The Signal, 1897-1-14, Page 4,.,oftt THE SIGNAL : GODICRICH ONT. THIIRS»A Y JAN. 14, 1897. ihc ,Wiynxl, is rvwdessii RVBRY THURSDAY UKNINO air D. 11414111.1.11rITINISV Orse of t•ubtlo•ttuo d a•d 10, North Miele aode.rteh. Ontario. Teems eV mshaerlpslew 0i.o.'h. in ad 4 ..Y 1 .0 1*. law leek as leer Sahel. Yn•st label is•.ra..dlnlr retoet,I of that 440. he *Men tem are {...d up. 4ee that 1t 1s tat spe•A' d to fall Io1s ismer. `•1 ha. • change "f o,1411rew Ir desire& b•tn ted o'd and the new •ddrese shooed be gives. 4, t Line lair-. Jeri sad other mutual advertlestoenta clic pr• lies for Ina insert ah, .nd d eros, per line two es.t.ub5uqumel Isaert.on. ]/.watered by ppwsron t, s Aeelnee• cards of six Mars and under 85 per year. Advertl.emrnts of last. Round 'rayed Mtn.tl"n. Vacant. , '..atloos nted and Amines' Chaney* W.nt•cd not emending 1 Hoes nonpareil. ill per mown. Hou... on Aide sad Ronna on stale. not 'o sawed a 1, A. 41 for drat month. )sic. per sub scourer month. larger 0t. e. la prwewliem Any special notice. the dyers of which 4 to prwedo the pecuniary benefit of any 1041 v'dual or company, to be enn.idered an an vertt.W.rnt and charted a...'nr4•nety. Loral notices in nuepsroil type ons mot per word. •o notice. Ines than We, Garai notices in ordinary reading type two emus per word. No notice for leas bas Oh Notices for churches and other religious and beeevolent !petit utloie half rate. Subs. ober who fait to re. sive Tut 8u1*aL regularly by mall, will r infer • favor by sr vaunting use( tie fact at a early an dates* pori hie. PeblIeber'e entire. J. C. Le Tomei. of (1oderlrh, bo. been •p pointed Local Trwvedhng Agent for the town Ships of (ioder.cb. Colborne. A.hAe1d and W• wanuith Lo. al pestmesters over the distrtct an also empowered b raw vat eub.orlpllots to THE Siuvat All communications misfit be addressed,, U M0011.1.tcClDY. Ten 8,sn♦1., Telephone ('•11111 florisrlc\ Oat Ii10DilUICM. THUlWIAT. JAN. 14. M. OUR CLUBBING RATE$. . ped Tei Min% Al. and Globe Tim Sots Al. and A4v.rtiesr 180 Tag 4t*i'. l..md F•mtly .Faso 1 80 Tim Ati:*A I and Montreal Willes..., 1 75 Subscribe at ono aid betas wide the first somber for 1RIJ. COMMISSION ISSUED. THE Government has issued a com- mission to Police \lagwtrate SIAOER, of this town, to investigate a series of charges of offensive partisanship against a number of civil syryanta and public officials in West Huron. Amongst thowe cited to appear are I). K Musk,, postmaster, Auburn J. M. fto%sar, postmaster. 1)ung.•0ee. J. A. I)AI-ro., mail ulerk, London diri- Gion. .1 .1. A''•TI., mail clerk, Stratford divi- Gioi. Ww. I,A*II 0.01 1 , postmaster, I.odertch. 1.0%t. KI.l n n, .eret,4..r public build- ing,t:oderiob. The cases will come up for investi- gation within the next week or so. OUR COUNTY RULERS THP' new county council will meet in Gollerich for the transaction of business Tuesday. .1 an. 21. There are but three uittrtlw'rs -,who have not had preyiou: experience at. the county boar; Moiv,Rs, Solgu. and MILLER . two - HAYs and ToRSAlscg -have ea4upieel the warden s choir in days gone by : and the remaining members have beets through the county mill and underootio the work ing of the machine For "moat tune past speculetien has been rife •a to who would be the man to fill the warden's chair under 41 • hew• regime. * and the ColIsensue of opinion is that John Cox, of th.lerich township, wi:l be the lucky man. The election_ of Mr. Cox would Inlet with the approval of the general public, as in addition to having been a long time at the old board, Mr. Cox ie possessed of a grasp of public of fairs and a shrewd sense* which emin eptly qualify him for the position. There is one .,bier matter in con Mention with the new council,and that 1s the preponderance of the farming elebent in the I.emherhip. Ho1.T, acd MCL►AW of (loderich, •nd'RoL woo of Exeter, are all who can claim to lie town representativ,•a, retie, T. R.11 AY' ii now a resident of Seaforth, but he ie and always will he a farm• er s representative, and sat in the ole county council for years and occupied the war'Ien a 'hair, and ran for Parliament one more than one otcaaiOn an w farnuur s representative. Taken all in all, there is w strong county council for If+97 and Is98,and The Smoot. im not afraid that the in- terr to o1 04.4 Huron will antler at the hamse of the members elect. SNAP SHOTS. -Have you held on to your swear - Look at the label on your copy cf Tile Htow*t. this week, -We have --i Col. - LArtints' re- port of the FARROW investigation in Meat Heron. awl we have had a hearty Ia.Rh over the dedbotions el the able invrrllikpatpr. it'. th. old RooM6 verdisetk "Not pre u.-hss deet do is again." Taus. VAarow tried his level beat to he a partisan and wasn t able to t111 the bill, *aye !commissioner 1.A:Isn- 1 Tye *tetgnt of RSM& deputies who stalled the toilet Wass in favor of that moment prior statesuu►n, N A r BOY11, t.'Oeld have glveu pointers; 10 /the late wir.arl IfkKIIAVY. • .. The (ltltario fegislsture will meet r Feb 10, or the transaction of bum !Ulla Tbere is a new Wan at the wheel land the public will be interested w seeing how he steer* the good old provincial ship. -A. W WRICBT, the professional potitician who att*'udeil the l'on*wrva- tive convention at Smith's Hill prior to the election in June la*t,snd waved the " old dog " *o energetically, is now snugly domiciled in New York, .•oliting a newspaper and yelling for •• s ►Id Glory -as the Americans term the Star* and Stripes. He was also An ardent and full -toned orator for MCKINL►T 111 the recent presidenti•1 election cautp0IKn WRIGHT i* a pat- riot fur revenue purpose* always, and is •ea'Iy to shout for any cause and any dog for a consideration. 1 Chicago alderman hits intro- duced au ordinance into the city ooun- •i1, compelling All ladies to remove their heed gear at the-trical and other entertainments. is .herr no kind- heart.•d councilman .a G.,derich who will resolute on the subject in oar (town council There are Wen in town 'who would rise up 'Ind hail mach • lcouut illor A* a puhlic benefactor. And we know whereof we speak, for many is time and oft n Gainsborough hat or some other monstrosity, has sidetrack- ed al! pleasure front us at a public en - i tertein ment. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF The tall chimneys still coot ions to smoke. Laundry bows stamped •11 reedy to work 10c The Fair. Regular meeting of the town council os. Friday evenlns. The C 0,F. will meet in regular stwies sent Tuesday evening. The newly elected °aunty cwac;l will meet 00 Tuesday week A small hoe at school bags lett to go tell your own pr,o. The Fair. The man who printers' score kenos level %111 never •se the printers "dont` The •organ F&.-•nry made • targe tinhpman iof organs an t piano stools nm Tueed•v Arrangements are already bang made far putting up .even buildings In the Spree There was • large art..eidanr* of children at the.ksttog rnk no ss•arrlsv •tter000e. stamped linen at reduced rates ; alio a few tinted t.hle rov..r• The Fur. it von west to your food to add • real rest, use " R,ce a Pure Salt -- for it Is the hew The Puldic "zhool Rood will hold the first meeting for 1?'4' nett Wednesday e-. ening People are •Ire.dv t»tlnnng to thong there will to • •carcIty of ice the Comm‘ 'Summer Th. motor of Victoria -et Methodist church, Rev. 'lams (.04w10. ones relit les o0 Newga•o-st There w•• lake an outburst at ot. 'David's war ohm! oo Saturday. It was ' !among the .. -r pipe.. The ennuis! sale of papers periodicals and :boos took place at th. Mechanic -e lost,- . tut • last 1 Moeda, erasing. These who prepared tor an (arty winter's sport to the skating and .now *h,otag Lanes, 'Mae vet here . ,(oe,t .. ...n Hrown •;o,•d morning, Munson. Row do you find huet•,.a. \I un•nn - liv ludl •t• nee advertising In Tit": t : • t • Heron I'tooter N , 30, R .\ Ni . will meet In neuter aesat,n for the installation of officers next Tuesday *riming Tib. t ivende singing oleo, °flatfooted M fir. 1'utf, will meet ae usual is St. 1 .torte g enal room on Saturday morning nett, at 10.30 A. m. Having purahwed the large ,took of St. Geer,. Pries 1 will offer 10'' off oo •I! ,ornr.kery and chins from now till the 10,h of Feb, 1). C. W,nru r We have to thank township Clerk Strother of Ashfield for • fall •oxount ot the polling 40 the township at the menial- ' pal electees. we think the C 1'. R. ham mimed at be not WHIR this port this mama. for up to this hook, grain tumid haws been brought here doily from 17hioege Sn far the will gees. thatpawed over (.od•rieh some two weeks wince hove not re- turned. thee showing that there is est 'sotto weather northwards. The Hell Telephone re. have pat mere poles in 00 our streets, and thesis with the •man• being pat in for 5leotri0 light per. pima• will almost fill our math Having purchased the stock of groc*risp from St floor's Price, 1 •m orep.red b *upDly all of his old customers nod loisev new ones with good family groom/301 1St lowest os5b prime. 0. 4'. Wslrsar Our causes complain the4 some of ear cordwood purveyors pock the stinks is their morose r they peek apples in their h•rrwls -I e . the good ones outside. and the deo•vIng and worm-notwn ones to form hol- lows' in ted cewtre Our heat builder, Wm Marlton hes twee unable he pet material into town for the isle et the Mg enc, for want of .now, .ed as he is *oder • Mg Dsual•.y ,f the vowel M net ready by a oert•in day, he naturally wishes • heavy fell d the beautiful. C. E. L. U. The fellewen are M* Isaias fer the 01f - harem seem/ people's •s..lhs while meet dune, coot week North -et Methodist Amish R. 1,. el 0.1., Tr.d*y melte, u 7.10 *'sleek. The meet - Mg will .-renes at 7 .'ele.41 Moon/ of at 730, ee *helms of the 8111' Redetr setting I. hoes ghereh at S Klose rhumb Y.P.&.0. L, Teesl.y eves - leg •t 8 *'lied. Tqb fsr J5aOery tSt►, •' Rivals •t home led 1. the mid.. Sdd•,'• by Maggie Ydaestey. An ere .sr•Halh Invited he ateesd Moo. rarely, .bhh are hold (a the besam*1., edema s1 Wee tlsisll ee n ua IIOHGR MOT HI1SK1Y Sensational Sulcldo:In the City Hall at Hamilton. a Few Nla•tes Mies* t'emalW.S Iwo Deed Neese s.•4. tae 1 srea*ker's .I4. -Leel tre.Ihg." 5.4 was Ippw.vesie In heed *pores as eereseely carried se • mer. **lamer Alta NO WeesM, Harntlton. Jan. 10.-(sper!al.)--(roe e[ \r m.wtt .enaatb'aa1 sulcedra that have a'-urr•.4 In this part .of the country to- Pent.. Ume Wok pia e In ship city !set night. About ted. James Hodge. SS ',etre of age. strong and heavily tau.:t walked Into the City Hall and. after l.*.1.ng around for a few min- ute'. . .xrated hinted( at the foot of the stairway !ceding to the oounell handi.er and pulling a revolver from her 1"'t k'•t sent a 33-, abbrr bullet through hew train. The spot woe:, 10.- mag ended his life not more hon ..!to fest 1rum the sable of the chief of paella- and the dr- •erttves'headquarters. and Chief Smith and Del eel Ivy Insp..ttor M,Mahoo. being in then office , hastened out to learn the cause of the loud report In a reclining position on the 'Gonne,. dead Tree the sturdy fort. of Hodge. s eats a dew minutes before ba Mrs. ns Hero. t %lir of the earel rr of the t`iti Har geoid evening •npar- e.tty in good .pirate. He held the re- ! 4'o Yrr in his tight haJoi.:and In the r gtt Ad•• .i her heed. Just c.t era the ' oo• waw, a wut:nd showing where the bullet had ••n:e•r•A In !Iw t,.e kat waw a not, atat:nr that be had heti %cath a /rest deal ••1 money. but his relatives ' had been thw tocsins of robbing him of I !t About 1-' y`a-a aft. the sule4le and one of hie brother" had a attic.. erul move. and 'Ina are hu .:nem ,n New- ' market Leavitt': Newmark -No James'. . the vetoed, hourly a farm 1n Welt Ftambe•ro. wtictr h" wtrk•d until abnUt eight years ado when he sold it tip SAM and t ante to this .yty `Lnce arrive.: here he 0e. been drinking boavily and hoe done very little work His Meter i•.mma died about four month.; ago leaving hm 13.4'. and he than spent all this So far as is known he has Daly on-- brother and or Me- ter living. Hee brother \veil:am is to South Atria. and the Mater, Susan In Newmarket. Ctron'•r Wh•: was .nf,w red a[ the tnrt•umerane0.0 .4 the .Ane and de- , lint that ay' inquest Is unneeeseary. LI CIE LR.*rt/RD KILLED. leeched tp h m Was sad Threw. to the Ormond T11A, Wert Widow. Montreal. Qu. Jan. . --Dur►n>f the ;east few weeks the ctt,y NM been dis- grao-•d by se, -nil hlde•,us crimes, among 'her:, th. killing •d the man L1n.r..0 and the escrow duoth of the woman ltadout. Another murder ha' n•.% tern ad 1.d in thele .shout !rags yesterday • quarrel took t la- r n d boo., of ill -fame on Jacques oar l• r -ruse -I %hich after the taper of eoveral hours resulted In the death sof Lurie Leeward. aped year.. It alts -are. the %or an ;tad an art.reatton Mirth Uhr mIstresr of the boo..., f01- b.w.d 4y l'bw's. and ultimately the oiler unan wise turned out d the house. Lucie Leeward then roared about the wtreetr. and in a short time she came across sevelwl acquaintances, with whom the visited numerous st- ations and In tee end toecame very Inks* intoxicated. The woman then ysva.o4ed to fie home on Jacques Cartier•atltrent. where she arrived about batt -part 6 o'd'x#. On her arrival ate- began an- athcr row by stnaehing panes of glans end pounding the door. Nothing that thee did not attrpstt the pn'po.•t.r's attention. Lucie went to the rear at the house and waived isms, the ma - :eery !fere she t,ewar Derain breaking the windows whero•up.pn a young man. whin www 'contently an taw t. •.' the be cm r.Ldl•d out. picked her u;. la hie area and flung her Cower the veran- dah. a distance of shout thirty feet from the grojnd. The woman fell with a dull thud he the ground, and the brutal re•rpetrator of the deed n --entered the b' us ap- parently unconcerned. J1NNI1 uteri D1lnIg. ■ietwoe4 are assorted. brae 1 sob • of M►rea51.e. Cullingwood. Jan IL -An Irqueet was htIJ here L -slay Into Use carr sof Jetlnle Grey of Midland. whit sulckdod un Wednesday eventing. Thr court aie J.ANZTAt.RY- SA1,3333 r v,m ass eruwded. A jury war em - p atielle•l by LT. 0trpheu. coroner. and the evidence of William Cann, )Telae • 1Wuvau, J. Sullivan Chorion Willl- ft@•. 1✓r. li. J11. A, k.surth, N . J. iluuglimes, dru•gbot. Nes taken, %inch dt-ta!1rJ the rtory •4 Mtge tirey's death a= told yestr:da) The dueler believed the gin Abed from strychnlue pulsu0,ng. and dialed that she was en.kate. Mr. J. Sullivan told ut aosisting the girl into the %aeon, and of her suffer - lugs. All she *outd say 1n wooer to question. weal, "CHs, th., vlllaln' uh. the vitioin•" Asked the caual of her trouble. • the anrecied, \William SM. mune ' Risley McDonald. clerk In the drubs attire of W. J. tortlglas mid. "On Wednesday Jane (levy came to the more and asked for floe cents %urh of 'trytitnttle. 1 gut H for her and had her sign the register-1reigiet.-r produced Gave her ten grains. She said It was for rats j d11'llltanl 1t.ntm..ns said he had kro.n decreased since August. 1484. and had had tmpr..prr Intunuy with hes. A Jurymen Ind ,Ale inttnwtr to you 0741 Sunday night that eh* %.mid make away with bersrlf 1f you did not mu -nil t., her' Witness: 1 did n.4. Juryratan : What taov*raatlon did take islet, between you and dee eared s.e Sunday evednir• Witham- She mud '1 am in trouble and you tare 40 h.ame. 1 mid, .Ttmm will tell. and if I ant 1 will look atter the • had " While this witness wee Irlvang his evidence he was hyred by the large 1Udirne r wh,eh had gathered Thr jury retired at twit p..ri. .u..1 at t55 brought in a verdict "Thad the said Jane (:ray watt, t0. her 0th I.y taking .trychnlnr. administered by he own hand. while in a state of mental agitation We mc-re,ver find from the evident,- given that the cause of the said Jane Grey having taken poison was by reason of the treatment and Knot, neglect of William Simmons, and would further reclmmend that th. law governing the sale of pones; b • more rigidly enforced. Farmers es the rant. Brockville, Jan. L -Tim ^nsnlua Tariff Commis#oners held two seaaL'ne here to lay. There weer presets. Mau W. S. nettling. Sir Richard Cartwright. Hon. William Paterson and lion. Sydney Fisher. tleurge Hutton. Prelude -et of the South GrenvW. Partners' Irrtitut4 wanted the duty taken off coal on. corn, cheese bandage and factory suer plies. John Stagg of Brockville. a promin- ent farmer, a cattle feeder. advocated taking the duty tot corn. but Wrongly held that the duty w, pork shoot I be ouotinued. C. S. Cogent of the Cosaitt Brost' 0pmpanY cossidrred the tariff as K affected agrbultural 4.upietuent: un- 3tlol. in that It r,duc-d the du: on Implrmu11'. The duty ••n raw ma- terials used to their eonstru. true had not been reduces: in a Correvlsin4.n4 degree. U. L. McPherson, MLA., Lancaster. wanted the duty on corn remo:.-d. al- so taken oft coal til and cheese ban- d F. L Moor s.1 Aiitdl.on and !. W. Fulford of Brockville wanted legisla- tion to prevent adulterated honey bit Ing placed on the market. without be- ing properly labelled as such. l;utr.rt Alder of Pre=cert advocated tree euro and coal oil. Mr. alas it w[ Algonquin thought coal 'ail and c ern should be for sad the tariff nn r'hrre. bandate a' d dairy utensils should be taken ult. Theeduty on pork tended to keep up the price here. Leers tlesgs 1h Prisms. London. Jan. 1. -Try Old Raley COW • room was arow.1 1 :hi: n1..re- 1qm when Lady Selina 444.1(1 Jr nn Corer -ton and W 1I:!.tau aye ''.t, who yesterday pleaded iso, .y ut hat 'net crle.t4&lly libelled F.. 1 ltue•ell L.dy Sort's tion -in-law, were urj',t,lit up for pent. .ser Lady Beni: entered the wort room accompanied by bee attach - tee. :Ib«'ban. a well known Ilghn.;!gh tee. Coullteee Russel.. When the pet - baa Iwo .rr.at..t o0 tbe eharr,. or .•Dodo nonage, wi`s'e called W the ler f.Ar sen- ile death of tun,- I..•.as01 h g het d••wnata,h at a Louth. or ill -f me is efilifilow -4 ri tenor John 4l.ady $oust. addrermed the hast End. the court in behalf of hie cJteut. nay- niq,.Cr (v).wr4ND4Ny. ° ing her ladyship pledged herself not W re -publish any of the libels she had uttered agann* Karl Rums& Solicitor Han op. -akin. for C„ckerton and Ay- lett. swirl that his clients did not with- draw a single word they had said, or any %tat'-m.ent that they had made enneer►tin4 Earl Burwell. having toad nothing t.ut the truth shout him. The Judge then pnMnuoomd sentence upon ; h.• prisoners, oondemDJJ*q .lads ,if them eight miontfue Intprio.,n- rn.'n* without hard labor Lady 8..o.1, on a.*-'ont .4 her delicate health, *111 tit treated Ail a Arcot -clam rne ddwaeen- ■ nt. hut ( eel's -non and Ayitat trip 0. treated as ordinary petitioners N&*Hr wars .t ■.milt.. %111 Get es Pashtos. (ittatta, Jan le -'Special.) - The lard Rattallon. Ottawa, ..take. th cake as the (reek city c-.rp, o. the Ia..mini,,n The returns of compara- tive .•tflt t'ii' y hat .• been compiltr4$ opus th” t.&.t. *if the Ia.t genes al in- spections. with 'hr result that the• 43rd doses 1-x3.01 points Mott . caw Hem- Surn'w fa. -ureter.. the 13th with .,tt aveue se. of 144.114. and them the Queen City's p. -t•, the Q 0. R.. n elope third, with I4.i 4f, 1.•it4s The 43rd will con.equ'•ntty hob, 'h. (ilim•.ur Cup for o,..ael year it stens 1', tee definitely settled that Mayor "Johnnie" Mason of the 13th feat ta)lun. H*nult0II, call be commandant of thL. y -at'. Ilkley team. Ti, - e.•,• lion et Major Mann wal t1.• t.op,,,•*' alt over the country Hr Ir t Mot Mows- 1 and with lot. or - lav -v ' to enable h,m to discharge the dull... of romrnaldant with digit") and abili- ty. Faust Lo 'spaniel, Pert Rowan. 'tot , Je.. b About 1.;fat yesterday aY expl,.tln[t. followed by • •14.10, was beard '-owing trot, the m.► 1 N 4•• •.n shun ,'swats, Nelehl...r, \ moor b, rushed to the lyse and found h:, elde.t daughter, time ure.S Stearns, dying In • po'.1 of blood on .at dour, suJ b. -r .1"111.•. en Bre. 41.01%1 in- tendant-. was lmm.dls4•iy wmmouee, •.e en etan.inn'loo 1t w•, found the %mune wee fatal. It appears Mus Stearns, wee esu as wtprt Moot. went to the tern to get a gun frit the porton.* of shooting • troul.le....oww ant. and lo pulling •be goo Mit It exploded The whole • Marge ,Meed the girl's right sed.. Nies Stearns was 600 of the leading ladies of the vlliag• Its* • pro mlal.g sebods. Tim Basswood J1.eN1es I.a4M. Jos 10. -The tenses has deebt 4 to ■11o. the Prior* of Wales and the puke et c alit le Outline tho pemeraa ar- rangement ter Ih• dlas.osd Jubilee te be a•\rlsled tee beet •pyrevl. As Important detail la the not sf royal woo to he en- tertained. 1 t wig be • ismer came= thaw eah be prevl4M /'r la the royal sea. sad teterai principal betas mar M hired. 1t7. demised for heard ae.o.eemoee- 0... ale 05. pvear•1 penile r aletedy great for 1.Mie.* went. Is r.w.t betide ovary Seal M W hes •eemsd, Maw w7>♦ r ad.rter. 41.11•14111.all, Jan II -'rhe hairbe e. spe,e\ t Qssbre~ 1. IOtef y the teat pollen** WA of u. ..mows the Ianui. Oe'myemoet that . 4. to deism R. positlen stony 0n 1 dr maintain He somedm 1a Mor'.& es de seener aa•4a'( +oroaratgeitto - .trewaed lA\Ile easels& Smith's Fails, Jars. $.-A sad drown - mg accident happened on the river a -hart distance from the Bolt Worhr this afternoon. John Phillips, the 1"r year -sed wet. of John Phillips. * 1:o re- si4ep on Queen -street, started fur home at noon putting on his skates. when he calve to the river. This was the last seen of him alive. When be 41,1 not get horse his people .Wade • nqult 1M scan Iter„ foun,l ;tt,• log • n whi• h A.- sat to put on hi., elta:es and followed his tracks along the lett They Lound the place where he had broken through and their worst ream were realised when they saw hes heal a feet inchees under the wars. Ile was standing straight up, his feet embed- ded In marl -dust Much ,yampa`tlly le felt for the afflicted family. Tearber Tfresiod by se W.maa lNlffalo, Jan. 4. -{ td.)- kir W. M 1ammnnd. principal at the Public tit -heel at Hrld4elwrt. th.t_. wblppod ■ boy gained Morton for playing truant. The mt#b.r. Mr*. Anal. aortas, was dl.p1.•a..•d with hia e•.ndtlet, and as Hammon.* Ma b1. .rh..d n..m yesterday sft►n..o, .h. w orsted Alm with a Myth. est to .p..k eat • •baro.s troch et Iaag.s i. 741. a►t'.1se. of • iimwen11 were r04*Ir.d In res up the laceration tattooed ea tie p.dagsres1 brad. Mad sows Prem Beeawas•Is.4. Cap* Town. Jest t. -The news bele, elmelved fawn Hechmanalar4 Is et rte most sr -noun kind The magistrates and pettier, at Kuruman have goes Iib Maga*. and 70S native.. of tIIM vlehetty .re relatng farms, luting "oa- ths and ewwnrnitUag ether dmyredatinee, anent Reeelts of gam ries... 1S..1hay. Jas L- Thw Throw of ro- e•, In en as'Ud0 0a the bubodt glagmm, which a ravaging the city, 'nye thee slice the e.thrwak 0i the 51 .80? the phpelatien of Pahay ham hewn r'.ait44 sme-halt, and chi woo** remelts W we mood 80 pre their OF WhIte Goods at the GODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE continues another week White Quilts 21.00. 77c White Quilts $1 :15. 1.00 White Satin Check Musliug 10e for .. Kc White Satin Check Muslin 8e for . .... 5c White Cotton 1 yd wide 7c for . . White Cotton 1 ydwide 12 c extra value at.... ..... ..... Longsdale Cotton away down in price, 5c 10c Unlaundered Shirt4 25c, 50c Pillow Cotton 46in. Main 18e for Pillow Cotton 44in. Piain 18e for 10e. 10e Pillow Cotton 44in. Circular 114c for . ls} U- nbleached Sheeting 2 yds wheat 20c for............ 14, Bleached Sheeting 2 yds wide 25c for 15c .. 15e White Embroidery from le a yd up. Towelling, Towels. Stamped Linen, Apron Linen Lace Curtain. Don't miss this Mid -Winter Bale! JAS. ROBINSON NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Corrs■pondenta 0aere is saMms/M* Wee That Cameos be heedllgwbere gam --Saws .44N Des.ly ap.Mally Reported r Taw Sigmsl. DUNI ftp. Trssi,AY, Joao 12. (:oo. Stewart is op from Huff.lo. R D Morro hse returned from his visit to H*ff.lo Darin, lest week • leers black fox which was lot • etr•n4er M the barn yards wee shot by • Sslttord sportsman LANES. Movtay, Jan. 11 Joseph D. Sonat, our popular merchant, who had • small bole in his leg broken by his horse falling se him. Is able to bestowed again with the aid of hit crotches. Peter Swats, who has taken to himself a life partner in the person ot Ates Flor.00e Love P•ttesaoe, of Looknow, his moved es to the old homestead and settled doers We with the young couple • prosperous voyage over the mateimoot.l tete. Conn Lanes, I.0.F. dented whore the last night of the cid yaw, .ed the result Ant as follows : C. R., .1 Campbell : V. r- R .1 Retmhi... ; R R. Win. Jamieson ; F C , Jas Brows ; chaplain. Wm. Hunter 9 W , J. Soothers ; J W., J. Hackett ; S K. W. J. Low; J. R., W..I. Amar : ooart-Aepety, M. Ferries. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Tt r -i o ..dila- 12 emir Laithwait0, of Hn!m. vibe, se nim - Int her sister, kers. Driver, Huron Roel. Wm, Clerk's new hour on the 4th ono. will .non he ready for occupation, and pre- sents • fine appsaraere. Mn >lowerhy, 3rd nos., is visiting rela- tives on the Huron Road. Mrs. Robert R.*Aetsoe. nth con. proses* ed her husband with • New Veers gift is the shape of • bonnets, girl. This •oaousts for ted extra broad .mile on his countem•ses thew day. W. .1 1'.ttea Is r.00veneg from an at- tack of Inns trouble. Miss MoM*th, teacher in Union School, has been *offertory froom a had oold. Mr. old Mrs. aloha Sowerby sed child, who h*A hoen weenie( the 1647'. F.r.t•, Mr. sod Mn John Salkeld, have retuned to their home In treed Kapid., Mich We .e pleased to we the g sial ooiatas- 1.es of R•rry Montgomery who, with hie win ..d family, .re down on • visit from Man.tol a KIHTAIL. MorpAT. •1•s.. 11. Mies Flo McLeod left last week to attend the G.71 I. Dr. M.Dor•Id and M. McCaaley 'kited at Y Whitby's lot week. Mee R. Fitzpatrick was ted tweet of her sister, Mrs. Veneto the past two weeks, It is reported that ie • short time we shalt hear the chimes of wddis, bell. Mies Minnie Keefe. who spent her Christ- mas vacation Moe, refereed to (.odertoh to mom* her studies. Mr and Mee. C. Jordan left no Setordny after • six weeks visit to her parents for their home la Cheboygan. 0i their jeer - soy home they will visit friends at London sad Detroit. l'bo Uesr•ry Society held the deet rest- iae of the wow year es Thursday last. Rein, dls•ppd.t d by the owner of the hall let mustier/ to riot it, it was Imo when the meeting opened. A short prerramme was prepared. after whlob the tremblers held • e11M4rog for the purpose ot deoidi.F whether t•Oy would rime the ball Hot, me rilmee, von mast sot forret that Aler. meld At bold up Retell red rent bed hall le yen se rh_g, - SLUEVALE• MownaT, .lore. 11. Miss Annie Stows, who has bete eery ill, h rsooverlmt. Mai Maggie Mews, of CredmrMh. wed hes hoes vhdties her emit Mee. Will. Rtewe. r0 - turned to ler Ahem se bleeder. YIn .l lease Fre..,, of Ter.bern. bee bo - Rua bee ditties es Amber for the junior do - promos of ted Piddle ..heel. Mhe lily Mem and Edward Coulee, of 0.d.rimh Collegiate 1w.tieste. bows rebore - e4 te r.a.m• their .4.444...fter speeding a pleasant holiday in the village. Yin Assts MoR•rd , deeehtir 0f 41,. d . Yrs. Reba McRv, psessd away M a Mier lead w Seeley J... A Demand had hem sedkri 4 some time hies a very swot throat bee had ...sovwmd. we watts te payer mrW.g se the ?seedier ws lwg t*Ok a .till. Rho had the k0M ■.demi eM that ...M be *Mama ba\ MI ah..m wain soli M moo M WO. Do. 55..04 was thirty tis duals .f age sad wee ate -M res.-- .d red Ity e1 what were . ytmistd with her. The }fesm woo t7efy heisly 11411•01011. loothone wall dame hihim the also sm. Ipdhy elf s solemmMy hi theft and boa BENMILLER- MuvpAY, JN 11. Jelin Stewart who bad bees oo•ti•ed to he room daring the past lea days from aa •s- tack el 1a11.m•ttos of the lungs breurbs se by • cold, died Tuesday .ftereoon. A sews .Etesde4 oouce will •ppe.r salt week. OoiT'caay N.rncI.- W• base to record Um dams of lira Patrick litho, • harmer resident of tier parts who died .her • Mort aloe.. at the residence of her,o.•e- Mw Mr. Lemma, s. Tuesday Met in Ash- field township, where .41. bad remded for some years ow*., to failing health. Het aged paru.er dud here oily . few soatke age stud they were Oct' *.tarred 1s. the Catholic 0»u.e:ery to Colborne. The dm - mooed lady was •eU-k..we here during tis Ira As bred . ■ Asa farm o0 the ilait- la.d encomiums, Diad carried the reep•ot of •11 .ho knew her for bee uprtvht and stnot- ly Cbr.stoan ober. tem. KarswTAt..s0T.-(31edh111'e ball o. Fen - day altar was um mom of lots of (.e for m4mbers Ad fronds of the S. 0. K..00 Iy of this niters. The younger members had advertises et eetert•tom•.t to which • ,. stook *.att.Iwei wad other .ttreetioss desired hugely oil 145 program At the ug• pouted tome the 41.24 w.. 011.4 with an 5E - peacoat wed orderly of fed of visitors tree near by, also • large onstiogsmt from the 9. 0. K. society of Auburn. The mock tattier I1en we. • samosa and much credo to des to the or1•o0aen mid others who took part u that side optimise and trait laugh.bl• fe.ree. Sumo reetuttom were well 4ivei3Ond Fred. '.hamlet' even surpassed bimrelf with the reoderu„ of comic wogs, .1 which that young seatlemaa le • perfect mater Oe. sod all were Owed at the succor of the . Qtr and it 1s probable that more .0t.rt.1- s.eote et sae tate kind will follow dung the Wow. Av (him Seers En Goss. --l)i Thursday last the mortal remains of ]ire. Elizabeth Allis, relict of the late ,;ohs Allis, were m- itered *. the Colborne cemetery, followed tilt her by • lar(. number of relatives •ad ' ,input' /ID/ fronds,. The deo.•sed lady wee she of the landmark. of • past genera- tion arid wee in her 84,h year Horn neer Plymouth, is 1)rvomshus. Koeland, she, .t the age of 18 y•sr.,emltr•ted with her h.. - bred for the ('.sada f'o'g tract which was then much talked .Mout from ON flitterl1aags reports swot •brawll by the t'o'e. •t..te,•.4 which induced o number of person. from the `south of England to Dome bore •ed fora) what was .ubenlusetly knows as the Devonshire settleateSt. After w essential voyage of may wake the Allies arrived e N•w York mid from thence proceeded to Huffale by eke Kne c.n.l,aid finally arrived by water 0t (.(Mlerich, whioh was thee • ►•meet of lest • few douses. shortly after- wards they settled no the forth one of Colborne, when oeiehbors were tow •.d the hardships incidental to peewee life was the lot of the hardy settlers of those early days. With no roads but • bleat through the bush • trip to (iod.noh woo Lathed an undert.k• i., that amounted to an event, for their oi- ly mode of 005vey.aes was as of slid or j.mper.wkioh iourwy took two days to or fors. Toler first Io, sheet, ems ' r.1.ed " on the farts where am d.oeseed and b.r husband If.ed .11 their lives. aid was after- wards replaced I', the headeome frame throttler sow owned b, Richard Allis, ..s of the sen.. and as that homestead were bora • large family M Goes and dsugbten who ars all 0. 'red and have families of their owe. The dee..s54 lady wee of • ohesrf.l tempsrwrnt acid delighted is reeiUnt the tales of her pioneer Ida of near - 1y two generative' •to Keiog ooetempor- e ry with the Dunlops, lacers, Fishers, Ryndwt.a. sod other' IMO the ninon Limn so graphically describe is their re - mat work " i. the Day. of the Chad. Oomp.ey." She was • delightful enter - kaiser mod many sterile that perhaps sever will be sees t5 poet .re the oomme5 pro- perty of the early settlers and their dssose- da ms, which sound mors like nemeses Uses real life it required • (tea* besot iodated to halftime* obstacles, but oohing 45..,04 the hard♦ pioneer worked with • will for the object Is view to held thewdswlve s0mes, and the words of As... Strickland have in the history of the Allies hem litter- alh f,14lled fee they were Uhl fo.e4ers d that prtepe00us eastenelt, knowe as the D,voiehire ..11I..ent : For they Meir toils r.wardi.R, The bread lands .hell reclaim ; Btiey'll call their new pomeGae.a Br some familiar ssma. The deoesa.4 retained her 'amities to hh0 lase aid died fell of testa a the minas of her semorow family of .IO M•. MOM daughters, • large ..mhsr of oros4-41611. ren aid "sot groat chiljr... Her elm goat wore the poll ..d the fammil .srvise woo rood by she Sm. YO. OHphs.t, MNbedfse esldohr 01 the M . MIM, to W41les .0.,s0 she hid saes d her life • 42hS • baa .t Yr. gid Yrs YO.fgoloa_y, Wily tram M..}teha, Ga. •pendlag ammo Nom west ask p Mer seh, Y.. sof Ws. Jobs 144- ah•.e Ht IhmsyelAe. t @mare nosotay Illomodd hie. hstd hmtia 1. 1.ylM to rr, maims* d Wlaphssa. Mr. Swale kw hoes proploMI ofihme Rime IiOtN for the gat throe yoou% ahem No Immo shoot Ms mh6flo of Ali tette* se take pomsol R of the sores f. OILs in es_ ray Mean via Ie