HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-18, Page 4Mr' 4 ASU F+! TIIE Fl u:T' A L : :OPF'TI ICILt ONT. TRITYI41)A Y Iris 18. 1897. ad the NKI'1tO!Ai a roezazMen MIRY THURSDAY MORNING ■i D. aeeu.taslwMT 011ie et Pebileatit. 1 matt lleetteserest Ooderteb. (]stela Terme .r .ehemspss.n e =amok. la airtime • I Ma soothe to Gm sear, •• -- 1 tt Leek M Veer Label. Tsar label is •.sanding roosted of mks date WNoh you are paid up. Nes that it Is sot to fall late arrest. • chases of address it deansd, bole Me old and the new address rboold be gives advere Whoa Rae... d other e...al advertisements, 10 Per sad tint Iaeentow, and 1 ciente per lies a eo•tesat sneertom. M.s.or.c by • �aasskk n la dards Of its lie had tinderto per year. Advornsemeste of Lost, Douai Arras... Vacant. Bltuatloes amen had Chances Wanted not ezosedlag 4 neapar0U, , I per menet. es eel.- and Ferns os Male sot to Sashed t lir ., g1 for fr.t month. /0e. per sub Mese* m seonthm , Lancer ad.... to proportion v mortal notk-e, the ohlere of which btu t promo* the pecuniary benefit of nay ie.! 'Ideal sr company, to be °onside.ed as •• 'ertlssuent sad ohenvd ao'or.rnrly. Loral mottoes Is nonpareil type tae Brat ear word. mimeos, lees than 26e. Local notices in ordinary reeding type two per word. No notice for lees thee Iter. ote for ohurrl.t•s and other religiose and rimiest Isrtit•i1Ione half rate, rut tee -ether who fell to receive tui Stem AL rani laxly by mei will o wafer a hoer by •e- • quaulilag es of the Not et ae early •. dates. ponsi PwbJl.aer'e seemre, J. C. ten Tonne, of Goderich. free been sp rowed Lonal Treesiring Agent for W. taw* 'hies of Gode ech. Colborne, Ashfield and We• w.ush, Loral postmaster, over lie dt.triot are also p�nnpowmed LO Deo ve subsortetluoe to Tas waNAL All oommua;ostto i mint be a,tamped U MoDILL1c t•DDY, TKs demo. TMephse. Ohl l >s W dsstse Oat. aODERIOB. TuttniniaT. FHi M ti. t - OUR CLUBBING RATES. Tee RIINAI. and Glebe 11 60 Te■ Shl tAL ..d Advertiser 1 A0 Tea Stamm. and Family Herald 1 80 THs SIo1AL•ad Msett.al Witness. 1 75 Sab.erih• ae ease sad begin with the timet *maw les ISM SNAP SHOTS. -Wit° the assistance of Greece, Crete ehoald baste Turkey. It is now claimed that the Ottawa conflagration was caused by one of the depu+y ministers getting hot under his collar. -If the opinions of contractors are of any value, the Government will spend $100,000 to $125,000 in public 'works in Goderich during the ensuing year. -The HARDY annual meeting of tb. Legia:attire opened last week. Up 60 the time of going to press nothing has happened to mar the harmony of the occasion. -The effort of BOB HENRY and his friends to work up a ballot -stuffing case in Brantford has fallen through. It turns out that the London Young Liberals are not that breed of politi- cians. -Tem SIGNAL has refrained from discasslne the charges recently heard by Commissioner Sglnne, and will continue the same course until the Postmaster General hits delivered judgment, but we cannot help calling attention to the fact that severs.) of our Tory confreres have puhlished violent and in many instance. un- truthful articles on the charges gener- ally. One county journal descrites those who gave evidence as " Lion and Lioness Heelers after Innocent Iambs." The young girls who gave evidence, (one of them a cousin of the solicitor who, with Mr. QARRow, do - fended several of those charged, and a daughter ef a Conservative candi- date at the recent Dominion election) will not thank the Tory journalist who 0o prominently brings them be fore the public. KIIYTAIL. MoimAy, Feb. 11. Mine M. Mol.... of (loderiob a visiting at bar home hen. I wonder when the ball (which shall he Joel • little (ten fee the 'boys't Domes off. Mies Lena McMurray loft last week ter Leaden. whom .bo will attend the maser eatery of made M. Bowler be es tbo sink list at pretest and we hope he will .coo recover from hoe severe die*. Wm. long of Aspen, (lalnsada, 'nomad his friends by arriving hate metpsetedly ss Saterday sight. Will looks strew and hasty, sed will ronin in chit vicinity for mem thew It is ..et tad deity, to ohrnr.iota the death d ens ef the olden residents of foie rtotnity. the pre of 'Ira Maurice Roeder Of the ssvesty two years she 'pest en tide earth..b. epees ewer itU of these l Asb- 1Mld. Dedeened loaves • /*tidal husband, sae deopleter, bad fiver sees to inners her Is... Wee.sly will .he be missed by them, bee ales by *ay friends, wbo *teed to ler rebels= their sympathy so the sod se ran W rap** ensesose the death of Mies Ub Rsimm, elle* daughter el W. J. �mae, whir' .awned em Thud•,. se Isle age el twenty years. Seo had been sil- Isr for em. Mess beet • esiopilsoneni Mae psati Ming heipls- kr several ....ea Nee peemte haw *0. Seems eynepsth* of esememibp is ebb bss.ae use st Now thn. ION Lift Sebes. we • lwnd- Iwbeee d th, ted Ms S. llLsv►vr. w blob tens este sire gtaa defy. Important Events In Feet Ward* For Buoy Readers Ma Dass wooers aapp-tsse essd.li4 +seesaw sod tad liege Memdy BSI a5YweU.e Mope pap Re ae•esso M ear rarer -A seem Iasmla Majoymael te MP•pese serwrmarem TIM LAae)M WO$LD. The eetlre force of workmen at the emringb111 mines, NM.. Is out on strike 1 ti r. Ut-A.t. Pu•tmeeter Junkln of BubcaygI011 Died suddenly from heart failure. der. John C. 'raiser, • native of Lon- don. tet. who to many years was a suex:essful artist, diel In that city. The Dominion Type Foundry CotD- pany of Montreal has gone into liqui- dation. Barrington & Augur. trunk and bel- lows manl►faoturere of Montreal. have assigned. Thr Ilabidtles are. about 11rrL- rilclur.a. Jur St. Denis, a carpenter of 84. 1 Henri. hanged himself. Capt M. Giffin, who commanded the Chinear warship Chen Yuen in the batUe of the Yalu 1Ua -r, committed suicide at New York. 1HC tjt a: r.]••. DI 1111• s1. .)C none. An Immense amount of money 1 be- ing subseril.rd In London fur the dif- ferent charitable schemes to 'nark the diamond Jubil.-e. Mr. Dail ur stated that the Govern- ment intended to make a public holi- day of the *elision of the Queen's diamond Jubilee but it was not pro- p. aid to make the day a permanent holiday. ur INTEtlighT TO Vtt:11En% The cattle dealers of Buffalo and vicinity art- Jubilant over the atroga- don of the quarantine of Canadian cat- tle. and larir, Importations ash- being made. The wheat market 111 Chicago was dull and lower on Saturday. A good *eat of long wheat was sold Advices /from the Northwest Indicated a more t /Ohara/ wheat movement. pay wheat c elsead 1 fete. easier at 73 7 -dc. • elatenstun of the M. a N. W. llWaelD t* to /'t. t tl 1 n 1 1n LOSS from Yorktun to Prince Albert, t•at.e of 300. mile. e Asti ALT1 w. Tbe aaselns member, of tree craw Mast Sramer Cyens have arrived In One hone and 460 sheep from the weer -ked steamer Angkunan have been aafe.ly landed. Mr- Bootee Huadt. a Hamilton Main seer. was killed near Burlington by a toad of furniture falling on him Fred Wetbovrr aid two India* were frown to death at Lake Wlnnlpt uusls during the storm of Thurelay. Jae- 26. Samue! Hunter. a laborer employed at the McDonnell. Rolling M:Us at Sunnyside, was accidently killed at the aotke. Mrs Frederick Han* of Btwnttbrd was crushed to death by a freight train In attempting to cross the rail- way near the Market -street station. roti r ce- r(IKalue. It is reported that there is a revived feeling in Hawaii In favor of annexa tion to the United Stairs. Emperor Wllllamn is still workbag hard to bring about the fulfilment of his dream of Germany as powerful on sea en on land. The Merman Government len ordered the prusecutlon of several untaend ty prufre.tnat who recendy signed a de- claration in favor ole the earthing dock laborers of Hamburg. In the United States Senate, Mr. Morgan. 1n a dramatic manner, declar- ed that the construction of th. Nicara- �tta Canal was prevented by Great Brtialn', Intriguing. It Is expected that the Japanese Gov- •rnment will Introduce at the present eessfun of the Imperial Diet measure•- for the Neale nth men t ut the gold standard. at the ratio of use to thirty - IWu. e -K11111 A\U CMI ■I�ALe. They have a gbomt scare at Kingston Penitentiary. The petition for the rehearing elf the charges against Jackson and Walling, found guilty of the murder of Pearl Bryan, hes been refused. Albert Her of Ipswich. Masa, its appeared suddenly with 17010 of otter people's money. He sent his wife word to return to her parents in To- rolh to. An extensive forgery of Bank of England £20 notes is taking place on he continent. The notes are chiefly ckr- ulated in Prague and Vienna. To. mttatton ^le excellent An Investigation of the accounts of Cashier Forsythe of the C. Y. R. freight department In London revs:. R shortage of $260. Mr. Forsythe has bee K.at • . 111 Irl nisi l 'e.. The half -yearly statement of the Grand T:unk Hallway Mu -id in Lon- don. shows a surplus of 139.000. The g.i tlemen Interested In the Dr.- J.+•t for a railway nim the Pacific v.'ast through east Kootenay waited i open the M mater of Railways and 1 Canals for the purpose of laying their , case before him. The scheme involves the expenditure of 115.000.000. e'A4A1i.t .tsI INDIAN KELIfILF, The Ilisb:•p of Huron has 1.aued an J appeal on behalf ut the India famine turwf. The national India famine fund now I ash. until to 140.000. and a draft for 100,- •00 rue. -••s ham been to: ee ard• d to India- Th.- am..unt of t ah contributed In Toronto t.. the India famine fund from t various eourcea has passed the twelve I 1 thousand dotter mark. to lite :t.:.1.. 411. 1441111.11se Rev. 11r. O'Meara has been appointed I w D- an of Ituper•t's Land, succeeding the Bishop of Qu'Appelle. les Arrhht h,.p Langevin states that ne settlement of the echo..) question has been arrl.ed at that is satisfactory to • bin. stn Colonial and American bishops will to be Intit.d to peach at Oxford ('ever- • city Gale year during the sitting of the Lambeth Conference. M1 \1e41".t1. M.ITTEKS. '1'b* Tnwnghtp of South Marysbnrg has adopted local option. Dr. Th .mpson and Mr. Ferris have cs been unseated from the Niagara Falls de South Council. Th.- Winnipeg Pul.lic School Board St has asked the council for $123,26+ for CI the .-urrent year. au The Hamilton Board of Education as a deficit of $_0.0011, with a prospect t 110,000 or 315.000 more when the Col- to Monate Instttu•-• building is completed. Col- d MonateMonateTli 1111: It ia'011lie y ti The Opera ileum and 8t. Lawrence v Hall Port Hope, were damaged by j fire. ehe Nine. Thomas Carter of Whitevale• F, whir' wa.. severely burned the other 19:1 day, died from her injuries. A Ore in the Parliament buildings at Grew a burned the roof off the west Melt, causing a loss of 2.300,000. ie It --rte Dubin aril Fred core r. French- He men, ware burned to death at Port h. Arthur in a Are which destroyed their rot merry. the The store and dwelling house of .h Richard Johnson. at the Humber, near Ha Tetont.. were totally dcetroy.d by rare on Saturlay The proprie- tor. be afternoon. trite and three children narrowly eaw caned death In the names. - ..'7e. r. 1.Hrve:vet.. Kn The In.l'Government is expect- So tlrt•I ed toe the closure freely in passing the us the Educat i, n bill. H' •) a vu u 7••e to 149 the British of Ho ie o' Commons vie 1 ) th-bill the pi"t I.3n _ t•., the closing of public - ht use. the ugh ut Sunday. 141r "••heel lftcks-Beath ('hancel- lo' o' i Y'• Kith .tu r. stated that he he lie ed Canada u as dl.pon n d to co- tr1 u• tmvat.1. lh•• [rest of ■ direct a 1,. it. Memoir and Jamaica. iit t$ Hr.' eh Pmts.• of .'nmmons Mr li roue said It was contrary le public prattler lc give • nm pen t on In rams1-; as h as that or .award J. Ivory of New York, vh • was found not gull.) a of tysp I.. to cause a dynamiteex- ConvictTrey, who Ia serving a term n Kingston Penitentiary for the shoot y 8 m ng of a rallwaconductor near 'atharines. has confessed the ord. if Angus McLeod at Napanee In 180 Burglars who robbed Disbar Broe More at Ridgeway were captured a Tort Erie just as they were cr. *in to Buffalo. They pleaded gul:ty, an amen Reece wee sent to Kingsto Penitentiary for tour years and Robert Duncan for three years. ADOITIUNAL LOCAL NEWS. " " ",""°' `°" GODERICH: BARGAIN : C[NTRL WesternWing of Paella nano p BulldlnBurned My drams were Femme se be Frage f p sad sae Mess Was Ream VLemes n o weThee a.v Rwmperee -A Der Hma •ara/ With . engine Massa ed nessereal. reeat. Ottawa. Feb. 11. -(Special.) -'1•)a worst Ore which the Owe ...1 has bad for many a long day 1. raging to- night, and as the result thereof the taxpayers of the Dominion w ll even- tually have to meet a bill ass & Quarter aa million ddtess At midnight to -night the entire roof of the Wearers Departmental building and om.zs un tete fourth floor ere In names, the efforta of the Ottawa bri- gade being directed towards keeping the flames from descending to the lower stories of the builtlftnga The only portion of the building which has escaped, with the exception th of some water In the odicee 1s e Mackenzie wtng true/''the big tower northerly. la this portion al the building are the onices of the Departments of Rati- o -aye and canals and Inland Revenue. Monis unts burnt out were iliumu ¢ .:O- pted by the engineers' and :,rcbitectte staff of the Public Works Department. including hundreds of valuable planski and records. certain onos occupied nns by genie of tee clerks of the Ma and Ftaherles Department, and the en- tire ultra of th. Mounted Puttee De- partment. All the offices below 1..ene. occupied by the Departments of Public Works, Marine and F Fisheries, Militia. Trade and Commerce and Customs are de- luged with water. The fire was Jtewt discovered 00 the fourth flat of Le Pubilc Works De- partment, ard le suppuead to have been caused by carele.ese of on. of *e clerks, wbo had been .evoking. Us For a lung tome e mneeal of smoke could be detected before its origin was discovered. The hydrants In different portions of the Parliament grounds were tried and *41 with the etoeptton of one some co distance away. were found to be fres hard. One located almost *der the - window from which the smoke was t. now being emitted in denies volumes.was in this unfortunate condition. Juth 3. test who la reeponstole for is un- .' I lucky contretemps, the Public Work. t Department or the city, cannot at Dre- g sent be ascertained. There waa no- el thing for It under the ckrcumstanoea • but to secure water from the hydrants on Wellington -street. The Arse stream showed very poor pressure. and befbrs the extension ladder could be placed in position tits names were bursting from frothe roof. An the Government oarrlea no in- • surance on Its bundling, 1n Ottawa the entire loss will fall on tate country. It M bellev•d 1100.000 might repair to- • day's damage, but a wooden roof to the building will &lever br tolerated, Sod the general Impre�ton Is the Gov- ermaeot will have to put on a metal L As similar to that of Mangevin block. Which L of iron and oopper. y • At 1 o'clock this morning the burn- t ling building presented a magnificent • spectacle: the entire toot was sst18 burning. but the Are does not appear to have reached the storey below eat - Mot at one Ment in the PubIIc Worka t Department. and here it appears to lave been checked In one room. Virden • the fire r- a. lied the Mounted Police a Depart Pellet A Mert-Liverpool's Latest gootet ions for he week for mound are : Boston•, B.Idwiaa Os 61 to 12e 9d. Mame, Hsidwtas, 12s 61 14e ; Greenman. 10e 91 to 12e 3d ; Ras- ta, 14e 6 n d to 15. 3d. Cadia•+. Bald nn i, 13s to 16e ; •Spy, 11. 6d to 14e 3d ; C Red and Phoenix, 25. to 16. Id ; Km e te, 15. to 20. 61 ; l;reings, 1L to 16e DI0CHAKGED.-Wes. Hecker, of Z.ti-h s tried before Jade* Masson on Fride ✓ fernery. The sot °barged was that o ten* the names of three of Mats ery ves note for $650, and 11 d her relatives • .p peered end swore that their stgneturee wo • forted. As the law requires oorroborstive testimony in a ohm,* of furtery, a beaker from Meter was called, but as s +woes l• believed the ugnaturee wen .11 geonius.th ie. ended to the dismissal of the de 0. Yt. RI"teJKL CI.AkICL Raraarorss Co. -At t . odard theatre on Saturday the Besot otk repertoire oompany played to lees disc :se both afternoon and evening. Se oda, • thrillm¢ Western melodrama, wee • bill at both perlornroo.. .red the pro cum deserved the enthusieem despls,.d the Inge audteooe present. Thespec'.1- es interspersed between the nota were cry olsverly dons anti made a decided hit. mos and Sevn•ton, in their Dutch onet•dy ooh, got a rood reception. H did Mies y Crosier in her eewag., and Mots Bertha In, a little girl 13 year. old, who did the Demuth rhos sod many splendidly. Harty octal, ss Nevada, in the ply of that name deserving of soeot•1 mention Mem len Ward makes • epl.eded Western reins and is . great favori.. with the pat - di of the theatre. The company will be et itsodard this week at popular prices • .d veld bassi (crowded houses every oi,ht.- mitroa Spectator. Th.. company will at Victoriappsrs House during Jet eek ootmmeoeinr er:. 22. 'DIA FAMtrs FIIxs.-Tee pastor el ox oburnb, 's a vigorewm sermon last 'May morning, browrhi before has people famsbing condition of India'. million•, • Daly appeal was • thrilling protestation the awful destitution .t present existing r. which /bromism to become worse la the next nine months if sufBmeot relief le not alforded. He quoted the dispatch ed the Vioeto4• of India to Lead*, that ' 72,- 000,000 meet suooumb to famine anise H- osted." We ern searo.v grasp the roeg- n ,tnde of the relief to he afforded, for India ilea • population of 207,060,000, earl the weeny se barna to oe spa As Mr. Ander- son proceeded with his tserible •rrey of facts, assay of the oongrep•tion were visibly affected. Ie the mune of hie memos he Mid • well merited tribute to the daily prem, which is donna incalculable service toward suffering bcmanity in affording so mach space in ite ooloma, and in giving de tsil.d .•mounts of the distress es ladle. &iter take swam ep.oul envelopes were die- trihuted w the twerrer•n4n. In which to resews their otoatrt*beus ie tae relief fend. and while this was being dose the. .stir seeg, •• Reseed tlhm Tas Hraow VITSRA11e.-A pormanew orranizatice to he keit* se " The Vet.... o f 06" has bees formed is this alight:. r Med her the purpose of hinnies • pweral cis of esterase $brSOgbent the Deonaten to prem epee the Oevernarent the aline et tee *Wes .diem of 1866 J. J. Wright ►•a been appoint.! president ; t'. lbw* vtoe-peeldmst, aid D. C. Rtrwob•e, soo- t** A seetiaq of the seeisty will be held IR the sear fusers es the aim of the president, was. it Y •xpetd that er nags men* will be made for s ewe** rebore* to sessensuseeM W lsrnsst of 1866. A. the greed .Mer pewd. is .xp.eted w he held *fly in Jane the veleta* tho.ld tells* es - der •mnev es se will then be seen vlvid- ly renshded ea the days when with youth - fat endear • eV enema the die bb Oen • d•'%Indheas, sad were seethed M sleep es the dm Merles e/ tipsier essemAea• In Is ret byundueeyed thee 11s **rem west Iles Oweeanetat M rthane ane • begs leased 1.• 4 b th• eel Watt se • mewed ter ter • =Mese, .ad If *ere vebstse d '16 a MO ens ram stir sad jeans *ode* eels* *mike :Case he se deed* lb* Mesabi *Wain d el 11646 whir ads a *Mary se the needbilL h of crowd were • *tartlet" by repeated popping off of arnmunitton. To check the eonflagrs- • eon a pertien of the roof on the ar-,1te 1 aide of the building. equal to s0 pier. • feet was cut away, but nothing was seemed by It. Two -third. of the record= of the PURIM Works Department have been - destroyed but tete photographic nega- tives of different public buildings were sexed. The original rewords oe the C. P. R gare.ye. 1t le s.id, have fallen a prey : t• the peen++. Ot hi DI ' own ••1.'. .e► 1t'A•;. Gfe•ee bag leuei a eircular w the powers d.a•lartng that she evil; pre - yen t ti al: ...am thc iandt;ig oI Tu. eirh r.-tnforcentente In Crete. The opinion Is empress. d 1h Ik4u, dreiew in Athena teat nothIgt ,'.ort of a landing In femme of tolu• J.. marina-. from the /we's', n t.a ell. offish,. the Inwrreetlon In Cr. t • Th. IL.)al Mixer exietil ,on halt b -.•n entirely auoo•eaatnl and hes complete• iy contieer•..d the Fer•lah+. ala the m'•rn,nc of January :t th.• itrttish fiat wan planted on the peace o1 the Emir of Nut•'•. • ie the fifteen Maxim rune le th. Ve,lteeelen elf the la.minlon k1t1111e Th pertinent some alt or sat' Is will 1.. 30.110 ne. hand for ernerg.•nciow, and th, others+ n.'I be handed over to the -city batt•l tens rai1.IT+C1-d • r Asrl •N. The tariff Inquiry at Winnipeg le Mowed. TTheofficial returno In Feet alnicoi. wive Mr. Bennett 126 ma),.-Ity. A Mnntrol deepeich ways that th. Quebec provlgrlol *•diens w111 be Mkt on the reth .1 next montk. As a remelt of the Welt of Stir RieLW Arte right and 2tnn. Mr. Davie• M WiehIngtns It 1s believed that a Jolat mmtnemon Flu Ire appo.nteed to In- eentlgwt.e and revert otn the subject of • newsw seem+ treaty Ile+tV.en e�anda gad the MOW Ibarm A let•sa lea ef Prince Albert butte stir ane ts.Ns/ one lltln*terw lreedtsg and Patentees at Winnipeg and .t�sl �ed Geweesnment W be cleat non them MM .a Awret steaek. i it D=sM Huntley, an Temploye at the lie- DowM1 rolling mills, Indian road• met with accidental desib yesterday afternoon in • peculiar manner. Be was worsting at the mile placing tee red bot tars in poetess as they were forced from the rem -tenet Wb/le looking away from the martinis 0m a moment. a bar coming from the rens burned through 30b leg near the knee 13e [rasped the hot Iron with both hands ami burned *b. flesh to the bone. Dr. Ayleeek Forte wee •malted, bot the suffering sue was too far gone for human aid, and he died In Mae them hall an hoer. Huntley was • inserted man. 47 yeast of age. and lived at 22 Lsn•downe-veoea R. leaves a widow and three cJtlldrea. The body was tale to Coderteker Craig's. 1210 Queea-drvet west. &ease Treat esektag gr London, Feb. 17. -The half -yearn/ statement of the Grand Trunk Rail- way was *sued to -day. It shows that the gross reneges were 12.076.700 dur- ing the six months. and the net receipts 1/116,000. A deficiency of a... es. id charged to the Chicago and Grand Trunk section, while the Detroit and Grand Haven part of the system is be- hind 124,900. A surplus of 139.000 1s shown for the half year, aa against a deficiency or 133.100 for the .acne per- iod of 1216 MetakaNesese Pressed+. Oases, Deet. 14.-Rv.ning- Georg s Bet enacts'aaba tt.. t hrlul.1, tiu.er•or Of Orate. who. Davlag b..o me nara.d by th. M..bma merrilly tools ''fuge ht the arrest Cwasnlet., aid the .;reek *mum' etn3artt- ed this evening on 41M -rent war fillip. Trey were aco-ompwnted by their famlllea The O...nls had the coeon,.nd-r of the Tette* free. bays removed the asilitary pponewt. The 1•eeraeste continue 1beer bon+h.r.: rest from the landward side of eke :..'res. ..e the Tarts are returning their tete wit! aaagoldhry r..ulta Alava. TereiWy aneeeed. Athena. Feb. 13. 1.15 em. -The great- est eecitement prevails here. 'Me newspapers have haunt midnight edl- tions, containing a report that the Vali of Smyrna haw chartered a steam- er for the purpose of transporting troops to Crete, and this In tune of the aasnnn.•es given to the powers by the Pone that 'Turkey would not send rdnferrementa to the Wand. $..esme N Rasa +►wear*. Beaverton. Y. U.-ln the North On arlo election the returning om.w gave the official ox int here to -day Duncan Grahaat Reform -Fairer, 1. cle- otlatrd elected by 44 ma.Jewity• the total ihte being D. Graham 2403, Angus Mcleod 2714. T1.ee were 2t wont WO_ heft and 19 rejected ballots. 4•elsa7 Wen the T..30.ee Toronto, Erie, 12. Tote t.s30 M foal sod finale ere ewer and Wadssy careen Ute the prise. l30py fsagbt 1t end Beth Kamiltne. Tktarb. a after 1M third end the a•s.r,.,, kept the laid Gamines Chew rep t. wlti/ two .t Wet, Ovate ea the loth rod lansbay gat fear ea the meet and residue/11y isesea...4 Mat to td et w deme. Low Prices form the Iosdatone that draws custom to our store, and gond value given for the same maker our patrons our friends. With every article in 'dock you will find • uniform system of price that is always in favor with the buyer. We do not give away Goods, but we do buy close, sell doss and shave profits accordingly, which is why we secure what every energetic merchant ie after -the bulk of the hotlineew. In offerings for the present season we are particularly enabled to show de- cidedly interesting price items, which will satisfy our our old custom- ers and surprise all others. WE ARE RECEIVING NEW SPRING GOODS DAILY! New Embroidery, New Veiling New Drees Goods, New Shirt - Waists, New Blouse,. Ask to sea the Newest Corset in Me Marked ! Extra Value in White Cottoea, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Linen Towels, Low prices, coupled with big values is the combination that wins your trade in our elegant assortment of Spring and Summer N oval tjee. JAMES ROBINSON. Corner Square and West -et. DUNGANNON. 8orsoa-T1s mesa •gesoy 's Dsaaatema f•'rr■g +mew 1. at the .ate. en 4. O. Ward, J.Y.. ossvg••o.r. ale.. wbo will rsosive el. dere few .a� adr.rtl.leg and Job - wort. sod 1. t'• revs receipts tow amounts paid tee the Slum. Tr weer, F.:a 9. 1 i*w -Tbe thaw es A.t.rdey es.ewb•t sped* w.wsbi.R. Imraovsa-OBIig 1s Jobe Frost peeling s • tersely appes1wae.. the sle•gh'sg 1. pretty fair. Er -worry Lsaoot -OD Moeda, 16to m..1ag of Epworth law* Subjoin el 1..tur.•. Temp ervacs. Coa.gtwio WORK -Wen. McNally sed Wed). leaving loosen' in oar rhea•, on sow .1 work. S.eoea to bin. Ox Stag Lir.-Mem Abels Treleaven. .Iso kw bees ill for some lama, we are pigment to be *de bo stow. i. **sally oene•leeeiog. A t.auee CONCS*T -Then will es a *end sewers* Thursday, Feb. 25. ander the •.-p.m* of she Dnn•aaese pobeo library beard. Further *nee text week. WOOD HIM -Oa T►mred.�y lases somber .4 sired friends *eerily and with reed will cut wed split • geed supply et weed iso Mn. McCaig le the evwi.v the peaty had • seed enjoyabletits. at Mrs. MoCeag'. resides*. RIVIVAL Hoare..,-Tbe revival meat - imps wet* k•* bees coveted on ter 5.5 three or fear week. or. still Wag Dentis end i• the Method* dearth here sed. we are mimes*, predaaat geed roe its pis having bees added to the oihureh. Avcrtov 8AIs-Th. assns. see hold Meadsy *0 en the premien d Wee. Gs.ns, VI est Ww•..*L. end meideeid by tk. popular .ad .se gMb •m./bs..r. J. Purvte, w.., re point .f swim beim maim - good tortes being ..o.red--• s.ssns ANo,itsx ARRIVAL Ix Ova VILLAINS -OS 1rid•y last, mise host Jas. Blank was t►s recipient of • beautiful jewel Mittel b. leerily *preemies, the jewel betag • yes* d•seb• ter. Ws are, we presume, credibly is. formed that nether end .lord ere deist/ well. Comas to per and nater. FIZZ levttario*r.o..-Th. directors of Wait Ww....h Mutual Fin I•sarento 'Cempemy, es M.nd•y lest oomaiwo.d an avestiR•tios of the recast barmi.R of baro, oestente and mule es the premises of Arobibald Jetsam, d AseA.id. There were wee gent.m.s item Dederick assist- ing in the tave•tig•tlsn. We b•* pet hoard the resole 8seaox os Mrxlcrraz. Covxcn--On S•tarday the 6th, she Maatsipl Fathers of the moietpality of Wes W.wan.•e, net te the townehlp ball All the esembe a were pressed_ Rev. Lo.kb•rt to the ++bear. We wen pleased to see Councillor J. Web- ster, who hem baen i11, able to weed wad take part in the bees* brought before the Canna( Auditor James Yemen of N.e- obmbr, was present and presented • report of reedit, of Treaserer. weenies, whit* showed receipts from all warms dan•R 1844 sasesae'sg ro $9106.48, and ezprdiWn. $8714 OD, leavi.g • balanus of oath to Treasurer's hand to 1897 of $391.09 Asst. MO Liabilities $2156.17. We retina to hove w state that Auditor W.lherheed was set, °wise to being t'1, able to be pre- ssst. We hop be will soon M restored to geed health. Afton e0usidereble municipal balloons was nauseated, the Conseil de- aided to meet *ale in the same plan., its Tuesday. 23rd day of March as*. TIIaxDAT. Feb.161►. LA (uteri -We are pleased to be abbe to dtetd that theta of ear citizens, and ef whom deers wee quit. • stenbsr. who have hoes earned with le grippe, w gradually lecemerielg. Vienne -Mrs. G. W. Barry. of Leoldww, wee tb• asset ef Mn. •ad Kr. B. J. Crew - fore ea Monday. 1)tvi io,, Cooa,Restos.-Divides Court will be held here en 1 hammy. the 26th Feb. All oososrmed who nota MILD W U/TIM W YTH R - Fdrery, which is abet* half over, hes been thus tar t.reeemeed by all and sundry .zoepttos•lly mild amid plwaot, uasa•lly •o le the pmt year. A (iooD O►stttwo -1a oessieaenesef eY drays* *mar laves ep Mesas* her. ter • larger opsalleg. teen es • g ed *penis( in the same premtsm fir sneer drergtst. We bop that moots will snsse•d is his sew location. He, is 000esess o. of bo obit{ tag ssa•aer amid ge.tlsm•mly dem••sor, is highly seteemad by our Mises. Felts lxvdarto*noe. - On Saturday County Oer..sr Hotels. Nasty Crows Atterssy Lewis end Sherds fl•i6t officially *Med ear village Motel* widows om the iaesedhriea et the 6.r., •M., st Amble.ld Johnston, aaebld, and as fur- ther evidence was to be takes the Ceram denied is tel it at Dedsrtsh as Monday. she Usti. Sots.ast ieno*L -O. Sib bide nest tea S• remens el the Lord's Sapper will D. V. be .dminisser•d in Erski* church been, eeryie to eema ssee as the raid bear 10:30 A M. Preparatory 114W.1430 will b.hedl u the thereat en Friday previews, eemmsst► Isg .6 2 °Mek r M. Howorth easenag in the Meshed* cher* as League .rs.tag. the 22nd. sobj•es "batter Ne,• iaseded its the wards oeateia.d la 1 Tleassiumbas Y. 19.22, by Mie A. Biplla iledass mistime. Lasers -We regret shat seer seal* webehmmhee sad jeweller. Mr. Deed, is. in evangelism of haying smeared • larges bads* 1. hie Ilam as Kepley, te leave hese is the eees .f • week or t w.. W • p 30 him the beta of sales* in the ass Im..ffot He 4*, derisg bis short stay with as by him geld* sad *nee s••sser, H •lee *aria ow and pstismasly duporitise, made hissed! a hest of well-wishers, and especial- ly .meas tee *sag and headstone ladies el +sir vill•aa He Pi prnnosoo.d to be • fine - slam werkm•s is hie proieesiete Tee red Mabee of all and .ualdry •oo.mp•ay eine M his now sedum et eats*. Brussels : At the 1 meeting of Mel- ville *web en Wednesday +.wirer. Mrs. Dr. Ora** wee presented with on tmesribsd silver waiter and en address, ee recognition •d her s.rvise a ergaa.t for the pees frog years. The weed o. Friday sod S•terday Mee* off the* in • lin.. few bsndred hat freta the end of the North pier trod carried it lakewatds, bet the Mahon part was left bi- det. 'Sunday the strew westerly breeze drove it all bask again. ReeA.AT.-Mayer (1».) M..e•' zed Major Jewdaa. of O• lerieb. wooded the le•oral .f the late H. W. C. Myers frees Yeafortb nod lad a very espeowans expor- teac• es the return jeers*. O•tp.siw the public eobool bete tee berme seas red their rowers and the remit we that the NOM pasts were leaded at Dr- Shaw's alae Ise rerafra The reatl.esen were not e.rwdy 'sieved, •IN. •,.,h throws Mem the rig and Metered. Ts. • 'Aimed ben* aol the sett wee teat for nem '.y. Thr el•e.e"e was n ot +++dose, sed w, are pieced M .hreeMle Hee feet *bat (lode tt b still eland a Mayer awl Major. The cell woe aless.- Neave Reeerd. Allolller Great Bunn Dui s0 WYA ' : FAIR OD Saturday, Feb. 20th. A CRITTOAL EXAMINATION of Our Stock will show that it is all we represent it to be. We do not sell trope -feet goods at perfect prices; very often we:do sell perfect goods at imperfect prices. Orme and see for yourselves. SOAPS Oen and hes our Soap Oonnter. A paper Doll given away with every box of Baby's Own Hoag Buttermilk, Empress of India and 'Heliotrope Soap only 10e • oaks. Violets of Cash- mere, Madam Roy's Complexion and Tulle Rees only 5o a cake. Ht Hya- cinthe Heap at 10o a box on Saturday. Hee our window display. Our pillet. are right SNAPS Oiled Linen Hplsahers only 6o emelt. (Moored Oireular Combs only So. A six-foot Whip only 10c. Lily White Starch Sc a box. Tanks, 2 boxes for 60. White Dell Oaps and %ameers, 70e a Mie Pott's Sad Irons only 690 • eest, Besenoea, all odors, wily 8e a bottle. Ws are sailing Granitswars a a Onset Redaction. WYATT'S FAIR.