HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-21, Page 7THE 8IONAtrt OODRRiOA' ONT., TR 14141nAYe JAN. 21 lam'
aindn Hi1a1e To
Talt For Pnbllcalion.
But it is Not a Disgrace to bo Sick.
Yet Some Suffer in Silence and Will Not Even Speak
on the Subject to their Physilian---
A Foolish Modesty.
Net the Met mem the many valuable
w awa Dr. William's Ralf Pills have ree-
dsn to sal.rtsg hems is that .4 tame
them ever the edam! petted ss-wa&g M
middle am. esessao.Iy Mews as the teem
d Into. It se atm happens seat •t Oil
eimeeterie weasels relapse um a sem of
Areas IatraaNlue wed the Mewl d•.aer to
at. withal Meade the /da.Rs i s great
that • o•disi.e weigh ran be relied epee l
carry ted spasm over shag Magentas ten..
M aetbiee len aha. • lfe-eaviag i.ve.tw..
Wear. Dr. Willa..' Pink Pills wiU do tom •
walnut .t this Ml•.e of life tobsre ew. is •
ChromateOtt 4. the et lire. Besjernia
Muth. who L Haseverhe Dewsbury.
The chase• M lid. kid Ids ler weak •.d
microbio, with mann pains drama
S ed Menem el breath ea the •lightest ere
mise. Mentha wise sbmeb ehe.t.•tigm i.
heed end eyes. The pate is her head was toe
ante fors era& She gee.o sleep either by
day or sight, sed her mem was at Mme se
re•c teas it took ewe meals le bald bar se
bd A skilled dosser was called in bit did
so geed. '• My cheeks wosl'4 swell as leg
r sasses," sa14 are Saute ; . ay hes
were se rd as fire. and there see e. 115515041
rid of the peke i• the bead. I masted' ei
ee frees a afereisl hoer sad week he•rt,•54
at time my eyesight was s bed Mat *b-
da4 before Ins seemed bee dim ehed.ws,
aed there was w• of leMeads who
loose l f. r my rsutst . 10 th. I raw
... aortas in a sowep•psr or • Were limiter
11 mise tereegh tie the of Dr. Wilhelm'
Ptak Pais, sad my Maned armed me M
try them. Before ewe bens were aged abe
pates began tie disappear as 1f by Mlle, and
the eemeeee4 w M Me oilb for • Mete
nes NM • matt, ties left me es)enee
as geed health es ever I bad 4. my Inc I
esseid.r Dr. Williams' PM P.ila, a bus..
4.. sad as I knew there 41n abMsands et
woofs wee ostler is lienal fres freebies
hevieg the came Male es seise. I •m *fano
f•I meek fee abet tbey have dem ter me
to be my airy is the Mope that sem eah-
feriog sister way ee d.alarly bel sad
os have fall p.s l-4 . M Mat I
hen earl yes, withe elan mess se be
veridsd by any of my adgbhen."
Yrs Fronk Murray, wee resides .ger
Ogdoabern. N.Y.. says : " I soh 46 yeas
GI Ms, •.d fee may tsars raided oar
Oet We mend ever here mese
sad have worked able teras [sees.
My hummed le working d r,labare et
ble trade. NM of • Mese mase while ray
,Mildew ath4 myself carry ea the farm.
I ten hem • wren Mime frs. sick
Msadiebe, wbteh weld ipme a ly seem e
*beet mesas, sad 1 woad be .•mplgglf
• .N even able ee SD .y heed ter
le myself le say way. These spell.
wenld Mos fee *Mel iwwty1wr bwr55 bud
weeld have M be a weak a e•eisthn that
ter • few days I wield ssasely Arm •bast
the Moes., I have sin had ia.•ktorsble
spinel treble, the sharp. denims
al pais bowleg ogees senora feUe•wi.ellS
ley seise sed M the beak of ay
Bar. emend me* sed velment the do
mini resale The deem. acid see Met 4t
was da ee the .pprs.eh4.g e1 lib.'
f h..itd of Dr. Wiliam Ptak rine fee Pale
People, Bari eke lake timed el aha tares
*ay bet teemed is • meter ell parse.'
preemie keine he tee. sed 45 lase 5545 t
aeries ties Melded m e M them. I g1s
Mow et the pa* sed ohs I had Mien a
few Anse 1 _ mere beadas►w for ace.
Wad Mem
M have • beevy fge4heg aompsr M time 1 wee
site dremy. but ea slake atesampented It.
J Sew brew snare p43k sod M o /* rag take
wIy a few. I hd well si.M. 'awl Nick
lel b4s.nes mild s suand staag the e.eguN
he et'eegM4.A a I wee
.4 etch I knew that Peak Pili are a geld
endians. end Ally VIM Noy one
amend M be. I beye rees00 sge44
le ettem assay Irtssei with yai nay have Seas
emits. 0",Vrs ter ass. 1 de sit q ewe he.sepwk M
the flees. Ws lave a Laryr}el tweb Bassi,
Nat *a t IMI I betaand Am saw tbs
spsh_. J. W. rdt r rk.lr•
*GM le tbsltretre yew I
At Sim_ en _
itts Ms aim
•aril r.
«afiss 1B . lay ow
We was aimeet gees, and 1 we terribly
e meshISd, my head gave m. =eat cremba.
S ad a time the pain was so tweet that at
Wiese 1 hares it weld &gest my r•..... I
had amid essay modeler wrtbmss svail,sad
bene M maw s1 regency whoa I wee
wiled te in Dr. William.' Pok Pills. The
remit hes Mee =snakes. From • nobly,
despairing meas. 1 hen bees tt•uhrm..
Me see fell sf Malik and emu, =id 1
fed mete tbs.ktal that 1 see say ter the
weeders P1.k Pell. Mee deem he me"
Yrs L . Weasel, Levant, Gat. says : "I
have mei Osman to .! amy untimu.y
te the et 1154 13 sever Pink
P.IY► see 1 tele severely fe
)end 4 , mitt hie ti re Wag
IC.ap fAs. lataild te be AmMtd ea. 1 Wee
She hospital said seder nsatm nt nearly l
two me&., hat hewing sot 4. mals the skill of
ibe deems was unable te sem N I west
lams and after cull ageing le a(kr.* or
roar mantis, I detenneed to is a. Me he..
pital again. bet tort...tely for me as old
ked► ea tee ..is, who mated ny emssi&t-
.4sad wens ooadluo.. asked ' What sill m
you, my Mild'" I tad her my trMW.,sel
see replied, Befere gem so the ho.pttsl
•oda mire Dr. Williams' Pak Pills • fair
trial. I know they will beep you." I fol
flowed her adv..., tied attar taking Mr
be the dowee •bse'ute'v stossad. f
!!lease Aber* the Pede-.N.,•se a.1* M
ore. of the »..lakes.
Bee.mea 44es the .re an are a fails sad pri-
me it the
Dewieiee et Canada. These pewsaee-
Metse are ender the control tit tae
Peden/ Government, and are Illtttated
at Kiagelue, Oatar$u• at. plana. de
Paul, Montreal. Uonitester, New
Brunawlok, Stony Mountain, 11aY1W-
ba; and New Westminster, He14lN On-
Marbea TM total cumber d prima -
era osadued en the.. U.st+tunooa 1•
ion was 1,217, bt wheel 1,24) were
mem and 2e were females.
My tkrse-year periods Moo 1133. the
toliow" le the average of novices In
the i••oltwU&rtaa• 14x1-33. 1,143 maw*
sad 12 females; 114-f, 1.121 males and
41 females; 13117-e, 1.14e maps sed
'all females: 111,-2, 1,343 melee and IN
'images; 1441-1, l.fit eagles mil 31 It -
maim So that It w111 be M that the
aterage number has been on the ta-
Cuna4detred !n rdatlua to the ennr5h
of pupulattos. It appears that one &r-
10* out of every 3.861 la the Daninlose
ikon whole i. 1314.
wage o[ the period
na. there was owe C05111 le 5. tvtry
3,174 venom.
In tbo five penitentiaries last year
332 prisoners were discharged by ex-
piration of sentences. 18 died during
(knprtaonment. 73 were pardoned and
only two escaped. The tau who es-
caped belonged to Kingston penllen-
Uary, no convict In any of the other
ponttentlarlei, having succeeded in es-
caping fur the year ending 1p5.
Lent year 47th eziinioata were com-
mitted to the penitentiaries. Tee
crimes which they couunitted were as
[(Mews: Murder and attempt at mur-
der. 7; manaiaugbeer, 5. gape, 34; big-
amy. 3: shooting at or wounding a ith
intent, 11. .aaselt, 15; burglary eed
robbery with violence, 131; purse, cat-
tle and sheep stealing. 33; other of-
fences against propel to'. fee forgery
and offence agalnat pn perty, 12. ar-
sun, 19, other felonies and mtsdentean-
ors, 14.
An analyUa or these figures shows
that 14 per cent of the crime were
offences against the person, 73 per
amt. aga4mer property. L; per Dent_
were forgery, and 7 per cent. fur other
felonies and misdemeanor*. The aver-
age fur' the three years prec.4ins 1244
show the offeacea against the 'Peril"
to have been 26.4 per cent.• o encea
against property 0.4 per cent.. torlfery
13 per teat., and other offences 4 per
cast. of the whole Taking thea- de-
ures as an index in a g.iaeral vas, 15
appears that offences against cue per-
son have degreased, but that other
felonies and nniademeanurs are oat the
Of the convicts, 7 had their birth-
place in Canada, 7.7 per cent. cause
from England, 2.7 per rent. front Scot-
land, 3.1 per opal. from Ireland, 1.4 per
COW-- from the United mates, and 4.4
per cent. from all other countries.
When 45 /s considered that the census
of 1111 gave Americans only as 1 7 per
cent. of our population, it 1a clear that
In proportion to the number to Can-
ada those born in the United States
supply by far the largest quota to the
penitent larks.
Regarding youthfui convicts.
table relating to ages shows that f
the 1883-5 period 17 1-2 per tent. of th
convicts committed to the oeniten
tlarlea were under 20 years of age. In
the 1111-8 period 14 1-2 per cent.; in tk
I •' Loa ).• wank. a.. * Nee a tmesaa w• M
.5 ted, e.•hb..s...e of tom. !" s.1.1 Om&
T. ay mow yea .wt Lyme," ea.
sward kms u..1, Hea.l. Mar.
15.4405- Y,.s ni ea. u..► at 360.000 whisk
re • ..ry emerdee. • y L vr., but jive de . ,
weer .. t'.lsde I. . 4 ....'arts! is stir
e.. b..,.. •,
Ar.k.teos-O., toy will be vas.., d
Nis cum cod S...la.
Otirbetto., Jeri. T.-Wward Foatoe, •
=sere35 years old, loot kis life
near sere yesterday si.r•t,g la en tedee-
ter M mets 5tece hes- • 4.uralad
lar.. Hs, with Seed pre•ta, whom
he uv es what la ka.w■ as
the eater About 2.M edam
adgkeers necked snote melee trent the
tarp bars at Me rear et the butt..
seised the alarm u4 Pewee rushed
niesaae the three berm *AA Ire seats of
wtls •oaga•d lute bundles. W pa
sotses as the cows weer
Nataed 1. r calla It wee with great
dtttkvity that he weld tome them. Oars
M woo .vere..ae wts smote sad had se
dest.t ter • time. A seed attest, kow-
nee ,art ham his tire. Tits 1lersttt .taws
fell eppoos Lm, sad wire•s tee anthem .Sated
hie charred remains were Lead saws
than. or .14.. trattJ,r. T'se err was et la-
th CwJ ,bh*a loci age Renton w-
k.eallty ss the Medic farm. kart e W
m.truis there It. tee •peees oar taten4et
Male, Tthaealeo waaaoeaoe•a.
Qvireiao. baa. t -The eott.et:rstles el ateh-
ap Zhorales leek place at w
Matbedral at 11 o'clock this max.leg Tu.
Where* wee tiled to Iia einem tappet,
auk clergy sad W V trera all parte of the
Ppovlar.. The following Malone wetr_ pre.
meat at the aoaeeceaUsa The toed BL4..
e[ Yastrs4, ale Lord bishop et Nowa Bco-
111, the Late bishop of Ottawa, the bard
Bishop ersd eietie. Bl.hop Min -
um ee archdeacon lW. the Sea
Stam ; Seo. Mr. Baylis. sec-
retary a the leve ed fnehuge per Arch-
deacon Res ; the Bev Mr. Beyeell, .eMe-
sateuve Ott Aimee ; Trindpst Adams, w
a/MtRoe. root. atteedumet off MierbLrw.4 Lumen.
0[ sad
Roe. Prot. 1416/1 =4 moat' rem
seenewl with a 141. ea, red tie collect
flee Uwtsfop .4 >N ba itlta. smarm ass
we mese h_1N7 eternise
airtime Tee
Tee mamma ma • rYa'l lat.epli.te o.
•lo mens.
sem YOU T3
T• 4
18 M the Most Itsletoee of all Tees.
NOM OliLr 53 LIMO r*dare sr
STIRPY 8406.
The Goderich Lumber Company (Ltd)
Ma for We at the Harbor and at the
yard on the G. T. R. track, Elm, Ash
and Basswood, and Pine, Hemlock
and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and
the sines, 'end Cedar Posts. Also Slabs
n in ar.y quantity.
1444-41 e
period. 14.5 per cent.; and !n
the 1193-4 period, only 13 per cent
With regard to race, of the total
number coatmltted In 1318, 443 were
white, 13 were ease e4, 11 were DAMN
(iali3 Chinese.
%ilth regard to nonlegal essdlttoles,
73 were married, 30: were magic. and
1 was a widow.
Grouped M ages. tbe-.e 44 tender
20 years, 207 from 20 to ytars, 91
from 30 t'. 40 years, 4f from 40 to N
7►tars 19 from 40 to 60 years. 1 over
40 years, and 43 not given.
Of the total number of convicts rem-
itted to penitentiary during the per
led from 1879-15 there were 244 Bap-
tists, 3.151 Rotnan Catbo!ics, 1.043
Church of England, 573 Methodists.
345 Preabyteliana, 290 "Protentaotit.'•
and 1,444 denomination not given.
Of those committed last year 25 were
Baptista, 231 were Romeo Uhthollc..
were Church of England, 44 wain
etbodl.Its. 31 Presbyterians. 44 "Pro-
mtwtau" and 3 or other denominations
not given.
Looked at from the standpoint of or
cupatisq the total number committed
wing the mast Sixteen years are
grouped as follows: Agricultural. 343;
commercial, 444; industrial, 1945; line
Menai. 104; domestic, 22;; laborers,
2{69. and there were 1232 of no occupa-
Of the total number committed be -
ween 1879 and 1395, 1195 could not
read: 452 could read hut cuutd not
te: 8,718 could both read and write,
d 1745 were not classified.
With regard to the use of liquor the
urns show that during title same
period 444 total aNteh, rs, 2902 tem -
rate people, and Ube Intemperate.
became convicts. There were 1944 who
uld not b. classified. .
The amount of money sunk In penl-
entlaries. together a;th their revenue
reveltits, are sbow-, as follows:
Inge:ice Penitentiary- Velez of t.fuld-
e.. stork. etc., 31,1.7,006: revenue.
754: expe'tture, 9224.115. Maul -
bo Pcnitent4.y-Value of 1tu11d1
a r'. revenue, 31,.14; rxpen.11-
441 o 4 et:' Vincent dt• Peal Psts/-
nt ar, - fate.. of butldtnee. et.... 9p1,-
1 r. v elite 81111; expendlturr, 963 -
T .: Co'u nbl Pena tt.try-
te c: •1144114ge, Me.4443, revenue,
91.7. a u• noltnle. 342.972. Dercarstsr
13 ntt.w%ar"-YWne of buMtiin4ta. etc..
34.'.ey0: ferret 0'. 53.b:. etc r..itture.
A m'apttu5tien of the above fixures
shows that over $3.4eel,049 hay herr, paid
to eaai•llwh our tronint.m r.•nitos*•
arta•. that th.- rev-iU1•• fr .n1
them M 323,8:4; tett Ike :70174:4:11111.1412:
s,- .dp115.v
9443.017 yearly.
T ., flaurt. Elven n►r., relit r h44y
to Dominion prisons or t-e.,it•-nt' -• ter.
The total numbed of p ran- e, fine
to provincial prlanny.tu•-Litt j k.c4...
f , Roil Pr2Mn, Yet.:•:. KI: at I
v.d Ontario Pteforma►owv' Mawr 1•...
was appftr•lmete4y as Mlliww; On
kaM0. 1224; Quebec, ogee No.- Dealt
IN. ew Brunswick. 'd: ''.:r.l'o! 1 4?
Britt* Columbia. 11'1 1'rin.e iII;:•'
Island. 24: and the Twrr'e,•.- a
Taking the total se• -tier . , mei
Her.:. or all kind. to Cate'-, r • 're
Mntlartes and province •1 pHs nie. it ap
pears tiMt no sem than 37,;.46 per n a
were committed derintf flee year 15 •e
Of tile atlbaees tom 'nr. r l nV a h• s
primmest. 4,043 were a const i he pm.
ma-. get against property nit., s
knee; 3443 against yt-Mp.•14t , .. tt t4 tit
vlHmesse 315 tnatke+,.us off-.no'r against
' A *ere fory.•ry or 1 '.K• neer
the currency. eel 2 218 wine
not Included In the abnvee
leek the p.14. lar noun time league, cad my 44
heath was fully metered, said elm thee 7 3t
have Mse both street and wire. 1 hell, c. t
Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills • e t blatant ,..,
Mrs. L. G i itebell wiles : " I take this d
o4tpert.a1ty d thenklag yes for the great
Masa I have remind from Dr. William' t
Peak Palk is that aroma pried trews as
the MaaMe.4.life. 1 ked gegeud fee yeses
frees ki4a.. trouble, asd this I athppge
was the iaesmuaeemeas of the Shiga Tks.
1 wee alesekd wife spell .1 di>u.a.. Sad
weakness. a.em.pan d by pais in the t'TI
back, 'Mash weld ire for weeks as • hems. an
sad teem wbiaM I ss.W sat gm more 5331n rot
an bear er tae's sleep at eigie. A inroad
who had sacse.nfslly ted Dr. Willie.*' pe
Pink Pilk is a similar ..ergesey terve m.+
to fry them. The remelt was 1.M they to
bresgbs M sue!, tbn.gi 844..0411.1 !w-
helk s.d 1 sm male esj.vfae priest Snaps., t
aid Mire plsacgn be r esmmsa14.g Pick and
Alk te thaw Milady •heated " Ir
Bar. Davy Farkas, mt.is.ary at Poplar in
Dais, Apra wrier : -"I feel sire I et
meld M maws is my duty did I that write to
M les yes bas' the weed'sial b..sdt de to
rived by • north May here hem the ass .t '2
year Peak Palk. Mks Maty Martin, the ,=
ycu.5 lady referred to, we take. sick two
yen ago, •.•t all tie seediest Mamma Me
eaderwest proved of bio avail Taller= the
family V ay ap.Mty a mimiaa•q 1 saw
with sorrow that *ekes somebYtg was dee
to avert tbe =egress of her wlesble she
would sot be Inns for this world. She Om
pale. almost bl."allow, .ad rabjsot to .n lb.
dstreams ivy meanie week •WW..p•ay m-
ead brkfg the .4 5&. ge an lowly gran
I greed tie ee to try Dr. W iniam '
Ptak P.lk. acted apse my adv4.s,
and I am raj to say thee they bays
hilly and sIsrelp teetered her Ma1N. •ed
r tbe nay -abeam! 5551 of today ye wewii4
sot rsssenOs the hvalii a a siert time be-
en. The weeds d her grateful anther M
em were them : We have te Meek you.
Me, Fe5edo,fer t.a. esiti g Dr. Winker?
Ptak Palls. They have sand ear desab5.r's
life sad are mere gr.ssfel than *►s can say,
_ t o' give yes pmeiae
lea es seed this
tesMgfw 1, in 131 hops tMe isms les be
siadlar im tees a nay be be h4edt."
• Mk med.
Met,. essieheig the bleed a.4a1ew4IMen•
ted sense, elm ~Mee the rash et
end driving it hers aheseels..
TJMi. are kayoed Mahe lbs grerame teed •
0100 1_51/01 ikfh embarr. sod lass awed is
Me.lesds a some after •e Misr meeibl..
knad. The_ went pPM lee psl q r
4 D
p asa swisrup•
W.1e Nem setme
00=threlle ud 1.s. 54.4
'feaei''NDr w`Y.
ter Pale Pearls.
Peehue saki Is lefts brut by the
w itis.A"'` tikes /rem
WNeekne and
114111114 011
W She deep e1 tthemallierrsms~
1196 tee m ware 4v..enteeess
er pesaomncsd In •2ana.ta. Of
Omar Oaten* had three eihd 11vttJ.h
Oe9aeiia two.
istrfhaa Mem MO! 14.1 beel iDow
"Res de jai imaIt le ms It *tar
Y bore e
r amil-
.-of sis T1.aTw ti
sa re
Taal mei No. el. Manager.
! n b.Anwe office for the rale tit Millwood.
f8isb.to .1 t se been e•M..h.d at the store
s1 HAIle'
#'xlt k Lftk. who are empower.: to
.reept orders Sad re.etre p•Imenta for ut.r
Mews trade la that Imo,
Apple Barrels
For Sale - - -
At Lowest Market Prices
H holesale or Retail.
are Seo scary to mankind, then how
taaeh more so are they to the better
park--wousan 1 Aa they are so neon
oar/ yea should ase that what Too gel
eared,!lag saving in cash and
'naivete or Graniteware
bougie ham ss le always good, and .s
the latest inventions are always
added to o41r dock a better aeI.oIssa
manta be fssad is Canada.
es.pbb9 lbw of Stoves .id Peru -
sees in tae Omit,
Any Old Thing
Oen be made good as new at the Henderson Bicycle Ca
We oan slake juts as pod as new old Ploughs, Harrows, Hors -Pewees,
Land Rollers, tutting Bose, ()ttltivatt.rs, Typewriting Machines, Skates,
Knives and Forks, 8p01*4s 1• tact, anytbu*J that you might think was urs•
less -bring it to w, and we will rerair it. We bave for .ale cheap one sec-
ond hand Iron Shaper, one wooed -band Dynamo At letups, and a lot od m-
ood band Pglleya -all sizes. If you bays sus* of any kind in metal, Ball oa
us : oar moulders mat every week. Look out for the Coaxing Saxes and
Huron wheels for 11497 -Built oa Honor-cietaloguts will be ready soon.
JAS. WILSON, Manager
Yon.• -m iso lbwlat 1.'4.U.. etre 14era4
Delicacy of Flavor.
Sapersontyi In Quality,
ar3atef i and Comforting,
so the .arrow or 14•.y.
Nutritive Qualities Unrivaled
fa (Jtarurpund Tans rely.
a' Ws.•llao lad.,
Jas. Yates
now occupies the store lately vacated
by 7.J. Pridham, next dcor to Davis-
on d: Co's hardware store. For the
Christmas trade he has a full stock of
the latest Games, Fancy Cards, etc
The bat in
Stationery. .as
Fancy Good..
1111.ereweeete Ca v.dal t Meek
manufacturer .4 .11 Made et
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.,
Aad Deals =-
Engines, Machinery Carting, kc.
AU Miss of Pipe • id Pipe Fitting•,
84e.m and Water Germs, Glob. V.Ive.
Check Valves, Iasoirster., Ejectors •ed In
Oaten Constantly ea Head et Lowrie
1 lis. of Steel Water and Hop
T for u.e of farmers lied other..
Repalrtee promptly attended to,
allely P. 0. B5a 97, Qoderia4Oa•
Were-Dpposlse re T. R. Mattna 0sdoech
or Overcoat
If you need • Winter Over-
coat or Suit call upon PR1nHAM.
The Tailor. If you leave your
order with hila you ntaydepend on
getting goods that will suit in
every way -in tit, workmanship,
and promptness in delivery.
.Com Detition.
The OAean as PAC,r,o RAILWAY Opo
rm.a....ra km bees ssiabltsbed le give lbs
3abfle • lllr14 c age mein web fats sad per•
mama e.mp•th 4.a.
It le moused se bolo., 1 rlaclplr sad la
he tatsaeol at he farrows.
deserves the omen of every pesos wild
behrooKia aempetlilee.
Pea ewlek de.ewtea nes uta Own=
Ilse., oonsostla. wttb all muse mid
1. ranee sour, ca.ed. aid r+araneeire la lbs
Diner through wires to •11
Horth woo .ltr.rtab (7o4amMe sad earede Osasa
Oates- -tooth ztldo Wa.-ms.$
a. aaawi» 4V. -
l9f et nonmetals
Skates and Hockey Sticks
Prices right. Assortment complete.
Cow -chains,
Guns, Ammunition.
Axes, Cross -cut Saws,
An immense stock, and prices as low as OATS at 15 cts.
per bushel
This is an old Irish saying you may not recognize, but its appllcatian
ioat now is to tall your attention to our stock of
Overcoats and
two things the poorest of us neeti to keep warm. In the first I have alined
manufacturers' samples for Men anti Boys bought in bulk at a bargain, Sad
with Irish generosity I'm offering you the benefit of the sane. You can't
equal the goods at my price anywhere in the county. Who wants Underwear
a4, lea than wholesale prices 1 Everyone, of coarse. Well, that's what I'm
giving you, straight 1 $1 Suite for 60c ; $1.75 Suits for $1, and $2 Snits fol!
$1.50. Hew does that tstch yon 1 This we call our Great IJeoember Bale,
and will include in it several Tines of
Woaderfnl Bargains, nada mit
at 20 per cent. off regular prices. Everything is :these lines must go off
this ntooth.
C. R. SHANE & Co.
Ask your Draggist far
Woadl Tolls
Remedy tor
*ask and Impure I$ooi
Kidner and Liver Troubles
.e...cr ..a • d. lit. Il loci *Ofd. sae..s.s. es".