HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-21, Page 8$ THE SIGNAL: GODEBIOH. ONT.. THURSDAY JAN. 21i. 1897. NESTON VA'EIK Illeportant events In Few Words Fpr Busy Readers the www we1i.M's a...ear•r cesefsU7 semei9M .ed Pas r.ee War sad AeM.etrve lingo eee saw maim se Mar sure -a area errs rywes+f • r.rsdreseea 4Ms antes Pottitt.'e- IMrtai AL. Roe. Edw,rd Blake has been churt;a by the Irl-' members to mow the Oanendme it to the address In nilly to the Queen's apeeeh in the 6mporlal Parliament. 1. t 11.Ku.tI Kt 11 111. 1 %e.' . A new schedule of wares and duties Oar the mei of the emeern division of Me C.P.R. east arranged between Mr. Spenser. .0 eerie tendert t of this dol - den. and a number •ef representatives r the mous • a:ling from pointe between Fort Willi•• •n and Quebec. son et r.\ tit %t ti.. Emperor 'ViIIlatn le will very active iB forwarding his scheme for the re- organisation of the artillery. The British: eiovernment Is taking ac- tive steps to fit out an expedition to avenge Ur. Benin massacre. 1t is Pro - treble that the Kingdom of Henan will be annexed. N1 • ICI PAL XI erre Its. Hamilton's debt Is 53.100.000. Winnipeg will lay ten miles of new alsoadant pevernents his year. A re-count of the votes east In the recent Ma;malty ele.tem at Ganano que resulted In Mr. Charles Britton be - lag declan d elected by a majority Of One. Tire Ise:LttIOf'a donee) The Rev. Mr. Stover. one of the old- est mewl.•.-.- of the Free Methodist CMlrch. who came from Burlington. Vt., to King‘ -ton. last Vovethbere died b the latter city on ttatusday. At the consecration of flight Rev. Dr. Creigl ton, the new theihop or London. M. John Kermit .entered a protest on the ground of His Lord - d onee High Church and Romtsh tendenei••s The Vivar-Cenersl refused to listen to the protest. KI'+1 \1,..i. A company of New York capitalists has ben formed td w..rk an oil ter- ritory it Bothwell The cre.i:tors of Mr F. X. M• o.sner stet at Formosa. The statement of assignee shows that the rotate will not pay more than 20 cents en the dol- lar. In the United States business is quiet and ',nee. continue low. During the tOek there has been little varia- tion in wheel. Mercantile collections are reported ae trnuoually poor. C'em- merctal fathers In the United States for the week ended Pri lay were 450, compared with 305 for the'Correspond- ing week of Inst veer. TN.. UF:AU. Dr. WIt.iam Grant, an old practi- tioner. of Perth. died asiddenly. The Right Rev. William Basil Jones, D.D., Bishop of St. David's. is deed. Rev. John MargtlUvray. pastor of MNYi11P Presbyterian Church. Mont- real. is ea/d. The Hon Joel E. Headley. the well- known historian, died at his residence 3D Newburgh N.Y.. on Saturday. Mrs. Philip Brander. one of the oldest ventdenti on the tamed an frontier. died at Ni ira Falls. N.Y., on Thurs- day. eget Mr. Joh ..land proprietor of the Globe H.x In Colltngwood• and one of the olds. and beet known residents of that towi. died there the other day. (ball A •I) teIMI•AL$. Little Marne Dutcher gave evidence fn the tela' .ef John Sullivan at Dor- . cheater. N.B.. stating that the prisoner was the man who murdered her mo- ther. The feature of the trial of John Sul- livan at Dorch.eeter. N.B., for the Dutcher murders was the presence In court of itt'e Maggie Dut.•her. the only surviving member of the family °renewing tate house on the night of the murder Rhe was visibly, affected when she caught sight, of the prisoner. David and James pall.rd, colored. and Jamey Corbett. Alonzo Smith and J McCoy. have been err rted and placed in .4,111 at Orangeville. teharged with frau, rOnsptraey and arw,n, to which: may shortly he added the charge of murder. It is claimett they are the authors oe *more than 30 firer in the district between Dundalk and Corbet- ton. in the Township of Melateothon. 1•0L11 l(,- FONLIti,. Mr. Wth.. United States Minister to Honolulu. Is dead. Mr. Cornelius N. Riles M New York tea eo.Rhvely declined the portfolio of flge Navy Department. A Liberty League hap been forma he New Zealand to cheek fade -Nos. To- tal prohlbillonieta Mere the first to ex- perience the power of the league. The Pittsburg Despalt'h says that the Cuban policy of the McKinley Ad- ministration will differ very little from that pursued by President Cleveland. The Young Turk agitation is spread - hug In the Balkan Provinces. and pia - ends have been tamed calling upon true Moslems to kill the mad dog of • SUIIan. Prof. Henry W. Elliott has advised the united States Senate that from an economic and humane point of view lit would its far better for the United elates to k!11 all the rennain!rsg seals outright than to permit the slaughter t0 ootitinue under the present regula- kens Or Ircrete ?eT /in .•AHwER.. 'rhe (hit..rt. Poultry Asea lotion. at flutdob. d: .lied to meet next year in Latino The 12th and last convention of the (miarlo (' semens. Aes..clation was held at St Mary's last week. Mr. Jett 1 e1te.Agent for Canada In Australia, -aye that 3.Oes.,9oo lush.•I' a wheat or Its equivalent in flour will be require n re meet the deficiency Id the A,ustr.'tan colonles n:•xt year. The Boar., of Control In the Ontario roan Ex 'erimetal tits tIons was 1a chase m las' week at the Parliament bet sling , the object of the meeting be- to lay out the wort for the coming maims and to get the approval of the Meister wf Agriculture to the mme. Sore are a• present teen ezpwrtmentl mtretlonw lit e)atarin and two sub-sta.- tory, each of there making a specialty Of setae particular kind of fruit; for in- trinece. .t *he St. Lawrence Station array pears and )cards plume: at the ]nay of Quirts Station apples; at the (Ill.orglan nae Seatfon, plums: al the Late to Huron Station. raspberries and amnnte; tt the Wentworth Station. the Niagara Peatlon, tender Cr:Blameat the aowthwestern Rtatleue the at Halton sub -Sia•. Wenitraw' meas. *writ*. Flits nirc.)au. Janne& Apgllatein, a farm.. mar Assers1 strew trewed ase Wm.Wm.Ileet in death to a ere •lea Damani of ENtU hrv. woe twrwed to deaW the amu wise a owes NI lamp in Mr stand wake edeas r the bott.a ltxteen MINIM wore bunted to Nath and three Wally injured la a are that Moneyed as arphaaV home near Dallas. Team. Tbo dorehwe. end Moos Crafters a Caveyhill. metal and Amory hard- ware mernbante. Moatr•eal. was dam - rM by ant There was MOAN worth .tock to the bolding what* anIeeed very largely. Ineuraace, NUM Kr. adaard Fenton wee sulreuated grails u-ylag to rescue his stock trots kis burning bane is Melasaha' Town- ship. Aa a series of lno.tidlarr arse have occur'r'ed In the neighborhood, an lnvedtgation is being held. main" Ing thus far in are arrests. 414$0ALTtaa. The body [Quad at Port Staley Is rhea psebelde at of Willlaat Ward of Warder WS A young mMI named Sayer, ovaa killed in the wood. near Thu'nbery while telling trove Mr. Thomas Hughes, • farmer neer Testvater, dell through a trap in his barn and was killed. Four men were badly Injured by a dynamite .ltpleaion near Saw Bill Lake. They were thawing a .:an of It before a Are. The body of Mr. Robert Johnson of Port Dalhousie was found In the Wel- land Canal. into which he is supposed to have tallest. The Hamburg - American Liner Fuerst Bisrttarok. w Moll ran aground in t{h,,e Elbe on January 6. is still ' 7 nd, ail effort,. to float her kav- t _ I thus far proven futile. Mr. William Waters, • well-known and respected farmer • in oeymutlr Township. about three mules from Carnpbellford, t11., while attemptlag to fix abinding pole on a load of hay slipped and fell t.. the tarn door. breaking his meek and dying immedi- ately. PLKLLT l•EIttONAL. The Csartoa is reported to be seri- ously ill. The Queen continues In fine health. and is busy over. the program fur the diamond jubilee. It is stated on authority that Mr. Witham Waldorf Astor has not be- come • British subject Mr. Tate is very unwell in Mont- real. but his physician hopes for his rer..very in a fire days. Lord ltoetmond (Str }[creole. Rob - Wpm) is very 111, and has asked to be relieved from the Governorship of the Cape. Sir John R. 'Moreton. Governor of FIJI and High Cvtnnttsiw•ner for the Western Pacific. is dangerously ill. and his recovery is doubtful. Five. drawing -rooms 111 be held during the jubilee season. two by the Queen and three ill which the 1`rineds of Wale,. will not for Her J&*Jesty. The Mahar'tlah of Durhha.ngah has remitted eight iakhe of rupees of hie revenue, anti wil exipend a similar amount in the famine relief work. Dr. Allingham performed a very successful operation upon Lieut. -Gov. Kirkpatrick, who haw been for some Urne ill in London. A favorable re- port was sent on Saturday concern- ing the patient's condition. The reingnatleo:a--31r. John Sin- clair as. Gever•not•-General's secretary has been accepted, and Mr. Sinclair has been appointed, without pay. act- ing secretary for his Excellency. Title is on account et Mr. Sinctair's con- testing a Scotch constituency torithe Imperial Perna nent. POLITI('ii-ere :r At/OAK. The Lyndon election trial will be resumed On Monday next The date of the South Brant bye - election is officially announced for Februory 4th. It is said that Mr. Alter, ex-M.P. for South Essex, is to be appointed collector od' customs at Windsor. Mr. H. H. Conk waw nominated for -the Ctxnnwns at a large t:.eeUng of Fast Stene Lileoals at e)riltia Mr. Frank Fortes. ex -11.P. for Queen's -Shelburne. A.B., has been ap- pointed a. County Court Judo- in the lace at Judge Desbnsay, who has re- signed. Senator Setow•ball, who is in Ottawa prier t•• 1••av -tg for Europe. rays that expectations have hardly been realized I treaty. Dr. D. IT. Moir was nominate -1 by the Colch.eter Come rvathee for the• vacant prat In the House of Commons created by the unseating of Mr. W. D. Dimock. as regards the operation of the French William Shears=. • .n: appraiser at \'letoria• has I.• en . ismissed for alis -conduct. Mr William Marchant, who was the Liberal candidate In Vic- toria in 11131, has been appointed In his (larks. Anderson and Wailer were committed for trial at Carh.rry for ballot-hox frauds In conneetlon with the election t,f M. Jtoyd In Macdonald. Some extraordinary allegations of fraud were made by the principal wit- nesses. It is stated that the Itomtnimt Gov- ernment Intends to take ••on.tltntlow- al means to place the popular branch f Ca - Legislature beyond clerical In- uence, and that a hill is being pre- pa.•.d wh'ch pmvldes for the dor trap• haw:I.. st of voters who are af- fected by eccie•slastical threats. Any, eta:u. The 'einem at Springhill. N.1.. sot - 'boy ate oat strike. lord lieuntstephen has given L400 to the [titian famine relief fue4. Mr. F. 1. Wanklyn takes charge of the Toronto Street Railway on Feb- ruary 1. lilac Mahslon House fund :on the- in - Ilan famine ,.uRer.•re nus am•ntnts to L16,0011. Mr. Adam Revak of i,or.•t• r ha. •-.1.1 h is femme hors. hm.teh.t to th.- Duke of Marll.orough. A Chancery sult which .vee s1 irt •' In 1720 is still In progress. Tb -r im. unt Involved la nine million p ,un -le. Mr. Edward Manlius, Lee elhalleefitee. Mr. faudaur for the w Orbr0 e.. IN plonehip conditional nn eh. 1 1 Ing rowed la Toronto Ray. Carr, 'HI five mile,, for one thoutr...l • ..1)a, e, on May 5th - Mr. J H. Maroon cif the timtagI. as Department has gone to F:maned Join Prof. Darcy Thompwon r..d a • d ist In prepa ane a revert to r int- p<•tial C.wer5wfnt .m the ....Mt of their• odnserv«1ar• ..f seal life In the Prlhyktff lslemde last summer. A despatch from Dosnhey pr. -write an awful p of the plague-errirk- en • sty It /s Meng. arils sus- pended and city Is 4.,erte4 Na- tive intoen have fled from their poets and the .etaeterl.a are crowded. the deed .enetiome being len unbs.rh•i I Mr. W L. leash. Meter in Chancery at Ottawa. heel to Meade a knotty question sa M whether Mr. Peter Mo- 17ae m hie INN tiled first In a drown - 'hg anellidalt An the husbsind wee Mend Iota tae body et( his little trey eimened I1t bee arms. tem Master die noted that he mem attire dad Nalo twna..s me Kerb wetted he hmaepF► y/ J. T. ACHESON Bath ?owel 1 Towels Bedroom Towels • at 16c a pair we have a striped T 3wel guaranteed to be all Pure Linen _ _ at 20c a pair we have:a pure linen Huck Towel at.26c a pair we have a pure linen Huck Towel, size,20x40 a! 30c a pair we have a half bleached Huck Towel, with woven red border very special at:503 a pair we have a pure white Damask Towel with knotted fringe ;rplain,wh;te or colored border, regular price price 76c J. T. ACHESON. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. t.OUERICI( Tow ro*1P. MONDAY. Jet, 11, 1897. Ceased tact today amen- tag to striate The tollowi.g pumas made the .eoemry ultcl•r.time sad peeper .luallaoatiess of ..tlioe Jame CosaoUy, reeve; Thames C'burohilt, deputy reeve ; Jr. Je'.M•e. chaa W. William sad John ktiddietne, coneeillors. Mutes of last meeting were reed sad pared. Moved by Jr. Johnston, seoeaded by Chas W slits.., that the ..l- anes of tow.•klp °thews be es (einem : wok. $106 ; treasurer. 670: assessor. 1160 : coarser, x70: auditors, $10 ; seer hers et mused beard. a esti for sear and day's minimas; read semmimienere. each with 35 additieneJ fee reeve fee smicd- tog on boundary lase. Moved CCiheaao WlUlaats, ..wooded by Jobs Madames. that ty-low No. I sow read t. passed. The various pathmsster.. pound keepers and fence viewers were appointed. By -kw he. 2 was passed. Moved by Jae. John...., seconded by John Middleton, that T. C. Pickard receive 330 for use of hall for municipal pareses.. TM follewise more the officers appout.d : Flitch Mo(:arthy. aseeseer : Lou Miasma, colleetor ; J. R. Holme. aed George Holland, modistes. Moved by John Middtetee, wooded by Tbwa Churchill, that the Idled isg mosore be pad : Mueicipal World, 60 eta ; News Reword, prtatine,110.36 ; slakes expense.. 169: G. Emmental, prune treasurers re- port, -port, 51 ; Collecter's Guide, 50 ora : col- lector, postage asd etatiessr) , =1.60: Mea- serer'e report to Bureau of Industries, h : treasurer, pomace and stationary 14 ; tte•- sarer'a report t• potter, 12 60. Ceased sepal -mod te etas es mewlis Febreara. - Nteeseet y , sot rine. Cowen w M per statute. Meoben all prevent, and teak the -smeary dee!srstiee and quslifcati.t of o8ie.. Mimes et last Reruns reed and approved. Checks were termed for the (oilmen, saoo.ota ; F.leetIr express. $62 :.ismer Warn•, drain award, $9.50 ; Paul Reed. keeping Arthur Wellezie. a destitute person, one day and over night also taking him to jail* ; Kenneth Mc- Lean, for S T lobarged in the oowaty (rea- .urer's office and afterwards performed, 33.- 71 . Thos. O' Raley, drain S. R 6 •sd 7, $3 : James Bryan, printing board of bealtk card', 1x2: W m. Stotbers. posting up 8. amessl statement, $4. Mat Farris wee appointed aseeesor ; R. A. Carrick, collec- tor ; D. T. McKenzie sad Jobe f.osr, artdI- sena N. T. Rambo. was appointed to the position of water e.gtarer Council ad- journed to meet Feb. 6. W. STeTit s, Clerk. COLac tf r. Canoe, Jaswy 11, 1857. Colborne council met is the township ball Present, Alexander Yotemtle reeve Nailed Johan, deputy rests ; Vdnw Wllio., A. J. Moret. sad Jaw Tayke, esanetllors. 'AU the members signed the I a.esssary .1ualifia.tt•.s of .81st . James Taylor moved, s.co.d.d by Natkaw deems, that all the old officers b. reappointed. Carried. H. J. Morris mined. aeralad * by A.dr.w 311114.., that Raley Weems be auditor for this year. Chewed. The reeve appoi•ted Almada RobesMr• em ibe•Ner sadder. Nostra Johns woe Mad es the Board ret Health is the ekes M de • Yo.ag. The rearming Ohre, James Har- +.., prorated a prides dp..d by s ern- ber of r.t.p.y rs i. his keshitr Wdeg ler hie taxes te be rimLMsd es ammo. of hM lees by lire. Nath•. J.hss moved. esesed.d by A. M4Uws that said taxes b. remitted. Decried. The (dl•wing Meeks wan kneed vt: Luther D. Allis, is. sheep tilled by digs, *266 ; 8ig..1. pet.ti.. 161 Peter M.sw•.. lumber, 86 ales.; Simard Geed. pee end beard et Andrew .Neter. N 00. .dty onbsripsk. se The 31oskipal WlerA 66; thetas expenses. Manta, re., 331 15. The e...il i..Irwet.d the sake - ter se b•r all taxes m is se before Tab. lie, 1897. Ceesail .dl..ned te trees es F.breery 100h, as 10 etek.k A.N. F. A. McDotmaoo, Clerk. Marin J. Arthur . et Tea pow. .3.R, w with on aseident en Tuesday. Ms bawd being iseght le the prem. Mini Sr sad shadiest. el Vetr'dow, 31..., w visitiat the s sareses, Mr. sad Wee. ilea Weatios. Bris•mms•Meese. "Tame, then r mor Mira BltwMirrho pinking up her little bay, was W hurt his see, " don't en. Be • nes. tib •mama►" Monet (A.s. Neekm3.... M Tens Somas sesi. was at Pert Albin% in Tuesday MIS - big. wakes part V the entertale•sonf mom by the ltsrllsh ere\ et that pkat Fos TtacAttas,-TM hU•wlag mere - modem lase hear by the Rd.essienDspart- miss will be off Warm w the issebletg prefer los The SMostien of Cesmty le- is riled led le the pnvti.me of the PPbaai. Scheel AM (81) sad the Rsg•laW.s Th aeon Y rJ11) anekseky it Wane esus. them ems tassels In the year. whish r to be held on a Friday end SauWq. The 1e11p eefe is esgdrud to ow Yes Ie additional Mee le taken keno the Send Mashies dam sakes regarded by • v.serti.s .f thd Ceemy Oreedi. Aa the oohed tens of ties 1 h s year b. Nser.Uy Mohan by Labor Dy, Day. mod OM kt6sgetsee by mi.• I . ern. ,Nis tessennadeg that the is tions +onw he bola. if rs \Ia ahs ala her pew. Jia Yru aa, =the • P SEEDS 111111. We snail or new a y Seed Cairene" fail descrriptioa of the best introductions la Flower sad V sew agsak yy words with oemplista details of the Fanners requiremate fa !laid Roots. Cl.rer and Osseo airs. Seed Or•k1a Tedder sad seepage Cera write for a Doer JOHN A. BRUCE & CO , b BIRGIAITs Hamilton, Ont. NEW 'MEAT MARKETI ANDREWS BROS. & Co. Beg to inform the inhabitants of Goderich and vicinity that their which for quality and Meat Market, OO,`30RNE BROS LADIES' °OATS • Oa tad after blkiroar, 14tIs.1 this uesstk„ we will sail the balance of our Nook et Ladies' gees as the foibwfag radsetioas : Luxus Lose Beaute, ARD fissile QDA1 - 1, $10.60 for $7.50 ; 1, $7.7 for $6.00 ; 1, $4.8b.lbr 10.50; 1, 17.50 for $5.76 ; 2, $6.00 bot 14 60 ; 1. $5.00 floc $3.75 .... LADIa.' Sno.T RUMS* ASD Falaaa (loaves --1, $19.30 kr $6.50 ; 1, $7.50 for $5.50 , 2, $3.75 for $9.75 ; 1. $7.75 for $6.00 ; 4. $6.00 for $4.75. Don't tail to simians these Coats if you sant to buy. OARPi?8 AT DOST 6 sods Bruamela Carpet at Oast 10 soda Tapestry Oarpet at Gut 3 asd. All -wool Carpot at Cost 4 node Union Carpet at Cost ALL - WOOL MUDS 8 pieces of the best All -wool 50c. Tweeds ever abown in Soderia♦ KEN'S FUR COAT$ 6 Men's Wombat Fur Coati. at a bargain. r r e' COLBORNE BROS. The Great Carpet Wasebosrse of the (Jotrat'. CRITICALLY EXAM INET) TH1 WORK us THIS (Tax Nrtg.r CITT .t'•1Nxn,1 AND osmose MILLatta, LONDON, OPT.) is far superior to that of the ordinary boli -ss mina Patronise a College of known merit, and your .ecce= is assured. Connie reopens Jan. 4th, 1897. Catalogues free. r M..' A. ertLDIso. J. W. WESTERVELT. Principal. Fall is at Hand So be prepared to meet it with a good Hat or Fur Cap when it comet We have put in stock all the Ltttst Styles of Fall and Winter HATS • equalled. In stock are nuwereka am price annot be Dunlop's Block, Wast -at sorttuents of the latest ui a few doors from The Square, will be open for business oA Saturday, the 16th inst. The firm most re- spectfully invite the public to in- spect their premises with the hope that a visit will mean an order. ANDREWS BROS. & Co. GLOVES COLLARS.' ' AHIRTC HOSIERY. i1'rrs, CUFFS CAPS, NECKWEAR. Z. R. SHANE & Co. 1'N reliable Hut said F.r•ubua Emporium A CAKADtt N COMPANY, . FRESH THIS WEEK I Candies Chocolates Bon -Bons Oranges Grapes Nuts, etc., at NA 1 RN'S "In Unity there is strength." HE GOLD MILLS Non -Personal Liability. Shares Sold at a Discount Absolutely Non -Assessable. Exploration and Development Company, of Toronto, Ltd. Incorporation applied for undo,' the ONTARIO Joint Stook Companies Letters Patent Act Relating to Miners and Mining. PROPOSED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, DIVIDED INTO 14000,000 ISHAiM Oi 89.00 EAQ►3 FR Head Office, - TORONTO, Canada. Principal Agencies will be London, Eng., Rossland, R.C., Rat Portage, Ont. PROVISIONAL DIR[OTORss MX -ALD. 010. McIMUR1ICH Terme), JOIZPH S. WART/Wit,1 , q., Q.C. d aAnima Mager AnimAs wasc. CMc e. •f Lea- Ise akest, 3.c. /en, RK. HON. J. D. EDGAR, Q.C. WT.. Toronto. Howe Speaker of the Hoe ofCevessews, Can. W. J. DOUGLAS, Seq., Tweets. Director The Tomato Paper Mfg -Co. ORONHYATZZHA, M.D., Toronto Su- m. Chief Ranger (.dependent Toronto, et Feemesm. JOHN POT. Seq., Tomato. Managing Dir - are Niagara Navigation Co. J(1YN R. MiMHtNNICE, Sr.,President &Metre 011 Co.. leaden, Oct. • 030103 It. CA$ZY, gm, M.P.. Piag.i, FREDsItICE W. STRANGE. M.D.. Oat Teroibs, Deeny atrpe.-0eneral, es' A. D. HARDY, of Hard Wilkes! Hard M.P. ler North York. warvssHARDY,_ .es, rae O.t. y' P. H.CHRV$LZR,1•a, Q.C., Ottawa, Oat, SION. JOHN PARQUHAR$QN_ Actin. JOHN 01030E BOWta, Ep, of Bowes, Plearder P...I.. ani Dieser MActing srchaa.s. jJa.iM.e. a Cr., Iron Fomadera, Haven- soak. Caerlettneww, P.S.I. .1 toil. Ont. a0 Sowed, /Often A Swabey Toronto, Ont. OPTIONS. -Thr management hes sawed *be following interests is both British Columbia and Ontario : -Options of three pro.kla locations seer the smogs " JUMBO" mine, Roseland, B.C., two properties in the Slams District, B.0 one it the Wh .water Basin. bong tender oWdus, the other in which an interest is being e.godd for at wren*. A location in Boundary Creak Metrics. B Ms , which is well mineralised, and will be anally y .mined In the spring by our experts in connection with contemplated purchase. 1 wo locations in Rainy River District. one of which will be examined minutely as soon as transportation admits it in the mein, wbiha the other is under negotiation. Lstm-Uwe hi ;selfish Bay. having an area of about goo acres. as weli as several other perttall Lake of the Teel Creek. Sloan, and Boundary districts, which are rwusitrtog the att.it;op of developed erties is the O$J (1). The Company will secure by exploration, through its fihdq Agwis sad employees, gold, silver and other eldam and w111 nil the sake, a tally develop and s.11, btom s bodor or oonasi s as w111 aspire the beat and ll+sfl•rns to its shareholders. 'risers are scores of mining *am which chow surface 1edi.slia.e d gold or silver, orWirt and until they have been mega byexpenditure in opening them they caner be wbskied. the e.sagtind y . lasa skilled Mining Registers_ This opMaticsg with options sad over the'alli fields la Canada. and will continuos to some more s.1 develop...) Oboes 1a beads. The entracts xt,. toteedl wb .b eapimdieme will made will depend on the advice of experts. Before dirks.) in for e the Company will bepurchaserst.. Lay before intending purchasers the carefully prepared reports of the best 111 odThe rill vary witreedy h the stagy r,f tlselopreest and the nature of the reports Is this wayDO investor Reed be They will know what they are g etI a g s, far as the best advice can rod guide them they wilhave the chimes always before ahem of g calm sod a teenimeta chimes of lama The services of a practical and thoroughly reliable was, who ha. explored ,hg Kootenay, have already been secured for the Cotapsn in British Colombia Is) The Coepmey will also promote and form other Compendia. Neto 03 this ooatim et sad is Europe, dm the purpose et acquiring majperwtiag mimes sow enured, or to he smtneed, able C of Ref deal is skies Ames. and act se H fm.)mmexa a, an Cs Apots throughout Canada sad slim when M renews the CocaM3s sty the liktiorthe Win be a elegieE- g( te Ile skier holders ea all magas per to aim* and analog Ikeda; Is OOWmteeeyy.. Brttich4Cohnehfs, and sbetare. es. allag garb shembeMer to realest the wlf7 meg saws from the Cosepters OomBd 1 Agents at the sesieg ego es. all the peak (5) lig g pllwls g est. Aims (tam be aseesal M lint cost, of w every rhenbgYer pts fig prod. sad depriving prepare and isr t elee amid at w d am. beyond IM y will . amst, thereby =ha It of a privets Iiia a W W rhe or call ise or ay other hfmsNi.e b• gfeelt w', e thomzideame A limited mm■ber or leen•, are now alk.4, te Iba at ' too shares Tom tltltl M Inseam embutlben to dm lint Isms Ori de se by II 13 hlsebe of smt 1s. tbaa tN • • A. IN: R0881 CO., Mining Brokers, otom, r, ate Em, Tenets warns w* rri .,