HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-28, Page 28 '1247- Jw THE SIGNAL : OODIPt1OK ONT.- THURSDAY- JAN. 28, 1897. ss THE SDN'E FRECKLES. THE NEWEST SPOTS GAN ea5 EN SY This NAKED STT. tea.,.• Mae• r Lonsda. Ther Are tlaash g r awn eemsteake -- ram Ill a..l •are•• cad ,.1'e tem w hip • .s. lb. hale you nwpuated thrum the iMk ottorvatrtitr dm a so madam 1.• view at the Mae, +••hero Wub on Jan. Ianrtag. in ea .a.wr.eat puede,. . elmerviam, sad is death ctly ceder :p the sallied era The cu. given b. ea la Oxen a Siete& of +1 umda at le a sin. ua the eta at which Usee U. =�1tKK ewes about twu.ulth ot the d.s �ao ammo the tam of the stn alum sea eastern to lie woolen, limbs. �bt, sept was repo led ar twang, wewn ars[ seem-moatiy penumbrt.L She nuohu s betels vasal." This desa'Ip- dee 00 longer sppil•s to It It Is rather • group of mots enveloped to & ye- stimbra-au elongated area wu,•.:h ►e etoswlerabJy darker than the genera. kbitoce of the sum -the slot at 'he .eernt extremity of th. yetiumbral ��• betng of .suretrntaa rare. while et we other etatreslty is mettles: end. eloped mot a tone Horses dozen demilntrrvealng between these tau urge spots is a yrtakilag of . iith arranged In two absegatS sups, two or three of them being ••f W mean dtnieosluoa In advance of ilde extensive group le a third large standing in a banner lactated the test, e whole gem& of spot& the • x [tense length a whom 4 haMy like* miles, lir one -Math lit the ilio'+ Warne ter, le undergoing rapid chaagea These firer Rhee appear all to have devel- oped Miwe the 6thlin the 111z. a- 4 p.aa, only one loge spot was syr It .es the same ,tan on the following qi¢or=rtdmg. but was of a quit•• different ileal" . In the peanrubre area to th. east a this were then a dos.+ or enty email spotty of Inky Lliaaknees. t the larg£ one which Le the stet h e given tirtnrs up the rear of the up war not noticeably larger time e reel. If it existed at all, WM ears e third Large spot, a the vain of the. , then observed. The appearance et au esteserve a El)of •pots as tie •t htia time la more remarlotbie from the fact the sun mooed Ile "reaxtmmo" of mrtivlty hi the sen Woe Ilse three )rears ser. and M •pproachl•g Its mini- mam. 1 t seerme to indicate that t here e somnetht*ns this year unusoai in the esadltken .4 the Sun's &Mean. tehirk eery likely affects our weather, though et w hat way no me Items exit, illy. IQn September last a rttry dealer sweep and one even more extemrve, its total heerth being 1110.000 mien. wee tar •rued. Since that time a., vary re- ar &bIr romp has been reported un- til now. When the September wren, wee ceoonirng the sun's me.14Ltn the .•spin-indloater of the (sreenwich Ub- orervatory "showed a osnslderalrle unea- siness, although this group wee not of St* type that le usually accompanied by nmgn.•tir disturbances'. Perlmps mitnethJrng of the sort will happen en this oerasion. for one never gnaws whet will happeet with thin meta hog » viii" •wm 1. A an ,put is now known to be • de- pntekon .r oprairie in the sun's "pro- tospber!'--the dazzling .•uveloye whence radiate We sou'. held an.l Beat -although only a recent years have astronomers been fully agreed upon thin l -.int -A well -formed epee" in borrow an exceil-rat dgerlptloi. by Professor Young, 'commie, gen, rally speaking, of two l.orUoens-• very dark lrrerulsr, metre porta.s, called the umbra, surrounded by a ,had+ or fringe. called the penumbra. less dart mad for the snout part (made up of fila- ments directed radially inward. The ap,'ruran. e a thinra under ordinary eircun,stanees a moving. t. a• If the umbra were a hole and the penu mbrn' filaments over'htmg awl iyartly ttbade4 1t from our view, lire buries, at tie- mouth hemouth of a cavern. I ...y 'a. U•' well very po.*iby this Ix the. actual ease. the central 1e•rtko• being a read entity filed with Ices luminous natter and de premed beets the general level of the atmo.apher', while the penumbra over- hangs the edge." Sun spots vary greatly in size from those whirl[ are acan'ely visible to a Sarre teltwttope to l ,mann+ bonne* covering millions a square melee of the tun's surface. and viable 1. the raked eyes They are 1n a state of con- tinual change, buts as to form and de- aths of stru.turr, the changes use ur- Ana at times with much rapidity as to baffle the attempts of even an expert drxuehtssnan to keep pace with them. The theory of the foru1aLion of these spots now prat in favor 1 • th.. t they are slimed ley a down-rullth" of .tan - p.ratively (viol game, which, having famed from the mta'e intercom-lu Whole Maas I.Ptnt. anoordag t0 the Mew gene -rally accepted view gase•In. -have become terered.by contact with the iced outer apace and demand 1a & mem through the photosphere, with a mighty "'plash. partially extinguish - am Its intense light by their ahaerp- tive acorn, and, perhaps, carrying down portion"' of the envelope wltb them The "pots are evidence. el Mlle .ate, .f kcal di turbances d wises violence--miar stornls. which may be .Mewed to our terrestrial cyclones". al Omagh quite different from thea 1a their cisme and manner of action. A close relation between stn sputa. aurorae and the daily ..s,illatk0s of the n agnettc needle was brought out some ,arty yonrw ago by the ddscavary re- sulting from a long seri•s a uieterve.- floes of thew, phenomena. that thy agree In hat -1•• each a wen -marked q�cile of about eleven years. and that �mme. eyries are very (early snmct- dr►t with one another. Tbere are rears in which tit. sun is remarkably enlesce•nt, "'r. far as thr outbreak at A�tstHia u c. nx•erne 1. Per da)}e at a MOtr 1tw fa.-.• will be found .atheout • blemfmtt, and during this time ..w um are s.Idr.mt ween. and no great Mir ter11atiee taken. place to terreetit.5 maagfn4l m. In the maoceding y ar ��oottww mere be mefrequent, and Ude �aturbed condition both of the salla sad of the terrestrial ncagnetimn will �e on s. IncituudaRely, at the end Peart four and a bait years, it anal & Marinatam a density The ..a welt ria merely he sem without spot•, sad rascally they will be Lend be great f tebmm. Sibs very dem. though n .1 exact s�m�thewdonee which thew appear.Eto sail rotw& thethree ei""sem of *alema tea very strong evidence a • gomml•- Casey Mr them I5 team! Y FtmexpWsed pertootisal ramose i• o ohs oemdth ltlssad that suck e mum les gess maty been amide ewa0w�� kat* yew se taIrty well se abin.iae hem •i•s/v tions. Rometly, bow- . Lira Kelvin +cheerer this view, fig es address hideee the Royal Reciety, se' abet at last as magnolia mems •me gpn- s_hig set d�_It . at nthsebas L6". he k101 ala einsmatio. hem the ark Is vale act W flew maekrtfg •m a-glibm dei, the sea licca tiesey ad ear LeeenmMrhrt nee= end eat WINEielase 1ommstA sent be emu 1I INNIli} 7.... • ▪ e� iia 55esm�111; LOOK OUT SEt-0W1111 as Aildad kg Ma �'��as•!�/e mew dIL� Yaw acct athetame the mile elle With ro.s. base sad baler/ lacy /UN W balsa. dlrchely dere Oho be..eti4 d•ekams toll am deep. Tara ba.k and leen Ye weiMre case deck reeve•& with beep .ed Neer With leer a hand!" sad ye•reare+t As cline the beak W, cargo pews A t•Ilarwhed miler HHytion roam - "Leek est Itelow!" if sae aha klgber +Itch, dim r'sei lee matter how you dare sad 4 And rises acmes est of eight Now the'[ yes stead beetle Ides ad Drr't Seal ea little moan and •mill.M Bemuse yea tem. de cur may teat Aad It yes glee ham of year beat, Tour pare, lee lamasce. to Invest. '!bill ell your rabbit soul wick wee Te sea year precious sevlug• go When be above yea, eared a Is by • wren erad me rotten rued •lows the Mrsmg kidder by Leet out Below . wawa yes la Saar. twee I. H r sesrucial altar lit. Wham all hs walls will Iautkt.e Aug. •ed Maws vesta& chane and dig; Where good Neem tilled and tree lie SEMIS To toll -Need &resent.. sed Imams: Wham [wen forgot their falth to elm hem tssswood gods • grunt or grins Wee to aloe era mud to and fro. With sllppered hot sad mots ne Mem. The Matt Rheas a selfhood go lteware, for *ame0s's at the mi Aad Moe the stagssd.g pillar. Look out Beellooww Wbee you have mortgaged your pessssds U 1'. give your boys the beat proteastees. Prom mere till sight you toll and slave To make ■ lawyer out of Irsve. Toe g with rap epee your beak To make a doctor et et Jack. Yee iamb ■"d starvd.aad geese and remit 1io make a preeeber out of Pets: AN were you're est et keen .14 hem. Ne rout 'twlxtue a/1 here's loam Ye teak you'd better die. and so Unwept. seroer.d. dews yes go. Tee need as me.um.nt. yes taow, Set trees above se Jed t'e Avera Too bear the brat ofGabriel's been Look --out- Below' -T1s Elsa. to Dunda. theme the. 7, 1SIt7. THE TEST OF MANNERS. They Gema of Re1.*d Leine Ufa sad 1..m Se Wore every Lay 1t would stem that the serest rued to excellent manners is to way a generous eullghtetunent .boli Sul urns oharrllar and uplifts the point cf view from which we regard our tallow citizen"' a the worth. -ollten.as hi re - 11 y▪ ofur the etrei s,erwn a :eeilr•(L u are soldeituus about lP• ts.K Pisa - sure to thus, you meet there a owe danger of say gtertog breach lit man - pent albeit mime ocmveutl.mri rule may be Infriaged. AA wedlab purees • rarely •SeOJ4. Almost *hemp. the truly vulgar per- son km offensively wide IL He wean a Ids own way. she demands notice; the ob- vious thing to this perSou r wndtut is tl•sumptlua Al( personal Irntwrtanor, as If expecting admiration sal exceptluo- aJ treatmhat than everybody. Polite- ness is a mark et selfoentrw and a proof et colt-simdency cur any occa- sion; but from It is gull. absent any anxiety about user self or the Impres- sion sae is malting upon others. If I were compelled to &zeroes with t mingle word what Y is that the char- acter mouth have in unler to a pato.-t rendition a poiltmes& I should ear sdlustabSlty. A rigid habit. not mat- ter low morally euro e1 in outline, la death to that which gives to a man or wumsa in the presence of we.uame and the uzprermon wf bettg al honk, with otaepeas. Politeness se Miomis- rtes conventionality, that we see only the radiance and forget the machinery. every Mom observer has been &be to detect the difference between Mao - Mrs aswtrne.1 for an ocossloa a ril- .tesy and the perfectly natural acts d & well-bred person A man may lift ha tat With a movement 15411•- ttve of generations whose culture and gram tour the innermost +seanee a his eharactee; another may attempt the mune, and show by it that only yesterday he took his are wale eon 1n .uaventlonal pelltenema It le the same with W1.reen. good manners UMW Of telned borne life. they mast be were every day or they w•1. mut he wows el, ease and teoom•.1 5s W WII. Ane .s UneuoitelOus grace ie nth mare gr.. --fulness: it Lea Mown A gra/does awl swat thea out. -•Chatt- telt elle. A steer em L.rrrmaa.•e '♦ gest.%sdooal man who SSL Mew* a streak of head kook weal to Herr- mann for • loan. He wasted easekt and; was willing W rtecute it with • tf.. ltlsrraoce pulley Lor eIk,00S, Hear - inane let him have the imam and took the policy, a. K woe purely a Divine's prupoMtkom, and not a matter a tri..adehop The bor+owen'z tortoises fluctuated frown bad to were, and about a year atter the ban was made he died. leaving his &Sabra la • very tangled condition. • Mae death notice of the imam re- called alt can eminence'. of the lata to Hesrnuinn. and he taunted up Ice policy. wishes he had t rgot to a satire. ly H• WAS ON the print .4 phial's N it. the bands pf an attorney for esl- '.rtve.-In toot. 1 b.11eve he had loom I. to hip lawyer -when he heard that the d -ad man's wife was araolsasyy pave • t •Siem art 1•elpl.'a". with severed cta dry- en her ha. des He instructed tt} • act . to s to 41rnnttnue pvrred- es& a••,• the policy wan Membered t• t-"• *'.ere with the explanation Oat •`-• A ie h-4 1 cancelled be- fore ere, hn•harw1'.. death .5d that the fo'1.•y `+v Re Nee milvolerr.l moment - e4 for tee delay In Its rotlurm.-flew ceit Journal. s• woofer Are mare was roue years ago In Hamp- stead -road a l•.t'enn.'nt artist, now dead. Du Mturl.•r oft.•❑ dray ped v ooln into the poor man . hat. tin. • .1.1 day the author of "Trilby" tnld ham to leave hie "pitch" and goo to 401 mud 1 swap klt.hen In Eu•tor.-rolit w some food. Du Manner. Y a J - eomeeeted to take charge ear the bat When the lean was out o• dant n, praomded to wipe stn 11".e pletur. s the battle Scenesfalehfudose. r ad commenced draw in, port . chalk of the society lade.[ an 1'a. 1 • rem made famous by Mot le Pu a t. by "topped to Woe Sr . the deputy and when. OP later, the man returned be w Wessel to find so mu,•h In hos hat. t..i. regretted that his work ha.. beet de staeewe. "Tals may &t'.• • . m • pimple. bet it ain't art." he said to tie manse I1u Maurfer, a•. t•,. mumeeao 4 wham0554 the enrtety male• and fe- males. '/low. this perms everybody." he owtllawed, drawing the pesters et • w �.r. The Omerere ..1 I ...ate, IRMO e a demmer.nip cseMry be saw •, ea the honouree figure's . 5,g Le a5tlh tram wild beset. rad .5mkes dears este memo year will tento4, ear twelvemonth 'soak.s killed ale I.ek Oen *TM Urease There Mod Ur -aloe SAE head et millet bier paces end till MUM wsevwst glimelele -4 alp [Mels: +.tamp ars/ Well stale: e:11": halt in641121 be eril • w FATHER IN THE HOME -*41 TUT WHICH PROVES HIS WORTHINESS. Aa tad•ms From Lab ghat mat tome the Mem. .t Seam maser-Urabbteg recces. --A rataer'i leer sad r.- 1..... ieweraed. Thera oa•rm • tains W bald the ebughter sod sort ecce their aye, tura to the bother -the with the teepee and buns that b or •bueld be. a crown to he lib; ttie buy Meows ha parent name Mealy, eathutimetioadY Anat'atue hetteed darretUy lutes tee the this ahem he alma be • mss like PaVa 1b.&llt tae thither be un ~Ike. dames albs awakening. the Lucus, away teeth arrow, lir the blind tut - holding ylei�...ing to ale 14ketrsa 1 oboe knew a man lit high Mending, who daugaater puny near wrecking her lite by a cJaodeetlne and unworthy mmnlage. Wes we. w thane that a - lairs bad reenbtti such a point la not known; .,media • worthy tree yields unwtolmogle (reit The day before the ceremoroy was to take piece he in- abvewtaa Jy ev.rhsatd • os.nvertmabn between two a his c sols that opened his eyes. A few men mash; with a bitter sigh, have retiaattlteed a disobedient child to her tate; reap, would have Down into a wage, or ENA In Walt tsar the oullu1t and, ptrarady, have mom - netted a rr� a'.w.et a' dead; but this was a who 11a1b.t. Hle presence at hie oak* would have seeped imperative that day to most Pearn, for a ooarderahae sum a money was ed stake, brat he heart• was w uh has child. He wise out at her disloyeltty. It was not a t at hoe poor Jwdllnent or hew sste;bua Ole father heart waists yearned two- the ruorthe young creature who was about to ruin her own hapgianeim and pluew her mother In unutterable gt'�•� !ie hastened hone and coaled hret • to hi, roma AD deo ions +1e talk- ed, argued. labored and prayed with that headstrortg, girt. and at Lest coot! only win ft+Qn her a posew that the would 'mkt for a ammam►,aad Inform him .4 her decision in the end, the lather'. kw. and patiemne congtwr+d, and tai .y that young woman ie Me devoted dauatiter of a tether eitho alate ose !n thou- sand, -Mary Ar. psaldtns BatrtL to Arnrrkan Agolcrolenrim. were,. Rea. or 'smokier. The fatigue of imams a hooroatot by sending ad the time on a hard. WO- rleiing boos. Have dramatising mangy to ,land on; awe or three thitlkassmss eat old carpet laid fiat on east other make a good mend for fgontng, batt better still Y brae -sack a•aYtne, and ties Is how to make tt. lyse old brae socks, res the opes4 wash dean, cut on the blah Into MM. 1 1-4 inch wade, Sew tea edgesby Ywut lallrag them aftwasty. than w flagora 001 ova, a a*. r bask that has a square edge oa lt: roe l< /We balls as for nag carpet, and allow about seven ds tor a weaving. S. Sett woven �ea the yard Id Gamma cache•; that Ir, all Os warp ramrod. and bast up hard It should Dome off the Sees .flout hallf as inti think, earl maths exc./Met matting. Mitch Mil he as thew as a beerd to the foQr. at ethane ago oast mote* tor veilks. As a dandles pleoe when honing tt will be found a great conger& A mat ex test hoot by two !teat wide will be Gramd a good Paw this world rewire about 111 pounds of cid tracking end erto tee - thug yards of Wsvlag. I usually Vast on meg enough when getttirls ready for a ~Pet to Weave what matting will be required Leave ands long enough to tie, and tie theta before the neat is removed from the Era. to peewee reveling. The s.uk- tr+t .111 take any kind a dye readily. and fancy borders may tine be wovef en if wanted, but dont try 10 gait o• borders et same ether materiel. in. case the two do not drink the mune, and thus nuke your cog saves uaeavea mkt •Ser. awathuother's loom ase Lager a sertmaty In our thew for She prod5e- Noa of undeeweir ar abthieg; but three are many ways la wale* k aha be cased pleasurably end profitably in the hong winter days lop masa or hog when' homebound. Rum hammocks. bone Nanket.. bvsusdy note. ptr- tleresl e4c., wiO all suggest there metres es wtltsbe tents for the home fathom. to produce. Larne caste time and rseetiy waste mayoral to __tile and benefit. NoSeal tea try our maws pea at =rig down boards to tats eire - =rig than. Tear cold mem Sam be woven into rafts. to etre alta space between the room a yeti m use old ammoot the; aawne seen lI. bast days. ma be, as It wee+, termed the to gram. M end Its daps ea dosses. and tt weal& I tellerwa em smut et en parodty. be the mmpedor ea hearths se a permanent smtnhe& -.dalhi Barash, In Rural New Tarttar- Ma M. elym•r awasetaeper r sivsmsMaser le make b sap bus de they prepare you It In At hsa&atl way 1 1 have mates at houses where the Dost wee •deli, hoe the w oe limy .wim0n4 la gem ^ whim& e wry unhealthful. I sad nay weir ets ad /seress eok. which arm helpful to some of tie a.•t.w: Tib every round of meat ami Deems. Muted. add one quart •t void wale% ams hat bees co•dtl .t fait; bob now - V el ea agate kettle; remove all the season r hoes rasa,; as the teeter bots away. add more boo water to keep the q uantity. When the meas Is ten.ler, remove it tro.m the kettle and fklnt ea every partici, a from the s up. (Jr 1 •e it stand until cold. and 1t eon lee !In.,: ..f: whack W the beet coy 1 it M then ready for the t•esy- 1ai•'ett ete. - If the eat le d•ee1iM to he servo l hot rut It hob a*,eener k ttl . .w4 Ifttle of the stock to it, or serve In different way". The fat skInwn.•et from the amp made then beet alone a eke to um for frying porpoises and other oo.it- bog Imt It e.t mid. and put it this a pas. lit It fry rut until an water e evaporated &on tt h will tb.m est A mixture et ashen. beet mks& Washes Ana Fllmela 4M ea Aswaad the m..... lb sates. gene eases Ana water edam. r Neil sr .10. ane geld:.Ak illiw fueitaraeln. *berm relt..Ya r O. Ed. • ether as Secure( Y mellow west a rimed Eeaht ateR SSweak *at ere neap ea& Asses a t It bile sur In dwA er la1AM r reie-e&4te .a O neem drama soot soya • mai Et sad Mr rub e• a a�rF eesamea ae etr..a41 wl NMI `ar�rts- itlreeteleit airamZ►,�� 1'�rs!�I� e A SPECIFIC AMO LUNG TROUKai, AYER'S P[CTORA1. "Two year , I had the grippe. sad It lett ugh which gave me so rest eight or day. My +ally physician prescribed for me, oheagtng the eedk'tne am o(tea as he head the Magi I had taken were not Winos me. hut, f a .pfte of his attendance I gel ne totter. Finally, my husband, -reed- ing one day .of • gentlemen who had had the grippe and was cored by taking Ayer's Chem Pectoral, -procured, for me, a bottle of this medicine. and before 1 had taken half of it, I was cored. I have used the Pectoral for my children and in my family. whenever we have D eeded it, and have found it • •peeiS* for .-nide. remelts, and lune troubi,A."- E_:ItT Woo°, North St., Elkton, Md. Ar:'s Cherry Pectoral Nlghest llonors at Werld•m P.N. Clewes Ikk septa O a.tib Lumber for Sale ! The OodwacI Lumber Co. (Ltd) heeler 'ale at the Harbor sod at the . Yard em the A.T.R. track, 411. / A. sad Beerwoed and mot Pon Alto Mahe 1e gqaaaunall a NY• As uptown ogles ter the tale of 1118weed. O 1has bees a to Ohba RPRtR. ere itt metope order sad receive payment fee our "mows trade a that ha.. Sett THi QODERICH LUMBER 00. 'GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. Tawas. Na a. For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTFRIEND upa�t a�u it t�w�o�. raft/Mims ftcl.E•-awtk.R S1Al1MINWa the Reese YcilewNn, t7 tademamr a ala,a N O.L.ash .L. wens at enemas "(eucavy 055. her of reN-•'' ,hire metered sae ice d kw ben re War r -1.... Perk•..". rah Nene was we caeca w .w awe neo..f.r Ir.. use of her Saba Les erected kw, amt to -4.. tae le wader mead tiS Ines mead, Menemd, Iwo tyesiee'r •• Menem Ouse' mei me use . A 0I1..mthe te, Jely la Nom .('.rNII* sedan STATRmI1Y Oa • +seam IR Lehi abbe. Ire years elk wee o.Swsd tams arses• rase Ser 1art1, bee fees seal* awa system hult up toy eyeli er., K� seit Mr wawa /are' The +bom tecta we ghee is amen sus► seem ' y her amara, Yrs Gime1wlifle t 144..e. M themames. uet., mow Jay 1. okra J. r. mesa. ',wary Paha • 4$.$I%ATION •I•re11131,- SWIM IITATE111.IT *AK. Jt•'t Im E• It.etter., la Nrrtlweseb Teems • ' d • sue., el Weed Yrs tame. weep N.I•••, *.-",'4. rat • r •..•te"»•y .Iw...rtel •, s.etrt New Mb epps4s. .. -w • eery sr • mew hn+ MM....e we sew m . a .Ne..etwi15 .sp .dr w..up.....wed ; it. Law .as yea. ago +.'t 1..a.sq Core' 11. mobs. soma %hies{ h ti.. Nose ares tree. J w seyma0r .`-5. Jeb '" "•" MI 1.1301E _MK ARMSTRONG BROS. & 00. Pill St Fanning fill Works C}ODYIRIOH- cD T - POW ..WASTUOT t bit= etmit et very ethers Peemrwsizel e`tmml.ow�Se d Ne ta Wee with The* reams we meathestered le • s•mbee el Myth r wmeelltt everybody and cheer 1 Tyyt�� pppa�y� MisMee er Frei ly fee deg -17,- macs yr .4rwb_ pop w Orem 1.�mO,1 011 s Lor Mg emus, osmium , tie. PUMPS A..talarea sea 5 11.s gime a 10.10 Y/ Mem wee • Melee* hem item eleeee MUMRA weed Weak IM. heme; enc a1 +prion wi i4ee • Eimc7 T. The *at t,f Americas Nam*. pers,CHABLR8 4. DANA,Eiator. T s Amur lam Cusaihatels, IAs Atwericas Ides, IAN Ae. iasis Spirit These flr,t, last, [fwd all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, . - - >!► • year Daily and Sunday, by mal. 88 a year The Sunday Bun is the greatest Sunday News- paper in the world ?YJOa f o. a ow. ft sail. N a peat. *Mame' TIB N*,:tew feet. Scribaer'e ltagazine A Red - Letter Year for 1897. THE entire novelty of the plans for 1887 is noticeable. For instance, the series devoted to •.rondos as Seen by Charles -DDaannaa Gtbeon•" Mr. Oihatla bas not before appeared u • writer. He visited London last $umfaer for Scalawis's MAGAZINE, for the pur- port, of depicting with pen and pen- cil those &Wnea and types which the huge metropolis presets in endless variety. Of like novelty L the first oonaiderahle Novel by Richard Harding Davis, " Soldiers of Fortune. The hero is one of the mist vigor- ous men that Mr. Davis has drawn. Illustrated by C. D. Giibson. " The Conduct of Great Bust - nooses." " A beautifully tllaotrat- ed aeries of articles of -which the following are already completed : "The Great Department Store." HThe Management cf a Great otel." " The Working of the Rank." " A Great Manufactory." "Undergraduate Life in Amer- ican Oolleges" A series of art- icles touching upon the life of our older universities as ',promoted by the doings of the wtadeoti them- selves. Jedge Henry E. Howland writes on " Undergraduate Life at Yale.' Mr. James Alexander on " Prince- ton," and Robert Grant and Ed- ward 8. Martin on "Harvard." "Japan and China eine the War " will be a most interesting group of articles, richly Wm - rated. " The Unquiet Sex." Under the title of "The - Unquiet Sex," Mrs. Helen Watteteon Moody will write • series of •rticlea : " Woman and Reforms," " The College -Bred Wo- man," "Woman's ( labs," and "The Case of Maria" (a paper On domes- tic service). W D. Howell's " Sory of a Play." In this Hr. Howell gives us the beet novel he has ever pro- duced in his delightful ve n of light comedy. - George W. Cable. In addition to the fiction enumerated there will be a series of four short stories by George W. Cable, the only ones he has written for many years. Hc w to Travel Wisely with • minimum of wear and tear mast be regarded as an art little understood. Mr. Lewis Morris Iddings, in two article., will offer a variety of use- ful suggestions ..rad data on "Ooe•n and Lind Travel." This will be happily mudded ort by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davie on " Travellers One Meets : Their Wyk and Method.." The inns - butanes by American and foreign artists will be highly pertinent. 14 to ileasessealt res Swefl °1 to @Ohl a -ers mm the efr ntlr.,Har t Stu lbw ./pf. eaalo(5,l l e atodl boolllef has hewee▪ th ft> K psslpmt4 M w► set"tbneN. Magazine $B.00 per Year We. a eopy.I CHARLES SCRIBNER'S 80N8 Mels► P1fta Ammo, NEW YORK OODERTOH ST=AM BOILER WOMB. A. S. O10 OWRYSTAL/ , Stes•.hw1014m1 sauwteatur0r el an ked. of BOILERS, Smoke Hawks. Atilt Paw. sheet Into Works, eta, Ka, And Dear le - Hese M.sbe.ry (silks , M AB dame .t Pipes and Pile jrl4wt a 8455. sad W* sr O.mg.Ilj01atn VilmaCana T.a�wsoil la o.assasagYi.,s1d se Less • assll U OW II ,gee b..�i Ism eof t domes sad «o.1• sm/ymrstioy s.e.1.1 hs rte1. artaf W `Ad 41 a IIOS •Co ••. /h a salt wet.:4 k Welwapo rete •% L Illi - Ropers Iajazrne lel 1+117 Nil ate te��tlmead * M. ' ,"%les• la ItM•bairwoo a mem_ lel• 5=2: 51 w .4 m5* ww.& Other st tie d tK` w► r�us/ ei.o1 by eestrthesismimeths/ WItherthilka OW* Omissible. Armin M the Pal stevainTe- sd� CANIts s55 vtRt �10o ..deslekw ter hiotattor-ao lens�4l �S9 M4Oitl1N1. Meats* 1s N .011th, Heap eindesiee es reel esthete �Ofrel. lade Owlet Als die thee Alameda' es esthete emessomes prole Weis la eseasethis with bum el magma kw perfs•ss la ♦mW .rtese pit�Me peps* amatmall mad abed le sew10 .,,, tr*e.tary•s Mier be ma O. A. rMe1tb. Owarastlmmet Rowan l'trmeeal N emt•resmee• .t asthma IlMm..r Aum& COME AiresAFRICA. D TWOres Saar . �lestathed amiss sem Plainer o. the reedit st-r MYa1rs[ ■ eswet•e�ds iramtur m Seas j'10. t!; •sA a.mthor. .m 1���• t yisgt� setMlbs +coat (te s( Ms dm►. ��jR�ia�` `issdvU , tab wm eammNslms~id b areas Ye oris te ,&*1 sesames esel the seramerv. Nam= are set ko the ...,_.ao =they V =arpsr it Harper's Magazine rem Oar Tama - N.M ` a mise. Orme ~.554 dW�wwMtsf (fogad A/Aama: HARPER t *511.15*. P. O. Ilex OW N. T. Cly, will ,see al llarpor's eeUy IN 1897 With the sad of Itrm H/APAJ.la Warm - Lr will have lived terry le that ties it bee participated with •Y the ug1y.A pewee N hoe..ms-4 la tis Mitt aaM11551 et she meet labreemiag ad lywtmat ,miss la the hese, act the esestry. Sod n 10 n•d before Its readers the eess ir' slme•r eldmo. •rt, sod lessee tea me once at5s of the hues Mod Sod tM aatelirstls et Yuma&.Oedltemte et mamas. Wee the WEILILLT ham hem la la mobil asd,.r4... se these tee thea meaff stet =pals u It editerial team. It will saw le 1 e b llapehdble to prineasse with preeleisa sn was/ the wall:+ LT wed smear Meier the isre. 1t were m to mamma Mei Irltheta r lapses is the wend, what er w henAdvs•s... of the People ere to be kr teeth boveresseat me to eo•dh. who Y to be the enema el t1 . the straggle betenE wast le he to waftsbatman le tee Far Esh1, whet M to he the stat of Swept twelve mouths bane& what saw e..rma of gnome are to be Healed, se what ere to be toe achievewa'*E 'et Ans sad lotion, ter the WISELY Is to as • pictorial record of an Yla 0.,.aea. wail .1511.ast5es to be • teettles, Metal .Meet,. A New Degissol story kg Mies Maty L. Wilkes, .in bogie la 10.5- 517. Ar1s of bks era* amides ,wee the Turks by Mr. 1; 1. Remise, the author d Delo, will lathe. A etheel to The Hosea Beat es the Styx Mfr, lobs Ke dries Bays. llssratd by Mr. Peter Newell alae++ ghees Mertes will avpear la the W isEJ.Y thee it baa been possible to publish Martha Ise. $sgsr eeme 1 -Mr. W. D. Bowers " Lift rad err" have been smog the toes oberming at periodical literature ; la.. 1. 5. Mawr ••d eters will come observulws ea what a whims on .e -Thr Bum Nona', "Amateur Sport- will mina the set ImpoA lit deparomest et th , kind la the country. The WBELLY w111 ecesit•s to e11.551 at It radars the meld's mews mese aureate to Anthems., to mete important advance 1 beth the literary avid air tem ores .5d to resale ter Meet the Eedleg Neel te the 111a naiad hereabout of the world. Newspapers p`misperlias Nwskwt ek. apneas order RA�mess Harper's Weekly 1•1111 ONE YEAR - -• . • Nae. Ftir.e to oil esra..ihet•e M lite MAO watts sad Yeas.. eddrsm : HARPER t BROTH*I� P. 0. Box act N. Y, Olay, llarpoYs Bazar IN 1897. T'M 06265 n 04-5.4... eeuw$►. *411+1 far +n w tnpm Ism Ta4tid& values In i . w 6.575415.5 I It Y unrpsatsd, mod 10.. t.itdite far ethry 1 - dr0msed i10 Tram w 1tIU s weah*, lettr se mtrsrt Mishit..* team PTAs ijszta Is Sew sera rasMeme, sad a the b We a .lest w �rd11m SN M 'a •4lheR. s..d , lEit a E•esl P.hMr• sewn, sad IE.rTM 10tSi1a.g.���heeM../tea�IMrl•eirtQam: TTb5L td Short ousesoPryw� r54hae velem th Svst Ilsel= thotttes Whew heWmt Wawa ere "Hag is memo perk et the Qw..91 woo • swim of sewed Is ~caters aw The OttFDtar swm;��" p1�la hew opens sod per mush it ]f Ywired 4 simmer, at Dswrt.," sad Prreisoels g seised MM alk ■.5 amd wemes. Odeon W. T. easal- .a wetsi reg.ety ...t15v he valuable • mw r e.SdeduI he the hm .•d ewev.okhllg eic d r.M.rm 1M as at0 .5.550.01 e ahla era m p.0ap11y •5a twpy M pseellr Ase, The BAZAR le • wealth Memo gni �ir1.a end the wait 1wy0titml we.htr et bthee.atp. Path eW «! pe - 4 ♦11• N� • apeM$elale elm be made M �Ihkt r�At Nom 1151 a r payee haw. tar ISM tM • Harper's Bazar Oft Om Taw - - eu ~ was fsak. efr ire dlldhamt 10. ilia 111 R.1G e1R► .. •�