HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-21, Page 66
'PR BI0NAL noDgR10H, O T.. JAN. 21. 1867.
MOM vory, bet it r amity Iarwwm that
aides 4• coat will be Balled to
•stag the other ooWtgel for the d.-
! 11e11ee 4 ea advaory omp.etty. Me
C L [ata, Water Valley, Ni.,eeared by Basun In the Crlminal Court gfialisty
kimmy. rushed tier f ntismeedinog
eo.m•itutdly antismog
Ayer's Sarsaparilla In London.
"Pee gee years. I shier l uslola Wawa"
Oen mestielar Simile -la I bled
knows rewsd, eg called els beet
dam gelled ad•ertsalt AIL. Uwe Ikegk
speeding M1M mere, Maids dower e' lbs p
meldbimeld Nealemly tampsey Mkt II.
Ikea was wasted away se that I weighs*
sell darty -three pounds, my WI 1111 sail
kis were drawn out of shape. the 111111111110
't I
ludas Meld up blasts- I sags Webb toss smeltdresmeltexcept with asefaiaaw; and
could only hobble about by using algae. I
bad wo appetite. and was assured, by w
rasters. that 1 could not live. The pales.
ds, were so awful, that I could procure
relief only by means of hypodermic InJ•
• lions of morpne. 1 bad my limbs bandaged
In clay. to sulphur, to poultices: but these
gave only temporary relief. After trite(
`verything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, 1 ttegso to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
inside of two months, i •u able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limb.
began to strengthen. and in the course of a
year was eurrd. My weight has increased
t.• lm pounds, and I am now able to dole,
full Ray's work u a railroad blacksmith."
TM idly Wselet FairSarsaparilla.
. PILLSAtr..darAe_
Love looked in tine duor of my heart,
''Alt, tans • is en room for me here''
And then he withdrew Med
, curly he,
And i saw in his eve a tea.
"ILs business, always business !' he method;
" And horaee and books and art
And • portent for tame and eee+Itit beset.
Has otorded sat crammed your beat'"
Rat I answered humbly ,.Without •
What you .y, V Lnve, is tree
But wait till I move this lumber nut,
For I must "asks teem fa von 1'
Th• advent•ges of advertising were h-
eady tlluatated in London. A man .d.
mewed for the return of • les
t oat. [u le
thea • week 322 of them were brnnghi to
his house.
ed m
" [b you konw tortner ' ' asked leis
honor of a wooer to • Northern wort -
"Keay hire!" was the rupees,. " Why,
j.dg., him sit' am is like hi -others; we've
.barthe same mil many • night.''
JohneI bad • leap.v-sr pr3poml yester-
Rooee-Oh, tlr
proposals .vary
Johns -Good
K9yothing ; I ret several
grievous, you surely droll,
moan it ?
Boer -1 d. ; I'm as insurance agent.
A young lady of very eztrsordi•ery new
city lately sddreered the following letter to
bee ammo: " We t• all well ; wd mother's
got the hu Tern: ; brother Tom u te
rot e
eh' Hopis Kaoah ; sad sister Ann has get•
bab; sod 1 hope these few hoes will Badrme the .grime-
me Rite mune. Your b-
east, k o:se itu
" There ie se very dramatic Gametes is
my new play. It a where the morose nes
the old form is foreclosed and the hero ain't
M7 it off."
Dose it .Beet the endwise, much r'
" Oh, my ! %Vey, lest sighs • millimetre
ie one of the bows we so •fleeted that he
wrote out • oheque for t2,000. sad seat it
up to pay off the tied ed get the hero
eat of difhoilties.
They stood beneath the stars, silent s. the
heart -beau of the •irht, looking into the
diamond -studded shirt•froot of the sky.
"Is that Men'" ho whispered, es be
slipped his arm around her taper waist, and
sewed upon • glittering orb in the dimwit
No. it isn't," she otol.imed, jerking
ata ; " it'. mise ; sed it you Mask you
you are haggles mother, i ma 'ell
Lea you are mistakes."
The aster wee •minable 'soled before
ssytlting serious resulted.
4 Mime is Nuesate the T.pelo..I of
/e.eseere otere.w bp Jumps.
gt•wkIaa -Legere Weil wig. Aimee& 1
e t'.s.. I eke reamer/ with .tram-
mor.ev w Canoe etap/eetem rdikagle■
les Leta "aved.see trimmed Whish
strut akow Tam Avery A.es.esle a 1
snorer Meeting el fatted treebmse la
- I
with the other lawyers ter tae MM
wear me
I Wltmenee. trona Antwerp were et.ilr
ed W deadly, whim Mr. Tey'tur latah
saying that us. *Wildest lode'
datdwt had bees lard by the pi ueec*
Um ow wfeioh to skive consorted
purpose ter aotloa on the part of lr
try with the oilier alleged conspire
tors, Tyua , Kearney and Hulls
Ivory and the others, be admitted.
had been sora drinking together, sad
Shite had also Meat .saage of PA -
bbetween the p 1•01/11f11 anti Tynan.,
11110 those cirs.wnstat.m*e furalgbad
yl1dsiae of the existence of s Ioa
The adau=atoa ''
of the Aar
weep testimony was postponed.
The mender of the Hotel Havre at
Havre testified to the arrival of four
men at his hotel a two were wppo.ed
to have been Ivory and three ree al-
reu-p aaaucfatea The court then ad-
et u''h
London, Jan. 18. -The trial of Ed
Ilford J. Ivory, alias l)dward Hell
1New Yurk, who was arrested in GIs"
pwa Sept. Ira lee.. ("Imaged elle sue
t destroy life and property
Sy rite toe or dynamite, was begun In
:ha Central Criminal t uurt, UW
may, this moraine. Justice
'Hawkins presiding. Ivory 1. ac-
! Maid of baying eng.iffed 1n
la e.Oeptrat•y with P. J. e. Tynan, al -
aged to have been the -1\o. 1' a the
iri.h lnvlhclbleo. u ho was oto frequent-
)* mentioned during the trial of the
tersvue ..ttargevi wttn thv taunter o
I Lurd Y tederlet Cavendish. Cele( Sec
:etary fur lr.1-'td, and T. H. Burke
i'eri amen( Under Soerelary, in teem
makes clothes
sweet, clean,
white, with
the (east
- The Heetsse•-1 suppose there is so ai■
sk .g you t. May t. Imam Y'
ke Collet -Not in that prey "
D.M. elisiveraee stlr$pMi$1k'e t+emdMe•a
Causing Aureate aeeerelteg
Leese" Aee.sess.
Landon. Jan. 18-- (Montreal Star
C .) -Though the morning reports
gave fsvortble accounts of Lieut. -
Governor Kirkpatrick s condition, this
- afternoon the reports are more eetioua.
Hie friends apeak ver) seriously of his
- ; condition tine evening
sex Para, Lub.itt, on May o. 1b4_, Juan
r. Lueuary of ..tow Yu. k. J. S. m
non ss al
Ace, altar ilalnee, of 't e u 1 ora, -
xners. 'a) nn u rr arr.etrd in bud
tar our Ater, l un the morn
14 of .' cpL i:t and brat pry an
tleines were taken into . uetudyRotterdam.
Kutterfa, Holland, on the seine day
lyuan. Haines end a Barney were sues-
uersequently rrlea.cat by the r'rencn ere
Dutch autaor.ues upon the grout'
:hat the offenses with wheel they were
:harged were net included In the Its
tf crimes meQ uwted la the ratradltk,n
treaties of Olhat Britain with Frame
and the Netherlands Kingdom...
When Ivory was arrested in Gies
tow, ,her he had given the name u
Bell. letters and other ducurntary
evidence were found among his et'
frets and upon his person, which dim -
:load but connection with Tynan.
Kearney and Haines, and the Scotland
Yard authorities demanded his extra
dition to London, which was granted
sed after several arraignments in the
Bow -street Pollee Sta.'Ion he was for -
malty t•ummltted for trial. Ivory's
counsel comprised J. F. Taylor, T.
Matthews and Cecil Dwyer, Solicitor -
General Findlay, Solicitor Sutton,
Q. C.: C. F. (1111 and Mr. Bodkin ap-
peared floe the prosecution on behalf
ib the Treasury, J. R. Carter. second
secretary o[ the United States Ember
•Y. and United dates Consul -General
Patrick A. OofAs were present In
court. Ivory was well dressed and ap-
peared to be perfectly composed. He
pleaded not guilty.
After the prisoner's plea had been
entered Strlkra
dtor-Genel Findlay pro-
ceeded to narrate the events leadingsg
up to the erre.. of Ivory in Glaow,
b ginning from the ;Jme he left New
Mr. Taylor, for the defence, object-
ed to the In;rodnt tion tato the case
for the pron llevUtfoof anything that
had taken place outside the jurisdic-
tion of the United Kingdomwhich
sae calculated to operate to the pre-
judice of the prisoner.
Justice Hew kola overruled the Me-
Mr. Findlay then stated is the court
end jury then there were two charges
•guinet the prisoner. The first of these
."haret-e, he mrd. was that of uunsplr-
iug w nth '1 yi,ata and ethers 10 cats
.tosione endangering life, and the
ei.'sond was the. tit Conspiracy with
the same parties to cause explosions
whh-h would endanger property. Mr.
Findlay than went on to trace ivory's
movements anseekingseekg after his ar-
rival in linear Britain, and called at-
tention to the fact of his having en-
deavored to find certain men whom he
could engage to effectually cause thexplosions.ezpeions. He next spoke of the pre
w,nera letters. In which, he
mid. the words ••flndlrtg stock"
meant finding agents. These let-
ters, he contended, showed that the
prisoner wag acting In concert with
Tynan and Kearney.
The Solicitor -General pri t eetdod to
read soothe, letter, in %Mail the prl-
toner had written these wurds, 'Things
look very bad for me tis regards Lon-
don stock; so much go that Billy Burt
won't do."
This letter, he said, proved that
Ivory had been engaged In snaktog en-
quiries in London similar be those he
had made in Glasgow In an attempt
to engage men to cause an explosion.
Counsel then read a letter written to Mitch by Tynan, in itch the anter
said: "We nustat have self -r specting
men not men who out Lowing their
manhood through drink_ We are bothQ
capable of doing the business pson-
ally in any event"
Mr. Findlay. 'continuing hie argu-
ment. said that the evidence which
the pr miieutn would produce would
link ivory with bite doings of Kearney
in Antss•erp, and also *hew that the
prisoner belonged to the Order of
United Irishmen. bring
mould also brg
eve ver to show that Ivory
had attended a secret meeting of Uni-
ted irlwhttren in Chicago. and that he
lett the United States in concert with
Tynan. Kearney and Haines.
At the eonclnalon a the opening ar-
gument the taking of testimony wee
The first witne.. railed was Julio.
Opholser, a welter emrloyed In the
Vt.-eerie Hotel in .tmeterdam. ()ptblshowinger produced the register of the Vic-
toria Hotel. showing the arrival nn
Aug. NI. 1333, of an American who gave
the name of W Ilkro
tne. He wait anm-
partled by • man supposed to be •
Clerks employed M tlhe Rt Pancras
Station Hotel. London, IdenUfted the
t.rl•un.Y aa having arrived at the hotel
oe Aus IR last and registered under the 11
name of Edward .11.
A ncrml. him ter named Parkhem Identif
Ivory as having applied to r
the purrhass et a lame quantity mf
•t'tphurie geld.
-,•nrnas. e Charles Sonea chemist In
4'•ttlowsy-tread. testified Stat ivory
eso4 celled at his pwa ace of bunIneand
*eked to gtrre•.hawe 2s pounde of
t1lora to ref potash. esteem" that he
*meet It per the d Mather
Policies? Teyhvr. for the etei, a-. .
erms_rieW9IIPt the wknwaa with greet
severity se to the identity of the pri-
mmer as the mom win fled nailed at
ids lattrwatee'
Asanetated with tate •prbeerser'e Mpn-
s•l. els e% oho irnedstdee Sot M'lles-
Arsries ibsse 4I. son err the Ltr,l
UMW* Chief
MW* of litre laa4 le Mr. John P.
cl.tyy., RlrrsIy Anmatant 1Nfsrtrt
Atteeney of New Tori (bunt,. who
ems estipagid try *erre Menai b
HUMr Teri be eerie to reg4ared and
NON wehs ors eshase. it lived bees
- aer nes esey • IUerwere Expected M be
d I ■Mer me se the heat.
Lender, Jan. 18. -It in understood
•i that the Queen's speech at the opea-
d Uig of Parllan•eut W rnorruw wilt be
d unprecedentedly brad It b .ipected
10 congratulate Parliament on the
gfgnlatg of the srbltr•etaon treaty with
the United States, ani upuu the more
satisfactory vita -king •f the alliance
of the powers t ( Eue'pe fur pi uneit-
f ' Ing reformat In Turkel. and eilr .z -
press regret at the Beata tit: aster.
- and at the n.hxetty t..r a purees
expedition. The leguuattve pruixisal.
are tteliev e. 1., ..r 1. .. , and Lte . u. -
portant treasures prordiaed w 411 b •
- I confined to the reliti of voluntary
acha.ls and an employers' Itabeit,
bill, supplemented by minor n ensures
relating to the tmpros upset of get i -
culture In Ireland and enabling the
military manoeuvres to be more toe-
venlentiy carried out A hint is also
expected of the increased suns to be
demanded for military services.
IBS tit;AMA'a srsscM.
CAA .11•14.% 1.1 LONDON.
Kr Debar) mad *Mere gieereeets oke caner
Mee muses .f , be ek..mare e. a .aimerer,
London, Jan_ l8. -At a meeting tide
afternoon, called to reorganize the
Canadian section of the London
Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Richard
Dobell presided. Among those pre-
sent were Sir Robert Gillespie, ti►•
agents general of Br,u*1* Columbia
and New ilrunawick, and Air. John
W. Laurie, 11.P. for the Pembroke
and Haverford West district. Mr.
Dube!' suggested that the topics
which the section took up should I..•
the tariffs, the Canadian Insoiveni y
Laws and the Hudson clay Railroad.
1In Connection with air latter air. Do -
. bell regretted that the British Gov-
ernment had declared the scheme to
be Impracticable, and wmtsld a..t as-
sist In Carrying out the project. Mr.
Laurie was elet:ted chairman. and Mr.
Vernon was elected vice chairman:.
OSA 1141. • .401.11 Mltws,
aM•t.b Treepeetp to soma n..•e.gli w raeb•
N .a eke Masa.. a .Nolo...
London, Jan. 1a. -A despatch from
Port LOUIS, Mauritius, .ayes the Bri-
tlgh troopship Warren Hastings was
wrecked utf the Wand of Reua,o n un
Jae. 14. Nu lives were lost. The crew
of the ship and the troops that were
en board have arrived at Port Louts
The Plage. f.rewtag Worse.
Bombay, Jan. It -The bubonic
plague, which is ravaging this Sty. Is
growing worse daily, and the flight
05 the inhabitants Is increasing. It la
e'._:;..ated that nearly. If not actually,
two-thirds of the population a the city
have fled to the country tuwws or to
other Sties, and in many tnatances
have carried the contagion with them.
a1mbeeley Care. Leader.
London, Jan. 11.-A meeting of the
Liberal peen was held to -day for hb•
purpose of choosing a leader of the
party In the House of Lurd. In sue -
cession to the Earl of R,..sebery. The
Burl of Kimberley was elected was
accepted the post
IMI ruku Iv MA *AMYL.
Floor- The market is quiet teed pilaw
aeenl.ally unebaage•d. Mruight eWMrw as.
quoted •t 1:I.t4u t., it. Toront., freight_
Brea- Trade quiet and prices steady
Bran 10 quotid at Ili at rim west, asj
short, at W to 33.30.
Wheat -The local wheat market Is gdet,
with no ekangea In potties. Car Iota of
white sell at 81m. and lid at a/c. No. 1
Illareteke'.hoe b neebanged st ror, 11141 -
lane. and foe to a{.:, Tomato freight. Na
2 hard. erre to elle, Midland.
lierkwbeet--Thr market is gofer, with mar
Iota quoted ■t tate out.lge.
Barley -'rhe mark.-( is stead,. 1fe. 1 quells
re at sec to Me, No. 2 et aur. Ns. a extra as
ase, sad No. a at gar.
O.ta-Tie *0.0.1 la quiet mad p$tts
eat White sold at 150 wept ivy
at lac' to 1*%.' west.
Peas- Trade .alt sad vvrle.e steady.
Mies at OM to Ma west, Is f fights,
Vor.-TM markt le weedy, wit* sew
Yellow misted at Tee to Mite eatable
Rye--TNe market Is bncka.g.4, with melee
at ie Wert.
ttataa.al-T1e market is Quiet and pies.
embossed. Car lou aro diluted at $2 96 to
Liverpool, Jae. Lt -apes` wheat. es I1
rte Tpees.
t. i
ro Ts e0 . red. so eget. No ...
Nelid;; lard. ds ed .maneI.e., beey.eds. tbes
. go., tees, heavy,
2M ed ; tetfaw, tela ; eke e. white and enol
seed, gill.
(alis..- Wisest ea pease e W eedl.. Rag -
lies eae.try marttes partly lap ebewpee.
telae en pmas.ge atter - moody.
'Damrf*44M-es ted ter epee rob., es 10hii hoarse
Mari, as ltd for AMI ay es pad for
Jolt'. la }atom Is NM tor Feb . as
�j ry1-1�i
sad 1M br April .ad
Me tor Pah : aeur, egg
--eitme-Warst how quiet st
kw �PM1t .. es 1eeldLd few 1 rets(, ati
•seieJ as is flier hr tea. !. 1tor � row April
memiL:reir ttit /r MM..er. Rs..
«et tin. t on s•t•mf. artier
Mr tee *relic ADM
(eavbaed 1b. a..p.k.
lee merit• ti the Greet South Americas
N.rviee witb.t•ed aU the er•ulte of
tb.. credulous and .eerie..'- 1%. hen
they are euseerted tee t•• use is
tapir perennsl silmeor•
tk y bemoans its bot
flied- It .ever
Sods thea
Mr. D4iwesd., lit Coati holt. rd,
mays : 1 r.s...te.d South Am.,,..* N.
•too to eve. Hedy. I o. alder .1 weal l e
truest to the beer, uterets el hesp.any
wen 1 mot to ate tea. 10 we ieot.ee 1 n u
tomcod sa avowed wept to to .11 remedies .•1
its cursive power be l•roeur.d a hoed.-,
sed it bee been tit sash WMM fit to bit that
M IMO t ue. to purchase sad .w it, a l hive
peeved it. 'root worth me a stemere •oJ
metre tomo It has dose wooden for e•e
sed I keep it osamteatly t. my Imes.. go
twosomes, does evil to • prerr.uti mid
keep tee well sad wrap,. It le wonderful ,
medso•..." Sold I.y J. K. Devi..
When yew hay • thin, for pent t.. w.•'► I
M g it home a'ly worth it.
Au I.s.reeee Man's story.
J. .1. Haer•tty, Inepeoto ter the Qtsdard 1
Life Assurance Co. at Pe! erI oft tie h,cereal
of muscular rbeam.tiam by the Groot
Smith American Rheam.ric a •or- - It
term the midoi.'ht of the -ring roto intd•
day brightness of good health --Tutee ere
hes words.
I wits • greet •efferer. Treys aw.eahr
rheumatism to rev arm, .o much an that for
Jaye at • time 1 amid reit .leen 1 wall 6.1
the floor io pato the greater pert of the
sight I prnourvd • bottle of Sew h AaM-
•cao Rb.umauo Cure, end foxed great re-
lief after • few dose.- 1t'. • ...e nor., and
I heartily recommend it, Sold by J. S.
" There, tiers mid lira Bloc Myrrh,
picking tip her little boy, woo bad Aon
cue, " don't orv. 11. • mid, I k. mama."
Irehweg. iarelag able a/swam (tired fee
as crap.
I)r. Agoew's thetene•et release ie one day
mod owes Totter, Salt Rlosu,a, Scald Haid.
E_uma. Berbers' Hob, Uiu.n,Rbtekw mod
all limestone of the skin It is soothed
sad goie ing. arid w'. 'oke mei e t. the
ems of silt b.by bumur. 3So Sold by
J. E Davis.
Mistress of tee II • . (t•ki.4* her w r• ant
to teakl-R•Mp'. t ase afraid yea he..
bn-ken your word."
Bridget ( •bread-misdedly ) - Shore,
ma'am, it meet he.. been the oat. -
requiem Leen la Terror,
Bat Dr. Ag..w'e oore For the Heart Gave
Relief in 30 Mtaatee sad Thr. Bevies
Ef o tel a Con Which Banned like Beet
of Ph
This is what Mrs. J. Cockbnts of Wart
worth. One,, nays "For fourteen years 1
here been a gnat .offerer from heart dis-
ease: tre.b4d very mock with sharp,.hoot-
i.g tom eeaetaatly p..mag %broach my
heart Vary ones the spas.s were so
g erms that I would become aees.ssoua
My limb. would .well and beooare quote
oo:d. For t bete fourteen Teen I doctored
with best pby.imws without relief. Hay
tag em Dr. Agnew's ours for t►. Heart
advertised, I Set rmised to try it, sad k. -
fore I had takes balle bottle I fogad greet
relief. I felt the besebelsl effects inside of
thirty minutes. 1 have tikes three bottler
sad it has dose we mars good than ..y
medblss er any pbycioms ever did. I ears
eo.eoie.ei.ael♦ reeomme.a it so all nfetren
from heart trouble " Sold by J. E. Olivia Repair
As esterpretag juereel puhlsbed is • �/�i Lino
Sottisen, watering -place has the follwisg kept w heed. sad sinus bot .0411ed
sots at the head of lite • LW of Visitors " : hauls o espluy ed,
.• The weed ' Kea.' ob•rped three pease pro
Our Indurated Fibreware Tubs and Palls are
handsome in appearance, but their chief
excellence is because they last so long -
because they are light-unleakable-un-
breakable-and have no hoops.
They have rsvdstl..lr.d the old style methods of
Mishima . . . .
llhIchaIIalls & Rhiyiis
VAes ►.ortrasmi.
V1•br. is all kids s'
read b0114 ', m.s.rtal for every. deasrlpm.s
School ?mit* a Sp ciaity.
The Bicycle
Season of 1896.
is now
want to
over, and if you
Store Your Wheel
for the Winter, I base the
accommodation, and will take
them on reasonable terms.
I would remind cyclist. that
Winter is the proper time to
overhaul Wheels and repair
if necessary. Plumbers and Tinners.
Tinware .. .
At CATTLE BRAS. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Gook Stoves. Whe have them -
all kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble cost prices Aliso leave yotir
orders for repairing and settin 12p
of Stoves. We handle the bed
Canadian and American Coal Oil.
Evsrythi.g fa the
Righty la every als.dred.
Suffer More er Less From That Most lklea-
ave of Disease., Catarrh --That Dr. Ag.
sin's Uasrrkal Powder i. a R' made, nal
Remedy! is Testified to by Tbomerelle
Who Ho,. Bess Cared Ontrig b' - Alex
Sdn..ds.s of Rswuth, Out., Say. :
"1 hero been tro.I.led with catarrh for a
,rear loamy years. Having eaaered smash
from it. 1 bad tried all the ea-eml ed sower
hat serer r.e. v,d any relief hams tk...
Seeing Dr. Agaow'. Catarrhal Powder large-
ly advertised, I detera,iaed le try it, •I-
thonesk very sogtiral ahem ..y Mid, but
I was neatly .ad agreeably dbeppoialed,
ter from the Ane dam i ressored very gnat
redid, sad to dry i eon Loper ly say that it
bas stared. I keep et oesetestly in the
h ems, si we Amid it • gaiok ours for sold is
the head It gives almost ieetace relief. I
have se heeita.oy la preelai.isg it 'he beet
sorrier wtsarah, and I heartily ro.onmwd
it to all .R.r.re from this malady,'
Jades --Yoe oetaeked this gee Ileums ;
yea k.onked Nm dew. ..d robbed him of
hid watt&
Promoter- Year hese Y rubs ; bet If I
bad sot takes the iablad.e, who tan tell
that be might eel hetes demo the sats M
The only food
that will build
up a weak cons-
titution gradu-
ally but surely is
Cardinal Food
a simpk, pricntiftc and highly
nutritive preparation for infants,
delicate children and invalids.
ataxy waresw s se., erw.T..e,
StAele Livery Esteem st
'Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
Altana a M Nam Alea
ea ADADLAl311 1T. ee
sasr..rdPt� TOsaONTC
Cakes, Pies, Tarts.
Ready for the Rush.
Call at D. CAIrru.ow's, the leading
haltery, for your (,twistms.' Wires and
Puff Pete Tort., Oy.ter Patties,
Mince Pies, Short Bread All kinds
of Cakes kept on hand. Orden left
by ten in the morning will be made
and delivered the same day.
Wedding Oakes --Ornamenting and
decorating d rho Wet designs with
a fanny assortment of Wedding Oahe
Almond Icing a specialty.
=. C I taolo= ...
DAVISON da 00.
The .p o data HARDWARE and:Bro.i-
um G000s E1aroatrI wish to call at-
tention to the fact that their
97 stock o c are to hand,
and aro be -1116,46M yood doubt,
the finest - assortment
and best quality ewer bran/twit;
town. Already than pairs in
Fancy and Gents' Hockey bare been
sold We have repeated our orders
in some linen, and would advise in-
tending purchasers to have their or-
ders at cans, as many of the lip -lo'
date Huge will be eamrdg.
New hoods and Best Valetas
in the Tailoring line; at the
old-os/sbllahed and reliable
WMI•et Emporium. &Wefaee-
Illyie arid PAM.