HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-11, Page 88
- - •
important Events in Few Words
For Bang Readers
Levant missy esetributed by tae
various diocese. of the Iuaslnloa . wale
he eapesxr, enable him to keep his
sdaauls In ope.r tl.m until the dittleu.:y
1 tee nettled to his eattafsetlon.
1-01.IT14•.-4 %• tt►IA%•
The writ fur lis et_ lionUtacr birn-
electiun fixes Feta -wary 14 fear twallar
Hoes bad h.• zeth f•.t th, election.
The Tartu e-'onmrsstuurrs uumtur.w
She wee weld a eaerust ne cam af' ed their satiny' us N'ur[tlate j will
e".4.41.41 a.a ►sea I.M Maar aa� at bast threw days. rapes.day and tbey axe
&steadily. agape Ie' Ib. headers er The Qatari.
l eslalatl' a Asstwb.ly
Oar raper - A aeIM bear's 4Mrnew ooyprrnes uu W.dcsa.lay rhe rattly M
Mb raraaralrk•d larermauea tie spree h M . lattaalllo atadt siesonsi.d by oMr..
t iCe.tUl ANI) l.U1t% itr1.l1►r. Auld.
byThe eltawlraas Italia tat lug& YM The prtttalyal fish-•'spia- tiag mer-
rmotoei bleat $Z5,use chants of St. luau's. Nina, have pre -
The tref•.4'1 County Coustil "voted &ow" a tneuwrlal to rh•• t:ov ern menti
OW w the :Hilt.. tetter fund. &ening for the rufu•retnot of the Hoa
T11/ I. tiros Wt1Kl.U. Act against the loome..rt.:.
Sir Poe hard fart. r right and Han- L
lea H ta.l.uest d.•k strikers metro- H. l eo:too left t •tta.aa for Washing-
,/ [work •rte Monday. funds bang e/t- tun. Th.•y will bare rtalu the .wee of
meted acrd the battle lust. I.atdhig awes -leen mtalrermen un the
libe tr..ut.l•• •bet eaeen the garm�r•t- qua_stion of ,a,mmeT•lal .••I.,tione.
IMptt,eee :end the Sanford 1Wrufactul Howie. u•,rtoti and Korth. und••r
rig Cot.rl any Of Ilamiiieu has been takers, •,f H&j lfax, w•c Winging an ac-
t1111111ks1A, set tl.•.l. lion agaLut the jtonunonr t:"aant-
t K. cls . a 1 ui%l * merit for lair John Tlb.*nl' ant's fue!eral
A pMiar ..f addltiunal potty heeled expenses, &bleb the e;..vernil,ent die -
ll/ William. Fraser ..t t uatlna 1bth1-- pates .on the troutrd sal .•tantrareir
have ..,tree tee 14th[- The lat.t•t return. of the bye -etc -r-
e pewee.• bank of ler. L'ttsworta 0 [luesl held elbow the revolts to be a
PlcaRmce• .. as vterltr•d I.y hurgicee. wk., , follows:. Etat Mean••,•. air. M Hs
New .
ew' th.• sof. open and .1•- :upped with Bennett, •tY' isertaU.••. lel Neaten.ty
all the cash ' s `faith Ontario, lir Dun are Graham.
lit' lel Mita 1 Patron -Liberia. n Iealority: South
The mut. ,,., Vit, 1;r•1e•rt i;ussar•t Btttarant}uil, tj 11r. C. B. Het a. Choral,
«(kik .ilk we,'•• t•,upd In ctrl• lake. fir Kl'tsiwgee.
cls IJtuuebl tie have .•.enmitte•d :Astride.
Alpert R••sebrnCh. lord Yl. 'elm of The reports of "settling day at the
lir. %Ham in 1t,e,•,an•ustho a rate- te.1 varte•us badness centres cdan
Owed' an:
fanner •.I'r•••t'h 1Nrndri.v. Towni•hip. fsir:y satisfactory.
e nt:nitt..1 sui...l. wbt'r returnius frier t Strung preassre Is being l.n•ught t••
Gail . H• ,.1, hunse-If to the furehaai I bear on t11.. i)•Inintnn Government t••
with a revatver. + lave insolvency legisla'tiOn rnt.. U'oed
• .tit •t1.f1R•. OS seen as possible.
Ate hnelbehrratn named Smith.n gvl h'' retail mert•hantr of Ottawa are
' petitl.&Jng tbe Isuminlua Oovernmeat
40. was etrliek 1.Y a falling tree on for the right •4 gttrnieh a against the
Were rn nrt ••, T•... pshlp and killed. �1a1{ of civil .. n'anfa,
Jk-sds are tele siting In the valley* .Ielt,.nlf civilaa rvant•.tr In the lade-
: ed the 1?tarn•- and the• Huse, where ed States for the week jurat eased
large tenet. .f tared ar•• sui•m• reedl- amount t.. 311, cnmp•red with 3.3 for
'Phe Allaci tine steamer .\sayr•i3n the *.tree •nding e..•k of Inst y -•-ter•
varlet] ha- te.-n in ,.>.Iliviun off the • At the ituotkao Men's t•unventl'nt
feke•r•rter. h:.- sustained eonsidt•rabl•' bell in R Inn11,MK a mole(ton was
d&m'+g.• i passed recommending that the Doran -
1 tot 1.1. to. f Ion tovernme•nt build. the proponei
Mr. W. R• . ]i.•y• r. oarriater of , ra11•••ay through the emw's Nest para.
Calgat y. .1•••i .o. l:anffA• intt•r.•rting stemlon .1 mining en
ir Itir:har•1 1•.qe., Commissioner rf 1 gin. a wart h•id at 11•mttwal. Taw
iA►t.•nts at • ei t:..' a is decd. � sub} of frau.ts en the pubile by ane
lir. Willaiff. gimp+••n ••f Ciut•Iph, gerupulotur promoters of tette stock
One.. .11 .1 . -to *tidied:. at h.. •home• , enterpMnsar was dlrcw'1.:end the Re-
ef hear. d - i oesrity far legislation in the matter
Tar amm:matt of ILrwtnn
ayilleWas as agreed .tee
tag•'d ::4. w/., ham net leen won since Mr. lnbell, who lax returnee! from
today era found demi in hie ottlee I England., say[. that Canaria ought net
by hie brother-in-law tun.'ty 1 1 in he In ter, great a hurrt in getting
It tiLltutis Rrwlit INGS i her new Atlantic e••rtt..•, se a new
style of atetmer is being prn}ertad. of
A meann •r of'0i:intr.-s have taken shallow draught with great cap.ett7
place ,eiteenar the str.•tt railway e.).1.- , and speed, whirl would he admirably
party* erne gals :se loudest. suited f.,r the Pt. I.awronre trade.
*kaput lanai atar.ln-nes regwr•Hn,e • rug RC'. tar 11'.%R.
- disaereemente in the Joint Trafit•• As- r 13ev-real it ambits of ' the Rtitinh
ISOsiatl..n wee <!e niod try tM m.int r* htiterraneatt squadron have been oe-
generally. d.red t•. t rebs
R.epre. ste.ef lvt-s .d the. Icon ere,
Km- It is reported that fighting has taken
MierglarA e a•iatt•gt waited on the Pry- j ire e$1 the fnmtter 0f trlam !''•twee"
Mier at •1ltawa with referee..., to the'
dhsenktwrl of railway employes ten ill, t Elaborate plaaagif.xptfw fort:flcati>i►
]nt• rcot...l ot• L.ndan have- been revs. eat try Lord
rut ITIe . 11,10141100%. - 1 Wolseley and the work will proleibly
The I'ortuetese- Ministry has r•stgn-l are commented at an ...arty day.
.d. The Marquis e.f Lensdor•ne. the 1,1ee-
lt 1a now th•.ught prehal.le`that Star- I retar - of State her War. hear Ane ,unc-
velar (►silvi. an.1 tarty will r•ma`:r in ell that the eke rnme'nt intended L.
tee Vulcan country over wtnt.•r. i increase; the army by 7:415 m•'n. •
Tho deer e•• authorizing the props- i The Alan fomtnula1.•'t to the imperial
Wt t'•feenee to th.. !arena of Cutest wast Gov.-rnrnent for increasing th.• strength
stKntd Ly the queen ftegent af at.a'n • ant! efficiency; of the navy c,eUtem-
It is tefifmat•-,1 that President-e4.-ct plat.,. the• rol:itruct1en .4 live Ltttle-
Mnitin1.•y Intends to' ate sent Mr. ' shiptt and three Aril-c;aiut cruisers and
Chauncey 11 ispw:w Amha•.ador to the additixt of ten Overland ore
igtanet. ; man. .
The P.enugu••s.• MMiss er•s r.••ien.'•1 The held• utterance'..' Sir Michael
barite » th.• King worm no *rat-. a Hicks -Ileac') in -reward to Engl•tn:i's
anmlr•r of liar• senators to k•.•p thorn . norupertry of Egypt hag created .•into
in ttnWer. - 1 %arwsadI.rn on the Contlt.ent. ecrt.ecislly
Tele: tit Y. ''t'IAuetsit,Il'w1/.►.t:. In France. where the Parts Autorite
It le' este' ted that on the ••••rail in '• awe that P.tigland must be replied to
of the Qu•' n s jultile« the ldawtuts of , wilt/41w sward.
littltwbury will be. raised to a •luke.l rm. The last ship •t• the i -nits. States
Th.• Primo .,f 1.1'alere had [sewed le Navy t•• get into trouble ,. ,the battle -
the prom a length» oerrnmuni.•ytt•.n In shit Indiana. Rhe- woe unabl.• to at-
arhie:h he adv.wytes the .1-.0444 ton 'sf a company tla• urluniror. t sen. and hail
fund to 1.• callr.t the I'rinea• of Wal,s• to eet Urn t.. Harnpt..n li•at•l* lifter a
hospital fund t.,r London. to •:um- tthort run• as sh.• r•1; -•1 1angt'• Will.
m'm...ral.• the gnth anniversary nnivsary ,4 the It is now prop....NI to •1...ek her and
Que. n's acetate) •n to than theme. Put on a draw- halt.'e keel.'.
Lady Aberdeen her t'eceiv.'1 a Cable YI'KI.1.1 r it Keefe Al..
1nAswg0 from [lir Arthur Iii:ge. the Mri. Henry -Ward. Beecher Is r6-
eprivate• .ecv,•tary to the queen, with gats to be dying.
reheard to the \'i: torian tinter ..P Hone .The Queen's health. both pl.*.et...eo
B' li .-r... saying that while Her 1lla).-say and mental. is reported to be ex el •
ham refrained teem .•zproa.tng approve! tent.
of any partMular ahem.- far ...nen The Qtmlen baa azu/n'tlr:"e•1 her Ln-
wt"toorating her diamond jubilee, any tension of opining the, Sheffield Town
gn.lert for the relief of the. sick in Hall In May next.
(7ana.la will be esteemed of Her Ma- Lady William Ber••sford, forn.eri.
' aesty's sincere eympatny. Du••heas of Marlburough. has gooses
off I4TY.Blref To FARMER*. •
AA a result of the new quarantine
rerulat),ms Bilge droves of scads are
bolt; driven acnes the ter from lira.:k-
vale to the United Stateaa.
The lending steamship c,•mpiaatit..tr•'
abating the Government te pay halt
the .own of fitting up veasole for cold
storage. The total payment would
sme.0 n t t. • $ I SU-'t(eri
The wheat market In Chicago was
etreent. waive and higher on Satur-
day. The news of rain and tar.. wheat
Seidel in the west advanced proem
The rig -nal service indicated a .:.old
sways for the Northw.aa. Stay wheat
Mo,..1 1 1 -Ir. higher at Tic.
rnd.er tite Inrtru.•tl.me of the Min-
ister of Agriculture. the free •1tatrtba-
eon of warnel.• weed pa.+ltagew of cer-
tain varieties of irisin aid other agri-
cultural prndurys which have strarr'eed-
eel on the ••tp.erlm••nta.1 fawns will be
made ablaut this reaves.
14)1 IT1.' 1511.11tIA1..
the edulratlon hill pasted Its nest
asset Into 10 the Itntish ''..tnee,onpl.
T. telt of ter• processed treaty M
•rbltrali.en with the United bleat.* void
be putetteied by mire • e the l tnpert.l
estheteUe e
mfr Ikeinee MU to ..enter the Parlla-
Ui star? frarw•htee ern women .veely I
Hs stierond reading In tb• Itritiah H.,u.e
of Oarrrtlrrtw-
In Mae Home of isms the Harrell.
ed Iattrtderirrie Ree*• Lary est Riese f.or
War, exiie:Me.l th. .;..yn•rnm• r,t•.
whemae for the re. r•ganlsalktn 4 the
At a merging err the i111knnte. *.'.--
Hein atf the Irish Parliamentary party
ifv Fwdmun,l 141 F Knox, anti-1'ar-
t ellit• member for Londonderry • lay,
sea expellee from tate caalneala of the
party for having written a leiter i.-
clalint his Independence ..f •he re-
melted diacip1lne.
Vitt. It/:1.141It al's
T1s .alae M reiported to be suffering
fintn fainting fits.
P•iteme• service., were held In Mont.
real for r•-lrnw• cif the soul of
Arrhht,h,t. ratae.
M Janata • Presbyterian t7lttrrrh,
Starkville him ext•'rwiM a call to Rev
hfr Ab,rahan. ..f ititrlingt.rn
Ther, le a nAwli• of bkwwl end fire In
ranee where the blraswtlm..ter etre
rvtblet.wl/ hutch.eins the (?ienainii•
Lady Henry 9ntnena►s will be aided
to preset the annual Der -mems Miring
She NstJo.n.l (lwtvrntlnn oe the
wrT t' M inn/talo nest fall.
Prin.-treat Grant oil Kingston las
elnrwenced a inial.a et talks to the
5 A. AYeevisw ei the r-'11 min
ors 'I-tt e.
-tor'� SJ :
✓ I. 1eang^len who to at tare
saw►t In et MeV. [tai rwre4 a ears of
Treses. wain the
birth to & moa.
Sir Charles and La ly Tripper have
sailed fr,m Ilverp••o1 fair tl•Jtt&x at.
board the steamier al••ngoi:aw.
Lieut -Governor Kirkt•utn• •k has al-
ma/ rr'overed .from ale• operation
which waw j,erform...I on him In Lon-
lIr. N -ins• n, the Arrti. eolaorer, and
Mrs. Nans.-n hake arrived In Is-md',n.
Th.-) are the gue-sts .4 Sir G ter -e t3a-
den - P• . c.d l
The Prise* of Wales att••n•Ied the
dinner elven in httr honor by Mr. Bay-
ard. the United .Mlaties Anicete elor, in
to rel en.
1 he tsar ham e.er•llally r••.•elvrd btu
*rota rad ell the rights of the Grand
ihfk•• •Mieha••1 3ltchaelevtteh, who ream
'•ani.Md ?nen Humsta seta deprived of
his r.nifeerin by the late Cigar 1 Jr rtes-
1.r.ly .tterdeen .111 he the Nwtvnea-
tlon •.rat.er at the ['.nlversity of f`Itt-
• aa,.. ' emmen.ement .exercise an April
1 Lady Alerdeea will here the hen•.r
.•f lens" the fleet woman cho.en for
tui h an a•. a.lnn In the ['sited abater
Thirty thriu.and pr.•ple 'n tar St.,t
of Louisiana are practically 'terrine
to death.
Pt ie gal •len. he have •s:rurr.-I r.•'-nt
ly In the T••wnshll• of cahoots fee.
strait 1* railed 1.1ark ••rv. t •..•-
Mr. Tarte tut„ negotiated the tan.
chime of the 11.•t.treal 1'at,ft t !,
two *sone, at a • •st of thirty 1 .,w+rc•.
Mrs. Cmw•••, the L.81.Io11 warn&& •
WO >eartt, whet rut he r throat ••it!t .•
raz.rr on Monday, may 4.- m(tl.
Thr petition f•.r a re.lueti.m an th
number of liquor licenses in If m;1
ten .cam onneldeeed be the \larke -
t'ommittee and refused
Mine owners at !tat Portage, etre age
fitting to have the [felon -•.-ter • •'
that town deur away with wn•1 the ler.•
dein. moved to gem. •.the•;
Dr. Selwyn. In a pop -r rel a th
Mining Engineers' tv.tty'nt.• n to Mont-
real, held that the Idea that Cannel .
was exceptionally rich In minerals tea -
a fallacy
England Is not taking any pIw•au
llnns agalnwt the int11•...Fitton of th
iso -rid plague, as expects say that It
Is +empty a dirt Mee**. and Iiaf
cleanliness.; la the Ince pr•q.hy he 11..
The Nim a deotla firm'• ••f assembly
paiwwe•d a 1411 appointing July tet a
public boulder This le the fire limo
sine. 'en fedora tten that Dominion
Aay has been r.-.ognIsM to Nota gm_
Hanas a Iwgsl MIMAay
The Jtdklmi . •.*runlet.• of the Privy
(vnunell ham Ahern ailed n,.
Mv' al, aesoeta
t A tnrever• lag-
haveries •041
eat the
Bedroom Towels 1 Bath Towels,
at 15c a pair we have a striped T )wel guaranteed to be all
?ure Linen
at 20c a pair we have a pure linen Huck Towel
at 25c a pair we have a pure linen Huck Towel, size 20x40
a' 30c a pair we have a half bleached Huck Towel, with woven
red border very spt;a.ial
at 503 a pair we have a pure whlte Damask Towel with knotted
.fringe : plain wh;te or colored border, regular price price 75c
Don't Buy
...a Wheel!
un.il you bee the 197 L.tuir's and
tiasttsurs's COMM( IN SENSS„a la
the H G KON for 1:1-v rLeMg'i. These
Wheels are made in I:oderich by tirat-
clams mechanic., and are not the production of Unita" States t lu...,x LAIN)&
•Iunlptwi into ('stop a for .a:r at arty pncr. We do not pretend to compete
w.th Prison Labor N heels a,4 our wheels are Strictly high Grade in every
rei►pe;t, hut are willing to compere i,i ices and teras with any High Grade
Mlachinery. Write for Catalogue. and we will cheerfully niail you one Look
It our Guarantee.
!asked Labarge at walkerv/1k-
ih tee■ it, Feb. 7. -Two of the most
daring robberies that ever occurred le
Western Ontario took place In Wacker
vale lam aught. A few minutes be -
for. 9 o'clock a rttwart. wearing a mask
entered the general attire of J. H. Lux -
ford. on Wyandotte -street, and, pull.:ig
a revolver from his pocket, presented
it at the heads of the astonished pro-
prietor and hie clerk, at the same
time demanding in a low voice that
they hand over all the u obey in thetr
poesesfdoa. About Ir;, was poured Into
the feUow's hand.
While this was transpiring, a scene
prectee'ly similar was heing enacted :n
the treat shop oe Whiteside Bras,
next door- The two mores are prac-
tically urnl.r the sante ro Mita
Whrtenldethe eninr partner was
alone in hie store. and the rui,her had
no difficulty In so ur'Ing what cash
there was in the. tilt. amounting to
about 3,,1211. Ane though by pr•econ
arrar.Raeinont_ tot?; m -r. left the stares
at exactly the same t::ne and net )flat
outside. They tutored int•, a wirehair
buslq' and drove ra;•idly out the
Vt"biker-re>Std. Ar .nn ao the n,. -n hal
.tett Mr. Luxfnrd started out to gave,
the alarm, and .cam me: by Mr. Whfie-
s14e. aiw, 1..•und on th. same .rend.
Chis[ •' .nstat4•• Griffith of Walker -
villa and Chief Wills of Windsor were
notified by telepb.Mte, and *nen were
out on duty at the ferry docks to pee
that no stmptctoum chars.•tecs crossed
the river. DetPMlve .'aaspeu also
warted out to look for 'the. robbers•
bit up to a late hoar nothing had been
seem or heard of theta.
Seed 1. Vile Nee.
B"wrnanv:tie. 01 1., F'• i•- 7. -Dr. Larn-
mimaa, one of Lear roan. proentnent
physicians. was found dead In his Alice
this morning. He awn last sees alive
on Friday. This morning his brother-
ln-law, Mr Ellis of dotana, came in to
see turn. and, being tenable to get any
trace of hits around town or get tato
his oMee, the front door being locked.
got ascent; thr•ugb Mr. Mct esn's house
and found the 'doctor lying dead on
his cru.:`.. Dr. Hillier was at once
summoned an•1 saa•l he must have been
dead since Friday rdght. evidently from
an overdose of chloral, as some waa
found on hi♦ table, not wholly die -
solved, also a bottle of the same medi-
cine dose at hand
The coroner, Dr. Mitchell of Ennis-
iti7len. was notated, but derided from
ervldenco elven that an Inquest was not
necessary. The deceased was about
SI years old, and has teen practising
in Bowmanville for about tet years.
formerly In partnership with Dr. Ha-
ller. He was a prominent mason, and
Ma death will he Nncerety regretted
all through this district, as the doctor
was universally esteemed.
Skipped Walt •Lig•
Owes Sound. Feb 7 .Spedali.-t teas,
glvl•g k4 name as Ryan, called at Oweor
livery e• Friday mornlog and bleed a
team of beeves and double al.lgb to go on
• alae-a,ll., trip 1• L-rby. and saying be'
world be back early In the afternoon. He
did not room beet, and W dal yesterday
the police and kir Owens were eat 11.0-
; ether
og.ther trying to get track of him. Late
last night the outfit vas breagbt Into
town by a farmer named Bowland, wile
area coating Into town. Late to -day Police-
man Shouldie. arr..t.d Ryan sear tb• vi-
tae •f Durham. He allele ease before P.
Id. George Spencer to-merrow morning.
SSed /a Australia.
Gwelpk. Feb. T. -Word was received by
lir. Sannifel Terrell by letter ibis morn -
lett from Melbourne. Auateohlo. of the dead
from Inlfammattee At tie hinge of Mr.
Tt.nnt:u orsham, wble% occurred ahead •
tr.nth aro It will be remembered that the
•1..vaaed went to ♦ttetralta easy years age
■. • tee* asset fee Mr. 1.yoe with Mr.
a. -...y mud several others. mid was gelte
eo..•.Gate! is hie .at.rprtea. Dereaewl was
11 jean N lite ills mother is st114 Moans
la the city. bb. father. the late w'llltue
e;r.Mm- b.vl•a riled abort • year ay'
West End leat laitet
Theaadenlgmsd has s,sase • Mat Market
1a the atone e. Wed •.1 between CastNw'a
Fakery aid the iast oaks. whim • Chafer
tadoetlea ea Mesta aid i S..Lry win .1
be Weed Oaten regularly railed ter. mid
livens. male pe•awety.
_ILeats. trW radar News.
Now is the Time
to Ret
O\�Q U tnAxe v.
l`, hit'rt
- not damaged, remember, simply
soled through handling. We will
give you a Snap in these and many
other lines. Call early and get the
The Fair.
Nov. •Wta.vt
If you do, go to the City Meat Market
and you will find that
e an malts the mom,faaWllo.s taste& and
our prices suit everybody. We here every -
thine in the Meat lase.
Fresh Meats
Spiced Meats
Cooked Meats
Curet+ Meats
Smoked Meats
Prepared Meats.
tad every kited of Sausage made. ties ear
steeled Llama if Von have sot yet been to
Me City Meat Market. do aot fall to tall bad
glue oar special Saturday theater Your Ingae-
Astonished ?
Of es.ne ea are' We ma that you
shoal be. les
Distal believe that we would do
It. did yea/ :Ve will : bad .ow we are grel.g
to odes you
at $2 a doz. •
Daring February and March. Yen should
oke advantage of the Lew Prior.
(Jar. iHasllte ret aid Square
��P sEEDs
Weisel free ear *ow geed Cfor
111. be•tMlf.11y Illesteated, bad canesrias* •
fell dea.ftption of the cwt Intrndnctl•a.e 4.
mom •sd V•ONabts Moeda wilb aroma us.
detdY of blew Farmer's requlreme.ta 11.14
R.et.. Amar w Omni made Reed Igr.ls..
F.Y� •s4 Lsdlatu (Mee ai rna hr • sari
JOHN ♦. BRUOE & 00.,
Saar (R�I1ANTI
Hamilton. Ont
OWING to the death of W. A. Colborne, junior member of the lab
tire' of CO)LBORNE BROS-, the busiunes of the firm must be
wound up and the took+ cleate.I.
All accounts due the late tires will require to be settled this month
either by Cash or Note. After that date other provisions fir their col.
lectien utuet be made.
v -
J. I3. COLB()RNE, Surviving Partner
The busineee will be continued by J. H. Colborne under the old
firni name, " COLBORNE BROS.', when he will be prepared to give
hie customers the very beat value a Cash Market can afford.
MI Winter Goode at Greatly Reduced Prices
Now Spring Goods 10 hand already !
Tneir Carpet Stock for the Coming Season will be
greater Than Ever.
PER J. 13- OOLE1C3Et
(Summer and Winter Goods)
to make room for Spring Goods!and to enlarge premises
Repairingineatly and promptly attended to -
The Square next to Hoteli Hertford Hamilton-st next to Colborne- Hotel.
2 Stores . .. e . 2 Stores
Undertaking Furniture
Corn ice Poles
Window Shades
Everything at Factory Prices Lower than
A Clothes Rack Given Away
To those who purchase
One Pound of Baking Powder at
The Grocers
On The Spate
Com. Y ov► N1t1Au<t
in your choice between the
(Tat roamer (TTT omega; AND awolraAyn 00[i41111f. LOgTOw, ow, 1
and school. of the ordinary kinds Ther's nooemparisoe in any part
-work, methods, equipment., rooese--ell aii the highest grade Qbtdoiee
of either mune tree.
r. a. a A. 11411i41e.
J. W. WESTERVEL T. PllsslpaL