HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-21, Page 1•
11 ELM *1110YWA111R I
Il U :tore •a Al ?M
tbst Clear, awoke
lq.♦15rJaffni sT
THE L13ADIN'C NEW8I'AP3E121: Off' MidtritOW OOVNTY'-
Fen 055 TOMS
. o.bghs atsr-Ievsv ilea 3
�w1ed 1ys4M.W.ntrd-l< 1. E B.y
P. W. 1). Wawa. 6
A.11gswes' Raise- Hellmatb .od ,I ny . 6
Lenore Towbar- W atter Sada . 5
Teodoro Wasted -3 B. Reeeia--b
Take Nowe-lbawid J. M.1ooms6
Health aid BWcegl6-FulterdkCe 7
Hosiery Sale -.las. Reason.. ..sass 4
Truster it Lessee-- B R timing
Seta Tei len Wa,bed -IL 1. E. Iley►,
P W D . Ottawa
whir' 0I -A 111.1). AU=
Eire Brook -A B. Denson
Mill Loeber -Harper k lea
Natio, to Creditora-0artcw & Prowl -
antis. mere-_C•te.e.m, Holt & Helena
Ile Med re r nesse
is Itleree. t. eat liner •
The fie Menai, from tn. Mealiest Sar,
mere to the dash of 5 well knows and se
:mooed terser resides: of t;odobe., the
era of our towhees= Rev. A )l.ol;dltvr.y.
THe'H.NAL, aid every resident of the tows
bre:illy sympathise with the afflicted rel-
atives of the desired, wen was. credit to
les tamely aid an beam to the tows um
which he lived w mares •,tete
Presbyterians is this oily rad elowbo
all hoar d the *add= death last web' a
h. Bev. J Mactlilhy.rv. Peter of Mil-
s -tie Pnsbytert•. Chock, Weetthesst, with
dart: repot. Although for • meter of
yssn past the deowwed has never =jayod
rotate health. be was able, wvertbe1w. to
awed to tae dam of his merou o al tiles
right up to Sed.y lama, when he poselead
both negate( ad event.==:.
A t t he latter service the reversed gentle -
mut was takes soddenly 1U s the palet,
while deltveriag bee menses, rod kr weak-
er b.seerwe apparent V, the ooagr•gathee,
ow of the oilers o1 the Aare a•-•u•!d the
p.lp►t steps sad asked him to owes the
oosgregetwn whish he did. 01 . ..'east
his roadies, Mr. M.a(:dhvary esa..i.,ird
to take te his bd. At that Moe, levees. r.
it w10 set •5Nwpsted that his so, 4e.• • 1 -
ems wauid prove fatal. The marvras of 1)r.
Elder, the family pbvsim•u, were called en
medtatel7, end the Oestles•s dWsawd
the trouble as gastric lever.
len= the past few days the edntAMn
o1 Mr. Mao(.illtvrsy ce,asi.eed ao wane,
but yesterday aft.rsooe • °haste for the
worm was sensed. •ad, despite all that
medical skill mead do, the revered rale-
11emen was seized with a add= hemorrhage
of the lanae. 14 which be ,00camb.d at. bad -
poet e1e.ee o'clock lest nicht
The lam Rev- Mr. MaoGillivr•y was bor.
about fatty years neo near (:clench, Gat.
After eaepietteg him eleine 15r7 educatias
at the Godermb Grammar School, the de-
oesaod est°rod apes a .ollenato cause at
Totowa University. where be graduated
with the degree .f B. A., eiterwsrds perm
1.1 his tbosiogiaal ethane in Koos College.
of the same city. Oa 'radiode' from the
latter isstituties he reeved a call to Mel -
alk i'hsreb, Weetmout, his first •ad enly
oharee !haus •esamiag the pastonm of
this oMarcb the .ougregaties has greatly in-
creased in newness, ma well as to wealth
e nd t.6ei...., sed it was asly darer the
pNesst wreak that Mops were taken to •o-
y5t►e edditr eel p.pperty whereas to erect
• larger aid better eharoh adieou. At the
lase time ten stipend of Mr. Y.oOiWvrsy
wsa themes" hoe eighteen bemired M two
tbus•nd dellen per .rust.
The late peeler ei Melville Chunk was
highly esteenaed by by ealeelA11.1 brethren,
when be tele at the m-sMtsrs of the Prseby
Uri and illsy4.rla1 AwsslatMS. and sloe
by the ibises M Wetmore sad Montreal,
irr..p♦MM .f creed or ems The deemed
wee • greet lever d newer opens. est or
sabotages* ester. About two years .go
be vatted Cl arsmo for the benefit of bis
health, and as by wean M this city algin
awed the waive date .*.eget. with
the peewee el Marine Churl& The de-
ceased leaven a wife sed shill temente W
f•sa, and the bereaved sews will have the
sympathy d the entire eemmasity in their
wee .merles
''from ottraw►le Oorrespelident$
!here se Ineennenos Mere Time Cesare be
ae.M ♦alwtree W.-MwI elf Abe
pesW epeMwlls nesagsad
Ag Tin Nagai.
Tvdooay, Jas. 12.
Mies Bertha Y•maoU. d Winder, is the
rue of her wt. Mn. A. Keened of thee
plan•. Darien her marrow she visited treads
at 1)uagang=
Tctt.wT, Jos 19
Friday evert d the week the Endeavor
S.otety here will easert•ra their teller So-
ciettee of Carlow, the Uniea .rid Port Al-
bert to • ewe' ethane .t the Ghareb.
Stogies. reading's, e.oi•1 atereoer•s sad re-
freshmn.m pees. M make eh eajoyebl.
ewer.', --
ey :...*...dad., the ll.,tleld bees T Tr..� 4o,..r. t�,., ..d .ttAr • Z... « • THE SONS OF ENGLAND
UVEB THE HURON .RACY. ( a••• � ;w.i,p,
Tu'riDAy, Joh. 19.
Mn. Chas. Speaim, of Gderieb Tp, is
visitthg boy daughter, Mrs A. A. Wil-
A thermometer has base pied he the
sebool ad the bell reps has bees renewed.
its predeoeeeor :►wvtng twee els years of as-
tiv. w•rvtos We enppow its restates will
be maul for the tele ter.
A few day ago the rival form of D. Hon -
dorms, Use popular and genial thresher ol
thebth ooh. of Bursae 'told water township.'
was is is burg o• • resew.' vidt H. re-
eved numerous 000grstul•tmw from his
friesd• as the rearm' addition te he tonally
fwd eta th who la g. • •t lar, thea
hale. girl..:sift baa he risked. ...asignt6aa.t ago of tiro soroo, to which
seeds is ewes:,
last wee betas or Wod- he afterwards added many :wore, said by
tt.Mr. •vo.ihd a. cwt ..eb dint of bard wort and an radosiable ea -
Mr. Molar,.... took p.as of the Bray be tramafer,ned it tabu the sew head -
Hever Hotel Whis.May Wt. We .r- some r.atdesce sad extensive rimed@ rad
pea he will --k. his berlere • ewes fr«nbeaass that will bye ea .asumente to
The Methodist Ghoroh Sunday *owe will hit mem*ry. -Bis °sly capitol was • sound
ay. • sea 'bread•s and wooers as Than- eesstit1Yeh sad • strong wilt ; bob withal'
by evening had • large trowel is aspected. • pe1 tt knowledge et the neruttry benthee•.
The FereMtrc .re b visa an termer esp- snowed en the severe ashes' of by native
par the week es Tuesday were sad i.. Sortleed, sad hate in We adopted ('a adla5
drabs they will aye • very .oni.hle time. home. with bre lite long peter, they reared
Bel Swarm left the Raver Hotel. es Wed (1 ni • largo family of 15 °biters.. 13 of whom
heyday of last week. Hie oh= fronds k eurvlve-five of the elder members are
wish boa gr••e snow= 'h his bus b married end have homes of their own lo
Goieris4 'mythic= oabode of his bestow he took
Ws believe the Bayfield harbor will be little part. his whole study was =awed o.
fixed wit Samar sod the eleotne street the advancement of the frau growth` ta-
mrota of this .5Mios, and it may be safely
Govooar r oemtan toe g for
is what .v mew said that he hos done mon for the fruit-
St.obur% he is lois. for me, Dat it tel crowing iadeetry of Huron thee any other
he booming.
hd been.ieoted everything world Mory penes. For many leers be was are of (he
he ttoomin'. Directors of both the fowl Agricultural and
UUNGANNON. Horticultural societies m God.rioh, and
Norton -The tonal easier la U.sg5nae• r.,y latterly h. was honored with the appetiser
t.wTes ito10t. is •t the Mice of 3. G. Ward, J •� ho moot of Director of the Frust Grower
J.1'.. wveyanaer, tko. who will reoelve or. Aes,touties of Oratorio. representing at tho
dere ter enb.oripu ora dvert�ims sad lob- wane' meetings of the Sowety the oountiee
Werk. sad i a r the se to glue mecefq►so tor of Huron, Brute .mel Grey, wbiob dnusga-
wanu roll for the es•1e. Grey I>.akp
TOs.DAY, Jas 19!h Weed honor heosssitated his .t+endente
Rp-ovr.INti -We are pleased w esmto nage '.sees wherever the Society held ire meetings, the
that Arthur Lester, the iuf.ot son of our I•.t beteg held lest year in Kingston. The
popular baker, who has =so very 111. is fu.trel new largely attended by the immed-
mealy reseverine an late neighbors and many from • dietaooe.
THAW. -O. Saturday and Sabbath tea At the hoose of moarel= wore his rid
wore vestal with= old tune January thaw, t•B 1 mother, in her 84th veer. his brothers end
but don= Sabbath night and Monday It esbsart Meters hod thirteen •urviviwg children.
was superseded by• ..rarm of wind, :mew •= h Many floral tributes were sent by sorrowing
P•re•d bol. !needs. autos= others a beautiful triangular
sod sharp frees. In cas44 oo.ce of the emblem by the members of the Sons of
thaw the rade are in had 000d,tien for 1•.mp5reace, Pure Retreat Division, No
The 1}I.4.t from the Looa1 IMW
M..•i'At. Jos. 18.
Mies A. Wyse spent Tuesday to Brussels.
Mesa AMB Stew*, wbo has been .pry ill.
is reooverin5.
Jamas Roberto= left for M.aitob• en
T.esdav with a c.rlosd of bores.
Court Maitland, et the (' U.F., lotwed
bolding some kind of an eetortaiimeat is
the neer (.tire.
Mrs.Frd McCrnok=n sad little d.nghter.
d Brasasle, were visitor Mrs. John Ger-
ret lent week.
-A. sleigh lee& si t --
wades rt IM a *Pint1 n
Y of John
aa(rovet 01 'Newberry. Mot Thnrsd.y.
The .500.1 oboes meeting was held last
Wednesday, Jan. 13th. AU the old direct-
ors were rosppol..d. A butter =tang
Pant u to be put into the factory in the
Word was received lest week that Adam
Mao•llt.ter, of Reneevaih, Manitoba, was
dead ; deceased was • brother of Mrs. W m
Meaner, of Ulnvsle, •5d Mr. James Mee
ear, of Morrie.
♦ Weekly None d Cereal stews some
o p se sort flverr7b 41 - TIM wad
rein* ~el wed oendeeeed
news seer STII'M.
' REY . Jas. I les and wile, d Mo-
L.ske Chaser. Nebraska, were renewing old
.cynaiaaaeea this weak.
Merry: Amemer Waken was re -appoint-
e d for 1897. Bantry 100-
SgJfortb : W. &Ibis, the vetersa ol.rk
sad treasure of Soatorte, entered spot he
twenty-sixth y..r el office on Monday
So.lortb : Mw Murphy lett town
this week te attend Loretto convent, Strat-
ford, where elle will take . coarse of study
um mom
G : James Bets was oho= trustee for
8. ti, N. l as stteseaser to Gloater w
has bees • e•mbrr of the Board tor the
pods 6 years
A Wisest per says :-Tho Star.
• of t1 . A. Deere mod Miss Are La-
mest (deuebter ot Malebo t ofthee
tower* u snsouced.
Sestet's : Hugh MoEwi.g, of Palmerston
cess in town on S•t.rday last 'While here.
Mr. MuFw d his twenty -a nth sew
Aeon to The Expositor
Wi bsm : Yrs Vis. Moors met with •
Painful window by ths upeetuug of • r
of hot water. Her hoed and her tiros, ma
far as the elbow, wen badly spaded.
Weight= : A message was nano= here
•ssouuwog the death of Mr. Crutokshsokm,
of Cobourg, father Geo. asWm tat
sneak.. Dewy Rosie o urn y.
GreyThird. morning of this week
Mrs John Savage., 4th lose of Grey. passed
away at the early we of 19 years, 9 months
sad -17 days. The teasel takes place on
Fndav to the Zion toes., tory,
Soforth : F. lina.:t:tdtre, who for many
years has bees muweoger to the Canadian
Bank of C.mmerce here, has been promoted
to the Berlin agency of the caste back, and
removed with his family to that town on
Wednesday lest,
Grey . Jas Meares, a former well known
Etbolita, bas deeided to become • resident
of Grey after an absence of severs' years in
Masko4.. Mr. M.ozio bas parorased the
wast hail of lot 22, oen.11, sad slit Spring
will begin inns= the)ufle _ _. ..
308,the Patriarchal chair of which he had
ANNUAL MemW .:.-The annual erosion 6114 for 26 years Tethers were oleo root
of Ashheld and Waw•5oeb beano!' of Agri- d (' d Cr ok by Mr. and Mrs. Heddle, Mrs. Bingham.
.sitars' Society was held in the old court (T =seri Mr. sad Mrs A. P. McLean and several
room ea Tbedsy, the 13th. As w• were from members of the family. The funeral
sot present, ad not having beard the resort, y service was read by Rev Jas. A. And.rsoo,
we w asahle to rapers. le oar sot we M age, Preebyrerlen minister. of Gderiob, to
prebsibly ROY- wash church the 4.0.5.ed had been • strict
IW -We siseaelT egret to bay* Athfiold adherent. The pall -bearers were Andrew
to Mate that Miner William. son of B. J Heddle, Jsme Gledhill, James Buchanan.
(>•v/ford, is somewhat indisposed from •a
allele of the throat ted ears. We hope
that be will soon recover and be able to
take bis wonted pewee is his mad= at
school, which a the web of teacher .s3
he school oompani ss.
The Banquet at the Colborne
A Seed ♦etesdases - J•vlal Speed* sad
apes - analead'e oars: sed .54
rise Io tae Derr -L« elf Du
sad rms.ere were.
I;1t.Ut'AW-1 Rg7uvcaltiu.-It will be
pleasing to the relative*, friends .ad beet e1
• cqu..ntssoss to kaow that Albert Tre
leaves, the popular •e. etaat in B. J. Cr. -
ford's general .tors,wheeee takesesttesl,
111 during last wrik a w*adrdlsa
and, wrier preve5ebg, will res fir .10.
to rosea kis position, which r tb shier+
with of all.
Tcc.DAT. Jah. 19.
The first sawing bee of the tw= was
held no the bre of H 0. Walter as Jae.
13th. and was • decided .mother.
Sea of our local Sous of England at -
Waded the supper gives by Liverpool Lodge
i5 (;odertcb oo the evening of the 14th. sad
report having Iota of heat. beer, plum pad
dies. taste aid coag, end • good time reef -
Wo. Driver. oweer of the Glebe firm,
Huron Red, bas moved his old house,wbieb
partly band the vbw of the new bolding.
.d Wends wee It as ea addition to hit
Mahle. The crow building preemie • nae
sppene�w. and le net et the meet .eMn.-
tisl build[.' 1n the to ruship.
MAratmoatss.-A gilt but happy event
b.ok pies .t the het .f Jeb Whitely,
7th sea., ea Thane y. Jew 14th. w `the
.dy d�.e5ggbtaem..
, R
hely beads et metrima.y to The M.Dw1d.
ten of Cater heDeuald. Porter's Ilia
Both bride end mesa were bare and
breears highh
esteemed sadd is int reopened .teefelti �11 who karst
the We with tine .11 the b•ppia ee
peak in their sew lite.
Town Cotrercu..-Th roils meMle( •t
w town dimwit held en Trid.y owv"ea'i-.
rem. Dsey and serine+
Wilees. N.hs.
Mwtb, Minh" lrt.heleen. Reid. Colt•l•w•
Cray. ]fele&. Misuts ef tenses meet -
leg read and yeses ed. A osis
tam eallseeer Reid seder edlibesel time
for the a llsetlas el tsps was read
Xy 4.' .,
8, the :env.. ameended h
*8.. the time tar the sel1Mies d .asd-
looted tam be a.hrded onto the lbth e1
Vebreery w while day all oast be re
t.r..el eemplet,4 Carried. Aso■a
Ines read .tad referred to Visaw Oen-
mine as Were : Resters k Co., 113075 ;
Ca..di.. Slee Os. 1133 00 ; V•iamE 041
Oa. f7 00; W.C. Wiltleme, 8119 33
QVeli 00 : C. A. H.Eber. 437.60: Pleased
a... 25 83 ; C..dleh Bios Co . p0.17 . J.
H. W awl', pe a I Harlow & Ga. $67.94
Bootees= k Rhys., 47 ; /1 . Strseh-
en. M 00 ; Hart k Biddle, 0 CE : Candia.
Moe 0.., 0.18: W. J. Drwdtag. ft.96.
C•eo.ateetien hem Heber Breen. wee
.end. mtkl.4 the wand' M advisee 82.000
ea tier eenesat. Moveby the
easeeded dark be MCrab*mennailler
Merd M wr*Ss Hunter Be
that ship emelt dose and w N te sesta
ea Meir request Aid ferthel. that se *se.
et the ren Y lowed es war weed end
�•sp1 1 be war ..sheer tha8 we will then
esaidar their properties. M&
BS 601 t'. Miles. M 00 ; W . lief
CoNvALeo -IN.:. The following Ydrd•stes,
who have been eullerine for some time from
the effects of navies °retracted • severe
shook of cold, la grippe, for luster= wane
neo preeuee as to its provalesce is epidemic.
Mrs. Jan Roes, Mn. U MoS.vu's, of A.h-
beld. Mrs. J. G. Ward, Mrs. Klan. Mrs
fleabite. .ad Mrs. Wet Wilson, of IN. -
renew all of whom, we are pleased to
.tate, are ooevols.ren.
Mien:wrt.L-Dewey the early part of
last week Job Dander, 7th con., West
Waymire, bad the oefort0w to lose a
vwlnable horse. • ' ' . • .•,- L'arly loathe
..beep, whose occurred oy the animals
staple= on • platform revering • well near
•M bora through which they fell into the
weiL Ta. horse was dead when found, but
the sheep was taken op alive, and is none
the worse of the dip. Thofhoree ar•ported
to be raved at too hundred dollars or up-
INrsRestST,-0. Tuesday of last week
the r radia of the Inco Yrs. Woods were
interred is D.sg•sass eemstwry, being as-
e.rtcd thither by • lame e.aooaras of me -
remise relative., friends sad sogoataanose.
Her age was 62 Obsequies were solemnly
performed by Roy. 8. M. Whaley, of S.
Heise The deeaoad was ase d the
Weser* et Went Womanish. and was sash
esteemed by all with whey she was a►
gestated. The bereaved family dew.. .d
daughters .ad other bereaved relatives here
the ewers sympathy of the entire &Webber-
hed law sad bereeveme.t.
ibasoaT. Jas. 19.
John Maiihealek mod Peewee
haw rd hew tree Nth Peter
Cleo. Hewes end C. felly .hipped three
..Arad• d relieve Me the Old Cas try last
Jahn Seedy and hie see Willies bo w
arrived hems been Makelt-. blab koaklg
bee sod hearty.
The temeteee have be ba•1 ter 5oe
time pee, ywdine to the resat d Sar
varies* ledastries.
A. T. 11.Deueld startedhie b_y bMee we ea_
he week. bele'
free D. A. 1!81554...,
Anhr R.bob*e, we w plowed be we.
b able te lk ewe aleth. bertha ed
ese...stel ieratier. laat'ermd en Nm 14lb. Rids is dam • Beal •
and ties
stili bremise from a. he n M 1 '.leak
at .1.1a--ebs time tee � the el.stri.
sawmill. . . Leap is noble. an week* in
he h • hese eeEewb.t hampered
rytrof sew.
•Ih =pry
IM Weft beer
8.r emele ., Wo to all .0 amed Reline•
TA tie W Twiyit t butler Tsui le re tee
6.811 juUSA t g l I hope thheime few W ell shear Ago ade
Yin L Wee. Rdlr ems. /Tees 'ghee
Menthe hltalN�'
Bruins= Uo Thant:) r this week Mr.
Alen Ewen, mother of NOW Ewan, black-
smith, posed to bar long hoe, in her 85th
year. She Dame to this ooantry about •
�year ago. having buried her husband in
tl•od. Her otmplaiot was oaooer of the
Morris : On Saturday, 2nd inst., Mrs W.
Joke= entertained the members of her
Sabbath school oleo .t her residence. The
young people took dvwiage of this oppor-
tunity and prosaot d Mrs. Jackso. with •
t he silver cruet with her name entree= up-
= it.
Hay : Ed. Jo netoo. one of the pion-
eers of this township. passed away last
week. at the age of 67 years 'Ir. Johosto.
always enjoyed the that of health until
.bine • year ago, when be oowtmenosd to
fail, and rapidly e.,.1. The =use of death
was oanoir in the stomach.
S.afosth : Hoary Hood, ot Pew, N. W. T.
was in town • few days ago. Mr. Hod has
be in the Northam: about fourth= yuan.
ted went from the vicinity ot Kipple, and
this is the es000d visit to kr old bee•. He
I* e5n51d in farming, and we are plowed te
learn that be h.. prospered. He .s the
farmers le the vicinity of Pelee had steed
crop shy "year, sad the good price for grnih
le putting thea as their test
Ireween sir. --Oa Breath last the remains
d Mea. Mary Ass Mabee retie d the lent
Josses Make d AAN** were nattered ie
the faintly Ili«. in D1r res ••eater!• A
lalerrgop eehwree d winewing friend. and se -
q 4.temeee aeeonapasid the reuses es floes
her lent redeem le 1h eeaet ry. end hat
ice the fad.Eeney et the weather the eon.
ere woad aye be mash larger. Bat age
wee 71 years. The esteem .bregmas ef the
lepLsep.l Ohara. el whelk deemed was
so exemplary sad oe.ayN.t Newham.. were
edweed log Rev. J. Atrmetren(. The de
seamed was held is great sr ewe e as ewe -
lent ebbe. 1n the hear she we meek sa-
bered by her ehilofres, sod in the neighbor-
hood by .1l who:the
eabliberbeed y
are equeiatd wish be.
empathyThe dee
with the 6eer.J family le
bs.s.venam1 el their belated mother.
ON Thursday evening last the large
limit -room of the Carthorse Hotel was well
tiled with Sow of Eagred and invited
rtwts, the oocetoo beta:: the anneal supper
of Liverpool Lodge No. 140, S 0 K. As
the appointed tiu►e the annual meal was
served, and ler Dearly thr.e uuartere of ea
hour the bill of fare wee dteuussed in •
manatee that betokened thorough appreoa-
tio0 of its merits.
The cloth betas removed, the district -
deputy, Bro. Thomas imoason. of Chutes,
took the chair, and past preetJeht Warring-
ton and weariest Cornell the V1L,5 ohures.
The toast 11.1 headed by •• The Queen."
was honored go I..ysl Bluish ewe, sod
" the 'governor -General' we•t•b followed
was moored with all doe hoe-. Theo came
• aloe r•citatiun 511en w , .d style by
Freak Humber. then the : .ems I:r•ad
Lodge was honored ea the 0.0* manner.
tiro Jsckeuo was called oc to despond, and
'h his ,mural able mower d,wu.sed the
merits of the Society. which, he contended.
Warn worthy of the support of E:uglieh.nen
and their de.o.odente everywhere. After
mle5tio0105 toe strength of the Society nu.
mentally and pointing oat Its good features,
its obieut and its power, he resumed his
seat amid genera: cheering.
A Colborne resident, Fredenck sh.mbly,
then .toed up to .Dews to his Dem1e, sad
responded by giving as etcelle01 oomto
wog. Mr.Sbambly,who is evidently • gift-
ed oomto singer, soon had bis audienoe 'h
the beet of busier, and the almost unoen-
trollabie mirth and rem' that each of
his wogs provoked, showed that he should
A 1'. McLean, A. MCI) Allan sod John
Kerninghan. The Dome=e was en exceed- 1 be mor. Iregoestly heard is old Huron.
'hely Zoog one of over • mile in length, sad " The Land we Loft and the load we
the reams were interred in the family plot
a the beautiful Colborne cemetery By his
death a loving father has been taken sway
from • rri•f stricken family, and by he re -
snood we have lot an hoaor.ble citizen
that we 000ld ill afford to lose, whose up-
right and Christian character st• opd him
as • model wen whose word was always as
good as his hood. to the prosperous bust
sees be founded be epitaph is written slid
it may Dot be inaptly said of him what is
written in one of England.' great oathed
rale in tefereooe to the builder " if thou
were • monument, look around."
Jen Gledhill shipped three Coos ot wool
of last ye•r'e orop to • firm of wool buyers
in H•etltoe. That large .quantity repre-
sents jest his surplue stook, aid will give=
ides of the no 00051 buuinose carried as u
his factory.
Be. - -The business of
that nursery will be earned oo under the
boadisg of " FJtets of John Smw•rt." By
the will of doomed his widow i5 appointed
sole executrix, and she will carry it on as.
listed by h e sobs George, the eldest in
the family, lowly from Battlo, will make
611 permeate seethes IA the family home.
Cabers* : Mia McCurdy, relict ot the
late Archibald McCurdy. of the 13th eon.,
did at bar reoldese, eh the 11th feel,
after •h 1llsss* d .bout Ws dayaDeese-
ed as d
w • motive of Ireland, end lied bees a
resident et Game ter about fifty 'years.
Her btieb•nd did ewe eleven ye51 •g•.
leaving her sed their live rendre. is eon -
towable ryws awes. sad the has resided
ea the ed bemese.d ever ins The eeild-
res are all married.
Blyth 0. Friday ts.tai.(. G... Lilies.
el the minis, firm el trebled k Gt8..., met
with es •eaide.t that .early rail frim by
life. While wwkieg these shoeE5•fsery
fa the lower part d the mill W etetbee be-
en* s.timeed. bet owhlg to him bong •
seams was he rslewd bimsdf by 'Mishima
bold of .s elevator soar by and palloag him-
self frau His sleben, eve. his *birt. were
eowpleeely Corn been el le body. It vise
a very dees sail. ad bis wraps was soiree
oir s-
Brasoele : Very asexpiOWd laded was
the death of Henry James, • well boars
wide.* of Brirsala, whisk seesered se
Therd•y monist .t 9 o'sloe4.. The old
=seas had been .Ui.( for several weeks
and bears failure but wee
coppeeod m be improvise seely .ad nese
able to be up fes • whileas W dse.day. Ho
peed away very galetly. Mr James wee
her. is Swede, Wiltshire. E.glsd '14
Tomo Ste and freed • pMltten with mime
d the le.dt.s gs5try el that etwotry, at
eat time ha••g seashore for the present
Lord S.YaMry. 37 yeses op Moaned was
unmerited on Mks Ses•e..b Nekwell, of Cie
ea.rostsr, (lluuroseEahys. end slew with
Mier ewe e4Udre.. Harry sad W Ili. , eine
he Canada is Sep. 10M They Meed at
breed's .sed bow wiser residents ever
Anev5L Menne..-Th .usual seem
week* wee here 1n the, shone es
gid•y,th* lab. As the weather who very
*beery, titre were net Emmy ereeest. The
f g*wE4 Menses wee tra.eastd t Rsir. R.
ihirsdtm prodded over the rhoetinik white
wee. he pant el Wadi., p the arm, el
the Mena ter 1806. wort eseserasbq end
setid mlty te all present. Meer es ler
aeon' meet i.e woe reed end approved.
'lha*mi e1*mt esereery, Robert
Daddies, went *NW geed serves is the
Maxwell Wilms wee
. d
ajieseeK .*moimember d the eeEEi5ee of
meogese me wee- be Rah. Mdleagh,
who W lett tae .Mi �a rbeed.*�The rwr-
isendiers were Strohm
Syeb*rpj Who bee adds Me.*mr.t eery
with great ends to ME**li
ter tho past dee yews, roared,
aid J. 0. Word was aned.
sever to Me 'he..ero'*,
dderleg the pr
eeed ..rt51 e�isims is
primer el bra pw� Sosow **enewsnadbbe
r. enetebste5. el the .5155* ism end
modes d the elteerd weer, he .'_ 7
M..rs*Tt J. 18.
Thee wee reed .kwti.g en the river all
let weak.
The elestre I15.b ere rw.bg be tall
lams Ibis week.
Ona. Grow. d BM **INA* b vWYM
Mei here in tows
Alliellithe eel* trrsrtl M emlle! i. at.
Oelbedwas bee welt l
Rev. M'r. Ombra esehum rd papas with
flee. Yr. Yea. d enisea ". ea Seadrlp-
Tfemee Rhie baa ~WA 1 • tp.eery seilpps►'i eters rd rnew
o aon
is O. ie4..
Mem b•i•••L=1113eraisitees.
le ilia hog ewinds ass
Live to was responded to by lathy Coos -
oilier Holt sod Das. Motllll,cuddv,
the former gentleman •peeking most eat leo-
of "dear old E:ovlaod " and fair
C.s•d•, aod pluming that all de.osodane
of the Motherland should ne true to the
old fine, sad Mr. McGillicuddy was equally
loyal ►D his re•poase.
" Kraals te the Core ' was well Baer by -
Fred Platt ad &rowed the enthusiasm of
the S.0 E:. "The Press" was well received
and neatly responded to by James Mitchell.
Bro. A. 1)ymock, as is usual, came to the
front several times, hie nolo oontrihutioes
being a most pleasing feature of the evening.
Song and sentiment was then the order un-
til the time for separation, Jas N'ell.. Jas.
Mtller,wtth three already named and others
taking their share of the program Ifuzing
the evening Hro. ,las. Wells preside l at the
organ most ably
As all good things must Dome to an end,
the aasual meeting of the S () E bad to
follow suit, and shortly after the town
clock had chimed the midnight hour the
parting song was wog Before separating,
however, there w5 t.,-,nsinerable.. praise
bestowed on the committee, Bro. hers
Knight, F. Platt and A B. Cornell, tor the
income .tten(155 their efforts in getting up
the eotert.inmert, ant. on lIro. Box ton for
the nicely prepared rooms and the splendid
repast be bad provided for his =meets.
1 tae old nb.bitant never saw seoh • wis-
Yee, it rained On Sunday, sad 15 good
style, too.
First meettag of the new
w elt Tuesday.
Bioyoiee were freely
lot Saturday.
It seams as If the
stand pot awhile
These was Holy Communion at St.
George'. at 8.30 A r Sunday.
Yea ought to pee the figs G. M. Ellie* is
W hite for 5 o1.. per Ib.
The lee reliaien then is ins obaroh the
more oysters and ion oresm it takes to rum i.
Whoa you mak tor it. so that you get It.
Get what ! Why, Ree's fere Salt, el
were .
Great boom ie oreokery .t 0 C. W bitdy'e
oar .tors. 10 per cent off from now till
15th Feb.
Wilmer Smith will for the tutors es.duet
ba.i05se on East Street, eel door west el
the Town Hall.
1f you west atook to thrive la Winter,
feed sulphur. Rey it .t G. M. Elliott's at 4
lbs. for 25 0t&.
At 0. C. Whitely's cash grocery yes nen
get se Friday and Saturday 10 lea best
roiled oars, or 10 lbs. white boss for 26o.
A rsaidea* inform. ee that he sew • butt-
mre en Ssardoy. Can it be that the
gen saw 8.ttor ly from the 5.5 ea
Saturday !
The Corte and Fed Co. are prepared t•
do Garters with premiere sad etheriestey.
Oftee, Platt's seal sad Wood yard, Nem -
pt. Teethes* snll 62.
A few tramp have been prowler erase
the past few weeks, the cold not b..
bags savers eneerh to mond them to
where they e.gbt be be
Two ef per young men, Weil skates en
Wee barber lite week, krob• through the ieg.
Lankily the weer was gat deep at�tyth
Noal•r. pert. has= they only gas
Hewing bad • red time during the ha-
ttter,. ye. net think It is tine to civo the
ier • chimp te have a geed dee. 11
you fed bas way. My for your paper and
yes will he a • haven el es -le
S. J•cke, ot Clmtoo, was to town o0
Mets M. Rams is reported to be 1mi.
R. E. Jaswoo. of Myth, wee in tow•
the pen week.
Mise Castle, of Glutton. bas be= visiting
relatives le Golerioa
H. 3. D. Cooke, kart. -.r, Hesoall,was ea
tbe awe.ty tows this week.
Myo M.Merrsyy the rotaraod Wee after
a week's visit to Mrs. 0 C. Whitely.
H. J. D. Cooke has be •ppMnted reek
to the newly tatit.tted village of Hassell.
Charlet Weathernld. et Moose .law, is
visiting as the rely reside 05, hewer
W.. B.•., ef Daribereed, in attending
the °eerie 0 llegiate Isere. -Exeter
Mise Bane, of the reeve modelito oleos
W ae appointed to the Grand Bend pub -
lie r*he.L
Gab Reformer : Pea Rebi.sen M (lode -
rile. is the guest of of W. N. Robi.se., of
this tows
t1b.T. Robes, formerly of God/rich, w..
i. Iowa kart week representing • patent
mildew Co.
Adam The amp. of L.ok.ow, was in
ewe this week rains, hie brother, the
bde*7 reeve.
Ubrart.a Hbsllton, of the Meshnle
Isere was suffers Mem a mune odd
the pass week.
Manua J. 'Stine and J. H.tehse-. et
Ale1.i1, sad. • pleasant mill at Tee Stowe.
ate yesterday.
Myo Blair bee thee of MM Stewart's
elms i. the Caere' during the temperwy
theses ef that lady.
ooaoty =anal
used on our .treeen
stand pips will ht
Yrs. (Roe.) Jas. Hamitic. of Gedmrie4
mod Hole 4..gbmr oro vista= at the
Emaise, NtherwelL
Me. Maggie V..rb•a, d Chicago, pod
her meeker, Mrs. Jetf. el heiress street,
• visit remedy. • od le ..w neither relatives
i. Reehestur, N. Y.
A. C. M.Den.ld, of Dunlop, gave es •
earl en hie rebore from • leer vet te De-
troit mid *Mir oaks. '
Dr. W.F. Chet nese le Clams as Mealy
mounding the .55.51 EeMise of s8. Verse
Veterinary Madinat Aesi•Men.
Blyth Review : Yrs. Neatee.wy and
Mier Meut,*Eary, ef ()eerie, ere geese
at the reddens. ef James Bentley.
W iatrttso*T, Jen. 90.
Tea Lire Joao S,wwA.r.-pDist at ►a
Teethe .., liens lllnr ...nary. w pesemosib
es Ma 14th lest.. ohne ::mai fi*.. ef els
dye Jobs 8*....ra, Wet .M eseserye••
d *1.atth5g•el 61 years sad t
Nh dmmreerd
m.h. Twee wok booms old
highly felle.114
W a me
. dams by the .5.57
who habad bows M*4-1 leas.asemes .t the
ovary aged is private fib wee a model
lather .mi .1 • mambo/ mad wee a•m•ses-
be lanpadtissi. Sere le Hiwleeht B..a
dabs. Ilestkok, he endgl le d to Is Moms
Mho Iola 0454..*-. hay. Grasis. and U -
hart. Shave home, atter as oxt.mded visit
so relatives. le the Staten sod 0..d.
Ors 011tea, d Dotreb. wipe seise M
Galeria is .erg• el the oast seNai les
the temehm el ai EMhr. bh lar beam
8tratnrd Nahanni o ::.vera mora of diph-
theria 1n the eby are bales ••••caddy
bested by Mere Health 011eer Rebore
e with ent4Mwiee, the ow mamma, gar
the euro of this dame. Ties beer says le
weal. the . shams .d hie pekes moire
••wile' ••!idly.