HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-2-11, Page 11 RLW, HURONI NB If dos n wast • Al rive ()tet ....ae THE MAY QUEEN .agbrs!lVaUD ST MADDOCKBik KNiNNEDY °ODMBRA'. 1 THS] LEADING NmrlatrePA.103Evi 07 MY ON O0tTNT x - FIFTIETH YRAR.-2608 GODRRICH, ONTARTO, CANADA. THURSDAY FEB. 11, 1897. ONE DOLLAR -41.11111 WILL l•AT roc TIII.: SIGNAL Fos Oss Yuan. D. MoGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR 1897 ? IF NQT, WHY NOT ? THE CAMPBELL CHARGES The Prinolpal Evldsnoe Olven Nreletbe Ta101ag soder stew a %ember of Lodge. Tema) -lettere alleged to Sole sees •erred- gtlllast r-airpbott's Mateesesi ON Thursday Commiari^ .:r Stager Not bit seat an the beach ..w to..ri- desos os the charges ae- d*. Campbell. Yr. Birbop appeared t .. 1' (, Depart - ant and Mr. l:•rr+w -... K t,. Hays for the postmaster. lis optimal/ the mom Mr t; /1rr...0 objected that ob•rge. No. 4 wee not 0i.hai the wept ot archon 1 of chip. .15 K s. t Mr. Bishop .rgue t the w,strary but lam in the saw agreed with Mr. Garrote • views and the case was not heard. The toiletries •yidesoe was omen 00 charge Ne. 1, that of improper oowduct to. wards ladies trwiagsttug the poet otfoe JOHN H. JOI*NS1ON, awor0, soya 1i* October loot. I wonted • lea days to I:od• 1 rich townablp for David Mchrteo, qr_ had a few words 000rerseties with h.m in tore about Mr. C'antpbell. In oesee.lueooe of we»tkisg i heard I *puke w Mr. Camp- bell. amp bell. I told him be was blamed for insult Mg women to the poet came, and 1 told him the party 1 got it from ; menaened so mamas of any women, He said he would tbamk ht, !needs to Ioove bum .lone -they were 0otsg bin more hum them good. MISS A1)ELAllik: JI* K11., *worn„ said : 1 was loving to Ooderioh to 1894, Fall term of the Modal amt. l remember go gig l0 the poet ethos on One 00055100 with Mae Hay*. Sits was &leo •steed,., the Model satool. We saw the puetmaster there, Wm. ('mnpbell. He said t oa are woo model ride. He did &otiose improper to me. He apparently tried t.' put his arm around Mae Hata. 1 ea. not ears there , IMO brut • 000. emotion t-t•.•o theta about postage om • photogrup. What Mr. Campbell had done was talk.: .L ut oo' tween Miss Hay• and myself . •t.r se tams I out of the poet taboo. Whoa . 'r Campbell apparently tried tore ben arm ..rotted lass Hey* 1 stepped tock 1 had an In prswioa ; t he was soler the mflorpce of Now, on •e- *oust of lite rads. r odd conduct. To Mr. (:arrow - I was .m the habit of a sorter Mr C.mpbeil through the wicket to 1 the peat .thee quite fngaemely before the occurrence en queet1oe, ae 1 was going to t the sated • year and • half 1 went to the p05t Alta for my letters. I had not met 1 Mr. Campbell soct.11y, bot 1 had been ia- trodeo.d to bum. I don't know whether then sues soirees site to the post otboe. I • was &needing the Model oobool. 1 under- stood It meant by model girls, girls goteg to the Model school W. did not object to m that. Th.r. was nothing *1st said that I • now remember. 1 don't ksow whether be w bad tow before or &fear be apparently teed . to pat hie arm aroma Moe Hays. It was 1 le the pa bllo part of the pert othoe. She an repelled Mr. Campbell's attempt and he did sot persist. 1 tbt.k what he did was • w Moor ot familiarity done without any 1.• 1 tent es his part to Meals. I thought sad sill! thick It was not intended se an *moult. es 1 remised is the town till the school Mooed. I don't think what Mr. Campbell t (led d.terred me from going to rhe P. 0. To Mr. Bishop --f was offended on my C Miend'* 0000001. It win an unpleasant oo- •urrenoo so far se 1 was waterbed. M MISS AGNEA HAYS, swore, said : I was attending the model acbool it the fall 0t of 1894, .t Goderseh I remember et, ere- of s+•r seep t. the P.O. at (ioderieh N poet we • ohomer•b. 1 saw Mr Campbell is the P.O. I *tad sees Mr. Campbell bales. Mt se ever 18s* him. i saw hies ea this *eetmles to the P O. buddies/. I oohed him what the sees postage would he es the photograph. He the told 0)o it was.eleiestly otslep•d. 1 r• - member se iarther rnavenaties at all es d that so -.o... Whet I wee 'aortas. Mr. dad C.enpbell attempted M pet his anti around mid me, beat he did set get it armed. He was a vteymted by my •s•pp(at est of hs wa7. std His °endues teed• Mme Uttar he might hem been drinking. Mr. Campbell was • ami- 1 ple4. streamer to me, sad 1 did not tree sty th (vases why he should tomb use is stay way, and that was my ew1y reams ter thl.kt to h• 1 he i.totdo•ted. I was assayed at es what he did, hat did m e say mem short 11 fr I restated it. I wppee. I mess ben pekes bel shout it. I lett the P.O. M ewes, as 1 had Ca. Mao •••stoica to remain I knew Mims Seek 1 e nd 1 mentie.ed it Mimes o.ndves &ft1r- sed wards 1 was s.seyed at It, wi To Mr. ileuses -1 .este tat September, 1894 M algae Sheeniest. Beth my. *f sad Iy like a, said I *eke to toy fro . et home It was the way he did at that ..a..• me ft badly wheat it. T. Mr. furrow -I did not know .11 ('.mpbell wet/ except to is hal. •. the pen other. 1 was • widow Lona 10 towr •t to Ma He wee at the wicked ... de, and Dame to it outside, when I put to 1ny an1.n with what I was twirling u, and ha put b hand on .we sot/sing was said. I'rut.ab b It might .. • twee an mocident. I after palmationwards went to the palmation as usual, be • o further incident of the kind happen afterwards. Multi KATE i)ANCEV, •worn, said live to town and b.►• done w all my life hoot, Mr. l'.o.pbell, the postmaster 1 i • reelr•eetble laf aged' 1 felt Net ei shout it T•• Mr. Gomel-.ttieo Ida the °minor r. (re 1 •t t.wsbtps wile my as:gators h.. Dna tl seaotai0ed 11. ,w. 1 .t.Il a h...k b.rt" • shout t,.0 oc coos. mud bete no muse 1 tor the IL•t, .,et 1 due's tbwa bay ac , ere .acetas,. at 1 hove Serer vested 11 le h..uw, but 1 h.re not prevented ley fate 1 ly I fell h.. 18..t offered as went to my m41 but son LI a tet.hbor v teat...estop coo 1 iwued sad 1 don't thud. that 1o•.00uetou ed I have talked situ my o•tgbtwr Mr Arno/trued •bout it. 1 knew ane wee pr I seat 1 ata not a vatt.ug men and dos I vent my neighbors inoch. Mt. Campbel e 4. W ear .1 . t wards that he weal -d me way , M lbs Jaren sed did set AIM N was ler' - 1 headed a beck to bee end said 1 did y sol tklot it was for me. She •rid we *as • opda-1i and see She °poaed tt and showed 'y • me the signature, and 1 mid a was sot for . ars. 1 did sot writ* ..y.:bie es the save te lops and had outhtna more to do en* it. s. I To Mr. Darrow --1 don't know whether 1 y. titk..t her to opts it or not. 1 might have e, dose w. 1 did not open it 0475.11, because • ; 1 did sot think it was fur me. 1t was 4 - • devoted Newel flel)oaald, and that to my 1. caste, but seeing the post stark whin it • was from, I thought of was not lot me. 1 't headed it back to ►sr. .h• opened of mad heeded It tock to me. Hooked at the tot agitators rad gave it back to her and sold member woe 'meg to the poetutt, a •two the end of hely and the begtnatng o A*u oat Iasi. I wee to the outer pert ot tb Whoa I west to buy s puetomd to write o0 It 1 sew Mr. C.mpb•II and rot the bard floors is • desk outside, said 1 west to u and picked up • pea wbtob was m rusty weld not write with it. I asked Mr. (;amp bell it that was the beet the puetottioe Doul afford, and he aesw•red no, and west to re me another pen. He told ins the pe w the registered letter departm,a eras probably • better Doe than the one cat aide. R. then sand there was ■ table to ha pirate ottic•• sod 1 ooatd go there an. write as 1 might be more oomfort.ble there. 1 went to bad °ommeuood to write my o.rd Mr. ('•mpbell o.me from the toner part o the poefe.tlioe to where 1 was to hie private othoe, but I paid no attention to him as did trot suspect he o•04e to meddle with me Ho Dante behind the chair where 1 was at ting, (here the witness det.oInd what Soo •tasted the insult, I told my mother about the prooeediaga,my tether being away at the time 1 told him whets he came home • few drys .ftp, but nothisr win dose about it. To Mr. Gamier - Nothing was dose in O°u••4•en0• of my telling my Lather. 1 don't know that 1 am subject to h•Ituow•- fte.s. 1 am sot very strong. i have known Mr. ('omtpboal • long time, and would .1- 44t•vi speak whets we met. We were ytote friendly. The oeotrreuee bappssed in the noddle of the day. There was .o one else there 1 did sot ser .sty one •;w but hoe Ilan the who.. dna. The *oident would have t•k.o 4 or 5 minutes from beet :tag to end of flu part that happened m. the Is - sada Aim. From the um. 1 west in till 1 o.o» out would be shout 15 minutes. 1* would be between 11 sad 12 o'clock, I hulk . I doe t know 1 was Iriehtened, 1 had ben in the loside that before. 1 have never been mace. i have been at our P. O. few times, two or three ttmes. 1 ay have bees through the rest office N the u•toma ten or • dor.rn times. 1 don't know hat 1 have been through more than three or four on P.O. business enc. the t ccar- renOe. Mi:S. ETHEI. Pit.Lki u say 1n ref, nog to it, that wow. s•ppeogl (, was n. • fr.endly way. u T N. I)JNrKY, «worn, sett: 1 am th father of Slier Unmet- referred to in eh. evidence. 1 ore told ,f t• snood, .f of s' Dente tack. „Alumni .- • ,.1 se Imam Los I ' s•; wtfr 4. Id n,.., t temtly wee m.uhed 'tbot the pudtu...'of h.4 insulted st d deuiteter. 1 started to go t.. the P O. t ee. Mr. Cs.iptwh- f lu ton way I met 04 • ; ban, He peranmed me out to go. \\ bee lit was not for me, I W>1. 1.. HOKTON, sworn, said I live • I to the town of (:oderwh. 1 had • little cid I Idculty wash 11r. Campbell came time ego. I revolved • letter, sad It was opened. 1 • reads • remark about it, and he bad 1 wee a her, sad we had a few words about it. lite letter had beet opened, and so explime. twat were written o• it as to how it had beta °posed. 1 had r•teiv.d • letter before wbteh had been opened, sad no amplanetione .ere os It *bowing how it bed been opeond. 1'o Mr. Gerruw -There were two letters which 1 received opened, one from St,, • Lena and one from Cucogo There may have beau • third one, that Ia, • letter se..t N Chaim taunted to me °poled, with • et •canent *het 1t bad been opened, but I don't r•oolteot it. 1 don't know who opened the Inters 1 have re0eivd letters for other . t aoms named Horton, which 1 found were sot for me. Someone they have maids a y se04Q•r mat•ke, pwmbly, but my tame was pl•ttly oo it. 1 never could under■t.ud bum ce'Imt me • Iter. Mo.... 1 did not •oases him. 1 rover teed, •• Here's • letter, Mr. Campbell, which has been opened," and he willed me • Isar. I am positive 1 did wt so- me* hem. He probably thought I did. He le • rather excitable men. WALI EK CAa"1TONt:, sworn, said: 1 •m eogsged in the marble busmen In Wtnghsm. Mr. Robertaoo is our competi- tor in (:odench in business 04 that vicinity. Mr. Robertson is 11r. 1'empb *1's sot-.. law. I have had difficulty with the .lode. rich post ottioe. It •e.dt.g out ar0utare through the Gederich poet ottioe we here found thea were often delayed. la PJ96 w. wrote • Jotter to hire Robert Johestos, Goderich township, to I:oderucb post Aim, sutifyiog her that 1 would erect • mosso meet on • °erten' day and hour, •ed when 1 went to the cemetery Do 000 04.1 me. 1 wont to the Godencb post canoe and &eked it there was a letter for Mrs. Robert John- Mes. There was • lend) attendant at the wicket and she mid. •i You are Mr. Ven. stows, of Waif/ham,' I sad yes, she said, Then is • letter hen for Mrs. Robert Johs.ton but it was opened by n•at•ke,and 'list there were se many Johnstone that she did not know which 11 was for " I got the letter out of *be ethos, she gave it to me The letter had been opened actress the end ..d olcred op with the margin of postage stomps. There was nothing on It to state that it bad been opened by mateke. Our address a usually pnoted oo the outside of off our lettere, i celled oo Mrs. Edwards en Godarich and sold her • mainmast which oho admired, bat she did Dot sign a written order as she said she dei not turn any 0r• dors. I went to dinner, and I was met for, When I came out Mrs Edw.rd• woe there and said Phe had moms to morel the order. I said 1 did sot do business that way sad i w, .Id go •ad see her at her house •Iter dinner. Atter dinner 1 went and Mand Mr. Campbell bed 1 sea then 1 o•ono* be maim, but I think 1 bad written Mrs. Ed wends through the Godencb poet oflioe, td - lime her 1 would be down. To Mr. G.rrow-My letter was •ndre.•ed to ere. Robert Johnston sad sot to Mrs J. Johert0.. That was sot pointed um by Mise Campbell to .is. I have net got the letter now, wee scat told It had goat to . omeer.e ales. She t aim Campbell) mid the letter was oilseed h esbtake. There was ■ o attempt to ormosa1 from a that is had Wee opened 1 also sent • letter N Mrs. Jos. Johnston at the same lime I nailed the one to Mrs. Robert Johestos. I sow - pieta of the Edwards matter that Mr. Camp- bell ssis.n,d bis knowledge of the matter as peslts�.t.t Mrs. Edwards told tae she lud prromised to nes Mr. (.spirit They bought. My pries was $926. Mr, Camp. hell's ores she same for • len a:pseive job, They were net similar mo.ements Mrs RAtrasC. told mo that Mr. Campbell told them I was a Grit and he was • C.osserre- live sad that he weld make N Implement for Ng. u the post oleo. M198 I. R1YNKTTR, sweep, said : I re.•sber the 4.y Mr. vamoose speaks .l, en wash he says he sold Mrs. Edwards • mseeshen%. 1 treat to the hotel to cal hien sheet e..esih.r the order. I was present when M afterwards some rook to the hese. Mt. Campbell bad hose u •v bows that day, alias we had been M the es.N.ry with Mt. Vesoews, and before I went se the betel te sass' the order. Mr. Campbell bad boos pekes te byes before that .beet a 0)os.tsosi. When he mined i that day, he said be sailed to remind Mn Rdw.tde that she had pre0)sd M ami him Area. 1 tee Mr. Vassore that polities bed sooner t• 3e with heeled • nameasosL This was i .sewer M s.ygesWs by him that we tread pee bey fro. him en aeweeas of hie patsies. I said that Mr. Osmp►oll sad hie family were very eo.r w..s u the pow ease. To Mr. (farrow -Wotan Mr. C•mphell Naas* that day, be did Noe say that Mr. Vo.- steew fres • (Het, sae did he say ho ovate take is dis.iewsa►s as the poet oleo Mr a Neither I nor my sent made .e7 week statement Ma- suet *aid we preferred to tabs le Most sur .we towaseme, from • w who was emertmee to es. Wirt tlr. V..- eo.so my*, that Colophon wee • Tory sad Vemeese was a Orit, is entirely erroneous. , 0 7 I t tooled ad I thought it ....• pru.teut to rut as ' I d.d out kaor I could von Sly •,e had loot • °hul t about t..s. r w.a and 1 he peree ..e1 see not to go sea m. ke tt, tt..uble'uy our.• th.,, it am. 1'o Mr. toerrow-1 nail', not been as f tri,ud y with him alcor •. 1 was b.t*.re c o.e th.t n.pp,oed, ell I have mid to burr I it he •p..ke to me, was i w or no 1 hey. shunt ed nun and Iwttet.% 1 hast not •pok . to bin, •• .11 1 hate never 1 p. k.a an fuend�y wry to him eft.*. 1 curbed m tamper. Mt •,used• mots he.:,ren one of noatrait.. 1 0.0 : salt oho drat p•stod witbot•t •pe.kteg. 11 faun the part few days he hoe cot spoken to me at all. . Nanta Su. 2. have lived in Ga.1en, b moor last Mluob. 1 m toe wife of Richard !osis•, secy. of the Henderson Bicycle ('t (.odenah. 1 rem*.- bee gong to the port ethos arty last Som- er. it was in the 1vaemg after 7 o'clock, lady was with me, Mrs. Armstrong., ben • went m Mr. Campbell was Sherr. He hoard es Ihrougb the peat ethos and when was cwmmg out he put his atm mound ore d premed me to bin. He tented us to to look through the office, Mrs. Armstrong as ahead of not tt • were lout *merges, rota the stamp or money order elflo•. I tame bona and told my husband about it at as. 1 felt it was d.eidedly an ang.stle manly Oct. I thought it out of pleas tilt very unpleasant. 1 did not think i vat at ell proper. I felt 10alted. Mr empb•II has spoken to uta shout it To Mr. [;arra w -i made so releark to r. Campbell at the time as I was t.k•a se unawares. I .5stit.Ded It to Mrs. Ares res. She mod he did net think anythiy M. 1 oould not tell what he ioteoded ly i was offended. I had boon living • abort time o. the oppose,* side of the street Gedersoh. I was • perfect stratums N hint at tbe time of the 000urrenes I had him pees sad ropes dm street and is post (thee It warred in the doorway, e maid* doer. It was or-talcly net totally dose, as 1 thought he put his arm er sey caps. Mrs. Armstrong was ahead I wee lellowiy, .std Mr. Campbell wee little bolded me It was ea ordinary n- • deer. I mads no outery. I had no *i0)•. I sold tteebiy, made a ejaoul•tio.. badly tisk Mn. Araistro.g saw &ey- ing el It. I have always •pekes N Mr. Campbell i have be wise to do •Dy ia- jseties or injury to him, but I abed t de so l ors my **Meson am ea lewdly ter.. with members of Mr. Ceale- 1', fatly. I sasses my whether Mr. pbell isttnded any Mealt. I ale Net • trfUig wits•.. o1..t the sea it Me Interfered with .v frssdhy Mattes. t18 Mr. Campbell sad hs lentii,. 1 Mr. 8ise.p -1 maw home Moodl.t•- mid raid my husband. J. C. M.:1N 14SH, goon'. mid : 1 lite *u the tows e1 (;odench. I hove • sou named J R. McIntosh. About that , 189o, it letter O .aie,asd one of arty atria r rpurted t o m• t kat *tor esu • letter th.,. A o.upla u! days .f ter. Jas. Mclatosb Inot my wit) called bad 1.11a let ter .t my Lowe, •4di....4 to J. R. M.lotn•h. There as no other J. R. mole, bah in town Chet 1 know d. I brought the letter to Mr. C.mpbell at the poet . ffi s. 1 mod to ban.. •• Ind you open this lett, r'" Hs mid he d,4. 1 mud, •• i ..0 have no right to open letter " He mid he had a right to d.. ea. se he oftentimes had to ••pro thew te Bad , ut who they were for 1 mid be had no r rhe to do .0, as 1 understood he had keep them a oert.lo tune and thea mind sham to the dead letter- ctbce. H. noun- , un- tatred that he wee right, tai that It did not. •a.0u01 to much for all there was ib the let- ter. I std It did not matter whether it was • voleo'in. or • thow.od dollar letter, be had so rest to open it. He •petered to know the coStente of the letter. toe had an •rgtn.eet .bout It tot some time. To Sir t:arrow --The letter etas►ddremed to John R Mclet,.ak, 1 thick. It may bare ( been .1 R Mclsto•h. Slt ••'n lived ,0 [fa- una at the tum.. .1 A Jlclrtoeh got the Ntt.r He t0•u a *o my hones. It was then open. 1 nee- r hosed 'het Dome one he - t ide., •• d not \Ir. (-•044.,)$ , opened it sad there was. dieca►•ton on ti It was 000 • business letter, but • friendly *•stet between two young men. J. R AI.latotb was • young mw whim he 1.1• home. His mime would not be w. well known to the post u aster m J. A. Meletr.b'., who a in bnd- aoes here,- There III soother McIntosh named - Joss M.ls'a.h ID tuwo, perh.p., but I 1 don't know. JAS. A MCINTOhH, swore, said : I live is the tem of (.ud.rich, 1 heard whet was • maid h last esteem .knot a letter. I coal- ed at the poet .480x, Mr. Campbell said there wee • I.* .r there from Buffalo and - whet" d 1 supposed it would be for :ee of my people He handed me the letter and 1 . took it home. The letter had beer. oposed *hes far Cmmbbell banded it to me. 1 afterwards took it to J. O'. Molsterh'a Mesa T. Mr. t.•rrow-After 1 bad looked .t it to en who it was for i may hare told Mr. Campbell what it was and tom.tht0g about it. i d0e't taw I told him the materna I shirk Mr. Campbell handed it to me through the wi.bs% 1 know there ars • • s.ber of Ilolntahei fa tows, and ether eewtpliostiote h... arises about their letter., they reading ether McIsaohe kitten sad some Ming opened by the wrest peones owing to imperteet address' t I 004 • I.tb.ral is polities So far as I item Mr. Campbell s •0 eRioi.et .ed °ireful pew muter. i was treasurer of the Healers.. /Coyote 0..sad I.m ist.reeted is other e.• terpriw ad hays oe..id•rabl. 0)011 matter. There i., so far an i hasty, be esespl.iet of the sasles.ey a the madam of the pew *Oar H. s • geed p.st teener. 1 e a es friendly ter.. with hies So far as 1 palatially knew i memo* say he is an id - femme polities.. H. hat not hese es es fares 1 a. 00.wreed. When the letter wee beaded to 04e at the poet oleo I de.'* r.0).0)A.r sewed any .emwa.dsm epee it Matte( by Mem it had bee. °posed, or that it heel hies poised by mistake. J. C. M*laaoob, weeded -When I drat saw t►s latter spokes el there wee so men- wsrdem area it that it had been opened by .i.eko that I ate. I thigh I ovoid Iia.. esu ie if deer'. had bees. Mrs Jeekyl ere gums yams line, was set is often wI W see. r. habit of listed a the P.O. balersmpbell se else ass i know hi.. It wee artetly shot lass The wiebsee wire eased whys I 1st thorn 1 4id sot sae amens else as the P O- W were 1. Mr. Harrow -I ha.e gone to the pest vary seldom deos, a o..urresee deterred me frees g•l.g to the pest roles hopes. I did Net like to go. Te Mr. Bishop- dieeuesed the matter N .y basb.sd sad Mr. login tallied of tee some serine at the time. I told Mr. >•r1.. he wee • seirbbor of sure red I was mesager is Nese wed disliked le .•k• any Isaerhenee- T. Mr. G.rrow-Mrs Armoires( 1141, " Oh. Mg. C..pW1 did see think esytkine of she•. 1 timet %M1ak she sold my .ere, bed .M I did sed Nit it at all right fes !✓ te see mask • liberty with esy beefy RICHARD I11OL�. ewers, mid: I.. the hothead of the led, who was .re.is.41 Is lain matter today I heard her madams. t I remember .y wife w.ig hent after the ensreesee the Mas M. She at14.o sheet M. es.es*esta As . wee i ...e- wW svyoso a tenons, weer tai tgbosd, sad she atm eg*11ied N so themes, of is 1 we.M have takes crepe i the .actor. I wee d te take the law m my own brei I was dleesded bet my Mho - amass had set sus - - i bl�ee., nefe1torste• ly what W otot.tod W been riot 1s IGao u he W hep the .sear qey� i1 maid not haw km bawd el. ib L net Chat ebb NM Mb .atter has bete bwit�.p . i hhem sed spoken te Elk St spank sLammbsil uints 1 oil dt d Moiled stysellI . es aaphsalits, sod *said .eh has beam �e •sly s Waft sr tens h was is the t•k part of the poet elle& The wMabw werj Meld whoa esu basset i, and Mr. I Campbell sone set to the plebs pot at the & aies, sed the eft. venoMM. sheet the imam teak pow thee. mod es we Were 'gig eat Mr. 1 did Mot he did. Jest "'Woe es WO M 1 Meseism ~ Mak ll Camptowe met toe n people to e4 me way tstoelt, bet he had se Sam to Mesh... 1 afterward Mimed he le ant a ems wits drinks. I Mesad ohm ret, that be b fa lbs habit of being anew what i•a.lrsr acid wbo. I ssderweed It I ♦ To alehop-1 •. oere Nese we se. thine said atter Mr. Oa.pholl tried is pet ' his are tore.sd .y waist. as 1 west baits M1, Mss 'lanky' s >p ymin M age. 1 am sheet pm p.. nes We both ham tr.'ht ashen', MR(l SARAH MrARiRii. towers, said : 1 nye ew the tiylleM Read. 1 remember 1Iltoi•• to the Pass ales .. Aderke sheet 5 �r+ cgs we degi wit hasdig Mr. ' Pt1I so.o*i gjemd he pat Ms Iwd .. $7 heed t i Md set *she le very wok as 1 *MIN ha had oto h4 sash • Mew G woo sm6 as su�dwh( i 11.'s loam NbMbf `mmol tl+fl.� bet 1 W M• W V McDONALD, ewers, said : 1 lie* 4. the tov►e *1 (ledertd, have lived there 33 1 years I des'* r..e.ber aaytkksg occur- ring s'•set • suer that had bees spread as the P.O •h.�et • am. a letter &dimmed to Win MoDe.old. i heel • letter out el tbe P U eAwressed N Wm. 44.13.0441, I handed i' to Mr, C..pb.Il .ted asked him N epee it, and he did est, rind found it was w Iwt se To Mr Carron -Thep w three W MoDes•t*'s is taste. i try the 1-114.5. Rare Oso fee.*tly same art the saber kt • yeas. moa. A Maar was headed New and I headed 1A bark to Mr. C..p411 to ops 10 bap*. WM. it It wee ler .0. DAMS/. Ilo'tONALD..worn 5011: I art • rete of the lam shear., Wm. Me• D.e.M 4w1SMs,e "Asset • year age *eve wee • serer et the P 0 obis 1 mat therm was see fee .se, One of the e l *e i she O. •va04 It I saw tae eigrean ort le tees nit !air ms. I me int 1..w *Maher M ems lar fes IN • was -pond. i west to ten P.Q. r leek Iwo leiter. sad Mhos Daly -M1 Undid as sow I Whirl t nog Dolrtt,ria, WM. CA 611141111.11., ewers, said : 1 ma the pest t..5ter M Oderna- I was y- peitd 1.s Oat., 141D. 1 5n nM sew (s the ..h bushman 1 hem bid pot m the err• does 1 hay. bees peel meter. Ville Me or three year. I sated a. NM* he meesfamar os 1 wee net • .esde•- Thrn my ew -seine de* .11e1 the rip:Bi toss Inorwili i pottiodirity Moshe M w a gate Woos I two .IAli['.1'RO AND ROBERTS poet mete* Thee P.O. Iwtssner baba aware I bated to WO tom. ♦ yam ego taut Sums bar the isgto'ter was eft V tnest►ooed that then bed bees • ormight`t, out Mere Was nothing to I retest ate defy e0. That u the last 1 heard of any oumplam4. 1' a year and lour menthe! bete ant been the telt Maas at ell. Some y prevtoua to my •1)poutunent se pose maga sty sus .o•1•w, J.A. Kobetteue, bought es the 1'aaeteoe Marto* worke tare for $1 000 which 1 beere regwwtble by sot About the Nam of my •ppuwtmest 1 louts the firm ot Robertson A *tell whfeb b been forme!, ma flnaootal dutfiouluo5, •sd was Bull on some of that paper. They wanted me to advsos money to them, 1 re- fused tin I Not a statement. of their &Mare, I afterwards refused to ad taboo money. 1'be property was .O/d under judgmst and I purob.ed it for the besetit of tet een•i0• law, and it has been run In hie m(ereet m Noy name. 1 t..ld Mr. Hopktrk that 1 would drop the sat business if at wee r..quard at say time 1 have so inte,sst and sow re move oo aunt from the marble tan mss. All treat 1 have say remembrance of rte atter of Mrs Inglis in charge No. 1, le 1ba: That she and Mrs. Armstrong same to tee alias, and as the letter wase stranger asked to see the office They are very agar sarhbors of mine sod 1 showed them through. Whoa they were going out alto- gether, and as Mrs Inglis was going t hrough the door tato the lobby the two were claw together, and both ladies *ere try*o1 to set through the door together, or N early .o, sod 1 being close behind Mrs. lagts, put my ban.* oat her shoulder and pushed her to one tide to give • little room. I beard Mr. lathe' evidence todat w wbiob fobs says 1 pot my arm &bout her and pulled her to tag. That is *intro.. 1 did nut do so. Mrs. Inglis was • Dew Domer to tows. 11 a true. 1 never heard any oompletate &b)ut a toil two or three week* ago. Saws the 0000rrence my f.mity ana ane lugil• f0mlly have been !needle. I saw no change ut the mansar of Mr. and Sirs. loglis to- ward. me from that day to them. Whom 1 had of the charge regarding Moe H.y, first, which was on 150.4ay last, when 1 read the particulars, l oould not bring my mind to bear on anything that bed ever happened bete e.� te. Sumo the exsmn- Patton of Miss Hays the oocurresoe has Deme back to my and. The expl.natto0 I hove to give a that they being strangers I chatted with them and asked them wbo they were, acs they told me model school rule, the nearest one, pr. batty Mies Hays, and putting nit hand ;or offense to do so) on her, ,• 1 said you a• aim model school girl.. ' 1 sin too much w the habit wheat talking to any Dae 01 patting my hand on theta. 1 do it continually, i never Intended any moult, end had no im- proper thoughts towards Slow Hays or Miss Jacky.. 1 have no ree'Ilectlon of the 11101; dont wttb 181ra. MoRran. She us a highly respectable person and it I. impom,ble 1 could have intended say tnault to her. 1 never heard any thing of them/Ater till her evidenoe was gives yeeterday. 1 have no remembrance whatever of the 00050on. I heard Mom Dance7's evidence There is not • word of truth to it from the beginning to the end, except her being us the Otho writue • letter. 1 bare kaor a her since the was • child. She *a now a y -un: lady. (lies Denary was eso0 taken with Maumee in the poet otfio.. I was alone, sod I called for the 0.r5Nker1 wife, who .t ends 1 to her. That was • couple of years aro. 1 re- collect her being is tet private ot6ce twos no the aoardes she apetk...1 ebe went Site my private office t, wn10 t letter. Either eh* asked to go, or i invited her. i gore her .o paper and sok to write. 11 wee . twat the muddle °f tete day, as the says. Myself bad oat of my daughter are there e ll the sumo, a,d irvsriebty from 11 to 12 o'clock. Diu oast et.w to 41118001 tr,l *Len. From 11 till the mail goes out is the Limiest cert of she stay, sod we •r• all amity i m- ipl0yed. The door of my private office to the datritoiing office a meats .pen. A• roar hour there is hardly • minute 'b-.* g ame mss is sot miming in. There r • Dos• meat stamp of p. rens. canine and doom!. About N••vemler Lan 1 beard from Geo, PrIoe of this Marge for the Bret time. Non« of the Da*o.y 1.m*ly omnpuin.d to me at any time. i was always oo quite frieo.11y term. with Mies D.seey, and after the time she speaks of 1 sorer saw any ob.tg• Rbe Care to the e11ice *Wet as frequently. There Wee • friendliness between es. she would that me about her letters, sad so se. About • week before Christmas dint .h. o.lied at tie slaked for her maul. There was ease for her. She.•(A, ., Why don't you writs leg 16a6 letter," Meths.. 1 foga. '• 1 w111 write wee ler (;brinrnoa," or " I U have ase ready before Cbrketmas" 1 should soy that tawny talks fregoeer ly h.r•p.n.A 1 re. Member wee &boat Uereber or November lees she called ..d ..ked hist 1 a neuter for Mrs. Jaen. tad 10 • jek• i looked odder a the letter .1, sed am. said, •• Ob, you know what I mean. I bars at her many • Sun- day sew'N out *f @harsh eine. the wow- 1 rhes. I remember oboe when she was arming est she mid to a, '• W by dem Mr. Halle Or7 to deet, be aSeold sot stag." la Nevewtbee or 1)...ber last I was goisDgg p- lows. I net MM 1)o...y and Mrs. Whim- ly, and rhe said, '• Hata you got that lona ter seer' I said '• No," and eke *er.ad to Mw, Whitely and said, (lb. be bas been p nielme se write.. • loafer. and he hes sever written me see yet." The woesr�.spa *be alleges never amok plies ie the world?lt le ptw0t7 Inoneary ea lir part. 1 never W any quarrel or fall•.at wish seer. At to the eh•rgs of opening letters - as to the steer of Mt, J. R. no- latesh, 1 did sed epee tint tetter. i heard the Mel..1s of J. C. Melees* yn- terd.y. He s mistakes. T1s. )Neer same . ddreeMd te Job. )r. MeleteM. •wA thaw w.0 so emir hers of that same I rimmed N to J. C. Me1.teM's daughter. tote said N ..all sed be tee them. She said .he bad s bother i Detre, of that sews. Ant she tbsee►t H weld set he for hi.. Th• letter ley �� for Nearly thirty days whew ass(@ est yea it set, I Aon'* Item wbo„ and 11 wee thrown Ie amble hte gee of the r.semee eps.d,whtob b a matter o1 memos eieeme- nsss. Windbag It there 1 gave It le J. A. Mallesehg .esu the some, merfsg IS opts as le was. 1 bad not read Ne letter, bat 1 Imbed Ned esw w sf'siiats` J. A. Me - or u eon t a00 had Charged With Partisanship. The r.11 f.. Silence 4. rash a ase - The C•on- Mrvaalve ♦weetaUsw litanies In gvldenee Ise relies *bees tei- u11r.l /rtivl4. (;(4 MMIl'810NRR Seeger took hi east its the bleak oo Wedseed•y in scoot - deem with • commission from the Poet- sawst t: 1,110 hear evidence on the •hart.• preferred •gulut °erten' (Jovern• meat officials. The first o•se called eras that of 11r Munro, postmaster of Auburn. IL L. aware. JOSEPH BECK. sworn, said 1 am the president of the L ibeaLt'0000rvatey• As - soma( OM of West Huron. t1• have m an- imal meeting. We *len • preeldeas two rice-prrrtdeote, • secretary and treswrore1 sad vice-premdents for mob mnstvlp•li*y, elm an •1•out1te for the ridtnr The 11- eaauve aommtttee are 001.lseted and elect- ed from the d*l.reot part. the riding. £h. duties of the vote . - •nut 01 .•ash pollusg aim -di yaws s to lc .Iter the tub- dtviewo. There r. rine-pi..ideot for tach' polling dtvteen Mr. Munro Utes in West Weems* in Asbura near the corner ot the towsekip- Mr. Mantua pulling tub -daimon ie No. 28. 11 doe t know whether he a wormiest. Re • set • member of the executive committal* D or has he any oflio, in the Aeeoot•tio. the secretary bas • record of ice .:.,.Dere, 1 think we had • ooaveo(uw of His Aimee - au. -0 t0 1891, 1 wish on Dooember, he/ 11' would oat be our.. Our menial melee are held at Smith • HaU. Mr. Mauro is there sometimes, and •omettmss out, He was Dot there at the tint one in May, 1898. 1 do 001 know why, 1 don't know whether ee was et the oo0veotuon in 18991. The eeo- retatt'e minutes will show, 1 heve stead - ed meetings celled by the C:osesrvt4ver >` the elections. The Cameros and Porter elation toes the general election to 1891,..1 the Patterson c,eat4on to 1892. 1 attended a political meeting .t Aubui% to lhfl My reoofwuon as that M*. Caldwell was there Mr. Stanro may ha* Imo Mem 1 sevdr beard hem spook ails puolio meeting. I was at • meeting In elle Patterson electtoo. I think )Ir. Caldwell was chairman. 1 caw there at • o.0ting"r 1896, the lletemlll.r election 1 don't kn1 who wee chairman. 1 don't think Mu.* acted es clearer* at any except the Mit (locum in June, 18% lir. Moaro sot*. *non attended our twmmittea a:retingi St Auburn. lt'e don't took to lir. Munrobtle one of our 000444,411.. men there He e omettmas acts as such, send •omettmoolls don out. be Mr. Munro was obeirman of a pAlso meeting held In Auburn on the pert of the Conserv•tirn us the alectto0 ot June, 1*18. It was held on burial! ut 11r. S1. I..eu. Ras By Mr (:•crow -He mad• • far o.0r- an, Dad kept order. I don't think he its domed Ly t.eut.u• 1 ..ould not iliac : ,..reap" be wee- I bete even h .e • onm.tttw tweeting, but I het, u t bile do aur 000)041140• work that l tee.- memt-er. I sever heard him u. n 1 g 51)1.1: at any meeting. He lies hest tti�0 thirteen ymis. 1 0evur :.w atm .k1 *y part at may ooatentioo, but he at sometimes. We always tool to him= lmporta*t nom, but 1 .. t.., knew tab •av pert. 1 think he has & o.mveatwas within the past 8r. _ People 0n admitted wbo are not oleo to tie .gore. i n.v.r hero 1 is pc lit 'el fri .ds bad fault beus0.• be was sot suffiesa0y ratite. sear - IAS MIT('HELI. tad : I .m Mi ddy and treasurer for the West H*roo ('bdRR votive Aesoot•uoa 1 bate been N *-8 or 9 years. I predate the mutation! d. sonnet m.eti or of the Oooser••ati'�/e�- 50m•ti0e. Awned meting. 188.-ltlmt..f the delegates was Mr. Munro : Mr.= Uururn.lod • a•re00 to b. %lee -pr (h 7th May, 1890, the ooaveatioo to bo.- tti.t* a member for rte Local Houserrrr. Memo's mem appears as • d.le.atr-o was Al tea annual moo*aig of the CM1 } llyo Asaose•tice is 1891, Mr. Moil* fN5 sensed voce-oresedet.t tor i.% set WJ' , Hb name does not •ppo•r in those present. At the nomiwtiou Lina fn 1891, 14, Mears'. Dame • • an.0.l tneeting of 1892 Mr. Muer 4.I..,. for Woes Wowanoeh.04= ted 46 towards work as the vot*N Mr. Munro agreed to aged in tee nooses : I dos 1 say this from t appears le tie mI..t. N °seventies 1892149.ns. HIl1,Mt INa'e Immo appears se • delegate, sod J' W."9111 b- 0rs was .0.tetrted by De (3..."U4.4..- 05(104 by M.. Munro as •'sandhi test the •lee•tae in 1896, on %2 - 4.y, semteattsg onaveetien to noisesi 4I - 444840*. for the 18orntodos Hn54." }rgs. Munro's Demo •meare as One of Mk MM. gam presser 1 have been at nee or two palatial meettoge .t Auburn. bu0petaeee- eetly. " hi 1896 To Mr. Ostrow Mr. Manns' have bees preemie at. the 00010en sed he 0)•y not have 'tally hero Lam are 5ssnettmee made up sad loelodieg parties who w.r. nOre 4001 know he was sever an officer 0 MI6 las- sn.latio*. i have heard it said on the part of Ouseorv.tiy. tact Mr. Monty*. mimes satire as be might be. To Mr. Rbhop--1 don't ksowdw16 baro the Iso at 1896 0eaventies. .ke pert L DANIRI. McOLLLJCCODT Mt liter of To. Boson ffwts•I, the peals amnia. ie. tie eM sded MNVg• ea11e1 us OmDsdvablee eindldatt. at do 1811. 1 Dad Graham behalf ef the Re1sr. . reset ve eswdidate, Dr. T r. L.Nh. mad Mr. H•w, .. Mtssled ow Wal .t the slwrml= -athlete- Mr. Meese. se ehetrssm, 5r.- .ea.esd what line was to be taken Misers Osmose de rep a,