The Signal, 1897-1-14, Page 5riE TALK OF THE TOWN.
IA•om the RaporitsVs Notebook•
mi !Save a ante ta; . Tor teems. 1 rode
Re Gent M t a elders Amend ie
Tanta' Seise, u' task MU
Teal M.'--gra•.
A ogee by SALAAMS is Nature's hem pie -
newly newly draw•. which time gad much
bamidR•g will anther dim or deface.
"Sow mem. meanie ail in oboes moiety
yN may tad y'iureelf To be IadIQereat to
whist others ivay tidal of tel, is not mil. erns
but • ere dulness of •11 modesty -
Show sad }stem respect by dreamiest
•t IllUH tNIL 1.
Ay Tat ('a'TRAI -elision (;tort te
�bt.g Mw Sbwart's clove t& the l'eatr•l,
Mak Indy having beea mailed boa by the
death of her lather.
A (iuot Mugu The aur .f marnage
lakes he was fwd by Jeb. Harwto. lying
helpless es the bard grossed. He was es -
Waled ham gad m*dtc J .id .2--esed.
wbes it was that es* tide of his body
wee esimpietely paralysed. wattle he ►.d re
sieved • severe Wow es the bs.k of kis
bead by the hJI, o...i.g «...sties of tate
brats. Mr. Tammy : g e s
moa, sod wee morseled all whip
401. Re Imes. • widow and leodly. The
hisiemi es Friday woe *eadeeted by the C,
M. B A.
As Arron.rossr. -The many mead. et
B. McCsemso will be plowed to le•rn that
be bee from the Militia depart -
nest as appointment se lasp.otor of naiad• Facroar -There was • meet -
the e of tM diseetre of this ttsututios oe
Tuesday morning. O& the same day • oar -
lead of ohotse furniture war shipped to the
Queen City.
Hocim-Wasevo. - K*:. W. Godwin.
pastor of Victoria siren Methodist oauroh.
b•viat moved into .% m. Aubeos's sew
book bei.., os. Newgate street, will give •
house -emotes an Tuesday. the 19th anal.,
Bioseee reports that during tee put moat Ti under the ampules of the ladles of the
be iessed more srltlicates than to nay ober uburoh. As •' At Home" well be gives Iron
anis hie e000p.sey of ofhe. 3 to 5 r. M. mad • .metal in the eveing. An
Fes. TRIAL. Tomufl tau - -Hueh "n0100. aurmeuve prersm will be tendered mad re-
wbe lea tae weak. Naos wee oemmitted freehmedta served. AU w welcome.
trees Zeno& for breathy' tato • store Is Ab,oCa•trp �GxCrm.r.-
Tbe mock paella -
most ts-aesseettos with the (I. H. 11. C.
Jodie, without a Pay, tomorrow. whtob wee to ham mees on
bt Md.
Hicitisie Cu -At the Bicycle Factory y evening
every breech is resod, and ostede the Inst, was, owty to u.avold&ba einem-
me ezeeekiegly peed, es ob. ('om- mason, ad)ousaed until this iTbureday)
posy ie reemviy sposeeteewe fee wgeacue evmial, at 8 o'clock, erten the speaker
frees ell parte of iM Dominica. hopes to nes mmol mea in to PlankHmre•
ASofa p AoAll".-lie. W Thermos is •tier, heerevr, 11" tmettag wall he held
yah ke he hem is hie •tore awe as mb_ fortnightly at the 2od and Otb Monday of
amass of some two mu2W', mused by w
•i.k each month. The d:scutno in committee
aures G. W. T., we are glad to •emu, (a of the wkohs will he • bill to provide for
awe to explela the besaum of Wenewertlt, the deepening and widening of our o•s.L
the wtamm of White, the speed of the•ad otter waterways wherever o•oessary,m
Hew Hiewe &sd the worth of the thmesoo that esteem steamers may reach our upper
9w• lake ports. It is understood that • etroag
Bwa.AI i. IP flue ••tRs.-is. order to re assault will be made on the bill. which hes
duos mock and ate room for import ordere ben pat forward by the leader of the
we will. during the balance of January offer lsOversesest ode as • etraieht uses.
our mum stock of crockery .t greatly re- 1•sbt. MasoNI. Amies, x- -Tee Kelly-
dtoed prices. If you want anvt bang iii ' Kash' Cowart Company will appear to the
this line, or ever expect to want any, don't Victoria t fliers House oe Friday eyeestag of
mine this ohmic., I.. M. EL.t.n.rr. Hamel. tau week midis the aeeptos of the Mamma*
team Grocer,fraternity. Bell ReEmmtie is reported by
Tui *Rr Orrtrgay. --At the annual ( m* Smoot papere to be the best representative
Mamma of officers of the Albert -at Priebe. of Scotch character since K•ooedv passed
torn abiroh Sarnia branch Y.P.S,(' E. iso. away. and K.i1lish and Irish ones bear
oe.tly bold, Mw Tens Rees. ferwomody et I !finally etroeg testimony of her ability.
(iodriob, presided. buries the sows olly is • hest Ire himself, hong one of the
Freie Rome reed • paper sod was afterwards best tco•ltets now before the public, whin, mentioned that Cuorohw•rdss Heston
elected ptmre
ideot of the society. Mim Ra' Mw hu magnificent Kelly ht magnifint 'Moe, • lo evwould preside, and then read the statistical
Rom wee at the same mmtug &ppomted 1 onmmand ot plena and mindcltn, sod a vt- statement of the school for '96. and the
Y. P. S. C. E. ermine !verity end gr&oe that pleases .11 sorts and
Now MEAT Slacker -As well M Nees; �dittons .f r"."- and wear.. Tick."
by .dvertitsmeet 1. &mother colonic, A. , Ir Fndoy Dight may he obtained at toner's
drew. Rees. k Co. will we setard., open hook store and ot the memhere of Maitl•ai
a meat market u Dunlop's block, Weet-.t., Indge.
a leo doors trom the So tare. The monger A 1). Hogarth, neuro.e asset, of Perls'
tartlet • sail from the readmits of Goderiek• :>r jest had • very trying and painful ex•
hells, assured that meats of first ,luafityA short tiny before Christmasl
msad speedy delivery of goods walimama Mrs. Hogarth wed i&mil% left town fee •
far tonics of their trade fee day.' *telt with imbeds oar Wood•
:earned padre says : The bylaw dm' sofa
*ever es emitter ream. gad bee so reforests
w the bseumes el ..gtle.ema It refers
to stores to which are offered for e&e,
amid .old, geode, worse, goose' imretea�
hats, ohm tied fere by retell. This:.
met, Mr Currie. bed a boom' as es &aa
Peewee. .ad to November last •wood prow
ammo os. Melo street .ad emptied an mamma
room w410 • sego on the window " Ammon
Koren No. 2,- sad on the lith of November
was se1h.g goods by •uctioe in his same -
touted meaner. as e■ ea0*1011 S,. Parties
puroh•mIog were .t liberty to take owe, or •
somber of the .races, put up. 1 hold that
this is wt • oak by retail embus the mesa -
Me of the bylaw. and thereto(' q.a.b she
omelettes with meta Atex. Reinert. Q.
1'.. appeared for Mr. threw, tans Cawp-
b.11. 1,0 l' , and W. H. Culver, Q. C., for
the Rawl ee.o0letIes.
The home of S Rance w.. the some of •
happy swat, the weasel. beteg the mar -
nage of hu youngest daughter, Mae Fater
to Dr !thaw, Mom Ethos is • native of
town, and a popular yoeug lady who is
warmly appreciated by all her friend& TM
doe tad. i' bough bora in the vaotaity) has
Only resided here • few years, but long
eso.rh to make booth of friend., and is •
physician with • vood and ircre•.iog prac-
tices. The wedding was • onset one, only
immediate relatives beteg present, Rey J.
F. Puke prlormieg the oeremowy The
S oni had •he assistance of 1)r. McKay, of
Se•torth; while Mies Doll, Shaw. ot Tom
water, loser of the groom) was bridesm•ld.
If preeent• are an tedicstios of the popular,
it of the bride. then her friends are Iegino,
for .be removed • greet wear that were
both beautiful and costly. 4)n their return
to town they will take up their rendes** In
the boom lately perah.sed by the Doctor
on O•tone Street 1)r Turobvll r DOW the
only unmarried medico is town, .ad he
think• it was hardly fair for Dr Meow to
get married and thus leave him alone But
Ik Turoholl hos the remedy to hum own
bands "Pbcsiot•r. heal tnvselt."
Cnia-Tw.t' TREK -St. George's Sunday
'shoot annual ester151nmo01. Yd Christ owe
tree was celebrated Int Friday evening m
Victoria opera house. The hall wee crowd-
e d. every .s.t being occupied .ad some
hundred or more person• were stand ug
round the sides- It is also reported tb.t
hundreds who sought adm.ssion had to be
refueled. At 7 3J sharp the curtain was
raised, mad the moot, Rev. Mark Turnbull
name' of those who had won prise+ or were
on the honor roll. When Mr. Turnbull re-
tired the chairman celled far the tint num
ber A carol by chddres is front part of
hall which wee *wetly giver, then Mies
Moos Wnatberal-i gave t reoitation aiosly ;
this was followed by another pre•ttly gives
by May hied Rothwell The fourth som-
ber was • trio, We Three hinge, remarkably
well given by Master* Cuff,'t'ilt and Eimer; •
• Larrrtro FACTORY -A call at this hive *took Mr. Hogarth was expected to foes m..• apprnprl►•1and cleverly rendered mod-
el isdamry es Tuesday made plain the foot them in • day or se, and be was atppomd ing l c Mrs. Tema(,ollo twi ; then ms e
y by his netghhore to have dose mo notil Mr. nice recitation by y
that things were bumming- the machinery Hogarth, sot havesa sem or heard of her Mr. Cuff, and • toast erle rectrstice ''T
we e2e60, ler the twesty or more l' husband, reemerged and foaled him tying in Hsro1d Rhettherd hrnugb• down the hones.
glen we saw h&do t the time. The hast id bad where he had been for eight dens with- Geed* Sager mad* her fin" mNp•&rene. se
man•rer while °sedootion us throes:b the out food or water, and utterly unable to • reciter end sonnei t -t ,nonan.* stomas. A
►aloud, said that "order. were Doming In move or help himself in nay way. Mr. dtett by Mrs Ton and !faster Cuff ow-
freely,- and that " on Monday One for 1.500 Horgart0'e oleos,
esu o•nseti by the bun'- erectly vooalired was the next number ; then
case had been rmosived tag of • tumor to the stomach, which wait •o earns • march to wbiob wens 12 little *nee,
Ooapwu.,p I OR Till Sena.: •. -At • bail that whenever be attempted to res he with dolls and lighted caodlee,west through
inmost of the coo, cam of tbs. public fell back in • faint. He is now doled as mom* pretty figures and afterwards to bed.
lehonl board held to the clerk's office os. well as can ha r tp^gelid. and hops are es- No 12 on the lint was • carol sweetly given
Monomer evening, tandem were opesed for tertsned of hie removes y. by six small girls, and the t' -b brought fur.
.50.51 sopph of o.rdd. Tbere • A • „tNC Mr' •J ..Ayh7 y10k.-()t ward Johnny Murray as . little girl with •
wen sec*r21 nffen, but thatwoeof R selsy Mesday 51°61011 fact • msstieg was held in I doll. An were followed and before the
Faber, Colborn.. to supply 75 cello of fear I �istert. st ohnroh to oonsidor the adrtsa cheers had ceased ,Johnny was on the stage
foot wood at $2 75 per oord being the low-
est, wee oeoopt.d. The wood to be esp.
plied is to be at least 1pdf maple sod fres
from b.okleta
CONING To (lontRt•-u -The Imperial
Qkio, ooseunag of Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
'Slim of starting • Young Men's Christian !deemed like s little prince ; he was •vain
Aseooutioo 10 thu town. The meeting encored, responded, encored. but dad not
was an enthusiastic one, those premed being appear the fourth time. Little Alice Roth.
apparently unanimous is the *Maimi well Rove • re•altetlm pet1tly, •.d No. 15
that such an org•nir•tloi as the Y. M. C. ! was • ostol by the school children, and 16,
A. would fill a loin -felt want among the I • charming web& •o ° Min \aftel,
•, an Mi•• tan4 n' Tr.• -r"• 'h.*" nem n �t G..1., -4 A .,ommweal peeved ittee wi pved the introduction to the Mistletoe
m•kts, • tour .i Oaten to use iutereste appointed to mike moose preliminary en. I Rourh. The oid Carutmee piece was
of temperance, will visit ( nett guinea, and ie was decided to hold another ' pet on the stage charmingly, and as the
were all dressed
tree to e
week, oommercmq on Saody, 17th. hold• sewing to c..ostdor the mitts[ further. , chareoters )
hg two meetings Oa Suo.'ay. a. 4:15 to the To,. meetan4 will be het i next Monday olden towel,' and posed and moved with
after000e and ","1.,11/6 a ea, •Dd nig in the lemurs room of Knox church, courtly grace. it wag loudlc applauded.
es each evesi.g Me we►. The meet oommenotog •t 8 o'oloon. I* to earnestly after & 'Siert dotty the coerces) again rete,
Into will be held in the Temptresses Hell. desired that there eb•11 be a gond •tread- and the cheering of the little ones when they
Ile ' r tie auepiee..4 Kure" ('ntsoll, No shoe, and all voting mea will be h. r ily ; saes the immense tree loaded with oreessa
10'.. R T. d T A silver c'llecuoa will wai•;,,O,s.was something to remember. Before the
he r•k.n •• 'he door Cowl .Tivx 14LA-Haat.-ir sar last we I Madeulte hod .abehied 'loon ('Igo. 0DpS&.-
Hol tat.* GRrcrlv,. -Amongst those "trim*who gee* se "trim* • Wimi � .I
r ed and bad hie talk with the poptb.
1eeived Christened greeting from tM which .6044* that our old toJ. ' ' tdto•1 by ►i. ret 2p and the ohe.riog he
Governor I:enernl *el the ('nateteee of Carole bad bees fined for srlling n - I revoked, ('haswoo4hane w%.00esednl re-
4. iw ha sacc-
Aberdeen was Mrs. T N. Denney. the 'ado- Moo rooms after the time when all .toren, I prwsenta%•ve of the annual visitor. King
fatigable president, of the KANR'a by pyla_ •boa:a he olimed and that be Slants onmmeooed the out ihrehon but .cos
Daughters, of (.odortoh, The earl bus w h
the title rte.. in the Met English of
Chaucer's period " God hare us tare Hr
keeping* this N. 1' ears ' Ieside a •
photograph of the(Incetroor-(.r,.rul'• guard teenier, was charged before the polies (:
at Ottawa, and another of the .sa4Mn osyatrate •. few dart age with oontrevm-
Mme of the (:7vernor e;onorsl •t Cold- me tee early olesiag bylaw by mndn-'iag
stream, 11 t-'.: and written on the card a : males by mottos after the hour prescribed
by mare -
tratebylaw mostioned. The polio* mar -
trate **evicted Mr. Curve, fining hint $10
mete. y
and te. Mr. Cume appealed to Jodarn Or Mornay. TAG'rri. -Expositor: Balker oo
&gamut the .vistios•d Oats
,. the ,
Michael Toomey who has for away yeas* came on for argument some dace the. iudg-
beeD • resident of Se&fortb peened to the meet at the oboe r reserved until yen -
great beyond as Wedoesday night. Tbe
efrwn.tano•s surrounding bel destb are
particularly sod. fie had attended • meet.
Ins of the Ostholio Mutual Bart.& Amooi•-
Hee os. Mned&y evenine, and while on hit
way home was strickenwales.. with ales.. and
fid) from the sidewalk. About an harm
wet•ppeafse ing the caFrom the follow- I /stirs•' f0. 4.001 of thew* W n were net h0
h[ from es the same journal it will be sei(oe•v.'c cad. it tnnk •.'mtt time n deli yr
that i (' C o•a still shout "Going going .ee
the pret• to 'h.°. to whom they erer°
e : .1. (' Come .5.., the well-known &tee. I en1•et.5.4 but 6.'Iy it Was 4108 astafee-
tar,lr Included wtth the presents on the
" With heartiest greetings and best wishes
teem the Goversnr Generad and the ('o.s•
tens of Aberdeen. Christmas. 1896.-
tsrde! afternoon. The main point is dis-
pute between the oity and Mr. Currie wee
sot ae to the validity of the law. This was
conceded. but it was ooateoded that the or-
dinance did set apply to the hta•tsom of an
auctioneer. The eity challenged this pre•
resides. la deliveries bin iodamest the
Selling Off!
I am 'telling off surplus stack
and lines not strictly belonging LO a hardware store. Thee goods
are to he
at any price tha' will close them out at once.
Lamps Purses
Silver Ware Fancy Plates
Carpet Sweepers (may two def,
No reasonable bid refused !
Mee were many placed there by pupils
for teachers. and there was one• a beautiful
.arhle clock. presented by members of the
ohnir to the enter master. organist Ciff. As
seen se the last Soft was handed from the
/tar. 0044 Sera 'h. I1 neo was given right
heartily, sad the &admire di.pereed. Mies
Shaw the accompanist, pithead with much
.irprseeirm anti was highly appreciated.
The proceeds of the evening were t9i,
ae.Ss. Will .M.
Toronto, Jan. 7.
Not ween 1 and 2 airlock this morn's,
wat11e Jot work la the Royal Insurssc•e Own_
may building at the comer of Welting -
tea msd Vow -streets. Thomas Seaton, tie
caretaker mde.ob dipped sad telt down
eye mtalrwe7. He was picked up immedi-
ately and r Garrett esmmnnM by P. C.
Artaatresg 144i. it was found that the ea-
tertt ate men'a skull Was fractured and
hope are entertained for his re-
cover". Mr. Serte2 1. M years of ago.
sierMga essimesies i eeto v_
London. Jan. t -In rimporese en
Iataer mined by over 10 noblemen and
gentlemen •atforitg In !aerator...
scierwe and art. including Mor (;lard_
stone. Herbert Spencer has consented
that a fuzed sha14 be neper -and to paint
his portrait fir the nation Hubert
lterkenter. B. A_, flan been mason as
this artist
tame.* 1. I.das 1114e•pread.
Landon, Jars, 6.-A Bombay desps.tob
to •T*•• Dally !Call r+tlport. that all tit
the Deeding Journals there desorthe
Ibe Inmate as the Hast w M.Rr.od 1f
Ilse premat century. It IR the general
opinion that the Vicrwy terra to .0-
1us.nE Marla& Md.
The MG1.a M ..mnmih.
Lenton Da(1.-The corrimp.0n 50t
et TheTheMn- imes tat Oemstaatinnple mew
that diplomacy them GreAlts the pak-
twi with tad dug the /UMW pr.ovla-
.ss Over anni to fbsesrt dimmosome e
Mom smiths' the pwo0osd mina° li
fir pr.wtwtts
Ahean a gar !a Smith
tbe goo
lat gem sod
el lir mood IsAtr:
enema Wore a W_
timmillso. sae IL-Althe Timm misawotha-
es Wet Himmel how wad the enalsor Ifa-
.I1rb .a.,_, web* her I_it bin
hulk .t the !♦needlk merte tier Asa•
The Cost not considered when we want to reduce our stock.
1)res. Goode at Half Prior.
Underwear. Flannels, RIaukets, he., .t less than Manufacturers' Prices,
Men's AllWoolFrieze Platen from 44 00 up.
Men's Suits from 43.00, Boys' Suits from 41.00 up.
See our (foods and Prices. and .ompare our values with other stores.
Jordan's block, •23rd Dec., 1886.
happiness, and call attention to oar new stock et
We wish our patron,
THE 11041 REFINEI. AND A(X'[PTAH..E Or (311Th
a; l
Many other lines. The dexigns are DPW mind Ty. Prices reasonable.
We .•an suit you. You:are invited to call and look them over.
Prepared and sold only by .
The New Chemist.
F. N. DUNIIAM Pun- r.
The Farmers A re .It.
Bre -_ -Ula, Jaa, O. --Quite a sensational
story Wes In circulation around wen to
the effect that Yr. U. Busk. 51.I..A , a
prominent clever* manufacturer. alth trad-
es at temptville. was Dot Only In
mieatidal difficulties, but that he had left
ter parts unknown. Mr. Bath Is about as
vett known in Brsrtville as bis Is in the
Back country, gad the ogly runners amoral-
teased .u.. het of a surprise among
Ids■sasereus 1riee.da. It has b.•.D leaow■
tor sons* thine past that hes enaahal stand -
la.. war in rstber • gluey rotditieu. )ie
tloared up the story about his disappear-
. Dee hl .�rrertit tn(i la town late wait evenlag-
ard aelaew ir.grd being It 0nradal
trouble. He was sot beg In Intel -Pesetas
Sheriff Smart to whom he made an asslgn-
e..ebt for the benne* of hie creditors.
IL: !Amities are Laid to be ID the slelet-
hetrbutd of *10,410 or *11.000. with approxi -
moor eamrt, of $7IIU4i. Mr. Bosh was the
s-ner ,.f w•v,•rsi large cheers factories. and.
tuoish he hoe aJ*syn Marne the rep.tatloe
.1 Loam,; . .•aref•I budaeas man. Ms sr
vera., are ...b to have beta brought about
b))' bad aamsyt ulsUous on last sesame output,
1; of at hie -le he has •oad, so that there are
on •steable &meta from that quarter.
(al creditors •
err the farmers
w:et Are patrons Of Mr. Isuah'e factories.
i'h,•oe w111 be heavy learn, ee Yr. Itush
•anou0•ad that be &hast
more thee &) cents ea the dollar. A meet-
ing tut; of the creditors Is called at the YM I*',
F h • ter .Yriday. the 15th Inst.
Ilea. 5.. L. r1►kpahsr&
Metntr':.J, Jain. S. -(lilac Ifa1l.c�t11)--
Lieut. t;Overnor Kirkpatrick who 1r
lying aertously ill In a pflvat.- hong.
tat is (2te Wrot End. ha a companion
patient In the person of Dr. Jameson,
the Transvaal raider, who Is also be-
ing trod/oat The Lieut.-Oovernos'o
wife hen been Cabled for. This we
Leone in view of a propooed inti .elou,
operation for a complaint from whir-'.
Sir John Abbott ,uff.v--1 1t to 5ir-
'eve to d "lathe that I1L. fiusur'r rt-n-
dityon i• Suite serious.
*agent. Jan ,ter;.
Fall Wheat's )41. Is'1 to 0112
Pioter. hm11y. per ret I M t0 ! M
Flom. 001 n'. per east . Y •L: •0 T 25
Ryan. w •tut............ 41 stn M14
Shorts- w ran 1
fl•M • «-., O 17 totot! O
Peas. . boon. tet sea 11
Old Rsy. • ties_ . • m to 5 r0
Potatoes, W Mlle • .... 5 IS to 0 1n
Rutt r,G ler to 0 It
R..5. fresh nsllsebd raw=
• IN to 0 1s.
Aides. 1 M 10 300
ed Hers
t() to 0 MI
511 to07',
25 to 1 sat
On to 1511
••.e,.,.OPIMIO 07 to 0 0
10 tea 14
If to 0 1I
Meese. ear h .... ........... ....
Notice of changes mast be left at this
O9ice not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
must he lift not later than Mon
.lay noon. (;sena! Advertisements
&ooepted up to l.00n Wednesday of
each week.
s .
INE WAIT to handle eetablinbol trade la
this enmity. ( anodise stack
guenustt"'to live. Person -
est Mothers. whole r part
time. Liberal tents. Yau
sea sake tea dollars • week
L..S*l ..
Under and by virtue rf the Power of :sale
eontelned in a certain mortgage tearing date
the U n day of April. A.1). IDMA. and aseegued to
the Vrndor.. there will be sold D1 public
suction at Buxton'. Hotel in the Tow,, of
Ooderich by Juno Knot. auctioneeron sat
urdny. the 30th day of January. A.11 ('97. at
12 o'ctoek. e000the following valuable pro
perry, e•mely ;
Ivo* somber .even, in the •eve•nth ('encs•
idea. eastern division, of the Township of ('ol
borne. In the County of Hurn. containing 14*)
acres of land, more or lee,.
This j. a good farm. the soil is clay and
sandy loam
The property is well fenced with board and
rail Venom.
The buildings consists of a brick house, oats
and a half story. in good repair : • one and •
0a11 story frame house : a tram^ driving
stable, 20.30 , a tame 4*... 9.'50 • also et targe
cattle stable.
The land Is well watered with • spring
erre ttoo w
k and ells..
The property a situated 1 1 3 mitre from
Smith's ILO and 6 mike from Ualrrich.
Title (rode may b inspected at the odiceof
the Veudon' SoIecitore.
TERM) 10 per cent. down on the day of
sale. and the balance In 39 day thereafter.
For further pm -I. -Warr apply to the Auc-
tioneer or the Ve,.elors' 'oliOitrs.
JOHN ENOX CAMF:Ks)N• It01.'rft
Auctioneer. HU1.MES.
Vendors solicitors.
hated 12th Januar-. A.D. 1997.
r better with as far eery week Yon weak. ,
No .:pine.*. .*scary.
=WI iib 0031TaXT.
Omtfaestel Nurseries. TORONTO, ONT.
FARti[128' ATrwrio T i
irks them to the 000ERiCH TANNIIRT
aid get the
W. F. & A SMITH/
miss AiiIA 1. SHAW. MACH= amidi. `
Mall and Exp
Mall and Ix prow
Traveling °Vivo. --
w►A .0 TMUlts.astlisiVisX. -
la+k a.m.
1.23 p.m.
7.40 p.m.
Mode p.m.
2 30 p.m
Fulda* Nodes.
1 1 l'ouneil The Council of the Corpora-
tion of the County of Heron will meet In the
Council Chamber, is the Town of Joderieh.
on Tuesday. the MIA of this mouth. at 3
•olp'k e.M, W. LANE. County (.1ark.
bested Ji.. 12. 1a7. 1It
leYeomen t ('oy. The General Annual
Meting of the Shareholder* of the Company
will be held a• the 1'ompen; s room. on Totes
day. Feb. Trot, 11197, to receive financial state
Are 0.1 here one gad
dewing the wee& we In
toad to have hem all
•rra.Krd .5'e tare •
p•r,Jc",•rl) doe &•sort
mast la
I'* 'NH ES
Nil !MORS and
('10Alt ('ASES
We would invite every
• Pere** fes look through
our stock ■nd sae If the
Goods an, Prices the not
.1. E. 0.1 V IS, Prim. R.
l►ru;;xist and Optician.
?sr maid- or To Root.
1 REN Hse
1 Apply to lda fR11.611111ITIL Oa11
GOOD Hlx'.1 I)OR SALE, --NO. 23.
Tr/daisies . spry and a half, 7 rooms,
pantry. hall. verandah. woodshed and other
reoveotences. Yuma*. heated. All in nest.
claw condition. Will he sold cheap For
taMh.w partleuDare apply to 1. U. YI.HER,
Roderick. Ont. 3 111
F Huse hin•.nn • tanner In rhe Town of
(io(rrich, upon which is erected • nice dwell -
Ing house.
Also tote number,. 1+ and 19 Rich's'+ure.ey,
Ooderirh, oneatninv 2 a.•res. upon which U
situated • comfortable. house. and there Isadore
a good orchard.
Alen *b. East half of the North half of lot
25. Lake Range (onrestion of the Township
of Aet.Oeld. Werterit
Dated nth September. ISM.
Goderiob. 116.4f
-volumed in the teen bueinrm c etre In
Ooderich. The property comprises two
dwdmmtap. one wrlI iquia ped grocery store,
one 0p to date machine and Naek.mith shop.
Reasons for telling, lark of railway scram
nodstlon. Clear title can he giros. A eplsn
dM chance for the •iib' may. Apply to D. R.
8TRA('RAN es the premiere. 814f
SALE -The brick reeideare overlooking
the ricer and lake formerly occupied by the
Date A. Mac Iterror' t nu1.. Master to I'bam•nry
Oce of the moat valuable and desirable pro-
pertiee in town.
2. The two-.eorey frame dwe!hns bowie on
'Muth .trent immed's•el) ad}omen¢ the ROI.
i.h Ete-hange 111..1. at present occupied by
Mr tnAmw *V541,. -I.
'. The decibels house end adjoining grounds
ricer the 0. 1'. It. station, formerly occupied
by the late Judge Tome.
Prdccs and tern• tat atei mint react bade. ap-
ply to (JARROW k I'IRO igrtt(1•I'
- 70,1 lieotertch,
New lMaebine Shops.
of Repair Work dose •1 Reaioo&ble
Priors, Yarning Implements forted.. Mach-
inery new and ...cowl hand, boogbt rhe. Wild.
Eosin.•s and 41, Opts for sale. Steed laves'
old wagon Mon. corner Victoria aadfrafatgar
Street.. J. RSXTKtt R,'NelMAN, ti
Situations % -
S aOfini.
WANTED -A sEcii\1r' COOK. AP -
W isamedietely at Hamel Medford. It
Loan and Soriano Meelety.
Horn 1041*.-- eamercn 11.11 and Holmte
.Tat, intermit (compound every six
months est four per Dent. per annum. on . nae
from one e.ollar upward*. Depositors w111 End
It to their &vantage to mane end .08 or
1,.;mit- May he'ecured as or time w.•t-ta1
delay on the sechrtty of &pproted deareble
property. Kvpener• moderate. ADDUewt.ues
received by the Manerer Or 'elicitors.
The Company's edema are located on North
Street .•d (hurt Houle Sgnar -- oppoefts
Briers SIoxal. Ocloe,
Manager. l'rreldeni.
Toneerlfal Artla-
•l . Hot and cold Ntha on promises. Set
fo.miog.shampoolosg(eed et err other rSpntre•
ment carefully ateesesd to. and none tent emir
pet.nt hands em0101M. W llltant.' old stand.
llwLeun'a newbbiloo��,• text door to HrltishlEx•
change Hotel. 96 tf
Opsra House.
meet. am oilier general trueness. at the hO,Ir V dented Il Dart ire during the aa!!
of 2 ocock r.r. Holt ACK Hl)RTttN. \Isis- ii. Wintera(ntal.hlerade•. !Marino &.d
ate' 411 refreshment &ccommodat,es, A. E. YF:I1TE,
Ilattsaer._ M •mal
piety, The anr.u.l meeting of the do
MIS w111 be held in the Town 11.11. (odrrich.
MIST will
January 20, INC. commencing
at ooe o'clock. r v , for reeetvl' g the tunnel
report. electing Otiose* and transacting any
green! huskier.
The attention of mem sere j• soiled to the fel
lowlnlg chao.e In the A t A. Act. as amended
et'helmet main of the Legislature
13. The members of each •ori.ty may at an-
imated or at • special meeting. or
which two weeks' prrvjolm not ire hu bores
gi0m h] •d(ortisee/ost as In motion )0 (1)
make. alter and repeal by laws and monis
boas for the geSenl management of the so
Misty : sut.l.ct to there A law. and /Smola
dee•, the hoard of dinctor,. shall here
full power to act for and in behalf
of society. sod all grants and other
lands of the society shall 1.e received and sr
psnded tinder their direction. 14.v,0.. liOr7 o.
f, .a 13 I1), e.
By order of the beard. JAH. MITCHE11.,
Secretary. Osemie4*. Jen. t 507. 1ft
The &meal meeting ofthe West Wawesrh
Mutual Me is.nreare ('oipa., will be tela
d the Teas Hail. Dueaaasea, es Weems -
day tap fab day of Amnory, A. D. 1n7, at
the ham of e.e o'clock. P r„ whet t&e Meag-
an' sad •nditorti reports of the banases a
thi.05015.2! for the out year w111 bele Id b.•
the a.tlag sod for the Meehan or tires
The Messer, whose lean of of
thea melee are (7hariee Olreaa, E.q.,
Jobe Oriels, an.. sed folie H Cane. req..
MI of whom are MIR Ode /or re-Nestlea,
J. RNSRRTi, Ssssry.
Itinia-e.. Dm, M.
1. elm !dk
T ▪ OSST -OX R A Y i i.TOX STREET, s11-
twem Vaterlitee. aid l'iq s. a poem
aE. 1Hid-
hi' Imyl.r It tie R. 6141111111,.
• Notsen
e .i.ttoo Furniture 0s. ted. Roderick
Their w•reroone are opal q public
('all and toe their new deskp5. T3-1;
- MID -
1 Wee this opportunity Ic Inform the piddle
that 1 am will le the business noselth.tandly
all rumors to the contrary. and am prepared w
do evert *lees of work in my Pee hem m&kly!
• window frame to erecting • 3 -.try building
with mansard roof. Estimates furnished sea
competition Invited.
The fnrnlshing of bnllding material, snob all
lath, shingles and Iumrer • specialty.
0edesieL.'July gel 1
31be of Dr. Hem' Stook Peed./ fro... r_ fs
11 1'o of 1)r, H. Poultry Fango*&
Invokes home lay) f« .- lis
1 Ib el Dr Rem 1.'.. Killer tor Moms.
0at(h, Po.Itry. Plea els.. Om fns
Mel forint to nae W lienal Iris PSIS Or
Pals P•spla pr box r- fie
and Srewn's nafsam Wad (billy hook
fee Osman and 0alb. -. _ fap