HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-28, Page 6i
h the Persistent Yee of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled fur years with s
Sore on my kll:'e, which several
physician!. who treated me, called a
cancer, Mewing me that nothing
could be doue to save my lite. As
• last resort, I way Induced to try
Ayer's Sarsapari::a, and, after tat -
Ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear feral my general
health improve. 1 i•• rmisted in this
treatment, until the wore was en-
tirely healed. Since then, I 1to
Ayer'• Sarsaparilla oerasiona; y as
It tonic end Irlttal pnrifl. r. at.d, in-
ondeed. it seems no'. e^n„ h 1 could not
keep bats. wi:I 1 :it it."— MIrs. S. A.
YIELDS. Rlooint;PM.i, !a.
1M Oil Woofs Fair-rsaparilla.
Ayer's F:'1' rat ver
" I're beeght • bonnet, papa, deer :
My beat deckers' 'to trimmed with skill.
I bays no funds, and I've oome hers
Te sea if you will foot the bill."
" Your beau, and what may be his name '1"
The father roevbly questioned her :
She hung her heed, with cheeks •flame,
She softly .n.wered, " WiUism, sir. -
Hie eyes shone bright with dangerous
" H'm so he ssy 'tis trimmed with skill,
Well, bring him to the hone* tonight,
And I will gladly foot your HU"
A sinful heart makes a feeble band.
Do not pander to your own weakneme..
Nothing is gamed by starving the soul to
teed the body.
Every man helps the devil who talks one
way and lives another.
Keep the bean young, and the body will
be slow in growing old.
During ler year 4,910,808 barrels of beer
were told in New Yotk.
The most cooly proresseions ars those ac-
quired by *roost mean&
The man who live* • lie has • pock of
bloodhounds nn hie track.
Competition is the lite of the trade—Jr
the death of tae of the oompetitots.
,'here is some rood in every toe, and
some happiness to b• found evervwbere.
Nowadays you can tell how a marls
waist fits ber by tb• looks of ber coat to the
The right kited of • man gains strength
from failure, and does not lot success breed
inert -noes
Russia is said have 137,000.000 more
sores of lend under cultivation than the
United ':ate..
(:.sada supplies 4,0000,000 of the 310,-
000,000 pounds of butter imported ensual•
ly by treat Redraw
It may be true that toe is never so much
Mose se when he is in • crowd, but it isn't
ties to squeeze • girl's hand in aptrest car.
%Vetches were mice known as Noremeery
eggs" from the fact that they were erg-
Japod and were first made in that tier:n•n
Rlaoher's pipe whioh the great general
sanded to Waterloo has otos into Lord
Sbetheld'a collection at oheffield Park. It is
riohly ornamented.
The ono who alway doss just as his wife
wanta him to save, • Int of 000troversv.and
be tomes out in the end about as well se if
he bad always pleased himself
The King of W urtemberg is one of the
.eat energetic horse breedsnt es the Gootn-
sest, and has stud form at Weil toeopiee •
deal of hie attention. Nothing de -
re him so mush as to Wow this purfeetiy
i) i) D D S
blood is sure to
do havoc some-
where. The only
Pre the is sound
kidneys, the only
betel kidney med-
edicine, the only
/,done is Dodd'S
Kidney Pills,
a`tedd establishment to royal ..d d1Nto-
gaieh.d gegen who may visit W t:sort. $,-
fen he mus to rim throne his Me jest v versed
n.rul .t.eyhob.e.re ; bet of late years be
W only rah hereto ea the let. Niemen
l'•alt.e, bis oat) d•ag►mr. wbess betrothal
to Prtacs ('brbtt•..1 D..twk le predicted
shows ber fatb.t's devoting to the .ebbs
quadruped, and is .std leo be • Ilse horse-
&stoma tr0 sad 60 of the Comedies• who
wont ,. Brasil last Fall arrived at New
York last week, the Rentals Government
paring arranged for their passage to tit
To. Ci.r has me estate which coven over
oae humdr, c mullions of acres, more thea
three armm u lame as England ; sad he be.
a.utber dosses which is more then tenth the
etre of Scotland.
Then is net • per in the Hones of Lords
who was then al tie teettearua et tie
goriest taiga. The Led of MaaeIlald bas
Wes titer. ha fifty -.ix years, mid the Earl
of Ktmherley fee fifty.
Mao from the ',wadies lumber camps re-
tort the lumber trade as e.ceren•ngly dull.
and the number of mea to the ebenues as
exreedie y .mall. This u accounted for by
the fact That the lumber market at proe-
Ike Quote of Greece ie se a000mpli.bod
yecht.wom•., had ber honorary rank &s an
admired ,n toe Robotism nary w,s bestowed
as a recognition of ber .nester la p•sstag
the regale, ex•minetioo for • e.ilittr-mas-
Tb. ,'rise. of Wales is a capital fudge of
• sermon, and keenly 'cloys an ut.11.ets.l
one. Ht reed also to be en esoelwt onuo
of novels, but of late years either ha love
of. or his tin • for, reading has grown less.
There are, however, a few authors to whose
works an Royal Nibs u sell faithful,
and whin b 4 s. take • fancy to • book
be ends it coestostly to all his
Tummies Wood kept a general store to
the little N000ish villa s of 1' , and
did • surptwnr trade. measly on the credit
system. Tenons*. education had been sore-
..rboted in the past, ad the keeping of
books would have bees • .aortal terror to
btu had be not invented . special est of
signs sod symbols that awned gum along
A day tame, however, when locking
through bus principal ledger. Teomas made
the alarming discovery that one Peter Ido -
Krim, ch. v,Ilege publican. owed him for
a beg standing cheese. So, bundling op
the precious boot, he hied throes to tee
about tt
"l'he.ee" repeated Mckrew iodign.nt-
ly. " Mao, why 1 net fir had a cheese free
ye in a' ma days.
"Oh. but ye had, ma man," persisted
T• anise, " for the rear., ' and be pointed
out . large moonlike object in his ledger
" Ween, weal, Taman, I had nothing
like that, utilest it was the sold by gran
" Hang it, moo ' " exclaimed Tammas
excitedly, "that'. jut it. 1 clean forgot to
tot • hole through .t.
Cravel Is tie Bladder.
t'.ed F:.g hteen Korea art I)odd's Kidaty
fills—The atone 1)..olved and Removed
—Knew of Othrn Cured.
Shelburne. .tan. 75 (Special. - \Ir. John
Medill known lotaliy &swell ea far and near
as physical giant and glorifying m his
strength came to be • great sufferer and
he tells of his conies fo:lows :
I do not hesitate to speak of Dodd'a Kid-
ney Pdb or anything else exactly as 1 find
them. II . medicine cures me and if I think
It will Dore others why not may so `.
It is true 1 toad bees suflering for some
time with bladder trouoie and horning of •
cur* made in • similar o&se,by Dodds Kid-
ney Pill. 1 coma, aced tieing Item.
In all I have useu eighteen boxes and they
have duisiolved the stony and have entirely
cured me of any sign of such ditfica'ty. I
do not hesitate to speak of lodd's Kidney
Pub in the highest terms of praise for I
know of many persons aho have been cured
by them. --_—
reg balmy Fatale..
It in not likely that caviare will ever be-
come • popular article of food to this mita
try. Like olives, eating °svtare u an sc.
.Inured taste.•
This delicacy is made from the eggs of
the sturgeon, and is an :mporant article of
exportation for many cita., of Russia and
Astrakhan, sod prtoctp.11y 1'•g•nrog
Th. fisheries are situated at the mouth of
the Volga, upon the banks of which stand
vast warehouses, with basoirente and c.I
lore, to which are found the tuts that ova
all the brine used in the peeparation of
caviare. The most probable hsbing is done
in Autumn.
In Winter the fishermen make large holes
fo the toe and fish with a spear. At all
other times they use nets, about three hun-
dred feet in length, to which are attached
oorde provided with hooks. E•oh of these
is strong e.eagh to hold • fish of large dim -
notions. Every eaabluhmont has eta owe
fleet of boats attached to it.
Lady OuNea ea Ilse Weigel.
The present season, with ife great influx
of visitors to Landon, has been • good one
for the lady guide. Not only bays the reg-
ular sesames done well '' t numerous ladies
have started in bummer as guider on their
own 000000t.
At least two of these fled floor hand,
gala full in mea.ag the demside pat epee
them by the several fonds= by whsse they
are patronized, Friends Doming to nwi te
Stay ars entrusted to the can of the lady
guide, and • deal of personal trouble there-
by avoided. thas lady has actually lived
with • weal known family ever sines the
let of May, employed oosu.uoul In
"p.rsoully o acho:t hag'' friends and vie
Mon than one of these Mien ride • cyoe
and goes out in oomae..d d little parties
.11 •wheel, exploitini the sooners a/ Crammer
Loodoe. Tenn have bean arranged with
these useful lady guides that have proved
most seoo...ful, amid next Season will prob-
ably sac • .otable extension of the idea.—
(is oil's Saturday loaned.
Tbe Dairy S/erele.
A. i..es.es Y•akee tanner Mt apes the
idea of making the beeyoe seefal abs$ aha
farm, says The Now York Times. The .1d
w was working tee his 'edea' whom kat
wife aermtisg that som.thieg eery a=Ins:
ppNimdd .wwbi.
is. • hi beet mak ate any • e owes -
Wen now: sold the old mos. .• few rm em
the rmaid • wheel Yen .snide 5 este&
lay I'S eaaid. ane Willa of ae Ageneses
WWI et diad. Well, We shoat like this l
1111141.4 files ms away : Shoe just marshes
ant•ast sad the .I h*0 steal 1. .dint.
a#k A lungs eetesh...s to • woken!
elke wham* sad strive the
11K lila lis. the new'. alder. Thee when
4 that the AMY swot. Meng
O sBMfteWndo■toN.re.a1M
ewe. end that mesh. the Awe, and
kg lime /hm le liaasagL wIs, 1M Ina
ea.ab% theae le yeas beet r. sod the
ment Mlle yah hew mesh honer yea haw
to • pert I'm working ens • r bria.at-
ty primal* sew. se • part .f that wheel,
ea &s te keep Me hatter .nal and fresh. The
wheel le gobs he break she temp rseive
dairy besha- D..•s ask a» any hens illy
d der ewe nein.
A aerials lady, wbo visaed to neve seesaw
tea at the expanse of an wee. who had eft -
times soliett.d her se weer. hereof and
Wady, asked him es ewe uuuseles it h.
would Were the owe
The yeas, to the asaomiisbm.st and se
small emse•mwt of some friends, premrely
sired se do e. provided she paid ibo
prelim down.
The lady, still thtakiwg to boas hiss, ex
premed her willausesss to dy w, and p coed
• Willis, oe the table. The wine galokly
peedaoed • proposal, filled is to, and ob-
tained; bee sytaatnre, while shoes proses&
were se the tiptoe of szpeotasoy se to what
wee to follow.
Now, madam, with your pr.imion,
Nosy lsee the oat Y'
„Certainly," she replied. at the same
time pointing to • gl re acre whloh oto-
taim.d the stuffed resueum of the -poor de-
fame* oat.
A chorus of dertov laughter bunt free
all pretest, but to thou dismay, tbo moot
toned, bowed poletely, and at the same
time plokiy up the shilling, exolalmed—
" Wbte ties oat dies, madam, kindly call
et eer office had claim the inearano. mosey.
Good maewing. '
5. Da.d •baklaa Doomed
" There is far more •sager in the menet
of shaking hands indi•urimtwtely then
a.oat people imagine, says • well known
" Contagious duet. ee may be tronamitted
in this monster, though the bond shaking
dues not necees•nly spread the domes
The manner in which the disease would be
propagated in • gt%e0 combination of otr-
oum.tanoes is this:
"Suppose • mew to be infected with
typhoid fever. He may be unaware of the
eater. of the distress Kerma to his in atom.
He meets • number of other men whose
bands h• shakes. Those men here come to
ooutact with the den sae, the germs of winch
their heads retain.
Now, tf one of tees• men were to light
• Diger •sd smoke, he moot draw 000t•gIus
tato his system:. The germs of disease on
the thus of the bead, remaining there,
await only tob•lotion into the system to
prodsos the ,sevitable diva.
" N ben ooat•gton is le the air we should
guard against it. To refrain from shisktag
hands with the infected u but ordinary
' Inhalation u the amino of danger. One
is more likely to inhale Into the system
venom on the hood than germs to some other
conceivable situation, silos the bead it more
or lees likely to come i0 contact with the
mouth and noes. "Ibis is the chid danger
involved in shaking hands with a patient
whose malady is thus capable of trawml.•
nom, or in being brought in cos ass . ith
the germs by the axes, of geseral hand-
Seys.d se1Mf,
Bank cashiers can tell of many amusing
tt•nsactient on the part of those wbo pre -
mac themselves at the ooanter. There WI,
with some, • rtdicalou. over ceuttos.s as in
the care of money-, while, with other., : bers
is raven an most iaer.dible ignorance o1
its value.
A poor, ueedua.ted laborer was reoeatly
• fortune of more than two thousand
pound. by • relative who had made a oos-
eider•ble amount of money in South Amer -
boa. The lawyers who were settee on be -
bed of the deoe•.ol man Fent • obelus' to
the lucky benificiety,and at the ~limo pos-
sible moment this was presented at • bank.
1 he cashier asked the laborer how much
of the amount .pectfied on the cheque he
wanted to cash
" Of oouree 1 want all stat a on the
paper," repaid the man.
' But, surely, you don't wish for ten
thoosasd five hundred pounds in hash'.- e1 -
Canoed the astonished aleck.
" Yes. 1 do,sir.•' was the ready ramose*.
" All rurbt," said the cashier ; and to •
very few minutes be was heaping op the
As the rile became larger, the man's eyes
opened elder, and at last, when it was all
placed before b:m, be looked earnestly e1 tt
for • low momenta, and tees, w1th • Woad
grin, ejacui•ted—
. Why, guv'oor, Ism pet paralysed l Give
me tee Waimea, and keep the rest till 1 call
again. "
Seat All Beeerd&
H. M. S. Terrible, th• sees British Bret -
class cruiser, had bis trials .ver • 231 .silo
coorse off the Cornish toast on Saturday.
The mood developed showed an average d
224 knout an boar, beating, it in ola med.
the record of every war vowel •Ileac.
The Terrible we. I•ui,obed in (Ilarow te
1896, and the was equipped with 48 boiler@
of the Bellevue water -tats type. This great
ship is built of sheathed steal, and l .1 14-
200 teas di.pla•a.•a1. Her mega its 5001e
and ber beam 71 feet, while tee .Helms.
draft Is 27 fees. She has twin -now pro-
pellers, and is provided with en isdimeed
horse -power of 2b000. She is rated se •
protected oraiser. the artsered diet immed-
iate over the whole length of the ship. Ia
the thlokset part It is leer amebas and tapers
te three useless at the and. Her meal .ops -
O ty r 3,000 ton•, the armored Wok being
•ssooiated with minutely subdivided oeal
The .o. pletf of oSeers had taw pre-
eded is MO. The urea meows are east
terse -bladed, 18 feat 6 Weber is direst. e.
Reek anew. rotate iawrd, wield& is the re-
verse of the ordinary premien. The ow
giaak are w she weasel, three mtagac so. -
posed type, with four mraske, thaw bang
two low prewar" cylinders The webs le
fear *M.
Her armai seer e..m.I. of (1 2.10 lee&
VW, 12 dx•b.& quiets Sting guts, 16 12 -
powders, 12 three powders, 9 m•.Nse
mum, 2 light gram (r • seat mad 4 torpedo
The spited of fib United States Columbia
ea her trial M►► wee 12 8-10 kala as beer.
sheat year she mead fro. tea BONA ••set
te New York, het worsted less thea 19
hawk. Oa the name amens the ampules
awl Leann miry trip ran over 21 keen,
cad whim hood peened ass sewage ant
8114 kasha
to so tae Was Thilillsoo of a ,Tins.
Nes MU a aro swamis r•
HIS CRUTCHES. 331=+=-+0
strews!) MOM MO ertaa ATTACK. or
aHgt'rATI•r1 — nt..TOtte MOULD THI
TattC111.1 %As GOI!(G TO HIS H1A1T--rlllh
1m CaOTI'a$
From the Tiverton Watchman.
Anyow theft the robust health and sct-
iys form of Mr. Jaw HcDoo•gh, who is
man•aiog Mr. A. Gtlobrrt's harness boar
e fts during bar absence ta Scotland, would
he considerably' surprised to learn that only
two years sou he was • oesfirnted invalid
and usable to walk without the aid of
orstniss, Rut su,b is the oath, and hearing
of his r..srkahle sure from the excructet-
tag •eresy of inflammatory rbeumatsm by
thew et Dr. Without.' Pink Palls, • repre-
a.dhtive cf the 31 •tobman called upon, hien
to'learn the perimeters. lir. MaUonagh
was found working at the harness besoh, as
well and octave as any yousg man is the
country, and in reply to • question about
his cure said :-- " Yes, mine is quite • re-
markable oast Tao years ago last sprier,
while at home in N'ingh•m. I was.uddeoly
taken down with rheumatism, my feet cad
ankles swelling eo that I could tai eves put
on an overshoe. 1 was 1n bed for throe
weeks under the Dare of the doctor, sad bad
to use crutobee for a long time alter that.
The oast spring the rheumatism came back
want, worse thea over, attacking all my
joints, but print:pally icy ankles, home,
hip., elbows and wrists. The doctor gave
me very little entcoar•getseat, and .id he
was afraid of at gm.R to my heart mid hill -
tog me. 1 had reed • treat deal about Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and the mem they bad
wrought, and I deterinieed o',try them.
At first 1 did not notice much change, but
before 1 had taken • half -doves boxes I was
se much improved that I had given away
my orntchn and have never required thew
use since I still roc k the Pink Pills fret
t hine time longer, and I have sever had •
touch of rheumatism moos, and hope I
never may. I can sav that Pink Pills cared
n ow of • but case of rheumatism, cad I
cheerfully recommend them to others suffer-
ing as I did
Dr. Willuma' Pins Pills strike at the
root of the disease, droving it from the eye -
tem sod restoring the patient to health and
strewth. Iq cases of paraly.u, spinal
troubles, locomotor ataxia, gestic•, rheu-
matism, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles,eto.,
thew pill* are superior to all other treat -
moot. They ore •Ive • eyeolfie for the
troubles which make the lieas of se to i y
emcee • burden, sod epeedtly restores the
rich glow of book h to psis, and sallow ohesk•
Men broken bowie by nv.rwerk, worry es
'zooms, will eked in Pink Pill. • esrtsia
oar.. Sold by all dealers, or seat by math
postpaid, at 50a a box, or 6 boxes for k2 60.
by addressing the Dr. w lindens' Medicine
Co., Brock rills, Oat., or Schenectady, N.Y.
Beware of imitators trod subsumes alleged
to be " lust as rood."
*Two Ws
polls •
the hi masslladnee Wedeln •.t 1a
Ill tie wppartet evesy parson wbo
Mnen sue lane rastpgaasi•y'�•s
with all flies had Lai .e
Mena. remade slid aurnpto to the
,[asst IkassIg Osco, toba .a petite �a
1fsNhwa0tf,�rlt*faOlds Weett oMdTedl
Poetises ILOILWAT no..
awablimed b give the
serene with lila aid pm -
01 tt LomI Manner Oede.teb
Winter is ai Hand.
Bo be prrpalyd to meet it with a
good Hat or Fur Cap when it comes.
We have put in 'tock all the Latest
Styles of Fall and Winter
which for quality and price annus ion
equalled. in stock ars numerous an
sortoentw of the latent .
Burns, cup's
C. R.SHANE &do.
i!s ndsble Ras est Rswd-hrg ODpsriese
always on hand. The Best
and only Scraton Coal in this
market. Hard, Soft and Black-
smith Coal always on hand. All
Coal weighed on the market scales,
oto that you are sure of Good
The leading (-.(.lulu.'.n (-geode
oars ler the write ter It.
Tea .bout nest had Itemise seed. known
Seeds by 11aJ-.ab arrival guaranteed
res Steele, a..aco. tis.
u.00to 01st Toronto. Ont
tat* 1550
cased,'/ Croute Sere' Weise
! EfTAILIS E• Itis.
Bllchallalls & llkyoas
an Herber Quay
Dealers In all lose. to
Aad b*Udri material .f every desorlpths
School Furniture a Specialty.
The Bicycle
NAILS . Season of 1896.
Those intending to Build this
coming Summer should pur-
chase at once as NAILS were
never so low in price and may
not remain at present prices
very long.
We have purchaset1 these
Goods in Car lots direct from
the Manufacturers and yon
give very ow prices.
A full line of OENIRAi. HARD-
WARE always on hand.
The 411-t0->Dats Lat'dwasa
Possesses tbe foliowtsldDbtfnotlrs Merles
Delicacy of Flavor,
Bnpenortty In Quality,
tlratehl and Comlbrting,
to this .ervas or 1 is sp. role.
I ntritive Qualities Unrivalled
Io Qu•rter-pou.d Tia. only.
JAhr aims ! 1. Ltd., IgessewegsthSc
Aetnalsta, Lamson, asslsad.
Coal & Wood Yard
The undersigned hugs to
inform the pubic that he
. keeps on hand all grades of
and Blacksmith's Coal
Special attention given to
Out and Hplit Wood. Call
and get prices and see ram -
dies of Wood. Office and
yard. Nelson -rt, near Benito'
Store Your Wheel
for the Winter, 1 have the
noc000nodetion, •nil will take
them on reasonable terms.
1 would remind csr-lista that
Winter is the proper time to
overhaul Wheels and repair
if necessary.
eversible/ Is the
Repair Line
kept on held. -nil none but skilled
ban t. emplol.4.
Rlcyele leieery K Inar.tes et
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
AU mem nem 1 is. se ea tea alb
f sseextess.
WerfTflr FOR PR/f tl)f.
001 .A/OS HT. ..
ssotanr ay IMMO& TORONTC
» wear eve - SSS
it Syrup
of Red
Icor Conghg; Spruce
Colds, Bron.
chills, Sore
throat, etc. Gum
ae ONT, worsen a co., r,.__.___
Ask leer (*MOM ibr
Wondsrfill Tonle and�...� Its
Need ani'la>trwrd
Kidney awl War TierMr►
elsmim.was. • a. ManttMt tllr•ama. AR