HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-28, Page 7Yuan atoll urs totes eartibi. &alma The Oras- — tooth .er..mde ea gad Mara ♦ whale ur &venae arae tats a Mim- hos* la read to tiet. Cape Csbu.i • hetes aatnital1y Mak- MO worth ur dried bowers. • toe or all baa been (abed Apes on 'magus of • aingtlr whale. One ri*gn In the Imperial peJ•nd la tit Petersburg is leo for lung by tie net wide. Polkwne. la Vienna asst be able to suint. rows boat and undermfad bderr•Pby It is emttui.ta-d that the annum de.- tell of Groat Britain 1a equal to M. - 101.U7.1165 tuna The growth of arils on tam lett hand requites eight or ten tiny. king thaw Ouse we the right_ in termite 4.000.000 tons of pothers s are annually used in the msntafeaOtty ar stm.rch anal alcohol. It Is calculated that the meeaagw wglgd t or a shooting roar dues net exceed from 1 1 -2 to 2 grains. A great authority .iii fish saps tint every square mile. of the sea le in- !elided o-! ell ed by 120.0000.000 finny or'eaturea There are 2127 (oaths curlers. 46e11 artificial flower makers and 4071 tume tuella and wo ing-etial whirrs in Loudon. In the twhnc sehntia ul O.trnaaoy the bright puipin are separated from the stupid urtua. medical nom do the sorting. The difference bet wore m ptsout and a star la Oen A bear erhUmse hy its own Itgat. a planet by light r"4o omen 6ern souther budy. Acmdtng to the deductions or le well -known astronomer. we receive as much light from tee• Mnuas wild b. issalued by 060.000 full moons! There la a haw In Prance oosetpaaing physicians to write their p.eserhat>tuas in tete language of the ouont'7•, sod fazt>tddimg the use a Ieor. The Itch- wood tree grow. to 1831. a Is said that to touch the Manse or stem a[ the tree In like Imam the Mad onme In ousted with a rag t ae Packer.' Marko grow a new row of teeth fee every year at their ,rte unto time rer<•h maturity. The taws o[ a flab; grot:-n specimen m be exceeded &beat IS Tie !/aver of At Smirk .. at Ow- stanttn..l•te, WOO bulk with moria/ perfumed with mosk it we emoted a thousand Farr ego. yet the tauelia amen is sow notioratlt The litrhte ut-arrrwn wood is that et the Armee paltastrl._ of arezil. ersldr>s le much lighter than cork. Th. leayiemt 1s the Iron bark ..f Australia. which weighs nearly 100 pomade to the sells foot. THig SIGNAL: OODHRICH ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN. �8, 1897 HOT CORN. The ligere of China has .• Ines M ►std bfe umbrella. It has sever bees bee - rowed yet Utter (so smile parseryhht) : •• Year johns Mit erlglealiy." Osseo Par m•piht (inhaler); " So does yew endow." McVw : Om. family gees bask to Wit. Ilam the (;squarer." O'Psh•w ; " BW emfoet mutely It doesn't may with trim. W hes • worse asks • yens( w. •• Hew d. I leek !" the yesag man may M roused u is .eeworfag he &ool'l Wok with peeeus•phrtee a4bomvenses to the les- ombellt.hed truth. If we evil a pound it ester anti 1s- all goes away in steam we ball have aped. in doing so., a mianUty of hetet which %amid have rained 181 pounds d water one degree higher in teua- • soovon a a the Scarth Paced, Gwen glows t toe 30 or 40 Inc�es fn dlametnr, twat Iron to 2000 h•. -t to !length. It has no rout in the- prays, sense, the nnurisftment being absorb- ed from the weer. Rae water of the River Tint.i hi fitein, hardens and petrlfkw the sand o[ Its tied. •ad If a stone falls in the str•• aur and al igh tr upon another in a f• -w innopos they untt., and tercannt one "tone. 1reth cannot Uv In b wet orf.. Floating itntis at snaweted. whtth are often met with 1n acid• '.oa, how been nttaerved to reduce the height of waves, like os-! thrown woo the water. Taking autvantede of thta feet. • scien- tist haw Invented a thin metres ow sltten net to answer the earn p'a'paw •' Ab," acid the we, with bard breath. Who lived with his third •eeldt.0 wife, •' You alk about • the sin .f death ' - 1'hy're Whey te the jaws of Wet " " Hallen, 11ppy 1 - I just met Soma. He says be Wes gear hems visiting. and be fettle tike • fhb oat 0' watt." ihppy : "Shemld think be would -out o' hour mom" Mrs. En.bs.point - (to • oases! caller) : " You know Sp a+ sir, the celebrated sword p•tater! Ho. dere • prrtsai1 of me for seat yen's Academy. "- Brtpr•r : " Kind gesticmes. I beg your pardon—" town (promptly) : " Grated ; I thought you were begging for mosey." Boumd.rry : " 1 am very sorry Mies Rees - bud is out. You west forget to mandrin shot I called •" Inexperienced housemaid : " No, indeed, sir, l'U ria straight upstairs now sed tell bar. Tb. Ire. data'. Ite.aoa..• It L told or the Duke of Wellington that be wart once out bol hunting. when the bounce on retailing the bank or a well river test the .cent- Ittm n eater of the hounds .pdogls d to Ws Duke. "Ib abed. emir gratia oar fun is over. The dears can't pert t>p the 1101112L- "Ten aenL"Ten to one." replied the Thalia 'dr dog has crowd to M. alit dda' "Not very Utety. s/ Loss& A, Om Wee water:" "Aye, aye," ra'ge'd the Oahe, 'art be Witt have c:rrm..4 over fey own brtdR. '7 don't berbvve the'' la a MOW answered the masts of dos tweeds "Vett" " continued the Duffs. 'Valens Tse know to the 000tz.r'y. tient+, I we never Sere begone. 1 50111 wage' a trifle yon Mil find am within a !elle" The two men, anYowed hp the hunt. Reeked on and Ire thea a wile tie ��ortmed � thalami scent and kilted the foe. for h is reason for masoning that there was a bridge meg he ausw.med : '1 ac- three ar four Whew •bent red together on each bank a the Math and i thought the word* alidelT r them would be tempted by thole e �I fp.lings to contrtw a immtann of valOng earth other Thee wee toter - we of mine wheal ear me at my OW- the"- -Landon 'I4iessaph- Wife : "Jobs, dear, you know how 1 have bees skimping and Hinting myself to be able to gel • sealekte jacket. Now, I with you would help ma." Jahn : " How mar do you seed Y" Wile "The jacket t f20, •N.1 1 este it •U but £19." Arthur (gloomily): " I an afraid Mablo'e tore fora is ooalies." Friend : " Haire you beard from her to - da!' Arthur : "Yes, and bore's her letter. She uses the word' love' only sixteen times, sad only underlines i1 tea.' Ayer's Hair Vier is certainly • remark able preparattos, sad Nothing bks it has over been prod.s.d, No matter bow wiry and unmanageable the hair may be, under the intimate of thin incomparable dresste, it broom soft. silky and pliable to th. tomb and broth. A .h11d 1104 to t o A It hell tams Korth held Meet tenor he netball" so 4 f.tI• •Ir' norm from • mold tits Mkt pato clod'. vest et.edty aka.: A 4,,, ,. .eon'. seat V me atter resat throws. To d' -pest seem from hi- MEM A w.orna5 stamps( her yeses( asst e. nhana dem he se d.sd • eMYtee-lie 1...1 fin.-to.eby, and was «m.wb► surprised to hear the eakmaa sty, •' Tara shadier. dr." The prelessam Axing hie sag's eyes apse the 011511ies.r, de.sded why he Merged two du "Ma Apestra thes.ekes.■ d Werey answered. t. dlr.wg. leavel 8.whatk se mash.. 0N pe.e. sir." g on M. " Aher all. l..s and war aro the only proper teems. ler • peel." W by do ton say love sad wart Why don't yr )est eay worisg•1" " What ars ..ase ars alter t" ..ked ttoe Birmingham nerd sharp t. .m.tber. ' That dolor did sue eat et t1O," he growled. ' Thet'..ethine. Yantis* It bask tram the Nit ... that yon rel." " Oh, it isn't the leas of the menet that makes m. wary. Is's the disgrace .f the ilei... Tie cove add he wao from the e..s- hy. ' Mark- (ood.oer of the 'hos nenlosts4 to tike my fan the merely. 1 dent berm whether 1 ought to feel glad se not. Das --1 caret see thus yea have any rem sea to feel otherwise =Mark -Ob, I'm glad .soon\ to be throe - pones in pocket, but it burs my feats. to clink that 1 am too t.sientboast to Wear the •treaties of •'k.s...nduoter. Mother . " What did you mesa by lotto - donee m. to Mr. Bey as your amt r' Julia : " Forgive me, mother ; but Mr. Bray appears to ha os the point of propos- ing, and it would not do to res any risks toot new, you know. He has a strong pre- judice .hast mothers -la -1•w," Humorist's Wife You moat net trouble your pa just now, dear ; in his prosiest mood he is not to be trifled with." Humorist'. Child : „ What is he dome e" Humorist'. Wide . " He is writing things to make people laugh." •' That, dr," said the phrenologist. piec- ing the tips of he lesg, bony fifteen on the bump of Wggesge' bead, " is your bump of lec•metio.." " Rigbs goo are," replied Bi goage ; " I rot that last night while Maim to ride • oayds. ' Read Ayer's Ammar, which your drug- gist will gladly hood you, and ser the wonderful our.. of rbeumst tum. sararrk, u refola, dyspepsia, eor mn,debility,b.mon sad sere. by tb. use of Ayer's Snrs.par=le, the only Sarsaparilla admitted at the orld's Fair. " I really .hail have to lease this hotel," said the weary w to the proprietor. There ie d baby is the art room to min., sad he twee all sight." ' I don't sea why you should complain" said the proprietor. " His father and motor have him in the same room with them, •sed they Merl acid • weed. •• Ha, h. t" laughed T•Ikmere, who had o rs the bard -worked after of • oily paper dispose of • .miss.. by by sending him re .s armed.•med. , Ha, ba' Good way to depose of bas. t Make 'em do .amotbi.g." Yea, it works well," replied the editor. "• By the way, I with you'd drop this herr is the box at the attar as you go bene." Bate Na 2 departed, looking decidedly passed. sad ast altogether set died with himself. Prfee. and Pens. " I wet a b' vole toe my bey" •' Yes, dr. West'• reed suer -' Yca Whet will • Ot.t-claw maoh i o. east!" " Wall, • really Mt -.1•m mashie* will Goat you !20 or f25, It Wit .resomy, you know, to—" "• Good brow 1 I ain't ge as high M that i IiaVon't you 1.1 smoothie( that—" "Oh, yes ; we've gel a sple.dld lee bore for ton guises.. Nose herr In the world 11 isn't oo.semy, I WOO .haat r say. to pay • high price just tor style." 41•••1••. es. Youthful Curate (rhe r in tab hahlt of wearing • cassock ea all possible oeoadoee) -" I shall rot be able r ewe •sed mad le you at all arms week, Kra. Gamma. I am going away to be oed.tied priest. You see, I am only • demos at present.'' Yrs. 0•mmoo-" You don't .ay a. elr ; wen. yo be • room' on. 1 suppose thee you'll be after k.yin' off shim perimeter. Winter Snit or Overcoat mese. sweet iaesa-" A 1oreirn r.ntlrms. •i • medsel events( • few weeks shoe upre end • great whh to boar " Home, Sweet Bea," which be was told was • striking example et omm0•1 robot and exprnssss. A well-ksowo professor of Etude, rayl.( bens asked to play it, sat dews and �p� Into Tbalb.rS s variations r the air, w which the foreign gentleman liotes.d with deco attention, bromine however, • little bewildered at the oomplioated pease[. ta the finale. At the oeoolsdes be owe, and g»•.ly shook hands with the preform. saying-- " I thank you, sere -1 think .0 under- stood your 1sa. Sweet Home " : alas and quiet to yogis with, but at the end, olt what • row b boor!" Ifo s " New " W emus-" are is really •,Very superior wow," "Indeed 1 Is .ha • read sneaker!" "Oh, no. I don't bele.. she ever rad. blic, sposeti." a "Writes. pes.ibly t " " I .ever beard of it if she does. " " What makes br superior to other woman, then 9" „ She eau cook 1 maks hems comfortable." A man strolled into • fashionable .bomb jure b.t.ew the service bstp.. The erre followed him up, and topping him ea the roadie seed Mag to W. smell sur that bad Mewed him We M. seed edifies, said . "lisps are set admired." " TMt's set my deg." !ogled Me visitor. •' Tint he fellows yeas " Well, se d. yore The esztes vtewled, sad lesmsdi•tdy re- moved We deg with .m..eosea-y widow. " What's the onseb.r. wawa t " odd the stoekbrekr to his cook. A■ylhlag gone wrong ! " Nee rush sere w�/, dr : bet i wase • few lag. " What shout t " " My pie. sir." " Why, mon gM very gond ingot for e reek t " „ Tie, +, They ds.. very well Ise All ley* la Ida pee dear :7.w.• more 1 .sea; yet ..l4. sash. i f lel i ovwM.d yon wises were talkiest M /lads, on Than one rone y e4eries•o= called me year obit " Likrulns tar um without Ms r►tre ec 4peir, aware scents ' Well fell relit tobe somllm• p.teL • woo& t Oto U•7 new stat soman► td1A +I bum.,M tax 1 os. � fee tiaras. bo.. 1s. tr NO a ]0.r. row II" rim. "Lot aK .et rem; dor 4e w fora mak iii• tier web have • mire- " IMf W held see timilmolea We: maideall the balsa b 0 tb tefa " d holies all the fled. had. 1left bits` e W ih bits . sea. d l.a flusaebse It you need a Winter Over- coat or Suit call upon PRIDHAI . The Tailor. If you leave your order with him you may depend on getting goods that will suit in every way—in tit, workmanship and promptness in delivery. Practical. A ,.e.4 story is told of • genders& who presented same flee gapes from his .is.ry 06 the Quos when, ea • journey Shrouds Sootiest', .he .topped at • Whoa fee leech. In a day or two a letter same frost bar Majesty thanking the donor for the grapes, and oomplimentiog him on the linable' of the fruit The geotl.man read the letter to his head gardener, wbo would, he thought, be inter- ested in :be compliment, but the only 0050• meat the redeem made was - "She did.a sag oeytbing shoot midis( book the basket." manes& r Mem EMI A la.rese rasa(.► `� ser ...mrd/ r� � '.. parreee -w iMls► mw..stal f � _. - Yea perhey sad the (reps A politic unmake was that of a sus st Dolor in the Mates whose former master bad allowed him the mss of a Moos of land on oomdition that be -the owror-.hoold n- o.i.* os.-foart* of the orop. When the cors was ripe the laborer hauled the leads to his ewe Muse, sad nose to that of the white w. Tlten M wont ,nnoosntly up to the great boar to return his lasdlerd's wagon, which he had used is the basting. •• Well. Jack, said the Romtlem•o, "where is an share of the Dors !" You ain't got sone, sib," was the eye - Hrely. t any 1 Why, wasn't I to have • fourth of all you railed r Ye., .•h, but dr wa'n't no fourth. Dr reel but just tires bade." £ had see wee ohsssh. PRIDHAM TEs TAItAI. Stoves and Ti11V70.113 s . s At CA'rrl.li Baoe. Now is the time to enquire about Heating or Cook Stoves. Whe have them— all kinds and sizes at lowest possi- ble cost prices. Also leave your orders for repairing and setting up of Stoves. We handle the best Canadian and American Coal Oil. CATTLE BROS., Mantillas -et. Plumbers and Tinners. Oakes, Pias, Tarts. Ile*ONNM.m a treed. A certain rude bad • goldiehaired daarbter of about 6.e years of age, whew winning, trustful ways haws wee the hears et Meat twisty pro cent. of the neighbors. sad " pity 'iia, 'tis tree," alicasrd the n- mabtmg eighty. Her later exploit has estranged • family with wham her parents were ea the best of terms, nod so animist of explanation will Mvt•.s ties, that the remark white owed the mieehi.f originated with the .1014. O.e mrnise whilst a0 play • qualities or arose between the che% ti menden • sties of the aforesaid family r to widish might be .0.sMatod the wealthier family. Said the sae for the opposing side' " My papa hews a sanies. ; yours 4.rss't r "Ne t" r toted t6. other Mile. " Neith- er would yours 0 he did•'t half starve the bores be de M !" Aad this little remark of Mho Dorothy's belga carried boa, tM fond wee 5.tsMishr4. Ready for the Rush. Any Old Thing tr 7 Cain be made good as new at the Headman Bicycle Ow We Ian make just se good as sew old Ploughs, Harrows, Horse?owers, lead Renrrs, Gutting Boxes, (Atltivators, Typewriting Machines, Skates, Knives and Forks, Spoons-- in tact, anytbllag that you might think was use less–bring it to w, and we will reyair it. We have for sale cheap one wo- oed hand Iron Shaper, one snood hand Dynamo -240 lamps, and a lot of sew ond band Pulleys—al) sizes. If you have work of any kind in meta), call on us : our moulders cast every week. Look out for the Cosmos Saes' and: Huron wheels for 1887—Built on H000r--Catalogues will be ready soon. Call at D. 4CANTaLOst's, the leading bakery, for your Christmas Cakes and Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties, Mince Pies, Short Bread. All kinds of Cakes kept on hand. Orders left by ten in the morning will be made and delivered the same day. Wedding Cake.—Ornamenting and decorating of the latest designs with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake Ornaments. Almond long a specialty. 7Z. Can.teolora._ Fall.... Announcement. `eros a omen There may be • led of p.- pb b thin .n•etvy ?wit an very ever that we AMU throw dews the One el deflator to for- eigners. but I bays triad that desarlhiss tattles in white i have taken part doss nee brine is miry rippers tr en the yblle,•mld a very gonHaa'aely .ed soldier like essay .le wen tine Imelda and bad been ad drowse • crowd la so men epees la south - mei " IlNed whim I My dews marshes and show the falsely, pedtiem. of .roofer sed the amusy, 1 bbd H Awe Imprhble be held the Wt.ef . .f • a.a wd..04 1. kt ,mlf wham I seas le the d..ripdess of wonm(I and bl..d.Md MN I stet • sheer. thsmillb let. ea • Saturday ddgbt ib story eh eta edldh. Ind dye.. sod .. 4leg : sae..th..Mmg m.dyss w bin whew rod kis r1 --din. NM sow orae wtWl tate m w - lo nes-.Iwo. star w11h the wanes who here ids war sera • •sally. bosses., • nes We bee be de eh sort stis Iellmddeses I ripd b Ms panda - M wham fie sm Mom the ..dlima. bek ?Y HENDRRSON BICYCLE CO aNd FOUNDRY JAS. WILSON, Manager New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring line- at the old -established and reliable Wert-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guatanteed in Quality, Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. Tiliware Uraillteware emote USEFUL as"" ORNAMENTAL Our Indurated Fibreware Tubs and Pails are handsome in appearance, but their chief excellence is because they last so long— because they are light—unleakable—un- breakable--and have no hoops. They have revolutionized the old style methods of Washing . . . THE E. B. EDDY CO. HULL, MONTREAL, TORONTO LTD. IAHINITFOR Skates and Hockey Sticks Prices right, Assortment complete. Cow -chains, Guns, Ammunition. Axes, Cross -cut Saws, An immense Stock, and prices as low ab OATS at 15 cts. per bushel R. W. MCKENZIE OF THE LOW PRICED HARDWARE STORK'. are neoe..ary to mankind, then how much store so are they to the better part -woman 1 As they are so neces- sary you should fate that what you Ret are good, tb.. saving in cash sad health. Timmer. or O?snibswsse bosghb frees e. is always good, and as the labs.t inveafion. .re always added b oar stook a better s ionise sweet be !read is Canal.. vws STOVES•" MIKES KES Aiims 6076 .r.gabb Ile ei *wee sad %M- OW ee.- _- hs • e Chea.,. & titin& i "IT'S A HARD WINTER FOR THE POOR!" This 1s an old Irish saying you may not recognize, but its applicati.in lost now is to call your attention to our stock of Underwear Overcoats two things the poorest of us need to keep warm. In the first I have a lined manufacturers' samples for Men and Boys bought in bulk at a bargain, and with Irish generosity I'm offering you the benefit of the same. You can't equal the goods at my prices anywhere in the county. Who wants Underwear at lees than wholesale paces 't Everyone, of course. Well, that's what I'm giving you, straight' $1 Suits for 60c ; $1.75 Suits for $1, and 92 Suite for $1.50. How does tF.st catch you i This we call our Great December Sale. and will include in it several lines of MEN'S HATS Wonderful Bargains, std all our, LADIES' FUR CAPES at 20 per cent. o8 regular prices Everything in these lines must go off this nionth. C. R. SHANE & Co. LEADING OUTFITTERS Aso FURNISHERS. 30 DAYS CLEARING SALE BOOTS..SHOES (Summer and Winter Goods) AT COST! tr make room for Spring Goods and to enlarge premises ISX1Nng neatly end promptly attended to. M°NAUCHTON aorrewerellei