HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-1-7, Page 4NEWS TOPICS OVA WM *0(4 N THE SIGNAL : 3ODKRICH ONT. THURSDAY JAN 7. 1881. lite �igaxl, IS re.flliaem' EVERY' THURSDAY OR,HINO ST e. Mea1JJa7NT OMs •1 CubUoettos--$ and l0. North sweet Uode rtoh. Ontario. Terra el tiabseripallea 1 Ose smooth, In wives°, • 1 Tose• mouths.y • • • • i Ili: r.....,...... t Ono year. --•••••a tense .. Tear Label. Ther label 1. • standing reo•:pt of Ibe dam tq which you are paid op. Nes that it is not &[lowed to f.II late arrest, Wheat a change of ed.tnr 1. desired, woo tee old sad the sew address .hortd b.Elvas• dv t blas nate • Legal and other mimed adviest,•emest•, IOC .r line for Bret burn 11.P. and 1 °rota per 1i0 for s.rh subsequent Insertion. Measured by • sondem l reale. Busln.w. Dards of e1. 11ae• at 4 mater f11 per yeeeir. Adveatt.rwoats of Loci, Freund (rayed RP witness Vacant. N•le*tiose need and Business t'hao•s Wanted not eaosedl.R 1 Mao, nonpareil, (11 p r n. men. Omens on dale, leg R%r"I. on 4ate. sot to eared Ile .,. at for art m..n'h, vr, par ••.t* • •• gent month. Int.,:'' a.1.'• Ia pr.ip rtlo•. 1 ny .oreml notice. the obis • o: w' iv• is •o pr,m..te ti a pecuniary bonen% of may tell- v:dual or company, to ha °o•,miden•d a .d- verttsrment and charged ace°, In e1le i.ocal noto.ves In nonpareil typo Dae cent per word. no sot toes les than Sec. Local agleamla onoticerdinary torrdltype than two yk tents per word. Mottoes for churches and other religious and benevolent Institutions half rata, Subscriber who hli to receive THE Sumo. ✓ eeulerly by mall. will c inter a favor by ao- quslatlnlr or of the fact at as early an detests Possible. P.Mtalleri vlNlee. J. C. Le Touted. of (ioderieh, has been se piloted Loral Travelling .Agent for the towa- S1 ipo of th,deerioh. Colborne, A•hneld and Ws wanoah. Loral postmasters over the dl.,rlot are also empowered to coo. ve subscriptions to TUR tI11eR LL All oommualoattona mist be &Adrored' ) U MoOILLICCt1UY, stets ca e.s .0 r � olonitpaa'LO.t, eo110Y0B. THURSDAY. JAIL. 1. Ito. OUR CLUBBING RATES. TRE 8141.A1. wad (robe 01 60 THIS 81ONAI.and Advertiser 1 80 TRR't ,NAI. and Family weld 1 RO Tnr'h:'AI.and Montreal R'it.oeee1 75 8absoribe at ones and begin with the first member for 1897. LET US GET DOWN TO BUSINESS - AS our readers are well aware, (;orle- rich etas mi,dee fair progress in the last two years, and now that such amity appears to exist mong the members of our council, and the public have given them en unanimous endor.ation, we believe the time is ripe or a ur- tiller Movement towanis prosperity. With every shoulder to the wheel there is no reason why progress should not be note, and we feel assured that the ru•ayor and council during 1S97 will see to it that, so tar me they are cxmxirneul, there will be no retrograde movement It looks es if there would be an early session of the Dominion Parliament, and presently. we Are informed, the I Minister ..f Public Works wit! visit our town. Such being likel to be the case•, wou:d it ..ot be well for our mayor and council to secure *11 pos- sible dates regerlintg necessary harlor improve nton's rtc'elel for pr, septation to the Minister or to Parliament, see th:tt the best results might be attain - eel st the renins( pwaible moment. (iorlerie•h is a harbor of retuge, end as such Ills had some =60(1,000 ex- tended upon its breakwater an1d docks � since I'472. True, for some years the 1 harbor did not receive the attention from Ooternulent which it ought to' • have hail, lout that is no reason why every effort should not be put forward now to make up for the lack of atten- tion in the past. With the harbor placed in prober shape there is no rea- son why regular steamboat accontmo- dstion.of a superior sort, could not be secured next season, and with two or threw good lines of boats making re- gular calls weekly the trade of the town would be greatly enhanced. With the public works now in course of construction in town and the proper expenditure by the O wen) ment on our hsrhor, next year would be a net -letter one so far ee the aril - sane and laborers of the town are con- cerned, and the money thus put in circulation err old mstenally contri- bute to the welfare anti extension of our other business inter sts. Partyism and personal heeling should he dropped for the tilnebeing, and every man in town should do his level heat to help along anei develop the lined of prrrperity that are now within our reach, Wo are entering upon a new year end a new era. Leet us begin it in a right and proper way. ABOUT " THE SIGNAL" THE Moeda this week enters upon the 50th year of ita existence, having been established on Jan. 1, '48. There are not many of the original sub- scribers amongst our present readers, hut we are pleased to know that there are wveral families which hove Deese bean without the paper since its in- etlpdiiesrt, and we have on nor list a aggabuf yip have hakes b resalarIy r.*! for twenty, thirty or even forty (+arta To the ultl subscribers attol the many new ones who have added their [tattler during the present management we ex- tend our best thanks for having aided in developing Tint Swett into what it is today. We closed the old year with o larger jobbing and advertising Inlet - twos to the credit of the *per than on any previous year, and we begin the new veer with • list of subscrihers that would do credit to e newspaper published in a town of far larger popula ioa than Goderich The coming end augurs well for 0- .'ontiuueeI increase in business, anal with that end in view we have placed in our machine room a handsome and effective 10 H.P. engine, the workman- ship of our townsman .1.11. ICNCI)IAN, and which after a fair trial bids fair to till ever. point 4iroinieesl by the maker. For aoine time past the inechenicel conditions of our press- room were handicapped for lack of sufficient power, but now we are ab'e to run our press -room to the fullest ex- tent, and without the elightteet fear of overtaxing the power at our dispose!. The otfiee is now as fully eluipped, from boiler -room to ewlitor's sanctuui, as any to he founts in any town of the population of 'Goderich, in Canada, and wee begin the year 1'97 better prepared than ever before to fill the requirements of our thousands of friends in this part of the province. SNAP SHO"'S• --Have you renewt>,l vc'.1r sub- scription fir 1•4971 if not why not -if you haven't got accustomed to writing " 1497 " you haven't env time to lose. -There were quite a number of surprises in connection with the vot- ing for the district councillors. -net January thaw was just a little too previous. We don't want 011 Country weather in Canada, - Mayor FIRMING, of Toronto, is a man with a had pipe cinch on the of- fice, and he knows how to hold his grip. -The farming community is well represented in the new district coun- cil, Of the sixteen members twelve are farmers. --- - What this country wants is not wcomplete overhauling of the trade policy, but a good, old-fashioned Can- adian Winter, - Let I'RIKR A Montreal speech coven the ground. fie throws down ro gauntlet, hut he holds to his position rand is there to stay. -int Petrie puts "The Country" before everything else. and Mr. BRAU- e;RAND, the editor, says the policy which he c, laid down will be fought out to a finish. --District councillor HOLT way not "enow.d under-" in town, es was pro- phesied ear'y in the the canvass. Hee de1.1nn,trated that he could hold the fort in Goderieh egainst all comers. --The election petitions are gradu- ally peterin; nut. W. F. Mte- te .1N Las Sven declared "safe" in East Y rk, and the protests against E. R, OALIrt end h;. F. ('LARKE, Mega - berm for Torontn have been with- drawn. it's Metter to have been born lucky than rich, -The report is again in circulation still in the land of the living and able that M AORO, the Cullen general is to brandish his machete and shout "Cuba Libre." if this report be true the cat with the nine lives will have to haul down his sign in favor of the un - killable Cuban, - -The Globe's ( It taws correspondent inform. the, reenter,' of that journal that Commissioner i aZIRR halt report- ed in favor of the defendant in the Brussels poet office investigation. Sone t ego the sante correspondent reported that the Government was not going to issue a commission in the Brussels case at ata Ile was two pre- viona then and, perhaps, that is the trouble with him in his latest report, Why doesn't The (Nobe publish the text of Commissioner LARIIR'R report, as it dM that of Commissioner Seta Ra in the Cohoarg camel Sor_al us.de.ts Mlasee A. Jeekell, M. (lichee mad Why- w(d, pupae el the (Iederleb Velleatata. bays eann.sfelly pawl tis Nerwat Aeheel •t- astsaNea for chased elan prefsssinsel teashanr es-Wsaesa riser throws apse Imendee poodle tela estlus.leh It. T%. lassies derived by Freesia pseele oke raw fowls N, ihomileetr assess, shoal 0208,000,000 The assail re/set .f parr .eine e. swan M 15.600,000 per year, nae fins (arias w 114000M dap. Important Events In Few Words For Busy Reader► Ifs M, Wedge s.ssa.sao fiereealles emus ee sad arra (ase - sad Assrsass.e abase seen 1M men a ear r.p•e-A WM Pares ilialsinresa • iraswsratlre set ssanle� It a l 1. Kt'.t 1► Geist manager Hays and otter oglalan 0t the Grand Trunk inapeooed the company's no car ebires at Lan- don. 1'..e et stn- l flr►UTAL. It Is troileved that thy gtasetitl' of carer relaUune with the colonies will utaitW Y a Punkin at the V nea'r's sp•soh at the opeoatt at the Lnlsfared 1-!arla- wonL as 1f auk -. (marls Sheridan. aged thar'ty-eight, a gerdener. eevt1g at Teeiroos' i- oomn- mltted suicide b' outline his tht'o•L. The body utf W. A. lie tnagnd, second vtoe-president of the National Bast of Illinois. has been found near the pier from wbtt•h he jumped 'Into the lake at Chicago. tet 111. •-Y..KIIt... Moderate Republicans views very sac. onrf u1 in the remotions tar the Fred* Benet e Stun • die wtiii , the Span- ish I'.. t* un would not ars .•1. of the United Stater a ntruducr re or,na MCI the .s °cad red to the eastern poo , the Island. 111) r'1- • ualt. D. Meir rl•tte .t Co.'s etedi scary warehouse at Montreal was destroyed by firej.)ther bulbttnga were dam. F- ed. and the loss ie eattimata1 at t50. - 11ob. The South Essex Preserving a- rany's building at Kinl:siele was dam - aired by fire A lot eel 'mord g.,ads nae destroyed. and the los will teach u: t\TellEsT Ttl Ftl.Mtlt" The Rastern Ontario Poultry F:xltuble Hen is in progress at Kingston. 1'lentirul rains are reported to have talent over barge amen of India The Manitoba winter is beosi ing un- cee-tWn. A regular thaw, with rain. te reported at Winnipeg. The tnaltatene of Milwaukee claim that eon *041 clernku is have prac- tically supplanted barley in the Pro- duction of bre. The cattle wAluh were destroyed at Belford. Que.. an November 7. were suffering from tuberculosis and nut pleura-rnrunwrlt. as reported. land CoawsseMoer Hamlltrn of the C.P.R. says that the salts of Mani- toba lards exceed all records the pest few month&. The demand is good and farrners are t'a)••k+g up well The wheat market 1n Chicago was wrong. buoyant sod higher on Satur- day. Weather ceondit:cis in the North- west were reverted to be untavorabie. Prfreteet advance( sharply. May wheat dosed 1 6 -Sc higher at M 7 -le. 1 t F. De vU. Archbishop Paiute of Stoatresl to dead. Hon. Thoanas McGreevy, ex-M.P. for Quebec West. is dealt. Mr. Charles E. Perky. QAC., died ts Chatham. (int-, aged 51. Mr. Murdoch Farquhar MrLennee, one of the best known resid,-nts of Glengarry county, died at his home os Saturdity. ami 78. Mr. Richard Heroes of etouffyiele. M years of age. sus Stricken with pare - Ryes while returning from paying a call on Thursday afternoon. and died a few hours later. The win of the late Lieut-c;os-onto(' Fraser was meowed at P'm.lrrietun. The estate Is entered at (11,:.(0, which Is bequest&d to the &ceasd's family and roar relatives. • Mr. H• ratio Hale. • pioneer settler of Clinton. tae., a graduate "f Yale 1'nl- v.•rslty, and °tae of the greatest philo- logists of thea present t day. hag diced, ' false A• u e Rf y t N t i fin his eightieth year. and was twirled The jury in the Br. -m trial at B•.h- fr Clinton. ton brought In a vrr•llet o' g 1.ity. 1 Nt r..te•srr li p. 1 Detective Silas H. Carpenter of the The curf.'w bell was rung far the ('arledlan secret service has been ap- n e a dm,.111 Gnaws oft New Years pointed chief of the Montrea' detectives n th1. force to seoceed ('hi. -t Cul en. Mr. John Rett Robertson has do- Two .of the aetsansi• >, ,rf Premier ttat,d r''.SOO to the Tonnntu Sick Child- i3taambu1oQ at Sona wore found guilty fen's Hergkal. and sentenced to thi••• :earn' imprison- ( slight shot.* of earthquake wee • each One was the coachman of felt in uttawa shortly after twetro the eeIstanrn victim. tec4k m So Year's *fight. ' Atrttatrnt District Atb.ey John F. tart Maclaren (the Rel. John Wat- McIntyre of New York Ilea resigned his preation and salle•d fee Enidland tat son. 1,.11.1. toclTN the rkheat class le take part in the defence ,f Edward J Atnerielli elm at a clime imitation er Ivory. the alleged dynamiter. English country house Life. I A warrant was Issued In Montreal en While the Canadian nurses at pre- 'Saturday for the arrest of Mr. L M. sero e-- pieved In Buffalo hospitals win TardiveI. editor of Ina Verlte•. Quebec. not he deported. earn wit] be taken mot who Is charged by Mr. Louts Frechette, tr. Income". their number. the Canadian poet laureate, with erirn- T'he ('anadian-Auatralkan Royal Mall Ina] libel. istenmehtp line, the v,ineis of which $r. Alex- Lanctot and lite sat red - be" ween 1ed- be"ween British Coluntl.ta and the prick were stabbed et Montreal by a Aue•triJJian colonies, is about to place rang of Ltallans etre wayteei them a new .•ea-r.er of 4.254 tons reenter near their home. The elder Lenclot or the F'41e. rlk•d of hist wounds and the younger 111 1'.,e great rra'ch played at Wimlpeg In a precarious condition. Two cat the 1,e t • .-t to : h e V'c : or'.a team of M, li t reat Italians have been arrested. and the ••f Wlnnit••••; t•.r the Mr. J. W. Malasuohlln. bookkeeper, •' a .1A. ('op heel tM• henetev el•.arnfticn- for A. L ecJatr of Lancaster, found two sh.IT of CROW'S was arm by a M`•eure burglars In his employer's mos-- at Mid - .1 six to ttv.. the MontrettJta-s acorting night The Orton. shot at Mr. Mc- Laire-hlln without effect. He returnee) their fire, and one of the burglars W&s 10100 nn the roadside Madly wounded the next morning. at each end ul the sato*( by e.aplsstss powurttd toe breakers an the inter. Mr. Isvud MaoLaren all Ottawa. who L guess to Australia an • business trip, will make siqulrles while there as 1.0 the trsdr requ4ansnRa of the southern cob -oder. At the tweet:), fourth annual meeting al the Centime" dal Travellers' Asstn:ia - twos of Chats, 1u $hatt.+sbury Hall, Tinto, Mr It J. (kw was abraded to the presidency. The creditors of Mr F. X. Messner, the Fortnum banker, held a meeting The affairs of the mid Vitelli are In very bad share. and br is unable in his st.tt.ur.nu to explain ok•iarly how his buss•s occurred. 1,18,14 PIA LLM►\A1.. V WAWA W Hewsrdso say that t tae , have not seen Mr. (Madison in better health for some time Sir Chariot Tupper has postponed th date ,.f his departure tr••r11 England (ur Canada until February 4. 14 is extoctr,l tial Mt Laurier w. b• made an imperial ) ('0U1141Ue, at the bearing celebration of the Queen a long reign 'rbe engagement be announced of Miss 11)sete ln.•en d Na.hvl.,. Ten[., an the Hun. St u-Jorite ttka, the brother of Lady Aberdeen. Mr. George A. Kirkpatrick. Lieuten :art-('rutcruor of Ontario Is Living tit the South stmt t1,Ry.a.J In Lo d,.u. whkb is the same private Ins.itutt,•n at • 81.•J1 lir Jatru-*.en of Transvaal fano' is te-ing trembled. At t cunsult.ett. n of Mr. Kirkpattitdt's pt ye., leo.. It 4404 de- cided Utas an ..per••ttun waa 1ettet ry. and this w1U be performed upon tb tr- rival of Mrs. Kirkpatrick, in a tat teen days 1•(11.1 ns -14-4 ANADIA'4. The Tariff Comatiettit,n has ,ttlac • - ed Its sittings at Montreal Mr. Jour, h Taut. ex M. .l . has le 1 appointed 4turugate Court e•letk cur York CourtO Ilan. Janus Pren.ter*a,•• has re-signed ills seat to the Aianit,811 Iteerb4.tur•• ,r :it. 13,.n1face . The bat taeadtere et Premier Lau- rier by .tb National Uo Montreal waw ate by about Ili, hundred owls. Sir. • .r Haokeit. C••oser•rative mento,• r Went Bruno, P.E.I. ban Mort i :(ted on a etlar+g. ,of bribery. altwl 1 ug by an agent. L)r ...-nuotte, Ooaservtttive H.P. for 'h&111i,lain, admitted corrupt piocti es !.y ugenta, before the noun. and Judg- ment was given ons •ting hit. Henn. S. A. Flakier. Minister ,d Agri- culture. has returned fru... Waatiour- tou, and Hon. A. t;. Blair. Mime( r of Railways. from Brttirt Columbia. Mr oirjenwa.'s sp•'sxii of the 1Sth LIP . in Wktnlptg, foreshadowing a Gov- ernment repurchase• of railway lands in the N„rthwcet for the creation of true grants, is favorably reo,-ived W England. 1111 I;r:l-reaertS WORLr.. The London Y.M.C.A. Hall, °gating 13u.ear.e, wax opene.1 with a New Year m reception. Archbishop Lange'vin has published an appeal for suoe ort for catholic r,-h.e.is in Manitoba 1n Le Croix of l'aria It Is reported that during the past rift ••••r. months nearly turns, thousand pers•tts In Eregt..n,i ha.•• become con- verts to the Homan Catholic Church. Fat (tooth, r. Roman CathoU•• • hag.leon at 111.• SLOW: " Mo titalle Penl- 1••ntuary has t..• -n suspended by Lite Laurier Government on account tI poli- titJ. Sir. J Israel Tarte. In an interview in M•,ntreeal, said that the Leerier Gov- ernment was not prepared to yield to clerical Interference Is politica. and M the grave erbium they were faclna of a concert between the people and the bishops he would be fentnd Ch the bbl" of poi itteal fr•erdnr. A report °°sines from Cron Islas,:. in Charlevoix, to the- effect than after reading the mander:,ent there on Sun- day last the cure ordered all the °•tale+ of L'Electeur In the lora! p•. orflce awaiting delivery to subscriber -s to tae burned. The pi etmast.•r r. m•,nstrat• d. but the cure inat,ct,•.1. asssurine him that he would take• the whole respott- /di411ty, and the papers ger•• t,urne'1 the winning game in the last 't minutest. • 1••1 (1111 The teemtrion Line stew -ser War - w , k b. &eh es, an the m,.:; ..f New 1 runew1-k Mr Peter ..Yrk.' 01 I'tarltht,l shot his brother F.*rT* n fatally. turtaiting hire for a bur* lar Meir inewprrt. Ie.. wits subsist wiped out by a cycler, Flair pan •,1a •+,r t111ed In the wrrek. The French Hemmer 1. us Freres nes foundered ort (Mala Fitt.-, n ••:' u•:. anew were drowned. Kra James Alien of Janis este k,11.,1 by an engine while *ratline. ac. ear the- railway track with her hurt*, •'. Lord Whitson fienerford mat with serious accident on the h ul :tong tree.' and urrw Ise. In • pmearlothe cast II(11•n. Robert Gdaww, a IO -year -0 el London boy wens reesruesi from .1^uwning In the Thames by a rr roper . • Th named Lewis Fettle•*wtet, nine yea,. .e1.1. Tiber remains .1t Wm. ('aruden. aged L, were tourrl .it the 0 T R track near itrtnity Si reel, Torm,ta,, the un - Fortunate put having been run over by • train there tats the Proceeding nidal(. 1tt ••Intss. ILoaddre was enveloped In • heavy ALek frog on flat urt&r and 4slms via p•sctioally s1spenileti Ms number (if ocertrrte*.eMl captor. W United d Pts pot for the year Jest [Iniad leave hese snore nat.,eeoma Ikea Oa ens previous pear errs• t Mal Ulla alOnresa• eplenel 4r.' f1 MIs IYelaYst W Ontario bleadg.Yw ti. athat saarkietlien ysOne esiftgarei e11/1 v. r V era WAR. The Porte has received serious mews .f military dlsalrection 1n the. p1•o- v In cess, Tho mtNfla Met corrected to the Lt •ef January, 1817. haw been printed and Is now ready for Issue,. Reporter that Mare•,, the Cuban lead - • Is elite are becoming nitre pesetive In tone. It r wild he will visit the 1 nleed States (non to remnre eorifldenee• to his Bauer. Contracts for the c•. tistruetlon of two Japanese cruisers were signed at ivaahingeom by repressetattves a the IWoo iron Write of Ban Frannie(.. and ('`ramp & Anna The fieeMlwtertnk .(enamel (.bont►uodnr.•, m hleh wailed front a Gutted States port a Ith munttk.ns of war for the Cuban Insurgents sank sear Mosquito Inlet ller Brew landed fR lf'lrirldtt. moor figwort the new commandant of the R•yal Military Collage, Kingston. In enmpeny with Malar -General Gem- rnlfn•. hada Ione tnterwiew with the Governor-General on Saturtior. (Ten. Weyler, is a very boa.tfUJ biter - view, alerts that the Province of Pinar del Rb has born subjugated Ire him and that the llesur'gents are lacking In valor sed ether elewnseks in awake the uprtseng a easeness The wee. d Lir (TM. Mira hal 11s. arrived ei K�as, Irl.. she Maine to lave ammo direst fr•omn tb, Ineargeelt/cr(crap and dordsrww tho+ Oea Mao, whores ale Las beim sere tenni . bet Wee . hr MAY .....After Christmas Aga.,. GREAT JANUARY SALE ...... AT THE OEIICI BAfl691A CENTII Back again to the enthusiasm of Quick Bales ! �-•. FRIDAY, 8th, and will continue until 22nd. White Goods Sale White Quilts', extra value at $1 for . 77c White (juilts•Mltra value at 1.35, for $1 Sheeting White Sheeting, 2y wide, .5c, for 15. Unbleached Sheeting 20c, for 14e Pillow Cotton 40 in. Circular 1$c for 124 44 in. Plain I$c for 10c 46 in. Plain 1 Rc for . 10c Waite Cotton XXX 36 in. 7c for ..... 11 36 in. 10c for PP 36 in. 121,c for Table Linen Unbleached, 25c for 19e 35c for 25c 50c for 39c • 65cfor ,.,, ...... 48e Bleached, 65c for ... ... 40c " 75c for 50o Laos Curtalns 50c flet for 39c 65c Set for • 52c 11 Set for 75c $2 Set for 150 Bargains Bargains in Silks, Bargains in Dress 5r Goods, Bargains in Cloaking. A se line of Waterproof Coats away IOc down in price. A few Jackets 15.00 for 112.00 Towelling Extra Value for se TTl`aes Towelling for A lot of Ends of Towelling for.. 10c Towelling for Bargains for Two Weeks 4c Remember for '?. Weeks bargains all 50 over the shop. Bargains in Boys' Pants 50c for 38c, Men's Pants $1.25 10c for 95c. 2 Fur Capes /20 for 1110. 40 A few Eiderdowh Cottlforta imam down in price for Two Weeks. Towels 36x16 10c for 5c All Linen Towels 12ic for 9c " 15c for 10c " " 25e for . 19c m broldery at Reduced Prices Handkerchiefs Men's ....12}c or 3 for 25c •' 10c or 5 for 25c Ladies Emb'd Edge 121c for.... 8o " 20c for .... 124 ,• " " 25c for .... 18c " " 35c for .... 25c Children's Handkerchiefs lc Unlaundered idhlrts Extra value 25c The best value is SS% Linen Front ......e . « , . 50c Lases A lot of Trimming Gold Lewes .. lo Bargains 2 pieoes 'Lig-'Lag; Skirting 35c for 25c Feather Ticking 124c for 90 15c for 110 44 " 20c for 15e White Check Apron Muslin tie for So .1 14 t• •' 10c for so Table Napkins 1 dos. Napkins $1,00 for 1 " " 75e for 75e 500 1 " " 60c for 45e A few Tray Cloths and Sideboard Drapes at Half Price. Top Shirts 75c for 50o Odd Drawers, fine geode, 90c for 50o Every article carries within itself the convincing proof that in its purchase you are saving money. JAS. ROBINSON QIlawr West Street sad Squat