HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-21, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : 3ODERICH ONT. THURSDAY JAN. 21. 1897. Skt Aral, p DR IV SHY THURSDAY ORNINO 6111 n. MWdOaMt Otherick. Outsets. Terre of $ J U_ r floe moth, la &dv.o•e .1 1 Tfc es mouths, .. • L iyear. _. 1 Lao Lobe at T..r label. Teo WOW 1s • steadlaa reosipt 01 W b • W ',bleb you are paid op. S•• tW 1t is lot allowed to tail We amen. Whoa • change of egtireee le desired. boas tin old and the new •/drew de•eM be gives dv I piss name i,�.� and other eesr.i advertisements. lee par the tar bot Insertion, died 11 owls Per nae Dm sate w=1wint ta.srtlo.. Meas.nd bg • et.fi raw tarda of six lines and wider. M per AdvertYem•ste of Lest. Fad 'rayed aat.•tM.s Sweat tiftsatfa.s mod said af• !•nw Cheeses Wanted sot •zo••d1a. s Noes ••sp•reil, t per mora. Blew ea 8s ..nd Amos on Sale, act to '.sed 1 I. e. 11 for lire meth, Me. pec sub inisuaat week. Larger adv.'. fa psspertlos Any special notice, the object of welsh is to p�gmgs• the pecunlmry breed* et w i•dl BMW ar nompaay. to be ooaeldw•d as ad vef*lwmeet sad obarred .o•"rdleetp. Local notices Is nonpareil type one art ear word, no aotless Iwo thea 116. Load noncom 1a ordinary reading type two gems per word. No notice for Wee thea iso. Nodose for churches rod she religious sad bs.ovelest lastitut*oss ball roto, Subscriber who 6.1 .. receive Toa 8teNAL rv..larty by mall. will o afar • favor by as qpm ting no of the feet .t s. early an dotes r.allsaeel J. C. Le Towel. of Uodr$cb, has boss sp pointed Leal Travelling Azad for the Iown- Mlps of Godenos. Colborn• Ashgeid sad Ws- wanseh Local po•tm•eters uver the district am alae empowered to ren ve subscription& to Tun Stem A t All oos.mtuleatb.e moi be addre soda e L MoOILLIOUDDY.. TweheneDa1111 Tunpadsrlcb Out. 411ODIRICN. THURSDAY. JAN. Ie. iU . OuR CLUBBING RATES Tas SIGNAL and Globe $1 60 Tea Skeet wed Advertiser 1 80 Tim $ (IPAL sad Family weld 1 80 Tam •.Iro!(ALand Montreal Wheelie1 75 Subscribe at cow .od bath with the fns number for 1897. KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP. EXCEPTION is taken by some in- dividuals in this section to the hold- ing of a commission to investigate the conduct of certain Government officials. Why this ground should be taken is something we cannot under- stand. If the men complained of did nothing to put them under the ban. they should court investigation. Had the case of that inoffensive end non- partisan Bruasels postmaster not been isvestigsted, the cruel public would still be under the impression that he was a man of some power and in- fluence in the community, and that he was Tying awake o'nights scheming against the welfare of the Grits in- dividually and collectively, in season and out of season. Instead of that we find that he has not, nor never Lad in recent years, any influents politically : that wherever be would have breathed out threaten- ings and slaughters against the wicked Grits, s blessing aryl benediction on his opponenta issued from between his limber laws : that an address on the public platform by him was bound to raise • majority for the fellows that he desired to have in the minority : that when he acted as a scrutineer for the Tories, he always made votes for the Grits ; that when he said the Grit candidate was " The biggest liar lee ever knew," the tender and endearing little phrase was meant only in a Pickwickian sense. And so forth. Then, why are the men who are eomplsined against in this section sor- rowing as if without hopel Is there no balm in Gilead for them in the fact that the Brussels postmaster, although tried in the crucible, has emerged un- scathed, sled now shines resplendently in the bright burnishing which has been put upon him by commissioner Lemma! Has he not been weighed in tbe Witness and not found wanting Dae he not shine brighter than ever before --yea, than fine gold 1 Why should 'there fear the ordeal through which the Brusselite passed unscathed 1 Why should they fear to face the trial whence he emerged with pure linen and an ansmirched name 1 Face the conditions, gentlemen of Wed Huron, with confidence in your integrity. If you are all 0 K. you will pass through the waters of aMio- ttion without getting damp, and he chi. to "tend side by side with the in- nocent man of Brussels ; but if, on the other and, you haven't minded your p's " and " q's " in the past, yon bare yourselves to bless that the "'Jordan is a hard road to travel." Meanwhile, gentleman, keep a stiff speer i p BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE. TBR Tory newspapers have Arndt smstbsr stag. The ether day a ken sod cry was raised by them tint Jess OBAazAeeU, M. P., and ROWAN) irspb cls waiti■s.l jsarsslbf. were is Washington in tee lateens' bis appearing. This year as Feb. 4. et Lite Lemurs Goveromest.endsavor the s•sooiateen will bold discolor ban lug to negotiate • reciprocity treaty � o cot and Oa G. T. Damao" will or - between Canada and the United' ate, and nobody will object to tin Btatea. If the statement wen tree, lsrid 01010111004 the esteemed there wouki have been nothing wrong oolong'. This is a free OJUntry. is lite transaction. Mr. (JBAtltrox -Archbishop Baste has begun to and Mr. FARMS, or any other two take a decided interest is the Mesh Oasadiaw who believe that rocipro lob. school question, diad one of those oily between the two countries would days the free and independent electors be a good thing, have a Perfect right will begin to draw a wide chalk -mark to work toward that end if they bee bdw.eu religion and politica fit, and the Dominion Government has a perfect right to utilise the vain- -The new county . oouncii will able services of Mr CMARLTox or Mr. meet nett Tuesday. Politically the FARERR, or any other waw or men members stand 8 to $, and whether who may advance the cause of rod- the election of • warden will strength- procity, if they see fit. en or weaken the respective parties y But it turns out that Mr. CRAM, what is worrying the quidnunc& roe and Mr. FAaoaa were not in - - conjunction, and neither of than bald -Will some one tell us why J. 8. • brief from the Canadian Govern- Lo i,, the so-called ('ommiasiooer to went to further reciprocal relations Australia, is al owed to cumber the between the two oouutries. True, Canadian Government pay -roll t He Mr. FAsaaa was in Washington, but is a useless appendage, and never was he was there soon • and on his own worth a cent of his salary, so far as business as a newspaper man. and lett 1`411"°° interests aro concerned• the city twenty-four hours before the LIK bio be readied and sent ba,;k to arrival of Mr. CHARLTON, who also Otiawdik was attending to private business sommission of investigation when at Washington. le se. likely to sit until the month oi But the fact of the authoritative Filfh/eare. Public opinion is not denial of the original Tory statement that has been published will not effect the Conservative press and no retrac- tion of the very fishy story will be made by our eatoemed Lib -Con. con- temporaries. The old yarn will be revamped and made to do further ser- vice, notwithstanding the denial, and will be harped epos on every platform in the bye -elections by every jswsmitb who has the privilege of lifting his gentle voice against the Government if our Conservative friends desire to recall a scandalous act perpetrated by a Government against the people of this country, and one for which they afterwards suflerrd severer, we have only to mention the employment of a Yankee named Ntsso by the late Sir LEONARD TILLEY in 1879, when be was Finance Minister, to assist in incubating the N. P. tariff. Memo had had experience in perfect ing the United States tariff against Canada, and was secured by the Can- adian Government to make the retali- atory tariff of 1879. He did bis work and was on the Canadian payroll for a term of years, engaged in confidential relations with the Finance Depart- ment until be had a falling ont with Hon. Geo. E. FOSTER, when be im- mediately re -crossed the line, end hav- ing acquired an intimate knowledge of weak spots on the Canadian side, sold out his knowledge to the American Government, and was the chief factor in framing the celebrated McKinley Bill, which, without beipg a benefit to the Americas. farmer, cut the ground completely trim under the feet of the Canadian a_'•,elltnrlat. The appoiuuuent of a foreigner like /gismo to a po.itiou of confidence and trust by the Caned an Government in 1879 was the greatest wrong that could have been done at the time, and the use to which he put his know- ledge when he re-croasnI the line and gave his services to aid in construct ing the McKinley Bill cost the Cana- dian farmer millions of dollars and Canadian shippers the loan of their beet market If the Tory papers desire to look in- rem kitel ex ry to the worst au to its congntalated that the end of of employing as out- p y exploded, and the ooan 1 aider to deal with tariff legislation that dyaa.ty came when it did they have only to make the necessary research into the history of the tariff legislation of 1879, and the subeegnent use to which Nixie) put the know- ledge which he gained while in the employ of the Tory Government which instituted the N. P , sod brought up- on itself a reprisal in the shape of the McKinley Bill. LIYI STOCK 1'kEa'I'Y 'CODERICN = BARCAIN = CENTRE Hosiery Sale Just Arrangetd B.twe.en Can- ada and tin Staten. 0AaesMs, Mail be MVOS b /OM iee- eleo as r Aso easMmsa M ce.entle s elseesse In sass.. Greats ■diem elan' Mreastae Wbwove elbesse r Posed M Sahli Washington. Jan. 11. -The agreo- weai between/ tie Secretary of Agri- culture and the Canadian Minister of Agriculture relating to yuer.d*t.ur of anlmala between the Waited States and Canada provides the:. 1. Each country shall adopt tar veterinary crrtaleates of the other. t. That the chief of for hostas ..f animal Industry and the taint utrpao- tor of stock fur Canada •:U mutually infer= one another et comes.otm ani- mal distales 1n either country, ear of disease In animas Imported from either uuu.try. 2. A fa -day Quarantine shall be es - forced by both countries upon all tattle imported from Koro.. ur from any country in which ountas.oua pleuro-paeunionla is Sou* .1 to 'slut; a 1S -day Quarantine shall sec enforced upon all ruminants ,dins sec inn lta- ported from oountrles .1. wbite fee.,1- and-mouth disease exults, wltbla six months, and upon W swim' mitre: ted from other otuntrlew. Breeding cattle admitted into this country must be &ccs a •aitt.•J ty a certificate that they Wve br eu eeb- Jectrd to l8e 'tuherculli c test and found fret from tui.e:.:edusis, •ther- wise they •iaiil br .lett,nrJ 'n Qu 1r - ..greed as to the time of holding the $nuns one week •ad objected to ter court.One section • the date of tuberculin, test. All cattle Lound ye tubenubste mube returned to the holding has been put off too Itlsg, and country wt►eficest ahilined ur *taught - another say the date should be post- poned indefinitely. This is a world of diverse opinion. ered without oosnpsnsatton. Cattle for feeding or stocking ranchos moat be accompenled by a certificate show- ing that they are tree Irani •n) tagitua disease, and that leze*ptlng tuberculosis) no such dlseas., exists -The Mail•n'e la_ a oto !n the dlstrtct wbesce they cn+ae. re Pan r7 Cattle In trs.stt will to admitted at that the Hon Israel TAers is on the a lY port of tate United sates and Canada in bond. for exportation by point of retiring from Federal politics sea from any Canadian port gr frees to take the position of leader of the the rad, Ilustoh and Naw Tet 1. tie L a l the Stara N o amts•*. os erred Liberals in the Quebec Legislature. by thln memorandum may be pl•sed P.We don't know how much truth there on board care 1111 the utter troan previous bads Ila. bona removed and is in The Mailan'empire's story, bat the car thoroughly cleaned and elle we do know that turning out the warkut. be duos,. al the expellee of Tory Government in Quebec would be 08* rallrusd 'ompany .sr prebt1t liar the of the oa.a unto it is dons. pie for TARTS. Sheep may be admitted .tulest to inspection at port of entry aad ac- companied by affi(alal eertifleste that sheep scab bas net ezMtad i• the Tes Slepit to nee its influence to district where they have been fed within We months It the dimes, have the commission to investigate of_ ' exists to any et eta= tory we" be fensive partisanship cancelled, and "turned or sialsgbtarvd. B►err nay I be admitted for tramp in bed eon claims that henceforth, he is informed. the ***-t tee another is whet .meatls. it s the intention of the cake -holders and tit for .laughter they may he ed- it w about tn.pecltoa. Subject to steer clear of paitics. The inten- b iledp.ctlon si shipping pert, they may be admitted into either efnnntry tion is • good one, but we have read for nazism to any .htpptng port es somewhere that nell is paved with hnda for eztr t byar 's th. Linitpd State. fur ezpart hes llost- good intentipo& land. Berton aro New York_ Solna may be admitted whine' im- rpectinn for slaughter In bonded ears 8. bonded slaughter houses or wises tl.ristng part eat settlers' effects and annum 1./41111e-1 by a Nessa that swan. plaztr+ or hog esullr'o bas lot existed wltbia dux monads s the die - filet whence the! sabre. Locking math eertlDeate they must be hnapect- ed at port of entry, and if diseased win be elaughtered wetboet e.aipeo, elation. Heroes may t- ed netted 1t hand from one port to a otker s either soewtry wttbout ta.pertioa ss 18•• sb*pthg port- Bones may be ad- mitted for racing. .bow air %reeding pta-pose@ on inspection at port of en- try. Horses may be admitted Sur temporary stay. teamb.R or p1.aase driving at points along the bonder for • period sot exceeding one week es pert of entry upon permit of tete boons *dicer. Should he observe any evidence of crises** be will drama the W on/s and report to the d,strtca in- d pealor, whoa will deride wh.•tht the .mals may be admitted. and homes seed for driving or riding to er from punts in Manitoba Northeast Terri- tories or Width Columbia. w Rai- ser connected with stack mixing or mining. and berths bah meting to Vie Ludlam tribes may be admitted with- out tnspectien, but must report be tlttenos officers both going and ca=- trut. Under aL other Smiths tansies heroes mut be Inspected at poet of e ntry. -An esteemed subscriber -What do Mosses Owls Ay has done, does air fray da is worrying the flunky esefeepondeots of a num- ber of our tuft -hunting contemporar- ies. Tee SIGNAL is not concerned about the actions of the lady in quee- tion. As Princess 885-867 make a monkey of herself, if site chooses, but the flunkies should keep her name out of print. She is neither a sweet nor clew morsel for arlor conversation. -Immediately ►iter the Liberal party assumed the reins of power the Conservative newepapera and many of the .boaters of that party were disposed to sneer at the new Govern- ment, and were fall of predictions that a short life was in store for the 'Laur- ier Administration. That is all changed now, and the consensus of opinion is that a long lite and • pro- sperous rosperous one is shed of the Libe- ral Government. The idea that this Canada of ours weld not be gbverned except by the Ttlrraas, HAaoaars, OAgOint and Moie•eun has been SNAP SHOTS. -The MACDONALD conabitnency ballot frauds will pat NAT BOYD in the " has been " class of politicians for all time. -Baleen BIIIOIIOIIAII is Oat with a denial that be inspired the Mani- toba ballot -box raaealities. Nobody expected Router would do otherwise. • -1 s this Manitoba ballot -stuffing dodge the name that was patented in Ontario in 1891, when Mowreoo...d Blaltleooia led the Oonservative co- horts to victory in the byrelectionsl -A Canadian Winter that hasn't given one day's sleighing up to the tires of going to prem. (Jan, 21) kis'' week ot a °anodise Winter ;-and the banana crop ie net likely to be a large one sitar. -Two years rage wags Octaves Burrs was invited in tlpsak at the nae seal baat1ost .f lbs Ohsadba Pow Airs iatinao s smiler et ANN& peo- ple siple rind tots One sod skisesed 1. ate•11ghe gyp's rains teleran. Meseta lover : Idd.. provision .f gaslight soap, d• maids, by h•liea They here built tin she lawn soap belelsese in the world, gest by 'arab, out • very s varier artsiaasd .see.dly by plesky and •ttessnes advrrliia,. Their Were girl&• to Canada le • bold auk It is • twtby wrapper esmpsMte.. the toesp0se !wares of whish ars the pressabMu. et $1,486.00 worth of geld watches .very math .f the year 1107. Se tbs.. win salsa .ad sod in to Leese area, Tannin amus, the lama member of Se.1itht •tusepu•s". The total 'ales of the prism to be swerM4 derby leaf is 919.500 This esapsMH.e will e.mmaaes 1n Join- ery, wow ies Steam's Bisyslm std tweaN- es. Gold WMebes will be awarded be the senoasefel eemplkele 0118.1 teat& *esld- tyt is the dabble .f Mess and Mess Oe- taris, tin Proviso el (Paths. MB.. N1.* end IP. I. great thin easepsetties shat it Is bald ms`�ge end. 1sra lbs.e`. win ds net w 1. gilled , ass meas& hive Reay mere erporemilitis the fte0'Mi*wises are daring in ear diad adverllslre esbn e C. L The Mewls* are Ohs Mass fee Ola MH- Ihaes* young pssphh Walks within m0N ..ring same teeth McW170 Methodist With ILL of C. NL. haday sneaky w Tr>b shbsk. The .sI f will he idem charge et W several .f the Zees Chad T P.R QB., Taal* woe- haB ./ A .'14.a. Tapia hr haw, 11111." Ow names sail easseena" bp Alec IllelLeed. Tile passel mesh with Q S. ea mem* *with IM soba wad emethes of dm esegregallas WeIleariag wrdsa hsM • Wel w AR are esellally heaped le M all thins walla" width are held is 1b ►am ersek ?Wed wahme thelilth ted..ss- et ether asitia se IP. turd ma.wte eerww. amt. Creek. hock" Jan. 16.-1111stlba Seek kae a genu*.. aoh.emaa as e permanent r.stdent, Lord Jahn Maar Noises is the man's mune. W r the eldest son of dna Rev. J. llla,ado Nelson, a nephew d ki,•rl magna, W a great ..phew of the famous s Ldwd Heim. I<;ngbed's meet taaou, .aye+ hero. and alas. through bio tether, a d..eidant d the Duke of Marlbere. the victor et Blenheim Nol..so was born la Norfolk, Segl•atl, `list 110 was educated at Eta College Stan kis graduation he has traveled extensively tamest Serene, the lialta.' Elates and the lust Indies, aged has clawed the Atlantic nine tits,. Mr Nathan came to Battle Creek several years ago, and was to well Weasel! with the city that he invested tersely 1■ reel estate, and has Athos made this plant his home. bpt yearly visaed his parents In England. 11. Buda treeat:y all of his time In ohureb work W th. Epee.' Lal church, of which it is a very embus member. Swim in /breve Trey. le Y., Jan. 11.-A Memel to 8. Vall�esoourt Lethal, odget ne the lead- ing citizens beret has just made pub- is tit. teat that Antonio Macao is are dead. but 1s secluded In Florida. The information owns to him from leis V ktor Ventage. a slater of Dr. Detail, who resides at Daytona Ina. 1• a letter t• klm bearing date et Jac IL then Vulllarne positively saws that M.eeo ba. for .cease Onto been at the PalmeAo Hotel at Daytona Sys stater he is terribly wounded. bat well recover. and thus far him seen only • few Intimate friends, Daytona is kseated an RkYOoz River. near Sou mete inlet, and is tun at (lobar sym- pa/blsero. M.eee'e prewenes fire wee kept • e.eret as tar as pausnle. MMveI1e laity swath Oe nesse 8Nisvllle. Jae. 12. -Let might Maas >eesa ilaaee, who laved with liar 1 .i8.. e• Reteloi net, was barged Is With Mee 1011 weft a sed cal lame Is bar hard, and was edeas 1a the brass at t b. film. The Ars did not a. any damage et ostagt=mes am the p}eesewttiassaaaa Desemed Des--dwas ilk maw ee Ss4ssafa W wee WW1 II mare et Nth 'sea eV a)• T►av'w Toth. l..► �ssntl Bull taOMIOWA 10 e 116e Hose for 20o Special lot of Women's and Children's Hosiery Bought in an over -stocked market Very Important Showing FRIDAY and SATURDAY Jan. 22 and 23 ( A Chance to Save Money! Also 12 and loo Prints ne=t Teel for 7c Muffs and Fur Claps at Half Price JAMES ROBINSON. THE CUBAN CAPITAL. PEN PICTURE OF THE INSURGENTS' MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD. Samna youths. Where *8. 0aadhmd .f the musky 0.b.M Waves - Where Twee esss et Oeroins •.e Its aein- arid. 'Shat tis Oaths peerages bare an active and filly ettabusomd °warn- laneL wlel • Asad place of abode rasa na Wager be gainsaid. Flom Ib* htddrts gt the Marr. Culatas the* standard waves, and Oram the Madan - ass Lae ea the was to °ape Mair at the eastern extremity, throughout the whole breadth of the ldas4 with the excennam of the larger towns. it is recognised as the emblem of •w- therity-the Aug .1 the people et Cuba. therm Cutbt tea is within lam tdaa 'recant, -Ave stiles of the otty at Forane Principe and leas than that di.taaw tram the strongly'opined port at nue vitas. within dart of the Rost ealedan or htgktre '. from Havana to Sant ego de Cubs. Tet here within a as'p's marsh .f the Spanish writhes tit. embus lave stabtlshed and trove maintained for fifteen ninths then soot st Qovernrnent Ta the stat Men the mart a arajw, Imams tie Cubans were duped Sato signing a treaty of peace the weadi- Mmsas et which the Spaniards awes meant ec observe, and ,he. lost an the traits of the ten year: struggle hem ISM to 1170. Southeast. sear the boundary between Alert.. Pnlnerpe and Santiago de Cuba, div a leratmare. where the first oon•Ututlon was pramWpttd iiouthedit of Mans.attk) tis the town est Tara. where the Drat republic ems proteins/sad The ptaseat movement ter rnde•pend- ewe- was Oust declared osn Mabruary M. LSI. at Tbarra, In Matanasm. br .beset two donee men. bit the that rad ergardmtloa was made farther ease 1• she province oI Santiago de Ceiba Mara. the onputher a the re- volutionary movement, lathed a call during the summer for a oonseltait*onai (sweep bon to meet on September 12. Delegates (tom all the provinces. est- er* Pew del Rio, were present Three days later a constitution was adopted, and .n Septeenber 11 the convention Wasted state offloar* and the govern- emeet at the re pels&lc of Camila was be- simpertted. aliaSvseor Obmero.. who tad bees President d the termer resaublis ham 1171 tfll div peaces of Si Zaajw la Int eats dbeweat as prsld.•t, and with kin Bertolome Malo at l0.nsantla► vbe-prosideat: Raphael Por'tuando d Santiago de Cuba; 8ear0•,y of Stale for P.rellf. .& la.*rs: dartos %Awe of Sana. Clara iiecreters at War. and Mew Plea of MspIritt 'sato, Sew - vary at the 'Drewry. Mand tiino Gomes wee at the ewers trine arena as omwsmder-le-ablef. Maty blots bean killed awe ly hater.', and Aware* Maces as kb liutthmnt-geo- eeti Lora were aim pealed Meeting the island lit. states, 4Jatr1da ed peft.ds reek establishing post-o*ens, fsg$lstsg n- aesthetes and prw*diair ter hie h.p.sation and emirate. d taw. Inial allicem tender the user Qoeemmee r were soca atter lmidselied ID away planes 1 the three moth= pThe era ethriness. of the ()ussoaoent wad soon eater estiahli.6ad on the top a Abe Wert. °elates }eat soak et Puer- to Prlmi1pe, wiser" it Lisa thane bees beget sail practically unmolested y the Spud* 1 place le lurally tit difficult dr ltd weal but • handful of thea can be held sg;ais.t any sized form. In plena• the os'y patlway winds round the tilde et • w. a• nn miramg ocemsonal mien f l Goring easy Seesaw on his want end running lirasp<b limits Cies lwpirttn canto, Puerto Principe. Its Tunas, Payarao and thence on ep Santiago de Cuba, is the grand cambia or ventral highway from Havana to the sent. 14 1a one d the lbw mired seeds en the bland and is but tush by the revolutionists, as tap fit useful ao do the 8pantaexta - n II ,wools .r Osutbr.t.. 1Mrephid g are the statistics a Osl- fornla prodlects the e ear Mt: Oa*21!,110.51 .N; bales, 000; paho- isas and "ibaleie. veer 1011,111; ali- turs1 ge.O. ti10.010; Qulckellver. 50.701 game 06.100.000 wads; Whets; breathy die - grapes. .grapes. nearly Lw1.111 pit 10.100,010 baobab; ppewaar�� 111.110.111 weds: rabbet NSW .01i porno'; dried frill., iteitl0 pervade; dried prows. M,100.111 pounds; 'lane'/ fruits. 1.100.1110 wee; wool. 1111,101,111111 pounds. bap, aver 16.010 biles; ere angels. 1001-11. eskenated. 5172 estiaa4 1111. 0,618111 bows. butter, Mb011,110 panda; theme. 16,100.000 pounds; wine !weges at urn Piranciano. 22,111.101 paytw: pvvisisn. 10.400.011; mate Of rale 1111,111; total • cold preemelise okras led. 1011,420.671; quickAYwer rant 01 se 11.4 rnice: gold diad rive d1... 11.atf,tat e..raRy-the tlsesaad are set to craw twee 70111 is Mere are If11.t e wren d 1mgd snow Irrigation, 111.- 110 math 1■ the seats; 1310000100 ssersd / • ee.e.. Wahl _!!g'hdibeaR-prlesmade watch hde b Nstlea seta 8120. 1t records freer Math parts eat a second. strikes the hew amid Quarters of a second. strikes the bows sad quarters and play. Ogee e•aew. With tants to ornament the ease, the value call, of amuse, be biers sed le two or three sums B038L1111 AIN'T I1 IT. There ie • mins of wealth salad Ib tis golden bombs "tisk bwe await yea If cared serums la t8e gas et et at Ilaoe h wee bs famish ter yo. to min b theme es we• aro seethe an ws bays left at e pest redeetk os mike row ter sew woi� width aro eomirc A news emetic/ er chile wsra to be cold on t- w prlhm, THE FAIR, McLean'. Block. -- - Last Chance a prselpitoue mountain and is se ser- not row that two men cannot rade abreast. A btd3- e>< rew.hite men 1 The Orphau's Prayer hand - dotruse. T7e the place are not dependent on outside mupt.liee. Y the int. Of the mountain is nes wills a sufficient Qu•ntl y of good arable land to raise all the Clod they need. Bupoln.s have been erect- ed for the Government offices and an egwefial and magazine built for storing arms, powder, etc.. and a factory for the otamu8acttse of dynamite. On the wises slope of the mountain 1s the small town of Ron.so. Mx with all their Inh.lbltanb they es In the name at freedom. stwwt101 Wag I at intervals of a few miles to 1/e east to the banks of ch. Sher Nestrim . Through the et thee La 1♦taodt, the pathway to the tint, of the 'gentles, parmea On all ether adds of the estan- tsin r as Inacrewhie as the Bet et Gibraltar. The mountain is of lbw - awe termatloe, with nvmmou. eaves, ins places for such articles as cannot wen be taken to the top. Thr province et Puerto Petnelpe, in whirr' the therm Cables& 1s situated is bounded on the east by de Celia from which It to by t8. Rin Jobaliq and en the wont by llama OLra with the rivers laesrsosalee des Nemo sad del Ser bietwe s. Meier 12w western bm=dsfy s tib odd WS - ewer troths as Marra and fest east re it lila Nae themes= the teller of eont.a,te end the etre- by s, hito Owns Is Sadist '11,a bared 1• here ma 4 law. weespr 1Naie luso awe prreeo Neat wore he patriots bane had the Msh- ei. �nre. s Mabe theftItheres0/A Oki WWI/ Bawls WIlaes et le Need by Tbepeados .ilston . iiwgn e p the gland''' Motors suer sap resew. Than I. • mama wee 'ret ri0 poets ef the world a sear a rep. leas s.berlkw whir have res1vs It wield part whit h fee • /N bill. 'flee p.hlkte•ee y 11 withdraw Lha uOltty with W (ether. made they euoreiatss r sepjly "T OP*s*1'1 P/dli/," to •t1 mate sssO r is b Tis Qa.aa. w erhafge too Y epw11r► TM Faintly Herald eel I/ Sag £ t£ emicaM Ws eller reeepieed hada a tan 11/s•h�n1 0rphan'e Prayer" vtA Family Herald ."a Weekly Star t).• Tyr red ie Signal All fo 51.80 Danes Fail l Suer a aoA I Sad was..rtleas es Tit OINM l esSb Mese nes hs am M tab OMnaa e