HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-28, Page 11] fl,lu. �HUHrO/IA 1
11 u0.etC�y.r�•tir..
B•etlr8Or0lemt sr
Fos One Yin..
A i1 A
W aemd, Moll BsNer-4i K Ring h
11ailh,Fire Krtek.Fffre O•y-A.B.D.vY- 6
nes A Uo
Mid Winter emotive' -C R. Share8
West Rod Meas Market -W. W. (.leu 8
Notate To Oredik-(:
re•moron Holt and
Holmes b
Hoo. W. Leaner -Maus Iiew Kra 4
Gave away His (%ntehes-Fait erd & Co 6
timidiam Lou for R•l.-l.. K Denneyb
Nears To go Holt aid b
0.4.i.s 5
(,len Yes Rsat.M-J. W. W..serv+lt b8
Neill el/• Unwst-A. M.D.
terCiealtiMovies. is at Os muse frrilillYard.
-Ile weed yea.*
J,M., =meow. tri. who receive or,
amid Joh.
,"l`, � to wire •reoeipte oc
We. NM meow.
1 Cann Ay, dam. 26133
Mrs. Crawford. relief of in. late Wm.
Crawford. and amber of,P J Ct.wtord,
who h.s bees very ill for ABA time, we aro
plee.ed to seam, is ter•.Wtb meaoe of good
mediae! sad mime •tteedeooe bet
gradually mount* eas Iron the edema of •
foes. mad
T trine Setznititr - -Vo regret to have
to retort that Mrs. Jena.. Walker, who has
been ail for sense time. amt was wooly re-
forming. took tU readout) on Friday last
end to in • very WOWS Mum. We, .loos
with her easy friends, hope the venerable
lady will sego recover.
GOT Teles Drli.e -" In uoare.ltience (4
the sudden ohange of weather stow our last
tid bite and ezperieaoiog a cold wave of old
tam. (.onediu hal of snow aid lateens oeld,
e • presume whet them who have bees leag-
uer for snow will sew be more thee satis-
fied, •e we are having butts • blizz.id at the
time of writing.
Herr Datrre.-[)wing to the heavy
drifts north of here s• • regale of the blizzard
the pert Lew d•m our tenial moa o.rrier,
•itbb.ogn enema ateamy1. :u get through to
Lucke .w were ma r. os ydood.y, was
obliged to return '0 1)uat•n0go tor the
Maki. At the time of writing _0 thote-
meet el etermy we/white.
SICK Corrie Frey -le ooc••o •_ • ••• of •
▪ tat twines of ear bets( ..t . cd as
remitthe reit of having oaagbt t ;•t • ur soak
eemmittee are hamar/ • busy Um .110 • • tet,
through stew of kind Provideso. •r.., she
good .used.ee d the committee trtaey f
the p.ttwte ere ea the way w rect.cry
which will be pleming to .1l
tterit to --Jas It me the popular and
energetic Implement agent ban been for
the past tet den suff•-nug from the effects
of • severe mid and is still weekly W•
S DI ple•wd to learn that Ren Trele•ven,m
whose ilium* we have previously referred,
able to ro out o_rouvtoo•I ly and that he
s gradually rezovertog from his serious ill -
Aaltl,cu RaC.!rri.T.-Two young deaths.
men (setwltbutaadrng the told we are hav-
ing) arrived reesetit• m our village, all being
weLL We presume them to be more than
trametoat .utters, the peters, Blesses. K.
Wray sed J. ender/arm, aro In ootueyweoo
of the arrival teeming numerous smiles. The
babies and mothers are reported doing name
It. We extend oon(r0tol•tieus.
lesestes-y A+',rano Memo.: -Tree so -
seal meeting of W•w•oo•h Mutual Fire In
sumo* Co. Wes held in the old court room
es Wdseid.y, the 20th tet. There was •
large •ttemdaeo• of policy holders. Upou
• vote bang taken. (.. Girlie. who has ban
president for sem. years, .ad Kass. and
Ballantyne, the retiring directors, were re-
turned for another term. As we wets not
present st the oowtasoemeat of the meet-
ing. we are sot in • postures to give par-
ticulars as to the standees of the eompe0y
financially, but we presume le is in good
Alrofesa Plo.irsxa Goys. -We regret to
have to ehro.wle the death of the late Jobe
Malo.gb, formerly of West Wwahouh,
and who some years ago retired from farm•
ing and located in Lockeew, widish took
place on Mooday• res 25th. at his residence Let a look • little further into thio velu-
m Ltokeow. Tb. come of death, beta/ able little work, for it is • true leder to
superinduced by the aroma of injuries •a•- what Ton (;averesemt tot sightm.a rear.
amend by erysipelas• rail M the rsn as boo b .t were defog with your met'•y 10 1878,
failure ,which est e as .Iso heart oasis i, power, they Toned the
failure m which he .uoe.mbed. His ro when why la*
mains will M hiterred is the family plot in
I)ieegaeeon semstery, to which referee.,
will 6e made to ear next
Stirdeils. DULL-Ineoo.eque.cs of very
b.lument weather sad had nods, bu.leose
is all its dspvtmwb is very waist. Oa
Sabbath Ism *whir to v.ry •e.rmy &md
numb wether and deep mew se the high-
ways the .ttesd..00 •t the ehurohe. wee
very (mall -by the w•y,tbere are nomw who
u bete tome and *mood to bsoisem es
*ormy ~kis, days bet aro tee delicate to
, shush eat • y
5001weather dad sot
eyMr, the iealsmoy of the
pry silt emu of the fair an •k.sdise
aura cervi•s whiles very mast of those
seselemes who were not prevented b► leek -
tum hi their familia* re*ented at home.
AslroAi. Mut-iitc.-The weal mo.kes
el the AAbsld •ed W•wes.•h Reaesh Ag-
ricultural $o•l•ey. which was hold •t Dtrs-
�►.ece r.utIy, was fairly well attended
b► els
members, whim evolves the l.tere.e
Mks It would be mere somer•ff•g te
the diremore and aloha@ N Mill greater la -
Meth was Views by a large .M••4•sse of
arguers and their ole•. 'Itis fell•wler se-
aman were .pp.fmted for 1897: Hoary
Morrie was, tow hi* tlmelest remises as
president, re-eie eed ( J. R. MafwbgA ••d
11. J. Crawford were rw•.botd se Gree sled
mooed vi..-puwddeeis r_ep•.M^ly t the
beard of dired•es M semp...d of : 1' L
Donde. H. Ohrvm. Wm. %key. Wm. e
stow. PIr 6
Maid, T. O.rv, k Oise.
TMYw. Feel Raids Wm. MkAzt er, easy..
be W seed le that ••piiiiy with IC= � ve sat r.fer.ee M
lac thee* teensy -he yens punt ; J• s es •,$asst es es-
who hes semi as treasurer for oepusdlbe e • mane asset the
*eaiered W reilpNMi . bat p•sdMerame theme we bays nae been ledwasel whether N was thus les weep Few sot asle 1818 bs M7h.sd
er wee seagesil. The omelet, le beer When Mr Ji Wok
N MIA teem
d .sees lee be the ramie e1 Ms pweMme.
-00 ball_ sesegter th
km work le ISM. The esduty ti ea bwd
e me- .sirs .f the .wy ISb 41 *ed 1
.e.wd w w
e. mdd heth
traties-e k 11slmr *am est r e peels Is
alb M pay obs pr lm Ise white 8fx.i71 se aegis thymese. le c'utee'
Maher 0.0N1k1nre are befamesel. smile tag leo* peer resew both 11i,83079 sed
he i R.97M. .i.btot Bee molt the psis
Wheal/ Oolnt oaeaMi9 Capital
Mr ile.te.W Dowell Stem ass. Jolts
e attmre tee tf arbte Rears-• raw re-
arm Culled from rnblle Records
Tess epees Leader than Weeds.
OTTAWA, Jan. '25 -Probably from
a political .teadpetat the meet important
►st o sews 1 hays to refer to this week u
the open deolar•tioo ot war between Ma
M•okeese Rowell sed has late oolleagw,
Joie Huvart, tar the attack of the late
pewter in his paper, the Belleville lstelU-
use r, •poo the late Mesmer VI Railways
last week bears no other 000atruCtigo Ser
Muttons** °dile the lntelltgeooer, sad edi-
torially he says : " Rumor has it that Hoe.
John Haggett bee resigned the leadership of
the t'oaaerv.tivs part, for Eastern Oo-
tane and that be hes been succeeded by the
Hoe. Peter White. It is to be hoped that
Dame Kantor speaks truly in tbu losu0os,
as the Mange world be highly beneficial to
the party.'
Then ere but low who will not urea
with lair 11a.%keszie. Rut that is their
fight, not out i ne owe great Cressona.
trotparty hw fallen, sod no man oo.tribu-
ted more to ito downfall than John Hag
t art. W. oars now look uo and enjoy the
fun. It woe this once great party who
while they held Dower ran the n.tiosel debt
u p from $140.162,067 to $x.58,497,437 ; the
party who tnoreesd the cowl ezleoditure
from $23.503.158 to $36,949.142.
Tlietx xzi'vxD.
Teri 0""1""al t.err.•d ors-•' N M I RSTSTORK IN 1897.
las sattosel deb( ft .e. $7 048 813 t • $10.602
421 It to the inter., . ...4 awrn .•• .001 (
we add the awl', r 1..•.t we e11 h•o.l that
wt of the $19,833 271+ Mt. T •.ter r eat A Model Dakota Blizzard.
al you t• use an • • 112.1 lx, 282 wee
taken out 0t r . t . u t0. • to mU-
tare my •a ..t , . tocol •1•.i. throe • Ybe Frei* Sleds ter Nater ripe, -The
SDI nsmt. of • u 1 . • • he i•.i volt d the
palate •aoowle k•, o w teed. hell slerb.d - take Unree
Tee Kit ••Tua Beek er.urbed - Bleb Mar-
-- - -- greet ler the rlemttera
The public •000unle for the year *ding
30th June 1896 were issued last week Fond
it will be • matter of interest to bristly re
view the record of the Tory party donee
the lY years they 000troll.d the flamencos of
the country. It u to be regretted that the
official document could not he planed in the
bands of every polders° who hoe the coun-
try'. interest at begirt for no stranger or
mon eoovtooiog proot could be offered of
the reckless and oriminal manner in whiob
the &Marrs of the country have been admin- gssul ystmuier. W hate •el/ nt., to kat
$.fossil through all thaw ,eat. than the tanite i. regard to politic" nothing con b•
fame set forth u the volume rude[ renew sand easiest him as a was and pos. m..ter.
THE oral. Vinrr000 -Mi.. S Chester. of L•.ndon,
In 1878 es awning into power Sir John fa the gatwt nt Dora. S l.tdw511 Mn. J.
1(sodowld found the m•nooal debt .tasdiog En.
r... o Katt a brt Z eArius/ht.-kr, neup iso o soma
al or -
e t 1140,362,069. The Brunt was too modest dayt;:%10.0.4!.l.1 tams .go Bed wee tae, ill 0 e
ter • country of some four million of people, lso
so with the help of his colleagues ns at ono. Fixe 1'WTx•TtoV,-The newly organized
set to work to " raw the Iona,' as the fire w,tnp,ny ant than plane wore pr•oubuse
poker player says, and build up • national vo 'Tboradas of last work with the new .u -
monument that the efforts of ge0eratiou"ine poroM.o,t ...we tare ave. 11 555
eon/4 not pull down. He succeeded. The round ,0 w.,rk very 11515 wanly. We
first ,ear he managed to ow -rues the pile haps however, it *111 be •lung time before
$2,624,117. and tlw .mooed rear $9,461,401 a rest test is reuutred
Is 1881 he showei a little more modesty,
fes the 10nrease tinned that veer was only
42,944.291, but that was in •at:eip•r oo of
this general elections which tnok pietae to
that year. The next year, after he had
been Dees more o.afirmed in office, showed
no such mgoefastursd evtd.toe of .00some,
for during that year the Worse"' in the
satiate debt was 14,806.063. Next veer
the pile was raised $23,696,135; the next
year, $14;245,842: the next year, 126,751,-
414 ; the nett year $4.155,668; the sect
year. 7,216,582 ; the nett year, $2,995.683,
and then we begin to scent the election.
Another fit of e0000my struck them, for
the .ionones were approaching, so that in
1890 and 1891 Om ehtetions were in 1891)
the isomers only esteemed to $278,998
The elections over. there was again en up-
ward 1551..•?, as darker the fire years
from 1892 ss 1896, $20,688,399 more were
added to the debt, an average of over four
milling dollars per sem.m.
TUX e1Tyl$DITC.z,
SI.Ut VALseusv, J."- 26.
11 ism Ms,,l. Dimwit to vac+(+"► 114 Pal.WY SATI'RDAY night a ntortu teethed
Mies A. Wyss* M auffming t...n. an et- t.u,tence, yd made 1t unpleasant for late
tack tel la grippe. eh - mere. 1• was ber.lded by • light fall
Mr. and Mrs. Tinsel, of t'orl • Luh, are of .row and a mild northwest wind, but as
visiting Mrs. R. G (....rare. the nt.ht .+.anted the bantiful cease
Chauncey Jer"mr, of N- utihau• played
doe ti more hsaily and the wind storm be-
lls* autoharp •t use (sr,u,eu.eu'• •• rt- (•i., sod before the cherub bells
M. !label Oltr.t s.,e • very • • I ""1.1°' u. •day
party to bar yoI were lint mit la •"'• "I"" service, • reeyelled friend. Ira 1 Dakota bitxsard held the tort to Huron. Ail
Rev. J Remiss 1, of 1t aer•iown, '.Dalt.ot, Nund•y 11. Kale ce.ii.asd, sed th•,utib to-
ed 'service to he Po e.,o,ref ia0 el.w°b teat ward. awn for barometer rare from zero to
Sabbath. I5)1 or levee above, 11 went down agent with
Yr'. John D o• -or ...el her atoth-r Mrs. i the eon, an) t,te•r•l• ,nidni.gbt had dropped
Sheridan left lee. .eek t.•rGr.n1....1,Mtch.. its throe or tout 'slow. All Solidity night
where they 'rill veil ret .' .ee. l the tele raged, and although the add was
The onnwrt bell u o'er 10.. .o•.•ovse •M .
loot .•.ere "" M"ud.y the hutnoae coo
the L (1 L. ant the wwo.ng of Jan 20 n woe I ltne01 tbr..otesout that da, and 1'ussd.y
• uumplete su•:oee Te. au wrvori la rue Toe fir.[ tut.mm 100 to mazy of our nand.
basement of t0. Meth."icer church. after I dears of 10..evelity of Sunday night'. gale
wnieb the people s.lj..un.eot to w the Fur- was eaves to them by 11.. water pipm whish
waters boll wean A 11 Mu•gn.re, of world nut ur could not disgorge their owl
Windham, filled the cls•u very •wap •hly. Fele l uuntents Io Dau 0.•• brim •11 to
he save a neat sea fitiy..g a.ldrws for t0. I our so are (sed there were prod .Ise it mane
Oran • o0, giving • •l.ght ekwtch of them•.re torcr.t to • 1 ke 9'"•'' lore) -0. bou*e
Orange Io lge pone ve begino.ag. 1).v1d ! holder hod to is, her .now before ha oould
Mc•(:.11, baritone, of Blyth. am eat busies- Whigs hen m.•rusct cap of codes.
drolly removed. Mr. \Iulall pane•..« • Ail ebrusgh 1 h storm •he lake acv 1011101
nob and powerful to oe end gioesuwly rer
I 1•041111114111r 111.01. but on Sund.y aters000
spooled w the mast' encore* he levet,ed. t►•who Kral the o•.u•age o• stria against
bulost..l.cuos. were "The B sou •,fi.ome,I teeethemer t.. H.rt.,r Perk.rk were well no
Reeks ant I. 'eh Loomis end Tie Maple 1 timer.
p• ,1 for their •tieeomfort. A• far as the eye
Leaf for [:ver if lir. 15 nil Byer re -
rwti.d on, the ,ogres rerervpe•eot.y 6gbt/eg
teres to $lu.ey• a fee a euro of • warm ro with each otter, and as the torpor Dose .b-
arpttuo The Harmonic. bee 1 sustained IWeed 105 ma«tery, s great *p•r.d of h+•u-
ua reputation for rendering good mise Gk. mat would •,Dena !' -.ntr *note
Prof. H.e k.w. of f(rr-sole, was oleo 5511 l where the wave* met • tie ever mo.-ittr shah
received. Dotes N egg. M u.rt rug • *.do en.
titled '• The Mh• that' 1 Love " The peas- !Ile"
silrery •Dray �• cern baling to ell dar-
rsle were Mt.. Annie S•ew.. mi., Argi, settees, at taros (Arrows *coons that could
Herbert and Pr. f. H+a kine, sot he imitated by the hand of man.
_ The G. T K. wee uu to -date .4 through
AUBURN. the tempera. for trains alt lett on 111Dr and
1 t tt+cavo •l.. 26 bet Doe of the •rrlvsl* was over thirty
P. 0.-- There u •goeat deal . t talk sero mlaute. late
1'be stage mail .ervia.t was entirely
drag the trial of 11. F. yAmro.e, our blocked neither of thup northern mos boort
ter reached the p.*t offtoo until 0000 yes-
The storm somewhat affected church and
wheel octendsom as might be expected
Morning and ever.aog, Sunday, the churches
remre not crowded, and the tam. Dan be mid
regarding the Sunday ec•hoohe. At the
Puhho schools the attendance wan light ; to
one instance • teacher in the ward sobora
immemorial st 9 o'olock with two•pnpil.,end
the number had not hest increased when
time for dismissal come In the ('mitral it
is mid that two of the rooms Could sat M
kept warm and o• i• asserted that s parties
rf the Collrgl•te Wu • tong way fro!, fever
lu the townships the roads were oar
tea ; Leaflet eeoret•ry, Are. J. G. Wilms.
The meeting was closed wise prayer by
Mrs. Colo Fletcher
Tate afternoon emotes oommeooed at 2
r 0.. with tae 'metre of the hymn " Stead
up, stud up, for Jesus,' after which prayer
was offered by Mrs. James t'arluls ea be-
half of those engaged en the work at home,
the ettioule of the general eoo1.ty. the of-
ficer. of the Presbyterial .Dowty, dolomites
and members of the various au:thertes and
mimeo beads.
Moe. Polley, .f t iodenoh, then have •
very tntre.tinj •lsw roshowing Lite man
woe -
. in whioh eM ooasiders • mentos bond
should be ooadeo1.d, after which Mrs.
(It.. )N. Shsw,of tsrmoodville, ueetnbuted
a solo which was mush ap.prectated.
A most pleasing pert of the program was
ae address from the president, Mrs. (Key.)
Colin Fletcher. in which she gave some
vivid reoollecwm• ot the woman'. m..tmc
Ia 000550ties with the l'05 Presbyterian
council. held last hummer in Glasgow.
Mrs. Duff., of i,odertch, and Mrs. (Rev.
I... H•miltdo, of l.rebero,tollowed with
Prayer for foreign work and workers, for
training schools, tied for those who aro
queltfyisr for the foreign field, for the na-
tive ooavette and all who aro enduring per-
secuttoe for Christ • sake, after which Mrs.
Hamilton gave an instructive re'po.si,w
reeding. Colleotino wee then token tip.
atter which as invitation ss+ reosived from
the (loderich ladies to hold the next usual
meeting in that town. The invitation was
. coepted.
Mrs. . awpbeII. of ttoderieh, was appoint-
ed Presbyterial delegate to the next annual
meeting in Hamilton.
Moved by Mrs. atm.) K. Henderson. of
Auburn, seconded by Miss Strang, of God. -
rich, that • hearty vote of thanks be coo
veyed to the retiring secretary for her etli-
oient services during the put two year.,the
ladies manifested their approval by a.tand-
0g vote
Tb. evemi0g meeting attracted • large
number of people, the church being filled.
The pastor, Rev A. McLean, oo0tipted the
chair. The meeting was opened with Dreier
•.d devotional exercise. after which lieu.
,)ame. Hamilton oonveyel the greetings ot
the 1'reebytery.
Mus trace ►1cFaa1, of Seatorth, then de-
lighted the audience with her beautiful rgo-
ditioe of the new sacred 5010. •, Satisfied."
An earnest, stirring and pr.ettoal eddrw
was given by Key. it Johnstone, pastor of
Pt Andrew'. ohuroh, London. ors " The
Miosionery outlook,' and George Gibson, of
Rtvth, sang (elvers -- with good effect.
The oollection, •mounting to 8222, wee
taken up, after which • quartette added to
the evening's enjoyment.
Mr. Fietobet, on heb•It of the officers of
the Preshyten•1, moved • vote ot thank",
whioh was.eonded h, Mr. fi'&t1, to the
meeker,, the etagere, and t.• t ladies of
RIrih for their bountiful hospitality.
This meet soocrssfal and enioyble pro-
gram wait brought to a close by waging,
"God be with yogi tiU we meet .grin,' and
the beoediotiee.
total expesdltaro per ses.m, on •000onnt
ooesolid•ted revenue, had Mee $23,602.158
for the fiscal year ending 30th Jose. 1878
In 1880 this expenditure bed been rtes up
ea $76,509,564. Five years Mar we bed
there ►gslrfeg $36,037,060 to adtttdnMur
the .thin .f the sotmtry. Ie 1806.thet
meam led le shove it up • saheb 0r two far -
pre•. for is that year expenditure r.aohed
138,1006- ]het it was just .t this point
where teeth.[ general• ,tie. was smelt,
kr ft 11886 Mtytee the.xpesditure dews to
$36,040,141. Weil, the result of that esee-
tion. dash, their professed eoesemv, di -
vented them of power le rue the debt up
any !debar, .hhesgb they left bellied them
is the form .f ligpdee responsibilities sad
.bile.Wless whish the liberal party will
beim be terry .M. ted whle\ will for the
first year er two el their edmI0Mtrstieu t�
Mewls" items win .rive Tse ..t1ml
=station? well their ezp••dfaw.. 'li•ad•y of 1•e1 week John Tirost's prem-
ise ¢ f1 e d Weems, Weeawide\ teak pie.. i it1N was keenly lett •a/ iwt the two ego -
eon of admiwietratiee between 1868 mad ••(diet Om • weather was mild* be.
an Friday hi* cold pttiser, MOW, reared
i51i, I with \la ted retest their .14 bath ersms
mainewsaiss ui J. . 4664.920 vskno is full blast to ce1MN teak leek debts boy,
ArloAi ealiare 92.366 210,577 huts .vybeely 0t b s move ea the wove
13.11 Owatonna. 883,360 1,306,648 bs fybh.rsheodd ted eeewdriNe
Tlehertm 93,268 427.260 Q E. !." u
Oodsl Surtey 96,040 134,368
I.dlh.s 421,603 880,408 Ti* fellewleg are the Metes f.r 1b dif.
8,.36 904.687
t young peeps i.ci.1i width .meas
M l lfekrY..
alma (ib4 916 t
618.136 1,116,713 d vacant wm"4"
III title
VwmMd PuB•• 334,748 633,014 lear1Y7t Ysthediet theme L. of C.E.
106.388 311.931 Tr.day wgolample. 0t 7:30 dame. Theample
lac Jon. Ji, " Die 001 tial the mower r rod
gag a.d the reaper.
(berth Y.P.aaL. T...day egree-
teg re 8 .'fMdk. Tispie tee TMww.ry
1, "Redeslsrues lgei le (IMM white that/
I/l.�" Ibt Meal Murray. YMeiee.ry.
Alby ere seglaily bulled M et*.d dew
meselep, whish me WM in the bt. eresre,
�wieefimu mit Wise 0edur.e •-
I. O. 11 T Ti. - Good Templar* of this
place are $Dowsing in members very rapid• sidet•hlT bheked : in f•ot, in many Places
ly, not honor sole to get through with their they were iapa*sibte. the Saturday •
work •t regular meetings, •.pedal meeting Clinton undertaker had a foorral to
borne cemetery. cemetery. hot laving friends In town
.topped over Sunday. On Moody morn-
ing • start was n11140 for home but only a
short di'unoe was tremellsd, as tha•.now
was eo deep that the horses were buried and
the hearse lying on its side in a drift.
Perhaps one of the greatest effects of
this week's storm was ate destruction of
house plants. the frost peoetret'nv hoildines
it had never before entered Another item
of regret by .on heneekespero is the lose
ot vegetables, particularly potatoes.
wee oslled last Thursday night when eigh-
teen sew mem••e►s wets' initiated tato the
mysteries of the order.
Tec Sick -Mess Annie Strurhan, who
has been 'seriously ill for some time, te, we
aro pleased re *.y, recovering George
* d hitoey h.. ties 000fised to the hewn for
some time o i 11 sciatica. taco. Wessel, who
had hemi I.•d up with the same complaint,
is able to be d ege10.
M11.11. -Meson Homes & Cu11•s, who
have been in Hoyle'• bash for some time
with their portable saw mill. will move to
Wesley Fl.h.r u io Colborne, where, we
understand, they have purohwd • tract of
timber Jas. Young i. •t present bass
getting out timber for beat building in
TrasDAr, Jan. 24.
The roads ere badly blocked with sant,
the off.ot of the recent storm.
James Rlliott, Nils. le visiting at the
borne of Samuel Johostoe, Huron road.
Mrs. Spouse, Herds [road, is visiting in
Dusk" at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Arthur Williams.
Mr. Marshall, Huron rood, who was i11
so lose last Summer. is again laid op with
his old o•.mpktut.
We were iatorwed too lam for
publication last week the& • yentas Son of
Kagl•nd arrived at the home ot John
Sowerby, 3rd .00., a little late to go with
hie pate to the hag 1 upper held by
that moiety in Oodericb.
TOWIDAT. Jan. 26
A Wye Sri., --last weak some time
wee •'morel% for • tramp by fear Femme
Mtge tied stout. but . elethsst:ne proved an
etalede t o see d the esarebrs for 6t wwi..
SOON was hurt however sad se tramp
Large Number MafigflMlradS.
• encetesfei A:ambering--nudes.. t'e•'
ammo ie the lee. Deere N ams rrtaet-
pal r'empmister. tar the rreans
Maple, et Red Fire 1■ the R1sh.
THE first Carnival of the season was
gives in the Curling and Skating rink on
Friday overuse and proved • decided suo-
osw: Although the sight was • stormy Doe
• very large number o1 ladies and gentlemen
in fancy drew attended, and lookers-on
were present in goodly number.
The expected Bead did not •ppsar, Man-
ager W .ilaoe not having been sole to make
..LletacWry arrangements Wath any brass
urgamzsttou within wt reach of t:oderiob-
As tar es one could judge, the abseoue sl
braes wuatu did not interfere with the Osmi-
um of staters, or those who only attended
ea ase the
The .keitun.ne oommeooed •1 7.30, end •
pole beytwd that tiro• the Judges, .1 W.
Vahatter, K. K. Mallow. an lno. Nairn
onnenssoed the sot very I .nt took of
awarding the pro• to th. •t costumed
ladle• and best dressed gen ,Coen. Hero
we would like to remark that the gentleman
would have beau Ina bettor ,.osttiue to jade*
the ,nenle of the babilimeste worn by thee"
00.teettn4 had they hero in the ooatre of
the groups. Being placed, as the', were, on
tee platform at the side, they were (mettle
m inks anything like a clue elimination
of the °Datum.., and besides the, were
crowded by those who had 0othiog to du ie
awarding the prize•.some ant whom were mek-
tug udtbls remarks Notwithstanding their
potation. the lodges made ten good decisions
and two that were sot on generally tip,
proved. ituring the evening the skaters
were treated to • *5rnetee, ti* rink hieing
unexpectedly lighted with red fire and the
incandescent turned off. The scene was a
pretty ono, IS the bre, bereave at many
points around the rink, reelected on every
skater, and made the best dressed ones toes
spinous As is must at these gatherings,
there were some re.11y praty ostuouee sad
.utts and wife that went not pretty. This
latter feature, noweve5, is always to he
ezpec'wd, au many dress for the purpose of
getting o0 the rink, not to contest for the
The prize. were awarded as follows :
Ladies' fancy costume, Sluts McCreath, tun -
Bower ; Mies ('hry'.ml, Winter (:este'
fancy, 14 Tilt. Maximo ; F M Dunham,
Geroge 111 ladies' or gents mimic, Mus
«'tlkinwo, Josiah Atlei'. Witt. ; 11. U.
(:rant, court jester. Girls' fancy, Mies
Lily Webster, J •pane.. lady ; Mies Pre.
flower girl. Keys' fancy, F. Saunders, le•
than boy ; l'lareoos Rhynes, Geo Washing-
ton. Girls' oomio, Mary McDonald, Mrs.
Josiah Allan. Boys' comic, K Horton.
Among three in ostuu.e outside of the
prize winners were - Mimes Phillip. Hum-
ber, H. Hernias, P: Goldthorpe. Queens
!Laborious. Mabel Heaai041. M. Arsutrono.
A. Hendersea, A M71)om•ld, H Wilkinson,
Y. Wats, Tana Waren]. &losers Mabee, F.
1. Paramus, Harry Henning, R. Met'lymoot,
and Masters J. Lawrence, Colin Campbell,
A Johnston, (' Chr,stwl, John Henderson.
Carl treessll, Willie Webster.
A relatable Reett.g Is Myth- Report of
the rr.reedleaa
The twelfth annul meeting of the Huron
Presbyterial society. held lags Tuesday in
St. Andrew's church, Blyth, was • very
pleasant and profitable gathering.
The morning seesion, which was presided
over by the president, Mrs. (Rev.) Colin
Fletober, was opened by praise and reading
the Scriptures, atter which Mrs. Taylor of
Blyth, e•g.red in prayer. The reports of
the various secretaries showed that daring
1896 two new auxiliaries had been wed-
omed-one in Leebars, the other in Code -
Ash township. Thew auxiliaries. although
hat eowly organised, Ned dose nobly, both
is the matter of supply and eostribatioss.
The past year had bees marked by •d-
vseoement is every departures', mei had
bees the most oaoeesefsl, fiianoielly, is the
Maury et Om oomety.
The Herne Presbyterial now eempri•es 15
auxiliaries. with • betel membership of 388
(of these 99 are menesers of the immoral
moiety), and eight missies band.. with •
membership of 489, .na 10 members of the
pewees! meaty Assn .tout 58 scattered
helpers emitributed $27.30.
The seminaries raised $1.193 25 for nit-
.ie.•ry purposes, nod the 1,1551110 heads
$999(17, make • total of $1,482 32, w►te\
with the hues* nseral.g from deposit, M
$120 k •duos.* of km year
Sixteen hundred and slimmer We pond.
.f e.mfevt.ie elethisg. 1•re017 tri, ambit -
lel, wore forwarded in • eeaeol is the Mt.-
trwasie re.trv., dsmg with a box of dello
from the 9sesNss .4Mrle. bend. The Mao
Mama, mini.. bead she seat • bon of
boys ea the Northwest...4 mother to I. -
dere. I.di►
Toughing refer -es was mode ea the lees
.nonsked by the Iemsetl of theirs' heisted
mod yawed prm4e.t, Mn. Thesis Am.
who ler slake yews .s slio(satly presided
ever the Rena Prs.byt.rIsL
After the reading a than topside et the
erodes. •.:Merles sad atheism b.sds by
thea rosp.otive ...resod.e the sleeken of
Allem was p•wm•ded with ted rmael*.4 ..
fellow ; president, Mrs (Rev.) OAR
Tleesher. Theses read ; 101.55.- ,t4555,
Yee. Mewl Jos R Lathers ; Bed
ey►7re ttr.t. Mrs Ng. Rus-
sel { e.sseeary, Mrs R. lrwt.. tee t
imeeperst. MM. Reath Ileaderth mere.
eery el mppeAAMrs L cwt. Ulla
ruin. w;n
bawd .ee•alse MSrsa.ed by A. Bre. alias.
On Thursday evening of last week there
was • ter attendance .t the meeting called
to discuss the um of salt as • manure, thus
showing that our horticulturists are alive
to the fact that land to produce wood crops
must be carefully prepared
A Moll Allan who took up the subject
spoke es hollows .
Salt is acknowledged to be an essential
ingredient for the healthy 000dition of ani-
mal life Why not for plant life` The use
of tett in the soil is tot by any means of re -
coot introduction Centuries before the
Christian era it was extensively used in
Eastern countries. The Romans teed salt
in connection with manures for .11 Drop,
and doubtless ate historic grapes of Pales-
tine were brought to such perfection
through the influence of .otertihc
manunne, Belt being see of the ingredients
always Deed. The ('himes. also began the
0ea of salt in the soli .brut the same time
and to the present day they maks ex Weave
ezpwimenle upon all the Drops. It is claim-
ed by them that salt adds richness of foli-
age •sd intenseness of bloom to flowering
pleats, trod in every cam of onmhin•tlo0 of
fertilizers they claim the presence of salt
DOS always be traced in the crop by its ad-
vantage ever other..
Salt however oaneot, i think. be Glossed
as • direst fertllirwr,bnt rather as . powerful
oheslical agent for preparing end providing
soluble food for plants from materials pre-
sent in the soil, sod is value in this way
005 be bettor realised when we kenw that
street two•thirde of all our *oil is lying
deferent .sd only about one third in fit
oo dit.on ler slant food it also absorb*
moisture from the atmosphere and stores it
ea the surf..+ of the soil tor the use of
piano sad Its value is this respect is in-
caloul.ble. It dry weather espeoielly one
It. video is this reopet he appreciated it
destroys fee*ets is the soil .ed eves the do-
.tr5011ve out worm has to *sootmb to its
mower whim e.eegh is need.
If }raft -growers is this.esins would *ow
their °retards broadcast with 500 to 800 lbs.
ie. the sere lids .prd.g, I emitting to of/inn
Hist they will follow the preotioo in future
years. Of emus the quantity mut be
varied Is peaperlle5 10 the quality of sell
•.d the mop ilet.nded. light soils requiring
the heaviest prepereles in .11 oases
De set allow soy 1e be used sear an ever-
. s tree sr pleat. but with this ex
1* ass. I Wet. be used with moot pr t fn
all elegem of fruit sed other crepe is both
elegised ..d garde.
t IN
bs&p [tit pro ote@ des. n mid alai
prevents 1b swops of .mensal..
Aa shimmies., el Yenm ewer's in the sell
tad • heavy top-dreming "( salt will (seer.
a geed gr•9 1 ina.bvossss, ewp"°l•ny epee
• sky sell."
Meows Ter, W*reesk. Sheppard .ed
R.Nel toot part is the diseemies thee fel-
lowed h.d dvs.•sd mem gull Wee
O. ThurdavIto Doh. the lk
SMey win mMast 7• s.s., whew Wm.
Warsh wit) led Is • diesu i•• e. ''Orepo
totem," .ed mere of the fruit after le W
palled. iMashes ed &$Mors•/ varieties
.t the trete will he ted frit flthstgatilse1i*
Ye.. d.etBmiL
The members reoently sleeted to form the
new county council assembled to the court
room o0 Tuesday afternoon. The clerk.
treeing read over the name. of those en-
titled to hold mate at toe board, and stated
that all had mode the a•ceaeary d.ol•r•hoo
d qualIfiu•ttun, oalled for nominations for
warden. Jno. ('ox, of No. 2 district, was
aomin•ted by Councillors Cook and Moosy
and no other candidate being ooesod
within 30 minutes the clerk cleclart Mr.
Cox duly Mooted.
The warden having taken the declaration
of officio before Judi,. Royle, •seemed the
,hair and thenked the members heartily for
the honor ooef,rred
As the sew system ootid not he made tee
week evenly under theeld rules of order, it was
thought desirable to appoint • .penial aem-
mattee to report .t the Wednesday mended
wuseiou the needful alterations, and the fol-
lowing were eleoted tar that purpose : P.
Holt, H. S. Cook, Geo. McFwu..1... Toss
ramie •.d Dr. Rollins.
The oeaaoil them adjourned.
Council mot pursuant to advantages*, the
warden presiding, and members all present
M noon of Tuesday's meeting road, eon -
finned and signed.
Report of •psoi•I oommittee appointed to
rearroage the rules was rut by 1 Holt.
Tb. toadieg mast in the report was that the
*ix loading committees should be practically
Mires. the alter.ties being; made by appoint-
ing Ms some five members to two mob.
The oommittses ea formed sods the sow
rules will b.
1 Executive and Special.
2 Finagles and FAciostlea.
3 Road and Brides and Co. Property.
The members them balloted for the sem-
iseti.g ...mitese with the fellow1mg,roe....
P. Heft, G. McEwen, R. Miller. Dr. VA -
liar wad Jolts Trireme's.
After the ..001 metiers burdete' the esus
oil sd je.r.ed to meet at 3 r. U.
erratum -in eninuis.
Saes .her the eem5l .•et tb...urineting
sesamitte pes.*sted the follows" report
whish was s motion adopted.
1. Kz.•OYve-H.It, M.emoy, Hy.fop.
McRwsm, C..k
7, members se No. I.
3 ee- 4.Nim, YIllr, Tensme.,
R..w•rt, J. B. Mebane.
t Uamslw•-ammo ae Ns 3.
5. Red mad BrMgsPNhr.s.. Bei%.
YoLon., W1e.ee. 44.511.
es If. b.
7.Pgallism--""14"Vwffimehole ma.-Werike, M.Rw.s. OO.k.
l+mReesea nd _iyuw M.wsy,
al/..,! i .s:..s >t