HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-18, Page 111 MA >RIBORIulN If yes wait* .. Al Fiv. Oast Cigar. •meek. THE MA Y QUEEN II•n0•AOTVR$D se MADDOCKI3A KENNEDY oODICRuoH. THS-] LEA ATNC3 NEWBPAPD2. OF HtTRiON ocroasyr-Ir. FIFTIETH YRAR.--26011 GODRRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY FEII. In, iK91. D. Mc(HLLICUDDY, EDITOR. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR 1897 ? IF NOT, WHY NOT ? N[W ADVL.RTISEMENTS - FEB.18- Slee thee '", ugh -F. M. Nelms b by W. ed -D. K .Scr•ehies 6 Dry Elm snit Resw•ei-Yenmaglee Fero ikoly Co Tandem Weateu-L. 6. Dmaey b Former. -A M •h. A11ea b Vbare Ogre Hose. --Redd Clark cd Oates Uaderwe•r-_J T. AoS.•oa..., 8 Loot er (Miss -L. Ig Daae•y b Iad1•a Cletbeo Itseket.-G. M F.Illeeeb jest R.. steed -Th. Fair 8 A Molist.r'. Mary -Folioed & Cs 3 Aaniverwery Mal* - K. R • .ith b Another Bargain I'•y-Wyam's Fairb Amine Male of Value', propmrt) _Cam. tea, Holt sad Hulme.. b Valuable Farm lelair-•snow. HN/ sad Mehra • b • $..OPAL PSWS IN BRiEF 8se Watt, Hope, Love tonight. Pride, is regular meeting of tows uoas- oiL Orden. ore oomo tt in folly well at the bicycle b.etto) . Ilw.al,r m'•t,. g (.1 0 (' F. No 157 nett Th modes evening. T. J V,4an u reooverins from a omens att.ok of le gnpp.. F. F lwwrwoe hat been off d.ty the past week tbroaab ,11.... Carlisgteng heldmra-lust what you want. The frier. Mtlrst • binok. Capt D. McK.v's dwelling on Britannia rad Fill seas he completed. There well M early oommmmtoo at Si. Gsoree's sett S..dav morweg. The Uoierich Koitu.R 47p, baa deed dews for the natal February feat, , The road to the Uoderiob leather mill wee wee.( 000etdwrnhly the past week. A large and choice .esortrieit of or,luRee sad Imams pie arrived •t 1, M. );.hast'.. Don't tail to wttee s the o•otat• kit the North street Methodist attach this eveBlww The maw wbo sew the c•nar .• to tree last week probably bid • bee ' hie Rise's Pen Salt you ale at. should •• ( let the Felt .f rb. North , .11 others to - fan A. MoI). Allan wail laid up for • few date t►e met week with an et -tick of L groin m• Rea Sisk., of the Colon hotel, ha* pet the isoaade,eoent light in beth hotel and *table•. The N••rtb Anteroom Chemical Co. bee bought over 800 oords of wood already the Winter Oa: Pdies Mee -ware was ori duty • few daysi lest week, settling a orae of le grippe He did it vv. Eley 1' w' ! oil m delivered erwd an addrse ors teep r.oa in V iotor is -et church Friday meeting last Men have been employed the pest week eleariag away the material from the old skating rink. Dunn, the past week town were some re- arkebly good games at cerbsg in the West -et risk. Three ars of apples wen *hipped from the G T. R. station yesterday for Liver- pool via Heston W • are remind to hear that Hmgeetrr Gibson M reported by his medical attmsd• Bat as steadily improving. New Hoeis°. sad point lace bride and Mire hewn Inose thread for working sena The Fair, Mown..'. blmok. Rev W. Godwin will prwub to the Mid- dies next Sebbieth morning ei Viotoria-it. at the meat hoer of service. " My bat hewed off " mid Marjorie, is Mather • resent experience, "sa' I owned home war my bad barefooted." A real bargain -Io lien clothe. bookies essay sold at half • dollar will be sold at G. M. Elliott'. next week for 25 oar. The Kensington Co. is fairly besy, Mid the manager informs er that the primer February is the best for three mars. Lar Wednesday night • load of young people from (ioderioh enjoym4 tbesr.lyee .ketiwg here -(lints° New. R•oord. The large tug being bath by Merles is Plein, reptd(y Bad the entailer este f. es far finished as to stow boor pretty lisw.. Invitations will be timed this week ter Ilse 2.d mosetNy le the Hetet B.dtorl. es - der the anapest of the Rees Hall &d•1 dap • paper rasa by Wm. W e *eek at a resat meeting of the Hertiealt.l.l Swiney, oft grape salters, will appear fa oar Bent Mum. livery day we realize bow oemfertat.ly 1'%d leg •Ices without snwiethiwg that the day before we were aortae. we otethia'• live without. A portion .1 the roof of the (bsi.m skatise teak fell ie es the same day that the Bret fell -la **.,sued at the wld risk es IV est at. Resell Clarke Reperm.tre Compeay all am! week at Ti..ria Opera Noma. Fra repertoire. usomere and apeefialti.a Pepe. kr Priem. Photo Mesa., with etaatpsd lime. all amplet., at prima that will astonish yea. Also fine battle' *dote. The Fair. Me. dais•'. Meek. Manage, W llsee, ei the Haeawssa ilia* dm Co., is ea • week'. busisem 11lp amoload while away will rwpresest the ease) iwgnma at eke Rich evert in Rt Qltkarbee, The Orem notary was abed es SNar- day find Meeday for the peree. dTmaatlay • new beater. it re-ep ed en with • fell artier idea. A prserwwive padre partlyttrfi be �lvem by the Uwewrieh Ram ficial ah. is thou asstnedlewe parlors on Weaasa. Half Friday Bight All m.mbies aw,eiemMd to be present. Oma et the pMNsm. sed meed selWe salsad•r reisived.s this suits 2 *tits Weed frees the donee Pres Awa she. Drew Meese is knows as ibe newt* either le O Reda. end N i, seedises its mMd Mad sett- Isg • 2. aiL le aedd Ings !MAsh eft OUR OTTAWA LETTER. . Whitt is Going *Nat the Capital semaablie /lbws. glee it asherstl.a Returns Mew the gow.esa.re (save Bees oared ear -As l..preved tinker of Tahiti. OTTAWA, Feb. 15. -As compared with 1896 tmmtgratleo returns show • de crew of 8 per mint in 1896 It is • metier of wooden that the Irish, `••rtob, English and german emigrant should have btetwt d beef ore he looked towards Canada at • de- sir•bls oountry to wbiob to make his future home. 110 yes dor one moment supports b had not hard of the depredstiooe of th men who for 18 years held .way at Ottawa sod that the koowledge of all this had a • powerful tafueooe to tenons the hoods thousandsnf intending emigrants away iron -mines until the power u( Go-mines.houid fall into honest hand, To this muse .s.1 to this mita alone is m.rely at• tribute/de the enormous decline to tn.. ;tom to. se1 . err to. who have oome into .nada donne the poet twelve or fifteen oars. mo But bow .a was • ohmage of Govern. meat signaled with an morose* to the num. ler o1 settlor. making their homey is the Dominion. LOOKING er. al The totmintier of immigrant arrivals ie Canada dur.og 1-8C.5 wog 25,571 . o. .it 25,- 478 to 1896. Thea were sot •11 daunt. to make their homes in Cathode, ate 1895 m 6954.4 thetmmigraauuroseed over into the the Cotten Sates while an 1895, 33 per wet. of the eeriest*, or 8643 et the emi. moat ptemorere who had crossed *he Ar. IanGo to make their homes on this side of the ester decided sifter leadteg to Coned.that it would M to their advantage to settle is the United States instead. Aad what bad more to do with it than the knowledge they had gained of the oharaoteratt of the mwho were governlsg the mum- try.:,omp.rin, the following period. of 1896 with the corresponding month. of 1895 we god that immigration into ('an.da, easel.ettlemeet during the month of December .howed to lessees* of 9 per amt.: for the eat at etostb. of 1896 mo increase of 5 per sent Frio: to that there hod been • matted .:h d.oe in every month of the year as compered with 1895 11.. fact that .t while its 1896 tee hely lest 25 per n st. of this *migrant passengers who leaded in (*.nada in march of homes we bo.•mi 34 per ot of that population in 1896 Bet with what satisfaction It o to view th- increase in the .amber of emigrant tows - eery who have token up their reeidonee in renthree d. dories the past the or four months as c. mp.red with the oornsponding month. of 1896. How uun.utak.bty it iodiatee the 000tidence a change of Government in er. Cooed& hay inspired among lgraot• who leave their homes io Europe to make sew 0se on this oontintnt. While the rotariesfor the Ent three gaarten of the year .hew • marked decease* to rhe number of actual settler* the lest quarter .bows an equally marked increase in the number who have mid. Comtetheir future home. IT SPINES TuLrrtett. Wm would lock in vain for • mon sub- mhntial proof of the 000ddenee the change 't Goverment hes inspired in the mind of the foreign emigrants than i. evidenomd In the increase whwh almost immediately fol- lowed the .00.eeion of Mr. Laurier aid his party to power im .Ione Isar es yet the Go,ermenr have hes. enable to give *!foot to the seeded reforms they propose making is the .*crave immig.tmon policy of their pretoeessors that Nae for years rs bedriving the eldest settler out of the country and ..rtsg .way theom who might be Unitised • mum ise is, aid when their plane aro matured a we mew rennably look for further improve - moat. The increase during the lite three mnt,the of 1896, small as it is in tee nem: her of .wttlen who have made their homes is a• C.dk, M solely the result of the footing theme • security ththeme of Government has imputed and by giving the people • fair Memel •dmiestretmoo of public affairs .pd memo 5y that .Jose o•n the (iovernmaeet of Mr. Laarimr hops to retain the oo.8deass of p• the opte. Tett men rtaa. ow Daring the pat week the oetry bee e•et with • great salinitym t. the dtrootion *2 Wm upper story et the Wester. Depart - meet block. Yet is may. .her .11, he eGomm- meetfertee•te themes in aerator the Gomm - meet of the danger white threatens the bm Formst Reddish., the Easters Depart - w est Meek and the ()metrical Mamma if steps are set amos es takes to make them reef. eef. It i..a 'Medea' think that se.biteot would permit the mltBess of de- ers 15.t have II.p .zp.a sd.d epee Lim Wilder 1. he ee� (...eh • tinder hoz Weems r.5.ildisof the Wen hlook wi11 Gest at Meet a jeerer of • million dollies. It will east at Inset two dollies dollen te ew remodel the three isildl• and .aka them el dew proof with .treef. the MOWre the reef e. the sew Laewe.in Meek. A Lege mem of steam but .mall it weeld he if it le to s•1e from de whe eotien the setifel Par- liament Mildews. Parliamentary Library and the Ramere bink with all the record. and papers mimed in them. It is erlmiaal that the bead,dm of th.....& a dolman Werth .f mal..bh, mammal speelmeae Wet meted aro new Nd isate old shell .f . Iwildiee imams as A the esl gleal Mseeem should 5. dugs j epardisdhe it th. Tbesidesg wferm- .rly e sad (lamed« heel, • retie of past ages lets se the bards of • prominent Tory pehtisma flaab.m had deme ed theatres' ▪ width wi"N saw W lsmated N eely steed r • tamB a amtaw set le seelease the Oa of today with ell Deems. 11 woe • goal *hasoh .. air m has Oeveren set es reward ossa ml the lf laltdtfel and they trek It ekis heeds all . he Sows and N h thio old me. M 11e tree of a Nei ig Asa Is tee tO.elwriad m,�. Me.a OMew 8 T*.mravow COMING AND OOING 1, H Deuksea, of grew. wee in tows Friday. Anima,Twit, wee is Cli.inm the pest Saturday. id Mr. a'f .. Y Megew were to Clint°. leer week. Mist G • bwun is vier i•g frieode in the � (� ,see c t y, Goo R t,A ant H 3i,•Keonate wato ('1'.• toe Monday N. W Bowden, of I?aeter, wee in (lode - 'rich Ssrard.•. R. Raoefor 1.01 Charon, wee in rhe Comitytown host work. 1V R. Thompson, of Teamster, was is Goii.nch last week .1. 1) K,h aon, of faster, wait viewing our town o0 Set..rday. P. Nevin. of Stelwtoh, whin tows os bur .. in.the per week. • J W tit. Sinclair. of Hromaehti , Plaited e C •1 nuety *rico no tined*/. Mita MiMoto- Y. " tet a• returned from her of r mon•h'm vitt to Rt Ig ••.,ten. of Sant' Do -kaon, of Ih,ng.nonn, rotted his , home ,n Gndwrich the week. I . \1.11 •1'•"'" t'',2 'iw tea ,r.'1leit 'e*Sr.. iSet•eh.•. C11e•• , th • ev ,k Moe N.M.. McLrol, tit *Baton, vw•wd • If' iamb i Got -rich :sat '.risk. Mts. R. 11 'L•„d. wh - hero' visiting is j Ss•t'wth, returned h on , t.at w'•.i .1.. Cork noted Wusrrnu .0 1 other .lenrgi•n Ksy peers the past week. Alf•ed Bennett, of Port Albert, gave Ttlt `ilosA,. •,n*nilly ail on Holiday. M.tth.. 'tornul•, .1 11.mute.nn.. sass to town on Monday and gees THs .ihi'IAL • o•(1 David G Konhan•n, of Montreal, L at tbw homestead, (lolhnrne, enjoying his holi- days. Mea Vin Every. of Chicago, i. • guest at the resi•ieooe of .1. H. Coombs -New.- R.o rd. A. D. M,l..•evl wit. in ','•forth Iat week attendmr the fader.' of his cousin, Rory McLeod. $itewirt '•rooms and Jae. Vivian anent fbe peat Seised', .ed Sunday is the •osis to hinforth. 8 P. H.11. is in the Q.sen oi•v reprea•t• • leg the (i v1•nch A. U. II W At the annual meeting of the gross i, edge. Miss Mar, Son, who had oewa vie is. friends oe l.ockaow sot vicinity fir the past six week*. returned horse on Tueed.y. Moe Atria, of the Montn.l lieserat f1o•anal, who boo been vietisg fr.sada in A GOOD NAN HAS CONE • MINN PAM., Passes Awa Fell WIMP* sell U_01S.. ilio Peacefully themes the Illeer, aewvisa • weed gmetree. ••e1B/ -war I.- 5ssa/ e. Friday. ON Sunday, the i th lust , George u■ deed at his reside,w•, Britannia fiord, atter an iliorr of lees thin . week'* dun• IDOL Altnough the dm..... ghatlrine* had boom. meoriehat intsehled, tut few of his ft •rids anticipated w arty • denim. U:e the ►!.cloy pipettes he called at Tag ShitiA', tau, to leave 10 item 01 sews, and ►M k.uuly greeting on that ocoul,•o gave nt. token that to leo then a week the cheery vo,w *mild be hushed In death. Sbartly hefore 3 r a on Fr der .l1 that was turn al of it.e ....seed was horse from his late reasdeooe to North -et. Metbodrt church, and :here plated before th.• pulpit tt p•• ,one of • large numi.er of relative. se 1 frit-e,ls. A. 'tie ca.k,tt we.arreed up '�••- a1 s•s.• •h* organ peal..4 Curt, i • . oma wire R re. 1' Igo end Godwin THE *.are Gno on t41L Mistier. et mired the pulpit, as appropriate (loderioh, returned to her post hat Moo nems tea. rung, ted 11i, *:.che"i lad day. ,. prayer. An emthrm nowt for the woo, e.ua ewe rwnderai, atter whish the pastor dello-rote en el••yornt sddre.a on the orf,' one ex..opie of IM .leawa.ed ,en'1.mra He noticed men of •he manly train of the Jep.rtod toe, .puke etrong:y nl hos life .a r r u' e. er m.atm••mor hie faith and hie death, ounclud••d a follows . •• Tilers ore men ut i his ,,,we who bare crerel.ra • f.r eider tubth pro tr ',witness castles, who may host" se.umulv,d much ..or, of ii9m world'. g..ode, men who have figured more prommenly to p.ltt,e.l sod ►.,.awl ,•trol.•a, min who oeul1 steak mote wloquen;ly nu .mp.nsnt omissions, but •tyre: Georg* i'ot there woe let one teeta- tnouy-that he we* A •...ot, DAN. flu • to. day, ehelr Hoven mny be ri her, we feel that th. char h her. has I -.t • no o(1t• strove Ileo. Hie vote et .11 never r, ore be bray* .0 she dulerahl bootee of o.dea.•.nowt of the nhwrch : in the mud.w e< 4r.. • r .•r• tr• h • f, rm .2'.11 never more 1•.• are fl. .111e mem- litre of the mom ti.t he eitde.veren for w Many years to ist'hluhy in•irS,t'n ►prn:- °et'bloom feel that they her I et • council. Mr end • f• -'end. Nu r.,.o • Gold go fart her to assist ate -mow toear•ts G. d nal • in. h 1.. he i.omr. r.f the poor and the •lti,ete 1 hr sirs a. twin) eat •!dram' wtlaone, ►•sea..• tie serried with Ism the prototee. of Chile,. He behoved without quaimScittou in the ch'.rch of :'u shore* " For Iva fam•ly he hoe °flood hu list prayer, given his 1•.mt a t. toe ant borne tits nail testimony- We are t2Nkful that Jct.i (Vitro. ...d, " i go to pupas* • pl,.00 for you ; .r.4 ,f 1 re and prepare • pies ler von I wt11 wine agwto, that when i am y• n••.y he Mao." • hese'1ic•tnn having beet, prnnounc.d, the casket was opened, seri nearly e.wrj pnrwrn pr.•'nt took • Iwo 1o.k at the earl, kerma fans The lid wee then tlnilly sed, and, to the aileron armee of the ie'ad March in Sao', he who had Mem a pillar us the *hutch, pared mat of its pnrebway for ever. Oe North -.t • procession we. formed, the ministers iw•ding, then followed the tinnily Physician, the printer• and ex printers of Godench in hr., over 30 orodg, the hearse, mnertiare, and • long It... of oern.nee con- • •-wing relative. wind *,,coif.. Arming at the grave the ceremony wee ooui l.ted by committing the remains of our old friend to mnthm pales TM pall hearers were deceased's woe, Java, of Chioego ; Will, ot I.m•ming'oo, Gr•.; p: I., of ('hitegn; Howsrd,of Carman, Man , and K.n•on, of Laninet.'e, Ont ,•ed no grandson, Ramon (•nee•. of ()Meech R. end tend on the os.ket were many tributes, .moor which were nn•ieed • from the trust.* board of NMth•e1 et char. h ; 1. diet, .1. W Van. snehnr, Mr.. .len ('tit, Cb'o.gn \ re arta., Carman, Mae ; wreath, e • I. ; deka*, tin 7.1 ('et, ('ht .t2. Mr. Dawson,: M.1'... here of demrs.d', oleos ; crow. Danny ; writ h, ler. and Mn , M otters. Mir Kith 9t. war. T • eta roes. ('oe was Mrs in Keni.bi). • 1 mend, is 18811, and mart -tied in 1861 • stetter •f the I.tw .Ins All. n, wh.. 'sir • '• es hien. Timm or. also left to sneers he ostler* e'v woes, flew shove named, .ed .1 ahem, of Bon amn.t- 1).k , anti font "lettere. Mrs Dnw51a, of PwmMna, 1).k ; tt • $surl.'r, wt R•.wwmnnt, Oak ; M... fl.' , mors, Bad Mr. N iwb,, Cestan., 11 ✓ mu' feet of 1Aie nl'itpry metros, •1 04.5 • ' •r ring dt.pnettice, wit sorest t ••e n•• r ed M the ince roasmnl..n.2 nor .'e• bM^hair..ateweeeverb... ter•• A• 'ee• rte2i••s 2w town hw woo •Iw+wi 1• It • t.. he kewwtedre of the craft betas d•. , rid theme" Seth always Now R'.: W. W Roo. Gnderich, hies try rwe'ev.re•1 1 ..in her r• -•tent Borer• Weems. ie visiting the hones of for father, (leo. (:ottls. til .tun' friend. Our d n B !lt'C•rm o Oo ria f (i.dsri.:h, his left Maar O•• rete to tate up hi. do•ies a inopootor of .meet• ort' of ,th'ag He will. we e•w eons, meek- s', etli •tent of- ficer.- News. R• car A. Naw R'.: Miro Luorsti• V.o. .tie, eke smut to G,vter'ch tm •iten'1 M r• .1 .1 noon. jr , tea taken ill with pleon•y, h'•r ..a. ter, Mn Cha. Waren, le .• hewn, is Go4ertcb attrition her. Mrs. Stork* end little eon, M•oduff. left, tart week for Ronheet.r, N.1- , to rpt rid ik few work• with Mrs. Walter Fish*, of that airy. Mee Machell, who was to .oc,napany her. hes deterred her vier owiog to • recent attack cf rheumat.em. Ngwr.tIN• ler the Jahlts.- To the 5ditor of the :turret.. Dear Sir -Now that the approeobine die - mon 1 jandee to ettebrite the 60th miniver• eery of the reran of our beloved Qo..n is to he rleher d in • most suspto' .u. meaner 1. R,,Iood, and 'o'fs't all over the British pnweersiwne, on the 21st day of .dun* next, 1re we to renown in•eti•', se we b... den* daring that peat 20th of May birthday osle- hr•tion, of the let few years ` I hope aot, i feel that we .re jest a. loyal • people as any of the millions of subjects who rever- sion Her Msj'.',. and think that • .citab'e program .hnnll le. pnpsr. i to oelehmte that .wpie,om• event. Row to dose rests with better informed persona thin motet, hat 1 mirbt .ng,.•t that .n iot.rseting pro- gram of 'porta he entree up that would draw • lair* attendance from the neighbor. trig town.h,ps and etll.g.., and that nrm of the imams on the program would he to ohriaten me of nae fine •tremae. say Rlgib street. walk the flame of " Queen Viotori. Avenue," • acme that would stick to it for all tem and he • twmtodor of the Noble ledy we so loyal lea ohseieb. The omen say meld be performed by • prooes.toe march• ing the whet/ length .f tie. sv.noe, headed by the Town Gamed, the ••,,noun .o t •n appropriate hoed of mn•••., 61.0 the firing o f • royal salvo. and sinning r.7 the natio.- al anthem Another .ueg•.tien of mists would be that the eh,ldre. of 'be town e asesla and as enemy of the meaty retools as poseible should s..emhl. ea • imitable pietfnrs tea Nes the ..tinsel map, •sit to emelt ohild be oirmp • medal er *emote"... ,. ' er "r the day shies, en .liar years, woe • ..heriehed souvenir of rhe• mato". 1, meet. Thea few •iemotwe• 1 beg to • A *rooter., that mime more Ode pen than m will take .p the setter, .. i 'h•• v" m'. • have • estelsratinn that ea.l) *hoe •b,• • are a loyal • tenni* ae any of the •u• j n of the v...rshI. I.Ay, who's vett' now. - ••••40 • thrill of loyal emotion fr. , .t• ..t,. n orther. As /roe A.ro or, ReuTTewva A Hurt' VO.rr Threw henry *tete,. leads of retina se, ;Jo frees the f! •. •n potnttnent of V,wteris.•ree•, w1t1..A w. t►. earen.arm as Tws•ds• merrier set ter»a royally wyloernod he Rev W fln'1viso sod hie ob.rweag p.ete•v. Aft., • few hour. of 'meal ae jnymmaar to tit' wait •.2 Pares.. womb, elegise, remiht(wem mot refemh,n•*•• the happy .ne.lMs wit lwnegh' to • til.... by • Mow words of appreelettaw Beit prays by the pastor Th. awmpony etrwei..A their reediest titterer& le rbc ►e.'.w'• how,. by leaving .hs I..4., sett eat ode .b ned•e. 17,.Msmiah.d These plemaaet gash•'tt.re sure en mom+.t the Nee shot bead the me - i eAor elfd Ms people /geMw• :1'rvr#4�... at she ootseeend at.ait2., older VOMIT *ypw Fur over forty years •c* rooted eau fnrem. is Te[ Shine. dice Rut las hap. we osa• sot twit better tiwttmoay of hie et•rhag ohar.oter :ban by rm•p•sttog whet w• pale Lahr d eh,. awing his jubilee a a ',fluter is August, 1890: •' Durtag h • long teat to tri• forem•B- .bip of Tei ShikAL, cure., vee, w• *slab& may hundred*, of by* bevy te.'..i under km oars to testator/ the el. masts at th.,-,star's oellirg sad w e mak. no mhwk• n E. a we ay that 10 1,0 sol.tary *wises* has be failed tel.! upon the cherecter o1 the novice the impr.w of an upright, hooter. seteeet Christian life. So mu••h hoe the to8ueote of Mr (rot lees felt in iha r,.pe.t, that tie more then 're• 000..•wo wt,bir. tee know. ledge of she writer, •1e tom.," Mr haven, e 1..1 learn hie trait* at Tot 't,:sA1 hew bees wives that the parent or gu..:,t .ri ors. ser tam that the•fetherly care of M. l'ot would have • salutary eAeet at* o the .ppnattom, and while ander each supervision no evil habits would he .cqu,rod Over the length end breadth of the Tonto cat today there are Tally old SIm.aiI. tante, and wherever 'hey may be located, if they reed thew Me.. they will hs.r'i( intone what nem hes, ..id of their bid oo-worker. lair mil' sod friend..' AUCTION SALES - Ali partite setting their sale 2211. printed at Ibis niece will have a for notice ,amid in this Ito ue to tar tam. of .al... There will hr 101,1 0y pithily .uvrtom ate Int No 5 Lal.• Range, Ashfield, horses, oat - tie, term implements, Inu,l.er wagon, • hug. gy ted other articles too numel4.us to moo tier. The wale will take til.oe oo Monday, March lar, ono' nemcirg at 1 P... sharp. Jona Koos, Asotiooser. 1 hay. revived mnetruott^o. from Wm. A•k ter h, lot 12, opnre..ion 5. l'olhorns, to ..dl oe his farm .n Wedn•ansv, the 24th Fe:w wary, uomm*noon, at one •.'olock t s , horses, steer., heifer., fat cows, fat bogs, and an improved 1'.,tkihtre hoar. Jose •K Nor, Auctioneer. There will be an •natio ab of farm stool, implemeatm •m.' .'tioles too flamer• ous 'o mention on the farm of Thee A 'Yd. let 5. one. 11, Colborne, oa Friday, 96'5 Fehy., 1897. 'Once Kxnx. Auotsos•er, MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. tODENJett 1ee'N'aHte. Mo,tuAT. Fu, 8, 1897. :-ns •ail met today Moires of lea meet- ing reit . 1f,.e.d by Chas. Wil- liam. • / 11•.on Middleton, that En t'd int• too paid : Wm. Col - dolt in .' : row. of M RAD, $16.40: h1u-t.• ' World, 51 : Mr. MW 11.', TA•_est, 516: tV Smith, re.yeipt holder. 85, ; aud'tors, 810. Gilbert Mate, for lues of h. nor 'brn..vh road being too nar- row •t.rp'o..h of bridge, wSic1. caused the frost whew.. to awn, wound and bring tee bete. ag•.n.• the railing, we Nish vasal its dash. V F Blerkall oto died the council that death was pewit 1,y inlury Moved by John Middleton. •*^rimed by This Churo- hill 3 S , ohs• .. ter Pier he appointed pa/:s- weeter in pl are of (.ten Stan', .g Al journ.d to meet on the fire Monday in April • • Nixon ,T• RD?, Clerk. P.F. P,thmsarir. • h. t.v• not goall3ed j brrore next wetter will he changed t C. E. L. U. The following are the .notas for the dd. fer..n y' , g p•"plea • a ,•. , e wbtc:. tela& during tie. 1 week : North .1 11 tht.se.• char,••, F. L of ( K., Fr,d.y ev.t••ng a' 7 tri ' •1 -. k Tn.. -opts wi,i be " Poli, y of i n.- ole• h list 1' •orob, ' I Qu.attnn drawer Igeuerat,) to he addressed try Re. Tempt. 2"'ir' . Knox •'h:•r••,. 1 ,I'. h 1' 1•, "t ,u..d. t even - .ng at 9 o'clock Topic for Feh,u.ry 23rd. •• Oar Little ll'orr.te and ho.. 1 , wit rid of them," b. 1Ire* ito:hel MCSwea .if..+..n.r• -"('he Ii -.tory of i1•i16,•' by Maes E f,•h W'vgu•s 1ht• well be th. regulir *„num.'s* ion tneet:ng tit the SAMMY when the monthly offer nig wilt he taken at, ♦,neon,.-•• M.- tholie chip eh 21 1,. of U. R , friday sve..ing it 8 lock. The two will he " Temporal blew rigs a hi •h follow ehri.tisn.te," to he addressed by Mies Emil, Hillier. A'1 are .;.r.b.•ily invited to st••mi thea. mmenn,s, wh•ch a.. heli in the hoiement., Visiting marnirre of ether societies es. pnoially weloameel A Sr mot, iDEATH -I Ln Friday weaning Mn. John I)'nigh diad suddenly •t her residence, Wet street, of heat( failure. The dmtosa'ed late had Mee up town with bear datigh'.•r., hot re wrier, h,.m,' hefts• them, ant shortly after had s •tall from Mea Con Vivien who ran.sined with deceased till 9 r. As the .one" lady left the dwell*,,, a netirhn •r, Mrs M. Klemm, pees. .4 hr art, h.d a taw fru.'•'iiv .word.. Ai that time neither titre Meh'mnn. nor MI•. t Vivi*. nntto.4 snt-'hieg that would lead them to welter, that Mrs ih,nee, same set in her newel hostler. Sheeny after ten the Wage, 1),n.el. rammed and tnnnd their mother no 1 ho h*d,aad r0' eine her (-hanged ippearnce ran to the dont end milled tick mono nwiot.hen who tied m orneen,M them home.. A. •tsm'ns'inn dv01nme 1 11'e (set that fife hid 42.d nom• minutiae rr.viouely, and Dr Hunter who w,. anon in ittenilanee t said that death Ned or -env -red twenty minutes before and Nei ►ren piihlwas The funeral *rink pis,.. on 1•11on4wy alteration te r 6laitlsnd emneiery, the interment taking n.am le • he family plot Rev Nark Tire- 1 hell *wndn.•..1 a.rn•Y at •h. hones mid gree., anti Dr Niwh..l.rn revolts Crewe, A R Da•i.on, .1.s. L. Tamed. N Owl sad R W Hen, all Wm. .t resid•nte, ww• the pall hearers Th. doeme.,l lady, who had here is widow, many ;,.re, leave six grace ice CIDIMi.n, Mises ,442411 and flail* who live) at hem., (Charles. Role,. and Henry, ' le Rrttlah Columbia, soil Jnhe in the W.et . era Rt.ta. Th. n aka' wee almost kidder. ' b, th. tiny 42 e♦I t,ihn•.* •set by the family•. large 'Weis of .*.swing friend• i POST OFFICE CHARGES. CONTINUATION OF THE Et/ MENCE. • gambm of ester Witnesses *a IM *rases hell tor- ibis Reacts tats the ('saran. *salami Matt lattice •.sols ad halals. (OO.CI.r»ID Moat LAST W1115.) (xBO. J AM I MON, sworn, said : I 11.010 lioderlub township, I remember sheet the time ot theCsts•ros•P.ttereon Dominion • Imottuo. Afterwards, is 1891, 1 got • rest - tooted letter from Mr. Campbell at the Godertob poet Whoa. Henreid to me, " You bad better upon 1: ; lit may be something good from come of your friend..- He thea said, " Whet business have los putting your name on the voter's list • You hove so vote. You don't own no property. Yoe are not entitled to be on the voter's lata. You can't rote." 1 let him have his talk throurh, sad when he h.d done 1 mid 1 had bouri.t the property from my nephew. Humid. " 1',.0 did, did you `.. I said 1 did. He sold to some one sande, ' .'.mte•oo hale bourht that plain This w s. me one is the inatil, of the office. T, glittered let- ter wit • entice .bout an .i ,awl about my vote. I rues any one knot.• what kind of • politician he is without asking trio. To Mr. (.arrow -When be turned to say " Jarn,aoa ho bought that property," there ea.. men there to whom he stoke. I could see hum. I do not know who h. was. 1 did not know him when I told UampbelL What he seemed to be mimes about was that 1 should not ba:'e a vote if 1 era Doi entitled to ,ane. To sur. Ku.bop-1 am • Liberal Lo pelf - tuts To Mr. Barrow -I understood Mr Camp- bell wse town clerk at tioderil'b '1'h• property on queue es • property in to.. m whish 1 had Doyen lived, but eras 000s. pied by my sister. Mrs Sheppard. ALK('K SAU'NIDERS, sworn, acid : 1 live in (loderwh 1 have lived heti oven thirty yeas I was hen .t th• time of the general election, 1891, the Porter election I am Bad was thew is business. 1 went W the poet ot5oe frequently. Alan shout the P.tteno0 sieottou in 1892, bet not eo often. i know Mr. Campbell, the post master. I remember what was /lived the Gore .sandal. It tea a ooneteat subject of o0mmeat at the '*tete. 1 presume Mr. Campb.lt may have spoken to me .Mac it. I tbit.t he did. 1 remember ons morning Mr. Campbell wes- tward the matter, and I weld 1 did not he- Ibve • word of it He said it was too bed we were represented by. moo who head snob Marro stains* him se the.gaiat Mr.l'am- oron. Iseidit, was settr' ue. To Mr. 1:arrnw---Mr Hays was in the post office at the elms and hard what was said. The phare•• were of • very arose character. I mid 1 did not believe • word of ,t and it wee not true. lir. Campbell said that ('•mets* was St for anything of that Into/ i said their •nett ohirge.hould not be repeated Me. Hays mime m aid hard the Tetter Fart of what was mid. 1 41,i not be n t •'.wre••.•.00 I may have 1.d oomvereattone wit t rimy other. •boot the scandal . it was a common •u,jeot of nes vereetto0. It ea dealt with . h the iu.'ireo and in t2 a new.p.pere end t' woe 10 rrrrt•ttndy'e mnoth To 11' R,• top- The scandal .A poli- ties to a nitteiu .11.01 and tea u.ed is the elections. The Mores was one of arose im- mor,hty sod not of • r' li•tel oharaot.r. Po lir. (:arrow -1 .toe's t.,:mk Mr comp - I•.1, hid any t Grime. in speaking to me of n. 'voice, for It could sot effect m. 1 think Sir Careph.11 mik.a a veer •imides$ p.e.m+a•mr 1 am s 1. betel in pr:..ice. 11 11 JOHNS TON, sworn mid : t live in 1;..d*nch 1 win s Parnate hors. i 'm •• cretwry of ?het: ofer,4, ,ottn 2. 2 ..f. , nerve nee amoc•a'•on 1 haw. NWT each f. r 5 or 5 veers There are no 1020,11.11 im et- .•eoc. of the mating@ of the..enciation. We meet on the rail of the piaidesf, by smell herd h:lls pat up. The eeoretary's Intim inolude keeping minutes of mi'ar-1,., Tr:ere is art election of olfi.'w. shoo: *vary year. There het teen no r.,tttlee rninwa book. I took obs aioutee on nor. of raper.. ; they were never eogro*d 1 took wore that aro mntoutos 1100012 he prewrved. it was done advtmdly all along and nose were or*.orved during my iwoure of stuns. Mr. l'.inp,nn •• the pre.Meat. Mr. Goode, vita-pteeid.nt. There are ward or polling division vine pr..ideete None are appoint- ed tor this, year W. have no enoat•to•lon. i would not ay 1 have destroyed the.nrage of paper coatainiag miaatee for Let Tem er he previous year. hut 1 e.nnnt find them. I •e.r'•he4 'or them yeeorday. 1 outset soy when they were last in m► pne..ssion. I menet ay how lone sines 1 have bad them. T i. kat meeting tea held in Cecerntvr Iasi I %ink. 1 have be idea whirs the minutes arc. 1 exp.st they are around my of5es, 1 halo pot given th*m lea .ayonm. 1 hare been duly summoned to prods» them. I 0.11.1 maks • better searoh by h•vine fat- her time. it M my 'rwiisetr.nn that there ie • ething is the miaow. aliening this m+•ter. The witness this retired and o0 eturnene (*nnfinite?) his ***diens 1 1 are hem at my (Aim and ...nhwd but e.rnnt find any mineral, and 1 have we dr.7meot*ry ovideeoe whish will .hew *Nether Mr. I !emp• all was • member of ►e, politioai oommlttee. 1 sen est tilled * -w 11.e minutes 1t.,s bees destroyed i1 r nr• newel to keep them from nn• rear to • 'ether. i anus* til) es far leek as 1890 .•ha, wet• nw the oemmittees or who were t • persten onnweeted with th.'•nws .►asst.' • ten, but oe fa a sty vanll.efes serves n• a•'• wait not on Bay *Renin.o onnnsesd w ith „s eso.N.ien or ett.Aod shy ...s5 - "g I 'meld ams give • eimplmt. list fres vs.. tot •nines 3890, of tb• officers or el the -'Barn -Me of the meensttwa, 11,*,!,. OneTturnn W tl1'REI.L. arses itemised by M It-.•. . 1 gave tea Mr Inas. little Mc •••'' •, Writ halts .,'me frit from my w ar 2 also trt hoe little bey fee Mr. 1•h•'• •0/ was sitting is the weeseish, It . r ere Bet of a .illi.,. I dealt Th* relies.", Prem *)clone% +r.4 vrmnl•v bel•drig to rho 'fl6 ••".Pari t .1 .1 Wriwht R N.tt.sth, 1) C le rechsn. F .l ned•e T 17.vemi.h, D Farr••'••. tem Rs.,is, J. R•24, yen, Wither (1 Fors*, R Ow, - holt, (`.Balm* A. M l4.(1..wor, .foe Mit nheil, Oas'•ie Thane/ , 1V R.'kwelt, ,low Reet.by, T. Align/we and (l ptah Moab gewe►y.