The Signal, 1897-1-14, Page 111£LW, HURo14IAs 1 11 yes west es Al 11w Herat era ar. e.eks THE MAY QUEEN eaNOlaUTVatn IT IMADDOCKMk KLANNEDYII • GODKRICH. A ��i Shy s THD LEADING NEW8PAPM2 OF IE1:711.O1•1" OOVIsTTY. DNI 'DOLLAR WILL IIA FOR THE SIGNAL Foa Otte Vitae 1.1 FT ET YEA R.-2004 (.ODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY JAN. 14, 1$96. D. McGILLICIIDDY, EDITOR. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR 1897 ? IF NOT, WHY NOT ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JAN- 14 I Page New trop 4..d.-Jne. A Reece A c.. 8 Mseunt of Huron Comity C ,saoil- W e. I.see, C irk. 5 A Providential Ram•se-Full,ed k Co.,.. 7 Katerteanmont-Merest° Fr•toratty..... 8 Muting Stook -W (; ('tette, Agent..... 7 Seeds, Seeds -Steele Briggs & Co 0 2 Stores --A. B. Corson seas d January Sale -Jia Robinson . 4 New Meet Ma -Andrews Karo & sot 8 Keeeland Met In It -The Fur 8 The Orphans Prayer The S.,iag&l 0 Loot. • Puree-(: M f! :1 eon 5 Harem. My -Wyatt'. Fair �4 Wasted • 204 C .ek -Hotel Radford .. 5 Mortgage Sale el Valuable berm Lads Cameros Nett and Cement' . S Aargatss in Crockery --G N Elliott 5 BORN ddies 1 Reflog in tk..d..+rh terushlo. on New Veer'. ter. the wife Sof Hobert .1. Henderson of • daughter MARRIED. MENARY 1'IKUt'F: At 'he Seethe. meth odes Chu', h per.oteme. (inderirh. oft Wertneeday. J n. Iith, Ire:. by the Her. J. Eds.. Tho. 'denary to ¥ary FJiz•bsth Piero,. both of Ashfield. DIED .TEW ARr At Ii.-nmillee. on Tuesday. Jan 1►th. 11f7. Joke :Swoon. aged 6t years and II .ton a h.. The funeral will take Ware from hie late restdenc•. I1 ami kr. on Thursday. January 1111.. at Y-]0 o'cloSk p.m. to t'oIhoree sem 'eery. ?needs end •rquateoet care ere raepacUnly requested to attend. COMING AND GOING. Harry Stowe, Of Mosotho, is yvt►ing so tows Mee Annie lisley is visiting friends is Lnckoow. John gentles, of Kincardine, was in tours last week John (:alt left this week oo • volt to V•so..nvee Mrs. 1) McCormick was in %Vtngh&m the pest week r� John I'. Tighe eeioyed • pleasant trtp M D.seaen. to Mr• Wall, of (Tinton, was in (;od.noh os T.esdey Geo H. Nairn returned to hie Windsor Boat. last ...-k Jas Sc.tt, ternster, ot ( Ireton, was to *ewe no Friday. W,bon ('.z, of Melton, N 1), u at the parental residence. Mew Msud K0•eo0 has been seriously ill the pea• two Werke Mn t'.mphell, ..f Colborne, left bast week for San Francisco, E 5 Ambrose, of Win/ham, was in the musty town on Saturday. Am`oose I von left I.vt weak ler the Ar ssmption elleite. t' Witham Miro Evelyn Craig's' re•urned from her Stratford vont on Yatordey. Mrs. A F. Forte returned last week item • visit to friends in Lnsdoo Wm Ins is recovering from the ilioess mused by his recent •cotdeot. Mies Hattie ILt.awh returned last week frees • visit to friends in Exeter Mies Laura Hymen, of London, a *pend- ing a few day with Mrs. W L, Eliot. Mies Charlotte Brownet'e returned last week from • -lett to her home in Stealsv. J. G. Ward, our *Me lh.agennne oorn+- posdnet, was in the county town last Mot- rd•y hire. John Gould, of Kanter. was in town past week melting Mem Ann Ibnegh, firth et. Mies M.a.r'ra Rallis left tows os Tuesday visit her brother. Chea (i., at los An- ea, Cal 3 Laithwute, ot Holmssyilb., spent a few ye in town last week with his uncle, r Blake Horatio Mullin, who i• on a month's visit rotative' nod friends in Ashfield, was is lows this week. C. W. Andrews, who was ooahasd to his booea • few days, the result of an &evident, fe now around swain, Mr. and Mee. Jas. Campbell, of Carman. Maw., are visiting at the random, of their relative. Mrs. Jana Gnrdoe. R. W. Logon, manager of the North American Chemical Warks, has retuned from hie visit to Quebec's metropolis E lwin J. Morrie, of Auntie. Men , 1. os • three !meths visit to his relative' and friends in C.tlhoras township and the adtotn- les mustoipalitlse. sassed Gas • users . New York. Jen. 7. -Ry a decides e[ the Halted Molar (lrruIt Court •f AsaasY banded does today natural gra 4 do dared to be • mineral for all the pur�oase el the atetatea aad customs laws of the Vested Mutes. Th. conn atfltms the d.- eftslon of the Celled States Circuit Court set this district which .tlrmed ■ decisive el the Board of (fsaersl Apprsta•nt 4. dareg that gas piped from Mbrrortas. a, Into Mutate was not subject te tr as It comes within the dela/ties et weds mat.rlaia. heath et repeats e.orp Irving. Windom, Jan. 7. --Captain George Irving lid Wt creole' at the rp.Id ace of hie era in taw D. R. (Mott., aged el. Ne wee ens .f the oldest captains ss the YAM gad was well knows to meat of the vanel- owners from oar end of the lakes to the ether, and esJoy.d the dlstloctloa of Wag am arm ma• who took a vessel from lake Nemo to Lake Superior before the easel was cssstr.et,4. He superintended the Oses(rectt.s of the gates on tie toe Omni vibes It Was Milt. Iestakt.s an lawn. ilrbrta, B.C..Jo.. 7. retfl the r It s the ossd bg sealskin rete la Landss hewn. dew If any et the swat rea.eddrag put earl start for the basting pest, abs owners are m eepertet.d is iate ae Wag thenrea The ale takes pose the lEth. w1,s.. x000 Miles will be sir OM noires as tmp.wemeat b bpi the lanspens rices peat ads, d111 er0w.m wUI not go est dances ne tie.rvftns. R..wie. Jt .A. ads I�ggoeelo' hetee _ .. 6s sh let e W the attemeItsmom =1251he em, bei bleb Wee THE B. B. CLUB ASSEMBLY A Most Charming Gathering A Large Ateesdase•- Mesase.e ,t••tusaee raptly Woman -- Leaden U.•er.. rlea.aat Senses aad Our reaadlegs- the Nppor TiHE tint Annual Assembly of lite Hem Hall Boatel Club. was gavg to the Hotel Redford on Tuesday •veutog, and was . decided s000eee, the dancing hell end drewaug rooms being comfortably heated •.d 000vsni•ot, the supper t sty and well served and the mimic by the Loudon Harp- ers ezwllent. 'I s. committee of manage moot had moaned a largo attendance, and their espeot•tiose were fully realized rhe members of the (Kase IMI Social Club bat• reason to feel Pommel that at short noncar they could proyide so many of the young people of Goder.cb with so charming an evening As is usual with ant eoeembly to God.rich where our fair in.. ett.ad the lads. • formed • picture that mold not be rivalled to any otter town. their pretty fovea and graceful figures, oombtaed with their charming gowns, being the admtrataos of all judges of loveliness. Th. re were eine thirty denote uo the program, end it woe past the wen sae hour ween the best was called When the final bar was played. the assembly dispersed but before departure the gussets viers lavish in then. Meals to those who had prov,ded such an enjoyable eveo- tnr's entertainment, As t..forr mentioned, tM drawee were lotaly, 041 the tall room sae generally w crowded that It was hard- ly possible to not• each ',perste 0eetume, or Us feet, to see soca body in attswdance. Among those present we nouoed the pretty centime of black elk and chiffon worn by Mn Dudley Holmes, and Mrs. Frank N.ftel s gown of white silk. Mrs 1). McCormick'. costume was • bleak silk; Ars Kamer wore • silk of pink and srew; Mrs Forte • black silk with grebe and belio- 'rope gauze bodice: Mrs W. A. Rhyme black and mauve; Mrs M.rtio • gown of block sad amber: Mrs Miller Mack and white silk : Mrs Armour pale blue : Mrs Walsh cream and red; Mies Nicholson blue silk: Mees Lawrence yellow taus; Mw. .loete ribassee pink atm; Mies K Ball black silk and law: Maes Sklmm'ogs, bled& and tallow ; Mie' Weldon, of Chatham, white Seise merlin ; Miss May Doyle, white silk : Miss Gram Polley, Nile green end whirs chiffon ; Mus. Helen Polley, yellow retie ; Miss Helen Doyle, white silk ; Mies Flag - once Hell. cream .-repro and blue ; Miss Neftel, Dream folk ; Mies Nein, black and pink silk ; Mies Nina Strachan, yellow propos : Miss Mideomeon. black and pink : Mie' 4.es,eilow silk ; MIs McIntosh, hlue °repo° ; Mtee (:oetw, pink silk ; Maes Crewe. blue silk ; Mies Pear: Wyss. green silk ; Mw D•ncey, pick silk. 1 he large number of guests were well looked after by the ushers and stewards. Weirs. Denham, .1. 1 My le. C. Darrow, I). JnhnKee, C. Shannon, F L.wr.sce, S. M.Icomeoa, (' Shepherd and Doctors Hunter and Thompson. Tb. lady patron - tome, wary of whom graced the proosedioga with their preeeno., included Mrs. Dudley Animas, Mrs. F. N.fr.l, Mrs. R. L. Doyle, Mn. Nairn, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. W. J. R. Holmes, Mn. lewresos, Mrs. M•loomson, Mra I. R, Shannon, Mrs. Jas. Shephard and Mrs. Reynolds. LEEBURN. Molto*T, Jan. 11 Oar townsman James Taylor has semis returned to .naioipal affairs, after .n ab- sence of several years, as • councillor for Colborne. Acuery AoAtii.-Onr jorlol towosnisa, boseph Tomptss, wbo recently .net with an accident in the woods near Carlow. s heavy Ing roltling os and meshing his lag. whiob has laid him up 13r some weeks, is now able to be .boat again with a stoat staff to help pedestrian motion. Voting hare on deotloe day pawed off pleasantly, the voters having • oordial greeting with • happy New Veer for one another. It is rumored that the lodge goat was removed for the day in the early dawn of the tnoratsa. and there beteg se losger any terror of sorpriswhile marking the X 'whited the esrtais. sot a ballot was needed for the musty osesdllers. Mr. Halt's is- t.re.te were weaned by D. (:..mugs, of Dunlop. amd these of Mr. Mel.sas by J. Book, of Sanford. R IA. The other day •t the temperance h11 six person were stated es en beech, end, straws to relate, they were e 11 soma Joseph. 0.. is noted far and wide se an .etartnining bast ; No. two boo established a legal fame as a polittefas : the third has few pews with saw sed are : the fourth is we11 known as $ thresher ; the fifth is knows as • dealer is hens nodules. sad the sixth M expected at mese future day to he a bright legal lsmisary. If the Ifentle.be's onto did sot mostly imitate test of their na.nesek• of old, it is probable that se biz men 1n the p•tri. eh's •1.e weld be found whose callings world be mere widely divergost. NILE. Tvt.nay. Jae. 12 C. rt, (Bawls has Mete H SWIM Csliege, MIn Maras Pawned went Randy M I. Oirvds'e. Rev. J. W. Prue sad Miss J.shis are beldiy, epeeist envies at Eheaseer. Miss Miasrws 11ai1ie le waiting rsJNiwm at Lee Aagelsa. f\.1. Mrs. S..1 Pentland preashed w fleniy a4 Nike tea well -Ahad heaoo. Rha is & a)re wslse.s M NO. It is ear palaful deky to .hreedels tae link et Mi. Agus. Monww wide& Seek rase se er.aay, the 11th ieas. Deanna wen barn is Lang Weed. is the toweehipef Obw.eeeeia the amen of Jasemry, 1861. Ise same Se He Sew..Y4 el 0.Iberws ablest tweive yam sea. Oho Wes eke ye us n- ine wartn its esaanllbe w11& lees amok blab bus. ie@.dlw wilts the ahILJ mita► 5400.11 organized, as s ►..ober .est FA It 11 ERS 1 N SESSION. e1 t5. ume 56• was •bo s ..nabs of the Women's M,esionary Society sod an Active -- member of the Kenneth League. Toe re epeot no Mob ••." was held ease manifested by the very i . 1e number of people wbo attended tb• opera' . the Woman's Mir siooary Soo. :y attended u • body. The renews were taken to the stimuli. The funeral sermon was pre. -5..' by Rev J N Prteg, he tett beiuy from Rev. 7: 1517 As might be expected, it was a eery sole.. occasion. The °burets wee filled to the doors, many Dot befog •hie Lo gain admit mom. The pall bearer. were taken from tM `lueid•y school sod vers as lo,b,,ws : John D1.u,w. Wm. Beale, Charles Gtrvio• it , K• Cert M, Llw.on. Samuel Sheppard, .1a• Cavils. 1 It aged parents, and her brothers.u1 esters have the sympathy of the entire community in thea? bereave- ment. UUNGANNON. Names.- The kcal stream to Uuw•o• (.eras buttat is at the *See a J. a. Ward, J.1 . conteyaooec, kc.. who will receive or. don for •nb--i:+Hone. advert'edag and inn wort. and IS .,th'reed to give neoe.pts for amounts paid for the sane. TI-@itbA1, Jan. 3 '1b •11 •pp eraoces N lour has fairly on In. Ke presume the .u:.•rs.ful candid•ts in the county sod municipal elect oos are quite jubilant in their •iemess. .1..I AL MtiTts.. The annual meeting of Erekme church ouogreg•tiun will be belt to Inv church nu Monday, the 18th, can• monocle at 2 o'clock. Peosi.val.e. -- Lovertoe Augustine, of Pert Huron. and formerly of .lshbeld, is at the bomeeteed, venting his parent. .nd other relatives. Misses MrK.y. and F Crawford, of 1)ungenoon, and Mese Harris, of ('ransford, Aehbeld, who spent the vacs- tlos with their relatives here. Tett on Moe - West Huron Institute Meeting' m else antherlea el We Geed roper. ea Tinsels Tapir. a Very Fleece..fel r.trelei& nen- lee .a 44rder.4., "' }:ST Huron Fanners Institute meet,ng wee held at Dungannon on January PA and 7th. The first order of bwtneee was the •ppolnttng ..f the !onetime com- mittee to reoeive members : (' Girvm. Joe. M.11uugb, Thos. Durum, K Andersen. Jno. Hewers. After . court address by toe presi- dent. T McMillan, Se.lorth, gave • paper on •• Weeding and Feeding ail Heavy Draught Burns. He said to pert : Always breed io • straight hen. First ret • well bred wan ; oe sure to vee one of good size, with good Int and • good tl.t hone and silky hair. Have the ce.ts .ume un tn• gres,work the mum ..:, within • few ditto of foaling. Give mares Iota ot .sercw and never allow foal to he on damp crouol • colt man be ✓ aised till tour years oat for Ebb.. otter that they will pay for their keep (tate and bran ars goon teed for horses, with swage when Dot working. tt, 8. Fraser, of Bradford, gave • paler es "Sheep Raising tor Profit.' Von get. aid the speaker. two returns • year from your sheep, • °rep of wool and • crop of Iambs Wean the Iamb not Tater than the let of September Feed the Iamh• off raps. Keep your ewes in good ooidtuos is RENEWALS FCR 1897. We take this opportunity to thank those of our subscribers who have renewed their subscription to " The Signal " for 1897. There are still some twelve or fifteen hundred whom we would ' like to h:ar from, and we hope they will square themselves for the ensuing year at the earliest possible op- portunity. It requires money -and lots of it -to run a country newspaper successfully, and we want 1897 to be the most successful year of " The Signal's " existence. We know that times have been hard, but a thousand men can more easily send in a dollar each to " The Signal" than " The Sig- nal " can afford to do without the thousand dollars. The moral of this comparison lies in the application. Help along the application by renewing your subscrip.ion without waiting for more snow to come. Now is the time to subscribe. day morning to resume their studies is the Arte College at St. Thomas. &lomat.mention sod credit are den to Misses 04*.e Crawford end Lele &a- theism for the eseeliest rendering of two dente, and for the seesaw in wbaob Mies Olive Crawford saeipnl•ted the sign at the institute se001144 Friday last. Miss Mary Pentland recited '• Sandy Me- Lsghlinf l'ourtehio" in • style that bro.gbt down the boas.. "John Brown" was well resited by FA. )towers, and de- serves .penial mention. A report of the mooting appears elsewhere in um www. Ffitgr Sevedott. - The moueip•1 oon0otl of West Wawsaoeb met in the ragalar place last week. The follewug gent lsmsa awn sees the oon.oil the year : Messrs. Look - hent, forester reeve, R. Medd, former deputy refs, oossoillere Wm. Cameros .ed wow Plaskett : or o4ller J. Webs air, owiner he an &widest whioti 5.1011 his reosetly, wen u sable te attend. The lellow.g are the .seers 14p/dated for the meets( herrn i• 1897: (,'{oak, creasers, senescr, sad ear. - taker of township hall, ISs same gsstlsses es last year : sedition ef mMtdp.J neonate el 1896, J. B. Wstberbsad unwonted by ssnaeil, sad James Young. et Mesieksst.r, appbted by the reeve. After the tenon - ties of ether mmilespel 5.01...., the ins- til ad}oarsed be mese again is the same plass es Feb. 6th. All ustnid taxes for 1896 are M be paid es or Were the Weill day ef Jtee.er,. Ilepaiter : J. D. OVeesell, who for sev- eral nes has Riled the weenies of kook • keeper for Mama Reid & Wines. herd - wars .netdasee, of this tows left Mislay Ise, M Ood.rMh, to lake the poo.Nw of Meet he registrar, Se whisk be s b....p- , ks.4, ile% Wessell 1 • steady, .lever �oaa� m.., who e•reed the reap -ns sed sseiieaee eN enly re hes lass employers, bat of the .wein eemms.iry. sad he will, we w eeeny leit5felly •ad .Alm•atly Ni the gm: �!�"` b wblslt he Hes bars aw.M.d M Meety w }tyle- f♦ouk the Fall, sever be landed with loot tame • Iamb sed • heli on the average, Peter McKenzie gave a paper es "Weeds ' sod How to Destroy Them." 5 good ra- ses why weeds should he destroyed was be- cause they take • lot of subetenm uat of the soil. There are three °ken411 of wesd- aa.lal, baoisl, Ingenut•l Plow your Wad early she.. harvest and matinee o.lti nuns till Isle in the Fell ; thee plow deep. The last thing was never to allow weeds to seed. Jos. Johnsen gave an ezeollest paper an •• How to (.osstrnot and Maintain Good Roads." H• believed the p.thrnaster eye - torn was the best and obeapnet. IVB IN, sltm5n. There bras • Frost gathering at the eves- isg westing. the large hall hong packed. The obair was 000upi.d by Pr sideet who peeved himself to he an •zcallent pre- sidium officer. 1) t, Camerae, of Lacknow, delivered • well thought out and lwtraotive address oe " Public Lebrnrise," and ave In- so.troveruble reasons -wby the people g enerally shosld b•eosee eseoot.ted with the metastases wherever possihl•. H• al- as paid • high tribute b the progress that bad team Stade by the Dungannon library, sixes me ieoeptins. After • *spiral ma.ioel ..lashes by the local orchestras W. 8. Fraser sea• an edifyies address on " Rat- ter M.ki./ es the Ferm,' showing whereto the prelim ley, sed where Ins. (mild be &wedded. This wee 1e11•wsd by seethe, sd•embs from the enhance sed ea min - mining duets, well rendered by ludo Messes Crawford and Andersen. A womb by h. Mo(ldlloeddy es Farm ide vs. (lay Life," was seat en the sregr.m, sad ter was leerily appb.dsd es he before the ..4..... the varies@ pekoe et entreat. The claim address win dotter -5d by T McMullan ss •' Fars IAN sed its C•editiess," and fell joules wee ' dens te the emblem by the stele epekar,wieo Amer teeny reedits from his bearers. The ms,ls•1 4 ether platform enrolees whits wene banished by the len/ saaage.et wenn el the book sed i• oddities be these 1. .. .•ii: lc already mo•t,owd Mies Cottle, Moe Poet- ised, Mee bevies, MIN Hines, M..Ier Rower. and the little girls Crawford obi Anderson, on their eeuxed •ppearanes, 0.70 admirable e.l•ct.00e .LC11%0 DAT. •' Hoe remise,' by W S. Fraser, was the first paper. Mies seelsoung • sow, stet one orb • good loog body. Never keep a pag longer than sir smooths Get them to womb 180 pond. Never keep • sow unless ohs sill rum from 10 to 12 puts Feel yoga( pigs middlings, and bran barley is good iced for growing pigs. Run the Spring litter os clover, and always keep oh.rco•l before your pigs. „ Cultivation of the Soil ' sos treated by T. ktcM,l:an Thorough underdraining u O eweesry te euoc,esful cultivation. He,. • rotation system ('Inver first. nett corn and roots or peas, third Conry and oats, and seed down. "Wv must grow more clover to keep our lend in •' ,food .tate of cultrt-• turn.' was one of the •tateu.rnts made by the .peeks►. After dinner, E Heaton read a o.relully preparedpap t 00 " . ol.wi7 10100 of Farm ors' Sons " 'rhe pipet was endorsed ny the meeting, end a re.nlut.00, moved by .1. Hower., seconded by ('heti Carvin, jr , that it b- .u,mrttw to the Sip..rmte .Mat "f lo - 'motto, with the r.cornmen.l.uon that he would use his influence to have the question brow. ht before other I.,sti,uter fur discus - •inn "ss un.oimou.t_y peso.) 51,-1). Allan gave a fine.ddress no '• The resron we h.•, Dot had • better return for our frust Toe paper, which f.rought out • large number of poeticise stitch were u stiefactonli ans•ete.I by Mr. Allan, clewed • very saooemlul meson, C Waal' laT..s. He&, TOWN COUNCIL. The statuary meeting of the town monad was held or Mond..., 11 t ti Pretest -Mayor Shannon, Reeve lintel foot Ilspuey.reeve Tnoetpv..n, 2,4 Deputy 1). Ho mm• and Councillor. Goode, l'•.Iwell, Tweedy, Nairn, Wi6.on, Martin, Dunlop, Nicholson, Jae A. Reid, l'anteloo, I'raigr., and Tho. Neftel The mirk having stated to the council that .11 the members had eirned the usual declaration the buineu was proceeded with Moved by It.•eve Proudfont, seconded by J. Cr.ig,e, that the nuking committee be composed as follows : Thomp.no, Nichol- son• the mayor, N&,rn, Proodfoot. Moved in amendment by I :no le, seconded by Tweedy, that Nairn, Naf•.l, Dunlop, Reid end N•chnheon he the striking com- mittee The amendment was lost on the following vote. Ayes-.11oode, Tweedy, Netted, Reid, N toholenn. Nay. Prnodfoot, Nairn, ('reigie, M.r- tin. Colwell. Wilson, Dunlop. Thompson. The motion was th.o armed on the vote reversed, with Nichol+on voting for the mo- tion The committee then r• -tired •.-.d after s short interval returned and promoted abs following. Cemetery --- Martin, Holmes, Tweedy, Caa.elon, Wilson Fleeces- Reid , Wilroo, 1•roudtoot ,Nairn, (:ends, ('hart of Kevi•iop-Dunlop, Holmes, Col- well. Cantelnn, ('raigie. Fin -(foods, Martin, Thompoen, ,X•irn, Tweedy. Harbor-- Nicholson, ('r.igie, I'roaifnot , Reid, Colwell. M.rkst--Neftel, Cantelos, Dunlop, Wil- son, Holmes Relief -Mayor, Martin, Ilunlop, Canto - Ion. Tweedy. Pewee Werke-Th.nn,»on, l'rnodfoot, Colwell, Castellon, Nairn, Neftel, Reid. W •ter and Light- Pr'•adfoot, Thompson, Nicholson, floods, (.ntelon. Special -Wilson, Nairn. Nicholson, Dun- lop. Craslgis, Holmes, Thompson, Reid, Neftel The report was adopted. The tint sanded member on each oommitter being ohairmae. Moved by Nicholeon,seoonded by ('raigi«, Hutt H. W. Rall be auditor Carried. Ilia Worship Mayor Shannon appointed W. R. Robertson. The bylaw appointing auditors was read *Minimal number of times and passed. A trim ht- the reeve, ssonnd.d by '1 hen. 41,81, that the regular meetings he held the first sod thirst bnd•ye of each month, beelike h.en carried, the 0000011 .4 jimmied. A RECORD BatEAKER. ever Tweatydse TM weaned Ile beer liras la rte nay.. By the official figures, irefully •odtted, we me that Ike Family Herald and Weekly Sts., of Montreal, received over twenty nee theeeand subscribers in twenty eight days It fa evidence of wonderful popularity and we dare say there is uet a weekly newspaper in America that ,an .how such a record. Here are the figures by days as officially elves and vesoned ler Rehear ptinw by Mail Tasdey, Dee. 1 . 3.37 Wednesday, lyse. 2 447 Thursday, hes. 3 4448 Friday. Dee. 4 6215 S.terdy, Dei. 5 520 Mmid a•, Dem 7. 968 Tuesday, Dee. 8 450 Wednesday, Doe. 9 704 Thursday, hen. 10 630 Friday, Dee 11 702 Saturday, Dee. 12 675 Monday, Dee. 14 1161 Tuesday, 0... 15 434 Wednesday, Dee. 16 808 Th.r•d.y, Ike. 17 734 Friday, Ikea 18 737 Saturday. 1)•.e. 19 739 Meuday. Dee 21 1231 Tuesday, Ike. 72 487 Wednesday, Dee, 237110 Thursday, ileo. 94 R68 Saturday, Dee 96 1176 Moseley, Dee 2R 997 Tweedav, Dee 29 5418 Wednesday, Des. 30 966 Tbersday, Dna Al 1004 M•tsrday, Jan. 2 1600 110.4.y, Jaw 4 1690 Re debt this pheaeneeaal enema is ees- e..sted ter by the weed..f.l rale* ef the Family ReraW and 4'e beautiful premium *here " The Orphee'e Prayer." OVER THEHURON TRACT. ITh a front the Local Mill. • WOW/ Mari el feasty Sews served i y M MM everybody - ruts wed reins1 hoses! sad t'••deeue4 Ire. Lvert serltes. ( Li NTUN ,Itte. S.,at., l,arrieten wee oal•ed to East Oxford, on Moody, ow- ing to the death of toe mother, in her 82nd year. Blyth • Maw Annie Rea left oD'aturday for Glencoe, where she has secured • poor 11us as teacher in the Public sohool of that tows. Brussels H S. lbekeoo, of Crystal, N. I).kota, formee erly of Iirueis,.o4 Edith M. Wngnt were uu,tel m matnmuoy oo Itoo- .111011b /t iu•eom .lueeph Foment, of quo- Appehe, Are ie au (000 vlattue h1. bro- ther 11 in Fe Bent. .I. 1.01.0• tees been. sway toe 14 years. ('I mon . l ne entire tamely of .1•tho Scott, of t'nicego, Live In number, are laid up with dephiherle. Mr `t_ott t. •o ; I l-Iintouisa. being the 010 -to law of 1' • •4th. Bayfield litytieid w:;; .n be out of darkness into ligut. A t.' . electric light plant hes ben put in Mr. I'ooaldson • mill, and the light is expecte.) to shone tut. week, Klyth : J. Sims left of lucidity fur 0e - IM0i1, Michiga, where he will take .apee- 151 cnnrm in the Department of 1'e'erinery Tesrgery at the Detroit ('ollego of \,.brit°. W,Ogh.tu : No longer will the firm °erne of the 1Vinghern furniture meson be Thos. Beal: hereafter It will be Thom 41.44 & Sot. 11. (I. Holl hsing now a partner an the bovi- ne.. Loodeeboro Koht Scott, of the 13th non , mu called to i.alt on .00.001 of the (death of he stator, Mrs .lrchimbran, and brought the body up o0 Thursday for inter- ment in the ('uoningham cemetery. Winghsm : sir and sirs. 11'm Giles, of Dakotas -are v:.ur.ng with Mrs. (;t1.'.' sorter, Mrs. ('ole, and Mr anti Mrs..1.mee I:ides, also of ilakota, are isitini( •t Mrs. (ales' mother, Mrs. Hawthorne, of ,.ower Wing - ham. Krnmiller : A very sad event occurred o0 -Tuesday, 5th inst.. at the home of K.cherd Aldo, when his mother, Mrs. Ei.rebeth Ailun, departed this life. She was an old and much respected resident o this vicin- ity Sne leaves sox sons and three daugh- ters to mourn their Mea Clinton . Victor }tench, loon of Mr French, of the Rms. 01 Refuge, who has been foreman of the \Inchell Recorder for some time, has viv.n up his poet sun -tad will attend • hueinme censer., where he purposes teKlor up shortaand, pr.p.rat.•ry to rng,.,inp in business for normal! Boden. h Tp. (; Simon.. of (:ntlerich, W rented his farm. let 12. Httytlrtd ono , t.0 Mr. Williamson. He is the manager of Sir. Polley .• l'.rg. farm neer '.od ch, and is said to be • very good men He has takes it for • term of years at • fur rent. He has men'ged \1r. I'olley's farm very ono - easefully for the last sir veers. Seal ort h W. M. Grey who was nor nor• thy m.vor at the time of the visit of Lord Aberdeen last year, received from his Ex• celleocy on Saturday, • gold locket as a souvenir of his yen• pleasant but brief visit to Seatorth, when on his ( interne tour. The locket is • very handsome one. and is high- ly prized by Mr. (.ray, who ouch spired. atee the kindly gift.- Winghom Last week it wee announced is these columns that Sam. }laxity, of Palm ereton, was very Mw with typhoid fever, and that hu aunt, Mrs. .1. Flesty, had gone to name him. This week it is our painful duty to have to record his death, which took place on Monday morning, .Isnuory 4th, at 9:30 o'clock. Demeaned had just reached the prime of his young manhood, haying mlehrated his thirtieth anniversary on Nov. 15th last He was buried in his wedding suit, whish odds very much to the maness of the event The remains 'tears brought to Wingham, where the l'. 0. F. brethren took charge of the funeral. THE COLLEGIATE INSTIL UTE. aepert N Ls.t 5.guler Meeting Tar 1»- 0•..41 *.*cess■t. A meeting of trustees was held on Then - day afternoon to the secretary's office. .11 the members present *inept sludge Doyle wed Mr. Jordan. Two small •(ooaste were peeped and some minor routine business tramiected. The annual report which is he be tr.nsmitted to the E4no•tion Depart- ment was read, and oowidsred u • very favorable showing. The boil number of moil. on the roll in 1896 was 230 --boys 113, girls 12c, Gm number tram other muni- cipalities in this nutty not incluse) In the A. V. district being 86 The school was epee 196 deys and the average daily.tte.ad- anee was 136 (1f these leaving the school 10 entered mercantile life, 5 took op seri. oaken. 5 the lemma.] profssmoss,26 nose* teachers .ed 28 left for other occupations. The Are.soi.l statement is : Rrrebrm. Balance from 1896. . 41258 64 Dent.Government Ort, 1846.96.... 1109 92 Monloipal grant, (Canty, 18961901 72 " Tows, e' sass 1800 01.1 From Fses 1119 75 From not;hen eeures .. _ . - . , - 954 00 .7443 ire ravat!r7e, Mestere' Salaries 46375 00 Repairs, stet 72 80 Library 13 37 Maps, apparels.", .teas .. 12 93 Peeks, stationary, feel, sale 443 70 Refaeos on basil.. 1476 13 97443 93 T1w egleers of (ledsrtek ('oemell Ne ISR, C 0 F . w111 he installed at the regular seethe is HelAoe'. IlsY We alweedley) r,. 3_ .-_