The Signal, 1897-1-7, Page 21S?RINGIIILI. MINES 1 'YHA SIGNAL : 3ODRRIOR ONT. THURSDAY JAN 7, 1897. Again Visited by Fire With Disastrous Results. A GREAT CALAIITT TO HE TOWN KENNAM Vile DE WINOT. Wks irtu.ar Se..1.e ie 1tegmed .. Mall.er Glaris Harry ds W Iaa41 protmroaa& 11549♦ dotter and staff wireepundent And T Fall Mall teased" is at Auditor - nun trying W target the miseries ce • tau mamba captivity aura* tfka Tboakteltis of bloaters Siberia. H. calls the Tb vktuble to mod p ad savages on earth, says The Chi at )sec erd Mr. Ds Windt 5s known ea a trevelag and as a student of the Ituesian prison q'stem In POO the Csar gave tam a .Sunni permit W investigate the pall settle meets ai Siberia. i.nl .m bis re- turn lir IM Windt puhllated a vol- ume, -Siberia aa it la.'• in which he denounced as ol.agge•rated ail that George Kennon hal *nitroout ghee ate:l mines anal prime Speab Is attached W Mr Ge Windt's imitation lust now because Mr. Kennett at this Leland Hotel last night declared what he thought were for resemas for th.tr difference. "Mr. De Windt must Itae a seen the prisons under remarkably favorable cwndlttstN," said Mr Kennan "It ham "aware been something of a mystery to me bow two men mead view the same things in such different Yeas, and the only suiution 1 have for the problem is that we didn't see the Name Mpg. Take the for'war'ding prlam at Tomsk. for instance. It hew a,crornrno- dittoes for Me. but when 1 was there In August. the st„deals contained thrice that number, and the wards were m an unrpeakal,l.- .+ondltl.wn It - •- podtively the most borrit.le plate. 1 have ever seers. In )lay. now. when the flat convoy from ltuytta ar•r•tves, the prison is a little heaven. by comparison. Every week a twtnd comes by ...water and an- other band is sent by land The con- voys from the west oxinWn an average .ht IWO men. so the prison is *.st tali to overflowing. That Process goes o until November. It may be that Mr. Doe Windt visited Tomsk in the atprIng, in that case, 01 course, my descriptions .f the prison In August w.41.1 seem tO him like an absolute untruth." Mr. De Windt started last Apa'U to travel overiaid from New York to Paris. He found the going ,easy unfit lie reached Alaska It was his intention to crime Bering straight on the tae. but the ice failed to bridge the strait, and after waiting seven weeks fur a ship, he took passage on the United States revenue cutter Bear, which landed him at Oumw•aidjlk, a Thevktthfs village on the Siberian coast, 700 miles Lenin the nearest white settlement. Chief Kort premised to send him .n in a moth's time. aa soon as the "tundra." or Si- berian hog, had frozen firm. The cutter was hardly hull -dawn in the *written before Kuarl changed his mind. "You no art. in month.•' he said: " n met►he In eight.•. Ti, Wirei• ,.n•I hl. .•omparu•en had provisions enough to last for thirty days lout ar the Eskimo bal. of fare included only whale blubber and walrus meat. they hoisted a Mgnal .4 distrees at once. It was two months and a day before it was answered by the Bedford whaler Belvidere. which hove to to a raging gale and waited while Dr Windt and his man crept out two miles to the .edge of the shore de. where a boat tot* them off. Mr. De Windt stye that their stay am•.ng the Thcuktchls wee one laid horror. Maori sad *war v.m111.. thew. 11.1 .1 mesas et Wing lire Merged Se Use Leal Meow and "est Espial, -The Wee star Is ♦Ise r WOW fr. Halltad. Dec. H. -A retort was re- ceived bare to-atht that a dere Ira le raging Is th. lag ilptingtill Mai Mine In Cumberland Comity. The ire broke out during ta: day. and despite the efforts made to egt.ngulan them the tlan.es succeed. al in jetties he - goad the contra of Wet- lige ani t" au.edue them, until now. it in believed. the company wU, Miler a very' Iwae y Iowa Th.- ire .tartedla the oast chic• and Wow. an so rapidly that 11 souk reached the ad)uiniug slopes. While the fire hat nut got a tout - hold in th.• ..eat anew, it .t raging se peruse) alongside of K that it is fear- edlt and ails, suffer seriously from w the owntagraUut. 11 hs considered that It will be a Pani tight to save It. but the miners are working desperate- ly to keep the itoJurs from spreading further. The uthor slope. the north one. 1. not In imminent danger. The ire originated In an 800-f'iut It vel and wan mused by the p,prwe, carrytutf steam Int. the Sian to ope- retta' the rnachlaerY beaming over- heated. A large gang of num were at wart at the time. A4 the first Indt.:i- u.n ..f danger they _bade a rush to .alai." and all r.atab.d the surface safely The flambell spread quickly to the 13e0 -foot level, whI(ih It has now con- verted into a raging furnace. names are issuing from every opening to the .lupe. Toro cupolas were horned down and a bank -head had to lir turn away Efforts were made t.. prevent ale from entering the nun.. every (mems( be- ing t'i.e..4. but au far this hae been ineffr(xual la staying the work of the fire. Thr man were placing themselves In great danger whde performing this work, and the per:, !tnaliy be- came ro great that tbi-y had W be call- ed away It wan feared an enemas-, would oc- cur. :10 far. hoover. Ute1e has been main but a moat disaatr•ws .rte may occur at any moment- It le stated that the Meat slope will be unworkable for ..me Um.% and may ev have to be abandoned. At time ames shoot 150 feet into the air t i the *main opentng to the mine. The disaster will be a to-nl.l one to P1pringtiU. a town of 600H• people. supported wholly by ihe men working to the mine", which are .awned by the Cumberland CL.T'and hallway Com- pany. Manager Gowans ie at present In Montreal. The total loan from the fire cannot be estimated at present, but 1t will reach a very high azure - T11.. Springhill mines have been She scene try several calamities. the mint Serious heats* that of February, 1391. when nearly 12'. min and boys were kited by an ezpleden. The escape of all the Inset working In the mine when the present fire broke out 1,. remarkable. Hal an ea• plorton followed immediately the lose of life would have been great. Mea- eures will be taken at once for the re- lief of the families whose bread -mak- ers have leen thrown out of work. Some hundreds may be deputed at ernploymro1 for months. New 1 wo-e'..1 ro.srerdi to 1.e tamed Ottawa, a. Dec. 24-411pecial )-Some time age the attention of the Gover•t• went gIIas called las the fact t.:at the two crit Canadian postcard which is used in communicating with 1rel.n countries ctontravenee the regulations' of the Postal Union. tine of the Infra-- tione complained of was the ugly bor- der on the addrene side .t the card. and In addition it stlsu ,•ontained th.• words, "British Arnerbs )lank Not. ('or.t- paCny.•" An I rrd(r-In-('ounctl was ther •- toes pastel authorising the prelrarwtl.n of a new plate to replace the present ..tie. 1t le of very neat design. mei with the .bjertteeWdk frllle remove,, The ooltr ..1 the stamp and pint ha• been changed fro:n green t.. what i• known as madder red, or somewhat similar to the color of the three (wilt stamp. As anon as the present sip:, M 2 -cent postcard. is exhausted a new one will be lamed to the pudic. 'Ned .t Heart Vellum. Brantford. (ht.. lone. El. W. S. Camp- bell. County Treasurer. died at 4 o'clock this pornlag: cease. beert failure. Ono Wed. na1ay evening Mr. Cathode ll was neeupy- Ing the vim chair at tb,• Warden's annual dinner. sod during the mooing be fell troop his Molar to the Suer In au uneenselone condition. He was remnrpd to pPrlratr apartments In the hotel sad two doctors present attended him. He rained some- what yesterday. but Wt night took .a Mange for the worse. Mr. Campbell was .yep of limit 4'..111,12's beet knows *ad highly respected residents. Hp bold malty poshin.a of honor and trust from the pipet - ors of the isoonty. At different times be wan sake.' to ereept the Reform nomina- tion for 1'erllam.•ntary honors In N..rtb !trent, boot dm -lined to .crept • pnsi- ti..e be might torp moody nbtaln..i. In Mr. t'.mpb.11's death !treat ()mnty hums one of sur moot prngreeetee and .nt.rpAMt.igg Citizens MI6 family hare tlr heartf.ft m e ) p. thl.. of the cinema ma of Brant C..inty n tleir wad kw -- aeho.a.t ams town. TINY MEASUREMENT. WHY POPE GREGORY XIU. CORRECT- ED CAESAR'S SYSTEM. As laaswrmas Awe er ■.w W llso- ae•s•a Oal.mdsr Cisme lar adsasmes -rennets £ssimomeas read' E alas Tu. Th. .t the V..,. HZ 1rssent time measurement that is now used by nearly W nations is the remodeled system adopted h7 Julius Caesar in the year 44 B.C. Then were 114. ad and Til days in the Greek year at dtfferrnt tlntts. Cu - der Nutria the Ro- man year had 356 days. and there was so much variance bel s e -, the civil and the astronomloal year that the au- tumn feasts were celebrated In the spring, and those of harvest 1n mid winter. Every second year an t'xtr i month. called Mercedontua. war added Thu month had no certain length. but was arranged by the pontlffr. as they saw fit, which naturally gave rise t• oorruptkma and fraud, Interfering a lth the duration of ofnce and the Malec - Him of debts. In order to restore the seasons to their proper month. It w'an necessary fur Caesar to make the year in which he Inaugurated the chants contain 445 days. On the hypothesis that the astronomical year consisted of 365 1-2 days, he bad each fourth year contain Sig days and the otters 365. The extra day was added to the 24th of February. which was called Sexto-caiendas. being the sixth before the calendo, or let of March, celebrated in honor of the expulsion of the kings - The additional day wee placed next to this feast and known as Ble-o ato- calendaa. But tine year of Caesar was too long by 11 minutes and 11.116 seconds. or about three days in 400 years. so that by A.D.. 1582, the error amounted to ten days. To correct this miscalculation, Pope Gregory X111 ordered that Oct. 5, 1582. should be known ae Oct. 1.., 1582, and to prevent a recurrence of the error it was arranged that three Intercalary days should be omitted in four centuries --that 1s, one in each cen- tenary year excerpt the fourth Thus 1600 was a leap year. 1700 and 1801 were not. The passing year 1L•i was a leap year. and. under ordinary circum- stance's 1900 would be. but it will not be. in order to come under tne rule of the Gregorian calendar. Therefore the years which have 1i6 days are, first these that are exactly divisible by 4 and not of 100: second, those that are exactly divisible 1 y 400 and not by 4000: hence, the year 2000 A, D.. will be a leap year, and the only one in the se- ries of the four century years. All the Cacho !c countries Adopted the Gregorian calender as mon as the papal bull was Issued. but 1t was net introduced Into Engpaad and her col - "Tiles till 1752. the error then being 11 days. The dates previous to that change are referred to as old Style. dna sometimes given both ways --as Wash- ington's birthday, Feb. 11-22.-Chlcagu Tribune. Sharp Legal Practice. A country guest of a certain London hetet, laving a dread of pickpockets, writ to the Berk anti handed him a £19 note to put in the safe. Asking for it next day. he was thunderstruck when the functlonery to wbt.m he had given the money coolly denied any rep- onse-thin eoonce-thin of the matter. Whea•eupoa the countryman Went to a Lawyer. 'Vet another £20 n..te." said the Wryer, '.and so. accompanied by a friend, back to t`.. hotel. Apologise to the Clerk for ur mistake. say it wag a defective metney7; attribute ft tow, ah - went mladednagm deposit the .nand £20 note In the plesrruw .4 your friend and dime back to me." 'The mystified ruraltt observed the tnetrtlottone to the very letter. "Now.'. said the lawyer. -go beck alone to the clerk aril ask Atm for your £20 sole. Knowing that _goer friend saw him receive it. he will give you back the second one. Then take your Mend with you next day. ap- proach the clerk. ask him bobdly for that CIO note, and, as there was no witness M your receipt 4t t he wind note, be will be forced to return that also." The nee proved completely suo- ee.stul. me.ch to the gratlto rloo of the countryman. ---Comic Cute. lioaton. 1»C. 25. -Tim: oveirlue Allan Lin. steamer Scandinavian, wkick ar- .-15.•.1 from t:lamgow to day, reports teat site collided last night off Cape t'...i with a lumisr-laden sea..Mer, the Car Ile %% eater. _ribs at. John, N.B . t 1 New London. Conn. Her eras of six m. u sere bright her. by the steam .r. The accident was due to the et, amer'■ captain mistaking th a hatwter for a idiot boat. The achowh- •rr's crew had hardly time to get the•:. 1"rrw.nal effects. its the vessel filled T ildly They abandoned hoe and .h.• am on lied up by the steamer. The to h.sode•r must have capons..1. as she 0..11 nowhere t. he cern shortly atter th.• accident. The Carrie Wakes was •.w nett by C. W. King of lasatport. Maine Knocked lre...leaa Sia*vee, 14.• S. About midnight last light Ur reed 1st -.k was Solo* foal his p1... of Meioses who. rear 01s bene by sots musette.' by a man. who atru,k kin, over ibe bead with • litah. wheel' rendered rah. him Inspnhhew he waw the teas pursuing him he shouted W alarmed h is family Hi father Maar making to N. help, and the mall 511.1 wit beat spearing the booty whl-t, be wee altar. ars armee did oat male rerrtosaasm midi sky mon lag. The blow was very sweet gee may prows but Assetto Lbw* l. Orilloo the perpa.sato of the dim• Wow..h..t IT Mood. Weeni ler. Opp 104 - fmpweel g Ger- Yea sod James faeLsed. weir wa Leal I u . J Wha0 � ons test ►1 see al I. tae as rat esteem Heaps Al... ('.swot Stolid a qtr That cltte•, must grow as the result of natural advantages, and cannot be .-injured into existence by the mere power of avid in the epees)►aIJWWs hand.. ie eh.•.e n in the grans -grows ruin, .rf to hundred w•ewtern boom towns. .1 need striking instance 1s In lite history •f Mi.tdlctntn.ugh. Ky. There was two real r.rarmrn why a town 'hould be located at this trite, except that the ac.n.-r• was beautiful. .1 street rsllw-.y Mea, laid and oper- ated for a trail Iron, steel and ..ther work. that oust millions were built. A hotel was "retie.' f.r a quarter of a million. in all. 120.000.Onu was laid tit by the mhorkh..lders in the vain desire of building a city An.1 pnw- the fac- tory wrorks are idle and rusting. Rete Anne run the big hotel Th 115'^ a no. Sots are fronted I,y Tr tmo-grow_ streets, and the a reds run riot over tit. street railway. feefuel... of It 1e not generally known here vitt.- artists' work. are more familiar the their tarps. that George pia Maori ' and la.atrv,top Alma Tadema resembl.,: one another to an amazing degree; much so that even their Inttn:.,., friends mimtuek them A rats WI who prided herwelf that ,he had .n difficulty is determining what ea," which, finding herself nnee seated W'at to IM Maurier rerbarked: '•i cannot imagine hew any one can mistake you for Mr Tadema Te me the henna le very stlght. Ry the way. I' ham a pbnt.,glmi>tt .4 yeti iso he to gond r to put li(tir aut..rraph t. It " De Mats. Her. assenting gvarbiudly, the photo- greph tale preriti .4 He I.nkM tit 1L sighed and ver- gently Ptd It m tb. table. -That." 1 e .4 "1s a Mr - kelt d Mr Alma 7ti l01na," went Has Art Des em's OW drama t delta as hew K aL wem.a saw b .Peg �s do.mZ Wk 1s melees dal& iter meal, try to M: mar Me ..emit Mke• t row. Celli • t ta5, elm. I r: 's' .4 MIr..M et Photograph.. One of the most curious at all the mysteries of phr.tog raphy fres just been brought to light at Portsmouth, Ohio. where fernitul.- tee been photographed through human beings in a ma. -met which no on.. can explain. The facts concerning this strange event are re- lated he W. B. Grier. In whose office in happened. A travelling photographer etttere•d and offend to rake a fta.hlIght pic- ture. Mr (kite eat in a chair with a ratan bark His clerk sax near. with one leg cow esdng the other He held a rh.•.•kbr..k on Itis knee The rhotoanwpherr lit the 1l.ehll>rht and there war the usual flare Mr (Icier ways. tutee- were two distinct Rarer or ee-•in-leer* a hlch t'te photorrapher ex- rlatreel by the fact that armee powder had ►wren spilled on top of the cement. -The next day." ways Mr Brice, "Me r.h..lnt•ranhee went rite tete of the plc - turfs he had tet n What 'was my as- tnniwhrrren t to PPP that the h(tr•kn of 'h• chat-. 1n which we were witting pro are lee of f• ,store that were also 1 rated hack nt u M t1v morn "hewed dlstJrotly thrnurh our bodies' in the p'nture i thnuatht et first that I most have wren affection of vision. "i know that when the picture was taken my dwrk and trryeelf were fac- ing the earner* d,r.etly. Our ha•kw were agalnto our ehalre, yet the unc- tion M the chain. that appeared In the picture was the an prwetem against which our trek. rooted When we were _arbor the In.truyne t. and not time parts that eould be sewn at Te.lr Terson. A..m•Nw., Mat penple have ave neons of some kind or other. and some very strange hoes, The sight try a sat rut table teeth make John L. Sullivan nick at the staarmc:h. Napoleon did not like to nee a white dug Agin: could nee tear to touch polishc.l steel. The slight of the rising moon. when 1! was tall, al ways Made Mme. De Steel ul, Bare- footed children made Louis X1V. ner- vosa, Dean Swift has mild that Bol- ingbroke would "act 11ke one bereft Mould he cast him eye on a poor harm- less trade " DeraeU bard an attack of veru*'^ When he naw anybody othewirtg pan. Dickens never Liked • stiff shirt Maomt, and Buffet would ty Into a rap If anyone put an egg on the din - Isg table aft which be mat THE BEST ..=,- FAMILY MEDICINE Me Has Beer Zaewa. Weeds d Praise hem a 1w Terk Lady ter AYER'S PILLS "1 world like to add Cay twatituuny to IMS of others who bare card Ao.- s p1U., and to say that 1 have taken tut no for many years. and always derive.' use teat results trona their use. Fur stom- ach and liver troubles, and for the . nre of headache coved by these derange - meets. Ayer's Pi1ls cannot be equaled. When my Mende ask me what 1s the best remedy for disorders of the stom- as, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent h grippe, check fever. and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine i hare peer known." - Mrs. MAT Joassos, 368 Rider Avenue, New York City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at WMlr'e Fair. tlprt $upi w lls conn 111111•1 wllwa �3E2.�Z0 r RELIABLE C OAL always on head. The I eat and only Scranton Coal in this market. The Talmo ea IraameMa IIMasinods averaging Ter carat One-half carat each a 50 Three-quarters ears! seed m One carat each 1M one and one-quarter carats .ash11A Gas and oust -half (ares= emoh 19I Ong cal three-quarters aerate .mak146 :g0 mists each 115 la mbar words, the velum aft the goon tbs vowed -Ind ratter of its we4glat roar dlanieeds, weighing to- gether tea carats, ars worth 9119; bot one diamond weighing but as much is wart h 5155. Steam welshing over two carats are shout the same peke per carat as two -carat shsaar lbw dieted be dearer. bet they am --" imply be - armee the demand der them 1• rMll.4. Ir tbe demand far dhCsn• nils was air bspeeatere es the de mase! air beat er O4mr, the gmesnetrien1 map maid ager area. Imre play. 5.r sea-ateaaa slams eelneM be valved r saler disoOM lease rams ..,arst.a'a- .ea -..^✓.i alrti7,w' I 4 -lit ,:Yui T=3= ErC-TN. The Kral Igr Americas Narver- pore. CHA !ILES a ver- pw•e,CHARLES A. DANA,Edilor, T 'e Assn icon Cbnslihattow, Me American Idea, the American � Spiro_ 7he.re find, last, and all lialima, forever. Daily, by mail, -~- W a year Daily and Sunday, by NISil. jS a year HARD, SOFT and BLACKSMITH - always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales, so that you are sore of good measure. LEE. or Harbor Quay. MAW= R L.2 2'$ Star. The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday News- paper in the world Pries ea. a co>rr. Dy mall. el a veer. addrms Tag wt t, Sew Tar.. INIKEtALE 11ETAIt ARMSTRONG BROIL &OM 4 Scri'bner's Mkat aglazine `e A Red - Letter Year for 1897. THE entire novelty of the plans for 1 897 is noticeable. For instance, the series devoted to ' London fats Seen by Charles Dana Gibson." Mr. Gibson has not Iwfore appeared as a writer. He visited London last Summer for $e•tlitNitk's MAGAZINE, for the pur- pose of depicting with pen and pen- cil those scenes and types which the huge metropolis presents in endless variety. Of like novelty is the first considerable Novel by Richard Harding Davis, • Soldieni of Forttiee. The hero c1 one of the most vigor- ous sten that Mr. Davie has drawl. Illustrated by C. D. Gibson. " The Conduct of Great Bud- neeaes." A beautifully tllustrst ed series of articles of which the following are already completed : "The Great Department Ston." The Management of a Great Hotel." "The Working of the Rank." A Great Manufactory." Pump & Fanning Pill Warts 13aDIOXIX 0 3, ONT- trier 8Er•8Tradr r A laze stock of very Melee Pampa, men - f.oturel from selected Muskoka quartered pias with bests eat oat. These Pam_ me reeneh ctured 1. • number of styles to volt everybody and every plana Very easy wonting pumps for deep well.. yued . les yp�ds. =dips. d tap pfor school - MRCS Dural* MRCS STOCK Nass PUMPS areas rums tar enrailaa tress, waddler buggies, watering madam *cries .aasnttse glva to drawtag water from won • Memos hem pampa Inas and wood (pp(pl weed. Ilea Needed or demtea tag. weed. r ; Drainage gat ( T S, •lila•, SATO tsar. eIaT11111111 WM& L•rsma 55rs�n I eg w• saes. MIT.LI�' Gan1M .ad a1RRr nailed 151411*, alMasa SIEVE All stsek warranted Ma orders promptly aad'e.r'etally stt•aded to ARMSTRONG BRO8 & Co r•a•LVai CL*-•iweaw R1Tt♦a.1< lila llutgl. laearms, Of aedenh saw 5l, t1N, maw this 4retmm's "IllaNameg rarer eat 8., 4 y*: Midi ronolersi see Mew bet bag m-fr . rky-Iw1- mid Ther- woe a Ames =nod.. -eer r8.1 l.4 r th. mow et bar Veda lige W, bet tome res- b maim memo edges Mr Meek 15. k esam.•s •• ow de d -m OMNI Pk , Jh 1Ilkge VIM gam brim J. W. imeOue1q, FMees r.tala - M ai SWIMS RATORMT M • esairses NT7�. LambsMem.shed.M�e ere ewho same nab =area system heat ep M *$' b ewe§mmands, Mora" Ifs .8*.. hem w 1a • roam este. name emuNoma s, aby V m J. Mem. Mem evens. & ia11111111M•TIt1M 11111191i -Mw!• - SWINE AA2MI♦MT ■•K Avee Wee ..--ed 5S. Mlwmtl., 15 et Meag� Tatemas amalmt samesaggisdeeaalrmsmW •sal s he tw4y rmmrbe et 1-r !tar ggf-da. ad ma •ser alit 8* .ppoihr a are s.. b , Itee las ewe Ade 1111. is kele Maid . t tett. me deep "' y llarueYs 1 111 iso? gunned r -Lf. tat•N.ataaa the agw.ees ar Ds Maarten t sootaA wa••e r -Trilby.. bseus t (Jstob•r aaabr, 1� with Mastr.tle.s from the anthems destiny. A saw easel by Prank R Sio.twa-de.daF hit a Twesiti•tk tratery Nwalseame-hall a bre adttmtloaa i1i cberectercally R - g • rate el rashest Levees, ter elide limn Howell. Oche* madam semi 4µN its Anaetoas mitten.Slier Mores Wb Tee a, Thome Nal.. Page, leires d lag yrvti, Owe. Witter. Joke K a.. densely Insert. ootava 7111 8 Maeda ad ether __alar IMMOa: -Wary of the Peeress et henna* dua4ag the to Ia s.sItt (altary. • series •t yy U[ Beare Saudi W illlams, sap's► masted 1j caatribetluoa w ip sisi wtdo•la by .:pert soteetist•. Articles ea the reddens et carious pit ?Mastoid Wma�alfestaides le *hi= 114 rrIt •Thi alts . - ?b. ow. V ! erose oy Charir eat Laminate. .ply Ildttstraled-the r•eeit of Laminate. visit le •lies uadertekes fur HARPBB'S MAGA 'X Mozleu is premia atly a sneer 'godli sus o. e,str), and Iia soeiar opera m. iteryas .ousel ea a enter tesla Owls* se UN k... 4 s cera!0 eogmomac prob- lems la opyaeotloe with Mars of .rpat Im- portance la American polities. Mese'seem will oumm.ad general attsNoa, Ateetbein Seca=Aeu► Y _.sere ter Woodrow Wtlst.,Jsha Master, and James Flames. TM tragi star? of I1.eedee's aide. by flea 0. •. 7*w yti. CeatlawtIo$ of HowW. Pommel •renadas.amoas 5 •absent literary Amerh OL •wa•riticA AND THE RAST:--W8W Maas Aeries_ • fully IUustiated meet of pap a b' realism Blgebw, the result of personal ob- servations during • moral trip to Attics, 4o.. eying the whole field of Europese e: of fiat .Quarry. Illustrated artlotee by Otepbea Missal s the treadoraatl•r Sous as to 1111M afberta, rot»e1iy visited by the author. aaaprfaa Metebe.. writer .ad drawn by I. Hopkinson Smith. The tangier, of the reooat Coruaatioe of the tear, by Rt art Yard Ing Davis. lllu.teat•d by fitRIM. Castes Weedville. who was e m iselo.ed by Quota Viewer to islet a picture of the cormenv. Nmeseepent taut IIIIIWINIIII. mat sititherg th a nor to eespies er'isr of Marr It Harper's Magazine Nos Gas Ysaa : M.d Postage P1•ee to eil2 a.Lerrpers in the Vatted 15 aloe, C'uwuda and Meso.*. Address: HARPKH t BROTHERS. P. 0. Dos fir, N. T. City, "Undergraduate Liib in Amer- ican Colleges." A series of art- icles touching upon the life of our older universities as represented b) the doings of the students them- selves. Jodge Henry E. Howland writes on Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexander on Prince- ton," and Robert Grant and Ed- ward S. Martin on " Harvard" "Japan' and China since the will be a most interesting group of articles, richly illus- trated. " The Unquiet Sex." Under the title of "The Unquiet Sez," Mrs. Helen Watterson Moody will write • aeries of articles : " Ratan and Reforms," " The College -Bred Wo- man," "Woman's Clubs," and "The Cage of Mann" (a paper on domes- tic service). W. D. Howell's "Story of a Play." In this Mr. Howell gives us the best novel he bas ever pro- duoed in his delightful vein of light comedy. George W. Cable- In addition to the fiction enumerated there will be a series of four short stories by George W. Cable, the only ones he has written for many years. Hcw to Travel Wisely with a minimum of wear and tear most be regarded as an art little understood. Mr. Lewis 'Storni Iddinga, in two articles, will offer a variety of use- ful suggestions and data on "Ocean and Land Travel-" This will be happily rounded out by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis en '• Travellers One Meets: Their Ways and Methods." The illus- trations by American and foreign artists will be highly pertinent 1? Is nospe e(blr ow emtaflspa.v to mot twe.Hmonis Ike onir •rlraet(er frstsre.lor Mpf. beautjtnd (Uadrnled bseblee has kers pp reded, wife* will be .cwt, postpaid. on reld - Bertbner'a Magazine $8.00 per Year : 8611 a espy. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1011-157 PIRI Amass, HEW YORK. Coal & 'Wood Yard The under*igned begs to inform the public that he keeps an hand all grades of AND BLACKSMITH COAL. MOM OF WOOD IEIUCEO. as.Nleibsms•sl.e then* OUT aSPL1T WOOD (�kll tt11d oQ'st prices and gee **lee dw Oise and yard. NELSON -ST is was Barak mem iia O. In..ad. HARD �oAL SOFfi llper's eoUy IN 1807 With the rad of Isla HARPRR'X WARM- LY wul have lived tarty years. 1s tb.ttt.s It W participated with .11 the seal and ewer . t its oommaed is the great • attiest *tears et the most interesting sad important p$ritM 1a the history of the country, and alt re spread before its readers the seem retread of teleoce, arta. sad lettere for the ttstmaiaa .1 the human mind sad the am.ltesad l tY Immo madames sad of 'maims. WM' the W EKK LY b.. bees is itis jlrlt aid parpre. as theme have Maotwllmed sriacipsiy is its editorial pries. 1t Sill •sa- tin.• to be. It is Impossible to pronounce with p'elsies eil tbat the W KKK LY will costals darIg the year IMI 21 were r easy le sa.omu•sweas about to ammo In the World. w5µ tri- umphs for Oeed lloverameat are to haves. what Aeraocw of the People are to be aids, what is to be the outoonse of the o.etbsses sareggb betimes the mints of it e •sal Pere- w Irl Is to ►apes 1a the Forum, what is to be the rate of E.•ope %mitre mound hoses, what new marvel. •f *rosea are to he revealed. or what are to • the L ICKLYste is to 4n assad pict•rial rs,.nbf all thCssrt•t.m. wlU still oeatlawt �to be • astute, metalpore.+. • New latad tees by Miss Mary L b Wilkins, w1U begin IaJsa.- ey. A tale of the Greek arising sestet the Turks. by Mr. K. F, Bea -os. the steer of Dodo. w111 follow. A Begot' to Tt. ieaa r Dost es the Styx. la lir. Joke Kedti k Bases, ilestrated by Mr. Petr Newell, More amen do res will •5555: s tk5 WEaELY Mas It bee bees pwtibM Model during flea a•p.rrss.wt• t -Mr. W. D, Bowser' as. sad netted- ►a.a bees among the mast charming of periodical literature; M L a Marin and others will coot n be t e ob•erateaa am what lm going es In "This Busy'man "Amateur Spon will resale the s•.•saptt- sat department of tits Mod la the matey. •rhe W P 8K1.Y will eoatlaue ts 1.laet a its readers the world's sews roast Irl swing M Amerlaa., to make important advents 1a boob the literary and sr tf. lc Maturating to retain for Itself the leading place la le Mir tread Journalism of the world. Newspapers.t..848 are pr s this mswn k .m..f wt A.r1f ells express seder tt/ E f� t linoravrt Har er's Weekly Csr Yana . ' MA l Petat Med to all trnd.erfber• Md 18.15.awada, and Mertes. •ides=: HARPKH t BROIHpIB . P. 0. nos be 8.. dtT ata Baza IN 1807• The BAZAR a thoroughly a►aWa M51 idled tar wv•••ea. will eater ars 1rR s� galena h tar;. Asa i am ie. jeered It Is usearppd. eel Is as ladl.pe eil.le requisite tarw dread worm... Katharine De well= a IT weekly Sitter cm cerr..t feeblest; Perla Is Mow Tors ra.h1•a., .ad 1* ti•meaalmka b pattern sheet Nsppleenent, lad Ma ft*8 d.i.115 'dIr•odens. and dl.graas gtw� wraps, and cttMrae'e eloobimi B.uap .ad Mambas draw and rag $vu sewer sad 511..1 Priem amalgam every The sepal. for 11•f will b.: rel . 4 401Mr Ma matff.a. MartaeelMed by 1 . ' Thane. abort aeries will be e.agtaatly d Wiliest writers, mama w With', Barlett )'rm.mtt Marisa Ii.rlaadtRau Meliwory Stara. Mania Deo •.+ai�a Margaret 80.us What Women as. Dram 1a so petls of the Halos will farm a series 5 - Serest. Other Inesesa lag Paton. w Ord -Dar ipomaiw. devoted N be.lthy sad mid WINO : Mwlr, a weekly critical doer Is Slew York : 4males*, Seth rider y amid J4 oedlemark. glemete rad Geed H_ atlas7 ..!.," andPer.00male file mad ilearceailea iad Waimea. Colmer W . Minds - as ys�wgn regahrly restless his nide es •newe.0 se 41.r*e._•st9ems. elves 1. oo.dsarsd fes the b•meat sad v.ale*le • f readers. and an gm.stior ars =des, se pnlm'ale and fell weeds Yam. T1. BAZAR a • getable Pa' key. reeaedw i th. inset Wand works ` ACawiw aid tgaaealdam sews. se the We lemel PaaPert.n. New To* Ikea. • Mare busk t• the 13AZ•lt1 Aa All RenalWoman's Payer. appropriate eft •aa le wok le er er stetw t1 Iseabariosias to RAZ/ R t aw..t• it m a yew ham nor for 1*0 egg Me (wpm* ardor mom a Harpers Baz lass Oma Tau - �aM'a��l .waa r po res. Waled d= and "`ani liaarlat a P. ter