HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-18, Page 3THE SIGNAL, GODF�RICHL ONT : THURSDAY FEB. 18 1887. Deat/.0 y. 1 N1CHOLSON. L D.& 1�1 wwt.t annleoatar. • q.•�• eHtl•st1• t�• Par Ott! .ad IW1Nt. Owuir'W! M work • 114wa sty. • • Year* IZ/arMoea M. MMS& D.D.S. LAB., -DEN- TAL *URuSON.- cad approved for all dentalN 1 . Preserve et ilia trams • p tta1V . tJ•aa over W *east tanera t!M eenra eas7de ales. acs M. S11.rsu . t rabelr aseelased Disc...1 IM L Geta ..d poae- gtsesa�the1meas en geld or a1um- e? attention Ores V t*. w•taral 1 aim block. MIFtt nedleaL Mr. A. TNPMbON, M. D., C. M. ease a Keatdenee formerly secepl•d In Dr. (11e1a . as Sena oto Tekt*aao ia. --- RR. 1411( ma. PHYSICIAN.DIM 11 seen. ac. (Moe -Drum week a Ham lately occupied b Dr. Moi • 'oat= galls from reelde.owhoa• NR. Marribilfe unseen `�. gsl e n s LA ala ifQ OA1MARON, BAR&ISTER, SOLI- • tier. tar.'o*SMut tan G ter. S inn sad M. AMwwiq.. opo. Umberto Motel. >4-ly EJi1JR3T HEATON - BAKU:AER, Solicitor. Notary Politic. Acbseese Mesh. Wet anat. Me-ly T1 CAMPION,Q-G.. h t /OUSTER, SOL - J A. totter. Notary. &o. .•Wo. over Medical Usk. Vonore, Godard*. U. JOHNSTON, BARR1sTER, SU - LU • 1lciter. cSmmiaaloasr. 41(.. Mom t. Woe. Umc ..: 0or Resulltm ami St. Aedr.w'e trireme. (Iodetrlcl . tont. 301 1 or -ruse. LANCET, BARRISTER, t•holtor. Cuevasaass. to., eta Mosey r at lowest rates. IIs loot ptMMa Colborn Hotel, Oedetloh. 0•11."11111°1 :will,.1Bit[ PROD- S Marita.e Court" of Ontario Coo or stet tui Y O. BAYS, lie i:It18TKlt, SOLICIT- . Off. tic. Ones North -4c. .ant door IlymAz, Ogles. pr1 rote lands 1. Ind et mwgat rats of later en. FNP !'1 £1tROW a PROCDFUOT, BAR. isi *Nem l Atow. Q.C.. W Proodl No.. Gods. ANL J T. Darrow. fi0• l� E1(JN, HOLT & HOLCAMD, OQ arrf•ters, &Waiters le ansery am, a po�4lgrgicltiz.?. Cameros. Q aero.C. ; P. Molt O. WARD, OONV'EYANOER, J • Ire.. sad ssNemltlsiolter for taking and to - .!ITIS% tor ssere•m of batt, sairideala Oleo to or *oneeraf say adios. suit or pr. wading In the Court d Justice, aha Muria Appeal Mr or l■ any Ou.ay r1Mri.1oo Court. sad Prometh eawMr�. 1 Pg address--Luwsusaga OM. swans ass Iasaranla. hi011SY TO LOAN. - 850,000 00 hi Mvate ?nada to Meed u : i per gait. ane c.n away. (()olborne Hotel U14... -tea's TaftStook 1 VATS FUNDS - PXRSON8 Ds - 1 Wow of obtunlas . ooey on f4ateiaas f m amount) caw do so at Sj per cesb tip an - a, cog to J. A. MctiONAO Room 1N. Fr.e- uold IBeudiam. Tentage. waren BEA(.ER, CONNEIANCINO AND la' areae* osoa. oPpealu Fieri*.'. H.MI, L/ONBY TO LAND ON MORTGAGE 1 si ti piss neat. Noor discounted. C. ft disk. oAo• opposite Martt.'s Rotel. Godo - peJ. T. NAFTEL, {IRs, LIIE •ND • asides *nurse* stews • as lowest temsw O -Cor. North... and ware. Gad - 4- MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R O I • aas.ant•f Private Rud. ter taveMasr lowest errs oe fhetohse Mortgages. Apply GARIt0W t PROUDPO0'r, Top RADOLIFIFE. Oi 41RAL IP 1 w sesames. Real IbRwte and 1Ns.q L..alag arniat. Only gist+bas esupealto represeeted. Mosey to Lend w Mraldt ear way at the lowest ran .f 1Nn amt end door frees Nacre illr.M _ e - cod etas xMR-tr MP-"1.s•Lnatltilgle. !1OD1iitIOH II[HOHAIUOB' INBTI- -7 TOTS LIBRARY AND SSADIINM 00 w, ear. sf list street sad %veers lull Ousts trent 1 sell r. a.. and tram ?to 111 r -Y, ABOUT 1000 VOL' . IR LIBRARY. Lemingfir, Weekly *wad lti.ai.uted P./era, Malssisas, ode, ear Mile. Mi1[B0H$01i' TICRaT, ONLYLas Matta' free am of Library .ad Agad'US ApMlatbw to see.beeMdp seeeh0 W u tw.el.a, tureens ens . H. COaL.B4OsR•N L H, HA MIJLTO . N. SdasMk Msrai.tlith NEL AueitiolnelterlfR. THOMAS OUNDRY. AUOTI WEIR Agee{ l..edw a0s., -I- said loonnenstat Oat. :stirs M.taal Ov. Balsa at - to .a loaded In say Past of Use emote. lily JOHN KNOX, 0*URAL AUO- ttad Land Valtaosr. e,Hrtek Or. vt.g ala sewde ami =penmen ta Ibmaggeleeiesetagtrode. be Is 1a a pelma to alsMsssn wi Mww.pk elMni-Ygn all ani val.ofeas, t Mu. !Mama loft se Bunte es o seat by Isiah tm W O.d.Mcb eer.t.liy ..Nen sea Mona Se 'KNOX County Awet1n.sr hits Prefe.etOnaL E.c. mat.E t etaalt ASSOCIATION ONT. {.AND IIDISIDT01/11 A.N. CAP. SOo C n. DISAVON AAN. Ode. --tsar. Hematites as/Newh ss.Lt-ass • sold rush ss Morass Oet vie wed British A CASE OF DIABETES. No help from Midt.01 Hes-SeEer.d ler Marty Year, --oared by Dsdd'e Seda.v flute. North Bras, Feb. 14 (Speefal}--A. eN and well *sews settler ckM this 'ltawuablp. .anied Themes Bra., wits Oven as fats 1i end 8 in she 14th er.esa•los is rejel fes wistallis odehbarn ever bb recast eesevery, and he saki :- "1 nue eared by say twenty deur bass& e1 Dodd'* ILINsey Pills sad as amebae. is emir alped ase i .ay they saved ss I W tried all Ne domere ed 11Meal- by end was massed fes D.sbestr hsmbllt end rless ries at Weser t Mwrmimti be O.. D.d4. Erdsey itba. awl I meas sag ISM •WEN dm Awe bestiseMiLI ms sesessehli at mal b A MINISTLR'S STORY THY PAINFUL SXPRRISNCS Or RSV. C. H. RACK HUS. nus nye soldier as wee Ra•-er es AuD 1NbVYI. 511(0 Wan rolls- uout.D 0112tra 0* alma Yr 00a .IT 1)051 5171100'[ •ID -Ng Thug Mew 1111 MU i i • CURD. Irmo The Ttaombnrg U4erler. The Rev. C. H Hachette is • resides% of H.yhass *0w.aa15, Blom m.nty, Out., sad tikes is probably se pongee is •be meaty who is better kaolin sr more highly aatwu ed. Ha M • mu i.tar of the Colied Breth- ren (Alvah. He alts farce quite extssave- ly, wpertsteaslsg the work tad darn% quite • 'here d tit huuaelt despite his .dossed .ga 8111 he was nos always able to alert himself art M w today. as • few years aro he modernist ea Mimes that loamy feared would terml.•te hie Ilse. T. • rap..ctar Who recently had • ocevess•tios with b►m tie rev. %.creed*■ gave the p•rtleelars of be Slams and are, whit permeates to maks the stamens' public The story es told by Rev. Mr. Smiths ie substs.ti.Uy r follows : -About tares years ago be was saes nil and the doctor who sr called ia prououseed tae tremble as attack of la Ripe. He did sot appear to Rot say bet • ter and • mooted doctor was called is, bus with so more wtet.otory remise, so far as renewed health was oosoeracd. Foliowiae la entree pause of as excruciatingattare located themselves in his body. VIM weaker and weaker anal at let he was per- fectly helpless. He Goold not sit dawn nor rise from a sitting posture without assist secs, and when with this essistwoe he stowed We feet he oriels hobble but • few crepe when he was obliged to be pat in a cher agate. For Bre month. these .goe- itee pats were **dared. Rut at lest rebel so loos delayed ssoe. A fris.d Srtted him to try Dr. Williams Ptak Pills. He yielded to the &dittos cad had act been tattier them leas while the longed for relief was enticed esasW. He could move enure w•1/, ago Use stiffness and palls bairn to Irave his joints. He oestcaued the ass of the pills for some time longer and the ours era oom piste Smug Ur. Boothia sow it would be ddho.It to think of him as the crippled mid helpless Neon of those painful days. Mr. Baokhas is sew peat his 80th year, but is he said, " by the one of Tir. W illisma' Pink PILL I sense able se them ten years young- er.` Vol o•n readily lodge of this when I tcU you 1 laid forty rode of rail Neem tine year. I no (lad to add ray t ettraooy in fever of 0.. Williams' Pink Pella" Dr. Williston' Ptak Pills stinks at the rest of the disease drivi.s it from the sys- tem sad reetoriae the patient to beeltb sed strength. In mase of paralysis, .pima! l000motor .taxi., mattes, rheum- , erystpelss, scrofulous troubles oto., t hese pills are superior to all oder tseat- a•eet They •re .leo • smottio for the troa- hles whiob make the lives of so malty trees • burden, and speedily restore the rob glow el health to pale and sallow cheeks. Yen broken down by overwork, worry or ex- egeses will Clad in Pink Pills • usrtsio euro. Sold by ail dealers or seat by mail postpaid, as b0 este • ben or rex boxes for $2.50, by ed4resetng the Dr. Williams' RedionesCom- *my, Heockville, Oat., or Yeheseot•dy, N. Y. Beware of imitates' sod abatitut.. al- leged tobe"lest se wood " War may be declared between Drown arid Ttrkey. THREE WEEKS HS AGONY. I.Bammatory Rheumatism •o Avuce H. Could Nut Attend to His Daily Duties d Three Weeks in Agoouiag Pan whoa that " (lewd Sonora.° " of all Cures, South Americas Rheumatic Oen., Peed His Way -It Helped in a Pew Hours. and Speedily Card -Cat 75 Loses. Mr. E. A. Nortel, a well-known citizen of Grimsby, Ont., was severely a•teckd will tafl•mnt.to -y rheematism some 20 yeah ago --after a tome he reoover.d, but eve or air weeks afro the dread dews re- ter.ed so violently that he had to Rive up work. For seedy three weeks be lay in bed s*Qerdsg terrible Igoe Another rendeat of the town who bad � and ey South Amerlgaa Rheumatic Caro pomaded bias to try it, std, 40 bit great sarprin, after naive the used. viae but can weak he wee so far rseovered as to go shoot tows. From the ane does taken he Telt marked improve- ment. and today be a meat entb..i.tio in angina it. prates. No ogee too sever* for Routh American Rheumatic Cure to obeok in six hour.. .ad ars permanently. "• What do yen esestder the greatest share of • rammer holiday ! " .. Well. voe ma' • lee of new pwpbt. said cam stake yourself agreeable .red enter- taining es your old stook of ideas HEART PAIN. Dr. Agsow'. Core IM the Heart Defies Me Meet lams. Papa. -No Matter How Lam Steadies the Trouble, it Masten Disown in Hallen Hoer, sod i• the Glee el Jobs (',row wive Bottles Cord Heart Disease of Tse Years' Steadies -Hen's Hie Teelissesy U.selieiud : leis Crow, nes of Mr. Oeeete (».w, termer. neer *b• village of Tars.. Oat., wises: "1 ares .lsrielegly Mimed wish palpit.lbn cad selargement of the heart for searly tea demand with hast pbyeieiw and tried owmsrees r.asedw with very Male bsseSt In our Meal soP- ere 1 misthsd Dr. £,..w'. Cure for the Heat advertised, sad 1 4...rtoised to Five It a erlal. 'aside of half as bear I had re- lief. I have taken •haat Ore betels. sad 1 tool today Sal I ass as well se one I was. I .as eessplatdy eared." field By J. E. Dans. A Fair ARv.sgsast-" Loeb here, Cede sense, 1'y. a �•p.JI4 tit, ?ta Neeka" • What b .soghtla4nd t " " Toe seep Whim about year bieysla. and Frim nee ear meatier word .bout my elms baby." ACCIDENTS WILL I .APPEN. Bet Mite Tines IS wee .Owl -Seed to Mr. J. Brawn.. Medi Vdgees. et MI6 Mar- shall let, lNl- -y---Dedr.d B►M sad Shell 1s Ms INarmN of 04., only Me be Ataashed by that Iseales Dbsew Calash -Bs Dr. Ap.w'. QMarrbal Powder Oared sad Permanently. lee -- This le what Be !Says :- •'Ih a mere snidest I ens eons Dr. hpsmw'e atenhd Powder. l one . gJraat taker fres Sas dreadful toledy-*mare. Today M gins me enMusded plseaar. ta Mate Is s1B.rhg haas.sfty'. sake IMM Ibis ..sd.gld .essay .Meld • speedy and peers._ sere V mg ease, reed 1 have hams se ehaskid fee le shed Ism winkle be spend she gessNader of asp ambo Is spread SOddty sees .y fMa.w..lim. " PUGNACIOUS GREECE Determined to Mak. War on the Sick Man. MESH TRANSPORT FIRED ON. deem* Wanda, Weald hos allow !tear dareer.ata and eagp11.s se matted -I%YMale Troops lsaeslaakIJ M ay trots mrt{Y5 Warships dare 4slled frogs rams` Athero Feb. 14.- Adder have been re- eeMed here giving details of the demotion at Caudle of • Turklak Weasel by a Carves war ship. The vowel. which was stopped sad compelled to return to her anchorage. was the Turkish transport Rued, bound for Ceara with manitiosa for the besieged gar risen at that pi, r. As the Fu., ...orad troth her anchorage aid started . tear* the harbor the Grrrs war ship h•- .Jed to such a direction as t.. latereept h. r and ordered bee to stop. N., atteution br(n,t laid to cels order th. Greek re.gsl and two shots across the- Mued'. buwa, and the transport being uu armed. put about mad returned to her =corkage. It 1. reported that the command eT of We British 4ret protested modest the action of the Greeks, and ordered the ?el e els of that nation W make so further at ta.-k. upon the 1 urta A regiment of artillery hes bees (reared to start at otter for the Tbe•awloe frontier. This reglu.eut w111 be •reompanted by Prince Nicholas, King George's third own. It is rude-rstwd that the orders c' the tenon* are to protect the rbrbtlau fartllMm 111 Crete and to restore order. This L look- ed term, as tantamount to the n.cupaUou of the Island. i,ree.e-e has aortae(' 11.e P owers that .4e will willingly n all bers.•:f ansteo .W, fur the steps a4.- Pisa takes. Rh'MEkliEN t;.*LLrl. OCT. 11e army r-tervee of lrei3 and 1804 ha c e bees called out and ordered to bold them ;wives in ";tonne.. to Iola Weir ....l..r. at 4b boon' Lotter A number of detac4rcuta of infantr7. artillery and engineers have embarked et the stratus for Crete. Their departure was attended with gn•.t eathealasm. Cot. Versos, chief aide -decamp to King George, commanded the troops, who own tiered 15uu. V the men marched aboard the vessel which war to aoavey them so ..,rote, large vruwds of people who had gathered to witness their departure-. cheers thew again and again. The troop., who are already etilee..ttothey.".' - •-lorpa .4 thcupstlo., rl rearbe Id Prince 0...i•'• re neves. Cans- Crete. F.4*. 14.-i'rinee George of Greece. who arrived ►err on Feb. IA In exmutand of We tire.* 114111a. alter receu- ltig fat from the comraaadore of the for ties war ships, returned to Nilo. It a reported that the keys of C*mee have re -qua -earn the commander of the lee. -lain war ships her.- to land men from their resale ,,ttu °reap,- tar r-ity. Toe *atelier etrttemeitt whl.h bate pre -railed here re- am 1l♦ ha. not .1 all •betel �re+h . •n. ,-.. London, Feb 11. -Th.• Standard to -mor - tow 511. pabll.t. a i'nnataaUsople despatch awing that the tmpe..•sduu prteaN, to wp40- nestle cirri.,. then- (4* tt [hr opposition Io the Greek uatloaa1 sentiment *Ut auaa0ge•r the Nr. -.-k threw*. .►. 4.lad.esoe M .pr 4:0.et,. Loudon, t'. -b 14. -Mr, Gla..ttt.ae today telegraphed t.. Tate Dully Chromes* toe fol- towiug moorage. ••1 do tart care to summate Greece nitro 1 eu.uut help her, but 1 shall profoundly r-J.d., at her auceees. . tope the pen era •l.. recollect that trey pare their own character W 01.3,-,-.-- T4*,' Daily Telegraph tom••rr,.w will pdD 1LIt a deslatey from MSL 1's-l.•rabueg saying that the mllttary divi.i•w of 'ideas., will oo.eentrste 3.000 e'oasaeks .ltd • view to being In readiness to fp... any enterreacy that may arise. .Ailed 4...bea4 Mite/. Malta. Feb. 14. -Three British gunboats sidled heuc a for Crete to -day. War 1. leamaremt Gondola, Feb. 14. -Thr London papers this morning oomeor In the opinion that a Grse- co-Turkl.h war is Imminent. The I..aersl organ. Implore the Government dere o' fur pent, the actl..0 of Greece 1n any way. while the more sedate journals large Int ppwers to occupy Crete and to deride roe intimate destiny of the Island whit matters shad have Weems more quiet. The Standard declares that the powers must pacify Crete, since they have derided to iestrala G1'.ce and Turkey. tieeek (.1.1a•ea 4'loed. boudoir, Feb. 14.-Tbe Tku.•r tomorrow w111 publish a despatch trot. (nays say bag that George 1lvrovit.cb Pasba.the (lar(u- tlan tiorrruor of ('cele. took refuge on the flagship of the kuaslan Admiral and that the euUre curry of htomteu,•,rrin Gender merle, wbo attire althea° been employed In guarding the Goternor'a reeldeorr bate been transferred to the Russian warships. The Kumla. and French .dmlttW, the deepatrh says. hate received Identical In strueUons. but the nature of their orders L tit known. The diplomats at Constantinople have se- oepted Greet Britain's proposals for a feint n 5.ai oc.•upetion of than. Het/mo and Heraklion. the reloewal from Cretan waters of the Gnirk fleet. and the forteddenee of the despatch to crate of Turkish re-l.- fom•meat., and It Is thought probable that the orders of the newels and Russian ad- mirals an to a..ordawee with the pro- gram The refugees who sought shelter at the Greek Coagulate have been pieced rlt4er the protectloa a< t*e British (7ow- .al, The Greek COSMO at Heraklion es barked upsn cue of the war shipra after requesting the British Consul to protect the Greek .ubJeet• there. The dowing of the Greek eonsulat.w Indicate. that a definite rupture has takes glare between Greece and Turkey. The Time pprint, a de.poteh dated Cases 7.4. 14, mldnlgbt. saying that • Teeth* troopship ham Jurat pot to tea and that a Greet transport has started to pursdt of her. - NOlt1Rt ).Naar, NT ITS 700f, The Posallwr deadest That 0sametaed w nil tsfegsaa W14555 .7 rteher .4 P1a4Aut. Out., Fels. 14.- whet might have byes a '•rites .544 st was narrowly averted here to-ntgkt As Mr. Thomas wit sea sae 4NIng acnes the Ives anspo abs braes veer the Ayer ha borae stumbled cad leo ega1Yt tike weeds railing. wbl.4 MVP wqq 1154 It act been that the bar ars beet.t the tears, with foes .nrupsnta would pros bass aaMed /Iowa on the lee. Attires feet below. As It ares, the keen weed ewer, but In the Bail sae font aught the Ins wont;, cad the poor mensal bang ss alemeadee tar ahead 1,.imary urinates with heavy pftete U • • goat nam tet mid he fell ea the k-. The was badly cat W IsminsoL bat way able to walk bone. •agaber en He iso. ethos% Feb. ll -•attar i.ek, 041 trate !kr Chstrde eretered el A. L. ma= Tam. W w. camerae. les 1pit • aessatogas wee ~ g a one Mew eth ,. gee 1..:ea N'M 5day. [lag Omar .f Swede sliest. Mak. • 1raNea, les be mar owes for Maas tram e d•rsed at14ar with the •.teary► sr am* e ther per.usal aenente of the writer. L .ash id km book., whit* he has gradated film oy«y part of the world se an taw• mous expose, the Kam has wntte. • few latae of ►e own. restais waking ap to the necessity of abliog hat mo.atat.• 1 b. little Mae reeesaly neat to • villa** • few riles sant of Madrid and pla.'ad • pine sapling, .Iter which 2,000 children, **Lied from the Madrid schools.- *sob pleated • tree. M.daJs wore distribulmi mama them, with 'b• i.ssrlptio.: " First Arbour Helm, hi - emoted au the reign of Alfonso XIII ,1826-" Smiler (murals aim to be held yearly la dirtiness plane, and 1h• childr,. are to 1.. takes out to tee how tl ear treses grow. it, the hops that they will teeter tree•pl.wuse in their districts. '• Of course 1'am a hated of the working n ta.,•' Mid the aspiring polo loan "• Theo why don't you work 000asioanlly yourself •" ..ked on. of ha auditors. "• Ub, that's simple enough. 1 deal welt to crowd come more deserv.n■ man out of a job." Moo* of Mae misery le due to tn/1ig. .t• too; for who ods be happy with • Nein .t, h s stomach ! As • °orreotree awl "teener bes- et of the •I.mest.r y org.a•, Ayer,e Pitl• art tov.luanb. th.tr o•.- t etmg 11101.0. att. .led with marked benefit His Tarn N. -w -N he. ler : •• Whet, you boyinp s bicycle! 1 th"ught yet deta.ted then. • •• W.getaf : '• :So 1 do ; but I've bone run over loos esough. Now I'm gout se h... my revenge. 119.300 EIS WAIF IN BICYCLES Atio WATCHES Fmk w4uiNl SoAP RAPpER�During the Year 1897. Por full particular% see adrant.erne t., or apply** UTIA MM.. tin., 28 tern b., TONTO FARMS 8' ATTENTION HIDES W TED 1 Ilona to the 00 RICH TANNKR -.agens• RUJHr Itti R100, SPOT (A 111 W F. & A. SMITH. Rich - - P -,.re - - Fragrant LUDELLA" Healthful CEYLON TEA is nnrllu44 J -1. Refresh. p In Lead Packet e. 25c, 40o, 50c, or 60c., per lb IIFROWE JLL 'r R LEJ•DIkJ 7(1 errOFi048 OLDEST SHOE HOUSE IN TOWN. We are showing a full line of Boots S hoes S lippers Rubbers i which we art prepared to sell at prices that defy compe- )tition. In Men': lines we have just received some excep- tionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Long. Bala , that we are sure will suet the Eye, Feet and Pocket, Our .tock of Ladies', Misses and Children's is up to date in Style ana Quality Call and see our Gent%' Fancy Slippers. We have a few Boys' Long Roots that you can have at Cost. WM. SHARMAN, JR. Foie Agent for the Slater Shoe. IAMINITFOR Sk .ties and Hockey Sticks Prices right Assortment complete. Cow -chains, Guns, Ammunition. Axe*, Goss -cut- Saws, All immense stock, and prices as low as OAZ b at 15 cta. per bushel R. W. IllicAE uZ1E IF THE le IW PItICEI) II.IRDWARE ST. ••. e. A CANADIAN COMPANY. M In UnRy there 1. Strength." 5 THE GOLD 1 -TILLS Non-Pereeeel Uabllfb. Exploration and Development Shares Sold ata Discount Abeolatefy nos-A..eseeele. Company, of Toronto, Ltd. Incorporation applied for under the ONTARIO Joint Stook Companies Letters Patent Aot Relating to Mines and Mining. PROPOSED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, DIVIDED I11T0 !.000.000 aRARas OP 01.00 IROS. Head Ofllc•, - TORONTO, Canada. Prinolpal Agenoles will be London, Eng., Roseland, d.C., Rat Portage, Ont. PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS' IRON.). D. SDOAR, Q.C.. M.P.. T•rwte, aZ-ALD. 0110. Me111URRICH Toros, The Tewmaw leperegeraher albs asses RHead - e OtONHTAT040A, • ?cents, so.w, faDimmer dig: r A1R•e10 Awaoee a Co.* of lsen- C M.D.g plasm foreseers.Cief Reeser Iadepwde.t Order JOHN POT, Sq. TensesMargfot Dlr- wea r Niagara *..igl.don c.. imine Os Car. ..JOHN R. M, OaRPr t LL . , Oat. D Bowes, Hilton i awawl bey Toronto, O. • TRSDBRICi[ W. STRANDS, at . D Termite, Deputy hargeow-Oeewt, .n - r M Nolo Tark- r. RR. C*RTBLSR, Sq., a,C . Ottawa, Oat_ JOHN 011011108 DOWR$. Re}.. ef Bowes, J emheea !Co., two Fo.saeee H•mu- J0111?PR B. Ia .*THUR, Sq., Q,C., of Bomlasl• B.C. OSOROS B. CAST, Som, M.P., Magni. Oat. A. D. HARDT of Needy, Vaasa aa Healy. Barristers.BBarristers.tis uaida d,Oat. 00N. JOHN FARQUHARSON Ant Premier P.S.I., and Director Kircheato Batik, Charlottetown. P -Set. cornTie-. �smnpen mn' bas secured the following interned is both BAtbb Colombia and Ontario: sa t ree pso Blot the /roes " JUMBO " mise, Roseland, B.C., tyro properties In the Stoma District. B. mai tisMVYbi Imes, beteg loader aplig. b.id by as, the other in which as batons is being *egotism' for at preset. _ . A location 1a Bou.d.ry Cr dt Digrlct, B C. which L well misss.Bdoasd, and will h. carefully examined in • apse too amperes to osssedfoa with oastempbld purchase. Two locations is Rainy River Dblrict, one of which will be smueln 4 esiaately as soon .. transportation admits It in the mpring. whilst the other le ander ssgefihrga Locatiese is J.ck* b� Bay. having au sutef shoot goo mores, as well as several Ember partially developed properties h the Law of the Trail Cent, See" mg 0osoury dbtri tis. which are receiving the attention of the management. • 011J 1 The Company w144 seems by exploration, through 1 if Ming Agents and employees, gold, silver sad labs erdate. ml ell sell the otos, ter ppe.rrtti.tly develop and sell. to other parsons or companies .a will secure tin ben be led MOM N sh (b ershelds s. Thar. are scores of mining claims which *bow surfs indications of gold or silver, ter hoth bet ideas aid ad they bars bean y t•04 by rom..spasdlture La opening them up. they cannot be sub/sitte & to the erareh altos of *Med 4L s 'This Company will start operations with options and contacts extending over the best Ilii. la sod will t»stinee to secant mon while developing these In hand. The .ztent to which n e npandit.will be will as the advice of experts. Before caring any:u, gale the Compare will be randy to y before Steed's( purchasers i carefully -prepared reports d the beet 1N nfng The prices willvarywith the stags of derelopoest mad the eaten e1 the reports. In tins a no Invader need be led. They will Snow what they are d od getting so far ms the beadvice s rade then, and they yid have the chances always Wore them of g'rsaR galas. and a minimum chess of toga The servi.m of s practical and thorosghly reliable man. who has explored the Kootenay. Nam already bass encored for the Comp..sl In British Csfmbia I (a) The Company oda also promote sed form other Companies. both on this oo..tla.st and fa Nero" for the purpose of and operating Wise sow scare& or to be .*muted, by this Company Will deal I Wes a�ltd mad act as ilidag Heaters gesered� sad appoint Agents throegbent Canada and .b► NW* to -,!'.� Ceelpms , Breheregs Departments' Company. (4)Wits be a smear �ialoesmlfos to he shareholders Ou as resHe s partaking to mimlag and DMA Columbia. gad shoehorn .sebum% each a_Aaehoidar so node. the Very Weld news from 41 Apsts at the lair ting eta4. I (S) Hosts% its gibed dabs rtes be severed at first octet, of wallah every irehddr gas the pais d u gorith• Campania gum ohms apitalleteam of 1bmu..ads of dollars bgesd tins Free mei, thereby vim Ob lkans slMr et ilia and lir,�egAIq� 11m�as�rt�, peels Barry razz, of this C nvemy nil belerhe idem a pinna nbr end Wake each iiir.i.111rr 7'♦e!e ea De as ovum. ani no Wells p,oafe „ mill far or say ether idLnntios climbed will be glom epos demand. A anis- of drat free, are saw died a the pada at 10 O TO pr Fare. In Moshe of net lar tr ✓ share.. These dedrag to become msbmoe(bare te the dint barn can do epi by orwrssonioatMg with a, A. N. ROBE & CO., Mining Brokers, eta, 4 King St E., Toronto AGENTS R WANTED. 00RitaM PODSMOS SOUOITW.