HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-11, Page 2.1'91 's. .may �.°xY►.Mh.t b:--a..�.mi,�t-.'. ..'wz•�.x5".F_.:?Wk,.._ ;..::ctrtR: r+Ifk".T: art-c.•••.:16t„''wnfnit
VIM as lar ode N Mr. ('.sorsa by Dr.
Freeburg aad Lettd . that Mr. Melees
ahaalJ speak tint, taatM 1 should speak .est
few • garter of as boar. Graham
Omens to follow am on the Re-
tsina ado ler Sheens summate, sad that Dr.
Fnsehera, Leitch and Hswkuo should close
tap the sseuaI tak1•g as math two as
wafted them. 1 dea:aed that. A. more
rsaaoaable 1 gaol 1 would appeal to the
ttteatroted Set bum submit at to the sudsier*
I west out of the caroms. A. they declined
that 1 Said 1 would bold to their ertela•l
proposal. Mr. ['.serum talked farther with
bbem,aud was Nlktas with them whoa 1 lelt
tko tatervrw. 1 talked the water with .1.
Jobaetoa, who rd a furor arr•otreme•t
Shall proposed ought to be made . aad then
Mr. Mauro was aupouoted o►atrmaa, and he
allotted the speaker. timer already given,
mimely 'That Mr McLean await epee the
n e.ting,ad that 1 .ad Yr Cameros should
then neve hall ao boor between the --one
to follow the otber,wd the other three Neu
Memos on the lem«rvauve side would wind
up Mr. Cameron spoke sad objected to
that proposal. and mud that 1 proposed w'
should bane no bur between w. with one
Of the Uo.servattve.peters he'ween Mr.
Munro theo wiled on Sir M,:1.e+o to wJ-
dress the meeting : 1 don't remember that
he said eaything in regard to the proposal
Jas Jobaswo weut au the chairmen rod
w eeks N him Mr. ,lohoetuo is • straight
C....reative. Mr Johnston came back
shaking hie head' I thea tont my
satchel and left the meeting 1 hwe known
Mr Munro for many years • 1 koow he is
• ('oosorvativ• 1 koow uothtog about his
taking part in the elections except M chair-
man of the m..t,ag referred N.
To Mr. U•rrow - Mr. M aaro enoououed
to the meeting the wrongsseat that bad
bra given to him for the meeting. Mr.
Munro was not present at the interview
whoa we were intav to arraDwe tt. Then
were to he ax .pe•kers, and the tar
the meeting opened was about holt -
past eight. The only obtectioa I hod is that
he might have resigned the ohairmanehip of
the meeting when he found that I and Mr.
Cameron were not to h. given • fair time to
• peek We both, Mr. Cameron and 1, lett
the meeting, Mr. Cameron announcing to
the meeting that he decltoed to remain on
auoh an unfair arrangement
.IAS .111HN44)S. sworn, said ' live in
West W•w•ooeh. I am the gentleman re -
fervid to an the evidence of the last witness
as being • straight 1 'oaservetave. 1 was at
the nubile meeting at Auburn when Mr.
Munro was chairman referred to in the ovi-
deooe of the last witness. 1 was cation
near Mr. Cameron and Mr. MoGilliouddy,
and they oomplained that they had not •
lair time •limed to them in whlob to speak.
I spoke to Mr. Keck and advteed that more
time be elven, se I thoeght it would do no
Arm. i did not .peak to )Ir. Monro about
it at all. i live about throe mils from
Auburn io the same division se Mr
Macro. We have heel no meeting for yews
oeevesY.w sad as N the obeirsaa..hlp e1 Demurer ..d Octan* slestleo purposes
paths seett.gs mrd otherwise, sad that He appears is the WIbtw as the mover
ouarde of the ergo.% ear he hos sot gen- .f • r.eclaMsss et teas waSSI.g, deol•rma
emir ental as as cSeas •• part ono. ooe1ide•oo is the then Dmecinao Clovers -
J. ft1..eb1ate. -I meet.
J. M. Roberts also at mese oo•vssttos.
Mr. Hr►op apppeered fur the P.O. Dept.paid r and seswbeted $1 m tithed" sad •s
sod Mr. Hutt for J M R tom*. the .entrtbstNn from West W •we•ofh to
W M- Mc t K r817It. swore, said : I live parry 1°4111"" pssmally•
M Dosganaes, a.d word to the puSNs•e At •• mesas, uI ou•••ettw N amis-
s • aur Mr. Retinue. end bene heron rias/ • .aadtdate foe the 1)umi.ies Meares of
w aur .beet LeLrt.es re•m Them r as 1891 Mr. Roberts s
aro.ded the ommson
agreement bet ween as 1 have not •teoospyl
of Robert Porter as the Oss.rv.tl.. am -
it, The brat few years 1 was to got mord didwta.
Ha was himself Marooned as •
the the of • 11*. mat
'maims to ell SN- modular. and add roo.s4 w ss•e•iag de
tiou.ry, and the at of • dew boles This disiag the Grus*s.uo.
arrangement Issued far eight 01 .toe yeses. At t• niatleg owreseion held at Smith'swhet, Le r•i.ed my Srlery N $100 •tsar : Hive on 30-h February 1888. Mr. Roberto'
the Ira three or loan quarters be hoe bald' as. appears in 'Le w*OSt e el • &Magma
ed me ..sey yowler b yur a 10 There from WwWhar-
w•nueh. He armory
•as • order Air and4 P U. saving seconted the nomination of Hes J. C.
bask 1 dou't koow what the pwttaster'•
worn r : 1 le understood u r • tet West Huro•. H. •pp.sro io the ..*amts•
doller responsible tor evertbiug : d then were as having bees homawted himself w •can
tor M war paid -1 hod to bear the lees. I
ba $.300 I Menorahs as C'oeservtive oaodld•N for
soY luster--ou.h as 000e, • oouuterlott bid se ha
At the eauual meeting as 12th I)euember
bars b bethmee •.rcareel o atabl. fur all lease u 1894, hu cute appears as • dolomite from
tt (the chop ewoupted
1n lbw'
be about $4t1 to &0 • yrs: I do.'t lunar Al the neamtaaum uu°`4"..."°°a1896 Mr. Robrte
*rennet to lir Roberto for rear. M. K0 d*data for the bve•.lectim for the 1),mmise
the o to.. 1 N'
by the P.U. sod the .t•tto. 1)' store would wit •waueb.
was aomtated as • ori -
whether there us any alluwaoce by the l;ov-
erre aqua ell "thorium and monthly reports, fPuaGe. 1 could not soy whether he was
0 I preset sad the mown do not show. 1
ant arreou .oy mistakes 1 may meter. tin "v.' uo r°°°1°°poo of b.vtttg an7 ""°°-
der out often at.ead at the pot o16se I posdenas u party 01.1055 wttb Mr.
as often take them to his ot1oe, which r R.berte, and mar ,mpr.sslon is that 1 have
oe.r the pu.tetfiw as hs Alt. at, the pont sot done so. 1 have sot looked upuo Mr
Otfi» w all so. Sometimes 1 go Roberta as ao wove party man out there ;
I yo to his office and somsumoe I .tea them
the impression was that he would not do
myself. Mr. Roberts does the correspond• •.vtkeag
eon with the Dep•rtole•t, ot wbeob there u To Mr. Holt -Al the roasting io lko0m-
yuiN • little bit. He mor to the peekabooT°1889. 1 cannot soy whether we was pre -
perhaps mos • day to bet his rid, and gee •••L' nor sea 1 est whether he was proeest
orally arks if there is anything to sign. He •t toy of the other meeting* Crum my own
does nothing more than to ego his m
nae.eI- knowledge. la May' 1890, he was komt.-
oept to look over the 00 0U te to ear if they fitted fur the Local Hoar He war present, • march. and corrects eat erne whaub at th.t meeting, undoubtedly, and spoke.
may sometimes occur. If I am •w.y a day At ter 1 mooting, doh Feb , 1892,hu
he 'woods incept when I get someow Nat- ams does not appear es having been pre-
tend ; 1 don't think I have boon out of the
otltce more then three days swt•
e the past year. 1 At the meetmtet
v t 12th December, 1894,
get $101) • year, u va•rt*rly, which Mr. I mart say wbother he was there
Roberta has handed me, the rent of the sit O. 12th December. 1894, 1 doe t remem-
uonery store and the betas in the office bar thee particular omosioo,but et one meet,
wheel would be about $5 •gear. 1 have .o tag be Wall pre•eot and was nominated for
other means of livelihood. I am •marvel the Domlalon House and declined. From
mea with • family. that time forth be doesn't appear in the
To Mr. Holt --I hive been in the poetottice minutes r being present. 1 bons(request-
ly known that name• of partied have bees
postmaster. I have seat in papers as the
entered in the minutes as delegates when
W rteat postmaster. Mr. H•bkirk comes actually not present, 1 have never tract
and impacts the otlice. ' ontetims Mr. him to be in D,men*on matters as as active
Roberts attends him and .om.umee I do politician. The feeling was that he was •
He has been there at least once • tsar dar-
ingmea who ecoid do wmetb,og if be liked,btt
the past No year• : somsumsa twice • did not. I have sever knows him N be
yoar, woe ere acting I would be to tias assistant
how the pcelotlioe was being run by me as offenetu protan , anLC0••a°Ia
he ran for the Local Hoose he might have
assistant postmaster in the way we have
been doing It I wanted Information i would done more if he bad been more active. He
sneak to Mr Roberts and he would write to was ••••r• member of the ez°°°°"1" 00m -
the inspector. Mr. Robert's house a about mitt.. It was • fact, . far as 1 knew,
100 yards from the. .etothoe and Du otlioe that he did s.s do whet he might have dosep.
To. Mr. Bishop- W hen Mr. McLean was
nominated in May. 1896, Mr. Roberta was
not nominated. My imprertos was he was
o otau•ted for .he Commons wed deolioed moorit. moortall from armory of any oo-
°•sime on whish he was oomiated ezosot
once- I remember that he was .es I
suppose tt was in Deeember, 1895, but I
manta say. He was certain!) present at
the meeting •t wince be deoli.ed a ren,
Mit when that was I don't remember. If
he were oomtatsd at any other time tt
would appear is the minute.. I •m octets
it was not m May, 1896, he was nominated.
I menet think of say Conservative whom 1
wnuld call an offensive partisan, but then
i0 Loa•'
po•tmastar. The inspector would be aware either [)umition or owP•11"35" ea het "6°
Frit to appotnt delegates Our custom was about 50 yards distant. There is one store
wise we got re vete place of the convention betty.... lir. Roberta ereraess • oro.,
we would nine ..demote out of the pees eupervulon over the offios. I have got
east and thee* we expected to Dome. 1 did daring the past year and • half $100 • year:
not put Mr. Munro's name on as • delegate. he hu receipus tor what he pad me 1 have
I dont remember Mr. Munro being on as • to tares to pay on that property. i
detonate for veers, carry on • book and stationery store : I do
To Mr. (:arrow- 1 have asked Mr. Munro not think the postof ioe being in the ems
to act to podium and be has recused. I am shop helps my stationery business. I have
an waive worker in the party 1 have been only port of the store. I would not like to
reeve of my tawnebap, and have been earl- •07 that the store including tee postotiiee
ly an active Caiservative. 1 don't think we. worth 16 • mouth : it's not worth that,
Mr. Munro is an wove Conservative : it but I suppose it u worth for both the store
would. however, be hard to repl•c him se sad po.tottioe $5 • month. If I want to go
• postmaster. He is universally respected away on • holiday, I don't ask tor Isev• of
by both sides of potato.. He is tot looked .broth, but if I were going any distance 1
on se an active portozao at all.
JAS. TAKK, sworn, said : I live is Col-
borne township, and was at the Auburn
meeting retired to •t whish Mr. Monro
was ob•irman last Jens. 'The speakers owns
to : Mr. Muoro went to the platform sad
was sleeted chairman ---some one nominated own. The presort pceWtbce se a lesa-to
and another second, 1 ham. Mr. Munro was brick -veneered building, about 14:26 feet,
on the pl.tfurm. After Mr. Munro took with a little building at the back for •
the °heir he annoaooed that Mr McLean storeroom, about 8112. Besides the
would open the meeting, that Mr. Cameron
and Mr. Molall*ouddy would have tittoeo
would do w. For the.th,rt•en or fourteen 01T �� Holt -Whether Me. Roberts was
yours 1 have been there 1 don't think I have nominated our or twice be deeti..d to rte.
bees fourteen days out of the office. He said, what be might do in the Looal, he
To Mr. Bishop At the time 1 made the l oould not say, but ,n • Dominion election
arrangement with Mr. Roberts about the
poetotioe tint, l hod • little shop of my he could not accept, It may be that • mo-
didare might be nominated and not be pre-
sent. It has happened. for taster*, in the
oar ot Mr. Patterson and might be in other
To Mr. Riehop-I cannot name any other
pereoo ezoopt Mr. P•ttrton who eras nom•
tasted in his absence.
HUGH *.IRVIN, sworn, said : I live in
Ashfield, about throe miles from Dyngm-
ism. I rememher • public mesas, at Dun-
gannon held hy the ('osservotive party in
the Porter election. Mr. McMillan was
there. H• if *0.01)01 for the House of
Commaoe for South Hama. Mr. Roberts
was chairman. Mr. MoMilla lost his
note.. Ho blamed Mr Roberts for pulling
them error the table. Mr. McMillan had
his 0otr5 on the table at whish Mr. Roberts
was .14110, and when he came to look for
them h• could not ficd thein. They were
0o the table all the time. Mr. Robert
takes • prominent and active part in poli•
atm at 1)eagatanoo. Black's hotel u at
Datt,•oom. i think committee meetings
of the l'oneervativoe w all held there. Mr.
Roberta is &otivo for his party.
To Mr. Holt -This meetiog at which Mr.
MoMiller was I do.'t remember what year.
It was the last time Mr. Preer rem Mr.
McMillan was spooking tor Mr. Caen res.
i think i noticed his noise on the tabic I
did not arse him pet them rhes.. I don't
remember what they were. I was is the
body of the m.et,ng. Ib was e.rwidered as
• joke. They were josh es the Mbar side
of the table near Mr. Roberta, and lir. Me -
Millen said. " Yoe have hetet my styes"
Mr. M.Mi11an looked as It ea a joke I
think Mr. Molill.s aftewards mewed •
vote of thanks to Mr. Roberta as .401110..
natives. 1 vota Libra'. 1 know 'intim( He was cnurmao at Mr. McLean '• meeting 1 haws boas all • wood any medi.g• whet
about Mr. Munro being at committee meet• is June last on the ('o.eervti.e Bide. I Mr. Roberta was oWrtes' 111°11°,_a frb.d-
lage. l don't know whether he is settee have heard him speak on Dominion ly main and pow& go.wally Mke hb neo
politically. He is not to my knowledge politica •tcept in opening the Musings se oe °h•itwaas. I have mewed him as oheir-
1 scold not speak of toy one as being w ohairman 1 can't recall them now. He m". 1 have "vet know. diol 4e do ri **-
To Mr. Grrow Mr Munro u not an as- let the sunken do that- fair thing se ohatrm•n.
Sive or offemi,ve politician on the (kimono- To Mr Holt 1 osi t tell how ofteashe
She tide side so fr as 1 know He is •11 has acted as ob•irman of meetings. 1 am
right Se • postmaster. So far as 1 knew he president of the Reform sesociation ot West
It universally respected on both sides. Huron I have kaww. Mr. ltoberts for
W iLI.IAM STURDY, sworn, said : i •m many yaws. i have not hirers of hu being
a•Csseervttve, sad live user Maeubosmer. an ndenaiv prams N me or to say per -
I don't attend the opovesunn• of the ('on- son. 1 bone sever bed ant fault to find
tl.rvative party really, but 1 drove to the with Mr. Roberti as obaurman.
last oonv•ntion to nominate • candidate in To Mr. Bishop --1 ewidr Mr. Roberto tore of Aakfleld for novean1 yearn. 1 sr
Oh* Jami aleottm•. 1 coiled ter Mr Munro is sr active Conservative, but of my person derstoed Mr. Rehm was • onppSrtr of
es the way and took him to that oonv al it 'lodge i seal say anything to his des.. Mr. Roberto dose tet Muhl anyone
Maw. 1 don't koow whether he •tteno6d work g��ir.:se :kept what 1 ain the papers, and
She previous one. from position in local polities. I don't
To Mr. narrow Mr. Munro was out W knew of any peronn•I work for his party on
the Coneervtive eonvention that 1 koow of his part. i coosider • mon an waive politi
Ho was 001 ioteaung to go to the °eaves Can whom von know where to dad to poli
Moe is May lir the .tune eleetionl sod taco.
said, when I nailed, that he did not know .1 AR. MITCHELL, sworn, said i •m
mat he would go, but 1 said he might as the esoret•ry-tnasorer of the Liberal 1'.n
Well go, and he west with we. V•ry ohm resistive mose&tlna for Wirt Huron. 1
the delegates names are ealented Iron those
present at the oonveatioe 1 was pat doves
as • del.gato whim 1 got there and to was
Mr. Moore Our camel tors banded la by
sour ere, and read out : 1 beard hi• same Roberto was Moth' vies press e.S is the
sod mw read oat He did not say as7• township of Wast Wws.olh for w tom -
Moog ahem set being • delegate 1 Mrs poses of -bead elsatierr. The members for
shout Wt • mile from Auburn 1 am • Ueotsluton .lathers ars sot espa1SN, mid
Sarairtemd have lived sear therm all my life. orgeaisation oewve.d both the Dominion
I have ktetos bin for yeas, mrd got WIT and Lori Leg&rterse, amid emu d the el-
itsdasObbps.1nAw I thing he M Most bean would be far beth purposes. Winn
,M �awtmadw as they ego sok I the marip•INy would be is both, then the
M se aihimis pdiMde.: he mesois world be few bew
b a 2loaseil?bil pgb1M.• la goy oy,.rd As the wmetiea ler .oetination of ease
salary as pentameter, the postmaster has
the profits from the money order office and
minutes each, and that I)r. Freeborn and savinge bank departments.
To Mr. Holt --I had • desk to the store-
room tor my division court work for •
WILLIAM vt \LLOUGH. Sworn, said :
oould not do justice to the subject to fifteen I live at the h. part of the tillage of lean•
minutes He said this publicly to the meet Kennon_ I kn.... Mr. Roberts quite well. I
ing Mr. Moore did not ask the wishes of always took btu to be • Cooservtive, but
tee •udeeooe, but want on with the pro• that is •11 I know, but if he attended any
gram. I think It was oo the bills that op- of the meetings 1 dont know what part be
position speakers were tainted to the meet takes. It is tet crus since I &heeded.
g I know Mr Munro muddling well. I To Mr. Holt -- 1 am a very old trident
have never neard him spoken of as • speak- there, over 50 years. I have been reeve of
se 1 have never Beard him spokeo of re • the township of Ashbeld for years. i have
politician nor as excited in peltate, though been a .1. 1'. for about 30 yeas. I have
be dirt.... politics 1n the store sometimes, known Mr. Roberts it 30 or 40 years. I
but I don't koow whether he is an active have not attended any of the Conservative
politician bemuse 1 don't tempore sufficient- meertaogs and don't koow what part, if any,
ly. 1 thick he is • fairly good poetmwter : Mr Roberts takes He has Dever mode
1 have heard nothing wrong with that. 1
am a .troop Liberal and in strong sympathy
With my party. 1 mean by ovine 1 never
heard him spokes of as • politioi•o that I anything. He n one of the leading men is
sever knew him to be waited or mixed up the village and highly re looted. i hays
much or to speak op the platform never heard of his being offences in politics
ROBERT l'UMMINGS, sworn, said : I or •otherwise. I am an acture Liberal and
Ila in Wawaocab io Auburn village. i knew
]1r. Munro. 1 have never known hint to
Doke part In polities etoept to he chairman
fawiee at political r menage called both of
teem by the Coaserestivee. The last was
is the tors part of .tune and the other os.
Let Winter in the bye -elector, that is the
kat two meetings held there by the Corer -
the other ('oneerrattve speakers would fol-
low and dor the meting. Mr. Cameron
then said that under theses arrangement' he
could not take part in the meettog as he
himself ori"oaive to me politically nor to any
person to m7 knowledge. He is not the
sort of man who makes himself offensive io
have always taken an active part in politics
but have not been offensive.
U. Mc(.ILLI('UDUI'. ewers, said 1
have atteaded mention at i)amr•nnon
Public meeting'. en behalf of the Conserve
tics as well se 00 behalf of the Reform
party. On some 000asione Mr. Roberts
anted as chairman of ('on.srvtive meetings
When i say I tkisk him an active noliti-
era 1 moth • remind party sen. I tame
n ewer knows bias .e.vam or *peak as •
party mon at morrow s=oept in the Lori
oleotiese wiles he woo moderate. 1 wesle
sot call hum an egwmiaive w is polities or
any other matter r in any position be
might be is. I have bean tore sad density
have held that Oboe for the Wet sight or
ter yeas. i protium the minute book of
the alsooletias.
At the sandal mistier held is 1889 Mr.
theirs ere mrd r .asp geed
� { ..i w am.dmi..-
fe 11189!•' th• dogs 41 Mr. Muse se
�N4hlb•gwM lb tGWeedine •.r
r se ~ell .11.
ww ya «.+ Omega �S
(nett axial el 4 00w a40b foe
lMarea les She feed lwRt.reese is .
pmmvvaalt suedii~ r.mbotd ea
At Mf eased WIsea en the lab Jam
1141"1111.Wed ' W.. . 40ywi
is politi/w.
To Mr. B1thop-1 hews sever k.ewe him
he be °hokum of a Reform aesdi.w. I .m
a Liberal is pelltdes.
THOMAS McCANN, swore, says- I live
about 2 miles frees 1)w.gassea sad imam
Yr. Robes fairly well. I wee st a 55550
40. is .lanaary, 1696. whoa Mr. Roberts
was trainees, • Coa••rvMvs ta.etitg.
The me fieg war hold 1. the Agriwltursl
Hall at Dusge.sas. He roared the west -
Ise h the owed way aid did tot dram
political loathe with die this weeds, be inn ledp. i nes
To. Mt. 1.10-I IM is Wert Wwta•40
sod take es Leered is smithies es the ite-
brm maga I eat at U)rt mo•Yrg few ib
r0goksg M He sloes A. 105!040••1 the
o pealrwe, iter. Pedley thaw a abs I under -
shoed be 0•• JD eierMs The asbestos
sad time alter • lime sod Mr. reeksy said
Mr. Aehmto W ,..mS.wd b 01,. Ma 3
w hew readies M deet gad Mr. Rehirte air
p..l.1 5s Me &same to Mb )e-. Psd.y
•elemm Mr. idly gm spade v the
sklMAWS isoE. ewer., saw 1 an the
readies* el wOusesry uo a1lee.bdes of
Wait itw. I hew W wwdle bier
mime with Mt Roberts is Coster votive
pelitte•l wart• for meow tlm pale km re-
b the edvas•eswat at party utteree•s
He is looked epos by •e as ase of the mes
el the party M Deagas.ea 1 rot «r •a
reel is .
the party hag shagged reeUy
deal thtak he take. the •*rive part
hr stpkg He mull holds the plum* he •6
ways held is W piety. W. look to Dr.
Case at 110.a...ea as ear lss4lua oma
Ther. as an mom why we Mudd ooasider
Mt. Robsrta'poems" ub•awed in the party.
He has .,•t0t•i..t kis prima le the party
to the presets -1 ruler N Mr. Roberts I
was prams at the Ce.aarvatr• oesveutius
i. 1896 whoa Weuolillr the 55-1mited-
Yr. Roberto was ..40.•sed bat withdt•w.
la May 1896, my r.ech.otam ae Mr.
Roberto was .ot presser .t riot irons' mu.
H . was wee aomivated for the C..i mune
Whew Mi. Patt.rsus was oum'sM.d with 8
others with s view of gjviog hint as oppr-
ta.ity to mike • throb. He surd • few
words. I hese hese at committee moeti•gs
at itlask'o hotel, going over the voter•' Got.
I have units' him to thine ta too m«t1.g.
He would tome is and go os.' He might
here taw at other sheeting* Likely this
happened •t each electron. He was not pre
Seat at the anousl meeting to the (atter
part of lbao.
To Mr. Holt -Mr Roberta did not take
Chit Nave part ail should have liked. N e
have asked hits to but h. •.td be bed his
bursw to .Lased to. H.• was not as ..•ta.e
as wn wished_ He is • prominent 011 nu at
Dung•uooa and w 1 say he is • reline man
of the party there. 1 de -morally go to Gee
him shirting 1 7o to Ituugaauuo ea any
matter. He probably did out know of the
oommitt.e mooting to be held till I telt
bum. H• would tome to the nonsml'tee
meeuog but would take no active part.
Thyro are many oommittoe meetaage at
which he would not attend. tiering to Mr.
Roberts' ability and the intent he is rid
la we wanted hem to tome. but he dad tot
want to take ea •.:Lav• pars.
I .*.a. by saying 'het MG Roberta posi-
tion an the potty hos not changed that he is
Still as good • ('..o.ervatiee.
.1. 11 ROBERTS, sworn. say 1 am •
resident of Duutt•naon. 1 have huts for 30
years. 1 b•v• at times coed as afrarman
at politaosl rneet*nge, generally ('oowrva-
wee maetiag• 1 never wted at my own re•
quest. 1 aired gen.r•hy meetings on
both sides. At the meetiog* as cbursrn I
have tried to tot impartially. 1 sever made
a political speech au such oeo•noa. At
meeting in 1891 woe. Mr. McMillan missed
his papers, Mr. Mt -Mill•° jokingly suggr.t-
ad Mr. Porter had taken them. I at oaca
assisted Mr. McMillan to find them and
they were found. 1 wee churman at •
meeting/ in 1896 Mr. Pedley was •
S peaker
The arrangement woe he was to haw. .30
minutes. He asked me N lot him know •
mouth two before his time was ap, I
gave hien intimation that he had but throe
minutes left. The audience called alae sad
at my request be had tin• minutes more
Then was a vote of thanks to me
moved ',y 1: M. Pedley and he mime N me
sad thanked me privat.ly. H. ws Speak
tag on bwhal( of the Reform modulate. I
• ttaoded politics! °oaten:ant mestere at
Dungannon on • few 000s0ione. Freosd&
would call • ad ask me to po, sad 1 west
and showed my fan, but as a rule took so
active pert, m fact to no Inatome did 1 do
So. I was • oa.dud•te far the Local Hones in
1890. 1 re.lgn.d as postmaster Gad was
afterwards re -appointed. I was not the
postmaster during chit .lection. 1 might
oorreot that. It was after the oampoign
omitted or about the time 1t opes•d. It
,night hare bra • day or two begun or
after, but previous to my starting out to
hold meetings. I nus not at thee meting
is May or .June 1896 whirr. • mcdldate eras
brought out at • Coneervuve coovent*oe
n or was 1 present at the previous maim!
mest,ot. I was newer aware of the foot
that i was nominated as • o•.didace at the
meeting in December 1889 until this Drmseat
day. i might have bus. •ppotated. l
have attended meetings se s d.l.n•N from
Duogsa.ou daring loop yeas past. but
don't know that 1 was elected • delegeta. I
eras never nominated for the Ibmision
Either at my own request. Parties, i sup-
reme, wished to do meas bettor thereby. I
se ooteud.red 11.. I declined in every in-
S t.00e in o.aneotaoa with the Dominion
Primmest. 1 ,ave as • Mobil that I was
as °Sloial and oossidred it my ditty N re-
frain is Dominion poltti'is as • matter of
S elf rr{..ct. I also d.oIloed and refr•asod
from doing any active work from the same
sustits.st . Wm McArthur is the assistant
P. M. at Dungannon. I appointed him 13
or 14 years ago with the sanction of the P.
O. department. The inspector of the t' O.
department rialto! I Marmara at Last as -
Dually. No complaint was made in regard
to Mr. M.carther beim, fasi.teat. The ea-
ly oospl•ints were about Some writ of oare
in oo.n.otion with P. O. boxes oo the part
of theo nawtsat po eseeter T1- a impactor
invariably came dowel to my private otfree.
He aver referred N thy suggestion that 1
might be eoo.ides.d as ;rob -letting the pest
of*oe. What bas bess dose and is demo la
with the sanction .f the in.p•olor. Whim
Mr. McArO.r was appeisted or assigt•as
hest the peslmaater's fairy M Dn.g..son
woo $114 sod the sewing, Mink and *0107
order department was brhgiag in Iib or $9
--sot mese rhes $12 M the outside. The
IMtr was iaorewd to M least $80 • ear
s• the meet. I at first paid Mr. McArtbhr
$76 • year sod • store to keep kis book
dote t• amid famished the .11ee o.mpl.i•
few trim rant, I lied previ.erly rested it
ter $6 • moth. I .ever reosivsd • dollar
from the dap•rtmont far rest. Mr. Me
Arthur also got the rent of the bones -tome
60 be:ea at least -and 1 toad him he °odd
have it. That 1 estimated as $12 a year.
He also owned en his hook rid el•tie.lry
basiosse 10d also the ionise.. Chest saes
Whale he wee clerk he paid w B. rest. I
bad to give • guarantee bond far $1,200. 1
paid $12 • year for that ter yearn. it is
Ms now. 1 sever ambler the peat eiTfos or
twdmsSleship to Mr. McArthur. 1 pre-
pared the office rid asked him to he sty so.
S ista.[ sad paid bine. He •Iwap et(ved
all payees as my agasi.toat In the Moms
to the Per Moe depareasest I rased ea
pastoladsr mid Mr. M.Artltur as my
siseast. The sorry d the 90stmastr has
f eudally hammed. When It uoremed N
$180. i isoesased Mr. MeArtb•r'. salary M
$100. Within the past year Sr two it has
rift. to $289. rid i pay M.Arth•r $130,
Ibis bas been fee the par year sr meta
The inspector knew I had •• .items separate
train the poet Officio sed did not object. I
did Ltd k..w then woe &ytities anima d
the erwe0t arra rentoste. Mr. M.Art er
se a Littoral i. polities sad rued &salad me
wham 1 ram for the Legal Waw.. 1OA
the Ales owe et swue • day er ohea1r,b4
1f 1 m .057-110.001. 1 eTsrsbf • dem
w prvlfb0 our the ;Gee gad ever all w
work is egaassilien wfth it 'Ib ossify or.
die'se sired by gay s.ilast I sspervi.e
Ow slide sad remord, .f Mr rid I elle dl
the Mums. 'There Wight have lissial °r 2
is 1.6 yam did I did sea pigs. Ms ia-
la week. s was dee seen f- UM "S
have sever isliesbesally bre se efWve
=1116/r .rd sour have bus diglipail of
f 0 -.www the revere. Um
aa.r tis• all Me &MO of the did Ise*
free. pmi.m•i ..i two f I talf0111.1011
lee ie. I hove herd my .toed endeavor be
►••p evtryhbasg surest .sed se sive s•tb-
ladses N the ridge sad the d•p•r•ne.a►
To Mr.
I .over •.Id •le 1s.peciae the portionless
.t Mr. M.Arther, sad 1 de.'. kilo. wheth-
er her the depsrtmcat keen; the parties -
lass. The past ode. as Disguises w
se ve-
east lose, tine ur els weeks while 1 rat 1.4
the Legal Hous.. Mal; MsArtkv took ears
of the adios se mj ausigiess demes that
arra 1 de.'s ►msw whether my aegips-
tiea was •oospted. 1 rather tisk • eG1m-
masecalies sheet 1• was roesived from
the Des•rtaw1. lister; Dr Cage's
arrival i• Dearsas.. I wee ss.sidsred the
'sedate saes of the party M 1)usganras.
That is mbar newsroom. There were
tabors mere kudos mw ikon I was 1 am
.ot •w.te that my bons was is use is the
duties es .bee.s day i. the Cam.r.s-Pet-
torw ebotaan. 1 tout. by -the-way, it
was borrowed by • swig►br N attests a
motes •t Putt Albert oboist 14 *
time Thet might bare bees the day
before Motion day. Th. horse sans hems
that algbt. It eras • pubtwal mooust the
Looe west to, 1 uadormand. 1 dui t re-
uasmbr whither ,t was used as ebotles
.Lay. My horse was sot used to the leas
Jess Crum in sty way that 1 am aware
of. I could hot be perf.oUy sure beo•sse 1
often lead my bores 1f • peeves wears *1.
but one th.r I •m www of.
I did ebb canvass eat use u the Patter's*
elootasa 1 cast sa I asked any oar to
vote tor Patteracs. If 1 wanted to trines,
I don't ask him N vote : 1 taut talk over
the political yasstiomi with ►1m sad loan
Ism to vole ayhe pleases
1 don't below Out 1 spoke to any opt is
that way. .1 dad ssootd Mr Patrdier's
uumtsattoa as • u•sdii•N. Every o..
knew I was • Conservative by my comet -
set °three us that regard. 1 .ever dud say•
thing yon mor call ourreeaog. 1 have mire
directly or pereuaally °svtrsed. I o•a't
sail te mud • slight mimeo* m which I
drotssed the gssstioa, bat 1 may bars
dose so. as 1 could not well get out of it.
la the two ek0t1one last year I my have
drouwa poLucol yhsstIua. One imam
refrain from doing so. I never presided M
a Merle political moisten tb•t I remember.
bat I think I was invited to do se on ems
To Mr. Holt -1 did amt lead my hors N
any we on polite/ day to awry Bolen I
dad lend ivy bore to se to • political meet
tug at Port Albert in 1592 Ono ('oassrv-
tive and use Reformer reds an the rig. I
hews discussed political ytseeuoas with Mr.
C.m.ros, and I bees done eo with Mr. Gar -
row and others, and that r as far as my
politicwl diecueoons have goes. I pay
about $6.0O • year tor my guarantee Mad
t ow Dr. Ghee has bear 1N Imola( w
os. the Congsthative Side at Uaogun.os far
the pad Ms et twelve ytse•.
HAtrst v B./.Aa N he publrbed os Feb-
ruary 5th w•U metals the tint paper et •
series by Lillie Hamtltoa Fre.ob• awtitled
„ Spinster Heats ' There will be • letter
from the B.z.•t'r Landes oorrespondest,
and • story by Helen K SoUb, misled
" The R,dew of Pierre " Dianna the
month of February the fashions for the com-
ing ■prng will be oatiised, sad utoess sag
designs for 1..tos work wall he oyes in
groat variety.
L HAttrtm'. W ta. LT for February 6th,
Joh. Kendrick 11..g* will bows • tr•w ger-
i•l, "The Puma of the Houseboat" a
clever sequel to his &mumsg scary, " The
Houseboat on the Styx." It will be,llus-
tr•ted by Peter Newell, sad will tits ler
about throe mouths. Rapid Tr•ssit is New
York is the subject of • profusely illastra-
teed article giving the latest details of the
Piens prepared by the eagtseor, Mr. Pr -
sons, and adopted by the Rapid Tram*
('ommisslo.ers • brief a000un1 of Na.
son's edvawtures ,a reaching the farthest
srth, 000dessed trent his forthcoming vol.
nine, and strikingly Ule.tretod by R. ds
Thartrop, will its as tmportast feature of
the Heather. C•to.d George F. Worths,
Jas., will tonneso hie article* os stet
cleaning, with • de0aripWo of the methods
employed i. Brussels. Hou. Carl Schurz
will burin with the entreat number to ma -
tribute • series of signed articles on impor-
tant political subjects.
HAtrges ii.n'vn TAnt-t--A •tory by
Molly Elliot Sorrell will be one of the at-
tractive features of HARrit'•t 4G,• xh Tuui.s
published February 2d; and "Boys u Wall
Street," as article by Thomas W. Knox,
will appear in the saw Number. Fraskliu
M•ttbswe will contribute • paper es Cap-
tain Leary'. Stumm atpsrieso•, and So-
phie Swett •.tory ontitled The Wrong
Train." Snide these there will be instal•
meats et Files Douglas Ihl•nd'u serial,"Tb•
Middleton howl," sad Jame' Barnes ,• A
Loy -•1 Traitor."
RARMaae 111•6 •31741. 'l'he February
number of Harper's Magazine will opss
brillwtly with as article no Th. Corers
Sim. written by Richard Harding Davie,
sod illustrated hy R. Caton Woodville.
11th writer and artist witt.emed the splen-
did orremo•iss at Mowow from the -stand
point of official visitors - Air. Woodville with
• royal oommission from queen oioteria
sad Mr. Dave as the representative et Her.
per's Magawi.e. Roth are at their best 1.
raproduoisg the 7rgeos 59.010d*, sad the
result will stand as the final amount of the
ant Imposing ,hate oremowy of Moder.
Mmes. To the same somber (;Arles F.
Iwmmis will oentrib.te tate fist of • series
of timely articles a Marini, the sprit of
which is characterised is the tide, The
Awako.i.g of • Nadas. Thor tapes aro
the result of • throe math's joursey soder-
takes tor Harper', Magazine by Mr. Lug -
min, the hest Am.r1o•n authority on the
subject. They will be profusely illustrated
from pbetegraphe takes e,predy for this
series by the author.
it !lever Beneb.• Thew,
An amusing story r told shoat • worthy
clear of • towel pariah who had waited elo-
quent in the interest of fersigs misdealt est
Sosd•r. and was sterprisod on entering the
village shop darts( this west to be greeted
with marked e/ida.m by the worthy dame
who kept 1t. Oa seeking to k.ew the ears
the good woman Feedingsd a halfrrew. from
• drawer, sad tbrswia(I$ dews before the
view. eze&toled
i marked that half -.town sad pet it h
the PLte ret blade,, e.d hors ie if beak
t wain Is m7 ;hep, 1 Mewed well them
beathase never see the motet. "lLipE
Is ardor is.esvhese the aside Mae Dr.
Arsewr Liver Per ms far espeder M goy
liver pies plasma gm the mnket. the maes-
11.40wr hep her w pug 1d1 steals odd
Shen M 10e the a [dal ell 40 dean t or 1N •
dear ism d en ei their ad prima The
tasty warllmild mots ef Dr. Assumes Pres
Y saw .seethed la rives sense a of Casa -
film boas. acid b• die elms sa Me ea
full yobs tier • .41 of M Asses N he the
oats, or en sem • .41 -hem Iib. Is dire
all Mir aim bomb Al law salsIllstk
irU -1 sol.t`?[ of w•
►Sal b
Atter Acute Bronchial
WILED JY 0*11 i
AYER'S chepaid
"Three months ago, 1 took a via
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. 1 put myself
under medical treatlne:: t, and at the
end of two months was no better.
I round it very difficult to preach,
Aad concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. The tint bottle gave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, has relieved me almoet
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two bot-
tles more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
threat troubles. i reconimeud Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral." -E. M. i1RAte'LFT,
I). i)., Dist. 'eeretar". Am. •I1apL
Publication Society, Petersburg, V t.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Lumber for Sale
The (lod.ricb Lumber Co. (Ltd' hooter bele
•t the Harbor and at the Yard to the G.T.R.
track. Las, Asn. and Harwood and Plea
Hemlock and Cedar Lumber is all Meath. e
and Cedar Posta. AW Slabs la any quantity.
Aa spiew■ orrice for the tale of ltIUwoed.
Mahe. eta.; ham bees estsNrhed at the .tars
.t liARPICR a Lit, who ars .mpswrd ts
accept orders Gad remise payments for our
antown trade la that Gnu.
TWphe.. Ne al.
ramming' ('t R .-Writ RA7 omure
14. Mamie Mellartlw, A a•4esherst M • Ter.e*�
, Gowen that Rye'e "as.1& Cam=
her of rani- :... 'Mch netwd one tido of bar beep
mos • •air-_ Pt, rOCUM'Salit Uwe woo rho Ammo
w rot rsoor0Anr sae oat of boo beta Moil
damorted Mr. tat to do. nh. Y magi. arouse twig
her Mende how firemen's " t 0. • e
het me Mime J. w asymour 'Cody, No /.40. Lave
heeigeowe Poore to, ,.l
aWOMS MWATKINS1? N • 61114/1111111111
lwiol Mite, wise rots ata, who sera d node
worm• rift Inv tory bat 40n envy) ~ad aril
bar a••wsi syG..,n 41511 tap by kvn•sas • "ILos.ssd ,
Mow. no taw, 'wee sire a • .w
gives •orn taw►
mob utado by bet Mama M.y boor,* 11114116, 121
remit out,. gum July 1, 1M
bare J. /. Mesh, bit . . rues.
A 0011111111/1A111041 .: risotto - MUM
01rle a. DI.wr.n, Is Mvi*.ere.wh e• Tests
Jet, _ed a ,..lpbo•tlan of Noel trouhla. uhf.
o aths, lavers Kidney Lnwbls and ma•dp•--
Mar froV.wwily disturt.d at ,101.1. low kte
e Imes very Glut ewe. 111 kwlners are sew
•H eotdition, ha •,•petiteout deep loll
awtipetlna curd ; .11 alta w
1 • a'e • tonuntsa
ay l'.re." Hs soSts
• a ssoont 4 taw Owns Sem bdn eJ w. 111rnme• sir, J•I• K ami
Pump & FanuiA 1111 Works
.rrAr77aagT i
large stook of very oboloe Pop, aesan.-
trom .alerted Muskoka quartered
with Wane out out.
Pomp an manufactured Is • number
N Salt everybody se' every plat►
away wonting pompe for leap welt.
leo.esmi•M closed toy pmts for sober* pamys. ate.
/iriA? TWISTS far SpruWOWS
ytug t•s.a,
t•tghi•0 arba 1�te. waterlog gates. evW.-
�r►etill •• dMriosMtr tar dr+ tog water
papa Iron •.d
T wood, hew pg,usWr-Ghtyoed err
■'1Wmireei�wm�'t f#T1R1Rf
HA R� eawe�'rrawa UMW
A Kat.
Lia rt mal�tyaatlisf
� {, cgiAtl115t.•udairsTr
.mer�1►'I I to�:t`a ,iit8�grr+lse�llrem(
is Ce
.1 ny1es
130D71rRICT . ONT_
asteasion vnt