HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-11, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY. FRB. 11 1897 Deattfaiarj. NICROLSON. L U.11. _.._._ traxru Haulm opposite Lb. Pen Oise weld /illimtr, (row.. Nig Nelda. W. s 11pasishs. M Years SxprM0M Y- MARES, D.D.R., L.D.13.,-URN• jJe TAL OUFtsS0L-litsat.ad approved tMtbMlm ter all deat•1 siur.ttosa. Preserve um thee. natured teak • p olaliy . Ulla. Basham na'a orf • de dors, ow r •f - a.st Yt. o 4 Ike SMA. 117 T MRR. TtJWLL, AA D-8.tely , t. D.8. -- ,iated with Duramel ill . D dDpatA►L Golf : d npooree on sold ler alum tarsal beamttttlf.tloa gives to the gr�r v.tios tae salad teeth. Mee la Mde••b sew beet. Itf1<tf , _THOH8ON, M. Day 1._- M. WA„ Cir.Ww at Kdesformerly Decoded h pr on tfouth et. Telephone MI geegt, Nt, r i EIt. PHYSICIAN, 8(JR-- �te.ato. Oboe--lbwsstreet, rho red- bestlehsltyeddetepos ted t by 1)ePbos. tit Nimbi �aa'1'tase Weltaes. LAIR IS$U Ek MARRIAGE MARRIAE W • litmsse, Uod.rieh. Unt. 350-17 - (). UAMEIWN. BA MUSTER, SOLJ- 13.1... niter, c.nye saner. to, OI:ise-err. Heli Utas std ASt. A.drewat.., epr. Oedema betel. f. lay ' KN EST HEATON - F.....ItIS1'EI:, ..leiter. Notary re. ♦et..ma • Moot West brat. Tsw ti KCAIIIPION,Q.(;., is .1aTEK, SUL- taitte. Notary. &4. ....m seer M.dto.t �. square, sed.rte& U. JOHNSTON, RAMR1bIER, 8U- �1. llettar. owumiestlast. est. Mussy te toru. (Mice. cot. Heigtes sadtit. biretta Uoderw•h. tint. .i06 oFTUti L DAI(OEY, BARRISTER, L telteiter. Ossveyesr. tau.. sic. Money to taus at Iowamt rates. Nanoo . Klock. Up Posh. Celber.. dote. (Ooderla4. Uel. foal. Li N. L,RWIB, HARAU'riS.PRO C. PMO. ter is Maritime Optus 0Iirt N szlat -/wMMha*N Oese h RO. RATS, BhitRISTEIt, SOLICIT- . 011, tc. Oaks. Nortb.L, nut doer t axa. 0Ae.. Pr1,.te rade to loud at s o art raid of barest. fOM► e ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAIL - • aware. ANors.y. Solicitors. Pro two.. Gas_ don. J T.0.rrow, (UMYLCJN, SUI,T & BOWIES, V Barristers. Rottener. la Obs.esr7 t.. Oodericb, M. 0. Camaro.. Q.V. ; P. Holt D udley Heinle*. J G. WARD, OONVgYANCEK, . tc.. •ad ensu lselener tear %Akio( sail rnie at Nag recatta.maose of bad, •lidavlts m N Srmatto•A depositions or solemn declare - ass 1s or senosr.langg tray atlas. suit or pro- �assoeeGtaw la the High court of Justice, t4. Omuta( Appal for Usirlo, or 1n any "busty r DI v 1./os Court. All tr.a.setioes o• sad promptly ese.at.•t. ste0 4.so. sad P. . addrw-lnumanes Oat TNA -t• Lata lar Intauranoe MONEY TO LOA N. - .gr0,000 oar Private rids to lead at 1, per asst. see Mak S eICCab C KUS HuOOdsr*t . $.t41 YR1 AT t'UMIS PERSONS DI - serous of obtaining messy on 14411411111111 farm e.awrity can do a at se Mr visa.lly op A p�smote J. . Mt DUNAUd a Bled /N. 1.14 bulldieem. Teresa. wfatt. (1 8EA(;KR. CONNEI-ANCil•f; AND Lal. Inseremo* ellen mapsel% Martin's Hai. Goderich- 4-v.Ii at ONEY��Trru sent. Nose, duicounted. LEND ON MORTGAGE St AGSM ober impala Martin's Hotel 054e rich. Fa. J T. N A FTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND easel..Eldest an.ora.ce ylsimt a OM.. -oar. 1fosth�s. anis fjEew,l - MONET TO LEND. -A L A R G 1 GRIMM of Private Toads for 1. asetmss lowest raise ma itrist-eess Mortgage.. Apply OAIMOW t PROUDTOOT. RRADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN . gar..... Beal brie% and Money leaates Area. Only .%asd. M1e Lenda' oonipeal esP+assnon etralidt mins, at the lowest red of later.." pins. 1s 50 way to 01111a -gait de e.rrewet. U- Sa- wed deer flees Slaam West Street Oode. ✓ tah• 1I&-tl M1011a111ad Institut*. 1UDRKKICH 1M1OHANIOB' IIiBTl- Vf TtT11 LIBRARY AND BRADINY soon, ear. of test street sad .gwre Int gam Ons. item 1 s e i•.at., and hem 7 to le rat. APOUT 9000 Y OL' t IN LIBRARY. Lambing Daily, R'eeAly ani Alwstraf.i P.�srs Y Ole., ea Ali. 1[bM Ttog.ar. 0NLT Ota Wataa% tree are t sad "tees Mem amines one Jar membsreide r.ery.d sr ✓ ibrarian. lard= H. OO�LHO..RnNIL 0. HA ILi OrariN. Gmlarbh M aeh�11111 1I. AilsRtose.lrtnit. rrBORAS GUNDad �R,, �Y�AUUOOTTIO�.NEER ata Go• t re Den sad y. OO. at- tained e V w smart et the ss..ev. 11417 TORN KNOZ, GZI ERAL AUG. tis.taE tel lard ea valuator. st-de* 14. iset1o..srisatitdia. he ie 11a • mettles lei discharge wed a..,. sit sWralsidea .t ems mlsstemo to Men. Seders inti al Raxtoub manses[•atRsiMenn.asittders.lefQt st KKoIdsrXletO pees• A.stbtssr _ll P1rO9.bsfeaat. E.C. STSRLS ✓ afts Am001*?4 w 01T. LAI.b NITIMI7011111 A t. OAS. SOO. 0.11. t1rA0Ote'r NAx. 0110. --tsar. H•tdlega and Newfg b e.60 -ant Mark Twain M seed to Blew bi.nit 300 Maar a..eth. • INJURY AND NEGLECT. He Failed in Real* and Ytrrm iii -Hb Kidney. Ached mei He Teak '.Xid- .e.y Pin.. (hmeros*e, Dee. 14 (dpoW)--Ame.R fbedlire elps',i. � end espe.ially by hie wadies= id.ea0 Ilse hese ask es is the ear et Mr. deems Rushee. who for thy Paas dries. year 1.m been dipper fer tit. Rabbets O..illm.t. i.tay be had ma d... le health .ad Duras* te te the paint el kis se.tslld le gals work .04 ale sew as tit. resells .t rise 1)eaf% IC Nosy P'.11s, se she lath of Se Nan, Ob Mies Mir Nokia he .tea "Pose Iforsifabss and I oeffred fa..fy Aloth West freebie bell obi/s.4. .N ▪ as dabs Maitedile den date ID.dd'm dart,ens reek ter Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hyp phos- phites brings back the ruddy glow of life to pale checks, the lips become red, the cars lose their transparency, the step iE quick and elastic, work is no longer a burden, exer- cise is not followed by ex- haustion; and it does this be- cause it furnishes the body with a needed food and changes diseased action to healthy. With a better cir- culation and improved nu- trition, the rest follow. Ars mit .t Ya ams .ed 4. -os by .0 drowse. St-OT1 & WM \t, t,.twoto, U..t. He -1 wee so dreadfully bursary today, dearest. the-i)id roe enjoy your dieser, hubby He -O► -h we --e- -el, yes : but, do yea know. the salad didfi't quite taste ace. lhd yea wash it well • Sb. Wain is ! 01 .►our.. I did -and with swap, too, HOPE ENTHRONED. LIFE PRCWNOKD AND ITS USEFUL • NES GREATLY. EXTENDED. !a Ill- Tttl.t7.,, IIAYU or NATVAS rrkf11Tr writ THE rultviVAL 01 Tout MTW)]elo,T sr? yZDI• AI. Shea. & 41.'C.., THE •(•k - YID AL or Till wtAI.E..T, ' Prost the cons wall Standard, 7'he science .od art of mediation holds • uagoe place to the esteem of Ne entire civilized world, beau.* by • )udiaow .p- pliortcoo of progressive sdlenoe rel•ttve to the art of healing innumerable triumphs .re won in the struggle for health. The proles .too of medicine we m.' "ably say. is no sinecure. ite triumphs and successes are re beamed daily by the million. Those who are in the vanguard of this movement aro our greatest benefactors. Their discoveries are • boon to humeaity ; they have given relief to thousands who would ..ve dragged , out • inimitable and mor, or less brief ex treads. Dr. Williams by meas of hie Pak Pills has earned and enjoys tbe rrtti- cude of astold cumbers who were os toe verge of Palatine or death. became their etw defied the skill of the ordinary medical practitioner. The ruthless band of nature permits only the survival of the strongest. bat the tender ministration. of medical seism. as exemplified in Ili. William.' Ptak P•11e, secure the arrival of the weak- est, which is in harmony with the divine in junct:oo, We tees tb.1 are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the we•► and not plass ourselves" The. famous pills have green strength to the apparently boyish -slily weal*, end 1115111 4 and liavignr.t.rd fragile .od debili- tated constitutions, enthroned health ad .1reeeth, tons ineressl.g every value and e.4ncang every joy. in substantiation Ot tbe reputed mori% of Dr. 11 'Mame piok pills read the te.timaeisl of one of I;leng.rry's wp.nsible cit ren.. Samuel Nell, of the village of Lancaster, is ea of the hest - known men of the county. " For three e nocesstve Winters...save Mr. Neil, " I out fered from severs attacks of la grippe. Ow t.¢ to the exhausting etieods of these .t - tack. I was unable to •tte.d to my hussies' half the time. The last attack 14.d was in December, 1896. Ir was 'the most pro- longed. and the sulrrgueot effect the most trying. All the Waiter of 1836 I was un- der medical Dare sad being somewhat .d - ,..,.d in life I presented a very frail ap- pearance. !r y weakness was so proaouseed that I became • victim of week turns. and eves with the *.eutan00 of a cane I was liable to t•11. Attempt" to walk were risky ad often to be regretted. I was troubled with a dizziness in the heed that rendered locomotion dangerous and un- pleasant. (irides the general weakness i had pains in my shoulders. something like articular rheumatism in its fluctuations and severity. After • five months' treatmeat I wee not any better, io faot the doctor Rave Me veru little esooar.gement. He sad 1 had p.lpi%ttoo of the heart and it mast run ire worse. The truth is 1 felt so weak that my hope of recovery war •hose .11. About the first et May I determined te try Dr. Williams' Pink Pill. The result was the dizziness left ass, day by day my palet vanished into imperceptibility, .red 1 base to feel myself again. The improvement cootinred until I was stile to follow until I was able to follow my business with ase*• acted vigor. I am increasing in Beak and in the general sign• of rood h"aItb,sad i en- h"aitatMoiy attribute my recovery *0 Dr. William's Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills oases new blond, bald up the nerves, and than drive thew% from the system. In hundred of mw they have oared after all other medi- ci.as hall tiled. thea eeteblisbtng the olaim east they w • marvel .moos the erinmphs of median medical eoiesos. The Resins Pink Pills ere mid only it boxes bearing the fell trade mark. "Dr. William"' Pink Pills fee Pal. People." Protect y1ateelf from impeeities by refuels, any pill that does set bear the registered Mede mark arose* the box. A cerreepo.deet says of Nide : " This ermal women is • lila frock drinks to and brandy, and smokes eigar.ttss' The world to bar e es bellow as • sacked sem timer as areas oats : bot there are ratai% pimple is Ow .Reins of T:asses wbo Bald boil rare .cera el her geawraity and mid. sas i she says esters of her ssmeswes *014$4.0." A row w f. (.swell. Nw., t•nsbl.d for ~I with • .sesame .seeeeren of boile ee big seek, oras e..Pletely oared by taking only three bottles el yer's Harare life. m- o ther regal df the Yeeterest tree north, improved digestion with i erea..d •yetrdts- T e Arks ef M.rlberesgb'e gift le No wife after their bsw.wi.a woe • sidle Rkelmim epeeist It ie traditions: is sae demi Neese el 1t*Elbr.egb shot sees, Dustmen ah.E p1am& on her oma ta.e eons - Pukes the et these email dere. The rese- s far this le that as the barb .f Rl ehuy the thee Dee wee .rented by • pet= W. wbhh threw left W be.ls he a -menr* thrombwf the Sail/, and thee after the bmthlo. Mesh the 1)11.". m.kM.Nd �ttistrt p Mebrat s izi..`1' wed HOT CORN. "Yoe must sot ea peals= to propose so moos, my dear. He bas salt been courting ter three moths ' "1 hear that, sesame. Bet he has kept .. ke the dark leas s ough." A Mathews' mas says he uas't invent p.rpetaal mottos, bet he ea. du .elm ethiag gate as great. H. can mass • sail wkioh • stomas can drive tato • well without 'awaking her thumb to • jelly. Awful l'e.segse.ces, " Why do you laugh .t his stale jokes ' If 1 did not !.044 be would think this► 1 did not understand the 'oat's, and would try to eaplst. them". Mother - W bare have you been, Johan, ! Johnny Down by tit' old milt w.toht.' • ma. paint • picture. Mother I44. -t you bother him ' Johnny No ! He seemed to be really Inure...4 in me. Mother - What did al sty Johnny -He • ked ivss it 1 didn 1 think it was almost di. ' . r time, and whether you'd mfr me. He : " What • You can't go to t4• opera to -night! You promised to." She : I know it, but it is impossible " Ha' I .o. it .11. You love another." "Oh, so --00, Indeed." " Tb.s you have determined to trample oe Your own heart and marry some man for his money. Ah. ! you shrink ' You expert him to o.N this evening. Perfidious-- " '.rfidioas" Pleas, please don't. It is not es." " Then why won't you go ' " " 1 I can't get my sew 00111 0a over the .le.,.. of my saw dress. A sat. taw's.. 1abb. (rather short-sighted. overtaking total stranger mod slapping him ou the book from behind! Hallos, old fellow, bow tars you ` So glad to ere you again. Who'd have thought of rneet- Stranger -" I'oofound you, air ! How dare you .tnke me In that blackguardly manner' 't ou ought t.. be more careful that you'De tot the right ponos." Ilibbe "Really..ir, 1 must apologias. but I took you for the I-irl of 11- ; the like- ness is molly wood - Stranger (greatly molLfisd-" S.1 no more, sit, i entreat. 1 quite see how the mistake 000urr.•d. 4l.l101Aoenr weather, teat it! good morning to you, good morn - A Ytlefeetere LeM•as•tle.. Distracted Monter let her daughter's wed- ding) Oh ' oh ' oh ' What shall we de? The groom tweet vomit,' he guests are begin - Ding to laugh. and my daughter is i. • 15101. Friend el the Family Calm yourself, modem : I saw the groom only two hours ago entering the greet haberdashery shop at the corner, He said he had for.otten to get gloves. Mother ,suddenly breaking into smiles. - Oh, then. it's .11 right. He's prolmoly waiting for his chasms. A WWI A0.ws 1►ibbe gather short-sighted, overtakint oat etr•oger and slapping him on back him on back from behind. -Hello, old fol- low, how are you' So glad to ea you *gots ! Who'd have thought of swat - Stamper -Confound you, sir! How dare you strike me in that blackguardly manner, los ought to be more o.r40u1 that you-ve got the right person Dibbe-Really, sir, I most apologize, but 1 took you for the Earl of B ; the like- ness is really wood-- 'traager (greatly mollibed) - Say no more, sir, 1. entreat. I quite see bow the mistake occurred, Magnificent weather, unit it. good morning .0 you, wood morning. D•.atre er etas. fetalis*. A somewhat beroio Fresob scientist has declared that • tante number of netvous maladta from which girls .t the prevent day suffer are to be attributed to playing the pima. .bow. ecoordmg to tbu author- ity, that, of 1.000 girls wbo study the in- strument before the age of twelve, no fewer than 6OO sober from this class of disorders ; while of tboee who do not begin till later, there are only .ore 200 per 1,000, and °sly 100 per 1,000 among those wen bare never Warned to play the piano. The violin u also proved to be equally w• jurfous. the remedy suggest.d is •hat children should not be permitted to study either instilment before the ase of sixteen et least. or, In o*ee of delicate ootwtitutioss sac till * .till later age. CRISP AND CASUAL. Whoa baking b..oaita always broth over wish • little sweet milk. just before they ars pus in the oven, to impart •.toe coley. T. frost window pees, when the atmos- phere is damp, moisten patty with linseed oil std paint the panes el glees thinly over with it. Beef tea .bs.14 always be made of fresh gravy beef. If, however, you have meg* meat than you with to movers into teal ten at mew. mama it with pepper and salt, red fry lightly. This will prose n a it ter • couple of dave ie dry weather. To oleos white fur rub it thoroughly with warm dry bran, using • piese of beak muslin se • rubber. Failing this, try vase - MOW is the came amasses Shake the gar- ment tree o1 the powder, and InteM with a ohm soft clothes brash. The distinguished editor of the "Daily Telegraph," Sir ltdwia Arnold, Is sue of the worst -dreamed men le Londe.. cost is always • rte tee blg far hie, •.d els trouser* .ides' er never real their Proper pleat ea W boot -tops. Tb. wish of • Mese should not be longer *hat will reach to the bottom of the dl re- servoir. It is well to chorea/Fitly wash Ibis' wok, er replace it sae is two me.tht- iI yen desire te have a nab good light, re- member that the wish sett rite part of • w riest, mud se require es be kept edema. Any teedinereo prematere bald..me may be prosody shrilled by the tee of Ayor'. Heir Vigor Den's delay WI the es.pi is kers me/ me bear -reeks dee. yed- If you meld MUSS the hest remelts, hegkt As sees with this Isysle•bIe properties. Tout tamest historian William Harrel* Leaky Y a leek -bails, hasdv-hues, deem shaves seem, with briKbs red heir Re is on Irleismos by birth. ilioe .ewely in the ...breath marry, mad b oppressively fe deseriee.1 buts bo le the seal of sadabiLsy, mad him roan ere fifty edg►t• Hew a Meek a seers, Were oil all prom n ames with My Inas. sed H tare be any mesh ray 78110, sr Epee wore .stay thirst bee bused se the seem, rub W. • pier et teed'.pw. Nis lis Weakest ee the of sura+ will w,ar est A.sies. App fhb la Me shoe wises ss b.wiss Beatty dry. twit ft w1Nh gNMI broth till It shit.& Bask the ores ems& sad set. 11 sieves be tloc►leeded while *bey ate hot it bares aa, .td will sot take • tally good polish. A .mall Who. in lirookl ■ is oeoupied by • dealer in plat. et..% The Kr..oalyo di reeler" lades's)e* bleu se '• Kober" Meeh.., clerk " bat to " Burks'. 1'.es.g." hs is sailed " tilt Robert James Stuart Graham. tenth Histones of Ka. ' He is the repro e ent•tive of the 1 ar•4atn. of FA, one of the Oda l.mil►.s o1 Sootlaud. Th. late Bishop of Salsbury ono. deter meed to build himself • house, and i "traced • well-known arohll.ut to prepare plasm. Th. bishop 14.stted an mind, and asked 14e architect riot w., be ober,* for ia bs "ordered and dolma/led .' " Iles hundred guises", sae the fbply. "Why, many of my carat.., do not get mon the title for their year's sitters rad the hishcp. " Possibly," said the arohtteot : but 1 sin • bishop in my profession " Potted meet. Take ay well roasted or boiled meat, remove all gristle, hard piece., and fat from it, mince, and then pound it se a mortar with .litse butter. reduced ever t - sad • spoonful of Wotoreteesoire sauce Boat it to • sm.1 paste, seiw•nhng donor the prover with pounded clove., and .11• spice. mane, or grated nutmeg, salt, end a little °aywse. Put the mixture (stn p•.ie, press it down closely, aver with clarified butter. ad keep in • cool, dry place. A dainty cabbage mould. Take ant cold .abbess )oar may hate left, p.a. it through • wire sieve, and add pepper, salt, and nutmeg; moisten with the sols of as and • small piece of butter. (ire... • burl= or plain mould, sprinkle brown breadorumbs into it ea as to make a this orating. that put is the cabbage, cover with a plate, and flake in a steady oven for half .a-4onr. Turn 001 en to • hot dish and serve with brows mance. Br following this r.•otpe a dont. duh is made (rem • comm..n rad tea often nj.-.cted vegetal,!" IN BICYCLES µD WATCHESron ^AP tAppki3r) During the Year 1897. For fu!I Parti '.lar. o -e ..'..eros. menus. or apply to MIR BROS., Lro , ^6 Barn BT., TONNTO FARMERS' ATTENTION ! An immense stock, and prices as low as OATS at 15 cts. HiDES WANTED•! per bushel Rich - - Purr - - Fragrant "LUDELLA" Healthful CEYLON TEA In un& ,ualIe'.I, Refreshing In Lead Packets. 25c, 40c, 50c, or 60c., per lb. slitons .&LL. THHt LmA.DZ11G c3 -ROC, 8T'ORJD8 OLOEST SHOE HOUSE IN TOWN. We are showing a full line of Boots S hoes S lippers Rubbers whish we are prepared to sell at prices that defy compe- tition. In Men's lines we have just received some excep- tionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bads,, that we are sure will suit the Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's is ur to date in Style and Quality. Call and see our Gen' ' Fancy Slippers We have a tew Boys' Long Bonts this: , ou can have at Cost. Wril. SHARMAN, JR1 Sole Agent for the Slater Shoe. IAMINITFOR Ske tes and Hockey Sticks Prices right. Aesnrtment complete Cow -chains, G tins, Ammunition. Axes, Gross -cut Saws, them to the HOIHCKl(`H TAXNKI1Y al get th. d1UNlir r1I'I.ICB, silo T • A 1' W. Fr & A. SMIT H. R. W. Ire°KENZIE OF T I i l•; LOW PRICED HARDWARE STORK . A CANADIAN COMPANY. 'in Unity Us.i. IsStrength." THE GOLD HILLS Non -Personal L.iabillty- Shares Sold ata Discount Absolutely Non-.ifssettsabl•. Exploration and Development Company, of Toronto, Ltd. Incorporation applied for under the ONTARIO Joint stock Companies Letters Patent Act Relating to Mines and Mining. PROPOSED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, Head Offlos, - TORONTO, Canada. Principal Agencies will be London, Eng., Roseland, S.C., Rat Portage, Ont. PROVISIONAL DIRIIOTORs1 Rt -ALO. ORO. McMURRICH Toroeto, Manager AWsee. Aaaru enc. taw. of Loa. dos, Shi. T1tZDSitICE W. STRANDS, M.D., Tercets. Deputy sense.-Osnerel, es - no Werth York. T.H. CHRYSLZR. Seq., Q.C.. Ogawa, Oat ADIOS °SOROS BOWES, S.eq.¢.�e/Howeu Jmiesco t Co., leen Fousd.e, Hann- + las, Out. DIVIDED INTO 0.000,000 BHARBB OF 41.00 aAOiIL HON. J D. SDOAR. Q.C. M Tontines, Tos, spea4crave sr cle Hoose o1C.mmoes, Cab. W. J. DOUGLAS, Rae., Toronto, Director The Toronto Paper lett. Co. ORONHYATSSHA. Y.D., Toronto, Su- preme Chief Ranger ledepend.nt Order er Foee.Nrs. JON N ROT. Seta„ Tisanes. Maw.ln1 Dor- an* ir.cies Niagara Nevigetlon Co. JOHN R. MINNINNICS, Esq., President Rendre Oil Ca, Leaden, Oot- S0001TORa-Ours i. Rowes, NIl'to. Si awab•y, Toront , Ont OPTIONS. -Thi management has secured the following batmen. in both British Colombia and Ontario: on three promising locations mar the famous " JUMBO" mine, Roseland. B.C., two properties in the Sloan District. 13.0 one is the Whitewater Basta, Ilphng tinder optfae held by as, the other in which an interest le being negotiated for at present. A location In Boundary Creek Ditkrlet, B.C., which is well mineralised. sad will be carefully examined in the spring by our imports in a:enaction with contemplated par -Jam Two locations in Rainy River District, one of which will be sambaed minutely as soon as transportation admits It in the spring, whilst the other is under negotiadon- Loeatto.s in jaekirab Bay, having an area of about goo sores, as well as several otbmr parted►developed propertien in ohm Lake Laof the Wooch, Trail Creaks Slogan. and Boundary districts` whish are receiving the attention olthe management. OBJ -(t). The Company will secsre by exploration, thro.gb its Mining Agents and employees, gold, silver and ether mineral claims. and will sell the trate, or partially develop and sell, ` other parsons or companies u will *score the beat and quietest returns to its shareholder There an Mons of mining claim* which show surface indications of gold or silver, at botb . bat unless and until they bare hese thoroughly Meted by some expenditure in opening them op, they cannot be submitted to the eraraivatioe of skilled Mining Engineers. This Company will start operations with options and contracts extending over the best mining' Reads Is Oaosds, sad will median so .nee more while developing those ht hand. The extent to ethic! mnin iter. will be cads will depend on the .dvioe d superb. Before offering an pragert� for sale the Compare will be ready te lay pagatending poreba.na the carefully -prepared reports of the hest Mining $:porta. The prior will vary with the stage of dere o mist and the eater* at the reports lo Ibbs war 110 investor need be misled They will know what they are gottin4 a far mega bum advice can aide tem. red they will have the chances always before them of `Paid gains. and a minimise, C11211011 01 loss The services of a rudest and thoroughly reliable man, who has explored the Kootenay. have already been secured for the Compaity 1a BritCol.mbla. he 5 (s) TwBritish also promote sad Bost• other Companies, both on We continent and In Europa. for dm purpose of and mines .0,•w� �sacred. or M be mLa*+d. flbyy role C � dual In Webs shares sad net se blinks Bee�.ra , f1ri flpbd t Amstel. tbsoBfflo.t Card* and asst tpbm. to r.- *t the Camas y._ eked s.pisd5)y, the Btro8Mage Department of 15. Company. 1 . i (,4WU1 be s medium oI istb.aat�ioe b P1. abrera nIi . 00 M swam pertaining to wish End mining .1004, 10 OD(ari r mitieb tis► led 5..Ub.eer .seem each abrar.e4A.e m ra.4e. am 'WWI 4t.at Daws from tem Company. 7.0:712:221to:„...;, Agents et th. ma* oant.al. er•.. (s) Having it. privets good dome esu he maned et fiat east. of which every shareholder gets th all tM profit. °editor, Alining Companies are often capkaiiend et item of !bosoaads of dollars beyond the first criviog the shareholder of ibe Am and ir.gson =lbs 1w�aetpe5Rt. Rear. prospector of the Company will b. 0 * ,•B $ priests;teapot.•tor sad locator for 5504 miara,okI.w 7'bspr 11r�1 its M m1Q own.rs "tad no mIddls Wits ser call for pro.*.etos, or any other Informatiee eiudeed wed be Eine• upon demand. A. limited .saber el iaear. Ant Isaac are avow offered to the pabl c se 10 QQTS oar mere, le Moots of i, h. am earns to become e.b.crlbeem to e int hese or do so try o.paafcaReg with JOSEPH H. McARTHUR, Seq., Q.C., d .d R.and, B.C. 0400011 R. CASST, S.. M.P., nava.nava.Ont A. D. HARDY, of Red , Witte* At Harty, Haut.%,.. Hraot bed, Out HON. JOHN FARQUHARSON. Acting Prewar P 1,1 . and Director M.ethanm Haab, Cia.riotemowo, P.1.1. Sher o .,er res lino" Air Rth OSS & CO., lining Brokers, etc., 4 King St. L, �NTs WANTS*., , ii S NOftNea 6011d01,1111‘ a.ee1P set w MOW sal