HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-18, Page 5THE SIGNAL : (IODERICH 014T., THURSDAY. FEB. 18, 1897 • R. B. SMITH'S 'seat Anniversary . Sale E w arrivals daily to add interest to this Great Sale o General Dry Goods A 20 CENT DRESS C000S AND SILK COUNTER irM be a very Special Feature for One We -3k commencing To -day. Come straight to the store and note STRAIGHT CITY PRICES! aid, all this month R. B. SMITH. o. w. ANDREWS, Igr DIED. Cox -la GOderich. e• Sunday. Feb. fth. Geo. COx, aged 71 yeses. McLEOD - la seaforth, on Sunday,. Feb. 7. Roderick Mcleod• mei a years sad 4 moots. HAMBLY la Kincardine, oe Feb ate Clara Sophia second daughter et Edward Ham- bly Lucknow. send 21 years and 3 Yoe, HENDERSON Is Goderich township, ea )leads/, nth last.. Annie Adelaide. aged 5 weeks,daughter a Robert J. and Adelaide Henderson IIHE TALK OF THE 1lOWN. /NMI ith• R•9•111110• Notebook • alines . Sebe la' . Ter 4..l*. I reed. Stas est • AMC% Mesas i• Token' Seam. an' t•Mb WII hest SL -Stares. rlag Beata(. is at heed 1 Are fee Ns -, E•rrse B t It sat. leave .or order st IlMaee's tar • spring ovareeat-debt wait Sib the rush em... As most messes look lovely la tan. these who have sot bees pLotograDb.d f0 their pretty W' ister oeatam•s.bould nail ea Mllows Y tree. tar the lemgthlbg days are a Mrs that Winter Y waai A Hate 1(1MIL-That of the editor while putter for renewal of wbeernptioos. AT Ton Oregon; -J. T Garner, Q C., was i. hie pima .0 the op cies of the Prev - isoial Facileness' last week. WAa&ANT 11tto1D.-Plebes Magistrate Swum issued • ~rest yesterday for the apprehension .f Macbeth Doyle. el Ale - G eld, for arose a oosmosateo with the bowleg of Joheet.s's bar.. TnANasn,-The King's Doesemrs meet heartily t►ask Mrs. C A. Nairn for the w o f her dwelling fee the " At Hca " ►aid Ism Fnday sad to thine Wes and geode - mea who so kindly assisted to program. Srar/Nnan Si..,NT-Two penes were fused guilty of stealing °biota.' sear Port Albert. bet liming made restitution sad the pre..tator wishing to be m.roaIsl they were allowed t• go en s•spended ...dao e. To ss CONTTNVIID --8- Morat■nlar will had in • detmaine em Strawberry and Raspberry Culture .t is. meeting of the Oedarob Hortioaltar.l Society the, Thurs- day eyeing. Foa COOLING PDkroes -Jas. Craig and Robert Clark eseimeas.d packing see this week. They are eetting to the harbor at the north -wet ouster, where it is always Ms from impurities. For Fore Yeast -At tie msmlteg of the Quarterly Board of North -et Method- ist church, held last Tuesday .'slag. • ballot was taken os a ..Ws that the pee- ler, Rev. Joan* Rego, remain for the fourth year. the result sf which was me- e mimeua JUST OPENED ---A large consignment of Glassware. Look at the prices -They will astonish you ! West window. 0. A NAIRN. A%termsk UttWirer -Esp seer Hamid tea, of ; he lied -non Lumber Co , u mooting • frame dw•Ihnv oo the. rth • mire sewer of Marlten's Island, .ad expects to have it ahmpl.t.d ready for babitotioo is the Spriest Lk) Yew !-ib yen belong to the Me- 01.ato'. IwGte••! If sot, joie at once. es as to loud • helping bead to [hie most d• stret le sn.tetutio.. Fee the fee, $1, you neo read 100 of the beet books published, and the best books published should be read by young and old. Trs Pram S,Aao,.-Appereatly the presses memo there t.ve been mon parties, psrttoslarIy progressive .ochre knee, than Ooderish has hal say year In the past w Whether this Oedema is the result of bripuasiag Brame or the mtoome of Ia.hioo we leave oar readers te determine "Trs Meru Lutes." -Th. Camden Heine Jossaal for February is of special le tweet to C.ssdisas, Ger toeing .aeons ether bright (mimeo • half tone portrait rad sketch of Mr Alexander Mau, se well as his popular patriotic sum " Th. Maps. Leaf Forever," worm sod mune osmplete 'temple copy 10 coots, yearly eabsonpuoo $1 00. AT ROUX -O. Friday evening the King's Deugbwc were At Home at the residues of id,.. C. A. Nairn .r -d rammed • largo somber of friends rad well wheels. Daring the merriest Tight refreshments were served ep. sed • splendid program was prowled. The mecum was teem pleasant sod the Kowa Daughters w to be eo0grattalated es the semen a their estertniameot. SPEAKS Fos 1Taa.1.-" Terme, Feb. E, 1E97. Kar kr Conseil, No. 103, R I'. Of T„ Ood.rioh. Oa behalf el the Trustees of the Hospital fee Sick Children, I bag to se- k..wldgo, with rosy cb.akt, the reesiN .4 your omotrihistles of $6 00. I save for- warded the same to the tr.veer. Yours faithfully, .1. Rom RosgaT.oa, ioire.n of the Trost. PiNAroa.-TS. 001E10 open Pinafore is best trammed for produotioo on Raster Me.day, when it will be pat on the stars in • clear mist will please Use moat foetid'. Rue cute The lady s he will take the lead. sag sopras° porta is the sweetest of singers, and as .fl the other parts rad ohoro.ee will be taken by well-k.ewu musicians, • ria Hurt is is .tore fee the musical o.emtuitc. Hs Satrrnt.-Yesterday it was discov- ered that the treasurer of the A. 0. F. bed left town the day before, end that some $185 that should have teen in the bask to the credit of the moiety was miesiog. It appears Chet oil Tuesday the treasurer got • rig at Sworttle to go to Gederbe township teat that Swartz heard no Ewe of it till he heard from Lees. .t nom yedsrdsv that his rig was there. The .appneitifes is that the .beast wee r en • reit to Mile 8... TIRE I11Qvsr.-Let week. Dr. Holmes, radar insereetiese from the (bow. Ab- t.rm.y, peeeeseed b Ashfield to held se in- quiet se the barring of • baro on the rasa of Arohib•ld •iobneton of that biweekly. The inquiry was held in Johnston's bow.. • *Eben of witnesses being ssseined. A. .djouram.et took pram till Saturday when the tnquesOw•s resumed at Deng.aaoo. A derision wee resohd, white is aod.rsesed l tsmintinate • resident of the tewa.bip said is the lama seder of things the teat will IMMO Were the police magistrate. Oms Lam Twirl • poxes. -On S.t.rdsy meats, the risk was fairly well filled to wit:sees the hookey .ebb between the beam team and one fro. Laoknew. There was o.tssidarable ..m- resent thr.agh.st, per - FARMERS intending to build should contract now for their 'Nord - VO ase a ase prices are away down on all lines and may not remain down long. EVERYBODY contemplating buildiltg this season call and complete ikardwotve contracts ww►N. I will undertake to dose at present prices with all who do prompt business now, and delis goods daring the season when wanted. i A. McD. ALLAN. t I tit ,aT_set' Westerly wham the peck was tired through one of the west end windows amid i• ole or two of the serismegee. But ono accident eoeurred, ane of the Leck.ow boys getting • blow se the forehead. From the start the home teem book the ls.d amid whets time was milled .A. •core steed 11 to 2 in favor of (leder-eh The mme noticeable haters In the work of the 1.me team woe the.uo.l- le.c, of 11.lr combination play. At the eoaolesion of the Rime the meal .b.ses were given To NIGHT -Th. (:.Meta, Faith, Hepe end lay., will be produced umiak', by ties puede of the Nertb-et Meth. Seedy school. wvrenesi i or C it. Ifteeir4 Palace of the Graces Mac of wtesms M Faith, Hove ..d lave s bo appear moaned by Aimee'. Chorus by Angel.. Palth. Hop and Lev* tell why they have hese seat to me.klnd. RD - ter Pilgrim's, weary, were sad sad, *eking ron- eigattov and comfort : one of them tells of his tenable, me sorrow. Pilgrim. are °mats tad sed cheered by P.Itb,Hop. and Love. Chorus of joy by Or.ces amid settee a: the result. raise and Hope preeeot ermine and sceptre to Love *10 In turn erow0• the two and present* them[ with eros end .ichor. Choruses, quer- Mtge and solo.. Pinot chorus. eelectiom by erbeetr.. The C.atate h.. been •ppre.btd wherever produced, sod the solos. dusts and choruses will be taken by the best seaters. Thom attending may be certain of • rite .musical beat loDamen POCLTsr.-Although hot three of our local poultry t.aoierv.xhibited at the oo.fortb Poolttry Slew, they melt did well in the prise let ; Charles Well. took Ent for cook and hen in garter, bleak breasted rod all the primes for A. 0.1.7. gamma, first for breeding pen and special for highest mooring gains 000k. Wm. Aaslsy took Ent for .p•agled Hamburg oock ..coed for brown Leghorn cockerel and pnllett ; first and third for blue Mimeos baa, and them end for cockerel. Jacob Fi.b., took first for 000k•rel .mid amend for pallet ie Leg - bores, and first for breeding pair of Wym- dott.a. At Woodstock last week Mr. Well. Moe Eve prises with *even entries. Bs Soon AND Sas IT, -W. bare been informed that it 1s the i.t.otioe to provide two .fternoos entert.bm.stu so them those beim in the country may is eves .n op- portunity of same the wonderful Ctm.m.- tagmphe. Mr. H. J. Hill, manager of the Toronto Exhibition, i. managing this enter. mintiest. which u • guarantee as to Its merits. The Victoria Opera House will be crowded at .very performance on Marob 4. 5 and 6. " Again last Dight was Areal - sties hall Decked to the doors, ' standing room only ' being the order long Isidore 8 o'olook To say the andienos was pleased woliLbe putting it mild, they simply were delighted b.yo.d measure with the *seers' n umbers of the lest program, and long and loud ap{ Lees greeted the many reali.tio amid n ate rel .E.ot._"-H.milt is Spectator. Th. Cin.atogrnphe will be at Victoria Opera Hass, Mar. 4, 5 and 6. Haan Tag BAND. -The Clinton boom heed will b. premm.t •t the oarsdy1 in the skating rink on Monday might. Manager Wallow has b..e at great expense in ob. miming the bond, but the prises will be as valuable as them given at the last gather - Ing. 0o this 000asioe there own be no mis- t.k..b..t tbe valve of the prises as they will es .11 ode of tis realm. TO ADVERTISERS. Nome of changes most be left at this Mee not later than 8etnrday soon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. Hamel Advertisements accepted op Se noon Wednesday of each week. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. GOMMII M. Feb. 4. inn. roll Wheat bid) at to 0 0! Flea's. ?smile. par cwt.... 1 00 to 1 00 Flovar,_pallmat. per .wt.... _1 1S to 1 15 Ma, be. .... ._ . 11 00 mol 00 • t,m ... 1 419 mol e. QS$S base .......... 17 l Ib Ya•. bunh __........._ .. 10 M 30 pId ttv, t a t0 to N •a hasst......._..._..__ is ls 30 Deter, 1120 a BONI 'tete e.pasW, • Sia-. It to 41 0 to se 30I 0 ►Rias A M 7575 _. 1/ to 30 30 le $teat, _.N _-. -►•_ gar date SIN M N M te 11 efttnatsoa0 Vases& 20:6) RZLIABLZ SOY WANTEDTZDs ea f the *mew" A L RA 44 Messiahs end Went lriNM Talar. Waat•d. TamER8 WILL Bs REL'Zi•ZD ST .L tee neer.* end le •Muse f. the Ole giMonte. tee pstse - a[ Moa tsf30 M Sa1thM. '771 1r. • en'h. pre•ert;. Mose .•• es•sr; also bum hays ?free Is •g also • spent l• d r• erM►ttpentmlt was.Nnesow ` e1r NW War t9 Ie `n i sen Bns5.el1ef111 M Mir Melsim(.g IS it M a vgRy SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WINTER GOODS FOR THE NEXT THIRTY GAYS. The Cost not oonsidered when we want to reduce our stuck. Dress Goods at Half Price. Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Ac., at less than Manufacturers Prices. Men's All Wool Friese Ulster* from E4 00 up Men's Suit* from 53.00, Boyd' Suite roes 51 00 up. Nee our Goods and Prices, and compare our valued with other stores. J A HIES A. RI:I D. Jordan's block, 23rd Dec., 1896. BLACK CHERRY BALSAM =king relieves and cures • cowl' Nothing better in the market - - - 0.; CHERUB'S HOWIY COUGH CUR( Zseslleet for l ►tldrw-lbo SAMSON'S CATARRHAL 110W1)ERS with Blower --rbc. TOOTHACHE (;,UM ' ---- ACME (OCGH DROPS ---- .. 1. just the thing , . , . b.s•e... . ROSSLAND GOLD M INE STOCK are ppaa,Io` I1vages Pru/m- Try lee sinus M gee of %belle :-Ogowdrog. 5,.- Hamilton and Roseland Co. tile,-lbast'I Gold Y1eda• esu lievelopement Co. Mayor Pleminr. manager). 10c. Thee. are all rules& laves[ new. W. C. HHUUR. Agent. W. C. 000DFa Ited(ord Block - STOP THAT COUGH by using DUNHAM'S COUGH MIXTURE a ple.ennt and sure care for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, etc. For sale on:y by F. N. DUNHAM Druggist. The KeIsitoil Furniture Co. Ltd.I .woaktce. Four Sa1•. U• ROM TWO TO TEN SHARKS (5200 r to r Pee wvrthl et the mime l stook of The ARE IN WANT OF DRY ELM, BASS -163e • and Braes had leveriettst Co.. far este. Addax DestIR leseas, o e. WOOD, BLACK ASH. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN OUTTIT FOB SAWMILL Cash or Exchanas for Lumber. Travois's -Mosso SMARM TRUNK HALLWAY. Yand Szpromn Mixed Mall sad sxpr.. Yell use Express, Ysand Ramses neae'r. ItLd9... LIS p.m. 7.40 p.m. IO.Mpja, 7.15 ..m. 11Dp.m. le n m, Lost or !Stolen. IOST OR STOLEN - ON SUNDAY J •ftersee., Feb. 14th, • Hlaek Coster S paniel Dog answering to memo of -Nimes - A suitable reward will be paid for any nfer- metlon leading to hl. recovery. Any persoo found harboring hint after this rate will be ploeecuad according to law L. E. DANCKY. Ogdprlck. Feb. ISO. 1997. It &Aral Moths EZBCUI,ORS SALT OF VALUABLE PARS LANDS. fa the Metter of the Rattle of the late Rath Ualtrt., Decertatd There will be w.lA by ouMfc *OeUes at Mal. louth'e hotel in .he iallege of Dun.an.on la the Comity of Huron, 00 S ATURDAY the nth UAY OF MARCH,1307, at 11 o'clock soon, byJohn Kaon, •uotfa.•er, the following valuabfarm property, namely ; part of lot enmher eight frosting o• Lake Hares sad North of me Tows I'Iot is the Township et A.►field,tn the county of Hares, oostalsiwe by .4mm•aremr01, •Iwb•y-two acres and eight -tenths of an aore,uiere mg/ ion• and particnlarty de•erlbed In • deed dated the leh day tf Amust. A. D. 1!161 teem wail John Jeffry to the late Oeorr-• Goitres. The soil is pond. Oo the land there 1. • frame boosts Sift: • hails kitchen 12x14 ..d a frame h.ra Salo. There I. over an acre of god orchard. About 22 •ere. l0 (Paid blab. 50 acre• are ttl.arad sad about 7 mares la slash. Fenome are fairly goad. The above property will be sold subject k • reserved Md. TRR00 10 per cent oo the day of sale sad the h.Mnoe le a dant ror further p•rtio.Mn ape's to J she M - Robe ts. Esq.. Eserntor, Daag.s.en, to the sem :mem or te the vendors' solicitors. Duel! 14114 ' A. D 1407. reMEI( f)X. HOLT It HOLM lee. rsadwrs Sollelten,' JOHN KNOX. AsdM...,. 9 42 AUCTION SA LM. OF VA LUASLR HOTEL PROPERTY. Under sad pursuant to the pews, of .le eo.t.lmed 1m • aerials -n made to the vendors .tad Marisa date W 11Mday of Nov weber, A. I) 9, there w111 be mold by publle emetics at lWE, Hotel la the town of Oederi.b, 1. the County of H urea, min Sender the 1111 day of March, A. D., Mt. at 11 Seim k . nese. by Jelin Ram. ..ctto.eer the fellow - fag valuable property, ..mel, :.1 .ad M.ga- Mr that awtls parted w trate of Mad ..d situate, !flog sad being la the Tows emdwfeh 1. the ('4a.ty a Hl r.. sed Pre vises ef Osterlo, sed being e.a .f lot MQ reaming ■u.bes b the sail Tows of frgdsrish, aintsi.les o.s-vearter des We of lirlO. imus .Mw. sM leers rituals . mere er Sros0aw twe house keel axe Mastro ppr.n the O... >d..t. - eent•M4.g bar mese. W. dialog teem, a sitting roue mil el other tams Than Is ala. • frame *table en the led , 'fa.il s .h .w ri ter at `Gmeas+.hri` end' dais •elan d PElnts- Tho rersh..s most p.y down d le. two. cf w HI per emit el the pereha•e Ma 0.1 iail bis w ew tgup.le sr swath .f .4. will b. for mt.N a sr 1 e the rNwtbggb Owen to J b g O Af[E>AOR.'•e M. Jour ENOILw .44111 1 tits w .tuitiei ii6wzv d, _ --, , Noise•. CASH FOR LUMBER -AT TAR KIiA sweat Foreltare Co. Ltd„ Ood.riob ELM, BASSWOOD, ASH. Their wsrorooms are open to the public MB sad sen their mew designs* 111; NOUNS to Offr•dltors NOTICE TO CBZDITORS, - 11. the Estate elf John Hurley, .feeeased. Nolo.lu hereby glv.n. pursuant to the stat ate in that behalf that alt persona having cusumio against the estate of ,:obs Hurley, late of the townah!p of Airfield, so the county of Haroq yeoman, deceased. who died on the 21st day of January. A.D. ler;, van required on or ►.- tore the 150 dr of birch. Al)..Iter. to seed by post. prepay or deliver to Jo eeph Orilllr. and Mormon Belton of the township of A.b- Reld, yeomen. K..g.hride• Poet/1Moe, the ex- e cutors of the ..mate of the stud deewasd, their Christian and .ure►mea. tie Ir addresses and description. and the nature of the 'merely lit amyl held by them. 0.4 further take notice that after the Mid da'e the said executors will premed to dim tribute the assets of the said dammed .roma th• persons emit led there*o,h.vIng regard on- ly to those oblate of which they have notice. Dated at Hoderleh this 13th day of Febru- ary. A.D. 1307. OARRAW k P1d)l'UFOOT Solicitors for said tx.00tors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in the matter of the Ketals of Roth (Wert , Iota of the Tnrr...h/fes n/ .4Mfteld, is the revelry o Hrrnw. Notice Is nevem given eur•u•st to the Statute in !bat behalf that all creditors lad others baying elaime wwin•t the estate of the said Rath (leltries, dere• ..1, who died on or about the 11th day of Novemh..r. A.1) ISM, ars reptiles,' to deliver rw to 'end by [wail. pre- paid, to John 11. Roberts, Ksq., Dungeness' Post Delos the e.eentar of the last will cad testament of the .'d d..veard, nn or be- fore the !rd day of March. A I). lag. • Mats meet In writing onntalnire the•+r names, ad - divines sad Aeworintl..ne, tied foil pe•tlenMrs of their slim., and •ha rate'. of the weer. Idea 111 •nil sew tit rhea And further t.ke no u. -e qua ate- the .ed d.te the eneenttor of the veld e.We will pro- aced to diet ribute tie•• •.+roof the neat.. hay Ing retard only to them claims of which he . hell thew here r.eelved er•i.xand t6e mid executor will sot he Dab,. for t '. o1.1m111 of OAT p..1..11 • - -everi of which nu• Ice shall not 'hoe have hem removed. Dared .r 14oderieb, thea IVA day of Jana ars, A.D.. ter. C A HERON. 11MMLT & HOI.Mite. Solicitors for Executer. CHRISTMAS GOODS Are all here now. sad durum the week we in teed to has • teem ell aresam.d. We have • p•rticul•rly Sr. wort moat ia pKRFUME8 MIRRORS FANCY aacj - TOILET (,($)DS p1PES CIGAR (CASES SM(KERS' SUNDRIES We would Invite every person to look "Amuse •sur stock and see if the Hoods sac Priem are not right J. E. I/AVIS, i'b.. a Druggist and Optician. For Mai • r To Rant. CHOICE LOT or RRO''K ST. y A.'RE, for rale. Apply to J. N RI'N('I3AN at R.selnim a Machine [shop, Vlctorie at. VOR SALK-LOTS fit AND 70 1. Hutrhlasos. Survey In the Town of Ooderich, ape which is erected a nub e. we.l- tmg Louse. Also lore number. IM and Hi Rich's Sorsa,, Ooderi.'b. containing/ 2 acres. upon which is situated • comfortable house, and there 1.4140 • good orchard. Also the gest half of the North half of lot 15, lake Ramps l'on.•erioo of the Township of Ashfield. K eetern diva union. Dated 4th September, 1411. Apply to l'AMKHON. 11t0LT &1101.151(8. Oodericb *4-11 VALUABLE PROPERTI FOR YALE -attested is the neer business c etre Is Ooderieh. The property comprlees two dwellings, one w.1l. quipped vrocery Hors, ems up-todate machine and blacksmith shop. Women for selling, lack of railway •come modaUos. Clear titre sees be gives. A spies did elan• for the right man. Apply ie D. KN 1 r(TRACHAN eta the permi...a. Rt-tf VALUABLE TOWN PRGI'ERTY FOR SALE -The brick residence overlooking the river aid lake formerly occupied by the Ism A. limit/semi-ft esp.. Ma.t.r lo t'hanoery (M of the most valuable and desirable pre - parties' In town. 2. The two-storey frame dwell,nghouse on South street tmmedtstel) adjoin ng the Arlt - deb Exchange Hotel. at present occupied be Mr. Andrew Waddell. 1 The dwelling house amid adlgiming wounds soar the O. T. R. statios, for0wly occupied by the late Judge Tomo. Prices and term. of oarment ryas• nettle. ap- ply to HARROW at ['milliner!' 7e -it ea: motors. Hode1oh. NOTICE TI. CRI•:DiTORN. e. Me mete. e• rhe Natal, of John Wil- Hantame. f.rr.•of (M fnrmehifpp of Wa- weaoak. in the Corley of Harms x(4.e. Y bar•rhy given oetsnant to the iNatut. In that behalf. that all creepers .ad others haring claims against the eaters of the said John Williamson deee sed, who did on or shout the lath day of tteptember. A.D 1411. are required to deliver or sand by [mail, prepa5l, to John M Roberts Req . Dm - mason Pon Olive the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased. on or hettwe the fad day of March, A.D. tars. • statement In writing eon taIslas their n add roma' sad descriptions sad full pert" of their claims and the mature of the ssotrli .. 111 say) held by thews. And further take ttcrles that after the said date the Administrator of the sold estate w111 Premed to distribute the .task of the estate leaving regard only to those claims of which he shall then lav resolved notice, sed the said Adml.ltrrator will and be 'table Mr the Maim. er arf parses w ,..se of white stales shall not thea have beats reoMvd. DaaN at Qodsrbh, tide Sib day of Joao. orf, A len CAMERON, HOLT! HOLM11 . esilehere ,lune Adtwlaleweipt WE WAFT AGENTS M btt.dl• .w.bip hal [,adv tie rets eousti. Lomeil1'.mirk swereateos a live. Perms• ilei pritle., whole or pan 41E. Liberal tare. Te. rets Enke lam ddlars a • better with em tar every west you Se a *pada e• •••orf. aowx 111102211211 ooaQLWT. aa•rn•t.l Ni TORONTO. O13T 1 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 1 have savant tory doe building cot. for sale -suitable for the erection of dwelling house.. L. E. DANCEY. Jaauuy a. 1300. 6 -it Xow aiaohluns Shops. NKW MACHINE sHOPM-ALi. KINIIE of Repair Work does at I$wouabl. Priem. Farming implements isrsals. Meeh - p, new and .so and hand, bomb' sad sold. •.• end s Boilers for sale. stand--Hetey.n shoo career Vlours* and Trafalgar IM9este. J. RA 1(TRR RI'SrIMAN. 1111-11 Lotuses mad HOvin1E.11•ometpe IrI8 NOT WHAT buil SA 1Vl WRAY YOU RAVs, )YARN YOU RIM TIM HURON AND BRUCE LOAN INVESTMENT O01111/'ANT Sor.tcrroa.-('emeros Holt and Holmes ter Dttros,Tn.--Inest (tom pound every Mx months at four per asst. per runum. on . ems tram one ooller upward. Depositors w111 find It to their advantage to come and ewe a. hays -May be secured at an, time without delay ea the security of approved desirable proppearrtyqExpeas.r modonto. AppItmt:our leoslved.by the Manager or solicitors. Th. Cormpan'. canes are llxwted on North West nese- Comet Holm Square-old/0Mta Homow SrmrAL Oleos, HORLACE HORTON. J. H. OOLB0 1 , 'Tonsorial Artist. -r FRITZ ELY, '10'.:4R1AL ARTIST. • . Hot eel odd bathe 00 Preamble* . eea- tosmisgrh.mroa►g.r.e •,vin sett• - require - meet carefulii ..:e..d.d to. mid dont but coeI- ppr teat Made omel.yiet William, r.nd, old e Nuclears '• t • • bl.rck. s.xt dooe in gnt.dh Ka - cheats Hotel. ¢, if F. SMEFTH'S PI.ANIER MILL Atrw- BASH, DOOR AND BLINi) FACTORY, I take ibis opportunity to inform the public Met I am still .n the bc..tnee..,-, •'•'t•tandleg all rumors to the contrary, and an. "...pared to de evert alare ret work to for l'ne from making • window frame 4i eroerlrgg • 4 -.tory building with mansard reef. Sstl.ats furnished end eompetltios Invite& The furn4l(ne of bnildl•g materiel, en. h as Mk. Mimes sad lumber a ape0lelty. F. SMISETH. •edwl.1 Jute sus 1 -a us MIA L MAW, AW, TRAoe= .ie .ad 7Tsw r1 wM9 area Wellesley in d BEEF IRON a•d WINIiL .. . 154.44. tae per .101. Wllsest tree Pips. t$.r • boa.. Brown's Balsam wild Berk, ten (L.i- (w ah• p.11 head. Nasal Proses ted Ihe bead, 19e -_..-P01 Cmc(* Syrup hr ra:se:Derra::. l44_. Br104 Nt ble tlimg ls the wY rt $, sredb. est ter WILSON'S PB (e'SIPTI0:1 STORY. Thbpke.. if,