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The Signal, 1897-1-21, Page 3
=wawa/el by weak« ter's drawly., tasra»_fen et s▪ ty tui t'At Neel art Wesel ansae. T. • coca •t ISM Neje eresee • ▪ treleasseV Jtsstaileas The Mstee I. Lemma lelti ag Mw�5tllly • sliver O▪ 1ege a 91010•Me Prob. lt wt eseop 1.- 1. ere Pesemssil n ary Am«l- -WkN. Mans •1 ssps.mammal � s Anita. acv. hf � h gnaw TM tell 5.d her Assessa sid be Qum 1111.4f 11=6L ✓ ai1t&. N, T. 01fy, gay urea WHIM is vital tfas 1 and power sad les sham i5) Nalemin a lemmatise _tll.ratloo e. a ha girl a mS.lt ubd 1t will es.- ritb precedes la daring the senses what old. what trl- • t. he wee, is be M. le Ter iso sell. mimelve le et eeNraOs re to he the rider amyl Ind story ria la Jsss- ' asalast the sadist a The N. ha Kendrick , 14,1E Isar Is t*. tie le pblb. ..n'. •' lie. 1 the most t; Mr. R & observations oar w odd": roost import - the ooustry. o onset to l toters.ta advances l' tares and tie la the Mr - la Bursa 1 21' • cedar. swi- N. Tblrtleth Passed, and *eery wee - rest settee a num Paris, • fortnight - an Mssa wgn lad full 'ave . Me seek. e T&. stitzel % ghee MeeWNW e- V Oat -Dew re rod pale ensnare of tad ,as relerAask111w • bee Iosolemnn aseeeaew se matt d weeks s1 masted w.iblYaGo~ arse ter a Is Oedema a. lea. T. talar, THE SIGNAL: C>GODERICH. ONT. THURSDAY. JAN. 21 1897 la NICHOLSON. L D.S. lfl '°' 'pllse • seism 14.1/ Saar' a"1e'sa Welst a Offeehlip. 11 Tessa S agefe5a1. it. MANIA D.D.r 1..D.11., -DEN I TAL ijg,•Boll.-l�mst"d legrwtad des�ts1• r £0. ege"4at a / sky u .5 Ive tw ]jalatwe a Sri a e.rvet - t el FI'Milk sad w Nerve• .. - K► imitated 605/ sad parse- • Dr. - art d Masted se add mains- ail Masa .Y•a/les gives to the .,oe.rvanes the aWrsl teeth. uM 1.. naab sew Uert. ftedleaL s W A. THOY8ON. 111. 0.. 0. M. ay Dr. C. d;.«6ms'k lt. tiU$TKLt. PHYHICIAN, S( It U mem,p. um.,- '.o• .*rest. tee rwi- imam imply e ire ra4ao . T•II'pbr..1/. elees by Dr. HoL•as Nish' WMUSS Or IIA$RIAGS • Llssn--Sdmeieb•use. *air ' 1141111L • hi M 0. CAMERON, BAMUSTER. tlULl- Mar, thattl•aose. ka mites -caw. Sirs ONO •ad Yt. Aadr.weta.. ape. 1:wham s wised. A • KN1h4T HEA EON - tid,ltttiotKR, Li Se4Miter. Notary I'ua,b A-.erae • W eek Wert 8Irwst tlfw' ly E. CAMPION .Q.t:., BA it RI*kilt, JI)L %�� Oedema. team .v.' Meatsal' u. JOHNSTON, BASAIN'ISR,dU N.L. wiser. 05mmtmtesr. sac, sow.. iv leas_ tidier : sur. H•mUtw saw et. c se nab Streets Y0deriob, oat. LOFTUIit DANt:161, u.. Miler lnit, ge,t•lter, Osam esser. as, .Music M bas M Worms rams. lig/tea Blase. ce seam Oilb.r.0 Woo. 1i.derMd.. Uel. ep-U LlIWIS, BAKRDi'1'I•h, r-• •�. yr s Ekstrom* ks. at i 1 e Oe/bes.na bei++. 1) 0. HATE, BARRISTER, aULICITsect ► Ile. hasele. tG Fri raw 'sem an tow .1 WPM mambas' ►aures*, row l h1LR0W dl PIROC. DJ/ O1JI, uAt• l5 raters. ttemi" gwwmrw /u... Yeo. risk. J T. Renew. fit%.. W. 1'r...'iwa. CAlLE1011, HOLT A Hul.atVs lJ Ymrreite s. lata► is *:*reeve ao. �jpeb. the,.res. tit.. ; r. ll,,.t Dea A. WAND, WNVSt - .1.0.1.. V•M.and 5 i wre w fist er 5*ir«s dedmrr War .'.casae_ _rad w mss'. *ea or scu- ts the lBlpSo�OaLve « 1. at •�L+�yrV laearttmfl ni 1esW _ ra..•aty,r wrest re om pa {7Ye�1� �'S=��..uus -. M fitel� earn Ldir Mom TO LOAN. Private Heads_ _- t�1 t 4. smelly. M. 0. O segesM.O ib.r.. Mat.L /i.derfe. PRIVATE FUNDS - PART I. skein .1 e*laisaa moose ea n . .e. large rosearity ems do to at bi per cep r, 00- 10gd*UJ41.Aa M'Doh; AU ltwa, 1M. Free- Termato. sc°'t's nrnlslon" You hear it in nine out of ten drug stores. It ti the reluct:rtt tes- thncey of 40,000 druggists that 's Emulsion is the standard of the world. Aad Wet is kid all divs try to roup 1s1 to► tis kited iso yogi to buy? Tv. a., SO ch. and $1.00. DOME AWA' THEN. CURLERS AMEN Kw's the le. o* Loch Ardtsi.tag. W here free seem ut's mow bare, Weedier 1a•tog games or ,els..i.g. Merry are ibe eerlers there lards that rat aad sewer is amines', O• the oh..ele. .Nw-wreatrd tree, May be lonely, yet there'. gladness, (Ilut.otng is the caries'.:.. Cense aura'. thea, etlrier's : ems, hair pleasures are bot tame, Wham compared et' joy that's .hared mase, At the royal, merle' ram*. Peer mad pease• meet sed snarls. Woes the game: o.rla'e play.d, Free bright ha', or obeery mope. A' are ea .• equal grade. Bee them sheltie' heed, Go hearty, 8pesto for ..oh *1bee's health ; Gee, 1 he patty .pets o' party. Levi mule the pride o' wealth. Lines to t hair cheery laughter As the game goes briskly as- Crnekio' jots* bet mk's team defter, And .dd. bryrhteses 1. the fee. See them hand's rem the bottle - Whoa abased, ob t west a sane - 'M them there's s0' w teetotal, Yet there's so' • same Use worse. •.• m /I SZAOEE, OUNVILYAIICII:O AND lJ. l.i.wwse4 .eg 55.eiteel1•relsiHaul 6.4.505E ONZY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE at M jar east. Now dieemated. 0. ill. ogee Melgeel*s Meseta'. IIoW, Wds F J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND b • m* seesses see' at lowers OMM-0 Oar. Northam. 0.d hems. oises, Medsnot. 14- - MO1fIY TO YARD. -A L Aft ti .•seas of Primes feeds taw lnvestase a limo* miss es Armdele Ifineelse••• Aeel M OAFINOW t P'ROUDSOO'f . Tt TiADOLIIIE, DEN R A L 11 wnenes. Real �RateMea er1ssmsMsMga.raeu O.4a.s samosaw to Las4 s. violet* o n s%. at tie lowest 514 ed wawawawa1/Vl isle � Ile trtrees Square. West g reMif riee sfttleteaser' lIsUws.. ODSIItIOLRK�0HANI 5004, ear. lit Hsmt wreei std Seemee In Mara Gees be l M e 1•.a.. and teem T M le rag. ABOUT 1000 VOL' LN LIBRARY. Leashing Deily. Weekly rod Iiia.lra/.4 .gs.ee'+s.eta en Pik. mazagIP T IO M. ONLY SI-e� samba flees time =Wary sad ltemdisa 141111118a -em Im membsship resolved by u05Mlea. la room n.H. HAMILTON. • Mflwts*`S Y�i .lfM til. Au.UOU110,1 rR• THOMAS OUNDRT, AUCTION/MR -A. sad balsams Sederieh. Ont. =0141illtitzeisill /he lea 00.. 0a. gales to - 0554.4 is la w part et the esewty. eats JOHN £lour, GEN ERAL AUO- tkwea« sae Lead Valenta,. .ed•rte'ha esommrseme • i etimme Tleving taw be Mute . WISSIon t5 .on 5),..te•a *.tressed se era. Orden ate ot Beit..'. Hetet « soot by emit to his alarms %dem b P. 0..' 7087 atMsd.d t JJOH le KNOX Comity seer Ppofssslo1Dal• Zt. n. BTEELE imtrlSIS ASSOCIATION ORT. LASD w01..TOem. A.■• OAR. 500 C a pIA0e1TS%AR. Oils. --d,«. Homilies marl Neerprewee.62 85) (fi Wales whisk Re with 1iebts•R steed sem. open. /bar Nae sad skill, 1lle ttea.ieg made will ever se SOW* emsmessy.111... TAKE ONB Kindly shocbts are ay. prevailing, Wipe t. W enter oars.►. mast, Aad the L .w o' fellow fella. Keeps tear hearts Is mummer heat. Watch the skip, boo loss he lingers Bre be late the stew ami ; A' his seal is is kis degas, Fee kis *Lill masa settle :. lbs the ies he'il nearly amble As be berries ower to k•. If tee class will roll sad rumble Jac* whom meted by his mw. Thee, whoa Mbars proclaim he's dose 1t- Wos the game by skillful Flay - lip roes h..om. up �M beet. And he's ,, king e se." thee day. Come •.:'-Asha* The Bailie. NEWSPAPER STORIES. BLOOM ON THE PEACH SOME 0000 THINGS TO SE SACRI- FICED FOR TME COMPLEXION. 50550505 sad Derwurmderaeee Ars Noe es r.Mat, Ater Alt, a. Jad/sacs, Diem sad • Cermet Coerea .r utas --A Word la Yea.... The curnpleakin of young girls 1s very often a sourne of trouble to teem, and wallows' s to he et W conte us doctors and IrrmatologiW 5114 medicaments of all aorta Perhaps eheu W Wings elms have fa -Jed they 141.1 find the whoas trouble dons away with oy a jud►ciuua diet and course of Ihlng. In many Places there are au doctors ewer -tally .kllled'1n relation to the .kin, and mo- thers comers* thesauri) es with thinning M will all Dome right In time. But they need not 14.11 tot *lute if they will follow a wise rout es la matt. rs of hath and diet, says a writer In Harper's Bazar. In Me era plea,, they fbould abol- bb the odd .. _b entir•lY, understand- ing that it ,. only the very rugged who can c, -re 11, trot tha.t very tee/ take It 1.. advantage anyway. and they should use only the warm and hot baths, and use them frequently - the hot bath, a quick one take** at bed- time, with proper precautions about taking oold afterward. With this there should be not only mere'0, about the house In the way of familiar duties, al- though It is always in the sa:,.e over - breathed air, but ther- *b uld be rapid walking and 'turrets(' out 07 door4 without any other Axed purpose than that of enjoyment, now and then a short tile, if 1t may lir team without discomfort. and sometimes, propel I y protected, a tussle with a rainstorm. but never exposure, when unveiled, to cold and sharp winds. And for the rest, diet is to be Called upon to worst mir'aolea. Pastey Is to be abandoned; all sorts or tic-. cakes and dewier** as evel1, sew • etnwsta can- dies, oily nut., the whose delicious bonbon trier, t4R'rther with the homely old colonial doughnut. the rarer. t and di. -eve In an) fort. Pru 1, too, will be taken is fth hesitatiot., an 1 mor,• gecer- ally cooked than uncooked: fritters Will be forsaken, potat,..-+ *111 be re- placed by bread, and the bread will be, as far as ponalble, of ouster grain ra- ther than .•f fine flour. Neither tea n.,r coffee will be drunk by our young aspirant f ,r a good com- plexion, our chocolat.-, he it said, she can have milk if It agree!. with her. preferably skimmed milk and butter- milk. Shs will be surprised to And how aeon the can diep.-no• with much drinking at her meals, and how refresh- ing water alone will become. 1f she drank no water at all while eating, and as muds as she wished a couple of hours later, it would be better yet: but if that Is toe much of a am, Igo . she would do well to try to limit her- han a. dosen table - self to no more spoonfuls of liquid* .1 b each meal. Of course, it Is unnecessary to sae that she takes no wine nor anything of the, Fort. Wit** this she should allow herself plenty of gond and well -cooked meats, and dish gravy when it le free from fat. not always a great dent of beef. but rather mutton and poultry and game. Meat increase* the muscular Armr.ess and strength. and is sumale- ed to told more to the narvo'li+ force than other diet: and oft -n a low c' edi- tion of lb. beeves ha- mor• try do t th the skin trouble than anything else. Rome of the 'Host irritating disfigur- ing and painful M skin troubles arise from worry or overstrain, or from mal- nutritioot. It must rte under-.t,.•d, then that the diet is to be bountif'II and generous. but that it le to be thoroughly digest- ible, and never greasy nor too rich. and that all eating betw.'rn meals and be- fore Irving to tied in to b • given up Any girt who brings he ^ habits down to these simple ways. an,1 111 soon have pronged sleep. the peachy skin that M longs to her years, unless she has room more deep- seated and ineradicable trouble than is common. For those who have no trouble with their akin, of course..uch strictness of rerlm* la not requisite but the hl.w-m *ill he kept a gr n' while ',lager, which has not been Interf.•r.'l with be indi- gestible dainties and lazy habits. A Tested Clams. A thief .t all time. mast take aheaoer, Terre .re thieves is alis like Chime. the wicked that will r•ne.ck • safe within • bleak e( a polis station, but for • thief to deliberately walk ate • polies/ma's roam .t his towhee hose and steal kis vest, is altogether tee. too. This is exactly the ex - perigees .t • Weal copper .ad naw he Rem •reeed making " Who stole my vest" NOUN 5.550 Maw. A Southsrs Manitoba moa who reeved le Meat . • few years aro started beak • Mon time "i ae and left the following fare- well em tee wall of Ins Montana .book : " Feer mils from a neighbor, sixteen mil« from a pest ofee, twenty-five mike from • railroad, fourteen miles from • w heel boas, forty -oat mile. from • Mueeb. e rae bemire, sad eighty mils from timber. tee 11.adred lads from . °median, bait • mile tram water, a quarter el • mile from a bleed thirsty half-breed. . tiled Rem O« Hese." "Gess back M Msaieehs. with* i. Ged's s.eetry. M Sal • tomb sem." CURED OF SCIATICA' L.tt Hip Affi50.d-b.g..ted Riesy Tremble -Relieved see Perlesely Oared by De4d2. Busy Pill. Termite Je0Mies. Jae. 18 (Special) -Mr. H. PI•ytsr is .0t • diffloalt was te dad se everybody here taon that be le femme at 14.. 1 Fire Hall. H. w.s the timers of health when tailed epos by year m••r0e-' deist .ad Mid bet Mary then : " Is April 1806 I seared from a amen Mesa d Bmi.M0 dWIAhM Shia leg as Ns hip ea i d it O•han form d calms ..d .. Nay bad .d 1 b ..a resswenoMed pro - eared • beg el Doles KMasy Pili" As tbe sad el the fear* day I was ea- t*5tt rearrest bee 4a45 w a psrnseint we i .141 ad M ams Hos acrd smother b.. std ase .mw psriertly eared sad me as well as car ia sty lit*. A brother of .ins Belem .t Mae Ormimed has been eased by NOD Eiiaay Pitt.. Y Lady pried slimes) "a. dee ism I 1 411 t*5t hat eremeas yeast seas going pee gybe &Mimed me es I OMNI hem WbM l..Mi "R B5 Goan. steam gleams I Hew remands! Bet I mese .tet dews the window." Teeny 11.. (peeehile las window. .ad wNb •.tresgIy-markd .meal mesas) "De yea pm" to have say sad dashes le .el Is IMsNoaa else 1" dor.alweeee tray Rssw.' '" tin. of HmAiq. tees • st Mow Alsooso-Sseeli gea.iaarasflwer K Ml.., Oar. allsossil 5 oda FIt it s opines weedy for • sp.- Oaraso-It diesdves end $rmileet••M fast* from the sy.Ms--6 sae soy g•an.saa 11« easy years I have Mea *radish with 1lrg/ly Mmes. s•.rlt tle0 rho lotion of mesh le Me way d rsmsiha Two pose or phot Assays es bad that t W M soak ail .1 a pkpkhs. Mt Irina nos mere Bike algid Mao fel M M that MewwI hove sad arse w�yg.41 Aseertw [I4.y (assn. 11 pvo m.. tsev.d- i.M nll.f, Gad S Mtte011no v I Fair es 401salN• ent solely as' 01 Ds. Ago..'. Livor Pun .iter dioese-01 twfal plrsseSM d' sad dqw l� 5).M Gay evi dhoti d tee eery wai.R. Purely vegdmMa De sea dna& the swam Wei peswjiMk n Mr plNiss .4 p411MMIM tea *ref Ma l s *551. Thr dslwd M bard M tarp .p war slices ploo- M ata Its Oseorine **irks* Tate es 40 dimes. UOm. M all dr.irtM- Soli by J. S. Dant. A TALE OF ARCADY. She was .• tsar. m sweet • said Aa seer 'twos my Is. k to see-- • boydes. wee 6.4 (may plyed The Wail we halm is Arcady. 1 was • yeeth-set bad ser bold - My semis west ber lore to M ; Asd yet sic jilted ..e tau sold - Au ubso00 *riot to Arcady. Aad yet 1 did sot dm -the j.ee Wo. aot by lar w iioh 10 1 sought and leuu t .mother mold W: rs out woe (.o;. to Arcady. CRISP AND CASUAL. le mob re.pf/aM.s ea adult Wedge oras pot of air As infant erews markt Inches donne the Ors* year. 1 t , akes two M e1 rags to M►s one tea of paps. Sales emulated burglar proal by elrctri- cnty er• use of tee I.1.•' •o,trstimes Tb• void 5),054 i. W.I. du. oil the last wise Moodie amounted le 'twig $125.000. More Mae bait a 5)i Fee bosoms say. bees built i. 1.O.doe, 1S o, dune.' *ks last ter' y seam Last year the fewer 11)5.0 1,584 der.liot .hips were di.oevsred, most ad teem 's the Norah A,katie. To mated Isamu Blanc oos'e *beet $76, as then meat by law to two ga.dee •ad • p per to sate per•M.. The rata at which tits Zeiss .s. trowel Opus a. e5)Kgenev M .mtnsisaast. Peeve O ,11 t0 es maob as fifty riIfia sfa mosey : sight mass se hour is be ordinary peW. ir 1, a sti5)atd that • sum w leg 15501h . rubric • bicycle at the rate of *even n,1,0 am boor, h.. • motneotwo, of 1,500Ih., Lavine oat of aocoonl the wrest lit the wheel. This Is sufficient to upset • pedes tries with terrible furor. The obildres eh blackest Africans are retro whit,.h, Ir • atooth they beoom. Dale yellow. le a veer brown, at forty ditty ►lack The chose* is to the 5)110005 tee5)br•se, below the outlets. No **tet. keep. Istria tatty comet thee, .ad even tb• Met rt.ronnmeters treed in ob ~ cavorter sol oo %mord ship most be regu- I.terl accordion to t•,,tes which are kept to fir the varieties to which all watches •re hall.. • r Don't Take Mr Word for It I Try it, and see for yole'el dod "° LU DEL i ts: `ill.' CEYLON TEA-eril1':�,.,,;rk1 deserves its name as the finest pro'luee•1i. In fact, it's just' what yea want In Lead Packets. 25c, 40c, 5Oc, or 60c., per lb. $_ P- RiciEARDT as 0L7_ Wholesale Avesta Tc ©NTO0 OLDEST SHOE HOUSE IN TOWN. We are showing a (SII line of Boots $11085 Slippers Rubbers which we are prepared to sell at prices that defy compe- tition. In Men's lines we have just received some excep- tionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Doug. Bala., that we are sure will suit the Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of' Ladies', Misses and Childrer's is up to date in Style and Quality. Call and see our Gent.f Fancy Slippers. We have a few Boys' Long Boots that you can have at Cost. London h.. msiotained for teeny years pre eminence la the far -trail. American e nd Russian timer. visit the otty to buy tan .rtg,o.11y takes is their ems respective count tles. TM sales ame0Ot to £4.000.000 • tear The Salute cif Turkey slweys take hie maim aloe. He e• ode *either table ear platse, kr.,vs ser forks, bat pu•leen very well by helpiap h,5)eslf with • spools mad h oe fisgen so whatever is served him is small dishes Knives teed mono. are of great antiquity, bet tee see of forks is really, comparatively awaking. swims ; sod. t.d.spes••ble as these .djuects of the tette may sow appear. they hadn't become at alt general at the be- 5105)ag of the eighteenth Ootary. The sago-eeatto5, which maks kyer'S Pills mosey to take, dissolves immediately oe reaching the stomach, sad eo permits the loll strength and bm ett of the mediciee to be are+5457 g.Manieat•l. Ask your Tp t 'h-Alm•Yac. just out. A sew h.A tear deep .*a mondiog carries • cartridge which explodes no teuchag the hot+o5). A submerged microphnos receives the .nand. end the depth is sti5).ted from the time occupied by the lead u si_-bar to the bottom". The folly of prejudice a frequently .hews h'y people who *'refer to suffer for years rather than ry an advertised remedy. The s•lliew who hew* no sore redia.. rah* Ayer's Ssrmpanlla for blood dimasee sad are curd. So much for cornmeal sense. TA- rr...,frra.e.'r'• moors. No newspaper worker has to comers•! against greater oi)5ta •1es than doe` proofreader. and when everyth'rtg is taken Int,. consideration the ay. rage excellence of his work k little less than marvelous Ilia ernes of amksion may be easily pardoned. Whenever toe type Cale % lovely young bride a bird" ch o1 tense may lightly be oc erlooked, since the meaning la not entirely obscured. But the proofreader's errors at commis - Mon twkw.g In a different eateg"ry. Whenever he attempts to straighten out the tangled meaning of something he doesn't understand. the result td - ten b something to make the judicious grieve. At the conolookyo of the Li Hung Chang festivities in New York. and Just before the distinguished celestial left for China by the Canadian' route. I wrote a paragraph. saying: LI Hung Chang gouts bask to China he ought to see the United States." it came out la odd type: "LI Hang Chang M vt5lting the United States before go ing back to Chita." Blmultaneopety I found on my desk a pate from the proofreader. It said: You'll have to keep tab a little dower. That China- man bas been In New York a week. Don't you read Mr paperer" W. W. Naughton. the San Frands- en sporting writer. ciao Included in hit sporting notes for the Examiner an item Saying that "the young samara are beginning to runs" It appeared in print: "Tee young teal to,n are begin- ning to swim*' When lir. Naughton asked for an ex- planation the proofreader cheerily re- marked: "That's all right, Billy. You had that mixed tip with your Muff, but I straightened It oat fax 14Oeesa = mese ==..40 " 'i:.az; V w v` ti, WM. SHARMAN, JR, Sole Agent for the Slater Shoe. THZS SEASON'S TEAS RAISINS CURRANTS CANNED GOODS Don't buy old Gmceriea, for however low the grit e, they are dear. Old goods are always nauseous, and xometiase awls nee lays t.'ie foundation for a long dodor's bill. Buy Fresh Goats STURDY BROS. There ars sert,ri•ingly sassy expert snai- e/eos is the Royal home. of Europe The Qom. and her daughter Pr,ocem Lessee rlsv the masts sod Organ oath /fee' ek11 Th. Prue* of W•lee play• Ili. banjo re - workably well, .ad the Prison of Wain is se .Ipe/t p must. The Duke ot CooNeght can elo weeders with the flute, •sl the Doke of Elinharrh is hardly Ica •oco.iplabed a bar4l'nr the violin. The mileage of tee Mood oiroal•tiodre- weals soars a tNieh,ng foots in our parsosel his: erg. Thee it has been calculated that, am awning tee heart to heat lusty vire times a piste* at ordinary beers premiere, the blood sere .1 tee rata of 207 yards is the *meats, or seven miles per beau, 168 mike per deo, and 6,320 miles pee year If a teas of righty -tour veers of mss meld h•m ease sisal* bleed mermaids en•ti.g as his bleed all his lite. it would have travelled is that mora time 8.150.808 01'101. A oelebrwted Landon physician is eora- 'booed of the hesltb value of a hobby. He says : '• If ria woof find pleasure 'n the study of the very many wooden that car- rened roe : if yes oar* not toe geology, sates, history or mtrnn.mv. enl'eet walk - tam stick*. bay sad oheri.h old or.okd show•, dl) rap a1Mwe and sor.phowks, or eves gal her seamtker •atoe!rarh• and p' stage- weeteps : anything sooner •hon he Idle." The fleeter is nndoehtedly right, foestroe remo- tion requires • tboroegh change of work sod aloe of thought. But why didn't you 1504 it go as I wrote it?' peranted Naughton. i couldn't ' was the reply. "Who aver heard of a Ash runningr'--CbICa0r Times -Herald. A P, ■ 1,e Motor Norse New. Teerryt'Mng now seems to oon5ptre to kill *1.. breed of horses. `I hen the horsrle*a carriage carne into existence it awned oat at least the bread et bunters could oat he touched. but the hope was vain He is to he rMOgated to the 1NKttat of Ar eleu/U.n, accord - Ina to tate New 'fork Pres. T'bo toothy, motor home haw appeared. The dangers at the homing Add wile tto longer exist : we shall jump tie tonnes with rnratheanalksN acral*x50'1•; the nonent and brwaAth to he cleared win depend dmpgy an a itilno0 m The merltaoitern which i f(n hetes Menet the result . erg liver. of two streetsemi shamed liars shame whet* p.0Met en emelt um* of era. front .!teed A Orb& oakss thew to strike the grewssd with tete r tine's 1 ?reps wick& pse.ob 06o aSeMrr tett. tit. 41 sn mat at saw ols.r 0w MN M midst. end eihrest ens lewd pee yeink& -et heat. el Vitt 1n veinsr mesa 1I$t500 A. B. CORNELL The bgttare text to Bedford Hotel 1 Hamilton -at next to Colborne Ho4sl. 2 Stores 2 Stores LARGEST STOCK in LOWEST PRICES in Undertakin Furniture Cornice Poles Window Shades gverything a Factory Prices Lower than Ever I A. B. CORNELL ll 30 DAYS CLEARING SALE BOOTSS HOES A IN BICYCLES Al. WATCt1ES►«k ieltm.1,40- Arlo" (Summer and Winter Goods) Dur* tee Yew i air. Peasiessereease 04-Ieemene twnpgy et 1� i„fMe fit Bon fie IMMO AT COSTI to make room for Spring Goods and to ars premium Repairing neatly and promptly attended to dl J. M°NAUCHTON. '41 IIT 008 CLIIB&III SATES?