HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-7, Page 5NEW AC VSRTit•[MENTS - JAN. a 1(In Roma Relate --Folioed & Co. 7 Alit Old Thine Hand...e al.yolo sad Yeeedry Co. 7 I7.r yvmere Jae. Wilms .. , b After Christmas Agitation -Jas. RAM - ea 4 Arrnel Yeetigl-J. M. R. srb 4 the Ready -D. IL. Strseh.s. . b Home for Sale -I. U. Fishes b Hettioiltaral Meesiag-Was. linob West Berle ARL Me.siag-.Js. 11Neh- b . 11.. Head Rao. K.•.CsOpals.-Riaia Opsg BORN RDW ARnb-la Toronto. oat the Mk alt.. the "Woof Ohm. !Edwards of a daughter. NICHOLSON ')a Deo. lith. •t No. 1i (ilea ay... Duluth. that wife of Frank Ni of • daughter. DIED. COLW)RKS-la Ooderich. se Friday, J14.1: t. Mr, WIKam Ambrose Colborne. wed Si years .ad • months. MORROW -At Nils ea Sunder,January food. Agnes ]I.rrew, ,laughter of Richard Mor- row, aged 4S years and 11 moat!.. LOCKWOOD-At Amaent. N. 8.. on •n. Ind. ort of 0. I.00her lath kwood. Hank of Mos - MARRIED. 1ILLId8-SMITH Os the 304 of December. at fit. OeorT.'• church. 0odertoh. by Rev. Mark Turnbull Hattie C.. daughterof of t late it. Hs . 8mltb• to Clarice W. Louden. CRAIG! K-BAK'ER in O o .rich. u the mak dame of the brides p eta, os Dec. 30th. by Rev Dr. Ure, Robert ('rolgte, to Hesrl- etta B.ker.• dam daughter Of oho Baker. both of tewa. HOWYWr-ACH:HON-At t • tridents of the bride's te her. on Deo. l•) Rev. J. K. Howell, father of the groom, assisted by rine J. 'Edge, Mies S•rat Acbo ne daae gi- tee of Robert Acheson. Rai.. of God.rIM tewaahiyp. to Dir. Albert Howell. of Midd- ies. U.IL FHB TALI' OF THE TOWN. From tall Reporter's Notebook. tl t..•'. a Mite la:. mer Comte. 1 rets We tet le 1 a Gal's Aiming We Takla' 1ts/ee, an' Ia1ek Nell 'remit It.'-Nrsa. A photo by SALLOWS 1. Nature's best pic- ture newly drawn, which time sed mach hand/tag wi.l neither dim or deface. •' Show r.rpect towards all in wham meaty you mat find yourself. To be lndilt.rest to whet others may think of us. is not Dole arra n ano.. bat • tort dulness of ell modesty." Cicero, Show and :retain respect by dresisr well at RLDHAM'e. on, Hors. Or Rsrt•us --Constable Tho.. Ott.dry lett by the 2:30 train on Wed.s.d.y having in charge Footsie Brindley, who had hmonoommitted to the Howe ot Refuge. &moot- Dimas roe Bi.rrr.-O. Friday the Organ factory chipped • large number et school desks to the village of Blyth. to be placed in the Public soheel of that burg. KNrrrtutilAcrosy.-Tbe knitting fac- tory oommeoosl operations ague this week after the holiday.. and there are r - dors enough on bend to keep tt miming for some time. A:r.t•Ai. M..Ttw.-The monad district meeting of the Royal Templar. of Te..- ,)sr.00s of the ('aunty of Huron will (1) V. ) be held at Versa on Tuesday, January 19114 1897, oommencieg at 10 o'olook A W. Orr RtADy rug THUG 1•-x HAKYC+T.--D. K Sts•ohoo has .hipped four of hit we plows so far this nmsoo,00e to Rainy River, mite to Ottawa, one to the Salt and one to Nora Bootie. (leder. for ice plows should he placed moms. It Ramemscasb. -Mayor !Ihanno., Prosi- est Clarke, A. Mall. Allan and others whom His Exoellwoy, the Governor General met when in town some three ausIlia solos have teceiyed from 04. Lord• skip and the Countess Aberdeen pretty New Year's cards. Tn. K mei I N4119 5 Co. -Tbe K.oeiagton Fanner. Cempsay started again on Mem Bhp .far being aimed for one week, and is . ow running fall time. Tbe principal rte - . os for closing down was to allow the too ploy.es who cisme from London • chance to r. -visit the old city. Alrtreat Srrrem. -Liverpool Lodge, No. 140, R.O.E. will hold their annual .upper at Bro. Geo Hatton'. hotel, Hamilton -et., en the seeming of Thursday, Jan. 14th. Tick- ets for the supper may he nbt.ioed from the foll'iwieg onsite.: A. B. Corall, W. Y. Knights, Fred Pion. Tull Ase Sturso --Os Saturday the Ooderich ()roan Comp•sy pat the aim mate le the .osier depmrtmena of the Ward . eboo1.. The stew os.. will be much ap- preoi•te3 by the little ones who have for years sat m benohes that were neither comfortable nor dames Madam Sons or Rvoi.A.n. -Tee Sees of 0.rktmil at am leaf regular meetfsg dossed the fol- lowing officers for the year 1897: Pest Pros, R. Warrington ; Pre., A. 8. Cerlarll ; Vies Pres., Cleo. Pets ; IMoy.. A. Dymteek ; THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 1R8i Tres.. "' The. Jarvis ; (.bsplal.. Wo. W..11k .Id; Cominitttss, Wvo. Orwi•, Heuer A. Hart ; laser (Mard, C. Symms& i Osier Guard. J. Pregame ; Grua Ledge Delegia .. Wm Wakebold. Theo. Jarvis. Houoar Taimeso,-Tee psenier tef- & at the (head Trak depot for the day swam was w largest is the Watery elf the Iowa Is every elms there was n m ormass, particularly einem stadium atte.d- isI the Collegiate sod marohentee who led remedy eons to town to work la oar hides - trial «tablMhmest. Sr. P. ma's. - There was estMe at St Peter'. on New Year's U•y, and is the morntsg there was • large OnerregatMu. Rev Father Wee whets wdres0.g those presser. recommended total ebastine from intosioente during the day. The mases terries was exoelleot, .Date of the .tnging t.eiug espeolally seem. (',O Y. At the last regular maSIng of (;oderiob, N. 32, (.a'gai'n Order of Fer.:st.re, the followisp elbows were elms - ed • .1.C. Martin, C.R.; R.J. Clark, V C,R W. Lane, trees ; W. MoCrsath, tin.•ese.; W. M ('reath, ria -see.; R. Reioh•rd,ohap ; .1. Sharma., N.W.; Y. Hesdereoo. J. W.; J. Roberson... B. ; T. Kate, J. K. Fug. 1897. -At rh: regular ese.tiig of (,oderich cannel No. 157, C. 0. C. F. last Thursday evening the follewisg were elect- ed officers for 1897. C. C., A. W. Roes ; V. C., Andrew i)uU; areae., A. Farrow : Rea, H. W. 8.11 ; marshal. Jas. Hays wardes, W m. Mot,lare ; guard, M. Carl audit oommittes. Asdrew Dui, Wm. Ma- nure. TH. WuoDtI.N or Tee WORI.11.-At the last regular meeting (;odorioh (.mp elected the following, otfioors for 1897 Consul com- mander. Joho Armour : lieut-advisor, K. K. Burkholder ; banker, H L Watson : ol•rk, A I). McLean ; moor(, J. J. McMath ; watebman, Robert Kerr ; sentry. Chas. Kleck.tce• ; ma.ytors, Jams Idiwbell, Rev. It M ,Kay and W. H. Webster. THST Neap Him -A. De Pendry, of the Organ faotOrV was presented with • New Year's rift in the shape of • silver mounted pipe It was •000mpanied by an •ldrses In whish the beet wisps of the employes •f the stohli.hment were espremed for the genial book keeper of the tirm. The tsti- mosisl w.. for the purpose of showing that 11r de P.sdry's many oeardrum to the stag were not forgotten. !tog rr1A'e !4..5.-I.vers•w ('amp, Y O.a, slimed *Mows as fellows for 1897 at last iseeiee : Chief, J. J. M0M•th ; chiefta-n, Gordon Ceuta, ; roe. wee., James Mitchell ; fin. sea., A. 1) McLean ; treasurer, A. 1'. Heiman ; t.arshsll, .lames Andrews : Mon- dvtrd bearer, John Howrio ; senior guard. Ales. Johnston ; junior guard, A Hender- son ; trustees. Thomas MoLua., A. Stralt- m sad James Stewart. New 11111104 CALLS. --although New Year's rolls .re said to be far from fasbioa- •ble now • days. the praetioe of seeing your friends on the 1st routines• in t.ndericb. Judged by the past Friday, it will be roan before fashion h000mes fashionable In this direction The only notable change from 1877 is that eoflm or tea is generally sub- stituted for the wines that at that time were m liberally served to all. A. 0. U. W. --At the regular sheeting of S1. -.Ie Leaf Lodge No. 27. A. O. 1. W., the ofSosn for the year 1897 were elected w follows : P. M. W., Hy. Morrie ; M. W., S. P. Halls , fore/nos, W. Holland ; over - user, Geo. Woods : rwawder, H. Reviler, 6nanofer, 1) Forenoon : renewer, E. R. Watson ; guide. Geo M. ('olltes : inside watchman, Jae. Sands ; outside watchman, ' i'. K. Hawkins ; representative to Grand Lodge, S. P. Halls ; alternate, W. R. Robertson. AN EARLY CAu. -The reotot of St. George's reostved • n ee age on Saturday tn- 'ermine him that Miss Eleanor Lootwood had departed this life n.1 her patents' reei• deem in Nov. Moeda. tt is nodentood that the deeoamd had been for some time saf- ferinr from a form of heart disease, but her many friends in Goderich never thought its attack wnold so .non call her to the other world. Mr and 1dr.. Lockwood hare mast friends hero who deeply sympathize with them in their treat hetuvmtent. 1tc.,KT.R. Crwrtr)ATaa,- Ad v los. has bees received from the ('oiled'Metes authorities at Washtngt.op that the oertifi- oats of veterinary surgeons appointed to inspect sheep and other ruminants destined for export to the United Sats for immediate daughter, will also be accepted in the ease of animals beim/ shipped to the United Stater for breeding purposes. Also that it is no longer necessary to obtain the Commie: neeifo.a required heretofore by the United Sate. authorities. AP"Re.'IAT.D IN (',.1.7O91. --The Clinton New Kra, in r.forri.g to the Oddfellowi oosoert, pays this tribute to • well-known and highly stsme.l young lade of this town : !lies Fisher, of Godorion,i. • charm- ietly sweet and pret'y lady on the MeV, and in two reoiattoo•-•• Moro.' by Byrom. sad " Th. Grand Romper Degree,' by Peek, she fairly captivated the audieso., and re- sponded to moors@ Her faeial glpresrate .od .stiess are good. and she won the Marie et all her hearers. Should she ap- pear here moan tee will be warmly received. Celtler tA. Thu -$1. Georgi'. S. 8. ("bristmas tree .stertaisusant this year, under the aorifoes of St. George's S,13., will be held in Motu.r's Opera Hoose on Friday, Jaw Bt►, 1867, sad will omelet of smirches Selling Off ! sad same, by tido ehildna, and tsslr.tae.t- .1 seiemew• and rwelt•t'-.. The paste - MUM of Tho Mistletoe Bough wW be pre - seated by special regimes. sad wW M Ne feature of the .ventag. The deers wW be ewes at 7 r t., sod the wtarl.temeel will eemaieaee et 7:30 .'.'look sharp. Lawsuit's: adult., Lbo., Malmo, 10o. All are oordi.11y iarlted. Rea Rau. BALL --Tee bees hall olub have erode arras/moots to have the imam' ball all the Hotel Redford o..8e evesiag of Tuesday seat, the 12 Is test. It wW doebe- lass 1e tate denim of the 5.550., as ea si- lkiest ooauitt s has bees appointed to make o.raauy arra.Krmwte,0d the mem- bore of the olub are all well aoy.aiated with what makes $ rood ball. We a.denta.d i.vitat ms ire base used, wed is ow any friends of the olub should be overlooked is the harry it would be well to ems the com- mit tee. Droite55a W.DDINt..--05 the 30th of lhrosmber then was • large pvbertng of -relative" sod friends .t the residuoe of Job. Baker, the oeonatoa being the m.rri- ats of his daughter, Heariette. to Robert Craigia, The bride wore • lovely dress of dove colored silk, with Dream silk lace end spangled trimming.. and her sister, Mamy, the bridesmaid, wore . pretty fawn costume with 'tangled trisamien. N m. McLean was best man. Dr. Ure, who tied the s.pti•1 knot, ales presided at the sumptu- I am selling off surplus stock and lines not s..rictly belonging to a Hardware store. These goods are to be Sacrificed. at any price that will close them out at once. Lamps Purses Silver Ware Fancy Plates Carpet Sweepers (amy two left) No reasonable bid faxed I ALEX. MOD. ALLEN. r SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WINTER GOODS FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. CHH ISTM :%S GOODS Aro all here uow. sad during the week we in lead to lot's, them .11 stranded. We here • particularly flee seer/ moot i. The Cost not considered when we want to reduce our stock. Drees Goods at Half Price. Underwear. Flannels, Blankets, tc., at lees than Men's All -Wool Frieze Ulst.ers from $4.00 up. Men's Suits from $$.00, Boys' Suits from $1.00 up. Hee our Goods and Prises, and compare our values with other stores. Manufacturers' Prices, prarn 1E8 MIRRORS and FANG, TOS GOODS JAMES A. REID. Pins CIGAR CA's gmOKiIRB' SL'NDRIE Jordan's block, 2:3rd Dec., 1896. one wedding fort that followed, and nude sense very happy remark• reg•rd.ot the family history. Mrs. Robsit ('rougie re- MERRY 'CHRISTMAS mired • very lame number of v.lusble and useful presentshappiness, and call attention to our lertuivlw.-New Era : "lt H with no .light feelings of'ratitede that we are able CHRISTMAS GIFT GOODS this week to ennnunce a favorable obangs in the ooadutan of the member. of our fam- ily who have been se ill for some time. TOILET CASES ALL rtTri --IT TINTO'S eILLITLOiD--LKATHttN---H UIH-a7C We would invRe 'weir person to look through mfr sock and see if the Ono 1. sou Pricer are not right We wish our patrons AA new stock of J. E. DAVIS, Ph.. a. The last nee taken i11, Sadie, . out of .11 danger. Tbe yo..geet one. Mary, who hes BeaUTll►Q6 C / tUT(i i ' S PERFUMES net lett bar bed for nearly five weeks, and .1 whom ooeditioo all that time has been ant - foal, has turned for the better end her 'med- ical attendant* have good bops that if her strength hold• oat for . noupla of week. Many other lines. The designs are new and pretty. Prices reasonable. leafier .he will recover. Only those who have passed through smiler exponent,' ms R e can suit you. You'are invited to call and look thew over. realize the'meotal strain under which labor has been performed, and the work of editing • paper, which bas been •xo.edingly dif- ficult for some time, become. o.oe ,tato joy and Daemon'." THE FRtr, y Shoot.. --On Friday Iia (;oderioh (►H•Hand R•fie ('lub bad • match. the Bids chose° and the score being as fol- lows : 100y Kiat 00ARil) HANDS AND ROUGH SKIN IN A, B. Davison. 40 F. Pretsv 34 0. Pennington 47 ALMOND and WITCH IIA%EL Ct;E:AAl W. Wallace. 34 Jas. Andrew' . 11 Copt Decimally. ..... 22 Druggist sad Optician. TOB MONT RKa'1NKU AND Ar ('.PTA11..a 0i corn FlNlt PHF 4EN'I'ATION PIPES 200y Total 23 - 63 29 - 63 15 - 62 17 - 51 6 - 17 13 - 35 291 35 - 65 19 - 56 17 - 58 2 - 41 1C - 34 W. C. GOOD E sEeresga Ilq°e4ti. NOTHING LIKE IT . _ Total W. Rouen. ...... 30 F. J. Neftel 37 1)r. Sb•n000 ... 41 J. Newoombe 39 C. Reid 24 J. S. Platt 27 8 - 35 Total 289 Horse or Rr,r.;s Nome -Clinton New Era : The Angel of heath entered the Home oe Meader night for the eleventh time, and took swat Mary Lucy, who came from near Klntail. Ashfield township. She was about 76 year. old, and among the first inmates of the H wee . . The officers take this opportunity of thanking Mr Holm - stead, of Seaforth for the valuable donation of excellent reeding matter which he for the .eoond time so kindly trent for the use of the inmates . . . The inmates were .ap- plied with an steeliest dinoer on ('hnstmas Day, whish tbev apparently enjoyed eery mods, but some were disappointed bemuse they could not oat more Mrs. Wall kindly visited the House on Christmas Day, and entertained the inmates with choice vocal and instrumental mesic, which was mnoh enjoyed. Jas. Young preached to the inmates on Sunday, is place of Mr. M llyrd. - AN ENT.RTAINw5NT.--The Masons of this district have arranged with the Bella Row Emilie ";eooert Cowpony to appear m the Victoria Olen Roos oe the evening of Friday, Jas. 15th, whish will on that 'mea- nie. give an excellent promos. Belle Roe. Kmeli. is the lady of whom tb. Sonteman oald : " Saunders Mo(;I..han'. Courtship kept the audience in the best of humor, the bread, reeky Scotch being free from • shadow of English, and delightful to boar.' Chas. Kelly, who is of the cowpanv, is thus @ rakes of by the Mail and Empire : " The interest that attached to hie reappeanoce brought muse• of his old admirers to the auditorium, end the hearty ..d prolonged applause that greeted ss.h number .hawed how folly be pommeled the hearts of hi. e ndemics" " Tbe Ottawa Free iwsos thus re- fers to Mia Hattie Kelly : " Her voioe i. .west and of delicate fibre, and t rtok..ed • soul ot music within. She MIA I 1 I ea pianist and as • performer on the m . olio. sad deserves another laurel lest • sweet singer. W. A. COL.osYs 19 DIA0.-Just before midright os New Year's Day. William /De- bra** Colberes, ere of oar best known mer - .best., mowed M the world beyond after m Ultimo of • week'. duntien. Up to the time of trades to hie bed he wee apparently in hte usual health, though it 1. said by . ems of his inter.►te friends that although not complaining he was stilling. A. fres,, however, as be was medically attended, hie o•os was put down ea serious, as be was mi. (featly enferieg from as tate/reel dims. that .'.Id atm he saaily diagnosed. Two days before death ma a oritlo•l oper•ttos was promised sod agreed to, but the oon- dillies of the patient grew worse and deaf. oasts. The fusers' took place on Sunday from Om residence .f 3. H. ('nlborne...d was very larpaly attended. Rev. ,1s Edge e f4ofatd as the hoses and the grave. alba elm pall bearers ware Memra Jas, 0rtber, W. T. Welsh, W. C. Geode. Tho. Mae- damson. wdarsott, W,Tllt sod Oce. Rinses. The d.- .s.mod gSNbsss was widely kaisers thr.waee.t Hare, 8f. kindly disposition barbed/ wads for him • hest of frl..da W soviet; --New Rau : Tee boon of Rehees Ageless°, es the 13th eon Gederieh uws.blp, was the .seen d • very happy and sumphiews meat sat Thmreday, Des, 31st. The essemie - wag the ..n4., of hi* dee/Ater, drr.h A., to Dr. A. 3. Howell, of Fairview., Mieh. The bride M set only m ero..dl.tgly poplar yeast lady, Nr. as ..ma..l17 ailsas., .nd by oatmeal .ad em eared green k emimentb Stud be preside over the ambled= of y baro : as motive. seams .nd .sleety. Aural: works, her ide has hoes • model ems, sod s her as. hems will be se lass as effective worker ler the Member them she has bees burs The garr.o.ovovo la the .m 014 nes el Rev. J. a Aowsil. d Adam. sad la • p,-' .a phy- i.ss lo a 10awisg Were l the bards utas. The emms.ey was se ere 'Week, ti the father el IM arms. ani.t- d by arm J. Yip sod O. W. Aea.wla Wig ors Adho.o...w. d the bride. and Will Erw.11, a a d fRens, heather of oras . dream, a id+Msat" and power Inas r.gmmY.mly. ?h. bride bad tpkwly *sakes s r w+trYrps ate w. 'ti. ds. Prepared and sold only by . The New Chemist. FOP mese or To Rost. rrO RENT -A PUithIANK0 Hul'SE. Apply to Mrs. R. 11.911MIL tat. tf GOO"ROc4K *OR SALE. 23, Trafalgar -et., *tory tad • half. 7 rooms. pastry. hail, rs,•odah, woodshed and ether convenuene•ea, furnace heated. All in that class condltl.., Will he sold cheap Yee further p.41ru4n apply to 1. 0. FI+HRR. Ooderich. Oot. 1 I m F. N. I) I rN I I A M PiitI. B. row.rit g ents.' Atter • weddtog conch they drove to the railrsy and took the train at once for their new home to the West. •midst the benedictions of • wide circle of friends, the least of whom is not the New F.r.. 1i'TALLeTION -At the eat regular mat- ing of Morning Stu Lodge Nu. 309. A. F ..d A.M. at Carlow there was • joint iastal- lariaa ot officers, Maitland Indra No. 33, baying joined with Morning Star for that purpose. P.1) 1 t 1: 11. J Book acted as installing oHioer,and in 4ote form placed the following in their reepectve chairs : Maitland Lodge No. 33 - W. W,. A. S. Choreal ; S. it., lm. Lasater ; J.W., M.O. Johnston ; chap., Tho. Backstop ; see , W. D Tye ;neo., W . A Rhyme : S.D., W. F. Clark ; J.D, D. Johnston; i G., Jas. Leonard ; D. of C , H. W 8.11: sen. -st'd, .Jas. Cr.igie : ir. -it'd, C. E. Heck : organist B. de Pendry : tyler, Janos Hays. Morning Star Lodge Noshes 105 - W. M., John W ilaoo ; Y. W., Ales. Rob- in -coos : J. W., A. Young : chap , Alex. Glenn ; treats.; Joe. Young ; secy.. Wm. Young : S. D., Waltham Johns .1 1).. W. T. Ferguson :.J. G., Wn.. liailte : 1). of ('., John Varcoe : So Std., A. McDonald : Jon. Std.. Hewn (;heirs : °realist, .1. P. Brown ; trier, .1 Grommet. .kt the oen- clusion of the ceremony the visiting breth- ren at down to an oyster •upper, R. W., Rro. Heck, pre.Iding. The spread kept up the reputation of Morning Sar as • provid- er of good things, and the addressee and D OORS that followed were of • most pleasing nature. 1)VATH Or MR T. F. Mit.Lta -There died .t W rnxeter, on the forenoon of Christ- mas day. the victim of • melancholy &col- dest deecrihed in these columns last week, Mr. Thos. F. Miller, whose sterling worth awl ehdeanng .io•Itties will ranee him to be long remembered The remotest hot one of tb. wren .telward sons of the late Richard Miler, of the town lire of Morns, deoo.eed was born no the farm of Fans, in Berkshire, Scotland, and came ont with his parent' whim they settled on what was afterwards the family heiestead in the pion- eering days ot the early fifties 411 this widely known and respwtted family, "Tom" Miller was not the least loved sad re - e moted m•tttbsr. Firm in his omvfo;tose and onnsrientions te • fault, be was ever found leaning his Influence to the side of amorality and rtrht, and in particular the mum of temperance found in him an tersest advocate and *Munch supporter. H.ouih • retiring disposition and oonrteew, even teeth. demteaer, bent • heart capable of truest sad endearing friendship, and these who knew him beet loved him most, 7 he very Large common. of friend■ end neigh- bors, stagy from ose.idarable dktaaos, who pthered at bit funeral, es Sudsy, the 27th Mast., testified not only te the widespread featly/ of sympathy with the relatives is the distressing o(reameanees of the fatality, bat also to the onanmiow .entlment of the cetmmity that • Rood tam had bees taken sway. He was laid to ret is the beryls* ground eess.oted with the Presbyterian .bnreh el whish he had long bass • ees.lo- test memher. Mr. Miller began KU as a w heel teacher, and at one time was the .Alel.nt secretary of the newish Farmer.' Mattel Fire Ineorasss O...p.sy. Usti' • short time .go be was erg.gd is utur . keeping, but disposed et his lesubmisan meant of the a ollselbton1 net mynas/ with ►k heath. is polities be wait an ardent Liberal H. was • amenher of Forst Lodes. A.T. .mil A.M , Ne. 162, bad had attained the rank .1 W. Y. He Waged a11t to tee Royal Are.... mid Amami Order d 3Jdted Workmen, la tee fervour el which hie life was is.srsd for 43,000. eel to tee labs for $2.000. He M.... • widow. issurly Mao MaMHa tll..U, NA few Andros, tee olden big twenty years d sea The sodden WARN away of iir. kf111ur at the reify aro .4 Vty years. east • eksi.w own tee Whelk osinnostty. red eoarsetd tee ChrMtmas balder treat a Ono of ley M a tins i one. - Reasoner. AIWA L. RAW. :mown fie w IV= • _ S THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT UiagaR7t. Jan. 6. ler. Fall Wheat Midi 0 WY to O a± Floor. family. par ewe.... 2 m to 2 M Fleur. palest., per cwt 1 25 to 2 :S llran,. to.„ ._. 11 00 to12 00 Shorts, . to. 12 se toll (kr. Oats, . heel ......:..........«.... 0 17 to n I. Pea... bosh .,...,. n TB ton :r.0 Old Hay. it ton.-.. ,. 7 m to s 1.0 Potatoes. w busk.. , .. 0 (5 to 0 30 Gotta, t, ti to 5 Is Wood fresh --p. 4 • dam..... 00 (5 to 0 6 00to 0 1 Alda. 1m to5ell Pelts P ill to 050 l.•tnb-8kia. .,-.6 0 in to 0 i:, Live Son 3 25 to 1 SO Dreamed Hors .. t OH to 1 se Rama. ........._.-_-. n 07 to 0 0 Ham, per lb.. ...,. O 10 to 0 11 Cheese. ser !h.... ...... .... .... 0 If to 0 11 TO ADVERTISERS. VOR SALE -LOTs '9 AND 70 L Hur• hlnwros survey in the Town of Ooderich, emits which 4. erected • nice dwell- ing house. Also lets number* 1. and 19 !itch's Survey. Ooderirh.:ontaininr 2 arras. upon which Is situated a romfortablr house. and there Lake • cowl orchard. Also the Kest half of the North half of lot Is. Lake Range Concession of the Township of Ashfield. Western dit-islota Dated ith Seteeinh•r. Apply to l'AMKIWN. HOLT A 11OLMKS, Ooderich. 55-11 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR MALE - situated in the wet hominess oro(» 1s Oodcri.-h. The property comprises twe dwellings. one well -.-quipped grocery odors. one up to date machine and blacksmith shop. Reason. for veiling. lack of railway accom- modation. ,'leer flop can be given. A mks - Aid chance ter the right ma.. Apply to 1). K. 4TRA('HAN es the premises. tR-tt . VA-LVARLE TUWN PROPRR'fV FOR RALE -The brick residents• orert.ekirg the river and lake form, rly a -copied by the late A. Mac licrmett rads, Master in Chancery. One of the most valuable and desirable pro- pertlee in town. 2. The two-storey frame dwelling house on south tercet tmmediotrl) adiotning the Sett- i.h Rt.-hange Ho'. I. •t trreent oicmpied by Ur. Andrew Weddell. '. Tl..• dwelling house and •dioining grounds near t1.e D. T. R. elation, formerly occupied by the late Judie. Toms. Prue* and sermon( ret mrnt roes namba ap- ply to O.IIIROM' A l'HOLDDFts1T 70-1f Solicitors, Uoderlch. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for change, most be left not later than Mon day noon. league' Advertisements accepted up to noon W o.lneed•v of each.week. Mixed Mall and improv... Nixed ]fall and Risme.... «..., r wam Mall and IOtpeas ce' Mail and Express. Mixed Traveling (luta.. Y1tANU TRUNKt0AtLWAt, Marra 10.'411.m. 1.37 p,m. 7.i0 p m. 10.3e p.m. '13 am CTO p.m. 3.35 am. auk Soda ' HORST: AND RIO FORBALE--Bn- qulre at tient. Mil Publs >Not1sts. HORTICULTURAL MRRTINO-TBR sanual atesting of the Ow' ' •at Horti- culturaltceriety will he held 1n the.. es cf the $.er►bry. in thereon Hooter. on th --eosins of tiieenesd•,. January lid, 107, at 730. for the parpo►e of re-r:ri. reports and Verlag el o eersmad directors. W. LANK, BwrN•rr. 3 Yt WRST HURON AGRiCULTURAI. SO - Maty, The simnel a.tetlap of ibe So okay will be held 1n the Town H•11. Ooderich. en Wednesday. issuery IA. 1307. r•omme.eleg at one o'clock, ►. r . ter roeetvlept the ..goal repor 1 beslseeelecting a ..d treeu.cting any Tk. attention of members is salad tothe f of lowing chane in the A it 4. Art. as •meadia at tate last steeloa of the Legislature 11 The members of each society may .t an- maoal meeting or at • epeeist ineoting of which two weeks previous notice has Men OVUM hl advertisement as In station 10 On stake. alter and repeal by laws and ramie - hose for the amoral management M the m- oiety subject 4 these by-naws and r.gnk- elots. the beard of director., .hall have full pnw3t to art for and in behalf of .00fetr. and all greets and other 1.nd. of the society shall be r.oeived and ex- psnded ander their dlrectio.. R.S.0.. 1t1s7. o. ■, es. If as. fly order .f tat• hoard. JAB KITCHEL1. Soo.tary. (8dslah. Jae. 1. OW. sit ANNUAL 1111ITING. Tlt. •ssu.l meeting efthe West Wawmd.h Mutual Fire Inennece compeer will le held 1. the Tow' Hall. Dammam.. en Wellies- day el...day the Nth day of January, A. 11. If87, at the hoar of see o'clock, r. as., when the direot- .r, mad s.dlter.' report• of the bum sees .f the (lssnpaay for the past year will bola Id he - fere the ameetl.g sad for the Mortis. of thaw INeeeses'. The Dressere wham terse of et 4ee thee empire .re (ibarW Olryf•, Req.. Jelin (Drilla, Ree and Joke H. Kemps, Kee-, all et whose w oniribie for re -Nogales. J. 11. 1W H0RT8. 8s..eary. Dareas-on. Dee, lo. (01 set MIE HAAT wern.C 15. tradela troltresteed to Hee. Parm..- A6EITS ent penises whole se pare Mom Mosel terms Ta. ma malts toe pr Mame with •s for ovary west no . roe 'eek. No .sp.A..ss sommarp. aims ear 01311 osattars, Oetlss.t.l $urwrtss. TORONTO. out. Now KaohIne Shops. VFW 31AC'HINKSHOPS-ALL K15118 A.1 of Rereir Work done at Reasonable Price.. Farming implement. for aide. Mach- inerynew and second hand. bowfin an.' .old. Knglt.rr and Roil' -e for role. ?land Rates' old wagon -hop, corner Victoria end Trafalgar titrcr'.. .1. R 1 XTRR Rl'Nt'1SIAN. n.-11 Loan and /laminae =f00/sty. If IS NOTWHA•, OC EARN. HUD WHAT YOU OA TR. MAKES YOU RICM. THK HURON AND BRUCK LOAN IN A'KBTMKNT CY)IiPANY SoucrmRa.-Cameron Holt and Holmes 1)zwwuTs. Interest (compound •very trig months at four per nest, per annum. on tome from one uoll•r upwards. Depositors will find It to their advantage to come and see un. 1.0•Ne - May he secured n.1 any time withoni delay on the srurtt) of approved desirable property. Ripeness moderate. Applloat1paa received by the Manager or solicitor*, The Company '• *Mem are located .,n North Street and Court Hoose Square .w,pce4t. Hutton SiuNAL °Mot. HOR ACK HORTON. J. 11. COLI'• /EN IL Hanauer. i'residens. Tonsorial Artist. FRITZI:LY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, • . Hot and cold barb* on premise.. flew fosming.shempooleg and every other require- ment carefnllt attended to, and none but corn pelmet hands employed. Williams' old sand. 00Lee0 • new block. nett door to HritlshPKt- .hammo Hotel. pitf Opera Ileum VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE MAY BE rented for .mall parties during the rem- ote Renter at reasonable rate.. lancing and refreshment soctmmndetlos. A. K. FF:RTK, Manager. 97 I m NOtte). SHORTY, AND 7201) 111.0171L- A limited Quantity of sheet. sad feed tsar for sale cheap at Ogilvie. A Hatcti.o.'s .111 at the harbor. CA.4H FOR L *SHIER - AT THE KEN. nngton for ere Co 1.td. Uoderich ELM. PA. WOOD. Ask. Their wareronme a to the public eau sad see their sew denims. 73-11 F. SMEETH'S - PLANING MILL - EARLDOOR AND RUED PACPORY, 1 take this opportunity leJr entitle that 1 am .1(11 In the twain'sNl tbtrt•nding .11 rumor. to the contrary. aaas..ddd •m Prepared be do .vert else. of work in my I've from m•klug s window trams to erecting . 5 -story building with mansard roof. 6timete• fnrnlehed trod competition Invited. The lawashing et bnIMlag tnaterlal, melt Y lath, dladls sal Intoner • nodality. V. 81100TH. Ooderlek.'J.iv ilk 1 FOR FARMERS .. . 3 lbs of Dr. Ree' Mork Powder for leo Ij IM of 1N. R.. Poultry Pwneeee (makes hese l.yt for.. 1 18ef Dr Ream' Leese kilter for Roma. ('u 4.-.PoaHry. Pig.. we.. taw ...... M nowPale PM.... Per treeorest to ere lle.sl free PSIS the .ad Illewwn's flateass 01114 Qsnl ark M Cowigh..nd outdo R%I i.&ON'H QRIBORIPTION WOKS. 1. 4 rtYS,,"i° " }Fir, » ,t. •