HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-21, Page 5r THP SIGNAL : OODNRIOH' ONT.. THURSDAY..i AN. n x144 SONN- bty vtBTlot-Os Final. Jam is, se oesales em WMs h Tp to Kr. b.apl lire J� w . a w. MARROND• gleDOMALD-Wt Y -i• tik«.Ti: ip at.v.'fVw. MW et Pater'. DIED. Is T believeddddaughtterea Jet IL Or end ErILL ninth lama. and a rear.. 1 w gad 13 THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Freak tbs Reporter's Notebook• r gesews • Bale fa: a' ser Ossa. 1 reds f. was es e • oaks'% Awa4 •w Takla' Bets.. a' Salsa WU !seas am.' -esus a. -L. 0. Meinerw. Pedal. Alas. fiwltL Jabs Osvirl, M. D. Atlee eine aka Butts --Tb. .. Ulnas, Terdwish ; Use. Torts s Winning ; tate.. Maras. Msalerits A Canna- -As wag he ass by pus era the leasee el the skates tint hen gaged Friday weals' M the bei esesiesl d the ueaeea Twelve prigs w* he .warded sad Me ger may be seen la the wage, el A. 8 Ce s.U's stare es the Nisar'. Wm. Welkin the tawse aye. es4 we ..re be r right, %het the 'peters are the meet vale - able ever preowned ed as • earnest is lows. Flan Boe.ay.tr. -Lest weak.' we had the phages el • call from Mr. aid arta S. Oke, eelllleeireev�kal., Mare., wee W en ke. Mees rd•tivea neer Lades,. 'i1. Y• n wilt !amnio r the asiebberseed new six swathe visaag rein - tins is %ewe end lowasblp Eder. Mev lag the sirs war ea ,wether bawled titer b4I I .swag► lo pity ler Tun Sinn. till '90 Oa.uauTs Iserretre.-Tdlew1n are the ellen of the G. O. L. Literary 8.01,.7 .heed as the lam rgpl•r westing ler t ei aestis. sem . Pres. T. Barlow Helm.. ; .tae ans. Misr M. Fang ; 2.d vies prw.. J C --pt- ; wee'., M. A. Baeheaa ; tzus , Si. L Masses ; gee'y se ewer., Mies Jess Dwhem ; seeress, Ilia Jessie Desna : emegisiliers. A. Jak.U, Miss L liege, W. W. Stoddart. Nor Foat.arTaz.-The fellewiag isomer - in Was from the 1.gadoe Ksgl•od Dally Twlenpr•p1 el Jae. 1, 1897, chews that on was time lowmass•s M est lesrostes try Awe she loved big 1. the Ind .hen he sojourned . •' Smith. -la ever•Iwvlan mad eberMhed memory d Ger beloved Charles Wislmw Sank, el Godwriwb. Ontario. Ca- na. she tellasleep es Now Yea's mesa 1896 ' Thy WDas.. ' Tug PooLraY:Snow -From Jaw db to With, the nasal exbibuio of poultry awl pee sank will be is fall swie g-.% Seafert►. and se the prime are really p0.4, ung 811y nag the sum for • nide hard, thyro .10.14 be NH wage iirt.wgb..t the bui1dieg The •esemwdalios for the feathered eon S es• Tan Wens PL&A.&D.-The members of mikes 6a4 then .U1 M tou.ol roam for the Base Ball Boal Club speak is the high- est arise of she meswwwmdattes and attend - nee at the Hotel Bedford ler their recent assembly. - M. 5etitanhe frosty morn. M.bsbtrirr in denigem ed! doh (feathery these ges,bar Ad engage the leafless trees at sight IL Balows quietly lade (eek uirm Ot levers Yielders moss. 8esthe/ says : rOrder le ache .salty of the weed. the health se the body. the lean .4 the ` g' .wen wwee.. durnyo ►a. the .esde State-Iaitbeutw ht et the.ld wrier. Mins h. advice M weertag Pridleams.pleattawly out olotkins. Hunting -The pest week was • fairly geed w hr eka%Iag..w4 ata! Saturday whim 110 5.1 ars maw the rink was fairly welt p JAson$T Tsaw.-On Sunday mersiag as Sed Jiang thew was sabered in ,nib of war Mtre.es eraewuiks were neer desist ma, and by sees r of the W tl.l. as Haas -Messrs. A. sm 8. Naed- liaaar's plasty fens tagn isteads bear la ood.rieb towards the end of the week. Orders left .1 Pottle beekstere will To.dvs precept and careful shuts.. A OooD EiAsriga.-We ON by she Tols- on. that the W iaghaa Methodist Seaway final bed the Holmwville M.thediwt S. 8. he.. net :8 and $3 respasMvelv tar the Seek thildtsa'a hospital, Tonna Rocs.. -Galeria will .sad the tallow. beg WW1 to Seetortb a play the legal team aught (Thursday) : gen. Maher : point, '.awakes ; eecer t,Tbampsw (saps I ; Mtwara, : Doyle, Halver, William., Mc- Leod. MacsLtnd leerrTt'T.-Sixyteur ew mawwM jum fpr -Barrie. M.Ls s., Da7M, 8tevsenm, Tekrai. Caen. Daudet, Winter, W.ynrs, Hope awl ethers. More are flab to anew. Plea !r the time at become • member -only :1 • yew. Tun Tars ALMANAC. -W. C. Gene as gut with a '97 odium el the " Gaderbl Al.umae and Ceek Beek." This is really ems el the very beet g1----- published this row, imem oestmg a homeal et d.l asferm.tios. Tee no invited to sell and get en. Ni. IfuwmUT.-U. M01rmbk her Wachs the old Debit property at the bar- ber with a view el enemas • brewery theta ea. The sew owner exposes a Hart build- ing operating with& two weeks. msd le hen It oospletd early is the Sprimr. lea 'MITT Y gas, - Reesatly erne to- nna( bis wheeripties. (amen Fern re - narked, . I have takes Tis Steen. fer forty years.'. The Sutlers.. M mined te and hereby seaaerad T.■ BWNAL's degrees. Thew gearing informatics should moll as Chas. Wells or write Sony. Wa. Sartre. S.north. OYfltUIa E1.aTKD.-At the last meeting el the Gad r10 Royal Antenna No. 998, the follewis. elbows were domed for the east., year : J. M. Peasdfnot, rarest ; W. D rye. waw -newt ; P. Holt, tssaa. ; C. A. Hsssser. easy.; P. Yawn, mentor R. Radcliffe. wileeter : A. Carnal, clap. W. A. Ramses. guide ; F. F. Lawrence, warden ; Jwrb Book. seatry ; Wm. Campbell. repnsent•tive ; R Radcliffe, .1- heri•t.: Dr. '1 ay Mr. A. Chantal, A. Allen, Wastes& Y.:DOIAn- W nITILT.-A quiet weddisg was oeMbreted at the residents el the bride's tether, Ina Whitely, 7th ors , Oderuk amoeba. es Thred.y evegh8. pen. 14th, whew Mr. Whitely's dmeninte. 5...., wee waited u ~newt lo Tboms. M.D.esld. of Porter's Hilts Miss Esme Campbell. of Goethe, coasts at the bride, sated se bridesmaid, end James liarlia4, of Pertsr's Hill, wins d the green. sated asi groeaetmaa. R... Wm. Godws-, pastor of Vicerla-wt. M.►hedMt awn- celebrated the wedding. We wieb Yr. end Mea Ma- Demald • happy and prosperees journey tbreesh life. 1�tw. ii.,rtoN.-At the regular ..ni$g of Huns Chapter. No. 30. R. A. Y.. b. os Tuesday .,.sing, R E. Comp Huber, assisted by R. K Comp Radek& mid E. Comp, Ninalwee. 105.11.4 the Aeon ger 1817 se fellow : Camp A. Lewwe.. '/. Camp. H. W. 8•U, H.: COW". M. 0. Joao* N ow, J.: Comp W. A Rhyne. S.K ; Comp D. Johann, 8 M R. E.: Comp R. Rd- alts., trews.; Camp W. H. Sank P. 8.: Camp. Jas. CmmigM. 8. b.: Comp Jas. Ink. .ter, J. S.; Comps. T. J. VANN and A. Allen. smear,.: Camp. Jen McM•th, D. :ton. .it a view el g1.seneen w1 hserew •Iia. •d ,!Mild uterest Is in work and awns et the ..sissy, thea..aanse, le be ►yid en the Ores S1..44 Mind Thursdays .l gash aastk. The ant ems et the series wit be Mil ea Tisredy av Jensen Met, when A. Y.D. Alan will speak es the assts at salt .a sell All person inters:Mel is this work are invited te stem. T.rrss*ltus EsvitsueTs.-The "1.- d S. W. T•r.bea. peri. Two." 1 , W. d Neva BseW. W. T.wLL, Guelph. and Mae Joy, .f Te.e.e, have bees faldisi • aerie" .l mean. is the Temhseanee Rall this weak. Mira Farshsw, wits m • maiv. .l Quinces. sets es ewsem,pat is The m.ddy wadi'. M the stent. ..d the wet weather 8m.4sy precasted sway tress hew- ing them, red the mem e. M.ad•y sight W • alar ./set, hat w Tomlin sight the sadness was • lima beat, and u le hoped that denim the ..ssalnd- ea A. week the menage will be well .landed. The Maglait le geed, the male is .zesllenl, .d the views, vein s pra.Isosd by powerful dissolving Iners., aro amen' the beet over exhibited is Cadens. HU "1.- p.rlsM " are here seder the napless .f E•woke Grill. N. 103, R. T. el T. Thep she an satire signs a program mak .woad", and their entertaln .este are fist atter u .Tory reopen. A silver enemies will admit &eyes& All an invited. Cess• weaeo at 8 r. r seek 'mishit Kzu.T Endue Cm -Less Friday evssann W Kelly Emelt ..Swart nanny appear- ., t. the Viscera& Opera H..e weer the ..spline .f the Maso... hearsay. Um- ertsatay they were met train e a fall nese ; severthellege then bed the pieswn .l Reigning 10 sen melee the ben eatertaiaawt d the kW ever Sirs.. u God.risa. Abase from the b .ianimtl the .sabers ware e..ered, and deeerwedly w, and mob era the sed mature el the artiste that .it1 the .x option .f Yr. Kelly. who was wfMrag from a severe end, and did sot rewind with • sok on rya o.eusien.tbay .11 r.-sppewod. Chas. Kelly a wen -knows to • Goderieb seise., but it M gale b pry shit tbos/b known as • douse te W7 who did sot .send, the absent ones and sea have news ►M today merits as • Mager gad galtariet .r they aver wand lave missed the treat they did. Yes Kelly we bed aver head b -fore bat pro Lass d.it she is •vises Ink is the .embinstiee. ae .be has • ly sweet 55.tralte woio..i a remarkably d.it s000apasM• es the Wane sad marries her anima with her as she Sager. the needs sad anew the sweeten of tea. so flow tram the ,della. B.11a Rees F.metia. the .1+wtieniat. Maw e • Godwinb anent* bat the lady by her alley won the reputation of bang on of the hent, if net the wary beet, reader that how appeared in err lows. Mn. Bent has • dear vein wan e4. ooetroM dal.ir- •11y, rad this, oswWad with • wesderfel .otasaad of the tasi•1 serves, makes her she beer delineator .f eaeio rwdiK w• lawe heard for pry years. Chea .Uy sane The Happiest Ind, The Mighty Drop, (lase of the South sad Father (YFlya, the latter in reopens e ea Mesta. Not- witbat•edtng bis severe geld they were all .pleedidly .sag, tboaab Father O'F1yee took the lead with those Irish estranges. Mies Kelly an but as &amber "Cradle .owg. sed gas* it obwmi.gly.a&d Bae Ran Emilia road " Aa old woa.i s erosion o the iatrodectioa et sa eras late the cher a," •'Otntruotiv. Hat," " Preparing e reb.in Gapny," and " Asx Italians ".nd .Ms thew encore }sea.,. Although all ,erg smallest we 104.1. the " Obstructive Hat.,. Prepe iy 10 roan owe easy.' 'The Little Penh ' awl " Seeing Things at might " were her beet. Meg Kelly played a aloe pan side for the .peabg and two pints w the mandolin swooapaai d by her 1.14.? w ohegn both wen remarkably able model torutaeoe5, and were just m- oral kidly n.posded te. Chas. Helly gave • enter solo, " Spraieb Retreat," me endo • war this be had a respond. sad the .seers pie was squally worthy o the was. Os Saturday •.wing the trio ap- peared again with am entire ohmso of pro- gram hat w aro sorry to say the bosae that greeted the talented artless was se °napes- oatiaa for the sttr•otin bill presented. la of : 1 V Wanks for d Wootry he steady supportthe wt CC ... A. Cessp 3.... 11.1""*..biww. M. • • Y. Shepherd. M. 2 V.: Camp paper a Hares. � J.. y., saner. Twirm utia-Dating last week, ea ge• - lag to Goderieb, • yeas" Indy, of Dangle - sea, dropped her posse. .ossaueee • sea d awry-, hesww Dammam sad the Nile. Amy perms Sadie, she wee .e11 pietas lave it at the *See eel Jas. U. Ward. Co.- wyaseer. Usage -seen. Ton LATE. -Davies A G. ad was to. ' lett for tannin is this inn bet will ap- pear ant week. In she .d the tire am - 1.. • great redud%s. 1. the price d ata, mud that they ars re.eiyhg err leer d fire Irak. in sky .d .ewer piper whisk will ales be mid 'they dews. Tea EL.-rtos.-W. Seen .z tt. of Raster, who had bees eawwittd be (Wealth m • shares et bevies stage made is hie posses - Ma. was Were the ew.ty lades es Sat- urday es .sswsr be tbe Marta The prisoner admitted his gala asked ter ..aroy, sed .as receded till twday (Thursday) tr Meats Hs Got A Norm -Huge Sample. she Ras ems tip tram Zurich se a shame d basking bite . were w Hay awashlp, was trW by the musty Jades se Friday awl Wog teed guilty .as lost te the moa, all fee 30 days with lard labor. The primmer, who 4.4.0414 baawat, showed annidersbse skill fa Id ererm•ametnasMs el the witnesses. MOM= Uottttlsererra-The aliewis. gasWmw lave been wasted bogus sem- edema fer 1897 : Wise Herm Amnia Chews Hugh Birk. North 5Iddlmea Asst; sun. arum... -The nasal enemas .t the Harem Veterinary Medan Aweeom- ti.. wee held is the town hall, Guts, as Ywd•y, the 18th ism Paredent (alley, V.8 , of Wartime', presided. The officers hr the present year are se follow : Mr. McGregor, 7.8. • Oes.ease, president ; Mr. H•gllim, 7.8., Godwin, vies-pres. : Ja. Wilms, V.8., Waltham, .eor.ary ; Mr. Blaek•U, V.B., Clblo., Its•.mrer. The re- ports of the genial .dam,, dewed thee rho waist" was w r Ifserio es M n.Sec eral papers were read by weaihers wage weew d sidernJe deogsiee is the mama. d the pre/esTrMe. e meeting then daunted lo mast at Godwinse the ail of the HownerLevkananima . *a 5. -The anima .f 1Its (3ederisk Her*Maltural Belsey was bald to the ..art bee Int to eds.ed•y evening, with • aped •tbndam.a d meow ben. Ater ease rias she report the tie lowing were elated .Mees fa she .teems year : P.. 4Yest, Wm. Wrsaek ; vies oweeiSsoTam Naha Wee, Jobs Retards, F. Jades, J. Bala Tom. J W. Sakdd. Owe. A.drows, A. M.D. Alfa, Jars Stewart, O..rp tibep. peed. Hmorary direness% Bayer �mnw, Sheriff Gibbose, Peyer Fox, •end J. H. Wil- IMge ; W. ism, .eerui•9. A letter a .emirs•e with she family el the late Jells Stswart was adored e he dratted, Mas Adore. Wasiak gad Sheppard to draw up mesa It was denied ter hold .mei-a sibIy manage for the mensual• d bar*.ntsral SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WINTER GOODS FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The Coat not 000sidered when we want to redoes our knock. Drs Goods at Half Price Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, kc., at less than Manufacturers' Prion. Men's All -Wool Friss. Ulster" from 114.00 up. Me&. Baits from $3.00, Boyd' Suits from 11.00 sp. Hee our Goods and Prices, and compare our values with other stores. t Selling Off ! JAMES A. REID. Jordan's block, 33rd Dec., 1896. BLACK CHERRY BALSAM quickly relieves aad .ores • MONO Nothing boiler lath. market - - - - Our Cameos's HoxiT Coot;A Cues KisuUust hr (Madsen -13c TOOTHACHE GUM .. V Jost the thing SAMSON'S CATARRHAL [)OWDERS with Hewer -38c. ---- ACME COUGH DROPS -- ROSSLAND ()QLD MINE ST KS are: yt.g H Teens. Try ate shim In see et these:-aawdrep. 4 ._Hamilton and Rasslam co. tie -funoland Gold Meisel got 1 5 _1..wat Co. Maier leagi.gHOODs.Anat.I. IOc. These aro W gleam Invest new. W. C. GOODE, Hdted Sleek. Bernard Louis Doyle .f G.derich, Junior judge of the Comity Gert et Hero-, is to be lee•1 rater el the Supreme Court of Jsiitiator. for Oot1 .. fee the County of Harm, pro tempers, is the absence es leave of Sutherland Male.wmew I am selling off surplus stock and Tines not strictly belonging to a Hardware store. Thele goods are to be Se�• fi at any price that will close them out at once LAMPS PURSES SILVER WARE FANCY PLAT=S CARPE? SWEEPERS peaty tees Igftt No Reasonable Bid Refused I A al ., sad BUCK 8AW8 st OOs !lite. Musts. NOTHING LIKE IT . FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND ROUGH 8EIN IN ALMOND and WITCH HAZEL CREAM Prepared and sold only by . . The New Chemist. MMS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER of Mode an luawsd CCeram Mee and WelluTiey.sad. M0.4. Tondo's Wanted. F. N. DIINIIAM Pet . B' THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT• nommut>e. Jan. M. 1807. Fall Wheat Nadi ere or Flew. onlay. per cen.... f55; to On Flour, .w par t........ ._-. 11 00 tol Marta O tea •..�.............. it Ml tot Oats. • bei .. .......... ..•--0 17 W Peee,11 butte 0 a se Old Hay. i tai -.... 7 00 e WANTED FOR HOUSE 1 es irlatit. adlitin a. Ow. s.pv.rd'e. Tes maws. Beed cellar. Apply as Raba - meal Maslen Shen, Visiorts J. H. RCKCINAM. It ALEX. MSD. ALLAN. _. •ue ll�t. try eeaPeoleek- ei... • 0 le es W -.._.......... 1 M a 1Mds, I MI to 0Mlo Leine�-Sok� e 0 10 to Live Hees ___ - 1 000 w Hasse,......... _......... 007 to 0 10 to Mesas ear lb.... .......... 0 It to 0e IS a fin ID It 11 CO 10 75 SO 50 0 14 11 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be lett at this Mos not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Moo day noon. Omura Advertisements .00epted up to noon Wednesday of each week. QEALED TENDERS ADDRII88ED TO ao eea1r'e1d an endorsed "T1wMr. ter Oe es .seas Week,- will be restive' at � Sones eadI PRIDA'Y'. the sob dy et Fee sbergnavy saw laimdvely. for the oanresties sMsg Mat Owes tet. grey end _ Ogssa .oeerdl.lg lo • Mea e be eeat u W .as. V., Ower used. •ad ar tis. .r Ps Work., °town. .a.n be -_ 04 .slew made gen haw .gilled pea @Weed with the anes timer - al Wilerrn. ter On der et the Malemer Tbeussad Was Hamlin .sat agemegany era be reclean if the party iia err tract Sr tail a esaplets the entwined tecised will 1*5rm nuanced la ease et saws VT seder. R F. R Secreery. Desar went of Public Works. maws. Saw Die.. 1581. New adsertisswasa sok td emfbmrttrp fleas the nserting MD pseeme it •a seer Ile paf4Jbr fit. TrNWlB! Owe& GRAND 1itnenMAJILWA!. t. Awe. M gad Baprees Wall sad I :Iraes Mall sad Amen Mail sad Express Mixed J�~te=ALES TIMBRE ADDRESSED TO enwgaileresd il he ewadysl M this t AT. the w day at mob M aee ow cootru• M ether .art. et ICrww4i.., Oaters . s sent. tie• a den I .srd mit the D.p•rt •oeetmv As sakes. T.10 as. WA* p.m. 1.aaj,p.a. 1111 was. Nodes to Creditors. LAgl'al Salt' CHR1STMA8 GOODS Are •11 Mn as.. and 4.rt" the week we is Mat to hare them alt arranged We have • psrticalarly floe •snort most is 1)ERFUMES M i RRORS and FANCY TOILET („ OOD* pIPE8 CIGAR ('ASIpi SMOKERS' SUNDRIES AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS ' We week, Invite every posses. to look through our stock sod see If the Ands Bud Prices aro not right J. E. DAVIS, Pas. & Draan* and Optician. Then will be sold by pudic section at Rnx- tos's Hotel in the tows of Oodericb, as W ND- NEBDA Y. the 3rd day of February. A.D. at twelveo'cleca. now, by John Knox, auc- t 4......,. •the faWtrlag vdoable property. Lst'llw •ad the ttmesberty twenty acs of Ili•, bath to the Fifth ooacesslos of the d TeBsefeb, in the comity of Rune. an"Nacres ell the West end of lot Ten in the Sixth roadsides of Godericb township. T61. is • flret-divas farm and is ntuate with - III four miles of Oodertch. The soil is good. Thew is a 4r.t-claw orchard. 1'pw the property is situ. to • frame -dwell Ing hoose. 14 storeys. Mrxe0: • frame here. 3lxte;• frame barn 77x14 : • stable. 11x51. and • onrine house. 11x50 with shed attached TERMS. -Ton per teat. down al the time of sale. and the balance within thirty days there For farther particulars apply to the Auo- denser or to the Vendors' Solicitor*. CAMERON. HOLT k HOLMES Vendors' Solicitors. JOHN KNOX. Auctioneer. Dated ath day of January. A.U.. 181;. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' 1. the wells► of ate Setotr of Witham rotate late o/ tla toeesklp of Collars". se the Gemma" of Rurms- �. Kleinig'$ th a1 to e x�s1 la15.1atewKlein trot .B tweeters.e 4 the the 5nt day el Wove.r. 'sired to define er seed by te Catalan less. widow. der Teem the review and oerdea new the eea ti,et. (Car7.0.4 the wwsad d •x deceasedl ewIpatt wfa .11 Ms tis. lag. • ddr arlo an - - tbeir ••wrr.=a and fall pftMalm a et that name rfi •went• and of the ssealty bold by them. Aad tartan i.n setae thet all pat seas Wanted to the seed estate an eequtr ed to taRbwitb pay the..wsa1 deo by them to the said executrix mad woausgre le as to .amts them to wad up the said estate. Duel at Qebnsb, this 1111 day of Joan pry. A.D. 11111. DARROW D.1afOARROW ft PROCDIFOOT. Wisher, ter the said .stars. For Hello ow To Root. • /r[) RI3ItT-A FURAI$RED HOUSE. 11 Apply to Mrs. R. H. SMITH. OWIt G00D ROUSE FOR SALK. NO. 23, TnhlE•r.t.. story and a half. 7 rooms. pastry. ball, vtraadah. woodshed and other ceeve.leeree. r cross. heated. All In first elate oondition. 14'111 tae sold cheap For further particulars apply to 1. G. FISHER. Ooderich. Ont. 3 len VOR SAI.K-WTS er! AND 70 C Hutebinwo's Survey to the Town of Ooderlch, upon which is erected • nice dwell - les boons. Also Iota numbers 18 and 19 Rich'. Survey Ooderich. containing 2 acr.a aeon which lo snared a comfortable house. •eta then Marto • good orchard. Also the East half of the North half of lot 24 Lahr Range Concession of the Town/Ale of A•hfleld. Western dlvieton. Dated tth September. I. Ifiti. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT it HOLME8. Ooderiob. 95-11 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLIS FARM LANDS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNK NOTICE TO CREDITORS. As the waiter Altos Mas 's. of ClanatThr T.we of N in hensr gives that the •bac.• ad Allem chane has made a aa4i ' le M seed eases. la trust ter the �� ler endless". nee ♦ meeting v the .sal estate M hereby e . 110- 0. w et �DAesY.. the s!1 day n t c a�sg tlemrilvfs4 with rotor- Mee otor- M e MO taMolted er�� the mom% herd"t An tow. f a es orz 1sM b Afterthe day et the er1st ley el pawed be 4Metbete the said a b e renal 'as 1 shall bete wwkb el. gaddrl set= epaabts ter the mese n the 10 ted'. • way piwt thereof to law penmen et pantos wilwe ve sr sambas shell Iwo rhos have bars Ld � W1 ORASSI. Trento*. �,..d.s, deo. Nis, * . Ha8wa0b t railes.elWare the Melee. VALUABLE PROPER'I'l FOR SALE -situated in the tied business o-stre te Oodirich. The property comprises two dweUiags. one well-equipped grocery More. eau op -to -date macbire and blsek.mith sham Resseae for selling lack of railway Mo .,dale.. Geer ttt neon:se e sea De gives. A p{Ma Aineontar the right man. Apply to MD. R. 8T _ HAN cm the premise. 81-tf BLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR -The brick re.ideocs overlooking and lake formerly occupied by the Metal/semett rap.. Master la Chancery of the most valuable and desirable prer Forties in town. 2. The two-storey frame dwaging house on utb street immedt•tell ,.4jotaing the Brit - Exchange Hotel. at prevent occupied by Mr. Andrew tti ttdgetl. 1. The dwelling bowie sod •s1 loin lag nouns near the 0. 1. It. station. fortueriy occupied by the late Judge Toms. Pries and terms of oatmeal ream odd*. ftp ply to T►(JARROW it fill' Sei`EDF odwrin& Ceder and by virtue of the Power of Sale embalmed In a certain mortgage. bearing date the un day of April. A D. MO, and aeeigsed to the Vanden% there will be meld by public auction at Ituxton'• Hotel is the Tows. of Otiderioh. byJohn Knox. aoetiener. on Sat- urday. the h day of Jude,. A.1). 1t,/. at 11 O'olook. 11000, the following valuable Pro- perty, namely : Let number seven. in the •eyenth eo•o..- der. eastern division. of the To*nshi of Col- boef., la the County of Huron. oontalning 100 nee, of end. mon or I. This M • good farm, the soil is day and away . The prrooperty Is well fenced with acrd and rail Omens. The buildings conersof a:brick house, one aA • tat eery. la need repair ; • one and • ball nary frame bee ; • Ram. driving gtm•pI10. 10.10 ; a trams barn. 38x10 ; also a largo The lend 11 well watered with • spring meek owl two wells. TM Ildelerty is situated 1 1 3 males from (wpb's Hill and 8 miles from lioderlch. Title deeds stay be iaspaded .t the diced the Teodoro' 8oelolttiss. TERMS -11 per coat. does on the day of mel*, sod the beans la 30 days thereafter. Ter further Osselenars salt to the Auc- tioneer s the Venders' eshauce.. JOHN ENOR, CAMERON. HOLT It Auctioned. HOLMRB• V.sbn' tl5Ratora Dated 11th January. A.D. iSM. telt ssoolderod sew au es sad It s.a�ws web tarbeak e l o the er- WIWI Of PO me, VIIIIODSS week end be .ipew' ago* et twd.r. WE HAATWilas ....aat am eat paellas. wens at re ass .sb ter d�• T-•ae WOWweek so osse stet TIM10R1OO OMT. anllb Transfer of Llamas. Now fiasldaa Mew, NEW MACHINERHOPS-ALL KINDS of Repair Work dose d Itessonsble Priors. Terming implements (orsal.. mash - Wary. new snot emend hand. boutbt and sold. lbertatte sod Hoilrn for mole. Stead- Patel old .5400 shop !career Vlotr.M. and'h•fair Streets. J. RA KTER Rt'Nl'1MAN. Situations \. stsa>.t: WANTED -4 SKCO»in COOL AP- pay lgatiglately 5t Hetet HAi/ld.It - Loaa and Savta00S Y6s1ott7. I r IIS ear W HAT P�a If uI nx, By WHAT TOL/ SAGE. MAiIES YOU RION. APPLiCATiON FOR TRANSFER OF LICSNSIL Notate M beieb1gt ver that the eaderigad has pwchosed the amnia et W. 1. Kerte. 1a the wholesale liquor uterm fr.4q,iek readhas MOW r.. l reada. Demeter WI limas*. of West Ha W ALTER SA ULT& Ued.rMh, Ja. 11, lett. THE nt7RON A711) BRUCE 1048 INVESTMENT OuSPANT Sowctmns.-l'oa.en ■ Holt and Holmes Dvoertw.--iataseet Ctoapouad .very w t...t s •1 roar per Dent, per •au. w nesse trent one r.oltar overeats. Repenters .118.4 It to their advatage to eerie and gee us. Loin -May besnaredsssayytIn• wltbost levy oe7. the swarstyas0 10.. ed drelrefee tow ed by Iii MM•wr er so icitan. The Compss5's s� are Mwt.4 w North street .end_ Os�rt Hoar. 8vsars-oppeib Ream Bene.!. ea. HORACE HORTON. J. H. 00 Velure. '.Brier. Preald.s. A PPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF JO1 MINIM Settee M Oven that the 10pr01gaed iek lien (mesRenersad h..the lammed or s it 1. the Lasses res for • • mrhr 15t {veers. n R. tats SWAAIM. ead.Asr. Jes. fen, tel IN Public Rodeo. Tonsortal Artist JFRITZELY. TONSORIAL ARTIST. . Het and end bethe en p•sssMee. Sew tramireg.shamaseleg and every other rendre- oast carefully •ttesde4 to. •d moa but o.m- ppeottest bawds employed, Williams' .14 stead. M�anH� w block. next door taHrNMMIs- TAKE NOTIC& THAT I WILL NOT bebM ter arc debts gestraot.d A�p sa A wits i sever bd. •ad lay erg deme. IALD McIdN- , peswer/y Dema' J. ttn..oa.•. ME=TING OF TER HURON COUNTY Oae101- Tkr 0sssell M the Corpora few « the Ows.ay M R- . will went h the Oserep (amber. In the Tint el 3101.$. as Tm.dy. tea 35th .t MY amt►. st $ fleet ►.r, w LAME. Cede, CaYwet Umgs4 Ja. If. 428. TJUItON AND BRUCE IAAA AND 1111 ig sten 0.et w Ag51ws isf114118...= �sI w tbe hog ti.sg 1a1, lo - .40410 WI WINK Ari Nowa CASE FOIL LUMBER -AT THE KIGPM, CASE Fsreitete Co. I.M. SoaerMb ELM. BASSWOOD. ASK. Their werorsnme we epee to IA. Nb4M C•11 sad see their mew The yeses grip' when Sub mow alms be Ws tlblo maser ow WAIN, fur Ib "2.6.44/6111111121 F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - AND - 8A8H, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take tole epportual1y to Inform the piddle that i an M01 1& the boatyard notwlthetesat.O ell rumen to Ib• cent rs.ry. and •m prepared is ten. .Mss n work In key Peefrosts iigaiinnsg 5 w hens w ensiles a 1 Iabsd . heap d � Dltlaatee fare r of bellliag material. ewe! as IgA, •end leaser • s siMlty. F. 8YEBTH. ti5derlch.•Jnw ata 1 FARMERS' ATTENTION 1 HIDES WANTED Brag Wert to the 0002RICH TANNERY ..dome H14RMIT PRICE. 8Pat CASH. W. F. & Ar SMITH. 1 FOR FARMERS.... 1 lbs et Illy. star Meek Peder lea.... fa 11 IM V Dr. Hese' Pantry P.aw.s - Mane MIs) ter 1 lb et Dr. foes' (lase I1111tr, B tar esolek Da001 5....Itislry. P5. •sa 4. ........ a0 Title PeePgwt ~W Wools bee PB1s hs 8. per hex . �Coosibe owl g de Mom Ds* 8. WILSON'S p111/00111/TION 81tOILL