HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-11, Page 4flu
Y riossiesso
Oats of Pa rar b; S Berthl.
Teems of semicolo .. 1
.sentk. is silvan!?
siomth. .. ••
Ono year.
• JI
Le?. as T.er Isbell.
Tom label V • mendina receipt of the dere
to whbh you are paid up. Mee that It is not
allowed to fail Int• err,.
Wb.s • (Comae of address V desired. bots
tae old and the new address *boold beeves
dv 1(.1.0 tate..
Legal end .rase casual advertisements, o
▪ r Ilse for firm toniog, and 10.011 pee flee
for cane eebe•g.eat lueert/oe. Measured be
• moapp{areel scale.
1ise,DM. teens of sir lines sad nailer. W per
r Adeert(esmenta of Lest. Found 'rayed
Altustlotu Vacant. eituatiose rated sad
Bnsinew Chancre Wanted not •no.ediae 1
Ilse. nonpareil. $1 per tn.
Hooses on Sale and Marna on Male, sot to
etoe-d f In .. $1 for art month. fee. per sub-
e eou-nt month. Larger ad.'s. 1a p 090rtlw.
any special notice the object of which is to
promote 11..• pecuniary benefit of soy indi-
vidual or Dempsey. to be considered au ad-
vseti.emesit and ohnned •or..rd,arly.
Loral notices in soppa reit type oae coot per
word. so notices less Ibon ISe.
teal nyt0nS in ordinary reading type two
eget• per word. No notice for less thea Sur.
Notitoon for churches and other religious and
b?e.volenl Institutions half rate.
Subscriber who fall to receive Tat Meolt•L
regularly by mail. will cleft* • favor by sr
awmhng me of the foot at • , early an d.t• u
tom hie.
reiblleher a %eine,
J. C. Ise Tonal, of ilbelerlch. Mu been •p
pointer! I.,cal Travelling Agent for the towo-
rttfpe of (iodench. Colborne, A•hfled and W•
Loral ppmmaat.ru over the district are Moo
empowered to root vee euh.orlptloo. to Tits
All °ontmurIcatlon. mut be addrerled
Tits Wiwiu,
felewfdo• Coll le- Oedarish Oat.
film*RlCH. THU &T.191111 ll. lir:.
Tog We:.A1. and Globe . pi 60
Toa Sb.s a and Advertiser 180
Tits S'..s.l( and Family or.ld 1 00
Tisa •4n.•.+i and Montreal %Vitoess 1 75
Subscribe at ono. and benn with the first
number for 11.
-The hr.t sleeting of the Legis
Mime with Hon. A. 8. H.KItY •t the
wheel, openwd Wednesday.
-The post office trials have the
right of way this week, and may slop
over to next week. The evidence
given by THe SIGNAL is reliable in
every instance.
--Commissioner Rr.AGEtt won 1401llt•n
opinions on •11 aides by the impartial
Manner in which he presided at the
investigations. A fairer presiding
officer could not have been secured.
-We sire pleated to learn that
Editor KERN, of The Brussels Post is
on the mend, after a serious sAack of
la grippe. There are any number of
Our **teemed contemporaries that/we
could better spare than the genial
scribe .,f THR P(MT
-The eruueal meeting of the ('en-
adian Preis A„s,ocietioli w*s 'field in P
Toronto last week, Anil the .•ity nearly rot
tilted into Lake 1 )ntsrio in con S
erriuence of thea increat.'d weight and °
influence incident to the occasion.
-(b1. l►v.vlitoll leeks ulcer at s hen- H
que•t with 411 olive ',nisch in his strung °c•
right hand than he would were he to
take .Mown the sabre and bind it to his h
aid., with truculent intent. In other
c r
THE SIGNAL : ,()I►1!}tI(7A Or1T.- THURSDAY FEB 11. 1897.
Puss gray ' TW ere assays 122
emote a salver sad 60:; lead. This will &t-
awage .bout 1100 it valve. The assay* re-
o«ved today from tbe Wabo.ptae property
hat• sarprwd es. W. .ltd Doi expect to m-
iens suob htsh nary' at the depth rammed
The flet away" es rumple No 1 roe $20.sa-
say ea sample No. 2 so 960 is geld. W•
were forced to new orders .t the eld
pries llayltyt o.ae w Int•. sad we will ask
yoe to do w s !aver to ...d es year orders
is plenty of time Wish's/ yes .•Doses,
we remain, years truly, Th. Ontario Gold
F telds Meme sed Development Co.. Ltd..
F. Wallace. (:...ra1 11.s•got. Sabourihe
mow and thus take advantage of the low
rates, as they are oostinuelly noun.
Ain't 1t about Ula to gather is tis tee
t forget te call .t Nauss and have •
cap of t..
The ('hose. 1'nand" will meet or seeder
see.ius this ev.ot.R.
The county auditors are busy et the
county exeuou for 1896.
Now Era Mrs. A. S. Fisher is this week
visiting meads in o:oderloh.
Huron Lodge No 62, 1. l►. 1). F'. Wilda
ria regular Meeting this .vesiog.
Malcom sod ht. men are maks.; Rood
time sad good work os th. table.
King's Daughters " At Home' at Mrs.
iNatre's tomorrow (Friday 1 .veoiol
(Ipso meeting of tti. Collegiate Instituto
Literary went'. oak Friday eveotog.
Th. Mechanics Institute bet had a mum-
ber of new books placed on its shelves.
The oroestnvs around the Saluse were s-
ly fit for duck• to cruet on Saturday.
Rerslar mostI.m of Huron Chapter No.
R. A. M. nett Tua.day °veering.
Wesley Fisher bas oomm.oced delivennr
7F oordo of wood to the Public schnols.
Wanted --roll butter 0.3),i Dry apples
t3:.) any-lu•atity. r. E. King, Wurehain.
Holy l'omms.ioo wee o.lebr.t.d at :-1.
Oserge's on Solidity at close of mover( ser-
Don't forget the great auctioe sal@ of
furniture at Smith's furniture stop Seta,
day, Feb. 13th.
The ebesnoe cis light from the skating
not made West st look deserted on aatar-
daa et ening.
Several snow shoeing parse• were organ•
lied the past week and trips taken into the
• dinistng township'
Th° t: T R •utborlties intend l.matbes-
isg the harbor elevator IM so that it msv
Bt every kind of vss..l.
Is H. not •bout time that obs society for
the prevention of cruelty to animals stopped
the harnessing of dogs to sleds.
Contractors will b. coming and going for
the nest few days to view the propoesd
river and harbor imprnvemen'a
The sewer and harbor works proceeding
at the .sane time should stiffen the l:ode-
noh labor market tale Summer.
The Fres Prom says -Bread in London
has bees redwood to five au, -in Mich-
igan. potatoes are eight Deets a bushel.
Th. Mayor of Mitchell bee lust received •
bill of oasts of 11.151 09, being the amount
n simss•ry to settle the Mitehell- Loran small
pox one. Amounts were •Iso previously
New Er• : A sleigh load of youths .tatt-
ed for the skating carnival to (:uderich, oa
Friday oigbt, and after going moms dietamos
found the drift. .. had they had to turn
On Saturday you ons get 1 piny Formosa
Rr.tkfeet Fee tor 15o. 1 pkg. Self Rising
Riokwbeat Flour for 12c. at 0.1'. Whitely'.
Cseb 1.rooery.
A teacher sear Delhi. Norfolk county,
hes otTertd to tooth school, sweep the
. ohool-room and make the fitee, keep the
window panel and fence in good repair for
the sum of tr250.
New Es - R. W. McKen:te and woe, of
(:oderich, were down here last week on •
visit to %ire. A. S. Fisher, of itenver lir.
N1cKonrre is one of the oldest as well sae eve
of the hest buc••w men in 1;oderlch.
The Sopd.• - hoot anniversary will t•k,
Ian in the \ 'h St Methodist ohgroh on
end.. Sermon to the children in the
.ming end •o the parents in the evening.
engin¢ by the children end mono by the
rcheetr• et Moth ..rvioe..
. ). 1' Whitely has another lot of bsauti•
til ailprw•re which he give" away as preen
rima They aro the beat yeadruple !'late.
✓ invireo the readers of Tier til... c.. to
11 and net tickets on same. 10 per cent
1 puroh.ee in tickets allowed.
k.ncsrlioe Reporter Eft Feeler and
u daughter Dell•, were here from t.ode-
ich for a few days last week. Although
or a number of years • resident of Phua-
rlohta where he a now engaged in bust-
ers, Mr Fisher is Rntish to tbe oore Hr•
etc. Americas republican institution.,
luwino th•r they are rotten through and
hr..nrh Whsle w. aro glad to know that
fr. Fisher loves the grand old motherland
d that his heart is still with ne is C.*..
a, if he is doing well in Philadelphia did
vas there, be should lead our neighbors in
paths of gorwl0w.
words we had rather now the Colonel d
at s }eanyuet than in an armerl tamp. !
Tor Ib.. }(t. P. -The annual meet of w
the Kennel flub was held on the Square
O. tVedpe.d•v afternoon of Feet we. it. the
tellowrsg being the result :
Mae 500 AU..
1 U. Nicks'''. .Oderroh Boy
2. E. 1►urnia's holt
3. .1. ilaker'e ......... ... Rambler
'."n•ah11 %eVIIIDI tA*/s.
1. W Keuokl•'s Beecher boy
2. Hoods .. ltareettardla
( Miller's Ramey
1 ('retins's. . . King Hilly
1. ihif'e Malt of the Earth
2. Mnlloneld . • N Alia Roy
3. Molvor'a . Ligbtai.s
Smith Horne Inangemen -The urinal
enmity meeting wee held is Chutes last
Toesd•y. There were about 17S present
sad the greatest onentmtty •prevailed
throughout tie whole meeting. and every
wee r..preseeted. t'ffioer. elected: -
w. .Cohn Neil : 1) M., Gen. M Kilty
tarp. Rev W. Most; Rea. ('hops., Gee.
)Eseley sod .lone Reid: F. S. A Nevis: R,
, P. Osteloe: Trees , .Felts Reocom: i)
of ('., R. Scarlett; Lectors, Albert Asder-
m s: i►.pett• Iw'otlrme, F. Davie, G. H
Hanley. A. M Tedd. 1' C. M., onsdocted
the .lootien end ts*tallateon. Th. veenls-
ties of Ike Freeborn to h... • purely 1)resp
paper establiebed wee Darned as wee akin •
rerolattsa of sympathy with .lobs Starkll.
P. C. M., h us sews illness. The moat
Waal n.s•ttsg will be hold at 1:Meter, toed
Me 12011 .1sly °slsbrees se Iwoas.
Goo (rine. Following 1e • lotto PIP
wsdvee frees the office of the (/•rano Geld
Tau Wham and 1 tevelepalwt Co. be (ire.
W. Tltewme., town agent "Item tis, -We
►y ag .ell your sttwtiom te the feet that
aw4. to the Bette alas. of Whitt oto one sid-
or • area* prospective di.tele• to tiro Sloan.,
sod Ns read Marne whit, we are ree"iving
liter Me pespeny whish we are exploring
(• the Wartepliasifietedolk ales the Serer -
el d -read ler beet at 160, the meapaay
Iles Molded se eases tis pries of their
toms! te 1ps. rssdh() 25., Stet lair thaw
Nemday, Pasorry 16tk. We ere exams
JOS m smell searitst the ess lakes iwa
lie Mires the preastsp. saga *
Trr-•.n,y, Fra. 9.
Vt•IT'na.. -R. R. Laing, wife and familia
of N Ihknta are at prsaent Tinting friends
in this vicinity. .Cohn MoShannook and P.
Peterson of Nlanitoha are oleo renewing old
aa' m.iat0.oes.
THR SICK. Mi.. L. Sprang is at praesot
very i11. O. Wbit*e who nes bees lad up
fnr some time is, we are happy to my, able
to work WHO. A. 1'. Warren is very poor-
ly •t present.
l'onis.Ttnow. -(,)site • number of the
000greg•troro of the Methodist church garb
tired at the parsonage on Mond., weaning
leer, and atter readmit an address presented
their poster with . lead of mita. Sir. Cous-
ins made a amiable reply after vs/Wok all
05...01 .pont oto esioyable eveming.
Porter -The foe oompany will practice
et .1 K. Nagel. enure time fhb week. O.
E. lleaetedt of Rlyth was looking aria vies
for heiliieg here in tit, spring. .1. Yost..
A. 1' lakes sod R. Knott have hew .p.
pleated delegsW to stewed the High Toast
ni C O. F to be held at Mirrors shortly.
Pontos Aanrrtwswr. On Sunder even-
ing list aoorrdhis to eonouoo•wnens th. Rev.
Mr. C.a.sine preeeh.d es the *hove 'abject
to • very lore• essnreoatla., skims for kis
text One weeds "Loves of platens mese
Ira. lowers nf (Mai." He very aapenially de
m..red the tail repel sail the gaming table.
Tar Mt re -Mown Hewes k (silts
w111 Mee* their p•rt.Ne sd11 to AabtiMd
this weak Sweatt .d Colborne, a seated
semn tine, atm. 11 wee the.9lst ter ammo
teras that It was eeeiog ag he • had MM.
fer saw mills het Mier, hire
el Jas. Young's milltlwe'a there el y
Mosey be da Is that Yms der ears fire N
MM ism lllabweee.. Imeher, of Seder
petals shael, res semirand•
tape. pT repent el C. y. --lacier
From our Own Ooirsmpondents
Metre 1• leglorissassoa Mere Vitae 4....a• be
P.sad •o7 w been r W -Sows or tibo
pessary tlpostolll Sobsetwse
M The sagest.
Mowu•t. FsiC Il
Mw Mary Duff was venture is Faradso
lest week.
Mies Mary M..•lilwar• of Whips. ie
visiting her .rear yrs A Helms.
A member of young people spent angels*
able intense at the residence of -lobs Rob-
ertson 1•.t Thursday ereatne.
A nasus was held feet Friday to the
Formers Hell to °sa.ider the advisobiMty
of .r•otiag • flan mill in Hluevate. Th.
menus/ proved the people in fever of th.
proposition. Messrs 1. Burges, P T eowas
J Elliott, A. M•cEwas ••d R. 1'. 11011
were .lusted Dreams.
T. rrwt, Feb. 2.
Mi.. Bassi. Allen is vomiter Hrue.tleld
and Ez.ter.
luspootor 1'1m tusked our school Meads,
of lost week.
Mrs Edwin Morro and sots have gore for
• visit of several weeks to Mauves rid
friesd. at Hassell rod Hruoatl.ld
A Coo more Sucrose -The vestal was.,
ger of Ridgewood farm lest Fall put up .
Imre teas of sox weree without boards o0
cm west side of the road bt• the Morrie
farm. This d.d away with dnft. and pitch
boles which pioneers of many years have
expsr,eaoed and duriaa the recent snow
spell uu part of the road was better for
slew hula
Tt r,t..r. Feb. 9,
Mies Mary Ann Bodges. Huse Road, is
vision, in Ashfield.
Mcr•mest nt the Bird's supper ossa held
at %Foe Methodist choroh lett Sabbath.
Mies Amelia McLean, Dodonch, i• visit -
inn at the retidleoe of Jos. Whitely 7th
Rev. Mr Oliv5►,of Reemillwr,willtre•ch
•t Zion next Sunday. Rev. Vv. I:odwin tak-
ing be mrouit.
Walter Trewie,of Cedar 4prisp. Kest Co
who has been •pending the past few weeks
with hie greodp•reoa Mr and Mrs. WIt•
er Rick, returned boom on Moeda,.
Nixon Sturdy who is building . hon.. ie
(.oderieh had r bee drawing stone oak Wed.
s..d•y, Feb S, about 15 teams turnip, out.
He will have to get the bird pert.
A Niro Iworgoer.-Mr. Tams who M.
purohseed tin. Herr property apposite Fit.
Stephee'e (1.& for the purpose of making
brick, is kyr, is • Mop supply of weed,
reedy for Ma Ib the sprits -
Mo.nAy, Feb. 8.
Listen for the wedding hello
Mies Rudd is visiting at the personage.
Chas. Girvia, jr, is laid up with la grippe.
.Ino. I►cstow tied family •re .11 down with
1a grippe.
We cue glad to sus Albert Tiffin around
again after his illm"w.
A young farmer arrived at Jr Balie'e,
and • dairy maid .t Jne. Titfin's, jr.
An Epworth 1,e•Rus of Christian Eade.v-
or has been started, with a membership of
dh. Gnthn, of Winghom, will lecture os,
the Mammoth revs of Kentucky et Nile es
the Ilth
Mt..,wtker has ololed ?for apart sere.
lop• of F.b.oever, the result b•ion:th•t about
' 30 persons here mined the ohnroh.
Rev .1. W Pring wee (eahle to preach
on mouthy no account of illness Rev.
Richard Paul, of Hrooeels oonducc d ,tear-
teriy meeting for him and preached an •hr!
sermon from the text, " If you,. love Me,
keep My ('omtn•mdaaMta.''
Wed.wday, Feb. 10
The thaw earl rain on SetoMsy has .poll-
ed the rood•.
W. .re lorry to herr that onr blacksmith,
Mr Smith, wife and family are all on the
sack list, but with the treetmeot ot itr Mc i
Lennon we hope for • speedy recovery.
loeeph McMillen came near meeting with
an accident at Boulanger'. Mill oo Seturdet
while admitting • sawdust onsveyor He
was oaughr on the shaft sad only for the
pressen of mini at A V, Correll the em•
grocer, wen *hut off tbe .team .los might
have been killed.
W ARxterr.. - -The hen roost robbers are at
work again. On Saturday night or Sunday
morning the heerooet ot Jamas Stevea.en
wee armored and • leers gobbler and .ams
hen@ carried of. They also visited lir
.Nloeermoy'o yard but the (logs drove them
o ff. They were then rooked te the Port
whae.the fowl@ were speedily dressed sod
onoke l and devoured by • prom of boys anti
young mon. The fowl won waked down
by • k.9 from SMbenwn. The psresta of
Some nf the Ring would feel .hooked to
hear of their boys being in soh serapes, but
if the yelling on the roads after night is not
stopped soon the names of the ofeeders will
be made public either before • P. M. or in
the papers
TranAy, Feb. 9.
Mr. 'doges, of the Huron Read. Gods
rich towa"hlp, visited Joseph R•.obker lass
Miss 'aryl. Rye: of Sault Ste. Marie, is
vutt1111 friends mad relatives here after an
mesa of several.
A Crawford, of Port Albert, woo 1s our
midst lest week matim the seam' anew
hoe is sir! of the Bible .o..et9 t. Nis M.o-
A sleighln•d of young folks IS 4111111m• of
Jacob Mosier sad Wee. Telford lolled by
others took is as iapreapto deme. •t Jae.
Chiebelr's en Taesdsy rtea(ng of lest week.
lee. Vase jr., el fe*lop, beteg the Inglis -
M. Demist wee kept up Iill the era'
hours of the meta
law Rye, fegaarly of ( linage, sad mow
• realism d California, bee been vythg
Forties. sheet hers Dalai his eejesrn
im the 0wld s Mtete M has marveled, hie
MSM soot oesal.g wawa tl11 Mee waow with
him to Oatside. Ry illness of . relative she
era ee1W te (it. w►1.1 pisvaated her
from mobs ()dill] r the Winter tire.
silty sae la tba Aaboa
Risher/ Classy sol w ww•Quires
There W.*4 • deign el tyetag pmepl•
C.s•sdhts is • demo.
r Slyathe
ami as mervise the
pewee* Mem Om w 4.ur. •d sear,.,
Nov same estmN Im • Mend +i(levier
Mair eney tipped weer • MIR Ina 10 esters
el the Weed neer. blsi the w• 'wbsdeee's
tmawyllos at gyp`/ waits M. prey be
ami e1_ d Ns alleeme • trap tee to
thdeillernel 4
Nlllson and McCulloch Make
Now Records at Montreal.
Time NM Moire Sans mad Thee. Ilio nes-
w, haelomal Saes Hilae So So abased Tr
day k.ateosbee Wer* by Jeal Saved -
sea of •vers•. • Fria award of She
Moat»al. Feb, d. -Despite the fast that
the eeri st• were usprvprtlous, some ret
matrealere encode were suede today at the
messUeg se Ibe Atu•teu, Skating Wawa -
tau of Canada. A light .I.'eI. kalf Wow
sad half rale, which coleus...wed to fall
duriex We mor*Llg, rea4ars.l the Ise ea-
te luny beaky a1W • t .-r, .,song wind
blew dories the atten,we.. Unsay features
kaadiaappeu lb.. ranters ...o.$4 rail,. sad
wbea the rvndluuua are taSee into se-
oaunt the epee made mise be regarded s
[t\eihrn. the Illnn.apo,i• dies. parterre -
too grcietest fret of We day lie estate
Unlike • new world. nevoid oda 14.47 tar
ilk. the -mile protea•wuel nee.. Mgtlulloon.
tote Canadian champion. W.•st two more
eco uta, the Lely melt -wt. lis .111. b sae ear
yup Niue. the \urwcstnu, la • cline ..0d
(sel1ug race-. and the IU.WV-metro racy.
la .111.-h he proved faster Mau Zeiler of
Havana Iliad Mctniilorb b.. -ti allowed
the SOW wares race, IIbh-I ..s. deeclar-
ed of yesterday.be would have been ea -
titled to the title of wired'. amateur sham
pion, bevies wee three out of four pros
e:pal .*sate.
1a the 1:aa►metre race. winch trim Use
Oreo event on the card, M.•l;uUw•h u.d •tth
Jam by r•o..-ring the di+tau. a In We
time 2 1•S- mad lie 11e was raved o9,
r5Wluog a one of (be closest .nd most ...e-
ntire races of Me da SoEWA put
teen powers, all teeowers, day. but 11.' ',Hoch was
superior. and deeplte all the efforts of Naas
he kept ■fatal •ud .loaned Me Assn sine
lee ee. wild .,head. MCCuilurh'. ' laces wee
balled sltl, c..fcolup s plauw-.
10 ibe halt -tale pruf.•wslonnt the yrim-
e:pal moo however, was heti. era Nell-
e• and Ilan.'; teavldaeo, stilton showed
W wonderful .peed by comprise Ibe d1. -
talon in 1 17 1,4,
Is the woe -metre rate. Zeiler st lea
Tarlo and t:nrne of Smltle• i'n1h., out..
showed op 10 npleedld form toed sueeo dad
M co'vrins the distance In ,1).41 141 14o.
L111oroh who paired with John 1las1,1,,s
was la rsulacent fm nod revered the
meal (5 • soaeerfttl moaner defwttng
EpIMrs thee by A air -.sod., .went; the
41.,., . In 20.02 24. Joan Dandies, a
clean and ere eft') stator. came pretty coat
equaliing Zeller. limp
1■ the 0..-mU. prnf►eleoal the fralnre
was the race terve
en Neilsen and Ise Doe -
*shoe. Tre been eossldereble cold -
nes between the twe men for nose time
wed Menton was heard to rtnnuk beton
ih. rat.
' Donoghue bis b... doing doin` • great deo
.f talkIne bot 1 well eve him •ometblns
tis talk about."
Seinen took the lewd from the star
sod toertswd (1 uotli hp bad rained x Imp
en [be N.-wburg buy. In the fifth mile be
was two clear laps •heed of Donoghue.
NeU•on's skating was simply mane'ou.. He
eetered the ground with wonderful strides
*ad rooa.ed the Me In 14 47 brvaktog the
best pr.vi"us record of 17.15.
The Perin•have derided to declare oak the
5000 metre taro and the three mile preen.
Weal race of Friday. as It was round that
• mistin.• h.. 1 born meth. by the •.-0r.•r
Ia the ceunt:ng of the Ispa the settee Will
be rum over a Monday.
Tears' tie Trap ant Its •Ime.t Desalt
Now anal again. s csyiorans Amon-
ce.n ...,oda and eaarnpe. butat,:sts have
crate .sews t1•.,na e:ut:.•.ttol, the. al-
most bridge over the great gu,1 that
d.vldtx th, animal anti v.-g.K.We king-
doms, soya the Designer. one ..1 these.
to be n,et say' ft b..wh• re to the• eor13
save 111 North (1ttWino, is tact•-ntinoaf y
teaalrtlp.1 as dtot.oea m'lacipu:a. but
L ooUoywa.ly known as "Venus' 11F
In apps araace th. extr•...r.Unary
plant is prettily hut tunaatturningly Lie
Mlles flower Mem. running from Mx
W eight In( hes In height and sur-
mounted by a chaster of rive.- petalled
Blossom. rising Orel like a r,mettc-
libe bed of leave.. It i. in the edge
er the Ike Yee that the death b.•aling
tlpp•rattri► is mot- for this modest little
plant whf.l, Ip fro d.ffcate that It dies
01 the s11mh,••.ot Lnlury to root or ',tern.
mnativn. its info by f..e.ting upon the
unbary ineecte that eh tree to alight
Op'', its leavers., entfelnt 'hear to 01.1,
dmftrureion by exuding trach' the Msec
of its fatal traps a vinare• 11,111, some-
what rearmbling honey.
The traps oon.lst of two. *aft. vel-
vety leaver, frtngod with del !cats
twirls. and hang -1 t'+trother on one
aid«. The Immo.'--cline fly, lured by
the bonev altcht. ..n these bristles in
anticipation of a feast. but at the flirt
tewrr•h 0t Its feet the Mneett .lose the
two have,. corn♦ together, the bristles
leterl'wok and the battles insect Is im-
pelw•n..l In a cell from wbtd escape is
tnd••r the stimulus of the victim's
S tnrrtgles the tiny glands with which
the Loner walls a the trap are fur-
n ished pour forth • secretion which
Darwin anslyz.1 as • veg*table Ma-
ter Juice. reasatbllrtg that tlhieh M-
e use diewwtioe In animal life. Crider
the f intsenre ot this corker liufd the
A7 1. actually digniterd alive. and fes
Jaime being extracted the trap doors
age reopened ansi the skeleton to flung
Tae ecientlrts declare that the plant
unquestionably Uvea upon the juices
of its victinn, but one or two export
horsto take exception to thin state-
ment_ It 1s worthy of note that, al-
thro flu the habit of the plant la car-
nivornus, experiments have proved
that it item looser and thrives bettor
when Ir' Isom. -.i that no Insect, ton
teach 14--a ouperahiendan.e orf on
fl•vorit.- rite• .pnarently renetrrinr it
e. to 1n.'•• dell.•at•• than It 1. by na-
ter• Th•• ser v mire. lee r-•ntrr•:Itne
LU leaver. aro stela t• . re.emI•', three
tie human eyelid.
"..,. A n.w•�t.net,.
51r. ebn,r"x_r . n wan studying 14.
111 -re Walt 1.i.. lir
..t d...0 ..,t. ,re..t 1.1 h111 v..b r no h••
"1 don't re in t get along with 11. s
leer. n cery we' fa h,r. •
"Can't you ger any of II.-
"T•w: 1 Can sant} '::m ,. *m*, *nia1
and Nen I &way. forget what rotas
"What does ten. ,t -.e14. mean,
Je+tnny!" asked 74 " rra•tx, who fie.
Serves credit fnr 1.., .,;; always ready
to add to a soma e' d.Acldat early
kn'y mean 'I love. thou karst, he
'Tt doss sworn ton bad to . you
mg in en soon," the rid gentle -
Man ssased. "with tee AIAtnnl'or that
hes edware surrounded that verb. gat
VeeMe well conrnsnes young he
rent At Nam words In m. way se
another Deem two -W r.A of Me bot er-
&Bon fiat ectal Is this Hfet"
"t.vw►, Not 1 .salt echoed. them?*
'No: it wouldn't tis any nay Tes
es5Mn't dotleo 'em and 1'.m mlg*t es
Well go Moet along and got so tlarntNar
wet* Hens es rMntbi.. Tau'll find that
Ieetirn o 'den ain't half Mew that
Aawd0n' 'stn le arta ye •s♦
Meer tip. J• Mercy and test
most 4 yaw it ,Saris b ahead
se 7'u.'-Weadngtnn Her.
Low Prices
form the toa}Istone that draws custom to our store, and good value
given for the salve makes our patrons our friends With every article
in stock you will find • uniform system of price that is always in
favor with the buyer. We du not give away Goods, but we do buy
close, sell close, and shave profits accordingly, which is why we secure
what every energetic merchant its after --the bulk of the business. In
offerings for the present season we are particularly enabled to show de-
cidedly interesting price items, which will satisfy our our old custom-
ers and surprise all others
New Embroidery, New Veiling, New Dream Goode, New Shirt.
Waists, New Blouses. Ask to see the Newest Corset is the Market !
Matra Value in White Cottons, Table LinerLsl Table Napkins, •Linen
Towels, Low prices. coupled! with big values 1s the combination that
wins your trade in our elegant assortment of Spring and Summer
Corner Seluare and West -sit
▪ Ala
The regular meeting of the tows oottttoil
was held es Friday .vests*.
l'ress•t Reeve, deputy•roev,2ed deputy
reeve. ('easoderr. 1w..dy, ('olw.11 Jas.
Wilms, Noire, Martis, Dunlop. Nickolas,
Read, l'aatelos, Craigs, Nefsl.
The reeve 000apled the choir.
Minutes of hue meeting road, approved
and sigtied.
The trealur r s statem..t, "bowing • bel
5005 on hand of 11.405.33 was "sat to fie -
row commit sae.
Report of *editors read. Moved by
Nicholson, wended by Thomism, that re-
set be referred to doses -committee,
.1tn tnetracUoal te •flvertiee as moored
by statute. Carried.
A commaic•tioa was read from the olrk
irking an increase of salary. Moved by
Nicholson, •..railed by Thomism, that the
clerk's salary h. 8500. Corned.
1. the matter of extra services of the col•
lector the past year, the sesta oommittm
was directed to report ea ths maim of
Dunlop sod (regi..
A oomms.icatiee from Kag/ae.r Marsh
regarding the .esessity ot eddies mow
maoh•sery and boilers to the weir works
ma reed, and referred to sp.orl o•mmrttee
to report..
The report of the e5gineer saw seat te
water and light committee.
A oommnnto•t,00 was read frees the
(,odench Lumber Co oktsg paymt@mt ter
building rood
1'he report of the public work" c0amiites
wee reed se follow"
Your committee bag to r.s.sassd t►.
cousotl to empower them to paras•. • Copp
R rood making machine.
2. W. have decided to pay tN mean
masted to the (:oderioh Lumbar Co. to se
sot is building tear road, on their ergsing
an agreement to keep ebs rood is proper re-
pair and allow the public tree some to it.
(t0 motor the report was read clavee by
Thompson roved, ..000ded by Crum►•,
tot No 1 al.w be adopted. (cnida
Yes" -Nairn, Tweedy, Create, Colwell,
Camdes, Wiles, Natal, Dunlap. Reid,
Thempoee. Nese-Marrs, Horses,
Moved by Cestodes, esoosded by Croatia,
that the compa.y be pad 1150 sow sod
1100 when rood is pat is proper oonditlom es
or before .loo., to the satisfaction of the
council. Loot.
Yea -Toady. Crane. Marcia, Colwell,
Nays -Holm.", Nein, Wilma, Natal,
Deploy, Reid, Nicholson. Tbeapwst.
Moved by Thompson, eseeedd by Wil -
. en. that No. 2 he adopted. Carried.
The report of the Mesa committee re-
onmmendisg the pa9tne01 of mews] so -
counts wee read sad adopted
A communicates from F. Heston uses
road referring te tits necessity of • large
Summa hotel, and suggesting the advisabi-
lity of calling • public meeting at as early
day to discuss the .looms.
On mottos of N,choMrro and Nairn the
matt* wee referred to the mayor with
power to set
The council teas edioaned.
Sid M•loem.on was en Exeter the pest
Geo. Aet... on Ilse tress is Staples the past
H. Brown, of (haeme. was is town lest
leo. Resole, of Sesforth, wee intOode.
rich e. Friday.
L. H. Dickson, of Exeter• wee is tows
the past Saturday.
H..1. 1). Cooke, barrister. of Henan, wits
is tows this week.
Mrs. Wright, of (:Raton, was voting im
/:deeiah as Friday.
hire. .1. W V •setas wee vi.ith9 is
Wie9ham tote week.
W. H. (;ham►eerlain, of New York, uses
is Goderiob on Friday.
Goo. Whitely, of S.•f.rth, wee le the
suety town no Thursday.
Mas Teresa Mclelsh paid • neon visit to
friend. in Hallett township.
( `aDneiller Tweedy and .1aa ('rami. mad J.
Reek were is (Three the yeah week.
Miss Flereher, of New York, Is .ponding
• holiday term with relatives Is tows.
.lee. Wares, Mentreslot, M slowly,
th.a9h steadily, baeemdeg owvoeswt.
l.epester Tem wee visltlmg the sash is
the a eth sad of the eeenev the trot week.
Wasted-Re1 batter (13..). drnsd apples
( My vesmtly. G. It. Kiss. Wins.
her. lt
Mies .lemic Meares spent Sat.ed.7
sod Sunday .t 'he family reeidases. Klee
Jmo. R•esti., beggege... O.T. R. has
bem. &mahag.d atter • faithful mere et
Mos Finder, of (iederieh, a psearr, .1.
..tine t, wi11, writ Mee. Wall, d 011.4..,
ve es •stortaimmemt is Rises ea the 17th
MA -Kiser T1ess.
A. Metlisegbten, es ismer. el Oitatea,
who W Me job el enerodibJ Ms Berth
Mir, eared lakes fame weak N else Gm
Menke tm Ih. 41.skester1
Willie Vela, eau of Omit. Wm. No.
Lasa. el Derek Maims tittOS' Is term
Aerie, the pose saes wens. the Steppe el
him soot Ilse. hmd/rl, J, Ne.m►w . L
s and to Deis&M lee
- . • a spe.isd.ell
Mu■teed Pees Pag. 1.
lama' told m• tt wen • cos of J. C. Malo
toeh,awiNe had R1vea it to J. C., mad J. A.
McIntosh told me tot► oost•ste. J. C. Mo -
tweets *sae to see about it .ad wasted
to knew why 1 has lettere. 1 said
we bed • right eN is lariats in tbe peso
e ms of osier penes sad I supposed it wee
emoted by mother Moloto•b. 1 said tf you
are dieneti.t•d, is Store 1 w111 show them
w M It r mot tree that I told J.
Mem that I opened it. 1 11.d 001 ease
•d it sed did mot knew who did g. TNe.
o rs 4 temilic. of Molatosb., • oemb.r of
M.110.ld., sad ■umber of Johootoaa.
Mistakes mew y occur. It asmmot be
helped. Tare two 1lentil Mal Amalie
mad mistakes sa•votdably oocurred
between Minn 1 mot usteotlom•Ily read
Eon nerds through the pest office.
W• are by rho Pest Moe to ro-
tors to the dead .fits these of • de-
famatory ..Nota, I tlfd teed Mt. Bee-
Nu'e past card. 11fir�t very few Maces.
My doegbtr im hisdllieg Mr. Repaid's
pus ward »T• peed it surd she told ass
about it. Mho there is soatethtes
about • lost lettrot te bow 1 came to
knew sesethiss *( its •.stems, and Moa
Petrie and 1 were es very good terms_ He
is • sailor. I ha mo recollection of the so-
ndem referred o is the etrid.*c. of Mn
Petrie. My btr beadles *Meet ell
Mien mad wed. and 1 .tend to the
mosey order gebenilly. 1 have
very little te read poet aside 1: i de-
sired to do I de set. Ie referees
to the W. L.
hoideet 1 .ad.rotosd
he m.rnsat.d I had opooed • lotto .ad I
was annoyed. My age will be 63 years ea
1st of .luly 1 am • gr.odfstber sad hare
grown up tastily living in l:oderioh in re.
g eed to whet (.mo. Jaunted) says, h• r •
peculiar old man sod wants to telt polities
rhes he some to the otliw. 1
Mid him There was • registered letter fag
hi w, Lot there wee probably sot meek
moose i6 :t I toll him to r•
N tea registered letter wicket, std whop I
said, how w they appealing amen Veal
voteI Old sot kno, vnu hada veto. 13s
said 1 suss the Sheppard property whist'
belomged to my ester. 1 said, or, you do,
then art m all right, you have • right to
• rota i did sot speak to say Dae inside
about it, as he sage, so far so I recollect.
He and I were old soil statures. 1 have
mover taken say part in pohtios thaw ay
• ppppooa�le...mit i have sot moved all r
ofBo.r of my of the local organizations.
I mover save • speaker for the party, bat be-
fore my appointment 1 was proudest of the
aase0iatic5. 1 was sot in the secrete of the
party lousily since my appointment. 1 have
sot been • parties.. 1 remember what hes
bees referred to •a the saendal 1 board
Mr. Saunders evid.noe •a to that yesterday.
1 am quite satisfied I oar made se of soy
n ab espresso:r as that which Mr. Sousdowe
sates in regard to Mr. Cameros 1 think
en from the cironmetaaose, but i have se
reoollectioo of the en0vera*tloa. i was N
sv guard sed did set wish to spook of it.
1 went to ears pains to keep myself akar
of it. I remember mo oosverearon with
Mr. S.und.r, at which Mr. Hays was pre-
soak I never witbeld, mkdireot•d, or SM
out of :Le lest any lettere soot •t0 or ad-
dressed by salt •`ere or marble mon going
thronrh the Godaock P.O.
(its sag ' IOrnNrito,l
C. E. L. U.
The following are the tonic for the dif-
ferent young people's societies wbioh met
daring moat week :
North-st Methodist .ewer & L of C. IL.
Friday evening at 7:30 o'oloek. The
will be "Temperace," to he addressed
Rev. W. Godwin.
Knox (hush S'.P.B.C.R., Tames eves.
tag at f1 o'clock. Topic ter February
16th, " W hot oar desemin•tion Is delsg,
by Walter Bsobawn.
All w torl*lly invited to attend HA.MM
eepeth91, whin, are hard in she kesemem
Vioitisg memhere of ether societies w-
ossi•Ily +Moeme.
Mier nesse. Moister. eatertehsd •
number .f freed& at • enols party lame
Tuesday evening
Mrs. Robert Roswell, of (ioderie., was
the got of Mrs. (Dr.) Reohamole,of Zarb,
last Friday. - Roster Times
Netts to (•redltoes--(stew tmdProler
feet 6
Teals. W nested--IhMM Werke Derma
mese 6
Far UM- Ile. 99 Pants 6
(.dere. Ramis Om0Nr. 1.. Rekdesem 6
Caries i.et M N.1.-1. lI Rameira6
8wwi Ire. teed W hs -Jen W low 6
Deet M • Beey.b
' •mise---a„�. X1. • s
(4...rww 01..4 Asa.,, -O O. Wide* a
A.dw.trq 111Nm--R a Will 6
assess Wise MeImsee -T. Reader 4
MosRawa/t*5..a•-trued a Os
110110-43.�. w ep.