HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-28, Page 44
Shc $iqnal,
i. rom.lensu
•I D. MvalLL0CVP
Oise of Pubitostioe it a- rid t0, Nartbelleeil
Oedsrto►, O•tarie.
Teres et NbeertpH'. 1
Uatoslb. la Memos-. ...J) I
Tires oestlia
Use year, " • t
Lena at neer Label.
ei.•rr label Is•Maading rmeetl% of the date
to ,shire, you are Wed up. lies that It 1e oat
allowed to fall fete server.
When • nhasas of address Is desired. bots
tae old and the sew address should bolero.,
go Using sales.
Legal and other mood siv.r11.eae•la lib
r Ilse for AM Meer* ton, and 0 mats p.i 11ne
each subsequent lesertlon. Measured by
a aesoareel wale.
Basleass (yards of sly It.,. and under. is per
y Adverthemeote of Inst. Round frayed
ftltu•tb ns Vacant. ft tu•llnos Died and
B iomes. Chorea* Wntevt not esoeadiag $
lines nonpareil, $I per mown.
Hours ea 'tale and iernu on Nate. sot to
••o.ed 0 leu... $1 for AMA piI- .Lath. s•ec, per soh
sauu.wt month, Largrr rives. Is proem -Ilan
Any apert& notice, the object of which te to
promote the pecuniary benefit of any ion
vidral or gnatpary, to be cmoldered as ad-
vertisement and e. mr,*1 noes^rd'uxty.
Local moorage in nonpareil type eN oast par
word. 'woollens Iw thea Me.
i type two
mints notions in
ord.N o not ioreeding
notice for 1... 11*. Mo.
Nodose for churches and otasr religious and
benevolent Institutions heelf rata,
eubs,rltter who fell to neon* Tna 8r0*•L
rerul•rly by mall, w111 c .nfer a favor by ass
qusintine Ds of the fart at as early an dateas
poral ole.
P.b11ebeis solve,
J. C. Le Towel. of Uodertoh. hal bees ap
printed Local Tra•olliug Agent for the town-
ships of Oodcrioh. Colborne. A•bfeld and Wa
Lae•1 po.toneetrn o.er the district are Mao
Impowered to rem. re subscription. to Tris
All oommunicstloca mt..r be addressed
TMs Rion ti.,
felOOhotw Cie AO 'ood.rleh Ont.
Tint SIGNAL and slob.
Tea SIu,.AI. and Advertiser 1 all
Tits Ste.NAL. and Family erald 1 80
Tits SIGN A L and Montreal W itme1 7S
Subscribe •t cow and begin with the tint
n umber for 1897.
-The new county council net
numerous, hut ---Shade of Caesar -
isn't it select 1
-Well, the r old-fashioned. rip
snorting, fuel -devouring ('amelia/.
Winter has come et last.
--The proceeeilings in connection
with the commission issued to Police
Magistrate S&AGut will open on Wed
needay next, Feb. 3. Wednesday will
be devoted to the c apes of J. 31.
Roiteers, postmaster, Dungannon,
and D. E. MCxRo, postmaster,
Auburn : Thursday and Friday to the
charges against postmaster CAMPBELL,
Golerich, and Saturday to the trial of
the cares against mail clerks DALTON
and Aunts.
-IRor want of snow a number of
our esteemed subscribers were in the
latter part of December and the first
three weeks of January debarred
iron conning in and renewing their
subscriptions. in the past week they
have been hindered from coming by
the snow blockade. We hope the
happy medium wi:I soon be reached,
soil that every one who hasn't re-
newer) will take the earliest opportun-
ity to .lig himself out, awl renew for
Ti(1t SIGNAL for 1M97. In the lan-
guage of the pont
We are mooning and waiting ter thee."
The ether day this greet family journal
whose proud position, at the top of the
Hamilton heap in the matter of circulation,
1s unaasailed and impregnable, and whose
pre-eminence es an •dentiate( median is
anknowledged by all -took oocesion to wv
asmething about the ar:netationiet opinions
secs held by our esteemed contemforery,
Tag Got,Rltu 11 SI,.SAL, which brings the
following explanation f The t:odench
lam Spec , that es 1 pest. The erst-
while oostiaentol unionist is now an " eel
flag " waver himself, and aa " it e..Dsent "
admirer of •verythtat British, you know.
He hes • speech now that is trotted out at
farmer' institutes sad S 0 W. banquet.
whish outshines say evert in that line
Uncle Alex. aver tried. Rut it would st..•k-
ed (;oldwtn tmith end FIgtn Moyers to
hear .t
W are .tseerely glad to know it. Wel-
come. Da., threes welcome to the maks of
loyal 1'medians. --Homilies Yoeohter.
-- To hear these journalistic jay
hawkers prate about patriotism one
would think that they hail a monopoly
of the whole thing. Ho far as Taa
Sg11I A L Or its editor is concerned, it
never did and does sot now travel on
its exclusive loyalty to the land in
which its lot is cant, but it always has
claimed, and claims today, that it is
more loyal to Canaria than any
nemhy-pemby. mealy mouthed jour-
nalistic fahmaelite that ever yelled for
the old flag and an appropriation. T..
SIGNAL was- alters Ionil to the had
interstate ei Oana11& bet hostile to the
Protectionist Government which was
bedevilling the country tri the verge
d rain ; The Spectator and The Star,
• the other head, wave loyal le the
i ese apetast Osesemestt and h.gills
tip Is bast laterally St the e
'Witt: rndq-a.
That is the only ditfereocet between us N,TS
in the past, ar•d we still believe our
potion was the correct one.
-The average resident of Porter's
Hill and suburbs will walk with head
erect and chest outspread, now that
John Cox, who hails fruni that corner
of the vineyard, has been elect-
ed first warden of the county council
under the new dispensation. Apropos
of Mr. Cox's election to the warden. -
snip. the new incumbent tells a good
story, and the feet that the pouit of
the anecdote gets close to the flesh of
TIM SIGNAL by no means spoils the
story. Last week as'our readers will
remember, Tom HiosiL made a fore
cast that Mr. Cox would be warden
for 1897, and when the word got
down to (loderich township the old
timers didn't know what to make of a
strong Grit newspaper nominating a
true-blue Tory. One of the " bbo s "
met Mr Cox on the road to council
meeting Tuesday last, and as the path
was narrow and the drift heavy on the
sides they had some time to discuss
the snow harvest and other topics.
Towards the close of the conversation,
the constituent asked the prospective
warden if it was true that he was a
candidate for the position, and was
answer:td in the affirmative." What are
yer chances, Mr. Cox r' "Oh, T think
they're fair, why even THE SIGNAL en-
dorses me." This information did not
make as good am impression open the
Goderich township constituent as Mr.
Cox had expected. for the answer
came back, " Thin, JOHN, If that's the
ease, I'm shard yell be batik"
Dr. Thompsoc was in Heo• 11 this week.
Mien Arris Nairn has retarded from Ike
A. I)vmock left town yesterday for To•
It, RaneforJ of Clinton was is Gederiob
ou Friday.
F Holmeetead of Se•fortb was in tows
the mei week. -
R. Downing, typo. of Brussel, a visiting
friaels in town.
Miss Wan Every, of Chicago, as visiting
relatives en town.
Alex Seceders made a business visit to
Mestival last week.
Mn. Tve was the past week visiting rela-
tives to Fost.rd I.nt.
The May Queen cir.r was a `rest attrac-
•con at the carnival on Friday.
Dr. C. Hamilton, of Cornwell. wee in
town tor a few days this weak.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mo[esute were with
relatives in Mecham the past week.
Mrs. R. W. Loges retarded from a
tnooth'. visit to Montreal on Tuesday.
('ovley Hamilton, tilt. C., of Regina, left
town yesterday red nig return to Regina.
Mies Jea.te Adams, of the Cenral Hospi
tal. Montreal. •rnved home oo Ssturdi.v
for • three week's visit.
Mist Weldon. who had been the Roost of
the Mires Doyle, ('huroh et. the pas+ few
weeks. has returned to her home, enatbam.
Mies K Vaughan of Chicago who had been
visiting at the family ',ciente for several
weeks left las' week tor Rochester, N.
( ►
$wtportant Events In Few Word•
ForRudy Readers.
Inns telly weretll warfentUaa •..✓0117
eDeespraed aM reit tW Inoses and
Asssaealt.s Mass Ors Ins Mimeses ✓
One roper -a delle roar's ilhMy.ene
• rararapt0d M al
Hamilton Qty Counsel marts the
year with an overdraft of
1t la expected that the sondes oar
vole arrangements will shortly be
ootttpleted to 'Parente
Y01.1 rIl'.-a-t\AVIA\.
14 M sow meaty c rtaln that the
Dominion Perharneet will not meet
until about the middle of larch.
Mr. litzpatrlclt, Sottoitoreleaeral d
Canada, an., M: I'aurr1l. a lawyer of
klano. aa, wb • are charged w ltL pre-
senting the school settlement caw to
the Vatican have lett Laindon oar
W►LI rice tuitett.w.
Kari la b said to be senret)y treating
with the Turkish Government for the
telt of a port on the Hlatit Sea
It >r stated In Cunstalattnvple that
tee Sultan drainer realists khu+ope.s
.anted ut Turkeys finances or a4-
mrnir4•a tion
The Vseattelan bounders treaty bels
not yet been eismo 1. but at to hoped in
Wit.:hingteos that the signature* will
neat be much longer delayed.
u. ioTL1t..sT It, •AI.Valts
The Dominion Government has de-
cided to take charge of about damn
creameries Io the N.,rt kowe•it Terri-
All the Manitoba land omai•antts re-
port increased inutile) for farm ihaela
Many of the sorTeste ndesets live :re the
Northern and Western Stites -
The Mlalysts of a large quantity of
sitriuna nary. mileoted m dtffer•ent
parts. ,.f the Dominion. shear s large
pert e n tage d cane auger and glustea.
listetaal of the pure Dunes.
.1e.Ue0-\u 111 Nett-INIin.
The James Bay Railway Outman"
will apply W Naiila n .ret ofr an ACt
authorising the cuioexty W emceed
its line from Parry Sound to Toruntu.
The difference of (pinion OstWveen
the Canaldlaa 1- mala ltalkray and ma
oondtmtwa and breittrant's. weld
one time threatenedto end b a serious
..)Lure. has been sealed.
Mr. P. W. lessentangarteral ente te-
trndent of the P--' '.o• said Pacific
Junction Railway. went over the road
the other day. and paid all the me-
pheyes their arrears in wages.
1.11 Itr.1.11..O1 •e Ii:LII
Mr. GMedstttoe is devoting a porn
d every day to another groat work ow
the Olympian religion.
The later-pn>•vtodal 000veot.as of
the T.M.C.A. at Ottawa elected of-
' doers, AM. Hobert Stewart of the cage -
tai being chosen meld. at
A Detroit despatch says that Rev.
J. C. H. Hutnkrtdtle. of Threats, teas
been nailed to the (lvireh of the Mas
stab there. and will oOtdate so both
motor and choir master. The reverend
gentleman to a graduate of Trinity
tine/ernes Throaty. and a brother of
Mr. Whltwey MuCkAdge. the oelebrated
Gert. Weyler has spin left Havana
fur the field of battle.
Sir Revivers Buller L. to /she e um -
mane of the expedition to Khartoum_
The • native riming to Gogo band !a
growing mare tselous. and the whiten
are lasering.
Geo. Caexta ('•s- '(a asys the Ouhans
m.• able.
unaided. to secure their !n -
dependence by Bighting.
7th. OWI.Usht military test in groan.
the uocupat•uri of which led to the
Y. acute trotxbte with Venezuela. has been
LOCAL. NEWS IN BRIEF 1 The exp•drUon soot ty the Repel
- N(g.-r company against the liidr of
Nope found the Foulah army diapered
and In flight when it arrived at Kenne-
ress1 111-. 1'11(1. Ite.l 1)111..
The Buethe s Odium building at
Bedlettllr .sae destroyed by ire.
The Lae keen Company's new flour
mills at Pei-rL,orto' were burned. The
hes is LtO.tvxi.
Time building and machinery of the
'Perorate Electric Light t)omtpany was
damaged by flit to the extent of
The Imper •t Trio lett town on Saturday.'
The street. were net overorowded on Sats
urdey evening.
The snow plow made its tires appearance
for 1897 on Saturday.
There were several prxgressivs Jethro
parties the pest week.
There will be no celebration of Mose .t
St, Peter'. on `(today.
Well, it's all over town sow, cod the
meow desist iu pleased.
limit fail to ism the Hockey matob in the
•Letiog rink this evening.
Reqular meeting of the Public School
Word next Mostly evening.
The new County Council is formed of •
rather Rood looking lot of men
Deputy reeve R. Thompson was in Clin-
ton on Tuesday on a business vuit.
The Canadian Order of Choses Friends
will meet in regular semen' this evening
\Wanted -roll but ter (12.o.) Dry apples
i • ) 007 g0anttry. t; E. Kole, Winsh.m.
Oa Saturday night and Sunday. Bowen
and water pipes were frozen in many of our
It will be noticed that our oorrespoedei,ts
don't say anything shoot ploughing in their
weekly 000tributio.•.
If you want • Roodlookable, sellable,
keepable, eatable cheese, nee Rice'. Pure
Salt in its manufacture.
A cantata will be produced in the moors
of • few weeks by the pupil. of North -at
Methodist Sunday school.
Our hnokey team left lest Thursday to
play • m•toh with the veaforth team, sad
lost It after a elms contest
A. S. Crystal and a number of his M-
ployees are sngvd at the Stapleton works,
('listen, -repairing the pans, rte.
Hon Mr. Jostles Armour will preside at
the sitting of the High Court of Justice
winch epees here ea March Bib.
Hew os. those ..baoriben who fail to
pay promptly septet as to eat up .team
these 11.100 ta print their pipers?
A committee et the Griot Northwestern
w111 meet in the (o,ert Hos.. sett% tV rtna-
day to amender the prise list for 1897.
A well-known musty °SSet.1 i. relebise
these dose over the fact that he do... t have
to travel to the far West ter ess•.sssse.
Rev. Mark Turnbull wee M ham pteeshd
is ihnigeasen ea Sooday afterness. hat ea
sees..t of the Mora he wen eel.p.pbed be
stay u taws.
Tee &nasal dee ruses .oder the swseasse
et the Galeria Kassa (nab, will take
Saes east weak es the Sesame -the data to
be detes0lssd by tie slats .f the mask.
Riese. Pure Nit &see sot see time lesek en
.dg.. tins sway dale a eneetr.s le rhse
Ise. a1 Isgparta's. 1s leek iIle etemie•1
McM.the makes N ens of 1M be.Ct teeth
pres.r.erc sew In MIL
Mai Miasma -A. will be pain W •d-
e.11..ae ta .s.ew ..hoes. W. W.
OMB has spewed the Wee Med Mae
where cur e.sldthM feta ted
theta .cod psuNlJjt.
On Saturday morning a Mnotderly
h ouse, situated about a mile front
Portage la Prairie. Was destroyed by
ire and two of the inmates. Barred
Kitty Meredith and Furens. were burn-
ed to death. TAe proprietress. Gattis
Underwood. escaped in her night deem.
sad hart to walk a Quarter elf a mile
to the nearest houseelax was badly
!rosea, for thermometer registering >K
degrees below sero.
POI-ITll i. I errnieI..
Mr. Hall (Mina the novelist. has de-
clined a request to contest • seat in
the Hasse el Gbmrrrooa.
In the Imperial Hotter al Oomerons
Mr. O'Brien's motion for amnesty for
Irish polttleal prisoners was defeated
by a vto t. of 110t to 1i.
It is anowrsced that the Venesuae an
Goverment turas plea over to lig-
land the Ilr assinity demanded in re-
spect of what le known as les those
In the Howse of Cornrnem the A•-
Witmer-4]rrt.'rwl In reply t . Air Wilfrid
lace son. aim t t d that the sale of
Upturn w'r '11 the eminent of the
Reuse was Were'.
et :✓ ,,'tromp tnde•nce ptsbt`h.d In
London altar*• th.t, the trot re 1101'
agreed to lm -d Ra"stturt'- onto •itlnn
t.. resort to ..r le'•' rte•ADree ehen•ld
•h•• tulip- erne-' r cite. (rare AIN) .'
'UP. to E4 pI the referee to ent•'o. Maly
reccemeiemided b7 the Arre as,ado•re.
TMT. aer.AU.
m +. 1lseger Brit. the novelist. Is
Mine. (aarnet mother of the late
President Carnot. Is dine.
Sir lean Pitman. the Inveo or a the
Pitman shorthand eyefuls is dead.
Bev. Ambrose email. son of Mr.
Peter Small Toronto, died al his
fathers reedseee.
agr. Fred Maraca, a well -.known pelts
lasends elthi ea Mel 77. OM at
chlorin of Gosh*. >.Y
Kr. Peter Balfour. the ..e.wn aro
soloner of Inanition.
pat.,Vr dead. .ged 70
lila William annvv.n of Loodwa
Its ices'.? of il/r. 3.*n ('anises. ed{•
lar er The A bee r'Yr
a. and Of Mr. L.
0,, Queen's Printer. 'twmsM.
•w war lay.
JYsapl lemma. adoredveno ciliated
to peps melted ea perms vi4
at Or hams .t Me for...- ver, •lad
at . oft. 1 I1. es el Il<
under arrest en a chary* of -.ser.
8teapltfwas ofratesmatanosn Za munes-
pun with the death of Mary Month .re
brio:: investigated at Whit*.
latatc.al a Blood latdl.0. was ma -
Mated at Maslsod to be hanged dal
the murder of Mgt Wade and ea
Soong eyadentie was introduced at
the Dosclester. N.B. murder Leal be
prove an alibi far the prison 8u1 -
L e. Sternanaan of Buffalo has alt -
pealed from Joist Cox's asclrion la
her extradition case to the United
•tate •'Dori of Appeal's-
ppeals.Mr A. 0 Bamiltoif. $sweiry more
at ltunnvllle saes entered by burglary
and elect IMO* worth of renge rad
mynah Jewelry art' mkeIns.
t'tCL\-.-It fru.
Ottawa is to hare a sew f100.000
opera house.
Heaty snowstorms prevail thr•ugh-
eut Enilasd. Wales and Scotland.
The Allan. ..f Monlr.•sl have pur-
edieed t he steamer ''tate •ef :.alifeu-
nia for 110,011S.
An 'whereas. epidemic prevails in
Berlin, but while there are thousands,
of cap the death rite Is very email.
The New York Bard o. He:ilt:i has
formally dea•tared that tutee uiu. es L
an Infectious and taianwnini.a :.- 41*
Nark Twain lass lust all rte (.stuns,
and Is living m very molest liaising.
In London aid working treat muss-
ing to night
From for general tune of the, Con-
tinental pr►s. 11 is evid -n4 that
I wt, looks aaltaant;e On the Anglo- Ara
oilcan Wks
nu .o\it' 1.1..\•.1'mt .\V.I IAOI%i..
Hem. Mr. Laurier her Saia:robed
4101) t.. the fund for the Delia famine
Treyy ikiiverrnor-Geos'a1 W consented
W rtt 'esve sub.uiptittna for the [duals*
sufferers to balm
Italy and Items., are taking 4-
t111ry luta*Unna to prevent time soder
dt..U..n of the Indian plague.
Tic u cas._s Lar t hr btd,*Wd pisue ar*
reported at Kainar:u., an island off
the w t st eyes' of AraMM..
The direction, .•f the Blank u: Otta-
wa zuL*Lribeti Lehi to the India famine
fusel; Lkewfae preoss•I subrnptitete
of $_'00.
The Indian tievernmed has united
the etuppaIto on February Ind of all
pilarrun trade. (rain Bombay to Keogh. -
the, cm amount of the piastre.
Thr Blank of Montreal has subscrib-
ed tiv e- tnetteuod dollar* sold the Mot -
suns Bank Intron bundred dollars in
the Muntnal Star Indian Relief Fund.
A cline tar bitl*totc plague bra un-
cured among tee aervanta or Govern-
ment Hear, Bsewnbay. atal the *huge
ruw tR houses ulsupsed by the fan -ants
Levo beep burned.
1.1 , N.l -.
i flour- of the itusi eti FLuur M111 -
Ing ' '' •otY.ic of West Supersor, Win..
1a anrWWie;ed.
Mr. J. N. ' Mcita dry, whose Beg de-
psrtmrntai SRO in 'i'uron:.. was
burned out a taw months. ego. has
oAnten utse4 at fist 1-2 cents on the del -
Mears. Baring Brea of Louden
offered for subscriptlem £N10,OW eter-
ling 4 per int. heteyrrr debenture
et,* 'if the C.Nnanerukal Cable Com-
pany. The ban w -aa largely over-
Mr. U. Bush, 81 L.A., the An aasuulvent
cheese maouianturer ✓ Bti,. 11t'iUr.
Oat.. His arrested on the charge o1
embessieris ret preferred by a pates
of one of Mr. Bush's cheese factories
The advices emptied from Dui. tied
Brass( r ee (.New 1 ,.rk tansies (red kite
no particular change in the buten se
situation during the week Just closed.
The nWures ✓ the wrrk have had
little or no do-presging influent -a- The
Leber 'market Is la a rather ne.re satis-
altsfiact.ry t•tuditiwe, tis ter dwmatid for
skilled labor is minpruvtng. The a ura-
nirrt•a1 failures for the week have
been 400 in the United 8100*. oompar-
ed with VS in the coert..ynioding weal[
01 last year.
m'1 HELY I'EwaOMAI..
Lieutenant tsit,1eraur KLrkpatriet is
reported ter be maniavery arui1*0-
tory preteens in London.
Stir S..mud Strong, Ch...f lusher ut
the Supreme Court of Canada. has
been appointed a Privy COunetilur.
'!wing W the expected aceelieae-
ment It will not be possible for the
Duchess of York to visit Canada this
(ol. Robert Ingersoll has given up
the practeoe of law, and will devote
hi entire time to the lature pla.-
Ex -Superintendent Web,t.er or the
G.T.R. was presented by the lumber-
men ret the district with an oak cabi-
net 1 sterling silver and a kindly -
wet lid address.
Among the pea.e'gers by the steam-
er Vancouver. at Halifax from Liver-
pool. were Hun. A- G. Jones and Mr.
Sandford Fleming, Canadian delegates
to the Peclflc Oabie Conference.
Frederick Fitzpatrick of Pudlnch
attempted to hams himself from a
camerae. tree, but desisted, and after-
wards gave am the rraaon that the
tree ruse not high enough.
A service In rnem,.ry of Prince Hen-
ry d Battenberg, husband of the PrWn-
oess Beatrice, wee celebrated at nate
In Whippinteh.un Church. The (queen.
Princess Beeetrw*, her cellos -en and
other members et the Royal family
were present.
east AI.Ti Ea.
Brakeman Beacrott was !tilled at
F'•1 A.-ri burg.
Henry Shaver. a brakeman en the
Q.T.R., who resit• 4 .u. Brockville, was
killed near St. Anna.
James Commove. • G.T.R. brakemen
from York, whose leg was m uwied at
BellevWq died from bin Milli le,.
Mr. John Brown .if Pelton. M.C.R.
secUoaman, was struck by an express
train whine cleaning mow out of the
switches and Instantly killed.
A demean b from Teheran says that
two thousand Otto hundred parsons
perished as it remit cif the earthquake
in kieham Inland on the 110 Inst
The train Rem Ottawa to Parry
salmi twrr the Ottawa. Arviprior asd
Part y Bound Railway, was wrecked
el harry', Bay can Thtvwday night.
and tore ,e[ 10. employes were killed.
tAh, T H. Inc. a barrister of The
route, fell on the slippery p.vewseat
es 1 once -street Saturday morning
and reorlved a blow that caused bort
enlister of the brain. He died troth
kis injuries Oueday afternoon.
A peam•riger trans as the Plttst .t
and Waiters MitMw Jan off Foist
Crook brides near ppenvli., sod
dropped M feet into stream 14hrsla
lama were IOW. 004 not a wwweser
' cra-pr wMout as injury of troths
Hosiery Sale
Mr. WM.= sail the wet) twos as.
(aa _ties patio saran arson et
RS r tr Iii rear• e.. m► fell Elate the Sri trait hew
Mill Si Ant, cit a n 1 MIL A. I T ... 1a cold wee Aimee y M • late
'P!. ggtagaasesw .t +very. ►hes1 s setadsre aseatlas too a dl++gh! traits
dewasema M I.tisw. boo meressasinsf sYilrU7 •llinattr It r sir
le war Wm ell ides earl.
wieam arra et i•ethare • err ear to taa.dilr
35c Hose for 200
Special lot of Woolen's and Children's Hosiery
Bought in an over -stocked market
Very Important Showing
Jan. 29 and 30
A Chance to Save Money!
Also 12: and 10e Prints next week for 7c
Muffs and Fur Capes at Half Price
The Orbit tr•om the Loral KIM
A Weeny tlw•es ✓ r.♦pq seem *,Brow
to NN sveryb.dy - real ass
roost I•Mpr.d wad ttewde...d
Irani teem atrefas*.
CLINT( )N The actual cost per day
for the matstone.e, a the emotes •f the
How of Refuge, is • froofies oval 1501
th1. Include. everytkinr.
Bru.s.le . Daring the s14*10. of J. Hum-
phries sad wits at Kracw1, then home lea
Tomato was raa.oked by burghers.
Losdesbcro Wm. Jemte.en, youngest
.ea et Andrew J•oieses, le bo ne as • visit
teem Colorado, when M is seemed ea mis-
use operates&
liroseels Mrs. Wallace left Wt Satur-
day far Hanover, when she pampoers soak -
tag her Aces with her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Brads.
C.borse : The Math of little Laura g.ia-
te., the daughter of Wm. (,lsistoo, took
piece on the 16th i..1 , at the family resi-
dence, Umbers*.
114a.els : Mrs. W. K. Dickson and child
ren, who bane been .Moist in Brussels for
several months. Int for their bone is Laag-
doa, Deko;a, es Tbur.day of the week.
(loth : J. T. Mitchell. who published •
p•par is Myth coy years ago, sad Ws
ked • aa.ewrh.s ev.stf rel career mace, died
hat week of malarial fever at Mosres,
Cr.sbrook John Hen.ewie., .x -reeve of
Laga•, and Garber elect tor llMsriat No. 2
of the County Council, was married at To
costo on Jan. 14, hi. bade bots. Mies so6.
.4'.ts. of Crasbroak.
tenderise° 11..ars Lathe= and hell
hive purchased 25 sores from R. Cole. be-
ing the north end of lot 31, otos. 10, for the
small sum of $400 Tbie is lees than belt of
the pries Mr. Cols paid about 12 years ego.
Kreessls : J. Ii. Great, of Winnipeg, was
calling ea old fonds in Brussels for a day
the wed. H. wee On • business trip to
Tomato sed H•miltos sad .rt his time wee
very limited hi. .too in town was come -
quietly short
Exeter : Word was received here on Set
urday from Lapeer, Mich., of the tenons ill-
neee of Gladys H.beell, of dipth.ri. Min
S. Reid left for that place upon receipt of
rhe .•+mage, to find her ester Mrs. Hubbell
very low with the same malady.
Clistce - For the informatics of many in
gearing friends we state that Marv, the
youngest daughter of R. Holmes, whose
'lino.s has been a source of deep anxiety for
two mouths, has recovered .t fiotently ta
Welk about, though .till very weak and un-
able to leave the hoose.
Myth • On 'Tuesday the sad intelligence
reached Rlyth ot Us sudden and uwxpect-
.d death of Mrs, J. MeikMloho, of narra-
tes, disarmer of R. Forsyth, of this village;
the mum ot death being ohildbirtb, the
baby being stillborn : this was the first
child born to them although they wen mv-
ried ten Teas me,
Exeter : On Sunday evening last the cit-
izen. of Rester, especially those attending
.lames .t. Methodist church, were sorely
.orprisd to learn 9f the death of Richard
Harrison Accompanied by kb brother,
()eerie, hit went to church, and after 11.1.
comfortably seated. he threw back his head,
gave • gasp and almost instantly expired.
Brussels While A. Reid and wife were
• beset Prem Rrotaels they attended the
funeral of Mr. Farquhar. a relati-e who
died is Dorchester, from cancer of the
throat. Arrangements were male for the
celebration of their golden wedding, bet
ills... set in asd instead of the SOth sari•
votary being oommemorated a burial wee
rendered nsomeary
Clients : We are sorry to announce the
death of R Omer which occurred at his
home at • late hear Saturday eveniag;
ceased had beer. ailing some time, sad had
teethed the ago of 80 years; he wee • quiet
and inoffeinsi,'e althea, a rnember of 5..100:
eph's ohereh, and leaves a widow bet on
tamily: he resided in Kellett before Doming
te taws to live.
forted dews • part et the dYiases is the well
. he leokily multi hold of the pomp se
muse Naybwrd ether. she manned for
shout twenty minutes, that base about the
hearet pas tree ohm .b. left the boo
tist►il.0. wise relieved See was discovered
hew by hmeths who tbtnkt.g that she w00
atayut too Mag V the oold went la .earth
of hag about e baro and .table and was
retsr..R towards the house whoa she .w
plain • beard oat of oa t.be platform w►bk
1 lapsed her to look lets the well and to lif
crew cow her demesne betil05 us to Re
pomp with all 0.r essr*, A.wtesoo was
had as soon as possible and is a abort tams
.he was brought to terra firma, w•
Merge mother of mtissea, epos .f
t he •ootdt, had assabled to tate is ker
reetee.tio.. Dr. Ca.e ase tamediately
calls* meds whem skillful treatment
the (. grsdeelly recovering. Mee Stay you
had • aloes sell.
A. Olivia. isemoter of inland Revenue,
of Stratford, wee in Ood.rioh yeeteday.
There who thought we should be chert of
in. this Whiter had Manes to tbf.k tiffhr-
. etly the poet week.
We are sorry to lees that Aaai. Bewley.
frees Reenmeia, bee dang.resaly ill wltk
pnesesesh at A. J. M•.eeee
1s e.sseq.ese• of quite a somber het.g
Mak, ear mediae. are reaping a geed bar-
A Oben Cau--♦r Saturday saeswi.t
lase Him Sapp M.MN0, delights of Wil-
lies N.M.1h W a wry nes. ail. 11. -
paws thee the Tung lady wise l the
hish be .dj. $ is tha 8w..r
kISuh w.immeirWy .iter tweek/sse
thee Weds. Ise area emir and M
e s OM al M M piglets
yam 'Adab. M104sthe
well *hide
Is very deep end r width Bissau
r .kali titin filet of yeses. eth irks
Tcso•r, Jas. 26.
Mies Kate Maodoseld M boss from De-
A. we prepare our bdget the lose ex-
pected snow stere informs ss tbat this is
.,ot a mild Winter after all. Is answer te
the oldest resident lest week sayisl that
this was • acid Wester, we think that '78
wee the saddest is ear esessery.
:Several of oar residents took in the tes-
meettng .t the Pon on Tuesday .vasirse el
last week and retort • good time, sad en
Friday evening more in number of ear
ruadente were Op at the C. K 8, mail In
Ledgers, which had a good attesdasts of
manse moieties and 1rae.d..
Kermess) -Mr. sad Mrs. A. L. Mao -
demi bate Ohm back atter • ax weeks'
visit to Detroit and Windsor. At the let-
ter place they mot Mrs. H. Rollos ..d
daughter, Mary, formerly of t.•.bsra, *be
tied Essay shimmies after old friends sad
.athber. of Dunlop and Lecher..
There 1. • mine of wealth untold Rs the
golden bargains which hen awalt you. if
you Deed an) thine in the Ina of seam
inens It w"old be foolish for you to mar Clas
chance as e ere selling all we have Mit as •
Artist reduct. to make room ter woo /cells
which are osst A small tinsmiths of Miss
ware to be sold . • ., w prieaa
THE FAIR, McLean's Bock.
Last Chance!
The Orphaii's Pray
Without an /teem, tee p•.tnt.. p401.e
frered by The Family H.tald asd Weekly Rem
1e the gresdest pleture ever amiss see
readers. There Is • p.. -feet assedge fres sY
parte of the world to secure • es./.
subscribers who have received N sOl
part with 1t for . $10 hill. The ppaaw trig
withdrew the premium .pertly. yr. hsv
made arreagementa however, with the ps►
11.0.r. whereby they .uarastee to supply
-TX OSPIIAN'f MIMIC Wall saw mail Is
mare. The The r•esli Herald sad W10)y 800'
la the r.eog.mod leader of yO W ngel(a
Am.rttr W sear
"The Orphan's Prayer"
Family Herald a. Weekly Star
(sue Tear 0041
The Signal
All for 111180
Dela% /hell to liooare • COW I
r wk..1.1r m as Tat II
Simple Aden est be the M Oh iti