HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-28, Page 8THE SIGNAL: OODERIUH. ONT.. THURSDAY JAN. 28. 1897. ALPS BY RAILWAY. NO MORE BROKEN NECKS WHILE ALPINE CLIMBING. The Trolls tar la to aeveleU.alae • Dam/serous Palaine r.rmerl, ladutj- eti-.. Mir ay the Jewaea•e Dowse .r All Coaatrtew dipine oilman. Is soma to be re- volutionised by the u ipicturerrrlie but sauueuuy praotxal uvuey tar. The ewthustartic ttw*IataJt uticatrer$ d ICSigi.Dd 1nay put talar tat uueovatkra. hat u w al appal to the Yi •'+vc. The ontarl,rure is one tet tate attest rtupcutlutla of the age. The cap of Jwc1rtW Is lt.weu feet above alta level. Vasty riding to gush is baaht Ut a mousy oar To be able t•. du au on the surface of this uwuutain would be marvellous enough. but most of the mute will or through a tuunei cut Through the mare of this uwuctda 11 well he the must espenalvr trolley Ade is the world. Niue dollars will be the fare for the ruiii.l trip. The aesthetic aide of the enterprise has ben well considered by the com- pany which will build the road and by the Swims Government, which be. sppro.v..l the et•henie- 'The old moun- tain . I:nrber might ht t.. teaipt.d to de - dam; ufalnst a pr..)r. • '. hi. b would rob Rusts c.intt.ing of lir p. rat.. and terrors. bot he will be atlrtw.'d '. hen told that the Alpine Chub has aPervv'td 01 the road. - Sotnet.hing of the ear•tnc.a of the en- terprise will be realised whets 1t is pp•.4nted out *at the difference In level between the lower and upper terminal will be 'fess tat. and that this alti- tude or rise will be scuc .mj n hid with- in a distalir'e of s.s.-rt and a haat miler.. N.. such made has ever besM attained before. and tee steep dens It enatty Mr..me that the pararen$a0f trig be .+nrge•11.•d at the fait ma.nent to Wight from Ibe cars and *ee4jUsh the remaining lee feet In an ^legator. Pe, rrwnlntaln torrents and the ants••-r"atle. fed* by the, glaciers. will opt ate Immense turbines. Thee* will bet misled to the great eloctrlc gene-' ratios mem which the current wall be dlwtr.buted over the mountain. The careers will run from the generator, through transformers In which the volts will be "stepped up." as that any ht electrw'al circles. into the thou- sands and rent by wire in all'rl:rec- tSons. Then. when it has reached NI destination or "point .4 tree." it will be "stepped -down " again to a usable Intensity. It Is expected that 1400 horsepower will be Manufactured 1n this unique and exceedingly economi- cal mender. Item cure will ire ...oersted. lighted and heated by electrk tty. 11 is es- timated that the temperature of the tunnel will average between two and tufo degrees below sero. growing cold- er. o' course. as the autarnit Is ap- proached. The tunnel will be lighted by electricity. ()n such steep grades special carte moat be used. with facU1- des for clutching the road tied and holding on to it to carte d a break. There are forty mountain roads In Switzerland. and the jack-rali 1s used on a11. It will be used on the Jung - frau road. Its construction le eruch tlNat, the car cannot slip backward ahead the propelling power give out • The heaviest down grade. 10 per tient, will be between the Moen/dock and the Jungfrttj .ct . The cars will lura M a speed of Ave mile an boor on grades above •19s per cent fire leaner gradre 1t will be slightly increased. rNte cars will be built ti the plan of trolley parlor cant emit as are vend for the accommodation of whoppers between Brooklyn and Flushing. They will contain every resat* eon. venlenee, and special cars for invalids are contemplated by the management. The htn.er will not to •oaken into Hue Oar this .iwh an ordinary trolley pole, but will ' me via a trolley ,shoe. which will sll.le along a third rail by the gide of VA. ....lin.... ..�.� Men burst as n extends throe b the mountains will Dave opener et Intervals. for saaltan and other pwr- pos*a. tut alteser ally to relieve the monotony of this almost underground *tamer by giving the tourist a Lean - sleet view et tee wonderful aoeslerp roundabout Ths toad beams at the FAMINE IN INDIA. C.aaal.a .ad amebas ode. Well authenticated reports Irma ladle .stew the owdluoe of tee famine eWckw distrusts to be simply appalling It w esti- waled that .ix .tilts.. of Sou* eebl••tt• am on the very el etare.tton Already the t•mlne hal olotmed thousands of violists! The a.•• of lades f.a'whtag maltose .p at Ibc a pair we have a striped T )wel guaranteed to be all Was to the sympathies of the wbole world TM appall to below heeded. The people of Pure Linen Nogl.nd are eagerly engaged in the work of rebel, and British people in all 'inserters of a pair we have a pure linen Huck Towel the wcrld are wsichag sower to their fellow sutteuts in the Indian }:moue. Even the people of Kiwis base japed t■ 'h^ roll•( at25c a pair we haveja pure linen Huck Towel, size;20x40 mov.meere t, and agiving mosey and fool. - Canada sureh will not neglect to perform her part In this great humane work The J. T. ACHESON Bedro1)11=m1.111 Towels LBsth Towels Montreal Star sewepevr h.. inaugurated . (• red border very special .sedan fund -the tint to be started to the llomtoto.- -and tte pobiisher has headed the ism with a euhaoripuoa ..t five lierandred at:503 a pair we have a pure white Damask Towel with knotted dollar. The Ro.. Wilfrid Isurter l're- mier of Canada. baa written to we Si.,. ex• fringe :jplain.white or colored border, regular price price 75c pree.i.g t t. hearty approval of the relief movement .rd 000tributt•g to the (sad a haod.owe cheque. The appeal for aesi.t- asoe u meeuog with a hearty response n .al porta of the country sed among all claus- al All 'he Protestant clergymen oI Montreal sive written a io►ot immortal to the Star supporting the movrmeet. very subscription to tn. Femme Fund asst to the Montreal Star, no matter how I'ltnton • On Mummy morning of last week ! sell 11 m.v ir., will be publicly acknow- Mn, Wm. Moore met with a painful wee - lodged dent by the upsetting of • boiler of bot - - -- -- water: her hand and her arm, a. far as ber at 30c a pair we have a half bleached Huck Towel, with woven J. T. ACHESON. Hirth lois Mimes Bell dislocated her wrist while skating the other day McKillop • t\-cdoeedai afternoon of this week '1 tine l►..dd., hardware merchant, of he..enden, N. Dakota, • well know') form• er reehlent of McKillop, and Mus Marv. the ewwuble daughter of Deputy Reeve Archibald, were united iv marriage at the residence of the bride a parents. esi Elid leal Maitet WEST -BT. elbow, were badly scalded. Clinton . Jamal Wray, of F R awaaosb, died at the Roue of Refuge on Tuesday, and we. buried is the plot eat aside for that purpose this is the twelfth death whish has occurred at the house, and the fourth burial as the grounds FRESH THIS WEEK ! Thr undersigned has opened a Ment Market in ti.r store on %.,st-.t between t'a.teloo'e Bakery and the Poet Offlee. where a Choice Selection of agate and loupe) will away, ye C be Candies (hre be unmade deregularly called for. and deandies Evertsr nude prumptu. 1 MIA r.trial �ter. please. Chocolates Bon -Bons W. W. CTREEN . Do You Want a Picture of Hon. W. Laurier ? Tu. been two-color lithograph of the Premie yet issued. 18x25 inches. 4Will be mailed to any address tor 15 cents, silver or postage stamps, Only ! a limited quantity on hand, so order 1 early. Address : CLINTON NEW BRA. Oranges Grapes Nuts, etc., at NAIRN'S NEW MEAT MARKET I COLBORNE BROS ANDREWS BROS. & Ooe Beg to inform the inhabitants of Colerich and vicinity that their Meat Market. Dunlop's Block. Watt -oat a few doors from The Square, will LADIES' 00 ATS On and atter Munl/Ay, loth of this month, we will sell the balance of oar stock d Ladies' Coate at the following reduotioos : Lamas Losu Batvsa AND Saaos Cosn,- 1, 110 50 for $7.50 , 1, $7.7 for $6.00 ; 2, $4.85 for $3.50; 1, $7.50 for $5.75 ; 2, $6.00 for $4 50 ; 1, $5.00 for $3.75.... LADMas' t4IIOWT RIAVaa AND Fauna Coals, -1, $11.50 for $6.50 1, $7.50 for $5.50 , 2. $3.75 for $2.75 ; 1. $7.75 for $6.00 ; 4, $6.00 for $4.75. Don't fail to examine these Coats if you want to buy. OARPETB AT DOST 6 ends Brussels Carpet at 10 ends Tapestry Carpet at 3 ends All -watt Carpet at 4 ends Union Carpet et Cost Cost Cost Cost ALL. WOOL TWEEDS 5 pieces of the teat A1; wool 50c. Tweeds ever shown in Goderick MEN'S FUR COATS 6 Men's Wombat Fur Coats ata bargain. COLBORNE BROS. The Great Carpet 11'areAo,i a of the Catania. THIS SEASON'S TEAS RAISINS CURRANTS CANNED GOODS Don't buy tt/d G,- certea. for however torn the prire, th<:y are dear. Old goody are always 'unisons..., and %ornetinles their are taya Me /t,ttndatioa► for a long doctor'a hill. Buy Fresh Goode from STURDY BROS. be open for business on Saturday,1 the 16th inst. The firm moat re- C (aux spectfully invite the public to in- i s t their premises with the hope 1 that a visit will mean an order. I. ANDREWS BROS. & Co. NEW CROP EE Resell tree oar new treed l at ale fe for M. beautifully illustrated, and onata nine a 11 d..eription of the test introductions in ower and t' eaemer seeds alien .r.i Pisld of the Farmer's requirements is ri•bd ti -ver and limes Meed*. Meet Oralns. is. r and F:nsil.ge ('orn W rte for a copy to JOHN A. BRUCE & CO., SEED MERCHANTS Hamilton, Ont. ok Neste,Aa‘c in your choice between the mix rO$[t'T I Try NC%IN[at. 050 eKO$THANL , ut.l.ra: [, lettNfere', OST.) and schools of the ordinary kind ? There's no comparison in any part I -work, methods, e.luiptuents, rooms -all . f the highest grade. Catalogue of either course free. Y 11.1' A. nriI OINe. J. W. WESTERVELT. Principal. WE WA' T AGENTS to handle eetahluned tr.de(ns tills county. t snad.an stuck ttuaron:w+et to live. Penman - rat po•itio' . whole or rart time. Liberal terms. 't .. u ca make ten dollars a w, rk r or better with us for every week you wort No experience noweimary. SPAWN 71POTHS11.3 CO]LPANT, Conttneatal Nurseries. ront,NTO, u\T. FARMERS' ATTENTION 1 HIDES WANTEDI them to the CIODRIIICH TARNS:MT and get the 111UHEST 1'HICIL SPOT ('ASH.' W.F.&A-SMITH. C. R. SHANE & CO'S GREAT MID -WINTER CARNIVAL THE GREATEST BARGAIN SEASON EVER OFFERED IN CODERIOH. THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME TO e Get Winter Clothing at Panic Prices We have the.,Cloods and are bound to make this the biggest Bargain Sale ever attempted here. For bvERC0ATS the balance of this month and the first half of Feb- We have a few Men's and Boy's Overcoats. Must ruary we will sell at prises that will leave no Win- be closed out at less than wholesale cost. ter Stock to carry over. If you want any of these goods don't miss this chance. It will pay you better than shares in a gold mine to buy them now and lay them away till next Winter. Let us prove this by We have also 50 dozen Linen Collars, all the Latest quoting sample prices. We begin with Boy's and shapes, regular price 16c and 25c, to close this week Men's Clothing. Having received $1,000 worth of at 3 for 25c. manufacturer's samples, we offer them as follows : LINEN COLLARS 30 Men's it 6.50 Suits for 14.75 10 " 1:1.00 8.50 35 " 1200 " 7.50 40 " 9.00 " 11 5.25 20 pairs Men's $1.25 Pants 75 29 " 1.75 " 1.25 75 " 150 " 1.55 15 Boys' Suits, regular price 12.75, for 1.95 15 " " 340, for 145 IS " •' w " 3.00, for 2.115 Men's 11 Overalls for 65 50 Pairs Boys' Planta, regular prices, 60e for .A3 SHIRTS 12 dozen Men's White Laundered Shirts. Regular price 75c, to be sold for 47c. FURS Furs of all kinds to sold regardless of cost, C. R. SHANE & co. e