paid to the value a the output being 110.553.457. In the manufacture of carriages and other vehtelex 110.0 0.000 Ins invested. and over 1'00 nun employed, whose wage,. aggregated 15.00" 0,001. The va- in.. of the ,.utput was nearly 230,000.- 04) There was the sum of 87.054.000 found • . be inveteted In dtstltlerles, which .•mplov-.1 404 hands, wh.we wages a • ' tinted to 1176 960. The output was 1 .14 ern. lir. were ; nd malteterw had 15.+31.104 i• e -rt A employer" '145, Panels, whnee frog . a .regareei 149 551. The anr.ual et 't Mt • a -s. $5,,8;.2 . 14.6.-ilw to the nutab.r of 1456 etre 'ouY,t t.;lh capital taveeted 14,751.005. T •. Ivor Ivo of employers was 4551. ,and the annual output 811,115,507. There wen. 2530 grist mills. using A nal hal 'd K -t. 1,' 41; .n10 ying 4317 hand* whene wage* a4z'^^zM4 52. 1612.:1. The total output 0,a. 452.432.- Itt In the whole Dominion th-re were. f•mnd 245 'vt,hll.^meet, for the pre - duction of nicht he t• re . hetet em- ployed was 111.335.314. Th. Ir emp o,• numbered :591_ .. M, -e :_y' w,,re sr.- 15,115. The total output was 1-.44..711 No lees than $65 69. 434 cap tag was Mooted inn 12.631 establ shm. nth en- gaged In the manure-tur.• re- ma (hints, tools and Imp! menta These nvanufeeturere employed 49.42: b:nd.. who r.oelved 417 515.416 In wa nit; turned out go.ais rained .at N"--014.17° early. al(artw-nterw and builders had W'A plans at business. lire carinal Merit .d waw 94,012 57'0 They hired 10,1:; hand" and paid 12.449.110 In wages. No leas than 5935 sawmills were etn- tsrn.rztsI leaving as Inve•eted capita! .ef bel.201.111: 61,316 employes, wit,. wages a irreee ting $12,I25,M i and a Yearly Detest "f OTrr fifty minion doi lam s*twnming up the 9wmlta of the e.en *Os with reined to tndustrta5 ..1ah- lielhments the fetlowing facts are gf. an. el There were In all 75.951 in,tuetrlsl ..teS.i1lm.nte. bowie,. an Invlhted reg4tal of IMAM 7110. a neloe ns 170.- 31t 1*atMis, dloh4imtlng M wage ;*wf*eve 1100,93(.1112 a year and producing aril. mew valved .t 9870.1111 90 09 the 01114p1 - 'al IwveskM 931,444,294 was in lei d /M.11M,I0 f0, bMlMwgs' 91,401,241 inked piney and tore& and 11151.410. was erpHal other than "Awed." ref the employee. 371.44 were mon. 7111.6 women. 19.470 boyo ala/ 1910 s i 1' aglow It years iso as* - mar 1 Pestle in the torsi employed, partly In the ouulaes and partly In the fin- ish. said to be a secret cornpeattio n. The greafest improvements he effect- ed were in the bilge. which, before his time, was made almost at hap- hazard, and In fixing the mate shape of to sound hoer, and their position is 1be instrument. His violins, to bis town time, were sold for four louts dor. in England for E4. Neatly a thouMnd violins from his factory are known to exist. and he trade a great many itlta. lyres. mandolinss theorbo's, Were and guitars His instsutuenta are very un equal, sane being too weak to Dear the pret*utre of the bow In playing. Out a genuine Stradirar4us et good quality hss been known to "dotage hands at from 63000 to ONO. 1 BEST FOR • a H• pAY A SNOW DREAM. 1411$L, IN ■Jara5 a seats All rho valleye won dim with e1110w1ay, Dear. I kmw. Over the hills the wind was blowing. Yet In ay dream my heart was rise Ever to find when flowers were growing. Dear, ter you. There were no sowers by hill or river, Sweet. to shine. Bei down where sbedewy willow. shiver I bard s hope is the breathe quiver And I nowt 1t home so your bear" forever. My Palmettae. The "tame of Afloat' was barna by a large fatally of v8.iinmakews K Cre- mena. m Italy. during the sixteenth and toe%enteestth centuries. Cremona was at that Umr the heart d a rich agr'cultunal district and had many wealthy churches and monasteries. 11 was.. theirefeee, a greate tnuabcal and artistic center. and fur two c enturiee enjoyed alhn.,st a monopoly of the manufacture not only of violins but .,t violas, violeetcellos, basses. tnando- line. *vitas, and other stringed Inatru• menti The Amatla were the founders d .I.'Ifnmaking in Orernvfe and one of the most fsunwtm of the (tinnily was Nicola. (r Niwlo Cremona, continued to be famous for its eluting t111 a.b"ut 1710, the t•ansgs 'K Stradivtari.t3uarntri Ltndolfl and Serwan being abtt.a•t a.+ famous as that or AmaU. The value of • the violin depends altogether on its qualities and in nu degree en the name of the maker, nor on urnannente- tlnn. There 1s a commie% superstition that every violin bearing the name of tete of the great Cremona makerw 1s a treasure from that eir :unlstance alone, but the fact is that the violins of Cremona. are very unequal. and while same are practically priceleass- o.ihers are v. ,rthcess save as curios; not a few. even ed thaw- trade by Arnett aril :Stradivari, bring LOU weak to hear the strain Incident upon the high pitch of the pre -sent day. Why. it may be asked, was the vio- lin called a. fiddle? The violin is said to be the modern Sore of the viola da booelo. a small vksl supported on the arm. It differed from the true viol in having the back as well its the front arched. in the number of strings and in various technical points. Ear- ner than the vb.i were the. to.aba- dour'a Instruments known Variously as gieges, crowds. rebecke and 8del*. They were rested on the shoulder and played with de. ply curved bows, and were much smaller than the modern violin. Originally they were so small that they produced only shrill notes. fit to acrorrepany boys' voices; to get deeper tones for men's voices larger Instruments were used, and from theta tante the viola, and from the viols the violin was refined. Tire name Rd= die, though now used almost al wtyrs eeewnte.rrnpiw'u.ly or humorously. f• the peeper English name for the violas. Tl.r lewd °remit rola the middle I*tln v hula, a fiddle, and It It found also In the Teutonic languages In various forma Pagantnl was the newt remarkable menthe rich the violin that the 'raid . t.r knew. His technique was muco - thing wondertut. but mere technique would never have accomplished the results he obtained, nor would 1t have thrown the musical world Into apasrns c[ admiration as he did. The ac- counts of his playing seven almost In- credible. With the first note the audi- ence was spell -bound and remained an to the last. Friers tip violin he drew tow... which were unsuspected to ex151, and Invented and played pas g enes believed to be 1rnette , Moore said: "P.pn101 Dan play divinely. and does are for a minute or so, then come hie tricks and surprises, his how 1� ocnvubsksas, kis rMsansonts Iik. lb* mowing of an rxplring oat." The mein tllfbnlnai features d Pee antnl'a pmyteg were ble untalling Infmattcas, hie wondertuf meaty and a oanataad sevvyyrr equaling of harmonics. He erne woddeYttsi7 tracery. however. and 51 - lett abcornldtshed affects not under- stood wren by experts by tuning his violin 1■ a dllfeemest ma0aew frown that wsoally emtdelsrai. A oats* trick p.me"k�� running tip two octaves while bedding R Rat die no to be Impotnlble to tie et4lnery vtollnlat, but, 14 le suit by toning • regal -tore Meter the pas- sage present* ass unturned diM.ultg. Re never abound anyone to bear 8113 cone hie vlolan, and storm proarsidomal I people attempted to salve the Prtk*gn et ibis p.'>wg tri r.ryuegttng ham to plow In private b. In eosttnav- a , he some war sr otlwr, to t their espeeegAtww The aevvet Iltlo eseentlwt .110d with 81m and he W arras boot . ftraalai se • violinist. ranwobemtlm Trod- "What 40 yttu think of this 11 •eke lisle DmlisNe of sit 7133x. came w 8..re a awn wee Anal P• M llilislag a Pal r Dotly--"I think he Ilse Nei ONLY 611 W Pentall 11T AMi eAsea. Ia n M!V"WT YO t • . THE SCOTCH. .+ 05lag0rrs *005 1.5D TO res IAN MAC. 1.41Cc 5T HIS AI!ICila .5Drltaaa, JO.A 51`105.11-5. MA80111. !Won Keeper's Haar. Yee've superseded our rational gams, And gives to theme who *Doll At oatiosl "binge•,tort you call The windmfal eases of golf. Yeses put to the piece of negro tales Tbe toles which you s•v are true, Of the dialeet.el queen:awes of Old Seedy Moot.nw M•cRugb. You've pat es the seeks of our dude so brave, All in line with your dominant plass. Intend of the ties of the Eogluhm.s, The plods of the Soottisb class Bat is o11 your live there are jet two Warts Yee Soot:bases will Dever do. Ia .pine of your gsiw and dialect And Seedy M•oGrw M•cHegb. Oar cheat. is snob Too can mike, No matter bow touch tow v.x, Ue wear the bare home of tau If Utilised met. Or the sktta of the opt.osite sex. And finally, sir. it matters aejot Hew hod you Soetueb wee try, You'll U wirer 1.oeoed with ell year Scotch Ia spoiling our loo. for Rye ! ..COAL.. always on hand. The Beat and only Scraton (;oat in this market. Hard, Soft and Black- smith Coal always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales, so that you are sure of Good Measure- WM. LEE. 8A;Patis i !"S star.. Harbor Quer. • Bacteria do sot wow in the Weed er b the Mime of a healthy 8.1WW body, Miter el man or the lower •*1501.." So gays the celebrated Dr. Kocb. Other doctors say thea the beet medicine to render thebbood perfectly pure sad healthy u Ayer's Senn partlla Doe's .hoot the Moon-" An yea a oboes - player ! " asked the landlord of • prospect- ive tenant. " I moob prefer to have my houses occupied by oboe -player," " No ; I am Dos s obex, -player, ..d 1 01111'1 s000aat for such • singular preteren.e' It is wimple .Dough. then, plavws neve re seldom, and only oaten asset delib- eration." Speedy and Effective-" :iesseti*es," said the busy merchant, " I fool like the ped who suited • lodge 511 some vert wilder..ca. I Teem for Rolando sod silence." " Well,' replied his friend.vemetheicsl- 1v, **it's rut expensive vete to Entity. Bat you sight oovsseam by takfa* your .41...'- ¶'-1 eat of the newspapers." Essieriet : '• I have, ear, a **reel lobo ler .a*" liner of (.sash W wady - " Very terry, sit, bat we have boos amply overwhelmed - He serest : " Bot ibis doe sot refer to the Xmy, " Editor of Comb Weekly (excitedly): " Bless me ! What's your priest " ■ .lith. Mae Roam Iran 4K 0MIbee. The Prises of Wales is by so yoga* the small, stout w whish sort of ►M patens soon to indicate. It h sea every ..aa tar. - ed fifty, with a 45i...oest, wke cos boost of . waist of .n ewe than Iola. If he ec- ead-.wlly pipesr. &tooter, 1t M beaus* he Mae Me sloth* to be lee* gad easy. This is empesiatly the ague with these part4el•r gaite knows se " lousy* mita" Fee them be sever, ..dee soy annum $11.55 s. rya sero than 600. A few years ago Dir Trample Koons', ►r private mare tory. Radios that Ids toilers were ever- shagisg ►ts, fixed epos 040 se the loafer* ug i..' look wit. 1149 ern ordered 1. U4oess. at • 14x0. Thorn fm likewise . regainer .ad fixed prise .1 i4 10s. Ier his 1renews. tibia, seder so p� � whatss.eor. save 1s the are of ai- hr:s. 6. eseesded. 110 primes bre . hastier of sewing drew, wide& be es.idu. hideous. Re prefers teeming dress to .*icor*., however, ..d new twelve seta e4 thew • year. at • fixed prise of t16 • wit. Let Ise add that the Prises sever wows say pair el treason may Ups fear thkas, end nkat, as aha dis- carded oaths* of Beyslty sre set allowed tolls .pprgrMasd by the valve, bat are all pe..srv.41, Mese le . Nook of taa.yoade of them a* Marlb...ugh Hew. TWO seed ispe o se ens. For wise RHO (iworgo TV. dad, kis sloshes were meld by pubes moues, wbbh based ever three treas. than heap re I0, %has 500 far -hoed seats shwa 611 the Prtaoe's sloths, old and sew, are kept es Msrlborsagb Hosea is when are ksotrs se frau " )web several Nees Wags employed to leek wage thaw. AU 85. hates, ess•shlly trio old owes. w ler SON rises or other kept at Seed- riagtlsNe. Pe .beNeMstee the high silk hat, his bverits headgear beds that whoa is 8.m e* the "• bowler." 19. este ass dram quisher Mea d0, the Prises. A as1.t is et bat Title w to Mm. ssd Asa tie s- __4 wbes be gets eat el Ma bath sail his drawls. i* seyo}id-1 .d were this tan mistletoe base - - --'- LYi 7OR1 TAM11211D ALADK CEYI nt4 TI A. i}BEAT UO1101I01 -I N - NAILS. Those intending to Build this coming Summer should pur- chase at once as NAIIs3 were never so low in price and may not remain at present prices very long. YOU WANT THAT S GROW &AVM'51SS *NO Nate The leading catalogue ii Cowie ears ler the wrNs ter it. Tells abort Oast and Rarest ewes t,neen Seek by Neal -ode snivel gerastead EED 1111Steele, Briggs Seed Cs. to 1.150,50 waac$A•T1 Tomato. Ont. *ill TWIY 'Caned.', Gramm Seed House I PLANING MILLI s FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY and SEWER PIPE. We have purcha-cd these Goods in Car lots direct from t -he Manufacturers and an give very Gw prices. A full line, of GENERAL HAItD- wsaE always on hand. DAVISON & Co. The 'Op-tc-Date hardware. EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Pesmisie the fence lsg Ie'stlactire Merits Dsliise� of Flavor, sapsrsorl to Quality. 1(111113 0 1906 BllchaIaus & Ce6h�uas YAFraOTV.i 5. BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealersla W Made of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And buUdees m**erlwl of .very des._rtpb1s School Faraitare a Specialty. Winter is ai hand. v. So he prere•d to inset it with • Rood Hat or Fur Cap when it conies. We hare put in stock all the Latest Styles of Fall and Winter HATS which for quality and price Anna be equalled. In stock are numerous as sort/menuof the latest in GLOVES COLLARS. SHIRTS, HOSIERY. MITTS, CUFFS CAPS, NECKWEAR. C. R. SHANE ds Co. The reliable Hat sad Furnishing emporium 0rste1111 and Comforting, to the so tom or Done e.p, pibe. WE MAKE Nutritive Qualities Uluivalled Is Qosrter-uousd Ties o"ly. 4411 M arta a re., IMO Reeeeta eeale f29eseLL 1.osdea. �LM Pacific Telegraph Canadian Patronise__ True .Comoetltior. Itis Oaaaoua Pactrw Romero, 4110.• lanastutWies bees emehtl bed to give re d se s�t �e�syopgsglMMa. ��with bb ma toy it 1s w hastene prlaelNes sal Is the *toren eMs panne. int vcadeu.rvesm� at every p•r.es who Is Ter fella[ di•sga gh ewe We Com thaw11.eesueetl.gl. -war ell uses and a 10 Palled diet �� WINGSseassida eely la the Pam_ eatk Seim wis� Ogees ':itA•411am. rut tesell/aaeger Otl..iab Sewer and Culvert Pi Peg AU Mss, Iron 4 its. ee IA r caesew6ws. NtRfTN FOR PRIORS. THE ONTARIO SEWEST tR PiPE S0 Aoa.510111 + � aSagiIle 51500[ T Ia Ample, scientific and highly nu;ritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. ••acmes tearoom a iso ., w.s.......a. •••el►cre rsewcs.u. Olve The only food Q - m. Bthat will build a Vy up a weak 1-005" • titttion gradu- Chance ally but surely is Martin's Cardinal Food CO AboulElur Clubbing Rata? Tao'em Ask !Orr orratia A Wonderful Tomb add ! 1.1 Remedy Ire tell°Weak and 1nspYh 111004 kidney and Liver TfOGEINM e .....weave • 4. N. 1111404.600. •••••1.0,. •In. IWO