The Signal, 1897-1-14, Page 7tl THE SIGNAL, : GODIERICH' OYT., THi'RS'1.4Y.JAN. 14, IRs; CRISP ANI) CASUAL I Pori oxeye la them mile emir 130- 000 Mods are etc p •.• • I This, metai• 30,- _ 000 teems.ad 3 `JOC.WJ imitates .tithat e The ote0 m. 1• of India are • id to um yearly 4 .00, 000 met of 'mottos, and to spm .beat 573,- 000 00011. of yarns. Old. yet ever new, wad simple and heautdal ewer. ' siege tee peel, is wade wawa might well apply to Ayer's Swept. - rill. -Cite meso r thwst .ud .utestile blood neuter ever off red te eufertag human.(.. Notit-* bet superior suit taiga ase to .t the treat. Tne Isrreet oasis is the world was tete. by the Rrtt eb wk.s lndia was one .•oared. The .ieaaos was oa.t about the ye* 1500, nod wsa the work of a chief armed l'hs1•by Keane Kb.a. of Abused muster. The Weide of the qua ie fitted with .eau, and i. • favorite plate (m the officers 10 so for • .lute& sap S.ek the ..slight u tbo .d.to, of all pr.seat-day hygt.sII.. Petiolate os. the .gray aide of the hoopoe' word reenter eoeaeat The pe•eun who always walk• on .be sunny aide of the street oa•l.ree bis -bate erudite* brother by too yin. Sloop •• rine where thr eau boa shed hie nye all de.. K..k la th•..s all you owl Tilers WY • trial of German war dogs at Ih.sden reoa.tly, to whioh the dng. Dame t oredit.hl . es military aids They lune up rapid and repot sr uomme.icati@a M• teeoo the troops and oatpoote a mile away, carry** the dispatch.. to .ad fr.. - They .lm served ammuallin0, pawnor from moo 'o uses, the number of ball cartridges they carried being toasty dna, and blank thirty - five Ahem 400.000,000 Um mf soap are teed 1. Umtata yearly. Th. eared amide see of Lueders as.esat te 5,500 yearly. 1M orewes of Spain, Portugal tied Po- ised .r. exactly the muse form Papier mash* oboes for borice have been r•osstlY i.iruduusd, with It m said. gratify tag rosulu n. sorry man wise takes he words hook b eery apt to use tams over agnate when o0 eagles offers. There are sow Is the Uekbd Ktagetem ITL woman demon, sod 120 member of pekoe' guards. The h tstmet trees is the world helmet, to 6 epees . of eucalyptus fogad in Australia swain Gammons have rs owe to • height u seethes 400ft. n. highest inhabited building is Europe Is the Alias clubhouse os. Mount Res •12,000 feet shove sea level Doe., se • rale, bore tor about I5 year,. tktmlb there have hers some u•taooes of unease hying ever 20 years. Tb. kaaproo ie .aid to be chromosome' with .xtlneli05 as the resuit of the pupa Wily of its skin for .hoe making par poses. The swallow esu fly • long tame st Use enrage speed of 90 miles an hour. Tim Mash swift hes bees known to oiler 176 miles is an boar. TM oil of tobacco fogad in the .t.ems of lese-aswf pipes, or obtained by detinet.. at • red hest, is oat o1 the moot wave sod powerful ;obsess. The mea who patented the bruises is Gagers .es et,.s m oil lamps for boldier the ek[steey is place received Inc mtisy rote a royalty amounting to 160 000. At la tow estimate the manulectare aid We of doll. in Europa exceed. 'Lt, 000 000 bosom ,lumeen, of 1'.ri., along makes (kw 000 doll. • day, Dearly all of the 'staid Orli' sire. One of the most emission authorities et ih• day en aervem Meese says that bicyo- bag is • @ovaries remedy for every for., .1 nesametbeaia Re sure you ride a Om- ens Serie What an warm..* tadaetry the manufac- ture of bevies is 0ws nsly bo i.differesdj understood by Veoting .tetisticr. wish . bow that the daily output 1& over 46,000 groes for all Oaaitr►ee Caoil Rhodes, the Cap. Premier. has or- dered large Dumber' of Britaeb ems birde- ilas.ts. thrushes, blackbirds sad nightie 'ales-te be soot to ('.pe Tows, whire th.y will be •ooi1Mteed sad est tree. A recast writer on •' Errors is the Use of tnotes tae following oeri.ea ap- at, Ulster ohsrohvard : "Emoted b the memory of John Phillip. aosidmtly *het as • mark of afecam by his brwh.r.' Tb. bast anodyne and exp.ot.eaet for the lure o1 oohs, soughs, sad all throat, lust, and breathiest troubles is uodoub sdly Ayer's Cherry Peeeral. the sly specific for gelds and oowha admitted o0 ezbtbitim at the Cbioa.o t1 ores'. Fair. Of 18,000.000 males and 19 000,000 fem- ales at tb. lull oe.us of the 1'nit.d Kta`- dom. 6 000.000 of e.oh .et were earned 640.607 males •ed 1,520 487 females were widowed; and about 11 500,000 of mob eel were armband • esiagle All the doge tor British .hips of war, es• rept the Royal standards, are mads in tb. G.verameet Dockyards, and the meanies asmber required may be jidt,ed from the fact that in the Dolor loft at Chatham alone & beat 1d 000 flags are made ID a ye0r la belie them are nearly 140 cotta mills worked by .team. 94 of which are in the Besssr sad crews. Toronto Det. 31. The various .-ommltters appointed to nip meet* the Pouters Ontario Dalrymes'. Are ...-* (duo. the Western l•alry.u.-o'. A..s.-ta- tine sad the oatarin r resterrt.i Awe-la- tinu met In fir. Heart wade•. ofd••.•. 1'ar- 11.se.at Buildings. yestenlay alteration. The felh.wlug featlru.rn rrpr.ti,.•ath.e the 5 r•.alarrie.' A►e..e•fation were present-. Meets. U. IMriny.aln-. Rnrksille. l'ree.i 1.•1! A. Wrng«r. Ayt..°. Mill!. n, Ilaltiday. •'bwlry: R. J. Urahau.. It«ueyill*. Reprr- •.-utltig the Western Ii.trymee'r A.so.•le- :.n A. F. %••Jaron. M.P. striated. Jahn P . !'.en•e•, I:.Wers A Pat tult.. l�I..A . W.rdu.r-k; .1 W. Wbeat.i. Serretan. Landon.. R. M. Ibllsnra•a••. Stnttord. Rep r.-.,•uttng tl.e Citroen l.airyuwo' A.saele ilea: -T. It. cares. warlw..rtb. John R lens%el, Might ; w lllian. Eager. Morris - burg: K. 5, Mi .pay. terrrtary. if1(t., and Yrnry Wade. Provident Mr. !teary Wade was chairman and Mr. IL U. Murphy Beenury The MI•ister of Agriculture. Hoa. Jobe !Orogen. was pre, int Atter disees.Ns It was moved by D. 1»rbyabtrt, soupeded by A. F. McLane. -That the three a.ertatloua as caw exlat• tug to amalgamated lute tie sew associa- tion. to be called tae Butter and Cheese Aveneletlon. of Eastern •nd W..terw (On- tario. respectively. wltb an P.teeutl.e fum- luee of tree from earl as a Oeotn! Advisee, Beard." Carried uuaainoualy. sae Tee& Ill.rpil.a Toronto. Dec. 31. Mari•'•► SROM. or I any d., a basdeeuse girl about •J'p years of ag...tt.. pted suicide - by taking morphine last olgbt, and at 3 •'Hock this morwi.g she was lying In an nitrous -eta state at the hour of Mre. Hat- tie Ilea 11 Manly street, sad Or. Badgsrow. wO. was with her, was deint- fal u to err r.•coaery It is said tit• cause sou a dsesgr+ment elth ler lover. Rmalle.s Use Iser•s.ra. W.abington, Dec. 3s. -{Sanitary In- spector D M. Efer mos. in a report to the Marine RospItaI ,orrvice on small- pox and yellow fever in Cuba during the firer two weeks In December. says that nearly ail spending diseases have been somewhat 1tMointshed ez 1 atna[ltus. which Ilan- in.-reas.a. (listen : Per the halt year 'madi.r Dec. 31.t, throe were oro vied with W. Cost., registrar, 24 berths, 13 merneges and 17 death.. ;meet "MINING PROFITS WITHOUT MINING RISKS" .. • e . The Eastern Mining Syndicate 1 CAPITAL -$1,000,000.00. i. SHARES -Fully Paid and Non -assessable. Officers and Directors: PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. M11MOT JOHN A. M.OILLI V RAY. GC. ALFBIZ IA aSLLEMY Oh.T«� 4 Gillespie. AnsHON. SEC 1'.TREAS., MANAGER. HUGH C. HNLRAN. Req.. Publisher, Z. L. SAWYER. Bw.. Seeyes, Marshy a Toronto. C.., Toreeso. Hon. OEOROM Z. FOSTER. Y.P., thaws. win• E. M.NAUGHT. Esq., her President Manufacturers Ass.ciede• of Omer*. Tonna THOS. W. DYAS. Esq.. Trustee of nae Equitable binnding sed Lein Associates. Tercets, HENRY CARGILL. Esq., Y.P., L.mberm.•, Walkerton. Ont. DUVID EIaaLAREN, Lumberman, Ottawa, Oat. gfIENRY CORBY. Eeq, Y.P DiNlilo. Relent1., Oat. Z. B. BODY. Esq, Mans6ctarer, Hun. Qom A_ J. HZNWEsq.OOD. E. M.D. Brantford, Ont 'morn JEFH o. H. BEROEeoN. Ewa. Y.P., Yaanual. Qes. JAMMZS SUTHERLAND. eel . Y.P., Woodstock. Oat. Aon. HUGH JOHN MAODONALD. Y.P. Maslen. Man. T. C. CASORAIN, Ewa, M.P.. Quebec, Qat. aA N 4ER 5 SOLICITORS. The Zeal of iloet0eal. Toronto Howland. Aa mwIdl • PpfstoL Toronto tit The Eastern Mining Syndicate makes all its members stockholders on the ground -floor in choice mines. IT IS • Mt 11 AL COMPANY. It !natters not how small the interest or investment in the Eastern Mining Syndicate. all sbareholdsra he equal advantages with the promoters and directors. The operations of the Eastern Mining Syndicate are not confined to any tone ing region, bui.smbrace all districts where there is a possibility of profits fur shareholders The Eastern Mining Syndicate have secured Tw?Lv1 excellent properties is the Trail Creek, Slocan, Lake of the Woods, Rainy River, Sudbury, Jack Fish Bay and Boundary Creek (cold Mining districts. Theme properties are being examined and developed and the purchase of them will be completed when the Zaatern Mining Syndicate is confident that they will be good paying properties. The officers and directors of The Eastern Mining Syndicate are Canadians; lie head office is in Toronto. Shareholders are et liberty to call at -y GINS fist lay desired information of any properties controlled by the Syndicale Apply for poke of shares, prospectus and other information, to The Eastern Mining Syndicate E. L. SAWYER. Math. • 0/11111111DA LIVID 11ft1taw as Oat M Ira" gives al. POWER FROM KEP{ r `I 'The ' 'M Krll. of $I ., ad wee tempos w Any O I d Thing . 1 ed by Ahem Y. Yalu. of toward Mn brant • rut, -L... Ragtime Towns tbeerese It ire... Hae.ekosd terbium. oarimg t and tuwu refute- dseposal Is one matter where the .:itua, ul Europe , mag. air tat a,h..4 of those 4 this kAlull try. the Jeitehi•r of a AUtel•.•h ufl•oer is .he Keough Army T,•e.,d,wl) was beg holler ed 'n he Suotti.h. mer a sow 11.0.0 to i.e of Eaglets oriole beat as old legitsb (elk An ideal plant of than kind ie LILY( at htoakdt►h, hlyf.oI J. lot. awteerai'ma i ILAV1: ba. c all agreed that Warning a the beat way to dispose .d the aeuurnul•- team.. This prefccetis.• kt duh to the fain that by thus- ni.Uaal root idoly 1a all organic tuatt.r Rattle to putrefy and become a menace to the ...lalth of the o. nmurtlty destrvye.t. but it has l.rrn Lound by actual trial that the heat derived from the burning of the refuse nosy be used for the production d stent, whk•h can be utalts,+u for com- mercial purpose.. and the revenue. re- ceived from the source ntay be suffi- cient to inure than pay for the coat of burning. Ther.• are ns. lees than 6tty-five such deettroyera dei diRor.-nt pans of F:rtglsn.l T'h, holth com- mittee of Ito.-kda e. a vn.arufarturing town of 73.0W Inhabitants. recently ad- opted the ,.method, with the odea of ultimately using the esteem produ'-td for elee-ltic lighting purposes. It has been found that this rough. tutacreaned r, fu*« running as Wish s• H pro OPTIC of clinker and &ah, will meliorate 1.11 Pound, of water for every pound of ref tine hurtled. under boilers built t0 pn.du.r Mourn at 1$ Pounds' ore" - ▪ Coal burned under _ the MUM holier. evaporated 7 pound" of waiter per pound of eve). The two boilers hay. a grate sur face of 45 aquae. feet each. In hulldint the two destructor cells a largo etrabu.tinn chamber. common to both. eras provided be- tween them and the believe. *o that the go... could lnter,ntnsle. and that time should he allowed h.r the .n,nb mote. of Rases before they earn, in rrritaOt with the comparatively cold surfare al the boiler noting the fact that if once the organle matter in the fumes were hwtrd suffleiently hien. no amount or suhipu.nt cooling down eouid again make them malodorous It 1. lntereottn1 to note that I: le not necessary to ser rola! to all in the burning of this meow- The plant has been able to pr.s1ue- 340 brake !torte power burning two tont of rrfu.r• Pet, hour Thio blob efficiency t• •,btatnel with ..r•tkvary tr>•ilere• by using a forced dtaugtrt Thi weight of the refuse to re-durrd tor -third.. and lie volume three- f'tort hs. The author w in ',inclusion 'The (Deposal of two,-thirdo of the refuse svirniletely is an important matter, but when to this 1. added the fact that the remaining third is rendered Quite free from any rrrartt (natter o ha•ever. It ie part conception that corporations and Incal eomparti.e• will continue to tip such ttmn.rme quanti- ties of outwit/twelve matter away. when. 11 they put in suitable y appll- &neee and used he stern w can be produced the regime might be burn- ed well • wont .rade ort the tram♦ actin"-CaaseU's Dla1aslrsa W. G. COUTTS -- Went -- 8oderich A PROV IDENTAI RESCUE FRW1 A LICE BURDENED WITH PAIN AND SUFFERING. LAYo:t-OR, N.K HLAPA''HG ASD pare' 15 THL R$(H,S Of THE LID(IY. MADE THE LIFE n1 Vat vs, AC••r. 511%4R.PLE-DR u"ILLI•W' PINK *11.1.:( et'RLU Arne orH*R NEUWIE . 1..A11.LU. From The Onvenhurst Banner Poor health ie an etAhction that is dread e d by every one, and the first sign of ap- proaching disease ie usually met with an at• tempt on Lha put of the patient to cheek and kill it. Frequently, however even the most .killed physicians fail, and the sufferer e ndures a weary round of agony such se those in the full enjoyment of health ooa have no coaeeptim of. But when at last a medicine a found that will out& its worth 0•aaot be esti entad in dollars and nate. it a without pries. Sack is the opinion of Mr. and Mrs Haab McCaaoe, of A.hdows, Ons_ Mr. MoCeaca tells the story cf his wife's Mnemes cad oars es follow. ,-" For three Or tour years pest my wife bad been .os.tantly fading in health. The first symp- toa,s of her trouble were b.goor and loss of appetite, accompanied by bearing -down pains aad beadaohes,wbich affected her peri. odio•IIy. A. time tram on she was attacked w ith pates is the .melon of the kidneys that became almost unbearable ea account of their ..verity. Home remedies and differ ent medicines were tried. bat with se good reenits. Leat waster .he er•w @o weak sad helpless that I was Obliged to seek .edie•1 aid for her, and a000rdiagly mat bee to Barri., when she remind the best rdital smithies. but the result of whish was only .lightly b.seeelal. Os her totems, Owing do doubt to the tedloos- w of the journey, .b..ufered trete • re- lapse and her trouble carats book in • form more agersvatrd than before. 1 notioed la a paper whish I caw readier vee day • MIMI- mesial Iron ear who had beim sand of • similar trouble, sed although knowing that other remedies had failed in my poor wafer- ing wife's ow, then wars yes a ray of hope I therefore proo.reel • few lieges of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink P.11e and m my rotate home ad- miaietared the first dose te my wife. It.is perhaps needless to relate that before the Ent @apply was eth•n.ted she retied great relief. My wtfe now nemmeeaed to *spy a t-n•Topey of spirits and kept as Mkim" the P nk Palls with increasing ROM rendes Kir the time alio bed used .1z beam her os • diodes had so improved that bar ..ighboee won almost misrepared to believe the e•i- deism of their own eyes whoa 'seise the obasge is bar appsaraw. Brian takieg the pi11s it was • seven task eves se dress fieri af, ms th less te de any howwork, while sew, altbougb net harks' used thy of the pills far -.ter. tam a ample el s.estM, sM et0.1e te all her baeJeld duties with, est the Ai/kwt ine@avwleaes. Taking all *how tee. Oesmderstieis, i fust it • duty I ewe M etcher soffarareto res.mstoad those hill• peak msm'me4efa of health whisk *Med between .r wwell sigh dilArae s4 wife ad tea jaws M a listtartse but .arab desk.' Ties espeslsni .f Foam bso plowed that (her. 1• •h*dueily ss dismays due to a wit - tithed ...awes .4 the blood we oh.Nssed serves„ thee Dr. Willies.' Pleb Pill. will ..n leempoiV etre, esu than was are aui• mem hu. sedk M Sobs wild .void .u+ abbacy amid own messy by promptly resort. log M this toe atmset. Gtr the gesui. Pok PION hie ry thole eg16 do see he pssaud- al M mak. se Isrlt*Mr Or ems Mees n- osily frees a s...3.., who for oho mks oi On *dos one as wad. poser M way eela woe De. S' peak Wes pe ghee When macer iLL TO17 TASTZD LA CEYLON TEA. It is the Meet lelvee* e' ell Tails. Mea •iii 1\ LEAD raraslS ST STURDY MOs LUMBER FOR IMI. The Goderich Lumber Company (Ltd) has fur sale at the Harbor and at the yard on the G. T It. track, Elm, Ask art[ Baaswoal, sad PHIS, Set lock and Cellar Luk.ber in all lengths and sizes, and Cosier Poeta Ala Slabs in any quantity. GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. 10.000 Apple Barrels ForBale - - - At Lowest Market Prices Wholesale or Retail. 1[cBWAH'8 COOPERAGE BaltaMtd• T1lldre CP8011BW2PC e 1 111.11181111114411611- Can be Made goal at nee at the Henderson altycle Co. We out nooks' je.4 as good am new old Ploughs, Harrow's, Hurn Powers, fond Rellars, Cutting Hosea, l'ulti atom, Typewriting 1Machines, Skates, Knives aid Forks, $ OOua- -►n fact, anything that lou might think was use- less-- twins it to ea, and we will re' sir it. We brave for wale cheap one eoo- cull howl Iron Shaper, one .,coed howl Dynamo so lumps', and a lot of sec- ond head Polhill--allsires. If you have work of any kali un metal, call on l s our smolders cast every week. Loeb out for the ('onnor BIOME and Huron wheels for 11497 -Built oo Hooey-CatalogueswiIl lw ready soon. are necessary to mankind, then how much more so are they to the better part -- wotnan ' Aa they are so neces- sary you ,hould see that what you get are :mod, thus aging in rash and health. Tinwt.re or Graniteware bought from us is always good, and as the latest inventions are always added to our stock a better selection cannot h.- found in ('ana.ia. STOVES Ave FURNACES We have the moat complete line of Stoves and Furn aces in the County. HARPER & LSS. For TWEN I Y -SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBEST FRIEND LAROLRT SALE IM CANADA. 1 T� HIIIDRRSOII BICYCLI CO ad FOUNDRY JAB. WILSON, Manager FOR C HINSTMIS". .. . Jas. Yates now occupies the store lately vacated by F. J. Pridham, next door to Davis- on k Co'* hardware *tore. For the Christmas trade he has a full stock of the latest Games, Fancy Card*, etc. The best in Books. Stationery. and Fancy Goods. EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA 1Vsae.er• die following IAntoci i• series Delicacy of Flavor, Supenonttyy in Quality, Grateful and Comforting, t0 the sorrow or I61sprpti4. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled 1a Mierterpouad Tine only. JAIAta EPP* t t'e., Lid.. tes.wepantr t'amislsss. Latae. tangoed. GODZWOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, Cutters at Wholesale Prices Winter Suit or Overcoat It you need a Winter Over- coat or Suit 'All ut.on PKIIIII.AH. The Tailor 1f you heave your order with hint you may depend on getting. good, that will suit in every way -in tit, workman -chip, and promptness in delivery. PRIDHAM T BN T.LL.08. if you are going to purchase a new t Cutter this season, and want to se- lect front the largest stock carried by 1 any firm in the county come and ex- amine ours. We are not confined to I any one manufacturer, but buy only what we consider the best value. We I buy for ('ash, and can .ell much closer than any one buying in the old-fashion- ed way. Our Cash Price is marked on every Cutter, and you will find & Good Piano Box f..r $'20 '':t, s Better one for $23.25, and a Splendid Portland for $30, $34, and We are going to sell then( quick. so don't wait long if you want to have a large number to select from GUIDRY'S AUCTION ROOMS Hamilton -at. As-s-urte Oaro.lmi & Bleed, Maeaf eterer d all ktad. et BOILERS, Hooke [Naoko, Holt Pana, Sheet Ivor Works, etc., eta., And D3. I- )6egi.esr, tlsaNmi*ry Cuonsio, &a. All .bee .f Pipe. end Per Ftt4blp, SMltes .d Water Owsoni, Globe Valves, Cheek Valves. lagiribier , jest... end I.- = Oetsle.w _ Bass. .t Lowest ♦ has el Stool Wenn and Hag ler we .f farmesa and .Ike lissobles pr+meer etssmAed ss. A. B. CIDIT>RAL. fray P. a Bas ll, o.derkh.OWL wt1s-4gedes %T. a Aosta ManUb • Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise 4 True Competition. Tae OA.ADtArr PaOttrto RAILWAY Oso Ticialtaalli hue boas esi5hsbed Io give ora pablie a nret•olaes swaths with fair and per- manent oempetttton. It 1s managed oa busbies irinoiplee and Ii the lateral Of Me patrons. 11 deserves the support aevery perms wait bei oompellties. Por plot deepale\ see tab feniaa>•m llama, osneettsg with all lines ud ss Is 1.11 .4 Maty. fetua4. amt Iterepe. nir.et through wtre• t0 all pouts 1a the North a rt, lir i t 1•b Columbia sad Paola. Ossl Ome•-South Bide Wan -et.1 t. R•mift1IPB, s/7 if 1 ocal Manager Ood.rto0 1 AM 111 rr POR Skates and Hockey Sticks Prices right. Assortment complete. Cow -chains, Guns, Ammunition, Axes, Cross -cut Saws, An immense stock, and prices as low as OATS at 15 cts. per bushel R. W. MCKENZIE OF TIE LOW PIti('ED MAitDWAUE STORE. IT'S A HARD WINTER FOR THE POOR I'' This is an old Irish oaring yet may not recognize, but its appliattibD' (tut now is to call your attention to our stock of Overcoats and Underware two things the poorest of us need to keep warm. In the first I have a lineal manufacturers' samples for Men and Boys bought in bulk at t bargain, and with Irish genenstity I'm offering you the benefit of the same. You can't equal the goods int niy prices anywhere in the county. Who vaants Underwear at lea than wholesale prices ? Everyone, of course. Well, that's what Fm giving you, straight ' 11 Suits for tiOc : $1.7:1 Suits for $1, and $2 Suits for $1.50. How dove tt.at catch you ? This we Hall our Great December Raley and will include in it ism era] lines of at 20 per cent, this nsonth. MEN'S HATS Wonderful Bargains, and all our LADIES' FUR CAPES GE molar prices. Everything in ..throve lines mutt go of C. R. SHANE & Co. LkADING OUTFITTRRS Ago FURNISHERS. I LoD's SYSTEM RNoVAToP PURIFIES fad STRENOTNINS , TM[ SL000,. Regulates the *slues e1the Lbw and MN" fid me he $aasod leaDeesieseade Ise es s.1 Fi-allk 1111111.1111111111. OM/ MOM 11111111101111. lib r lama - tolls Mots b man frM"H LrlSMwa101111r. - - -,*. - .;s..s�+.y�