HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-28, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH OIVT., T}HTRSDAY, JAN. 28e 1897 8 MARR1tD. JOHNSTON- 1. es the lath Cows.by Mev , Jobe Johomes et Omen& tawashr et Wen*. 1113 TALL OF THE TOWN. MHO the Ratimieteasse Notebook. ■ t..,.. Mie la: s Ter Oeste, 1 reds tlo teat N 1 a ASM'r \ Amass Te Tsb>•' sew. an' theta Hell reset N.'-almens. fie sneer Anent tr Prida•Pride/redram suite Imre a delight of theme who have the tore tot a Cieerase is ode. t•saioaablt eek properly . goiter. the ere altetegraither 1a the West new wee •1Uver medal at the nose' Art lex- blMttes to ilia Queer, Otey. pew W diadem see the osaeat a the knowledge that woo the abtlaet*es. Au' You WILL --'t !Akio Lord Bros, i lake all tweeted'" for my proemoe. 1 roes to know everytktsg." Ah, then, you read Tag Sluaat.eery weak. Tas Dolan FAarea. .--Ssb.oriptions fur the Girder 1•dt&o Frain. Firm' will he received at the Beak .1 Henizsu1 sad for- warded to the (levmar-Genital at Ottawa free o1 ob•rge. Antall&* CorettvAL -As will be seen by ad. es pads 8. Shame, not to be oatdese.will have • oersted of hie own, os the Square It will osmmeeaee today (Thursday). rad fits* some* will bare the *mesa prizes. Menem Ptsaas Arrest) -TM King's Drag vers will hold their regular monthly M di hg at the residence of Mrs_ T. N. Daao.y. Bags -e►, oe Weda.eda,. Feb. 3rd, at 3 e'olosb. All m.usben are requested to allied. JOST airs Llrrts Wags. -The old *- habitat* who wee ea Suad•y weak own - pima'.,' Chet the steady rain of that day be - missed s earl& swag. whim ought in tb• wind • week from that day had • dd loran wag to sear. lerwortti Laic' &--fit the iimmi elem. of °MMosn for Victoria -Y. IS od.t League, the following were rioted pre, Rev. W. Oyler : ter.. Mee. Emily R. Huller ; let vice prss., Harry Hendhg ; 2nd nos pees..111 us Mand Hale ; Jed ries pros., Feel* Hale ; treasurer. Mie. Mars Millis ; erq•oat, Mime Minnie Hd n ee ; secretary, Willie Rutledge : carrot poadiag secretary, gtt• Bary. Fort Hort Auate.--Mn. Robt. McRrien, ear tilts rise resident, who was in town tor We days, roe rood to by hoone,Cbiesgo, os Freda v. The lady toss engaged eerie, as family attain to oosneotton with the dmsb of her tate husband, wires remains were recently t.rought to (:oderiob for to toreaset to Maitland cemetery, toe turret laking pleas from the resideso• of de. ceased's brother Johnston Mollrien. Hasse To -.tour. --At the skating risk this evening the '(eatorth sad bear team, will erten for the hookey ohempies@bip, and se tee members are all reported te be e aves • good game may be expired The play will start at 8 slurp, and at 9 these who deem to skate may enjoy theme/Ives All ambo can shosld attend awl cheer our boys by their prase os. The &doreNon is pi,o•d at 15 ots., ladies and children beteg admitted for 10. Opwgtwwt. is Su.ioa.-At the Let regal* meeting of Huron Lear, Z. 62, 1 U.U.F., the following members were in- stalled ie MI* for the deet half of 1897. D. Johnston. J P.O ; R. R. Mallows, N.G.; H. D. Rend, V (: ; J. M. Proalfoot, R.S.: R, G. Reynolds, P.8. ; C. A. Nein', Trees; D. Cast•len, War.: W F. Clark, R M N O; . D. Hefm.., 1. 4 N.u.: Wm. Weller. Met.: Jas lekater, R !t.8 : Jr. McNeil. I_t.ti ; W. Babb, 1r., i t; ; A Jokesters. 0 t:. SII MoirTri IN egg ('grrltAL. - Wet Securer, of Elver, who bad pleaded runty to a charge of hanag stolen roods to his possession sod had made • 'trete plea for mercy, was brought before His Honor Judge Memnon for sentence oo Thursday. A o amueasly embed petition bad been for- warded from Exeter for presentation to the court on behalf of the prisoner, but the ort• dance disclosing the feet that the defendant bad committed more than one olleno•, the pies for nares did sot avail. sad he was .snteooad to Sig menthe in the ('entroi Priaoe, with hard labor. TUE O'Dea WILL Cue. -Rooatly in Tomato tbe Court of Appeal gave judge nest In this ase, reversing the demesne of the court below. It will be rassemb•red test to hi@ will certain ease were devised to 6h siesta, re•tdi&g is Goderiob, but the Lest decision awards ell that may be real feed hose the estate to deoeased's brother. Peer, residing at Rand Berth. Mini. Tba dominos of the Court of Appeal was not smssimens, two iodise supporting it. end sae dissenting. Nevertheless, it shows that though laymen may teak. will•, • majority of judges may declare them iavalid. Atrlba/ft. - W bet might hay proved • eery orbs• •asideat ooeurred is the Dower os Thursday last While A. Fislyto' and N. McCollum were °leariag est the bottom f.r LypPg the tile, • large ore fall is on Hem. completelyii the former, rid lb• latter up to the Heil Hail is not bees for the primers .f Egad et or of the workless who mw lee setideal. la poring three ms. .1 work immed»wy enmrahmg Fmuyene, les nerdy woad hr ben e metbwed to death. As t• wee he was st- air eshousted when taken ..t Finlay - w '. foss was pretty badly s.tal.b.d, bat MoLUlltem was sone the wear for W ez- perinea& FLDar • Hamm -Al the weekly mese- •* of the (M -Heed Ries oleb lest Friday Use *Hsieh* scores we made : 100 900 W. Romeo..... 40 18-6e Jas Aadrvwe ... M 10-44 (_, Reid lb 0--16 22 A. B. leans.... F. Pretty .... . J. Herd . J. Newcombe 4b-68 26 2b -fie 25 10 --bb 15-b2 Has Rte Wosoetr.-' 8y the ley Kam- loops, B.C., paper that ceras le hod, we truce tat ear eso-tiaee lewhem•s. M. P.. too et the lata De ,iel Gerdes, kat bee. elected Mayer @I th .t town. M. P. Gorda' has been &►derot.o for some years, but ro- stgt.ed 0a seat so fight for the mayor • ohair, rid se the result sbews,oree out the victor, oessiag hie opposers by 66 vete&. N. are always pleased to hear of the advaoumeat of oar beyo, and lie the preset mayor of the British t blawtbta burg is • young n am, we may to the sear future have the ✓ eran' at recording lou still further ad- v.nmmaat $ L&TI'TI.ar Muer.,.-The statutory m of the Public wheel beard wee held es W day sweaty' of lest week A. sows as Clerk Hearn had read the Dilates et the r.ceatly elected memben he called for aomiastiose for ob.uman, when Jse kin. num* w.. proposed by trustees R MoLe.s sad M. Niuboboe and duly elected. Mr Bucksaws beying assumed the chair, J. H. Cabers& wee appointed to Collegiate 10 - statute hoard oa motion of trustees Bell and Nicholson, and all the old committees won re-a.ppolnted. Th. first Moaday is every swath *awing bees Mated as the re- gular meshed corks, the pr ompal's report sad other business wens pet off till regular meeting, the carman ruling that only the busters synod on the aerie could be cos - Meted T WAS • Scor'ma -The " At Home " sad soda' hold at the r*idenoe of Rev. W_ (lodwi., laws week was a sucos.4ft i sad an- a.oaUy pleasant o.es.toa. Th. commodious dwelling was orowded with a social wad lumpy oompsoy. Tie rev. gentleman end his wife used their utmost endeavor to welcome by friendly words end • oordial hood -.hake each mdivtduel. The following program proved • very eaterteiniag feature of the evening's enjoyment. Rev. W. God- w.n oocupisd the chart, and Rey. J. Edge. pastor of Nortb-at. church, gave a short but int rssung address ; toetrameotal music was furnished by Miss Smith sad Master Orville (.edwie ; readings and recitations by Mw Rusk. Miss Seipp& Faber mid Harry tennis` ; solos by Miss Birdie Hillier, end Messrs Hale, Belcher end Thorson. Miss Stokes displayed ber whistler powers to fie effect. Harry Henan* presided .t the pour with his ..00uetomed ability. Arris Ra,otr.-Merr.. Woodall h Co. L verpooL. cable under date January 1356, se follows : More °assumptive deatasd,4,. 900 barrels wild -fielders firsts bringing 134 to 174.: ssoonds, 7.. to 10s. ; Rosette. lie to 154. ; Greeoian. 94. 6d. to 10s. ; Opus, 13s eid, to 14 ; 4,500 barrels sold, market firm with good demand at last quo- tations. abtpmaote from Portland lee week of Canadian were as follows : To Liverpool -7771 barrels and 722 cease ; To GI.agow-898 barrels, The ooe•o freight to Liverpool, via toward, is le. f,f. &ad prtmsp : to Glasgow. 2s. end by prima's. The gsotatiies given by Meters Woodall & Co. show a recovery from the demoralized esadition into which the market had tall., bet It was not generally anticipated that it would bees recovered with smolt rapidity. The g0otattons gives represent tbe prior realized as the vary limited supply of about 5,000 barrels, sad until the dimmed of the market can establish renumerative tyari, we reoommeod cistern on th. part of for- warders, and advise them nut to be ever - s agutne about the future. We believe. however, that Europese requirements dar- ting the 8prtag of 1897 will be vert- large, bat .Lipper should thoroughly understand, Her only really prime stock in good cooed os.dition will be wanted. Sits tuvsu las ot.n Tow v -There died in' Detroit meetly Oran Videen, war of Owe. Hilton, sod • few days before leaving Use presses world for the world beyond. she *gentled that ire remain, he interred in Old Maitlend, and it was rover of this wish of deceased's that she was placed in tbe family plot is the cemetery in the town .he !rived .o well. The dowser lady h.d suffered for a considerable period from an inecrihle dieser, but through the whole of her last illness she bore her affliction. with- out • murmur, ber only regret being ' he breaking of the link between tier much loved husband and children. When the remains of drowsed reached (loderieb, the minket Was token to the reedier of Mrs. John Moiween, • sister, from whose dwelling the funeral look phos The funeral service at here and grave was nnodncted by Roy. M. Turebsll, rector of Rt. George's, 'sod 16e pall bearers were Messrs Tweedy, 1). 'Uri - Woo. D, Rend. Mair, R. J. Aortae cad Jamieoeo Reid Os the casket won any lovely Sorel emblems, plowed there by Iasi - NAILS are DOWN! - BELLS, single and STRINGS, away down. CROSS -CUT SAWS down again. HOCKEY STibKS at priced to clear out. BUCK SAWS reduced to Loborerx. Prices BIG BARGAINS in LAMPS, LANTERNS and Goods I ani clearing out (live Nae a Bid! ALEX. MCD. ALLAN Hy and frMsds, a vsey hand•em• ens helm presented lay 4.- .d'. baskaad-s tallow works* is W City e1 the Saran Yr. allies was enable to amend the ekeayaMs el hes Uts-isnt pastor en ass** ef • very awe* Waess, la las we Insect that Lb. - sae. is.. she de•ig61 5 sever neer bar. bat is tee ease et the late Mrs. Hikes 1t @hewed HM era the persest sorrow of leaving lived ass did nes obliterate Wally kelis.s et W dear old land. A.00AL Menessu.-The annual resselsg of the West Harem Agneelte*1 woiety wee held is tee tows hit en Wedsssaay atier- se., of last week. Then was set es over large attasdaaos, nevertheless *underside iatteeet woe takes in the premedialo. Tb• report for 1896 wee submitted by the dire*. ore ; It enemuossd that 0212 nal bees paid ads past manes for new banding@ and that the outlay wee sbwlstely asosseese tbroogb the usor.ae.d amebae of sheep, o•ttle, .tee shows. 1t .leo noted the fact that wrath the poet seer years over 5700 had bees rest is repel* and improvised the building and as this outlay was for the benefit of the town tee tows ought to allow the 5260 claim it bee held so long easiest the society to be written off. Atter some dis- eass)oo Messrs. Allan and Warnock end Dr. Clerk were sel.ot.d t0 taterelew one oily lathers to try to obtain the favor men - tiled. The extra .xpsase for buildings emoted is 1896 and lose of revenue from greed stead and flate receipts through oold weather as put by the dtr.otors as the obese few the boor..,. of the cot• debt which now rests at 2650. The question n1 reduoiag this debt was fully diectaied and to the end A. !Jul). Allem sad J. C. Martin were re- quested to canvass for aobsoriptiotu for re- dwing or wiping out the same T6e mire - ors at es we commenced their work and be. fees separating ennowoed that over one buadred dollars had boos .uh.cribd. In the tawniest that took piece Robt. MoLean sad Jas. Johestoo were plried oo the hosed u plane of W T Marney and J. W Sa- k.ld and all the other directors were re- elected J W &,alke&d is on the Hortiout- tarsl directorate so that his services will n ot be lost to the board. The nett show will be h.11 on Tued•y, Wednesday and Thursday. Sept. 21. 22 and 83. The oem- u sia.e to revue tbe prize fist rosier of lsaao 8.tkeld jr., Jae. ('onaolly, Thos. i;nary, Angus McKinnon, J C. Martin, Joseph Beck. Robe. McLean and Jas. John- ston. A kw BLAIN.. -(]s Friday evening sear 7o'sl.ck,the large storehouse in the rear of the McLean block, erupted by Harper t Lei sad R. W. McKeorte was dsoovered to hen fire, end soon the alarm bell was at- trtoNy hundreds to the stens. The fin brigade wee out in right quiet time, and soon three powerful streams were plyt04 os the horsing budding. The mos of the brigade never worked better, and it is only tair to soy that their quiet tare out end amort handling of the ho.. drew praise from everybody. The origin of the fire los sot known, end all that ow be learned is that one of Harper It 1.ee'e .mple tee. went out with a lantern to get something for • dreamer, and on evening the storehouse saw that the inside was all .blaze and at roe rave the •term. The retests of the building resisted of plumbers' fittings, hardware and seal oil, sad as may be guessed. it wet the last-named commodity that caused the rapid spread of the fire. Around town It was rumored that the fire wee canted by the explosion of the Liters the employes osrr►ed, and when this rumor was mutiot4e4 to Mr. Les he pointed 001 • Ientorn tb•t wee wed to visit the storehouse, sad as the boy firaaly held to the story as .hove given, it seems that the explosion of lbs lantern theory is wrong. Hoe the fire setoall, started s at presume unknown. R. W. 11cR.0ri.'e foods, which were stored to his part of the buddies, received hut little damage, in feat, ties dollars would more than cover hi. loss. Harper & Lee oleos their loss .t about four hundred dollars tut as they hare so insurance for 1300 their loss 1.111 be reduced by that amount. Robi, Mo- Laan's lose is on the outbuilding. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. sootauon. Jan. 10. 1097. Fall Wheat told) 82 to 0 Rt Flour. family. per cwt1 OD to 2 On Flour. palest, per eve 2 ri to t 23 Bran, • ma_ Y.. ill toll 00 ShorOat&. bell tee».. 1 17 7 toll Ort 0 0 1R 15 Pose ti btri...-.......... ..... 1R t en 3p ntd liar. r tem 00 to R M Pot•toas, R bash 15 0 041 Patter, It to 0 It Ewa& dose uagaeted, •`ba... .• It to 0 1.5 Wood._......_-. 00 to 330 tildes .. ....... .... 40 to 5 it0 t 10to030 Lamb -8 311 23 ton 7.i Ufl,.. ci Il Pelor, .._ 00 to t 50 Hamm. ...._._ 07 to 0 0 Ham. per lb............ -......... 10 tot 11 Cheese. ser Ib .... .......... .... it to 0 II Tenders Wanted. SEALED TENDERM AI)1)O ED TO the nnder.lgaed. and endorsed "Tenders for Owen Round Work.' will be received at thisoMee until IRiDAY, the.N6 day of Feb rnary lent, Inclusively, for the cwostreetion ef ghees pillow at Owes Sound. Grey county, Osten*. aeserding to • plan and sprelfrattlen to be Mea 61 the °Moe of the Tow' 1'lerk, Over Sound. and at the t of Public Werke. Ottawa. I. ill set be oeYldered teem made ssiiasl term . ilii sad elgoed with the ivas at Aa � beak spskegago... vp•yable to the or- der of the Minister of Public Work,. for One Thousand rte. Hundred Dollars isi.saisoo taws setwe ree.ey each tender. This obeque wid he forfeited if the part)* decline the eon - tract or fail to cnmp1Me the work contra -tee fot.easd w111 be returned la case of nos-•o- ceptaane of tender. Hr order, S. F. K. ROI'. Serrelary. Department of Paige Werke, Ottawa. 3161 imo . I. Veer. pa/r** ii,aerl(a' Hee adwrtt.rmewt with +wf authority ,ren the Department ism mot in pa id for 11. SI-:aWED T)NDRR$ ADDRiCMSID TO thea and ebdersed •• Tenders for 1clnenr 111 eyk,' win he rewired •t this saes aril rEWAr, the 5th day of /Isd6rphbprspjt Isel.slveb. for the eso ..Optlatt� sad oboe work. at Ris Pae, Sropp fbimty. Oalart0. ereoedlag to • pea. sed Is be or • at the dace of the `ieeard1N, sad at the Depart- as.tr�wMIs Works. GuTeerll net be erra, essoldered *Ism made so the fMet 1..piled pad Wooed with Itis •.fuel siphoningofas essepsed Ciel et to the se. raw= Mbttsieii6of Mls Werrt,, for Om• lbirleiamointbey.1 Five Ntaadrel Dealers (/1 NSI wwffa sitisr ese..da� in e'ort •••• of tsss� IVO% ROT. of rehdle OOnsElleseaw nm •e•. Mla111/145171 4:=1E164111. eesra SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WINTER GOODS FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The Cost not ooesidered when we want to reduce our stock. Drew (foods at Hail Price. Underwear. Flannels, Blankets, Ac., at leas than Manufactures' Prices, Men's AllWoolFriese Ulaters from e4.00 up. Meu's Suits from $3.00, Boys' Suits from $1.00 up. Mee our Goods and Prices, and compare our values with other stores. JAMES A. RE I D. Jordan's block, *3rd Dec., 11496. BLACK CHERR1 BALSAM Q.1•kly relieves and cures • ooeitb Nothing better i0 the market - - -• M Our ('mart u's HONEY COUGH Excellent for eleddrss-lac (2rRF SAMSON'S CATARRHAL pOWDER,9 with Bower --Ute TOOTHACHE (;UM - ACME COUGH DROPS ---- . L }tut the thing ROSSLAND GOLD MIFF STO K are payssg Hugo Proem Try 140 shares Is one e1 Mem : -tl.ovdrap. 3c. mmHg* and Roseland ea. 140.-hee.aad Gold Mining and Develop...at Co. *N.'or 5i.•nting, taaa•gery 10cThar are W r1•Isg, Lvwet no.. .1', C. OW/I l., agent, W. C. GOODIE, Hedfbrd )clock. NOTHING TIKE IT . - 100e NAM AND ROCOU eg111 (N ALMOND and WITCH HAZEL CREAM Prepared and sold only by The New Chemist. F. N. DITNHAM PILL 8• NOt1M to Ceedittors. BRAND T=UNA YAII.W'AT. NOTICE{ TO CREDITORS. lathe matter of the Estate of RWA Qeder,ss, late of the Tnrawhi o/ drotrld, fs the Gornto of Hmos. No•tee le hereby -given 001ewat to the Statute is that behalf. that all oredtton and others having claims a.ainet the eaere Of the said Ruth Oahe*. assessed. who died on or about the 11,6 day of November. A.D. floe, are required to del ivmortoPend by mail. per paid, to John M. Roberts. Req.. Dungannon Nsstlee. the executor of the last will and teat meat d the said deosaw,d. on or be- fore the erd day of Meech. A.D. lis' a tote meat to writing containing their names. od- dness sad descriptions. end tall particulars of their claims, and�the rime of the eecir- ltlse Itf s&S i held by them. And further take notice that after the sued date the executor of the said estate will pro- ceed to dtatribute the meets of the estate. has - iMg regard only to those claims of which he shall thea have receiver," notice. and the said executor will not be liable for the claims of any prison or perms' of which notice .hall not then have been received. Dated at God.riett. thin 25th day of Jar aria. A.D.. 1367. CAMERON. 5(01.? 4 HOLMES. Solicitors ter Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 11. Pse wetter of the data!: el John Wil 1,,,maoe. tate of tae Township of Wa- wa is 45. Couatp o/ Moron Notice is hereby ,;yea pursuant to the Statute In that behalf. that all creditor, and others haring claim& against the estate of the said John W ineweon. deceased, who did on or shoat the 1816 day of September. A.D. Me. are required to deliver or mod by mail- pred,to Jona M Roberto. Fri.. Iwo - anonoo (0,r ()Moe the Administrator of the notate of the eald deceased. on or tot fore the 3rd day of Herta. 4.1), 1017. a statement In writing eontainIngtheir name.. add restos and descriptions and full psrt'rnlare et their claims and the nature of the securities of acyl held by them. Aad further take notice that •'ter the said date the Adm)n1st rotor of the sold estate will Moored to diirihuts the meats of the estate baying regard only to those claims of which he shall then have nerved notice. and the mid Administrator will nit be liable for the flu m& 01 any perm or tenons of which notion sti.11 not teen have bean received. Dated at +odertch, this Nth day of lulu ary. A.D. 180:. CAI/NEON. HOLT A HOLMES. Sollcltors for Administrator. NOTK'E TO CREDITORS. lee 14' .atter of th. ',Mt, of Witham Yoiu.q Joie ,.f the tn..saAip of ('(Shore., a the Counts of Euren. Notion is beret+, given pennant to the statute In that behalf that •11 creditors and other• benine claims raise the agate of the said William Young. deceased, who died on the ere day of November. A.D. '1105, ore re - welted to deliver or .end by post. prepaid. to Catherine Your. widow. alexoad*, Young the yo0.ger and Gordon Young the yosagus.l('arlow P.0.1. theeteoatrtx sad es - sneerer( the Ind .111 sad foremast of tea deceased, on or before the Pt*t day of Merck, A.D. M. • statement in writing containing their sloes, rareness and degorIptinns sad full particulate of their elate.* and a000.nte end of the security held by *nee.. And further take Define that all per- ms Indebipi to the mid eNote are reyuir d to forthwith pat the amouat ds by them t0 top mld sz.cutH1 and .Leone* * Y to oyN. then► t0 wind ap the sold alone. 1.tM at Goderte6, tW t}th dq of Jana soy. A.D. WIC HARROW t PROt'DF007'. Wieners for the mid estate. .NOTICE TO CREDITORS. he 1Ar wetter of *Dee Wollner. of the Town M Wlagkeo. a the Gorey N lYwroa, Afapp Y bribe gives that the &leve -flamed e Wsasn bat made an emessiment to a of all het+sed stmt., Is ,rad few the bereft d treditors. A mooned K the or.do lset6psold i.tato is herebytlssteasd •sd will be bsK en the p.m. et the /RIM lathe w0 d ng ,en FRID♦T the Me day ef Jewelry. Lef, at 1 Vettthe afteressm. foe the of 1g Wooeded *kb refer- s1pN doaz et dee sotale. die was ere homy rms as toy aloe :a the M• y Ili day et mob miaaa�, es srate 1M M � 1 of blue March. Il0 1 deli Itreesd 7 gMAbsto w ss I .•este, llsvtaa m st ed tealto a to re. ss I Nell her etltle0.4. sd 1 set to es- . pmdbM tp Yr _mem of t56. *1d testate • mn ee wow wbs* slake or eNote ASK w *ea love loses gW ems. Tow. ■wam11Ub'a sfirImass Mixed Mail and Express Mixed Welland E rpeem... .... Mail and Eale D_a�Swale Mail and Express ....� Mizell AYrtN ISM pin, 7.15 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.30 0. al. LAM" Balsa At'CTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS There will he *old by public •uetien at Hui- ton'e Hotel, 10 the town of (1derich, on W ED- NSSDAV. the :led day of Iebroary.A.D. lee7, •t twelve 'retort. noon. by John Knot„ ate - Hooter, the following valuable property. motel,: Phot en and the +southerly twenty acre* or Int Nine. both in the Firth concession et the towashlp of ('odoieh, in the ,wuntr of Huron. and 361 acres oft the West end of tot Ten in the Sixth (oneesaioc of Goderich township. Thl. hi • firmclamfarm and is situate with- in ?our miles of Oodench. The toil le good. There is a Ont class orchard. i'pom the property is sit tete • Mme dwell ism house, 14 storeys, M,AW0; a frame barn. 341114:a trauoe barn 371{4 ; • .table, IR*.W, and • aarrf.ge bouse, 1Rx50 with shod attached. ?IR S. -Ten per oxo. down al the time of sake, and the balance within Hearty days there after. For further particulars apply to the Auc Homer or to the Vendors' Solt+ -I toe.. CAMERON. HOLT & HOLnEs Vendors' soticlton. JOHN KNOX, Aaotiooe.r. Dated 90th day of January, A.D.. 1111M. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LiNDS IN THE TOWNSHIP or CoLltOftt. K. Leder and by virtue of the Prower ee /ate retained In a pertain mortgage. bearing date the (' n dot of April. A.D. 18M9. rod awia.ed to the Vendors. there will be sold by pnblte auction at Iluxton'. Hotel in the Tow,, of Oderich. by John Knot. auctioneer. on it.t- urday. the 90th day of Jenuary. A.It. 1917..t It o'clock. noon. the following valuable pro. perry, namely loot number .even. in the seventh conees- eon. eastern division, of the Township of Col bornein the County of Huron. containing 100 sores of land, more or lees. This is a good farm, the soil i,. Hay and sandy loam. The property it well fenced with oard and rail femme. The buildings consists ofa'brlck hoose. one sad a hall story. In stood near; s one and • nalf %tory f -am. home : • Mme driving Mable. 20330 . e frame born. :LxC, : also a large 1 cattle stable. The land is well watered with a spring crock end two wide. The property Is situated 1 1 3 mile. from Smith's 1,11 and a mil.-, from tioderieh Title del -d, inay Ito- inflected at the oal+-eof the Vend.oe' :ion worm.. TKitM*--le per enol. down on the day of MM, and the balers in 3D days thereafter. For further par enlace apply to the Auc tboeer o: Ube venders' tioliettoni. JOHN KNOX CAMERON, HOLT t •a Auotbser, HOLM Co. Weeders* Solicitors. Dated 1156 !denary. A.D. 147. t -3t Transfer alt Lloense. A PPlLiCATTl N FOR TRANSFER OF NMI* labrobr given that the ,.aderallekrd haw psrebased the bit. of W. I. Hatton la the wholesale liquor store. (•oderic4 and 6•e spotted to the Llosneeer nhsslen.n of West Heron for • transfer Mt Hamm WALTER SACLTB. (ioderlc6. Jan. (1, tie7, APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF L1CIVNBH Nano* Is hereby given that the esderelgsed bee purchased the interest of D McO.rastsk 1. the Heron MO WON, sand ham •erlled 10 the Leerstrglse/m Yg�tw•• vi R rt SWee Ws R7 y for a WgwNb, Carl 1t Peelle Mottos. H▪ URON A- ND BRUCE LOAN AND i..,. pet The Oea.es1 Assad nrttas.of he ninot. ese-naer general tioteeito at tbe hear et 2 s'srsak wet, YOHACS HORTUlt. Mas - ager. tela )dosis. go Atm t.. *UAW. TIMMS Aims 111 -2 1101 CHRI$TIfAS GOON Aro all bets sew. sad Calmat tt.e week we rte teed to have thein all arranged. We here a eartio.larl) flue assort. hast i. 1)ERFUMFB 'MIRRORS ant/ FANCY TOILET (,OOD$ PIPES ('IOA1( (ARES M(f1;Ells' At'N()RINI Ws would invite every person to look through our .tock and me if the Goods and Prior are 1101 right J. E. D-1 VIS. Pb.'. Dr *t iet and Optician. ler sato or To Rent. GOOD HOUSE 4OR BALI* -lir), 23, T tib I oar -.t. Menand a hall. 7 ream@. pantr. he 1. tat 4.0 , ooda6ed 5a0 .cher coavcattae¢r. . t.rhaee 6 .5.4. All to lewd - clam oondlth+n, 1t 11 . .1 heap For further. +ocular. •rv+r te 1. U. 51411re, Goderirh. Ubt. llm Vint SALE---U)11l 69 AND 70 C HutrhineonS Survey to the Town of Ooderich, upon Wb,cb is erected • nice dwell- ing house, Also toe numbers 1R and 19 kith. Sleeve. Ooderieh. eo 'airing 2 ere.. awn whiflJOdp 1. shaded • eomforta le h . &u there eO • good orchard Anse tb,• Etat batt t the .North half of let 31, lake hanoggse ConceiWiap of the Township of Ashileld. Western direr. Dated 116 Setitet ebur Ifte. AA �yto CAMERON.HDOL R HOLMES. ES, God VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RALE -situated in the twat business centro Is eoderice. The property co.npri.ee two dwellings. one well-equipped grocery *tore. one up tod.te mecbt.e and blacksmith shop. Reasons for telling. lack of railway &omen mdatlon. ('leer title can be given. A ries did whence for the right man. apply to U K. STRACHA` en the premier 81-tt VALUABLE. TOWN PROPERTY FOR el ALS -The brick resider» overlook lege the river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. Macliermett toy.. Master In ('haaeery One of the most valuable and desirable per portico in town. 2. The two-storey frame dwelling house on South *trete immedlatell adorning the Brit- ish Exchange Hotel. At present occupied by lir. Andrew Waddell. IC The dwelling house and &droining grounds *tear the 0. T. R. station. formerly occupied h] the late Judge Tots. P and terns of oat Ment Msec tante. ap- ply to OABROW & PROUD/NOT 70 -if Solicitors Ooderioh. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 1 have several very Sae building lots tet We -suitable for the erection of deelUsg bosses. L. E. DANCEY. Jobbery II. 1wr. d it lfelw itaeldne Shops. N sen Mantel SHOPS -A LL K1ND6 of Repoir Work done at RessosaMe Priem. Ferroung i splen ants forme, leery. thew and second hand. bo•t'be and Nominee and Hollers for wale. Stand - old wagon.bop corner Vetoes sad street& J. BA.TSR Rl' Nu !MAN. Loan and flastai s aloolog>,. I18 NOT WRA't' YUU EARN, BUe WHAT YOU BAYS, MAKES YOU HIGH. THS HURON AND BRUCS WAIF LN Y SST M ENT COMPANY Soden etre-('•meroo Boit end Hole - D.sn-Intones (cm rrlCompound every aft months at boar per Dent, per annum, on rater from one Lollar upwards Derr ors will find It to their dreams, to tome and see es. LOANS -Hay b. secured .t any time wftlehi delay on the security of approved d trraabWl. propsty Expense. moderate. Appllostieen new by the Manager or solicitors. The (omp.ns offices ate Ionated on Neste OMAN and. Court House Squae.-oppm7w H Uinta vtor.t. OSloe, HORACE HORTON. J. H. 00 RNIA Manager. Tonsorial Artist. FRITZELY, ToNSO1tLAL ARTIKT, • • Rot goo roll hath. nn premien. Ree- feaming..hampoomg and every other regnlre- most carefttll, attended to, and none but colo- peteat hands employed. Wingert.' old stead. McLean'@ new block. next door to 8r1tb61tx- ob.aAe Hotel, 1611 Noteee. CA811 FOR LUMBER -AT THEKRN eiegton Furniture Co. Ltd., Ooderlr6 71.6. l(ASRWOOD. ASH. Their wareroome are open to the p+iuie ('ell and ase their new design I. 71-Iy F. SMEETH'S PLANING MiLtI. SASH, DOOR ANBLIND FACTORY. 1 leke this opportunity to lateral tat MMM that 1 am Mil{ le the business not an news se the eotetrary. sad am -. d. lass of work In my Pr trete • tram.. to erecting & 1M@tas//y� • Mmb uI erd roof. Estimates =Ass s halted. altsriklhensiebine of building tnaisil.errl. ese lath. shltsglea mot limner a Itsr,Wty, F. SURFTR. eatNrMb. July Mk 1 ' FOR FARMERS ... . 5 (11& of Dr. Hem' Stook Powder few.... - Ha 1i Me of 1*. Ham' Pbnnry Peasr teashee base layt to M 1 Ib ef Dr. Hese lasso Killer 0r wows. (WHO. Paltry, Piga, Mo.. fig ZM Iton'I atom to PM ere Wilmot flee pkr PW Pwptw pee bet M town'srthe M W COMM, we W W ILSON't� PRIfNORIPTION RTUR1